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S09.E19: Reunion Part 1

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I think the members of her congregation will be more annoyed by the fact she celebrates Christmas! She mentioned it several times this season, and it immediately pinged to me. It's a big no-no, even in a Reform Congregation, for a Jewish family (and both Heather & Terry are Jewish, correct?) to celebrate Christmas. If one of them were Christian, it's not frowned upon, but I am under the assumption that they are both Jewish. I will fully admit to judging other Jews who put up Christmas decorations, it's a personal pet peeve of mine.

Wouldn't they be upset about the Buddism as well?


You don't have to be religious to celebrate Christmas--or even make it religious, in the same way one can celebrate Halloween.

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I don't think she had anything dramatic done. I think it's the combination of heavy makeup/contouring and the loss of baby fat from her youth. The older we get, the sharper our angles get, because the youthful fullness goes away. She always had those cheekbones, they are just more pronounced now.

She's younger than I am (I'm 36) and I was SHOCKED to hear that she celebrated her 34th bday. I sincerely thought she was at least 10 years older. She needs to tone down that makeup.


Yeah, good point.  But I do think she's had some work done through fillers that are accentuating her "exotic" features.  I think if she toned down her look, she could look gorgeous.  Her whole look on the show just worked against her.

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For some reason, Lizzie just irks me (as you can see).  I think it's because any woman who makes a comment like she did about her husband's sexual activities and then tells another woman "You're just jealous b/c your husband wants to fuck me" (and I believe she said that) is a woman who has a very nasty underside.  Obviously we've seen nasty from the other nasty women, but I think this one has a strong one -- one that loves to play up the "everyone wants to fuck me" and the "you're just jealous" card.

Edited by sasha206
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 I think , for the most part, the NYC housewives seem to be more willing to go "au naturale" in the make-up department.  I'm not saying they don't over-do on occasion but, on a day to day, one on one basis I don't see overkill. Sonja has flawless skin and she looks beautiful with just mascara and lip gloss. There are times that all I can see on these women are their fake eyelashes. I'm waiting for one to fall off and land in their "champs".

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For some reason, Lizzie just irks me (as you can see).  I think it's because any woman who makes a comment like she did about her husband's sexual activities and then tells another woman "You're just jealous b/c your husband wants to fuck me" (and I believe she said that) is a woman who has a very nasty underside.  Obviously we've seen nasty from the other nasty women, but I think this one has a strong one -- one that loves to play up the "everyone wants to fuck me" and the "you're just jealous" card.



 I think , for the most part, the NYC housewives seem to be more willing to go "au naturale" in the make-up department.  I'm not saying they don't over-do on occasion but, on a day to day, one on one basis I don't see overkill. Sonja has flawless skin and she looks beautiful with just mascara and lip gloss. There are times that all I can see on these women are their fake eyelashes. I'm waiting for one to fall off and land in their "champs".


Totally agree.  


And most of them don't do the mermaid hair either.  

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Sniff.  This almost makes me miss Gretchie poo & her various lunatic 'dos.  Well, maybe not miss, but eh, feel a teeny bit nostalgic.  At least Gretchie had sort of a sense of humor bout her hair.  Gosh, Heather never would, but she never has a sense of humor bout anything.  Heather's hair isn't bad usually -- just boring.  Cue Vicks' snoring, please.  I'd luv to see Heather's natural hair.  Dat's why she tied in up in an I-give-up bun in Bali.  She was terrified to let anyone see her natural hair.  Why?  I wanna see Heather with a super huge afro, which is probably her natural hair.  Oh c'mon, Madame the puppet with a giganto 'fro would be awesome!  Maybe even hot!  Heather looking hot?  Think I just skeered myself.


Oh lawdy, great minds and all....


I had a neighbor lady who always slapped her thick, blond, curly hair back in a (gasp) BANANA CLIP.


I told Mini-Persnickety this was the official "I've given up" hairstyle of harried housewives.


I'm glad to see someone else classifies hairstyles in a similar manner.  

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For some reason, Lizzie just irks me (as you can see).  I think it's because any woman who makes a comment like she did about her husband's sexual activities and then tells another woman "You're just jealous b/c your husband wants to fuck me" (and I believe she said that) is a woman who has a very nasty underside.  Obviously we've seen nasty from the other nasty women, but I think this one has a strong one -- one that loves to play up the "everyone wants to fuck me" and the "you're just jealous" card.


