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47 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I don't want Jasmine to get a costume. She's already said she'd like that. It's like how Nicole F. always liked getting them; it makes everyone pay attention to her and tell her she looks cute.  If Jasmine gets a punishment, I want it to be of the HN variety. Anything else and she'll just be happy she'll get a segment on the show and have people talking about her.

Remember when Janelle got to be a pretty star and Nicole had to be a box of Sloppies?

Good times.

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1 hour ago, Yogisbooboo64 said:

Nooo, it'd be a pickle!!

I’m pretty sure masturbation can’t be broadcast, so no.

They can put her in an air fryer and let her think she’s as pretty as a chicken wing.

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2 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

He could join Alyssa, Indy and Taylor, because love ❤️ 😍 💖

1 hour ago, dizzyd said:

If he does, that would be the dumbest move for him, not for us, that’s most of his alliance who couldn’t vote if they’re nominated. 

Works for me.  

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43 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

They can put her in an air fryer and let her think she’s as pretty as a chicken wing.

A pickle in an air fryer just isn't as pretty. lol

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I know that production encourages showmances.  BUT, if Alyssa really is tiring of Kyle, then having her try to break it off while he follows her around going "why, Alyssa?  Why, why, WHY?" could be television gold.  Especially if they end up arguing and throwing muffins and breakables and such. 

Well, Alyssa will throw things.  Kyle is too repressed.   He'd cry though. 

Edited by Thalia
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1 minute ago, Thalia said:

I know that production encourages showmances.  BUT, if Alyssa really is tiring of Kyle, then having her try to break it off while he follows her around going "why, Alyssa?  Why, why, WHY?" could be television gold.  Especially if they end up arguing and throwing muffins and breakables and such. 

Well, Alyssa will throw things.  Kyle is too repressed.  

Then they get one of those punishments where they have to be handcuffed together.

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45 minutes ago, Mediocre Gatsby said:

Michael told Brittany that he let Jasmine win her HOH, because she said she wanted Pooch out. I'd never heard that. 

Well, that explains how she won. 

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The show can try to make me feel bad for Daniel, with him trying to get on this show for 10 years, but I do not feel bad for Daniel. As such a fan of this show, he should have known that his asshole hubris nonsense would not get him very far. But he embraced it anyway. So he can suck it.

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19 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

The show can try to make me feel bad for Daniel, with him trying to get on this show for 10 years, but I do not feel bad for Daniel. As such a fan of this show, he should have known that his asshole hubris nonsense would not get him very far. But he embraced it anyway. So he can suck it.

Yes, Daniel attacking Taylor, blaming her for Paloma's breakdown AND for Nicole's outburst, stick in my mind, along with him telling her not to speak to him.

Nope, can't feel sorry for that guy.

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I don't understand Daniel's hair. There's one section with yellow highlights, looks like the kind where they pull strands through a cap. But he fastens the dark part back, and leaves those few blond strands hanging over his face. It looks ridiculous.

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2 minutes ago, tinkerbell said:

I don't understand Daniel's hair. There's one section with yellow highlights, looks like the kind where they pull strands through a cap. But he fastens the dark part back, and leaves those few blond strands hanging over his face. It looks ridiculous.

His hair has bugged me since night one. Such an unbelievably stupid style.

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2 hours ago, Mediocre Gatsby said:

Michael told Brittany that he let Jasmine win her HOH, because she said she wanted Pooch out. I'd never heard that. 

Total bullshit. 

I mean, whatever, it's BB, he can lie all he wants, but he's full of shit there.

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It sounds like Daniel is bogarting booze and Indy had to hide the white wine "for the girls".

Last time they got booze, Daniel also drank more than his fill very quickly and talked about how he would smash them back because obvi he's a performer in Vegas and that's just what you do.

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Everyone is listing what they value from a mate or loved one. Jasmine values “acts of service.” Anyone surprised?

When it comes to communication, Daniel requires a quick response to a text. Indy, too. It doesn’t matter if her boyfriend (husband?) is in the middle of firing a bunch of people, he better pause and text that he can’t chat right now, but will respond later. 

I’m not disagreeing in principle, but how often is he preoccupied with firing large groups of people? Seems like an odd example. 

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Drunk Alyssa stole Michael’s drink. But as she tells the camera, if he loves her he won’t mind.

