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S07.E13: Charter of Destiny

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A shortened charter puts pressure on the crew; tensions on the interior team continue to rise; Storm makes a pivotal work decision.

Bravo Airdate: 10/03/2022

This season the episodes will be airing a week earlier on Peacock Premium.  You can comment on the episode once it is live there.  Anyone waiting for the Bravo airing, be aware there will be early comments on the episode - so don't enter if you don't want to be spoiled!

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Natasha has to have drama going on in her life.  I really don't think she knows how to function if she doesn't.  She is attracted to the men who are just the same.  I hope Dave stays out of her mess with her boyfriend or whatever the guy is to her.

Natasha, Natalya isn't trying to take your job.  She is wanting you to do your job.  What you mainly do is come up with drinks, text, cry/chat with Kyle, flirt with Dave and attend the preverence meeting.  Oh and over order provisions.  

I'm glad Sandy got Jason's view on him wanting to l eave.  I just don't think Storm is a good bosun.  He'd be a good lead deckhand.  Honestlly Courtney just shup up with Jason.  You bitched he wasn't nice and was lazy then Storm talks to him.  He's leaving and now you bitch he is being nice. I don't know why there needs to be a lead deckhand.  At dinner while they were drunk you then announce it?  That was a bad time to do it.  Have a deckhand meeting and announce it.

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Storm really is a shirty leader, even a blind man could see Mzi was upset, but as usual Storm thinks he knows best and dismisses it.

Tash and Kyle really need to just fuck off, they are the most useless crew members ever to set foot of a yacht. 

Why does there need to be a lead deckhand? I personally think its a pointless title, its handed out just so the bosun can play favourites and create problems within the team. 

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Like an uncomfortable decision made at a bad time, these comments are in the order of the episode broadcast…

I haven’t been a fan of  Captain Queeg for quite some time, but I thought she handled the Storm/Jason situation with uncharacteristic aplomb.  She was thoughtful, considerate, practical – who is this person and what have they done with Sandy? Jason – won’t miss you, buddy.  Don’t let your man-bun strangle you on the way out, and write when you learn to be less petulant.

These guests – thank goodness it’s a short charter.  Virtually each and every one has very picky diet preferences, etc. 

Kyle says to Natasha, in reference to her decorating, “That might be the best work you’ve done.  Or only work.”  Huh?  Kyle you’re the laziest sack of poo on this boat, with Jason a close second.  So far for this short charter Kyle is behaving more like a guest than a crew member.  His big task is to distract the guests for a moment while the surprise guest is ushered aboard – hope you didn’t break too much of a sweat there, Kyle, taking that picture!  Even Nat1 and Nat2 complained about him later.

So we have the “Cliffhanger” drama of Storm and his decision during the crew night out.  So many feelings about this.  On the one hand, I fully understand the need to designate a lead deckhand – it’s meant to establish a line of authority and a hierarchy in an environment where that sort of thing is necessary.  You can’t just have people milling about doing what they want to do when they want to do it.  I’ve been sailing myself on tall ships and I came to really appreciate how every crew member knew their responsibilities and areas of expertise, yet did what was needed when it was needed.  But on the other hand – Storm, mate, have you no couth at all?  This was absolutely the *wrong* time to bring this up and should have waited until first thing in the morning before the new deckhand arrived.

What will happen next week?  Will Kyle lift a finger to do actual work?  Will Natasha stop crying over her boyfriend’s texts?  Will Natalya be tossed overboard by a mutinous interior crew?  Will the deck crew sort it?  Will the new deckhand be named “Benny”?  Stay tuned, if you can stay awake.

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So  . . .  I'm pretty sure I understood Natasha to essentially say, "I've never been without a boyfriend since puberty. I don't know how to behave without one. My current long distance boyfriend isn't loving me as much as he should, so I'll just continue to fuck with Dave's head."

Storm, please keep staying away from Natalia. She's not worth the emotional hassle.

I remember when Kyle and Natalia started as  friends. Why and when did he turn on her? 