I totally agree. It's one thing to get into it with your fellow HoWives, and it's even semi understandable if spouses are both going at each other - but Christian has never been shown to be anything but laid back and kind. For her to just burst out with that in front of their friends and cameras was just beyond heinous. 

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For some reason, Lizzie just irks me (as you can see).  I think it's because any woman who makes a comment like she did about her husband's sexual activities and then tells another woman "You're just jealous b/c your husband wants to fuck me" (and I believe she said that) is a woman who has a very nasty underside.  Obviously we've seen nasty from the other nasty women, but I think this one has a strong one -- one that loves to play up the "everyone wants to fuck me" and the "you're just jealous" card.

Eddie sets off my gag reflex and Brooks makes me shiver in a bad way.I don't know which one is more repulsive. Probably Brooks. I don't know if Lizzie has a nasty underside but if this is what she is playing with I pity her. All the husbands on this show are gross. 

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Well, since she only told people off camera, it's hard to tell if she was telling "anyone willing to listen".  The fact is that she told Tamara off camera. Had she wanted it broadcast, she could have easily mentioned it on camera.  I'm not clear on how Shannon telling someone off camera absolves Heather from spreading gossip. Or, for that matter, how that puts Shannon in the wrong for wanting to find out how Heather knew about it.

She emasculated her hubby from the get go. We all saw it. Her confessionals were all about how he doesn't float her boat. She went TMI early on. If she is telling this to a camera crew I would bet my bottom dollar she wasn't discrete about that e-mail. 

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Well, since she only told people off camera, it's hard to tell if she was telling "anyone willing to listen".  The fact is that she told Tamara off camera. Had she wanted it broadcast, she could have easily mentioned it on camera.  I'm not clear on how Shannon telling someone off camera absolves Heather from spreading gossip. Or, for that matter, how that puts Shannon in the wrong for wanting to find out how Heather knew about it.

 Her husband sent the e-mail and she shot her mouth off about it. I don't care if she told Perez Hilton and they pinky sweared to keep it secret. Shannon blabbed and it bit her in the ass. She has no one to blame but herself. Good grief take responsibility. Shannon is the only one responsible for this. If my husband sent me that kind of e-mail I would be more worried about him and me and I certainly wouldn't tell a reality show cast mate about it.

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 Her husband sent the e-mail and she shot her mouth off about it. I don't care if she told Perez Hilton and they pinky sweared to keep it secret. Shannon blabbed and it bit her in the ass. She has no one to blame but herself. Good grief take responsibility. Shannon is the only one responsible for this. If my husband sent me that kind of e-mail I would be more worried about him and me and I certainly wouldn't tell a reality show cast mate about it.

Again, I ask how this absolves Heather from spreading gossip?  She DID spread gossip, right? Still not seeing how this is Shannon being in the wrong. She used bad judgement and told someone she probably shouldn't have told.  That person told another person, being Heather, who then thought it was A-Okay to repeat it to a group of people.


Shannon was stupid.  I will agree to that. But Heather and Tamra were malicious.

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Again, I ask how this absolves Heather from spreading gossip?  She DID spread gossip, right? Still not seeing how this is Shannon being in the wrong. She used bad judgement and told someone she probably shouldn't have told.  That person told another person, being Heather, who then thought it was A-Okay to repeat it to a group of people.


Shannon was stupid.  I will agree to that. But Heather and Tamra were malicious.


And I don't buy Heather's crap about how she just happened to be with a group of women who were discussing it.  When she and Tamra were discussing the text Shannon got from David, and she was trying to act the innocent, Terry was giving her the side eye, like she was lying about her level of involvement in the gossip mongering.  Yes, Shannon wasn't too smart for disclosing what happened between her and David, but Madame is still a piece of **** for spreading it around Newport.

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And if Shannon blabbed about what happened and it bit her in the ass, then it must have been a nibble because she's coming out looking pretty good after all this b.s. and it's Madame and Tamballs who, after all their careful, vile scheming, are the ones holding onto what's left of their asses.  In Madame's case, some bone must have been taken too; maybe Miss Terry will give her a bone graph along with a butt implant.

Edited by Lyra Angelica
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There was a link to an interview with Shannon a few pages back. I'm sorry I can't remember which site. I'll try to find it. Shannon stated in the interview that she watched ALL the HW franchises and had been watching RHOC since the beginning. Now I will preface this by saying, I adore Shannon with her honesty and quirky holistic ways, but.......

