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S07.E12: Isn't She Lovely

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So, the show time changed on Friday. 

Jenny did something to her arm and it is in a sling. Sumit is complaining that he is going to be nursemaid and he is not ready to live the retired lifestyle. So that is why you married a woman 30 years older than you? Her daughter is coming to visit and they have to clean the house. She is still suspicious of Sumit and his agenda. He complains that Jenny and her family don’t understand the parent-oriented culture.

Family Libby goes to visit an alpaca farm. Funny how the relationship with the two dads is pretty good.

Angela stinks up her hotel room, starts packing and at some point goes to meet Mykull. She grabs his phone and grills him about the folks on it. Especially an Angelle, who she calls. Rude, insecure, invasive witch.

Bilal and Shaeeda are headed off to the Big Apple. She overpacks. Hopefully she brings along a good pair of walking shoes. They will be meeting one of her friends. Their house still doesn’t seem to have many personal touches but maybe that is their thing.

Yara and Jovi meet one of his friends, who tells story of life BY - Before Yara. She is pissed that Jovi dated or had fun with other Ukrainian girls. She was pretty rude to the guy in that he and Jovi are friends because they drink, while she also slugged back a couple of glasses of wine. Uh, not a good look for you Yara. The friend rightly calls her selfish. Apparently on her USO tour of Europe, she will be saintly Mother Yara and go to Germany to support her friend and bring some blessings. Guess the Prague tour hasn’t really been all that successful.

Edited by Frozendiva
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13 hours ago, Spectator said:

I can’t sit through another episode of Angela screaming at Mikel (then playing the role of victim to the camera). I’ve hit my limit and I don’t think I’m alone. 

We are all just witnessing pure bullying and no one in the audience is enjoying it. I would not be surprised to find out one day Michael is in therapy suffering from PTSD. 

He has said several times within the last two weeks that he loves Angela. I wish the producers or even Rene asked him, point-blank what specifically does he love about her? I can't imagine what he would say. I know what  he couldn't say: her sweetness, her good sense of humor, her kindness, her zest for life, her happiness and all the love she shows him. There is not one thing about Angela that is lovable. She's a crazy, damaged person who BELIEVES it is her who is the victim. During her TH's she talks to the viewers like we all are on "her side." 

Give up the dream of getting a green card, Michael. It's soooo not worth it.

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12 hours ago, Breedom said:

We are all just witnessing pure bullying and no one in the audience is enjoying it. I would not be surprised to find out one day Michael is in therapy suffering from PTSD. 

He has said several times within the last two weeks that he loves Angela. I wish the producers or even Rene asked him, point-blank what specifically does he love about her? I can't imagine what he would say. I know what  he couldn't say: her sweetness, her good sense of humor, her kindness, her zest for life, her happiness and all the love she shows him. There is not one thing about Angela that is lovable. She's a crazy, damaged person who BELIEVES it is her who is the victim. During her TH's she talks to the viewers like we all are on "her side." 

Give up the dream of getting a green card, Michael. It's soooo not worth it.

I would not be surprised if she is verbally abusive to the grandkids when cameras are not around.  She seems to be hardwired as angry and short-tempered.

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Bile asked the question for all of us: "Want to have some fun or are you, like, want to bring baggage with you?"  Unfortunately, TLC always chooses baggage.  This preview was a sludge.

We're supposed to forget Bile & Shaeda's last season - where they taped the tell-nothing in NYC, and Shaeda's two sisters lived there.  According to this episode, it's Shaeda's first trip to NYC and her sisters don't exist.

When Chuck wants family therapy, Libby's open to it, but she refused when her mother begged before the birthday bash.  Also, Chuck frames family issue exclusive of Andrrrrrei or Charlie.

Jenny went from a spring chicken on her honeymoon to an old hen this week.  But, she seemed to recover from her dislocated shoulder within days - from visiting the physiologist to sweeping with a mop literally overnight.

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2 hours ago, Meh said:

Does Kimberly not realize that she can not be Usman's second wife, that that is against the law in this country? Once he marries the little girl friend, then he can not marry her period. His  culture does not matter at all here.

