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Love & Hip Hop: Hollywood - General Discussion

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Her name is Princess Love??  Really?  SMH.

Man I just can't type what I want so close to frigging Christmas. But if it wasn't Christmas I'd say if you're life is only worth the love of that smurf Ray J...

...........g'awn ahead and jump.

I'm sorry. But you made me.



Y'all said it so I didn't have to, but I share the same sentiments.  It's fucking Ray J.  He is no prize.  


Morgan kind of lost her damn mind, didn't she.  Punching walls and shit.


i don't know if I believe Keebler Elf Berg.  Teairra is one of those people who has seemed, at least to me, to always be upfront about the shit that she does.  She has no reason to lie.  I agree with whoever said upthread that Ray J kept hinting towards Berg to drop this bomb since the start of the reunion; that just makes the reveal all the more suspect.  


I forgot to mention from part 1 when Hazel went on the diatribe about friends not fucking friends exes and then she reveals that she hooked up with Ray J.  Only for her to go back and cry over Berg again.  What a dummy.  

  • Love 3

She looked so much better in the before pictures.  She was so cute.  Why did she do that to herself?


Agreed.  She's truly awful looking.  She has so much contouring make up I can't imagine the mess the residue leaves on a pillow even after a thorough washing.  And the fake boobs, fake butt, just make her look ridiculous  



This season looks like it will be too much, but in a good way. I'll be watching.

Good lord, that was intense!  And of course, they've already sucked my ass back in....


So many questions.  What the hell happened to Hazel's face?  Who was that dude that tossed his ring on the sidewalk?  Why is Teddy Riley's daughter still with that dirty looking boy?  And why does she insist on wearing pastel colored lipstick?  Is Moneice's mom just as crazy as her?  Where did Richie Dollaz come from and is Johnny Blaze hiding behind a column somewhere stalking him (because a Johnny/Moneice showdown would be epic!)?  When did hell freeze over so that Princess and Teairra could become BFFs???

  • Love 3

Good lord, that was intense! And of course, they've already sucked my ass back in....

So many questions. What the hell happened to Hazel's face? Who was that dude that tossed his ring on the sidewalk? Why is Teddy Riley's daughter still with that dirty looking boy? And why does she insist on wearing pastel colored lipstick? Is Moneice's mom just as crazy as her? Where did Richie Dollaz come from and is Johnny Blaze hiding behind a column somewhere stalking him (because a Johnny/Moneice showdown would be epic!)? When did hell freeze over so that Princess and Teairra could become BFFs???

LOL......I am all the way in!!! Did you notice toward the end of the trailer, that hell fired back up cuz it looked like Princess and Teairra couldn't sustain that friendship?

Ooohhh chile! This extended trailer right here! Ummm hmmm. I am gonna be here for all of it.

Yassssssssssss Honeeeee (sorry Whitley, lol). Brooklynista, will be watching on Sept 7, at 8pm on VHS, and meet you back here on Sept 8 LOL. Don't be late! :D Edited by lasandi
  • Love 2

Looks like Love&HipHop:Hollywood done graduated to the big boy table. DAMNNN. I am allllll the way in for this season. And I dont even know ANY of the new cast members. That gay storyline piqued my curiosity too. Im glad it looks like Omarion and his girl are still going strong because they were my favorites from last season. I couldnt care less about Soulja Boy, and that chick that keeps taking his crap...I just dont get it.

Edited by FuriousStyles
  • Love 6

Ooooh so much. I am READY. And why is Moniece talking about women being crazy?

And in the season preview who is Nikki fighting in her lingere?

Jim Varney, I mean Hazel got a nose job didn't she?

I called Miles gay when I first saw him. His ex Amber looked ROUGH.

And Rich Dollarz? Ole boy looked HELLA old.

  • Love 3

I criticize Mona for a lot of things regarding the LLHH franchise, but I will give her a lot of credit for showing two black men in bed together. Whether Miles and Milan's relationship is authentic or not, we don't see black gay couples nearly enough on TV.


Who told Teairra that confessional look was cute?


I know Apryl wasn't shown a lot outside of her relationship with Omarion and his mom. Now she's friends with every woman on the show. LoL! I have a feeling Mona is going to turn her into LHHH's version of Karlie Redd.


Wack ass Rich Dollaz? Really Moniece?  I hope she's not really fucking him for real. I kinda want her and Fizz to get back together. That two weave in that confessional though. HELL NAW 


Is it her nose? Or is it the hair and makeup? Whatever Nikki changed is making her look better than last year.  


Ugh ray j and princess....whatever . I see miss thang got a bigger role. good for her.


Why was that bra so big on Amber? At least wear a push up. too much hair on her head in the confessional. I stay having too many questions about the people on this franchise.

  • Love 4

Whitley..me and you both!Questions,questions, questions! That bullring April had in was distracting me. And I really don't want to hear about her and Omarion's sex life.

Ooh TT, you and princess friendship gonna last 5 seconds, huh?

When Ray J pulled up in the Ferrari to the penthouse, I heard my husband groan, "Why, Mona, why?"