I don't understand how anyone could watch years of Tamra's backstabbing, hitting below the belt style and then trust her with such personal and private information. I think Shannon was naive to say the least and I think Tamra probably pretends to actually be human to gain trust. Lesson learned for Shannon, unfortunately.

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Yeah, that is one thing I will never understand - how these women watch the show and then somehow think it's a good idea to befriend Tamra in the first place. The only explanation I can think of is that Shannon was a casual viewer, didn't see every episode and never understood the depth of Tamra's vileness.

Edited by PhilMarlowe2
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Yeah, that is one thing I will never understand - how these women watch the show and then somehow think it's a good idea to befriend Tamra in the first place. The only explanation I can think of is that Shannon was a casual viewer, didn't see every episode and never understood the depth of Tamra's vileness.


I'm guessing that these women assume that she's playing a role for the show and when they meet her, she strikes them as a fun, genuine (gasp) person?  And she sort of sucks them in with that?

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There was a link to an interview with Shannon a few pages back. I'm sorry I can't remember which site. I'll try to find it. Shannon stated in the interview that she watched ALL the HW franchises and had been watching RHOC since the beginning. Now I will preface this by saying, I adore Shannon with her honesty and quirky holistic ways, but.......

I don't understand how anyone could watch years of Tamra's backstabbing, hitting below the belt style and then trust her with such personal and private information. I think Shannon was naive to say the least and I think Tamra probably pretends to actually be human to gain trust. Lesson learned for Shannon, unfortunately.

There is a scene that in my mind is critical to this whole story, that I haven't heard anyone reflect on:


Shannon filmed a scene where she went to the doctor to have her heart looked at because she said she was having palpitations. She said that this was on the day that she had received a shocking letter from David about moving out, and she assumed this was the reason for her health scare. I will assume she was very concerned, as she was going to an actual doctor with a Medical Degree and everything, vs. the quack she generally sees 3-4 times per week.  IMO, it defies logic to imagine that she was so upset at this point, and didn't tell anyone else about the letter, with the exception of Tamra, who she had known at this time for about 2 months. 


This is critical because while she told Tamra about this off camera, but she also filmed a scene on the day it happened where she let a camera crew follow her around and document the drama surrounding the letter. She talked about getting it in her TH. This all occurred before we ever knew that Heather had told anyone anything. 


I think she told lots of folks about this letter, as the issues in her marriage were not a shock to anyone who had spent more than 5 minutes with them. By her own admission their marriage has been in trouble for years.  


It is stunning to me that Shannon has pretty much been able remove herself from any culpability on this issue. As others have said, she watched the show for years. She knew the personalities of the cast, and she certainly understood that editing could be a motherfucker. Yet she still came on her and started talking smack about her husband and her marriage from the beginning. She let Bravo fit her with a mic and follow her around with cameras. Yet she is pissed at others for talking about the personal things that she was talking to the world about. Yea, she won the season. Anytime it appears that a gal is being ganged up on by others and she is the victim in some manner, she will always win. Hell, even Alexis won and no one liked Alexis. It didn't appear to me that Tamra was being one bit malicious when she repeated the info to Heather (as much as I usually believe that everything Tamra says is malicious).  Shannon on the other hand came out looking extremely malicious when she talked about David early in the season. Telling us that he usually didn't drink, that we were seeing "fun" David - the one she never saw at home, that he didn't love her, that he didn't want to spend time with her. She is so totally and completely to blame for all of this it isn't even funny, but yes, she is still the winner. 

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I think the members of her congregation will be more annoyed by the fact she celebrates Christmas! She mentioned it several times this season, and it immediately pinged to me. It's a big no-no, even in a Reform Congregation, for a Jewish family (and both Heather & Terry are Jewish, correct?) to celebrate Christmas. If one of them were Christian, it's not frowned upon, but I am under the assumption that they are both Jewish. I will fully admit to judging other Jews who put up Christmas decorations, it's a personal pet peeve of mine.


I think you are judging something you know nothing about.  Maybe you should stop making assumptions and talk to the congregation they belong to.  In my community, many Jewish families acknowledge Christmas as a secular celebration of the season so their children understand that we all celebrate differently.  I can practice my religion faithfully and still acknowledge other holidays.   The only place is it a "big no-no" is Orthodox and Hassadic sects.......

