Wings August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 (edited) Big Brother is not considered a game show and therefore does not fall under the FCC rules for game show interference. If you are in a competition to win money or prizes it falls into that catagory. This topic comes up most seasons. I googled it a couple of years ago. Edited August 18, 2014 by wings707 Link to comment
ghoulina August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 Cody can lose me with his whining. What have you done all season, except attach yourself to Derrick? It's about time you step up! I was glad his Skittle was picked. And I thought using Skittles was a perfectly fine solution. No one was volunteering. At least this way the HOHs haven't pissed anyone off. I would have preferred to see Zach go up over Caleb, though. As much as he has creeped me out, ol Beast Mode HAS stepped up repeatedly for his alliance. He deserves a break. And, wow, I had heard some rumblings from feed watchers about Cody and Christine, but seeing it really shocked me. She is a married woman - sitting on another dude's lap, playing with his hair!!! I guess she can claim it's strategy and she discussed the possibility of having to flirt her way through the game with her husband prior to coming on.....but I'm not really believing it. She seems to be enjoying herself way too much - and given her poor performance during the BOTB ("Where are you finding all those bones???"), I don't really think she has the acting chops to pull that off. No, I think it's just excuses after the fact. But....GO DONNY! Wow. I was so proud of him! Serves fucking Christine right for not only basically sitting it out, but actually HELPING the other side. Except she kept giving them the wrong bones! Too funny. I was just laughing so hard during that entire competition. Now I'm hoping Victoria somehow wins POV, pulls herself off, and finally forces this group to start cannibalizing. 1 Link to comment
ghoulina August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 So, Christine how exactly is flirting with Cody helping your game? He's done nothing other than lay around, mainly cuddling with you. I'm guessing she thinks that if her name gets brought up Cody will gallantly step in and save her? Or maybe she thinks he'll take her to final two? If so, she is clearly a moron. Link to comment
Primetimer August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 When four of Derrick's seven allies compete in the Battle of the Block, victory is sweet for only one of them. Read the story 2 Link to comment
Wootini August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 Of course Cody was upset that his Skittle was picked! Going up on the block totally ruined his strategy of hoping everyone forgets that he's even in the house so he can win by default! I loved the fact that when Christine tried to help the other team win the BoB comp that the two bones she passed to Caleb were both the oversized ones that didn't fit. SO perfect. The first time it looked like Caleb snatched it out of her hand, but then she DR'd that she was helping them, and I was immediately rooting for Donny to pull it off single-handedly. Donny doesn't have the best social game (being the older cast member, he's automatically ostracized from the young pups), but if he can keep winning veto comps, he could hang on 'til the bitter end! I don't know how veto is going to go down this week, but it should be interesting. I can only assume that when push comes to shove, they'll use the veto and put Victoria up and vote her out. Because that is the most boring option, which is how this season has been going so far aside from a couple bursts of dramatic tension. Derrick is lucky he got dethroned because now he has the chance to try for HoH again next week if he feels like he's not as safe as he should be. But Frankie is doomed. Hopefully he goes up next week and goes out. (I don't want Frankie to be evicted this week because I assume that this week's evictee will join the previous three to compete to re-enter the house, and I don't want Frankie to have that chance.) And does Frankie think that gushing over his mega mega pop-star sister is helping his game? I guess he must assume that it'll make everyone want to be BFFs with him so they can be one degree of separation from a pop sensation (I finally caved and listened to her new song with the fun kitchy sci-fi video so I can say that I've at least heard one of her songs. It was a fun video, but the song didn't deserve it.). But it just seems to me that everyone finds it irritating (aside from Victoria, I guess) and will want to vote him out because they're going to be as sick as we are of hearing about effing Arianna Grande every five minutes. 2 Link to comment