Yes, they seem to forget that all of this is on TV.     

It's just like Jenny saying that she can import Sumit to the U.S..   Not happening either, it's simply not financially possible.  Not only would Jenny not be able to sign that's she'll sponsor him, but she supposedly has no money, and no where to live.   And she sold her car. 

I think it's all just a story line.    

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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8 minutes ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

Yes, they seem to forget that all of this is on TV.     

It's just like Jenny saying that she can import Sumit to the U.S..   Not happening either, he's a criminal.  Not only would Jenny not be able to sign that's she'll sponsor him, but she supposedly has no money, and no where to live.   And she sold her car. 

What did sumit do?

As 'Michael Jones' he was catfishing.    That's how Jenny met him.   Jenny seems to think this situation is a cute back story for them, but it isn't.     Jenny brings it up so often.   She would be smarter to stop mentioning it.   I think Jenny should try to get used to India, learn some basic phrases, and how to live there.    She seems to treat everything there as temporary, but it isn't.     Maybe the story line should be Jenny learning about living in India, like the shopping scene.   She needs to do things like going to the medical appointments on her own.     Watching Jenny adapt and become independent would be interesting to me.   I want to see India. 

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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This jerk Bilal. He considers her desire to have children "baggage?" Tool. Everything he keeps saying about "building the relationship first" sounds kinda crazy. It's not as though they just met, or that people don't continue to grow together just because they have kids. It's the opposite, jerk. Makes me wonder if wife #1 used to cut him off after each child. Or, of course, he does a good imitation of a child himself.

Usman's mother sure found a delightful girl. Move over, Kim!

So Sumit can't handle Jenny's arm injury? My son did something similar but worse (broke his arm at the growth plate near his elbow) when he was 11. This is not a big deal, Sumit! Grow up! And NOW he's talking about a child? I forgot how he is planning to accomplish this.

Jovi: Everybody has a previous life. True, but for most it wasn't a life of debauchery so profound that your good friend can't believe you actually got married.

Only about halfway through this farce, so maybe more later, lol.

Edited by renatae
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I'm betting since Jenny is limited in movement, that they could hire a live in housekeeper, and someone to help her with other things very cheaply.      Yes, Sumit /Michael Jones (I still get a kick out of that name), was talking about surrogacy, or adoption, and Jenny was talking moving to the U.S., both ideas are ridiculous. 

I think all of the strange storylines are just made up for drama, and not anything else.    

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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12 hours ago, NJbutNoHousewife said:

So Libby and husband are shocked that no family reached out them after they posted the baby announcement on social media before letting them know? For real? I wouldn't acknowlege it either, it was a bratty selfish move on their part to exclude them.

I can't say I blame them. Her family has chosen to consistently attack Libby and Andrei because of their own personal issues. Personally, I got tired of always taking the high road and excusing everyone for things that are their own faults. This time Libby did what she wanted to do. Serves the ugly stepsisters right.

Oh, I wasn't on board with Libby's dad in dumping guilt on LIbby for the family being at odds with one another. Dad goes after the easy child to give in rather than her sisters and brother, who are the problem and would never take responsibility for their own actions. Next week we see more extreme hate from the ugly stepsisters with their literal finger pointing and posturing. Libby and Andrei should cut them out of their lives, period and dad will have to deal with it. Her family is absolutely toxic.

What happened with Angelica (or whatever her name was) - the woman who Angie called from Michael's phone? I missed that part, but whatever happened she seemed to calm down.

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Tell me.  Why are Jenny and Sumit whining NOW.  What did she think was going to happen moving to India and away from everything she knows?  Hell, I only moved to Tennessee and it was a mistake. And that scammer is just realizing there's a huge difference and that he married an old lady?  He does not want a kid - he's doing it because mommy wants a kid. I truly believe he wanted Jenny all along to escape the societal obligations that are on him, one of which is having children.  So now he's willing to go along with that requirement because he still thinks he can make his mother happy. These two deserve each other.

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1 hour ago, Breedom said:

Her family has chosen to consistently attack Libby and Andrei because of their own personal issues. Personally, I got tired of always taking the high road and excusing everyone for things that are their own faults. This time Libby did what she wanted to do. Serves the ugly stepsisters right.