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I'm guessing that these women assume that she's playing a role for the show and when they meet her, she strikes them as a fun, genuine (gasp) person?  And she sort of sucks them in with that?

I am guessing if you want to be filmed you better engage with Tamra and Vicki.  What makes Tamra's story less than believable is how she described the problems to Heather.  There wasn't a lick of empathy.  The two of them started doing Shannon imitations-not exactly a move that shows empathy.  Even Tamra said I would be an asshole to tell Shannon's enemy.  From David's response to Heather's explanation I don't think she was trying to shut anything down-she was the one who brought it up.  Even after Lizzie's party the gossip klatch with Danielle, Heather and Tamra the comments were malicious regarding the Beador marriage and Shannon in particular.


With Tamra she does something that resonates with viewers-"I didn't say Brooks was a con artist", "I just said he wasn't a good guy", "David is a flirt" x 5, "I went out with David, David is a flirt", "Shannon, you drink a lot", "Shannon when you are drinking, you twist things".  So Tamra gets her message out there in a variety of ways.

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I love how Shannon admitted in that interview that she watched all of the Housewives shows across every franchise and had watched RHOC from the very beginning. So many new housewives come on these shows claiming that they never watched any of the programs. And every time, I think "oh bitch please!  You are lying!"

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Oh lawdy, great minds and all....

I had a neighbor lady who always slapped her thick, blond, curly hair back in a (gasp) BANANA CLIP.

I told Mini-Persnickety this was the official "I've given up" hairstyle of harried housewives.

I'm glad to see someone else classifies hairstyles in a similar manner.

I thought Heather's bun in Bali looked nice. I have curly hair, and a sleek bun would definitely be the best my hair could look in a humid climate. Regarding banana clips, I haven't seen one of those since the 80s -- what a flashback! That said, neighbors often see each other at their worst (gardening, stepping out to get the paper/mail, rushing kids to school before showering), so I'd probably give her a pass.

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Shannon didn't "win" because she was the victim.  She came out looking better than Tamra and Heather because she wouldn't be the victim and stood up for herself and called them out on their shit in a calm (after her melt down at Lizzie's party) and logical manner.  Shannon SHUT. THE. BITCHES. DOWN. 

Edited by Lyra Angelica
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I thought Heather's bun in Bali looked nice. I have curly hair, and a sleek bun would definitely be the best my hair could look in a humid climate. Regarding banana clips, I haven't seen one of those since the 80s -- what a flashback! That said, neighbors often see each other at their worst (gardening, stepping out to get the paper/mail, rushing kids to school before showering), so I'd probably give her a pass.


In some cases, but this particular neighbor was all decked out in her work clothes....sporting her banana clip.  In 2008.  Same hairstyle on the weekends, too.  


I used to wonder why she just didn't go get a trendy, more manageable haircut since it was perpetually swept back in the banana clip anyway.  


Had it been a sock bun, I probably wouldn't have given it a second thought but the banana clip...just so outdated and such an odd choice that I was fascinated by it.  


Not dissimilar to how some of the housewives' fashion choices fascinate me.  

Edited by Persnickety1
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Motorcitymom65, I would have to go back and rewatch the entire season (no chance in hell) to see the sequence of events. And even with that, you never know when Bravo is fucking with the actual sequence and showing you scenes out of order, but with all that said...........

I recall Shannon only bringing up the infamous David email, AFTER Tamra so kindly shared it with Heather on camera. So I am assuming (yeah I know) that once Shannon found out about Tamra's deception and knew it was on camera, she explained it all in a talking head.

Another thing about the whole Shannon and her marital woes storyline.....they film for hours and hours and have no way of knowing what the Bravo editing monkeys are going to focus on. But if all we see is footage about the state of the Beadors marriage, of course it's going to look like that was the one and only topic.

Bravo is very good at showing us what they want us to see.

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Again, I ask how this absolves Heather from spreading gossip?  She DID spread gossip, right?



But wait...isn't this their job?  Aren't they hired by Bravo and "executive produced" by Andy, Gossip Monger Extraordinaire?  I doubt if any one of the H'wives could keep her job if she didn't run rampant with gossip.  There's probably a commission based on the amount of gossip spread.