Turtle August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 (edited) Big Brother is not considered a game show and therefore does not fall under the FCC rules for game show interference. If you are in a competition to win money or prizes it falls into that catagory. Actually, the FCC ruled that Big Brother is classified as entertainment and not a game show, and so Big Brother can manipulate the game, influence players, rig comps, etc. They compared BB to pro wrestling: "Section 73.1216 of the Commission's rules governs the broadcast of licensee-conducted contests, Le., a contest conducted by an FCC-licensed station in which a prize is offered 'to members of the public.' Since the show 'Big Brother' is conducted by a network programmer (vs. an FCC-licensed station) and does not offer a prize to members of the public, it is not regulated by the FCC. A "game show" in which 'selected contestants' (vs. 'members of the public') participate is governed by Section 509 of Title 47 of the United States Code (USC), and regulated by the Department of Justice. However 'Big Brother' does not appear to meet the definition of a "game show." Rather, it is a 'for entertainment only' program, somewhat similar to professional wrestling in that it is a pseudo-contest in which the outcome is fully, or in some measure, predetermined." (Complaints about BB start at page 5, I think, and FCC's answer is after that. Edited August 18, 2014 by Turtle 5 Link to comment
Pixel August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 I admit I teared up a little when Donny won the BoTB on his own. 1 Link to comment
Wings August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 Thank you Turtle. I googled this a number of years ago and this did not come up for me. 1 Link to comment
Ivana Tinkle August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 Hey Christine: Maybe if you didn't have the biggest shit eating grin on your face while trying to say that your flirting with Cody is all "strategy" it might come off as more believable. Unfortunately, all it does is reinforce the fact that you clearly enjoy a cute guy giving you the attention you would never receive in the real world. So happy Donny won all on his own, but I almost wonder if it would have been better for him to lose the BotB. He most likely would have been voted out this week, but would immediately have a shot to return. Now he'll remain the biggest target in the house. Oh well, he's a shoo-in for America's Favorite. Link to comment
LoneHaranguer August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 Did Donny find one bad bone? I'm not calling shenanigans, but I love the thought that maybe production knew Christine was throwing, and placed good bones along the perimeter of the room, and informed Donny. The producers edited the competition to show the progression towards Donny's win, so we didn't see the bad bones, if there were any after the beginning. Donny is smart enough that he may have taken the trouble to feel what to look for and didn't waste his time taking back the wrong ones after he got the hang of it. Contrast that with his opponents who tried the same wrong bone on all of the same-sized slots. 1 Link to comment
Writing Wrongs August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 Christine and her unfortunate face need to get off of my screen. It's one thing to throw a competition, but to actively help the other side is bullshit. Thank God, Donny won. I feel bad that he is all alone in the house. 3 Link to comment
panthergirl13 August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 Big Brother is not considered a game show and therefore does not fall under the FCC rules for game show interference. Correct. In the same way that shows like Project Runway which have disclaimers at the end which say that the producers are allowed input which may affect the outcome. 1 Link to comment
Nashville August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 Did Donny find one bad bone? I'm not calling shenanigans, but I love the thought that maybe production knew Christine was throwing, and placed good bones along the perimeter of the room, and informed Donny. I'm sure that's not what happened, but I wouldn't have minded a bit if it did. Don't forget, Donny had Christine helping by clearing the X-ed bones out of the way - by giving them to Caleb. :P 4 Link to comment
RedheadZombie August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 I admit I teared up a little when Donny won the BoTB on his own. It was moving how he dropped to his knees and gave thanks to God. He did it in a humble and quiet manner, unlike Jocasta screeching and speaking in tongues. 5 Link to comment
Joimiaroxeu August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 (edited) The production shenanigans have really ruined this show for me. Me too. I think this may be my last ride on the Big Brother train for a while. It's gotten to be like one of those bad mystery dinner theater shows except you have to provide your own food. Edited August 18, 2014 by Joimiaroxeu 3 Link to comment
