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Season 24 Live Feeds Discussion

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13 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

OK, I get why broadcast viewers would be voting for the first four, but Kyle? His mom must have invested in some kind of robo-voting device, because come on.

Facebook wine moms. He's a nice white, blond boy who was wronged by woke culture but he persisted and refused to be canceled. He's their new poster boy.

No but seriously, a large portion of them believe that he was set up by Michael and Brittany. I don't know how they rationalize the words and the apology and admission coming from his own fucking mouth but you know. Stans gonna stan, racists gonna racist, Facebook gonna Facebook.

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Last night of feeds, and it’s as exciting as you might expect. Earlier, they sat around shuffling cards and discussing Brittany’s humongous wedding ring. Could it possibly be real? They’re not sure.

Then Monte went to take a shower and all cameras followed Turner into the bedroom, as he walked around wrapped in a nubby green blanket, looking like a Muppet cat burglar deciding what to steal. He tried to pry the tray he wants off the dresser, ignoring all commands of “stop that”. Ultimately he gave up, because although the decorations may be fake, the glue is very real.

Then he went to sleep, with all cameras still on him. Is this how feeds end? With Turner snoring in four part harmony? It seems appropriate, somehow.

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38 minutes ago, PhoneCop said:

Open memo to Taylor: If you do win AFP, don't take any of the guys on the cruise. They don't deserve it. I suggest taking 160 lbs. of cargo instead.


It’s not like she needs to take a guy anyway. It’s a cruise. There will be any number of eligible 60-year-old men to hang with.

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Taylor: How many tikis are in the tiki room?
Monte: I don’t know. Four?
Taylor: Ten.
Monte: What’s a tiki?

Monte doesn’t want to study anymore. He knows what he knows. He’s not a crammer.

Now he’s wondering if he should give Turner advance notice that he’s not being picked. Except for the Ameerah vote, he’s never withheld info from Turner. He starts to get teary. “Don’t hold back,” Taylor says.

I hope he does tell Turner. Because if Turner knows Monte isn’t taking him, he will be much more likely to take Taylor if he wins. What’s good for the gander is good for the smellier gander, right?

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As usual, I'm ready for the season to be over, but not this thread. I'll legit miss this being a daily destination once everything's really done, just like I do each year. Until then, I'll have to rely on my batch of misty watercolor memories to get me through.

Look at me, being all sentimental.


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I haven’t transcribed a soliloquy in a long time, but hey, it’s the last night, so here goes. Taylor’s address to the camera, captured as best I can:

She came on to play a game of empowerment and positivity. But she was forced into playing a game of defense.

She is devastated she didn’t win that second comp. And now she has to rely on men to take her. Men who have stronger resumes. Still, she’s proud of making F3, and of being one of only four Black women to do so.

She came to play for the women, and the women in the game think she didn’t. But she still wants to win for women who have been counted out, cast aside, or considered weak. She wants to win for Azah and Danielle. 

She didn’t walk through hell for 3rd place, or even 2nd. She doesn’t know what argument she can make that will resonate, though. She is shaking. Her whole body is shaking. She made it this far and it can’t be for nothing. Everyone says her story is so strong, but she doesn’t even know what that story is. She’s just been trying to keep her head above water.

Turner just needs to understand that he needs to take her. And the only way he’s going to understand is if she throws Monte under the bus and tells him she and Monte are locked in. Maybe she’ll wait to see if Monte tells him first. But she can’t just sit by and let them go to the end together.

The jury is going to want to whittle it down to comp wins, but this season is so much bigger than that. She doesn’t want to guilt the jury into voting for her, but they need to understand. Big moves were not the move of the season, survival was. And she is the one who survived.

The problem is, the women in the jury don’t like her. They like Monte. But she wants to show them the game can be won in a different way. You can win by persevering, by surviving when people kick you down. And no matter how many people may focus on comp wins, she deserves to be a Big Brother winner, too. She wants it and she deserves it.

She doesn’t know what the game looks like from the outside, but she hopes she doesn’t look crazy for thinking she deserves to win. She hopes she didn’t fail the women in the audience.

Why was it ‘yes, women’ but not this woman? 

She knows she’s not supposed to care if America likes her, but of course she does. She has a life outside those doors. And she hopes people don’t think she’s playing victim. She’s just pointing out the realities of the house. She hopes people have enjoyed seeing her evolve and come in to her own, and not be a caricature.

All she wants to do is change the game, change how it can be won. To prove women don’t have to fit an archetype, they can just be who they are. She wants to win for all of them.

”It’s not over”, she whispers.

Edited by 30 Helens
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I hope she doesn’t go to Turner behind Monte’s back. Because you know Turner will run straight to Monte, they will bro down over her wicked, deceitful ways, and then NEITHER of them will take her.

Yes, it’s best for her game if Monte tell Turner, but she needs to let him do that. She can just encourage it.

According to Monte, feeds go down at 9am. So if anyone wants a last peek at the hamsters, to throw a few last pellets into the cage, do it early.