Father Libby pissed me off. He put all the blame on the problems with the family on Libby and Andrei. Libby's brother and sisters (and sleazy sister in law) are horrible people. Maybe she shouldn't have posted her pregnancy on social media but there is no winning with this family. 

Also pissed off at Jenny's daughter. It's her mother that chose to leave everything behind and go live with a catfisher that's 30 years younger. Maybe they should have a long talk with mama and point out how the age difference is going to be more and more of a problem especially when Jenny doesn't want Summeat to work or have friends or any life outside of caring for her. Jenny and her daughter should fuck right off. Oh, and Jenny, a woman (or man) in your 60's you should know never to get on a ladder, or a chair when you are alone and nobody to spot you. I know many people that have fallen this way and gotten hurt much worse than she did. 

Good luck, Summeat. You're looking at your future! 

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10 minutes ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

Just curious--how old are you?

66 and trust me I never get on a ladder if I'm home alone unless it's to reach something in the kitchen that's just a tiny bit out of my reach. I won't let my husband do it, either unless I'm home to help. He doesn't like it but it's for safety. People lose their balance as they get older. I know I sure have. 

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12 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

66 and trust me I never get on a ladder if I'm home alone unless it's to reach something in the kitchen that's just a tiny bit out of my reach.

Hmm.  I'm only 65, and I get on ladders and stand on my coffee table all the time.  The trickiest one is when I stand on my rocking recliner to mess around in the cabinet above it, when I've found it too burdensome to move the coffee table three feet over to stand on it instead.   I'm also the one who climbs up onto the roof of our motorhome to sweep snow off, and I get a lot of quality ladder time when I wax this beast.  I guess mileage varies.

Suffice to say I was put off by Sumit talking about Jenny, who's younger than I am, as if she were a decrepit.  And actually, I noticed that the physical therapist was talking to Sumit about Jenny, in English, with Jenny sitting right there between them.  That grated.

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I have a good sturdy lawn chair that I use to change a bulb if I can reach it. It is solid. Anyone of any age can fall at any time. It just takes one second. Her arm sure was better when the daughter came. Wouldn’t the doctor recommend a sling and then after X days a follow up and then if necessary, physio. Poor Sumit is realizing that his wife is old.

Angela embarrassed herself by calling the Angelle person. So what if Mykull has a friend? None of her business who he talks to unless she has significant evidence of some sort of affair. He is not her toy or property. He lasted with her abuse far more than most folks would. Designer shoes don’t buy anyone class.

So Jovi doesn’t like Yara’s friends and she doesn’t like his friends. She was pretty rude to T. Show some interest, make some small talk. Jovi went partying and to strip clubs before he met you. No one is going to be 100 percent honest about any previous partners or dates. It just sets you up for being blasted at some point - you dated 40 women before me, etc. etc.  But Yara doesn’t seem to have the social skills for dealing with people. Yeah, Yara, how is the humanitarian trip to Prague going? All you seem to be doing is looking for grandma to be the unpaid nanny and buy a place for yourself so you can take off. And now take you tour to Germany - to do what? Brag about your life, pretend to be empathetic and compassionate? T was right to call you selfish.

Libby and Andreii don’t owe the dysfunctional family a party to share their baby news. A call or lunch. I can see the Coven being angry at the apparent lack of special treatment. The proposed family counseling is not a good idea. These folks have massive egos and pettiness. Good luck.

Shaeeda, unless you only went to NYC for the tell all last season and did zero sightseeing, this is not your first trip unless it is the first trip you paid for. Your friend Eutris is a bit nosy and Bilal did not like being put on the spot and have to answer questions he didn’t like. I am trying to sympathize with you but your husband has shown you exactly who he is and you put up with it. Too bad.

Aww, Usman’s younger pretty possible future wife. You are way too young and smart and pretty for this loser. Maybe if you were five or so years older and less naive. Usman is much older than you (almost double your age) and you will most likely be manipulated by someone who holds an awful lot of power over you. You are nowhere being near his equal and you don’t want a life of being his breeding sow. Maybe you have an older brother or sister who can meet Usman for dinner and ask the right questions. Kimmy, you got your blessing, er, Nigerian prenup. Probably isn’t valid. Maybe Usman explained the Green Card and his ticket to the US and fame. Maybe if he was 24-25. I would go home and look into any legalities of even attempting to bring him over. And then bail.

