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Season 24 Live Feeds Discussion

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13 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

Yeah, he was definitely being a bit of a dick to her. Not a MAJOR dick, but a bit of a dick. She's still way too upset about this, though.

I think we all know people like Jasmine who LIVE for having these perceived injustices done to them. I don't feel sorry for her because, whether she knows it or not, she is thrilled that she can get on her high horse about this indefinitely. 

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6 hours ago, SummerDreams said:

I like Taylor but I think she plays stupid most of the time. Taylor knows that after the game she will be loved and she will become rich from her popularity. Taylor doesn't need BB's money anymore. The Lays thing is not something she did randomly. Maybe it started this way but she is totally aware of what she is doing. Taylor is not playing to win at the moment, she is playing to keep and maximize her popularity with the fans. Taylor has the poyential to become the new Ika in the US. Mark my words. She is stronger than Dayvonne and Kem combined in how much the people love her.

That is not love, it is sympathy for how she was dog-piled the first few weeks. Now she is showing exactly how little she knows about the game and how big her ego has become.  She went from being adored on reddit to loathsome almost over night.

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20 minutes ago, xKHANx said:

That is not love, it is sympathy for how [Taylor] was dog-piled the first few weeks. Now she is showing exactly how little she knows about the game and how big her ego has become.  She went from being adored on reddit to loathsome almost over night.

Applying the “loathsome” label to Taylor might be a little extreme; IMHO “strategically useless” would be a more accurate description.  It’s not that viewers suddenly hate Taylor - but they do find Taylor’s HoH performance aimless, and its strategic impact largely worthless.

Reading back what I just wrote - it would appear the common key of all descriptions of Taylor’s HoH would be “less”.

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In a way it seems almost pointless to say what Taylor should or shouldn't do when we don't know what Kyle will do. He might leave nominations the same so who she should backdoor becomes a futile speculation. I kind of hope he does as that takes the backdoor heat off of Taylor.  Jasmine is annoying but whoever next wins HOH can nominate her. Having Terrance or Indy go this week is just fine because either way one less member of the opposing alliance is gone.

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The best thing about Taylor's HOH is that Indy A. was never going to vote for her if Taylor made it to the end and B. Indy totally WOULD have nominated Taylor had Indy fallen over ass backwards into an HOH next week. 

So from that perspective, this week's results really aren't all that bad for Taylor. 

2 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

Having Terrance or Indy go this week is just fine because either way one less member of the opposing alliance is gone.

Jinx! :) 

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2 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

Me lol. I also still like Turner, even though he's up Kyle's ass.

This DE better result in Kyle's eviction. I don't even really care if someone I like is the other boot. I NEED Kyle gone.

Same. At this point I think I could live with any of the other Leftovers winning, but not Mommy’s Boy. Who is basically a Jackson redux minus the Xanax and the watermelon jones.

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Lights are on! But the cameras show no one up yet. Cameras 3 and 4 show the HOH room but do not help in solving the mystery of whether the additional mound in Taylor's bed is a giant teddy bear or another person. All you can see is a blue pillow, then blankets covering a mound.

Cameras 1 and 2 show the bathroom but you can't see anybody (because they are probably in the toilet stall).

4 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Yes, and it’s nearly 5 am BB time. It’s also nearly 7am 30 Helens time, and even insomniacs need to sleep sometime, so Good night, everyone!

Just coz it bears repeating, thanks for your dedication and to everyone else who stays up to share. I stayed up till 3:30 and had to be at work at 8 for a 50h demanding work week and I know I shouldn’t have stayed up that late but this season has been a gem so far.

Edited by dizzyd
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Terrance is the one in the bathroom and as he got out of the stall, we hear an announcement telling him to get inked. So Terrance is off to get a tattoo. Someone else is up now too.

The tattoo is in the storage room in a zip-lock bag. It's a tattoo of four guys in white outfits. (My guess is a boy band.) So let's see where he puts it. He walks back into the kitchen and decides to apply his tattoo in the bathroom.

OK, he has to wet it first. He sits on the bench opposite the sink and applies the tattoo to one of his legs (edge of screen cuts off here). I think it's on his right let. I wonder if leg hairs will affect how the tattoo adheres to his leg. He says, "179!, 179 to go!" He has Backstreet Boys, the duck, the arm, we're on our way, America!" (So I guess the guys in white are the Backstreet Boys.)

Cameras 1 and 2 show the men's bedroom aka the car room. The three beds in a row are empty! Where is everyone?? (We know where Terrance is.) Kyle's bed is neatly made, while Monte's bed has the covers going diagonally across, exposing the sheets at the bottom of the bed. Terrance's looks like someone just got out of it. Turner is still in his bed against the wall, clutching his neck.

1 hour ago, xKHANx said:

That is not love, it is sympathy for how she was dog-piled the first few weeks. Now she is showing exactly how little she knows about the game and how big her ego has become.  She went from being adored on reddit to loathsome almost over night.