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But wait...isn't this their job?  Aren't they hired by Bravo and "executive produced" by Andy, Gossip Monger Extraordinaire?  I doubt if any one of the H'wives could keep her job if she didn't run rampant with gossip.  There's probably a commission based on the amount of gossip spread.


Andy had very little to do with any of the HW's shows this season. He took a different position to push his own show. I'm sure he kept a hand in, but I doubt he had anything to do with editing or any of the other decisions about what did and didn't make it to air this season.

Re:  the situation with Heather spreading the gossip, I was very confused about that. Because Heather told Tamra she was meeting friends later at that same restaurant, but did those friend agree to be filmed? I am wondering if Heather knew that session wasn't going to be filmed or if it will be shown in the "Lost Footage" episode. If it was filmed, it would be amazing to see what Heather actually said to that group of "friends." If it wasn't, Heather knew nothing she said to them would make it to air.

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Shannon filmed a scene where she went to the doctor to have her heart looked at because she said she was having palpitations. She said that this was on the day that she had received a shocking letter from David about moving out, and she assumed this was the reason for her health scare. I will assume she was very concerned, as she was going to an actual doctor with a Medical Degree and everything, vs. the quack she generally sees 3-4 times per week.  IMO, it defies logic to imagine that she was so upset at this point, and didn't tell anyone else about the letter, with the exception of Tamra, who she had known at this time for about 2 months. 


This is critical because while she told Tamra about this off camera, but she also filmed a scene on the day it happened where she let a camera crew follow her around and document the drama surrounding the letter. She talked about getting it in her TH. This all occurred before we ever knew that Heather had told anyone anything. 


I think she told lots of folks about this letter, as the issues in her marriage were not a shock to anyone who had spent more than 5 minutes with them. By her own admission their marriage has been in trouble for years.  


It is stunning to me that Shannon has pretty much been able remove herself from any culpability on this issue. As others have said, she watched the show for years. She knew the personalities of the cast, and she certainly understood that editing could be a motherfucker. Yet she still came on her and started talking smack about her husband and her marriage from the beginning. She let Bravo fit her with a mic and follow her around with cameras. Yet she is pissed at others for talking about the personal things that she was talking to the world about. Yea, she won the season. Anytime it appears that a gal is being ganged up on by others and she is the victim in some manner, she will always win. Hell, even Alexis won and no one liked Alexis. It didn't appear to me that Tamra was being one bit malicious when she repeated the info to Heather (as much as I usually believe that everything Tamra says is malicious).  Shannon on the other hand came out looking extremely malicious when she talked about David early in the season. Telling us that he usually didn't drink, that we were seeing "fun" David - the one she never saw at home, that he didn't love her, that he didn't want to spend time with her. She is so totally and completely to blame for all of this it isn't even funny, but yes, she is still the winner. 

I think Brianna won the season. Her ability to confront Vicki and be true to her feelings about Brooks was the most mature behavior I saw from any of the women.

I keep going back the Beador's dinner party and the digs Shannon vocally made against her husband in a room full of strangers. It was awkward and inappropriate. The cast talked about the strain in this marriage because Shannon made it an issue. It was obvious. I have hosted parties where my hubby and I were not getting along (it happens) and have never acted out like Shannon did. I would never try to humiliate him in front of our guests. 

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Andy had very little to do with any of the HW's shows this season. He took a different position to push his own show. I'm sure he kept a hand in, but I doubt he had anything to do with editing or any of the other decisions about what did and didn't make it to air this season.

Re:  the situation with Heather spreading the gossip, I was very confused about that. Because Heather told Tamra she was meeting friends later at that same restaurant, but did those friend agree to be filmed? I am wondering if Heather knew that session wasn't going to be filmed or if it will be shown in the "Lost Footage" episode. If it was filmed, it would be amazing to see what Heather actually said to that group of "friends." If it wasn't, Heather knew nothing she said to them would make it to air.

Tamra and Heather filmed for three hours over lunch and then Heather went to lunch with her friends.  I don't believe there was any cameras in lunch #2 as it is a pain in the neck to get all the releases and the restaurant probably wanted to get back to business as usual.  I believe the reason David called Heather out on her claim, that she said it so innocently because all the others were talking negative about Shannon and she, the almighty Heather shut it down, is because he had a friend there who probably told him a more accurate description of what went down. 