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2 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

66 and trust me I never get on a ladder if I'm home alone unless it's to reach something in the kitchen that's just a tiny bit out of my reach. I won't let my husband do it, either unless I'm home to help. He doesn't like it but it's for safety. People lose their balance as they get older. I know I sure have. 

You're smart for doing this, and no one should try to make anyone else feel decrepit or old for putting safety first.

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7 hours ago, Kid said:

He does not want a kid - he's doing it because mommy wants a kid.

And that's absolutely the worst reason I've ever heard to have (or adopt) a baby. You want to please your mother? Go to the college she picks, or become a doctor, attorney or priest because she wants you to, or even marry a woman she favors but DON'T BRING AN INNOCENT CHILD INTO THIS! A baby is not a pet! It's a lifelong commitment and the child will be around long after Grandma has passed on. 

If you must, adopt a child financially who has already been born and living in poverty to give them a better life. 

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18 hours ago, Adeejay said:

Shaeeda had a lot of nerve talking about NY smells like piss. Bet it still smells better than Trinidad. Bitch.

Especially since she declared it at the airport exit, where the exhaust fumes from the nonstop car, van & bus traffic would have overwhelmed it, and the bathrooms in the airport are nearby.  Maybe that nonstop prankster Bile staged something or just wanted the scene to show their fun-loving cultural clash and banter.  

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4 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

I guess mileage varies.

It sure does. You can have 2 people in their mid 60's, one of them is in good shape and stays fit and limber. The other one acts like they are 80. 

I'm in decent shape but have a fear of falling. I tripped over a curb on my way into the beauty salon the other day and didn't break anything (very lucky because I fell hard) but man I was so sore and embarrassed, too! Just be careful @STATISTICALOUTLIER!  

3 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

Yeah, Yara, how is the humanitarian trip to Prague going? All you seem to be doing is looking for grandma to be the unpaid nanny and buy a place for yourself so you can take off. And now take you tour to Germany - to do what? Brag about your life, pretend to be empathetic and compassionate? T was right to call you selfish.

This was what I had been thinking. She's always talking about "helping her family and/or friends" - in what way does she plan on doing this? Now she's throwing in going to Germany. What is her deal? She's not helping anyone except herself and he ego. As far as Grandma babysitting, apparently Grandma has absolutely no life if she plans on attaching herself to her grandchild. Women who  do nothing but attend to their grandchildren are offensive to me.

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1 hour ago, Breedom said:

This was what I had been thinking. She's always talking about "helping her family and/or friends" - in what way does she plan on doing this? Now she's throwing in going to Germany. What is her deal? She's not helping anyone except herself and he ego. As far as Grandma babysitting, apparently Grandma has absolutely no life if she plans on attaching herself to her grandchild. Women who  do nothing but attend to their grandchildren are offensive to me.

I think Yara thinks her mere presence has a calming and restorative effect on people.

Edited by MrBuhBye
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I'm 5'0, so even getting on a stepladder doesn't do much for my reach.  I also have gimpy balance, so just for safety's sake I get 6'2 Mr. Traveler to help me.  But we match up well; I can get under things more easily :).  From the condition of her arms, Jenny's body is a lot older than 62.  She doesn't have any tone.  I thought of the elderly Chinese doing Tai Chi in the park near our dorm; is there something similar that Jenny could do? 

Jenny's daughter means well but it's not Sumit's job to make Jenny feel comfortable, It's Jenny's.  She's not the victim; she's the one who chose that catfish and uprooted her entire life-and he still had secrets and lies (and a whopper one about kids).  Jenny is conveniently leaving out that she doesn't want  Sumit to work so much and have any kind of social life.  Sumit, welcome to your future.  Your wife is more aged than her actual age, and she is only going to get more frail.  How are you going to take care of her and do your job also?