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I had defended Dave back during their breakup.  I thought Natasha to be a nut job back then.  Reminded me of Malia, playing with the boys.  I am still not a fan of Natalya.  I think she's a nut job and devious  and as a co-worker, I don't think she can be trusted.  I also don't think it's right that Storm is telling her everything he is doing with his crew.   She knew about the meeting with Jason before Jason did and knew about the lead deckhand.  I would make a lousy boson as I think I'd rather not pick a lead than do that to my friend who got me the job.  I really haven't seen much difference except Courtney does seem to be proactive more.  

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Normally I'm on Natalya's side but I think she overstepped bitching that Kyle should help the deck crew unload the technician's equipment. It's not her place to tell Kyle to help the deck crew. If he's not doing his interior job then yeah go ahead and complain but unless the deck crew itself asks Kyle for the help, or the captain does, it's none of Natalya's business.

Likewise, it wasn't her place to criticize Storm for having the lead deckhand convo at the restaurant. Even if she's right - that's his decision to make, not hers. She's turning into a real bossy pants.

We've all known someone like Natasha. They cannot be without a man for even one day. Their identity revolves around it. It's sad, IMO. I don't think you really grow as a person unless you learn to be an individual, separate from being part of a couple. 

Jason seemed to loosen up once he found out he was leaving. It's too bad his attitude couldn't have improved earlier because he's not nearly the worst deckhand we've ever seen.

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Natasha’s bf is obviously a high maintenance toxic POS.  But she sheds tears because he threatens not to love her any more?

She sure can pick ‘em.  If Kyle wasn’t giving her hugs, she’d be screwing Dave again.

Natalya is also high maintenance.  Storm getting a full picture of what life with her would be like.  She seemed to be spunky and candid at first.  Now she’s bitchy and demanding.

They forced Storm to pick a lead deckhand.  They probably didn’t expect a drama bonanza like this, Mzi isn’t happy, Storm isn’t happy, Natalya alienating everyone else.  It’s a TV show so rank doesn’t matter though Mzi probably feels slighted since he’s been a deckhand longer than Courtney.

This charter was just overnight but they left a $14k tip or $2,000 for each of the 7 guests on top of the charter fee, which is suppose to be well into 5 figures.  Math just seems unlikely, let’s say they each paid $2,000 each for the charter, another $14k.  So each guest paid $4k for an overnight charter, 3 meals, maybe 18 hours on the yacht.  $4k is a lot for a relatively short time but some people may splurge.

Except on a real charter, it would be double or more.

While the guests all seem successful, many of them seem to be upper middle class or so.  It’s one thing to spend $4k or even $8k on an overseas luxury vacation but for a single overnight?

Thats why Bravo doesn’t charge tHem anywhere near these prices, if they charge them at all.

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I cannot stand Kyle or Natasha.  I don’t think either of them are hard workers.  Natasha should stay off her damn phone when she’s working.  I just hope Natasha doesn’t mislead Dave.  How did Natalia get stuck carting the audio equipment anyway?  Jason handled himself well on the last charter and that was good to see.   Jason was on WWHL weeks ago with Natasha and he acted like an arrogant ass.  

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These guests seemed like a production plant - not the typical "wealthy" guests and only an overnight stay. The primary was an IT project manager, and those salaries are average, especially in the southern US. It's as if there was a production tie-in with the singer, and the guests were found to accommodate that tie-in.

Anyway, I loved the fashion they wore for the performance - all those tones of copper and bronze. They were pleasant and appreciative and I heard a few Mississippi accents.

I can't help but notice all of the damage to Sandy's hair from the bleach. When she's backlit the little broken hairs are poking out all over. But it's a relief that Micromanager Sandy has left us.

There's nothing new to say about the cast. All tiresome and annoying. I'm pretty sure production told Storm to pick Courtney as lead deckhand.

Edited by pasdetrois
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How did Natalia get stuck carting the audio equipment anyway?

She didn't get stuck she volunteered and then bitched that Kyle should have volunteered. And sure, it would have been nice of him to, but that's the deck crew's job. There should have been another deckhand assigned that job, so that's a failing on Storm, not on Kyle, and it wasn't Nat's place to decide Kyle should have been the one helping. He's interior and nobody on deck asked him to. She's crossed the line from complaining about Natasha and Kyle's work ethic to becoming boss of the boat.