I think Heather and Terry were in major spin control because Heather looked terrible-hears the gossip and immediately disseminates the dirt.  Heather initially lied to Shannon saying she knew nothing about an e-mail, and then tried to shift to Shannon should be working on her marriage instead of quizzing her about it.  it was then that Miss Terry tried to throw out the telephone game excuse and the Beadors weren't having any of that nonsense.  The Dubrows tried to claim that Vicki told them that Shannon had claimed she was not allowed in the house to bolster their "telephone game" defense.  It seems Miss Terry and Heather are the ones with the loose connection in the telephone game.


As a viewer, when Heather backed Tamra's claim that Lizzie said, "your husband wants to fuck me," with Danielle saying marry and Lizzie saying marry, I tend to go with Lizzie because of the Dubrows' loose connection, mind set and perception problems.

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Yet she still came on her and started talking smack about her husband and her marriage from the beginning. She let Bravo fit her with a mic and follow her around with cameras. Yet she is pissed at others for talking about the personal things that she was talking to the world about. Yea, she won the season...Shannon on the other hand came out looking extremely malicious when she talked about David early in the season. Telling us that he usually didn't drink, that we were seeing "fun" David - the one she never saw at home, that he didn't love her, that he didn't want to spend time with her. She is so totally and completely to blame for all of this it isn't even funny, but yes, she is still the winner. 


I don't think Shannon was pissed at the others for talking about the personal things that she herself had divulged. I think she was pissed about a very specific, isolated item that was told in confidence to one person being disclosed to her enemy and then that enemy spreading that specific piece of information to the Newport Beach community. I think she was especially pissed that Tamra embellished it from an e-mail discussing possible separation to outright divorce. I never saw Shannon get mad about people bringing up things she herself talked about in public. And, mileage obviously varies, but I don't see her behavior towards David as malicious per se. Punitive? Yes. Annoying? Yes. Overbearing? Yes. But I don't think she was out to tear him down. I think she was very misguidedly trying to get some sort of need met in a completely unhealthy and unfair way. I give Shannon credit for seeing her behavior on the show, owning that she was behaving horribly to David and actively fixing it.

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I don't think Shannon was pissed at the others for talking about the personal things that she herself had divulged. I think she was pissed about a very specific, isolated item that was told in confidence to one person being disclosed to her enemy and then that enemy spreading that specific piece of information to the Newport Beach community. I think she was especially pissed that Tamra embellished it from an e-mail discussing possible separation to outright divorce. I never saw Shannon get mad about people bringing up things she herself talked about in public. And, mileage obviously varies, but I don't see her behavior towards David as malicious per se. Punitive? Yes. Annoying? Yes. Overbearing? Yes. But I don't think she was out to tear him down. I think she was very misguidedly trying to get some sort of need met in a completely unhealthy and unfair way. I give Shannon credit for seeing her behavior on the show, owning that she was behaving horribly to David and actively fixing it.

Except she didn't just say it in confidence to Tamra. This is a clip from Shannon's visit to the heart doctor. It was during the same episode that Tamra shared this info with Heather. She may or may not have intended for this to make it to air, but she filmed a scene going to the doctor and spilled the beans during her talking head that David had sent her the email that same day. I still haven't seen Shannon take any real responsibility for starting this whole thing. She has said she blames Tamra for starting it, and Heather for passing it on. She is playing a victim if she doesn't admit that none of this would have ever happened if not for her actions. Regardless of anything Tamra or Heather did, we would all still know Shannon had a shitty marriage because she told us she did.


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I always thought the purpose for the Cotillion mention was to maybe show the Beador girls as being well rounded.  They are obviously enrolled in sporting activities so I took this as another side of busy high income suburbia children. Shannon gets them massages and Cotillion, David coaches their sports teams and takes the overseas trip.  I actually would not mind seeing what the Dubrow children are involved in.  I am thinking the Dubrow children could use some acting lessons because their scenes are just so unbelievable.

Well, from someone other than their parents...


I think the members of her congregation will be more annoyed by the fact she celebrates Christmas! She mentioned it several times this season, and it immediately pinged to me. It's a big no-no, even in a Reform Congregation, for a Jewish family (and both Heather & Terry are Jewish, correct?) to celebrate Christmas. If one of them were Christian, it's not frowned upon, but I am under the assumption that they are both Jewish. I will fully admit to judging other Jews who put up Christmas decorations, it's a personal pet peeve of mine.