That might be a bit of an over-reach, at least if you zoom out from reddit. She still seems to be #1 or 2 in polls like BBD. 

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9 hours ago, vb68 said:

I said it before but it's worth reiterating that indy really is a waste of a spot that should had gone to someone else.

She's never seemed that interested in actually playing. It's like she thought she was going to summer camp or something. Or just some dating show. it's hard to really know with her.

I've seen her talk on the feeds about how she always knew that she'd be an actress or an entertainer. I think she feels that any off-camera time is wasted. 

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2 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Kyle is absolutely not using the veto and Indy is getting evicted this week.

And that's the thing about the over-thinking that befalls hamsters right around at the jury point. They overthink everything. Although some of them were jockeying to see if they could get out someone other than Indy, a lot of it was just to get a different pawn up there so that "the house" would think this or that. It's exhausting.

I think Joseph was more guilty of that than the other LOs this week, but it's hard to keep track.

4 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Kyle is absolutely not using the veto and Indy is getting evicted this week.

OK, thanks for the update. I wish it was Terrance the old grump who is younger than me. Kyle and Indy are in the bathroom. Sounds like he just told her he was leaving nominations the same and he wanted to let her know before the POV ceremony.  Now we see Terrance sitting outside by himself saying that something sucks. Maybe Kyle just talked to him. Terrance is doing his call outs, then we switch back to Kyle and Indy. She has her punishment outfit on and it looks like one of her normal outfits.

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In the daily rankings, 6/7 Leftovers are moving around a bit with Turner taking first place for the last two days.  From Kyle down, rankings have stayed pretty static.  Pooch moved from 13th to 11th place over the last couple of weeks, ahead of both Jasmine and Terrance.  Ameerah stays solidly in 9th place   


Edited by DEL901
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We don't have to root for people because they're good players, most times I like the hard core gamers but understanding and reading the house well can't do much for you given the socio political dynamics of the larger culture that play our regardless of HOW  you play, we saw that with Tiffany v. Xavier, we've seen it a thousand times with rolling bro downs so yea sometimes I just root for who I like even though they don't have good game or good reads. 

I'm not happy with Michael and Brittany because they think they are playing good by betraying Taylor when nothing about their situation relative to the rest of the house has changed, Taylor is still less popular then them and they should want to not just bring her along but should do so enthusiastically and really fight for her because when they do they give themselves the best chance. But now they both lost her vote when/if she  hears in Jury about them flipping. Taylor admits she pretty much doesn't know what she's doing and she is merely trying to survive with her own personal integrity intact. So I'm not gonna ding her for being bad at game when she's not like I'm hot shit to the tits GAMER level 10. 

Pure game wise I think Joseph should win, but I'd be pretty happy with Him, Taylor, Monty, Turner, Britney or Michael.  As ever Kyle can fuck off, but I hate admitting that his good bye speech about Daniel made me laugh the hardest. BAAAAA. LOL. 

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I like Taylor, but she really resembles most of the 20-something year old hotties who think Big Brother is lounging around in a bikini all summer. I notice that she wanted HoH for really surface reasons -- the robe, the letter, people kissing her ass. She had no actual strategy for winning.

Her HoH reign reminds me of Carson's on CBB3. Carson like Taylor was/is essentially a gentle, harmless soul. Carson, like Taylor, was also highly suggestible and a people pleaser and let the loudest voices win. 

My favorites left are Turner, Michael, and Joseph. I also think those are the only three possible winners (okay maybe Monte can win). 

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Bunny rabbits - must be POV ceremony!

Monte and Taylor were talking about Kyle. I was in another room so didn't catch some of the conversation, but they were unhappy with Kyle. In BB terminology, they consider him "sketchy." Monte said he was expressing to Kyle how he wanted Alyssa out and Kyle just cut him off, and Kyle has never done that before. I think also frustration that he's not communicating his plans?

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26 minutes ago, DEL901 said:

Oh no.  What did I miss.  I thought Terrance was the misogynist…

There was a long debate about gender roles and what the menses expect of the wimminz that can be basically summed up as: Jasmine believes she's an excellent helpmate for her husband and that's why he hasn't killed himself (she believes that women put too much pressure on men, Monte agreed) and no woman should ever date Monte because you're gonna do all the emotional labour, all the housework and cooking, all of the blow jobs, and still bring in six figures while he... does... man stuff? He wasn't really clear on that last bit but he did a lot of whining about women expecting him to pay for everything and getting nothing in return and blah blah blah. But I mean, he showed his misogynist colours long before that, it's just that the living room talk was particularly painful.

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2 minutes ago, blixie said:

I would enjoy Kyle taking Alyssa to final two only to lose to her ala Rahb and Amba.

I wouldn't, not when there are still better options available. I want Kyle's only takeaways from this summer to be his stipend, a few half-hearted nuts in the jury house, and an earful from Helicopter Mommy.