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On 9/23/2022 at 6:42 PM, jewel21 said:

Bravo Airdate: 10/03/2022

This season the episodes will be airing a week earlier on Peacock Premium.  You can comment on the episode once it is live there.  Anyone waiting for the Bravo airing, be aware there will be early comments on the episode - so don't enter if you don't want to be spoiled!

I finally got Peacock Premium. I guess I was getting FOMO. Anyway, it is currently $1.99 a month for a year. So I'm getting to watch this episode.

Kyle, always the asshole. Natalya does a great tablescape, and Kyle says "the best work you've done, or the only work you've done." Is he serious, because you jackass with your girlfriend Natasha have left her with most of the work.

Edited by nokat
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10 hours ago, iMonrey said:

She didn't get stuck she volunteered and then bitched that Kyle should have volunteered. And sure, it would have been nice of him to, but that's the deck crew's job. There should have been another deckhand assigned that job, so that's a failing on Storm, not on Kyle, and it wasn't Nat's place to decide Kyle should have been the one helping. He's interior and nobody on deck asked him to. She's crossed the line from complaining about Natasha and Kyle's work ethic to becoming boss of the boat.

Very true!  It wasn't her place at all and Kyle should have been the last one asked.  They have a deck crew to call starting with your boyfriend.  Why wasn't he there?  He saw how many it took to bring that crap aboard.  Did he suddenly think it wouldn't be the same going off the boat?  Hey Courtney you are the proactive one?  Why not think about this? No no just leave it for Mzi and probably hoping Jason would get it. 

None of these "leaders" are fit to lead at all.  Not Storm, not Natasha.  The fact that Sandy has this crap going on is hilarious considering how up Hannah's ass she was for the smallest thing.  These idiots get away with so much now it's too funny and one can only hope it backfires on her.

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2 hours ago, Flutterby said:

I don't know about anyone else but I'm finding this season really hard to follow because of the very strong UK accents.  I record this serious and I'm constantly backing up and replaying conversations.

I turn on Closed Captions and it helps a lot.

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The fact that Sandy has this crap going on is hilarious considering how up Hannah's ass she was for the smallest thing.  These idiots get away with so much now it's too funny and one can only hope it backfires on her.

Which further suggests that Bravo has reined in Sandy somewhat due to the backlash they got after she and Malia went after Hannah. 

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On 9/27/2022 at 10:55 AM, Welshman in Ca said:

They don't & Bravo have said that they don't get charged for the actual charter once they've agreed to be on the show.

Have they said that? I listen to a podcast (Juicy Scoop) and the host was invited to do Below Deck and she said there was a hefty fee - albeit discounted - plus the tip is fully on the guest. Maybe it varies? 

Pretty boring episode. Natalya is a know-it-all but I still think she’s mostly right. Storm was dumb to announce Courtney at the dinner. 

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12 hours ago, racked said:

Pretty boring episode. Natalya is a know-it-all but I still think she’s mostly right. Storm was dumb to announce Courtney at the dinner.

I don't think she means so come off as a know it all but battling those two, she needs to be.  Kyle never does anything wrong (in his mind) and Natashia thinks she is a great head stew........wrong.  

Kyle, you checked out of this job the moment Frank left the boat and have been a sarcastic asshole to guests and your fellow crew members.  You are not nearly as charming or cute as you apparently think you are. Stop with the under the breath comments to Natalya, who used to be your girl, until Natashia dumped Dave and needed a beastie.  Remember, Natashia could have picked Natalya instead of you to be her beastie.

Natashia, have you considered putting your cell phone up and turn it OFF? I can't imagine any workplace being cool with an employee taking so much time to fight talk to their boyfriend much less a manager.  Girl, you need to learn how to be you without a boyfriend.  I think you might find out you're ok on your own.  Something to consider.  

I was glad to see Natalya give it back to both of those bullies.  Good for her because they had been shitting on her and not doing their jobs. She maybe a little crazy when it comes to Storm but I will cut her some slack on that.  She is far from being the worst crew member.

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Have they said that? I listen to a podcast (Juicy Scoop) and the host was invited to do Below Deck and she said there was a hefty fee - albeit discounted - plus the tip is fully on the guest. Maybe it varies? 