Then on to Libby and Andrei.  What is a "push party"?  You mean you can get a gift just for pushing that watermelon out?  What if you had a C-section and there was no "push"?  No gift for you!  I never found out the gender of any of my babies, preferring to be surprised.  Some cultures believe it's bad luck to have a shower before the baby is born, and I followed that myself.  Over all this time, I've come to have more empathy for Andrei than those viperous sisters and her violent, drinking brother.  That's coming from someone who didn't like Andrei and thinks he still is somewhat of a jerk.  

I can't bear to watch Angela and Mikul any more.  This isn't even a lover's spat; I don't see love at all.  I see Mikul wanting to get to the States.  I see Angela who is a messed up person mistaking control for love.  She's an abuser and I'm tired of Mikul putting up with it.

I wouldn't celebrate if I were Kimberly.  It sounds very messy legally to get him over to America with a second wife, and I can't believe Usman would put up with seeing his wi(ves) and children four times a year.  That young woman had Usman's number from go, and wasn't about to put up with his shenanigans.  Even if they did marry, she wouldn't put up with visits four times a year, all funded by Kimberly of course.  I also don't remember a "contract" with BGL.  Why didn't his family get him married off after that debacle?  Oh that's right-because then he can't go to the States, make a lot of money, and send it back to Africa.  Or get your #1 wife to be the #1 support of your family.  Gah, that was pathetic.  In a show full of delusional people, Kim has to make the top 5.

Not liking Yara at all now.  This isn't about "helping victims of war", which she can do more effectively from the States.  She wants to split.  How much is everybody willing to bet that the friend in Germany will just happen to have an apartment and just happens to want a roommate?  She's done with NOLA, Jovi, and evidently America as well.

Some people, like Shaeeda, are so nonconfrontational that they find a third person to say everything they want to say.  There's something very "off" about her friend, but she called Bile to the carpet!  I used to have sympathy for Shaeeda, but she chose him, she married him, and I'm beginning to suspect she's more like him than at first glance.  No victim there, either.  And fuck you, Bilal.

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3 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

Push presents depend on the financial status. I have heard about diamond or other gemstone pendants or bracelets, a new car, luxury label handbag, silk pajamas, you name it. Even a vacation.

How very Kardashian! I belong to the camp that the BABY is the present! 

Edited by magemaud
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7 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

It sure does. You can have 2 people in their mid 60's, one of them is in good shape and stays fit and limber. The other one acts like they are 80. 

I'm in decent shape but have a fear of falling. I tripped over a curb on my way into the beauty salon the other day and didn't break anything (very lucky because I fell hard) but man I was so sore and embarrassed, too! Just be careful @STATISTICALOUTLIER!  

The left side of my face that is still bruised two weeks after slamming full force into a brass corner of the wicker chest I use as a coffee table has really shaken me up. (ER doctor: "Do you feel safe at home?" Me: "Normally!") I have serious problems with balance and my blood pressure meds add dizziness into the mix. It's only a 10 foot walk through my living room and it's always been easy to navigate through it in the short distance of darkness. (On one side is the kitchen where I've left the stove light on and when I reach the other side of the living room to go upstairs, the stairs are illuminated by the bathroom light at the top.) This time? I turned from checking to make sure the door was locked, and then could see the white plume tail of my cat, who was suddenly in front of me. I lost my balance trying not to step on him and then because I had my both hands full I couldn't catch myself (not that I could see where I was falling anyway but at least I could have put my hands out and protected my face). Damn lucky the impact was to my cheekbone instead of my eye only a few inches above! I'm 59 and it's hard to admit I need to start being more cautious. I don't normally have lights on in the living room because I'm usually at the kitchen table on my laptop, however, I'm now putting the lamp on in the living room that's next to the stairs  Also using an old hiking pole as a quasi-cane. Actually, it's thanks to my hiking poles that I've even made it to 59. I've had balance problems for quite a while--it's just gotten worse in the last few years--and if I hadn't been using them during all my years of hiking I would have long ago lost my balance and fallen off a cliff or lost my footing in a creek and knocked my brains out on a rock! It just sucks that for the very first time I *am* a little bit scared at home. 😕  

I didn't really mind Shaeeda's friend questioning Bilal because as usual he drags out his patronizing, passive-aggressive tone and I just had the sense that this independent, strong-minded woman wasn't having it and he doesn't like being stood up to.