Skittl1321 August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 Contrast that with his opponents who tried the same wrong bone on all of the same-sized slots. The first time they did that it was smart- I don't think they knew all the slots were the same sized. 1 Link to comment
BeatrixK August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 Christine - you finally got the edit you richy deserved. (Although they did go WAY easy on you with the Cody Cuddles edit - I have seen plenty of them to know that they went far easier on you than you deserved.) Frankie - We get it, your sister is a flash in the pan pop star. Yay you. Now...please leave my screen. (Although watching you inadvertently orchestrate your own demise, albeit unknowingly, is kinda awesome.) The VMAs are still a thing? I thought they were when MTV actually played...ya know...videos instead of knocked up teenager shows or repackages of youtube stupidity. Derrick - bravo to you: Seriously how you've managed to keep these dolts in check and stay under the radar is truly a thing of beauty. Skittles: Taste the Rainbow, bitches! Donny: Even outright sabotage can't stop you. I am going to bruise my knuckles powervoting for your awesome self...but I am seriously afraid the Ariana fans will push that revolting parrot towards the America's Favorite win. (Although if my kid were an Ariana fan...after listening to Frankie's repulsive and horrific 'murder' plot via dildo towards Zach, i wouldn't let my kids near anything with the Grande name on it.) Please let Hayden get back in: Donny needs some muscle. 10 Link to comment
Never Again August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 Oh Christine you crack me up! Flirting with someone to get his vote and win the money makes good sense to me. As long as it's the hot guy in the house, right? Flirting with Donny, Hayden, whoever, that wouldn't be worth it. I get it. That said, I'm not excusing Cody's behavior either. If you have to flirt there were enough single girls in the house. Why choose the married one? Unless she is the most receptive one left. Enjoy it while you can, Christine. I live in the next town over from Cody. Girls here don't look like you and he is going to be attacked by every one of them once he gets back home. 2 Link to comment
EscapeGoat August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 Speaking of which, what the hell was up with the low-rent shitty BotB comp? Donny and Christine's tops didn't match, and where the hell was Zach's host outfit? FU, BB - it's the first time he's hosted a comp (right?), and I frickin' wanted to see him in something dorky and/or adorable. (*Confessions of a slightly embarrassed Zach fan club member) I agree with this - there was about 1/4 of a theme to this competition. They're finding bones, there is a dog-like mannequin in the bed in the box - but that's it?! Come on, you know they have a dog costume from Ian - make Zach wear that! Or at least a dog collar? Something? 3 Link to comment
jumper sage August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 Don't forget, Donny had Christine helping by clearing the X-ed bones out of the way - by giving them to Caleb. :P {squeegee, squeegee) Too funny! Christine is not even a good actress. If it was me (and it never would be) I would be yelling, "I found a bone, oops wrong one". BeatrixK - everything you said was spot on! 1 Link to comment
Nashville August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 {squeegee, squeegee) Too funny! Christine is not even a good actress. If it was me (and it never would be) I would be yelling, "I found a bone, oops wrong one". BeatrixK - everything you said was spot on! Keep in mind, though - Crustine never carried so much as a single bone back to the match wall. She didn't have a clue some of the bones wouldn't fit! Which only makes her tears taste THAT much sweeter in my morning coffee. 3 Link to comment
ShutUpFlanders August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 First, I love Donny. If I were in that house, he would be the first person i'd want to align with after hearing his observations. He's not crazy smart but compared to the rest of these jokers, he's a BB genius. I'm thrilled he's safe, even though I think his end coming sooner than later. Even if he makes it to the end, I have serious doubts he would win because if sat next to anyone other than Victoria because of this giant alliance. However, as devil's advocate, here's my two cents, along with a little math, logic, and gap filling that was sorely missing from the aligned HGs tonight. Two detonators win HoH. Four people have to go on the block. There are 5 detonators, plus Caleb, which makes six people. So, if