No one gonna comment on those strippers???????

I liked the storyline of Miles and Milan. Let's see how that goes.

  • Love 5

I know Apryl wasn't shown a lot outside of her relationship with Omarion and his mom. Now she's friends with every woman on the show. LoL! I have a feeling Mona is going to turn her into LHHH's version of Karlie Redd.

Nah because Karlie would have NEVER told Tierra and Princess that she invited the other. That was cool of Apryl to give them the heads up, and not like 2 seconds before they walked through the door.

I think Nikki looks like Kim Kardashian a little bit. It wouldnt surprise me if that's her idol.

I do agree with the gay couple thing. Very rare to see two black males in a relationship. I did say that of the two of them, I would have guessed the one with the girfriend was actually the one who was out and proud. He is flaming a little bit. And a friend of mine said his girlfriend looks like a transgender and maybe thats why they were together.....like she looked close enough to a man that he went with her.

Tierra comforting Princess?...bwahahahaha.

If Princess is gonna give Tierra her back, she shouldnt be surprised if Tierra sticks a knife in it. Why even talk to your man's ex? No reason at all.

Ohh and how could I forget about Moniece and Rich. I almsot choked on my drink when he said he was thinking about settling down because he's "starting" to become an old man. I was like umm what? You about 5 years late on that. But Rich is nothing if not consistent. He LOVE those crazy bitches. Countdown to when Moniece goes batshit on his ass.

Edited by OnceSane
  • Love 7

This is why "reality" shows amuse me so much because they are so ridiculous. So Miles is not ready to let people know he's involved with a man, not ready to tell his family and is afraid because he's trying to make it in the hip hop world. So what sounds like a great idea - joining a reality show where thousands of people will see you in a relationship with a man. Makes so much sense. That's why you know half of that stuff is staged.

And a friend of mine said his girlfriend looks like a transgender and maybe thats why they were together.....like she looked close enough to a man that he went with her.

So it wasn't just me. As soon as she showed up onscreen and started talking, I thought "this woman is transgender." And if I'm wrong, well I apologize.

Edited by OnceSane
quoted post was edited
  • Love 4

I will laugh if Princess knocks Ray J out this season…and I won't be surprised because dude is almost a hobbit size-wise.

Yay for black gay man love! I guess the M who isn't out decided "fuck it!" because YOU ARE ON NATIONAL TELEVISION, BOO!

Who told Apryl that bull ring looks good because they. lied. Nor does the fake braid that looks like the saddest snake ever.

Richie Dollaz!!! Go get yo crazy Moniece lovin, I'm sure she'll kill you later.

  • Love 6

I was so into this show last season but I could not make it past 20 minutes of this first episode. Everyone seems so fake and like they're acting in a low-rent black stage play.


Ray J, my once guilty pleasure (I just liked him for some weird reason) even annoyed the hell out of me, mainly because his new hair.


Moniece talking about her guy and keeping his name a secret for all of five minutes and then we see him and I have no clue who he is. Aoryl was much tolerable when she was pregnant. She was the most annoying and the reason why I turned the show off. Reading your comments makes me think that I should stick it out though and give it another shot.

Tierra is still without a vehicle? I know Mona pays mainly in free liquor and Thot couture dresses but car I know LA has a Carmax . Her  revenge plot is wack. You kill people when you pay them dust, not when you consistently talk to your ex and the former side lmfao. Tierra should've let Princess and Ray be miserable and she can go be great but she wasting energy on this mess.


Rich is disgusting. He looks like his breath smells like Colt 45 and a gas station egg salad sandwich. EWWW. Dusty old ass. 


Did Moniece really say that a benefit to Rich is mid-week Menages? I thought she said massages but my close caption says Menages...so she thinks she gonna turn his ole stank ass out...does she realize if he was with Erica Mena and Jhonni Blaze that he already has gone down that rabbit hole and it doesn't work?


Funny how none of these people filmed together last season and now we're supposed to believe they're the best of friends.


Somebody tie Nikki's hands behind her back in her confessional, for the love of Jesus.


I would do so many things to Fizz...

Chris Stokes never touched him, right?


"manages a bevy of models" aka she hangs with thots who f-k on air mattresses for sprite .

  • Love 11

I don't know why everything and everyone seems so fake and staged. Do any of you feel that way as well? I remember when I first started watching reality TV, I actually thought it was all real. Then Television Without Pity folks busted my cherry and alas I don't believe everything I see. Things just seem off this year, to me. The all of a sudden friendships, relationships. I dunno. Maybe it will change when we get deeper in.

  • Love 4

Tierra is still without a vehicle? I know Mona pays mainly in free liquor and Thot couture dresses but car I know LA has a Carmax . Her revenge plot is wack. You kill people when you pay them dust, not when you consistently talk to your ex and the former side lmfao. Tierra should've let Princess and Ray be miserable and she can go be great but she wasting energy on this mess.

Rich is disgusting. He looks like his breath smells like Colt 45 and a gas station egg salad sandwich. EWWW. Dusty old ass.