Jovi's friend on the other hand...geez, I'm surprised he didn't make the cat meow/whipping sound to Jovi right in front of Yara. Asshat!

Edited by Scout Finch
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4 hours ago, Scout Finch said:

I didn't really mind Shaeeda's friend questioning Bilal because as usual he drags out his patronizing, passive-aggressive tone and I just had the sense that this independent, strong-minded woman wasn't having it and he doesn't like being stood up to.

Jovi's friend on the other hand...geez, I'm surprised he didn't make the cat meow/whipping sound to Jovi right in front of Yara. Asshat!

The missus and I disagreed about Shaeeda's "best friend", although I was curious about her apparently not being Muslim.  Jovi's friend being a jerk, considering Jovi is a bit of a jerk, wasn't all that startling to me.  I do think their whole European Vacation bit seems odd.  Yara's not going to be able to influence the end of the war..

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5 hours ago, Scout Finch said:

The left side of my face that is still bruised two weeks after slamming full force into a brass corner of the wicker chest I use as a coffee table has really shaken me up. (ER doctor: "Do you feel safe at home?" Me: "Normally!") I have serious problems with balance and my blood pressure meds add dizziness into the mix. It's only a 10 foot walk through my living room and it's always been easy to navigate through it in the short distance of darkness. (On one side is the kitchen where I've left the stove light on and when I reach the other side of the living room to go upstairs, the stairs are illuminated by the bathroom light at the top.) This time? I turned from checking to make sure the door was locked, and then could see the white plume tail of my cat, who was suddenly in front of me. I lost my balance trying not to step on him and then because I had my both hands full I couldn't catch myself (not that I could see where I was falling anyway but at least I could have put my hands out and protected my face). Damn lucky the impact was to my cheekbone instead of my eye only a few inches above! I'm 59 and it's hard to admit I need to start being more cautious. I don't normally have lights on in the living room because I'm usually at the kitchen table on my laptop, however, I'm now putting the lamp on in the living room that's next to the stairs  Also using an old hiking pole as a quasi-cane. Actually, it's thanks to my hiking poles that I've even made it to 59. I've had balance problems for quite a while--it's just gotten worse in the last few years--and if I hadn't been using them during all my years of hiking I would have long ago lost my balance and fallen off a cliff or lost my footing in a creek and knocked my brains out on a rock! It just sucks that for the very first time I *am* a little bit scared at home. 😕  

I didn't really mind Shaeeda's friend questioning Bilal because as usual he drags out his patronizing, passive-aggressive tone and I just had the sense that this independent, strong-minded woman wasn't having it and he doesn't like being stood up to.

Jovi's friend on the other hand...geez, I'm surprised he didn't make the cat meow/whipping sound to Jovi right in front of Yara. Asshat!

I have always wandered around the house in the dark but I've found myself in the same situation sometimes lately & have found that Alexa & wifi bulbs &/or wifi plugs are a wonderful invention. You don't need to use Alexa but it is helpful to be able to shout at something to put a light on if you can't find your phone in the dark plus with the bulbs the colour and brightness can be adjusted to suit your needs so no more needing to be blinded by a light coming on.

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37 minutes ago, magemaud said:

Why would he go out of his way to look good for a date when he’s engaged to Kim, and why would he “rub it in”? 

I think he just forgot for a moment that this old lady (she's still young in my book, but old in looks, style and appearance) was his fiance. His brain tricked him into thinking she was his mother.

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@Welshman in Ca

I have always wandered around the house in the dark but I've found myself in the same situation sometimes lately & have found that Alexa & wifi bulbs &/or wifi plugs are a wonderful invention. You don't need to use Alexa but it is helpful to be able to shout at something to put a light on if you can't find your phone in the dark plus with the bulbs the colour and brightness can be adjusted to suit your needs so no more needing to be blinded by a light coming on.

There's always Alexa's distant, older cousin from a holler down yonder...

Edited by Scout Finch
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