After sharing a sloppy hug with Daniel, she runs to the bathroom, gets really close to Joseph and tells him she really likes him, he’s so cool. Then she asks him to run his hand down her leg and tell her if she needs a shave. Alyssa’s drunken flirting technique needs some work.

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Alyssa asks Joseph for a kiss, but he turns her down. Someone mentions kissing Kyle, but she says he won’t do it. He kisses her eyes, her cheeks, her chin, her nose, but never her lips. Mmm-kay.

Camera switches feeds for a moment, and when it comes back Alyssa’s on the floor. I think she was trying to twerk.

ETA: Based on a subsequent conversation, I think Alyssa was actually asking Joseph to kiss Taylor, while she kissed Kyle. Alyssa and Taylor are now planning whose beds everyone will be in for the kissing.

Edited by 30 Helens
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It’s official: Taylor and Joseph’s couple name will be TayJo. Or JoTay. I forget what they decided on. (There was debate.) Taylor asks Alyssa to go back to the bathroom  to work on him some more. If they had pen and paper, there would be a note: “Do you like Taylor or do you like like Taylor? __yes __no Check one.”

Taylor loves Alyssa, but not as much as Alyssa loves Taylor. They agree on a female F2. Then it’s quickly back to boy talk. Alyssa likes to corrupt the innocent.   Taylor agrees; she’s a bad girl.

Jaylor! That’s the one. 

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Indy is looking for Michael’s last drink. Who took it? Not me, says Alyssa! Jasmine jumps in to the investigation. Now Indy is getting mad. Who took it?? Alyssa pulls her hat over her eyes. Turner says maybe it’s the same person who ate the muffin.

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Indy is not letting this go. She reminds Jasmine that she didn’t let it go when it was the muffin. Jasmine says she was just joking about it. “Well.. sort of,” Indy says. I think Michael told her she could have his last hard cider, and that’s why she’s so mad. She insists it’s the principle. Alyssa swears she didn’t take it.

After Indy stomps off, talk turns to: can [straight] men and women be friends? Joseph, Turner and Monte say yes. Alyssa says no. “What’s the point?”

Edited by 30 Helens
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Most people have left the yard, except for Jasmine and a few of the guys. Jasmine brings up Cidergate. She doesn’t understand why Indy got so upset. She would never do that. It was nothing like Muffingate! That was all in fun. She was never really mad! 

After this, Jasmine goes into the bathroom and tells Alyssa and Monte that Indy owes her an apology. It looks like we have a new Thing.

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Taylor and Joseph in the hammock. He tells her that Alyssa was trying to get him to kiss Taylor. Yeah, she heard something about that. He asks if she thinks Alyssa is just playing Kyle, and Taylor repeats what Alyssa said about corrupting innocent boys. Joseph is afraid Kyle is going to get his heart broken.

Joseph brings up the Cookout and how they had to cut the people closest to them. He wonders how Kyle will handle that. Um, that’s not the part of the Cookout that concerns Kyle, Joseph.

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I check back in hours later, and people are still talking about the cider. They can’t believe Indy got so mad. Sounds like Terrance and Jasmine were the most offended by her attitude, but she was yelling at everyone. Consensus is that she may have done some irreparable social damage. Taylor also thinks Indy hoarded the wine to have more wine, and just used Daniel as an excuse.

So, final analysis:
Indy= mean drunk
Alyssa= sloppy, drink-stealing drunk
Daniel= loud drunk
Taylor= pretend drunk

Everyone else acted normally, for better or worse.

Edited by 30 Helens
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9 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

Total bullshit. 

I mean, whatever, it's BB, he can lie all he wants, but he's full of shit there.

Yea, gonna have to agree. Michael does strike me as the type of player that will pretend he was throwing any comp he didn't win lol.

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11 hours ago, Lady Whistleup said:


Ok this is the first time Ive heard a houseguest noticeably exasperated at Jasmine to her face. "Here, princess." Alyssa sounded really over it.

Cain’t wait until someone tells her to get off her fat ass and get whatever herself, reminds me of Mister telling Celie that the glass of lemonade she fetched for him wasn’t cold enough.

Edited by Yogisbooboo64
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So did Kyle's mom's worst nightmare really happen last night? Did they do the nasty in the smush room Have Not room? I heard Michael walked in on them and there was some hands going downstairs action before the feeds cut away but then I also heard that Kyle was hilariously trying to tell Joseph that he hasn't kissed Alyssa yet because he doesn't know if the Leftovers would be okay with that while Alyssa was running around the house, crowing about how she likes to corrupt innocent boys.