Did Moniece really say that a benefit to Rich is mid-week Menages? I thought she said massages but my close caption says Menages...so she thinks she gonna turn his ole stank ass out...does she realize if he was with Erica Mena and Jhonni Blaze that he already has gone down that rabbit hole and it doesn't work?

Funny how none of these people filmed together last season and now we're supposed to believe they're the best of friends.

Somebody tie Nikki's hands behind her back in her confessional, for the love of Jesus.

I would do so many things to Fizz...

Chris Stokes never touched him, right?

"manages a bevy of models" aka she hangs with thots who f-k on air mattresses for sprite .

I don't "think" Fizz got touched.

That space in the front bottom of Rich Dollaz mouth looks like it reeks of sour old man breath. I don't care if they are trying to change his image by having him out her with Moniece, he is still "King of the Old Man Creeps" to me.

Edited by FairyPrincess
  • Love 4

Disregard if it was already covered but are we just never going to address TT's new stay-puft status?  Is she ill? stressed, what?  that neck is a pack of hot dogs and ya'll ain't saying nothin. 


Mitajo? girl, ^5.   The struggle s-curl. *sigh* even successfully executed, is dead wrong.  The beady bead shadow, sideburns that don't want to be known, damn damn damn, all of it.   Put all that where?  Back there.


I was just wondering, when ya'll go running do you show up with a fresh press, a full set and no headband?


Physiotic bitch (™ mama nancy) or not, I don't understand how Rich keeps getting anyone to receive his affections. He looks um, contagious.  I'm a little behind, so please also let me know if tattoo removal in exchange for engagement rings is a current and binding form of currency. 



Tierra is still without a vehicle? I know Mona pays mainly in free liquor and Thot couture dresses but car I know LA has a Carmax . Her  revenge plot is wack. You kill people when you pay them dust, not when you consistently talk to your ex and the former side lmfao. Tierra should've let Princess and Ray be miserable and she can go be great but she wasting energy on this mess.


Rich is disgusting. He looks like his breath smells like Colt 45 and a gas station egg salad sandwich. EWWW. Dusty old ass. 


Did Moniece really say that a benefit to Rich is mid-week Menages? I thought she said massages but my close caption says Menages...so she thinks she gonna turn his ole stank ass out...does she realize if he was with Erica Mena and Jhonni Blaze that he already has gone down that rabbit hole and it doesn't work?


Funny how none of these people filmed together last season and now we're supposed to believe they're the best of friends.


Somebody tie Nikki's hands behind her back in her confessional, for the love of Jesus.


I would do so many things to Fizz...

Chris Stokes never touched him, right?


"manages a bevy of models" aka she hangs with thots who f-k on air mattresses for sprite .


I shan't ever forgive you.

  • Love 10

Ugh..I didn't want to be accused of the new fad of "fat shaming", but since you brought it up....they need to stop with TT's side profile shots....homegurlschin is, well doubly...

God, I know Rich was busted, but damn..he looks like he hangs out in the park playing checkers all day...was he missing a bottom tooth?

Mr. Tallulah said, "Wasn't Moniece homeless practically, last year?

Nia gets on my nerves. And I see Soulja hasn't found a magic eraser, yet.

Edited by Tallulahbaby
  • Love 8

Wasn't Moneice living with some sort of sugar daddy last year?  Maybe she's moving Richie Dollaz into that place.  It's clear as day that Rich isn't interested at all in committing to a long-term relationship.  Once Moneice stared talking about meeting the parents and moving in and bringing the kid along and FOREVER, he pulled out that "I can't stay here too long" card to escape back to the East coast. 

  • Love 4

Well you aren't any better posting those damn memes.



Damn ya got me!


*cries a river*


cuz here they cometh: http://www.vh1.com/news/205928/the-best-love-hip-hop-hollywood-memes-of-the-week/





And, you what now sucks? They making it harder for me to get the image link..... How dare you make me go to through the trouble of looking @ the frame source just for a damn link to a picture! Yap, I'm looking @ you, VH1!  Pffffttttt!

Edited by OrientalAmish
  • Love 2

I wish I knew how to link things found on twitter, but Nia just aired this girl OUT on instagram. Said shes a homeless thot who had sex with Kevin Hart, Fabolous, solja's friends, Sean Kingstons friends and so on. It was amazing


Uh, google warrior, imma need you to get to researching and posting.  There's filth to be had, let's not leave it unattended.

  • Love 5

Uh, google warrior, imma need you to get to researching and posting.  There's filth to be had, let's not leave it unattended.

For reals! Cause I was sitting here pondering all the mysteries of this Nas chick. Especially when she decided to start shit at something that was supposed to promote her business. Other people are supposed to start drama at and get kicked out of your event, not you! She obviously didn't read the reality show 101 handbook. Although, she sure did have me laughing when she screamed at Nia, as she was being carried out one-handed by the very large and serious security dude, "your boyfriend still eats my p, then goes home to kiss you. How do I taste bitch!" The picture and definition of ratchedness, indeed.
  • Love 6

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