the detonators want to survive to final 7, Victoria or Donny need to go home. The rules state that if you win BotB, you are completely safe and cannot be nominated again if veto is used. The rules also state that, unless there is a veto ticket in play allowing a HG to join in the veto, only 6 can play in veto. My question: Why put Donny on the block in the first place, especially when last week Frankie won BotB on his own? Fill all nomination chairs with your six person alliance. Three of the six are definitely safe: the surviving HoH and the two who won BotB. Then Donny and Victoria will still be eligible to nominate, even if one of them wins the veto. And it's not out of the realm of possibility that one of Victoria or Donny aren't picked to play in veto. Whoever wins veto, unless it's Donny, uses the veto and Donny leaves. I know some of this is answered with a combination of "this alliance is really dumb" and "Derrick has everyone else other than Donny snowed to the point where they forgot that Big Brother isn't a team sport," and "Derrick wants Victoria around as his fly on the wall/F2 goat and has convinced everyone that Victoria is so useless no one should waste their HoH getting her out anyway." But really, if they got to the point where they were drawing Skittles from a bag, why not just suggest having everyone go on the block anyway? 1 Link to comment
Nashville August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 My question: Why put Donny on the block in the first place, especially when last week Frankie won BotB on his own? Because the Detonators thought they had a foolproof plan to keep Donny on the block, by throwing the comp. Unfortunately, Donny didn't successfully execute his role as comp loser. Must've slipped his mind - when you're THAT OLD, after all, the mind's the first thing to go.... :) Here's one thing which has crossed my mind. Anybody feel free to correct me, but I don't recall any other season with so any thrown comps. Of course, the BotB has introduced half again as many comps as previous seasons.... In any case, I get the impression Production didn't like it very much - enough so for subsequent comps to be designed with less opportunity for throwing. JMHO 2 Link to comment
ghoulina August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 That said, I'm not excusing Cody's behavior either. If you have to flirt there were enough single girls in the house. Why choose the married one? Unless she is the most receptive one left. I think Cody just likes the female attention, the ego-stroke. Granted, I'm not a feed watcher, so the only stuff I've seen is the little taste they gave us last night. But that's just how he strikes me. I don't think he would give Christine the time of day outside of the house. And that's what infuriates me even more - she's potentially damaging the relationship for her husband over this stupid game BS, and is too stupid to see that Cody is probably just using her to puff himself up. 2 Link to comment
ShutUpFlanders August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 Because the Detonators thought they had a foolproof plan to keep Donny on the block, by throwing the comp. Unfortunately, Donny didn't successfully execute his role as comp loser. Must've slipped his mind - when you're THAT OLD, after all, the mind's the first thing to go.... :) I think Derrick's mind is going because when he wanted to send Devin out four weeks ago (five?), Derrick knew well enough not to put Devin up to play in BotB. 1 Link to comment
Nashville August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 I think Derrick's mind is going because when he wanted to send Devin out four weeks ago (five?), Derrick knew well enough not to put Devin up to play in BotB. Yeah, lately I think they've been blinded by the notion of throwing a comp being considered a BIG MOVE. Why, I'm not sure. This game does not have a very good track record of rewarding new and exciting ways of creatively losing. Link to comment
Wandering Snark August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 All the "throwing" just again shows what bullshit the Dual HoH 'twist' is. It's tailor-made for one team to throw. I miss the have-nots comps. 2 Link to comment
Jrae9233 August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 Yeah, lately I think they've been blinded by the notion of throwing a comp being considered a BIG MOVE. Why, I'm not sure. This game does not have a very good track record of rewarding new and exciting ways of creatively losing. I think Donny went up because the majority of the alliance do not think long term and wanted him up. Derrick went along with it and suggested throwing the game because he doesn't want Victoria anywhere near the block incase something happened and she get sent home. At this point I think Derrick couldn't care less if Donny stays or goes. If Donny gets sent home no big deal to Derrick but if Donny stays, Derrick probably thinks he can use him to get rid of some of the detonators for him. It may blow up in Derrick's face but I think that's where his mind is at right now. 2 Link to comment