I really, really wonder what the new twist is gonna do to everyone's game. Will they be sorted randomly or "randomly"? And will it even matter, given the current volatility? Since it's BB, though, I'm going in assuming I won't be happy with both outcomes. One or zero, not two. 

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8 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

There was a long debate about gender roles and what the menses expect of the wimminz that can be basically summed up as: Jasmine believes she's an excellent helpmate for her husband and that's why he hasn't killed himself (she believes that women put too much pressure on men, Monte agreed) and no woman should ever date Monte because you're gonna do all the emotional labour, all the housework and cooking, all of the blow jobs, and still bring in six figures while he... does... man stuff?

Delurking briefly because I am realllly trying to wrap my head around the idea of Jasmine helping another person. I can only imagine her lounging around and relentlessly bitching, while minions fan her and feed her grapes, pickles, and popsicles.

Also, Monte - ugh. What a catch.

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Just now, PhoneCop said:

I really, really wonder what the new twist is gonna do to everyone's game. Will they be sorted randomly or "randomly"? And will it even matter, given the current volatility? Since it's BB, though, I'm going in assuming I won't be happy with both outcomes. One or zero, not two. 

Yeah, I'm really curious about how this new twist is going to impact the LOs.  It's entirely possible they'll be down 2 people a week from Thursday.

I'd kind of love to see Jas, Terrance, Alyssa, Kyle and Monte in one group - especially if Terrance won HOH and Monte won POV, lol.  Which of the remaining 3 would wind up on the block and who would go?

Similarly, putting Taylor, Joseph, Turner, Michael & Brittany in the other group could have an interesting result and dynamic.  

Which, of course, means neither of these will happen and the twist will fizzle like all BB twists.


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7 minutes ago, blixie said:

I should have been clearer I don't want him to get married to Alyssa and share in the winnings, I just want him to think he'd bet Alyssa in F2 and then lose to her and for her to leave him behind like trash.

But then we'd have Alyssa as a winner and Kyle still walking away with $50K. About as satisfying an outcome as the Andy/GinaMarie F2, IMO.

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1 hour ago, Lamb18 said:

Monte said he was expressing to Kyle how he wanted Alyssa out and Kyle just cut him off, and Kyle has never done that before.

Didn't Turner spill to Monte about Kyle and Alyssa doing the nasty deed? I thought he did.

If so, I can't believe Monte is keeping that quiet. 

Edited by vb68
43 minutes ago, PhoneCop said:

I really, really wonder what the new twist is gonna do to everyone's game. Will they be sorted randomly or "randomly"? And will it even matter, given the current volatility? 

I was thinking they might make the blockmate not evicted (probably Terrance, possibly Indy) one automatic HoH, and do a comp for the other. Joseph would really regret his choice to not be a pawn then.

37 minutes ago, CrazyDog said:

Delurking briefly because I am realllly trying to wrap my head around the idea of Jasmine helping another person. I can only imagine her lounging around and relentlessly bitching, while minions fan her and feed her grapes, pickles, and popsicles.

I’m sure Jasmine thinks she has helped plenty around the BB house. She kind of wiped a sink once, right? Plus all that leadership— telling Nicole how to cook, telling Alyssa how to make a bed, etc— that’s exhausting work. And also helpful, because now they know how to do it!

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Feeds back. Joe is whispering to Alyssa and Jasmine in the other women's bedroom (golf room. I cannot tell what happened with noms. Jasmine tells Joseph he better not put her up if he gets HOH.  Alyssa's back must be really sore. She asked Joseph for help in getting up off of the bed. For all her faults, she usually does not ask for this kind of help.

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1 hour ago, HighQueenEB said:

Yeah, I'm really curious about how this new twist is going to impact the LOs.  It's entirely possible they'll be down 2 people a week from Thursday.

I'd kind of love to see Jas, Terrance, Alyssa, Kyle and Monte in one group - especially if Terrance won HOH and Monte won POV, lol.  Which of the remaining 3 would wind up on the block and who would go?

Similarly, putting Taylor, Joseph, Turner, Michael & Brittany in the other group could have an interesting result and dynamic.  

Which, of course, means neither of these will happen and the twist will fizzle like all BB twists.


I’d like Kyle/Alyssa, Taylor/Joseph and Michael/Brittany separated but I want Jasmine/Turner on together. I’m hoping the twist screws everyone’s plans and than we see who can adapt better.

Edited by dizzyd
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1 hour ago, Katesus7 said:

Those groups would be awesome, and I wouldn't put it past Big Brother to "create" groups in which the LO's would be vulnerable.  Pagonging has never been good TV. 

The LOs have the numbers on their side, 7-3.  They will also control the jury.  In terms of Jury Management, evicting Terrance, Jasmine, Alyssa will have the least blood on their hands for the LOs.

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