I don't know about celebrating Xmas, but I can't imagine them being happy about the DuBrow's also being Hindu.

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I think you are judging something you know nothing about.  Maybe you should stop making assumptions and talk to the congregation they belong to.  In my community, many Jewish families acknowledge Christmas as a secular celebration of the season so their children understand that we all celebrate differently.  I can practice my religion faithfully and still acknowledge other holidays.   The only place is it a "big no-no" is Orthodox and Hassadic sects.......

Yikes, that's quite a statement to the OP. But I'll steer clear of the personal and simply say that in my experience, celebrating Christmas is never done, and not ok, in all sects of Judiasm, from Reform to Orthodox. Acknowledging it as a Christian holiday? Of course, and maybe even learning about it. Sure, why not? But celebrating?. Never. It's considered sacrilegious, not to mention pointless. I'm pretty sure that both Heather and Terry are Jewish, which is why their Christmas stood out to me as well. (It's of course different if they were a mixed religion family).

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Shannon wasn't "playing the victim." At the time she told Tamra about the email, she certainly didn't expect Tamra to go blabbing this to Heather, who had already shown she had issues with Shannon and was no friend to Shannon, or expect Heather to gossip about her marriage to other people outside of the show.  So she is right that Tamra was shit-stirring, and lied about telling Heather.  And Heather had no business making fodder of Shannon 's marriage and then lie about her role in it.


And Shannon does own what she said:



Do you believe the cameras captured an accurate portrayal of your relationship with David?

SB: “The bottom line is the show is on the air and you’ve got to develop certain story lines, so I get that. I’m going to be shown at some of my worst moments, because that’s the most dramatic thing to show. Could things have been edited a little bit differently? Absolutely. But that’s just the bottom line.  I did and said everything that’s on there except for sipping out of that vodka bottle [at the St. Regis]. I was doing that because I knew I was going to be filmed kissing my husband, not because I needed to drink to kiss my husband. Other than that, it’s me. You are seeing me and it’s not some of my best moments and I own it.”


Read more at: http://allthingsrh.com/exclusive-interview-rhoc-shannon-beador/ | All Things Real Housewives


Umm, it looks like Shannon has owned her actions.  The issue of David's email to Shannon has been played out since they all taped this part of the season; we know Shannon and David seem to be in a better as the season progressed, and maybe Shannon learned her lesson about to whom she discloses certain aspects of her life.  Tamra and Heather have had a harder time owning what they did. I doubt Tamra and Heather have and would do the same things they did in a heart beat if it would get them more face time and if they saw it as an opportunity to make someone else look bad.

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motorcitymom65, I see what you are trying to point out, but here is the thing: Were Heather's lunch time "reveal" about the email and Shannon's talking head about the email contemporaneous?  If I understand the way these talking head things work, the cast films them much later-- they see the episodes and then are asked to comment on them.  If that is true, then the cat was out of the bag regarding the email-- and all of the conflicts and arguments that followed--  before Shannon filmed that particular talking head. 

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Again, I ask how this absolves Heather from spreading gossip?  She DID spread gossip, right? Still not seeing how this is Shannon being in the wrong. She used bad judgement and told someone she probably shouldn't have told.  That person told another person, being Heather, who then thought it was A-Okay to repeat it to a group of people.


Shannon was stupid.  I will agree to that. But Heather and Tamra were malicious.

Since we did not see or hear what Heather said at the luncheon I can't jump to the conclusion that Heather's comments were "malicious". If someone is openly talking about how awful her husband is and it becomes a topic of conversation among "friends" you go to the source. Shannon started the gossip.These women are only repeating what Shannon has said both privately and publicly. 

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Shannon wasn't "playing the victim." At the time she told Tamra about the email, she certainly didn't expect Tamra to go blabbing this to Heather, who had already shown she had issues with Shannon and was no friend to Shannon, or expect Heather to gossip about her marriage to other people outside of the show.  So she is right that Tamra was shit-stirring, and lied about telling Heather.  And Heather had no business making fodder of Shannon 's marriage and then lie about her role in it.


And Shannon does own what she said:



Umm, it looks like Shannon has owned her actions.  The issue of David's email to Shannon has been played out since they all taped this part of the season; we know Shannon and David seem to be in a better as the season progressed, and maybe Shannon learned her lesson about to whom she discloses certain aspects of her life.  Tamra and Heather have had a harder time owning what they did. I doubt Tamra and Heather have and would do the same things they did in a heart beat if it would get them more face time and if they saw it as an opportunity to make someone else look bad.