ghoulina August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 I agree, Jrae9233 - I think Derrick controls the game by not controlling too much, if that makes any sense. If he shows his hand too much, the others might be quick to turn on him. 1 Link to comment
Nashville August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 I agree, Jrae9233 - I think Derrick controls the game by not controlling too much, if that makes any sense. If he shows his hand too much, the others might be quick to turn on him. Seconded. Nobody in the Detonators seems to have noticed everybody in the House - with the exception of Donny (who knows better) and Caleb (who is about as smart as a sack of wet mice) - tends to run everything past Derrick for confirmation. Which means he knows more about what's going on in the House than everyone else. Which also means he can do very small incremental nudges to put an idea in somebody's head, get feedback on its reception in fairly short order, and adjust his follow-up accordingly. Derrick's approach is that of a surgeon. Frankie's approach, on the other hand, is that of a lumberjack. If he honestly thinks his condescending screaming rants are offset by his fawning over his burn victim a few minutes later, then he's not nearly as smart as I originally gave him credit for. 1 Link to comment
LoneHaranguer August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 The first time they did that it was smart- I don't think they knew all the slots were the same sized. They knew what the boards looked like, or should have. Caleb had to tell Cody how to find the first slot. That said, I'm not excusing Cody's behavior either. If you have to flirt there were enough single girls in the house. Why choose the married one? He didn't want a showmance turning into something more. Link to comment
shelley1234 August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 I think Derrick's mind is going because when he wanted to send Devin out four weeks ago (five?), Derrick knew well enough not to put Devin up to play in BotB. I think to Derrick and others in the house they see a difference between the physical beast that is Devin and old, bearded Donny. Given that Donny has really rocked competitions, they probably shouldn't think that, but I think they do. Seconded. Nobody in the Detonators seems to have noticed everybody in the House - with the exception of Donny (who knows better) and Caleb (who is about as smart as a sack of wet mice) - tends to run everything past Derrick for confirmation. Which means he knows more about what's going on in the House than everyone else. Which also means he can do very small incremental nudges to put an idea in somebody's head, get feedback on its reception in fairly short order, and adjust his follow-up accordingly. Derrick's approach is that of a surgeon. Frankie's approach, on the other hand, is that of a lumberjack. If he honestly thinks his condescending screaming rants are offset by his fawning over his burn victim a few minutes later, then he's not nearly as smart as I originally gave him credit for. I do think that everyone is under the false impression that Derrick is a guy who has their back, so they want to get his advice/work with him. Derrick also does a great job of bringing everyone together to come to a conclusion of something he has already figured out. If there was a way to have had Donny in the skittles meeting and work it so his candy was picked, I think he could have even gotten through that debacle. Derrick works some magic making people think they are making the decision when it was his all along. 1 Link to comment
Joimiaroxeu August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 I know that production does things in the game, but if they actually leaked his job which he is doing a pretty gosh darn good job of hiding, I think that would be going too far. I'm not sure production outright tells the houseguests stuff in DR, they just ask a lot of leading questions which probably have very pointed wording. They could drop some vague hints about Derrick but not just come out and reveal it (I agree that going that far wouldn't be fair.) Maybe one of houseguests could figure it out or several of them could put their heads together. (That's probably doubtful though with this bunch.) 1 Link to comment
panthergirl13 August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 All the "throwing" just again shows what bullshit the Dual HoH 'twist' is. It's tailor-made for one team to throw. They never think these 'twists' through very well, do they? Less is more, people. 2 Link to comment