Every night should be an alcohol drop night.

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Good morning, all! Everyone is sleeping off various sizes of hangovers this morning. Some may have miniscule hangovers, others major, depending on what and how much they drank. (Sounded like fun viewing.) Camera 1 shows the men's bedroom. Fortunately for Monte he is wearing underwear because we have a fine view of his rear end in the left-hand bed. Kyle is restless in the middle bed, he's shifting around and rubbing his eyes. Why? Because Terrance's night music this morning sounds like a bullfrog, low and rumbly. I don't know how anyone can sleep throught that. Time to mute! Camera 2 shows us Turner peacefully sleeping with a small smile on his face. He's in his usual bed, up against the wall, across from the others. Maybe Brittany hypnotized him so he would fall asleep at a specific time and stay asleep no matter what noise there is.

Camera 3 shows the hallway bedroom. I believe Brittany is in the bed closest to the hallway (could be Indy but I think she's in her original bed). That sliding glass door must be soundproofed because you can't hear Terrance's snoring in here. Well, if you listen hard you can hear a low rumble. Terrance turned the volume up! I think Daniel is in the bed next to Britanny wearing either a mask or a washcloth over his eyes. On his other side is Jasmine or Joseph. We can't see Taylor as her bed is right below the camera. Camera 4 shows for sure it's Jasmine as we can see her boot on the floor and her cane leaning against the dresser. Definitely Daniel there. We can see Taylor buried in her blankets at the end. 

Today will be interesting with the POV meeting. Can't wait to see the results. If it's Daniel and Turner, all we'll hear for the rest of the day is "You can't share the $750,000, " and "You just handed the win to Michael" and "No one is playing their own game" (as if playing your own game means playing to benefit Daniel).

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Just like how a lot of people are (understandably) over Kyle, I just can't with Indy. I find myself switching the feed whenever she pops up. She doesn't add anything of value unless you count the continued Taylor bashing and whining that Taylor picked her group for festie besties. I'm shocked if she didn't accuse Taylor of taking the missing alcohol. She's just a mean girl who seems to know next to nothing about the game (She had no idea why OTEV was a big deal for everyone) and honestly doesn't seem that interested in playing at all. Jasmine can be very entertaining in her ridiculousness and Alyssa is a good social player. Indy? She lies in bed and is generally just whining or being nasty about something, usually Taylor.  She's a wasted spot IMO. 

BTW speaking of Jasmine's ridiculousness, I realized who she sorta reminds me of in her general attitude about well, everything.  Miss Piggy!  😁   

Edited by vb68
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19 minutes ago, Thalia said:

God, I love Turner.  

I really do too.  And if you had told me that before his HOH reign, I would have laughed hysterically until I passed out.  

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51 minutes ago, vb68 said:

Just like how a lot of people are (understandably) over Kyle, I just can't with Indy. I find myself switching the feed whenever she pops up. She doesn't add anything of value unless you count the continued Taylor bashing and whining that Taylor picked her group for festie besties. I'm shocked if she didn't accuse Taylor of taking the missing alcohol. She's just a mean girl who seems to know next to nothing about the game (She had no idea why OTEV was a big deal for everyone) and honestly doesn't seem that interested in playing at all. Jasmine can be very entertaining in her ridiculousness and Alyssa is a good social player. Indy? She lies in bed and is generally just whining or being nasty about something, usually Taylor.  She's a wasted spot IMO. 

BTW speaking of Jasmine's ridiculousness, I realized who she sorta reminds me of in her general attitude about well, everything.  Miss Piggy!  😁   

You and me both. She's not even playing the game. She makes no attempt to build alliances or relationships. She's nasty and cranky all the time. There was one week she was on slop and she didn't feel good, but since then she's stayed with the sour, angry disposition. 

Jasmine is feeds comedy and she's also a better player in that her reads are decent. Alyssa I feel bad for -- insecure, dopey, grew up with a mother who blamed Alyssa for a divorce. But she's also making more of an attempt to play the game than Indy.

Indy is just not adding anything.

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Right now we're at WE'LL BE RIGHT BACK

It could be a wake up call for the house or one person. But since POV ceremony is today they may want people getting ready sooner.

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