Maybe it's cheaper now because of Covid. Over on Down Under I get the distinct impression they had to recruit groups to "play" charter guests for the cameras. 

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Had to chime in with something childish and shallow.  When the guests were doing the yoga, that camera shot from the "rear" was very unflattering and unnecessary.  Why are the editors trying to make the guests look bad?

It took me hours to get through this episode.  I kept pausing it and doing other things and then going back to it.  Not good.

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14 hours ago, Oosala said:

Had to chime in with something childish and shallow.  When the guests were doing the yoga, that camera shot from the "rear" was very unflattering and unnecessary.  Why are the editors trying to make the guests look bad?

It took me hours to get through this episode.  I kept pausing it and doing other things and then going back to it.  Not good.

I thought the same thing.  That rear shot was cringey and I was afraid to look too closely.  

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Just watching....

I've had bosses like Storm.  Wimpy, whiney, bad at his job.  Goes running to the boss to whine.

It may be an unpopular opinion, but I like Jason.

If Captain Stupid Sandy had told me I was being replaced next charter, I would have quit right there.  Deal with it.

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43 minutes ago, PaperTree said:

If Captain Stupid Sandy had told me I was being replaced next charter, I would have quit right there.  Deal with it.

I think it just shows that Jason is a more decent person than a lot of the crew.

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58 minutes ago, rur said:

I think it just shows that Jason is a more decent person than a lot of the crew.

For sure.  He knew he was leaving and said several times he wouldn't leave them while down a man.  He kept that.  

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I think this is the most ridiculous firing (or quitting) in the history of BD franchises.  Firstly, Courtney and Natalya both were in Storm's ear about Jason.  Jason may not be the most upbeat deckhand, and he was definitely outside of the clique, but he did do his work and I think would have improved in the attitude department if he had been managed better.  I thought Storm was being reasonable with his conversation last week, but Jason felt under appreciated and decided to quit.  I'm glad he stayed for this last charter and did a good job.  Secretly, I'm hoping they get a disaster of a deckhand for a replacement.  I know, I'm bad! 😊

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2 hours ago, mytmo said:

That singer was amazing.  Gave me goosebumps.

Right, at first I was like ok, she has an nice voice but then when she was getting further into the song, I was like wow, I actually thought she was fantastic and I really liked the song.

I felt for Mitzi, I think he should have gotten the lead deck hand, not because I think Courtney is bad, but Mitzi has been a deck hand for sometime, while Courtney was interior. Mitzi was the one who showed Storm how to fill the slide. 

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31 minutes ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

Right, at first I was like ok, she has an nice voice but then when she was getting further into the song, I was like wow, I actually thought she was fantastic and I really liked the song.

I felt for Mitzi, I think he should have gotten the lead deck hand, not because I think Courtney is bad, but Mitzi has been a deck hand for sometime, while Courtney was interior. Mitzi was the one who showed Storm how to fill the slide. 

I agree, to a point.  Courtney, the newbie, has no business being lead deckhand, even though she is taking initiative and doing her job well. I think it was at production's urging for Storm to appoint a lead, because it would cause drama amongst the three amigos.  They were working fine as a team (barring Jason, who did his own thing), so there was no need to disrupt that by choosing a lead.  

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Natasha is an idiot. From the texts they've shown us, her boyfriend is verbally abusive and manipulative. He demands she respond to his texts immediately as though he doesn't understand she has a service job. Would he expect the same if she were a waitress at a busy restaurant? Does he not understand or care about her job? We know she does not understand or care about her job, and she clearly loves drama. I think she feeds off of these men pining over her even though both relationships are clearly unhealthy. She's very immature and I hope she smartens up before she finds herself in real trouble. As someone else said, she needs to take a break from dating and get to know herself. She's giving Kye permission to slack off because she needs a partner in crime. Her big doe eyed display with Sandy when she was confronted was ridiculous, it was bad acting. She KNOWS she isn't performing her job up to standard, she just hoped she could slide by unnoticed. Instead of blaming herself for her own actions she blames Natalya. It's pathetic. She needs some introspection in both her personal and private life.