RedheadZombie August 19, 2014 Share August 19, 2014 I agree, Jrae9233 - I think Derrick controls the game by not controlling too much, if that makes any sense. If he shows his hand too much, the others might be quick to turn on him. I agree. I also notice that Derrick validates people's opinions. Even if he obviously doesn't agree, he says - that makes sense, or that's a good idea, etc. Then he talks to them a bit and they end up changing their way of thinking to match what Derrick wants. They don't seem to have any idea what happened. I think it's more than a house full of idiots. Derrick has complete control of the house with almost no intimidation or threats, and it impresses me. 4 Link to comment
Nashville August 19, 2014 Share August 19, 2014 After The Great Hat Caper of Season 16, I'm pretty sure the DR could ask every HG, "What would you say if one of the other HGs was actually a cop?", and within half an hour Derrick would have everybody thinking it was Cody. Including, possibly, Cody. But only if the rest of his alliance told him he had to be the cop. "Ooh, baby, you are so talented! And they are so dumb!" -- Sheriff Bart, "Blazing Saddles" -- also Derrick Levasseur, "BB16" 2 Link to comment
Turtle August 19, 2014 Share August 19, 2014 The production shenanigans have really ruined this show for me. I've had the same thought (looking at you, Dick Donato), but sometimes the production shenanigans have kept seasons more interesting for me (I'll admit it - Cootee Taw worked for me). So I'm torn. They never think these 'twists' through very well, do they? Maybe you meant "They never think these 'twists' through AT ALL"? Because I'm pretty sure all of us realized the downside of the dual HoH twist as soon as it was announced. I cannot believe anyone involved with making the show ever put any thought in to it. 3 Link to comment
Guest August 19, 2014 Share August 19, 2014 They knew what the boards looked like, or should have. Caleb had to tell Cody how to find the first slot. He didn't want a showmance turning into something more. I wonder if they're all just bored stiff and playing with hair is just what's left. Not that I wouldn't play Jenga all day before playing handsies with a married person on tv. I kind of wonder if it's producer shenanigans. Did it start up in earnest after Amber and Hayden left? "We have no showmance drama left, short of Zankie! Any volunteers for some innocent cuddling?" Link to comment
choclatechip45 August 20, 2014 Share August 20, 2014 I think the DR asks leading questions, but I don't think the game is necessarily rigged. Sometimes producers manipulations help like with Season 11 without Cootie Taw that would of been one of the worst and most predictable seasons. Link to comment
iRarelyWatchTV36 August 20, 2014 Share August 20, 2014 (edited) I was just thinking... Derrick & Frankie really shafted us (snark!) on some good joke material by not putting Cody & Christine up together for BOB. You just know if they had a system set up of passing the bones between each other, she would have gladly called out "Bone me, Cody!". Really surprised we never heard a "I'm afraid of the pitch black; its soooo scary!!!" Edited August 20, 2014 by iRarelyWatchTV36 2 Link to comment
Guest August 20, 2014 Share August 20, 2014 I have a feeling even the DR zingers are fed to the contestants. I doubt Frankie himself came up with the Brokeback Mountain joke about Caleb crying. Link to comment
Kris117 August 21, 2014 Share August 21, 2014 Seconded. Nobody in the Detonators seems to have noticed everybody in the House - with the exception of Donny (who knows better) and Caleb (who is about as smart as a sack of wet mice) - tends to run everything past Derrick for confirmation. I do think that everyone is under the false impression that Derrick is a guy who has their back, so they want to get his advice/work with him. Derrick also does a great job of bringing everyone together to come to a conclusion of something he has already figured out. If there was a way to have had Donny in the skittles meeting and work it so his candy was picked, I think he could have even gotten through that debacle. Derrick works some magic making people think they are making the decision when it was his all along. Yep. Prime example being Caleb, who still thinks he's running the alliance. Not only is he not, but he's not even in the real alliance. Link to comment
Nashville August 21, 2014 Share August 21, 2014 Yep. Prime example being Caleb, who still thinks he's running the alliance. Not only is he not, but he's not even in the real alliance. To quote a certain older relative of mine who shall remain nameless, "That takes a special kind of stupid that don't come on the factory model - you have to special-order that crap." 1 Link to comment
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