Umm, I read the article and still don't see where Shannon owned the fact that she was responsible for the fallout of the email, which was my original point. They is no reaction without her original action. She has admitted that a lot of the issues in her marriage stems from the fact that she can be a bit of a nag and a bitch to David in front of a large audience. Good for her for that. They have a lovely family and I hope they can make it work.

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Lots of Jews, including my ex,  have a tree and gifts.    They don't celebrate Jesus per se, but just enjoy a fun holiday.    Somehow, his reform congregation hasn't kicked him out or excommunicated him or shunned him.   Nor his more religious sister, who also enjoys the fun parts of the holiday.   

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Except she didn't just say it in confidence to Tamra. This is a clip from Shannon's visit to the heart doctor. It was during the same episode that Tamra shared this info with Heather. She may or may not have intended for this to make it to air, but she filmed a scene going to the doctor and spilled the beans during her talking head that David had sent her the email that same day. I still haven't seen Shannon take any real responsibility for starting this whole thing.


The talking head interviews are filmed after the story events occur. So, if Shannon received that text about Heather and knew the e-mail was being talked about by other cast members, then it would make perfect sense for her to discuss it in interviews after the fact. The editors cut it together so it looks like she is talking about it before the events transpired. But if you read between the lines of the footage, there is not a single scene of Shannon talking about the e-mail with other cast members until she learns that Heather spilled the beans. Had Tamra not blabbed to Heather, Shannon most likely would never have discussed it in talking head interviews.

Edited by PhilMarlowe2
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Could be. I get how the TH interviews work. Still, she went to the doctor the very same day about stress and it was all filmed. Who is to say she would have kept the stuff out of her TH? She told us all that they haven't slept in the same bed for years. The point is we have no idea. What we know is she did talk about it.

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Lots of Jews, including my ex,  have a tree and gifts.    They don't celebrate Jesus per se, but just enjoy a fun holiday.    Somehow, his reform congregation hasn't kicked him out or excommunicated him or shunned him.

Yes, it's commonly done, more so with less religious Jews. It's just not something the religion, or any congregation, advocates or supports. Why would they? It's a Christian holiday, celebrating Christ, etc...

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Umm, I read the article and still don't see where Shannon owned the fact that she was responsible for the fallout of the email, which was my original point. They is no reaction without her original action. She has admitted that a lot of the issues in her marriage stems from the fact that she can be a bit of a nag and a bitch to David in front of a large audience. Good for her for that. They have a lovely family and I hope they can make it work.



Umm, she did not literally say she is specifically owning the email issue; it was a more general owning of what happened during the season.


But I guess that isn't enough for people who, like Heather, require literally spoken confessions.

Edited by Lyra Angelica
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Umm, she did not literally say she is specifically owning the email issue; it was a more general owning of what happened during the season.

But isn't that taking the easy way out? It's commendable to take responsibility for your actions, but it's disengenuous if you do so only in a "general" way, while at the same time not take responsibility for something specific, and then blame others for something you did and/or started.

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Lots of Jews, including my ex, have a tree and gifts. They don't celebrate Jesus per se, but just enjoy a fun holiday. Somehow, his reform congregation hasn't kicked him out or excommunicated him or shunned him. Nor his more religious sister, who also enjoys the fun parts of the holiday.

I think it was the photo shoot, juxtaposed with Shannon's photo shoot and her elaborate holiday decorating. Was Heather pictured draping her place in Nutcrackers? I really don't recall.

But the obsessively micomanaged photo shoot left the impression that the D's do a Christmas thing.

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But isn't that taking the easy way out? It's commendable to take responsibility for your actions, but it's disengenuous if you do so only in a "general" way, while at the same time not take responsibility for something specific, and then blame others for something you did and/or started.


No more disingenuous than when an apology is conditional and comes with a justification I guess.  I don't happen to think she was disingenuous when she said that.  I suppose she could keep a ledger and check off each transgression as she makes her apologies.


Shannon may have started something, but she isn't blaming other people for it coming out in the open.  What she didn't like was Tamra repeating it to Heather, whom she did not view as a friend or someone who had her best interests in mind, for Heather talking about it further in company outside of the RHOC and for both of them for not admitting that they did these things.

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