I agree with others, there was no need to declare a lead deck hand. There are only a couple of charters left. Give Mzi and Courtney great recommendations for their next job and leave it there, this was only done for drama. Jason was kind of a jerk but he went out on a high note. From what we have been shown Courtney had no real reason to complain about him toward the end, this is reason enough why she shouldn't be lead.

I hate to say it but this season could have used micro managing Sandy.

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My husband now watches this show with me 😑and talks all the way through it 😑Anyhoo, his insight, as a boss is this: just because someone is a great worker (Courtney) does not mean she will be a good leader. He pointed out that Mzi has given direction to others and does it in a good way and that is a very important skill in leadership. Hub would have given the job to Mzi and thinks Storm made the wrong choice. I agree.

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7 hours ago, Jel said:

My husband now watches this show with me 😑and talks all the way through it 😑Anyhoo, his insight, as a boss is this: just because someone is a great worker (Courtney) does not mean she will be a good leader. He pointed out that Mzi has given direction to others and does it in a good way and that is a very important skill in leadership. Hub would have given the job to Mzi and thinks Storm made the wrong choice. I agree.

I agree and think he would be the better bosun too.

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I don’t see why such a small deck crew needs a bosun and a lead deckhand. Mzi and Courtney were working well together and now Storm has put them in what could be an awkward situation. I also don’t blame Jason for leaving. I didn’t care for the way he spoke to Storm earlier on but nobody really tried to work with him. Courtney  made a lot of snarky remarks about him and now she’s being promoted? She doesn’t seem like a leader or one that could unite a crew.

The interior just sucks all around. At least Dave is still doing a great job with his meals. 

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On 9/26/2022 at 7:44 AM, MyMaui said:

Honestlly Courtney just shup up with Jason.  You bitched he wasn't nice and was lazy then Storm talks to him.  He's leaving and now you bitch he is being nice.

I wondered about the exchange between Storm and Jason because it seemed nitpicky. Jason did a fine job as a deckhand, and I understand that wasn't an issue. So I think it's stupid of anyone to sit someone down to complain about their personality. Unless Storm and Jason thought this "drama" would make good tv? And I also agree that a lead deckhand was not necessary. Why on Earth does anyone feel they need to promote a co-worker when Sandy could have just hired a lead deckhand?

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On 10/4/2022 at 1:24 PM, CapeCodLuv said:

Natasha is an idiot. From the texts they've shown us, her boyfriend is verbally abusive and manipulative. He demands she respond to his texts immediately as though he doesn't understand she has a service job. Would he expect the same if she were a waitress at a busy restaurant?

I agree with your entire post and I especially am confused with Natasha's decision to dump Dave for her cheating X. When I see her apologizing repeatedly to her ex, I cringe inside because I highly doubt she got apologies when he cheated. What was she thinking? The guy is a jerk!

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On 10/3/2022 at 6:08 PM, rur said:

I think it just shows that Jason is a more decent person than a lot of the crew.

I say this with tongue in cheek (plus a little seriousness) when I point out he can't be viewed as horrible because, after all, he's Canadian. Everybody knows Canadians are hardworking, nice people.

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On 9/27/2022 at 8:06 AM, iMonrey said:

She didn't get stuck she volunteered and then bitched that Kyle should have volunteered. And sure, it would have been nice of him to, but that's the deck crew's job. There should have been another deckhand assigned that job, so that's a failing on Storm, not on Kyle, and it wasn't Nat's place to decide Kyle should have been the one helping. He's interior and nobody on deck asked him to. She's crossed the line from complaining about Natasha and Kyle's work ethic to becoming boss of the boat.

It also shows she has gender bias by deciding "kyle" should have helped offload the audio equipment too. Anyone else would have a better chance of lifting something heavy, than Kyle. Including the guests... The singer should have brought a roadie.

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On 9/26/2022 at 12:00 PM, Tanukisan said:

Jason – won’t miss you, buddy.  Don’t let your man-bun strangle you on the way out, and write when you learn to be less petulant.

I may be one of only a handful of viewers, but I really liked Jason for the most part. He didn't put up with nonsense, and yes he wasn't hugely extroverted, or drink excessively. But he did his job and for the most part I did not find him in any way offensive.

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