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“With three comp wins and two HoHs under my belt, I’ve proven I’m more than capable of obtaining and wielding power. But my game is so much more than the people I’ve evicted.”

Taylor is rehearsing her speech. She says the above intro over and over, but can’t get past that point.

I think it’s because she knows deep down that that is a terrible intro. Nobody wants to hear about her wielding power, or how she evicted them. She needs to speak from the heart and talk about the stuff she mentioned before, about how you don’t have to play from a position of power, and why she wanted to be here.

This is so painful to listen to.

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She’s moved on to part two:

”Monte may have more blood on his hands, but I have bled out the most. After five times on the eviction block, I have stitched up my wounds and gotten right  back in the game.”

A little better, but still not getting to the heart of the matter. I mean, there’s probably nothing she can say to sway anyone at this point, but this is not looking good.

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5 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

“With three comp wins and two HoHs under my belt, I’ve proven I’m more than capable of obtaining and wielding power. But my game is so much more than the people I’ve evicted.”

Taylor is rehearsing her speech. She says the above intro over and over, but can’t get past that point.

I think it’s because she knows deep down that that is a terrible intro. Nobody wants to hear about her wielding power, or how she evicted them. She needs to speak from the heart and talk about the stuff she mentioned before, about how you don’t have to play from a position of power, and why she wanted to be here.

This is so painful to listen to.

I feel for her because she knows that nowadays comp wins are more important to juries than anything else for some stupid reason.

Ugh, the BB Gods better work some magic and get Taylor to F2!

15 minutes ago, SummerDreams said:

Did we ever have the audience want a bad player to win just because they are good people? It's Big Brother, it's a strategy game, not Miss Congeniality.

BB is and has always been a social game/experiment. A ton of the winners were not 'good' players in the strategy sense. There are many ways to play and win. It's not and has never been all strategy. And that's a good thing for all of the F3 this season (and most of this cast) because none of them are good strategists lol.

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3 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

BB is and has always been a social game/experiment. [A ton of the winners were not 'good' players in the strategy sense. There are many ways to play and win. It's not and has never been all strategy. And that's a good thing for all of the F3 this season (and most of this cast) because they are not strategists lol.

I agree. But the question was about the audience and what they want. I understand that they love Taylor and they want her to win, but this is not a reason for her to win. Her not making it to the final two makes her not a good enough player according to your words, so why would she win? She played and lost, she will win AFP, she will be loved by everyone and she will make a ton of money in the next years. In my opinion it's ok that she won't win.

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Not everyone values/respects the same things in the game. Like, comps wins don't mean shit to me. There are many ways to play a win worthy game. 

Plenty of people who suck at strategy or don't win comps or have bad social games have been popular. Kaysar is probably still the most popular HG ever and he wasn't good at any aspect of the game lol.

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40 minutes ago, SummerDreams said:

Did we ever have the audience want a bad player to win just because they are good people? It's Big Brother, it's a strategy game, not Miss Congeniality.

With the jury, it's a combination of who has played the best game  - with the least amount of blood on their hands.  That's why we saw in the jury segment, them talking about "the resume".  Cliff Hogg said it is very difficult for someone to win - if they did not win at least one of the final comps for HOH.

10 minutes ago, twilightzone said:

With the jury, it's a combination of who has played the best game  - with the least amount of blood on their hands.  That's why we saw in the jury segment, them talking about "the resume".  Cliff Hogg said it is very difficult for someone to win - if they did not win at least one of the final comps for HOH.

I am talking about the audience, not the jury.

1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

OK more simply, yes absolutely of course the audience has rooted for 'bad' (in quotes because again not everyone values the same aspects of the game) players to win before. 

I'm still Paul-style PISSED that Victoria didn't win it all in BB16. We were so close. Just think about the alternate timeline if she had - we wouldn't have had to deal with Derrick trying to play the game from the shadows for a handful of seasons while acting like he's too special to step foot in the house again. Or maybe we would have but he would have had no power so there's a chance that we could erase Franzel and Cody's wins.

(It's the last time this season I can use this gif. 😭)

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It's Finale Day and I am very happy it's finally upon us.

But I will say, I'm kind of sad this season is over. It had its ups and downs but it IS the first season in a LONG time where I haven't stopped watching right near the end. Usually, I've stopped paying attention and stopped watching episodes long before this because the endgame is predictable, boring and I usually don't have a favourite left 

But this season has kept me actively engaged to the very end, it's exciting because the endgame is NOT set in stone, and I have a favourite still in the running. 

It might be my favourite season since BB17; it's definitely in my top three, at this point. When's the next time we'll have an unpredictable and exciting season like this? Love or hate the F3, at least we don't have a clear idea on who will win; we have an inkling, yes, but it COULD go in Taylor's favour OR Monte's (sorry, Turner, you have no shot) and that's exciting. It makes watching the finale more exciting.

Can it beat BB19's finale? Probably not. Could it still be good? Yes.

We could either be Paul:


Or Josh:


And that's exciting to me.

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And so begins the annual Closing of the Big Brother News Tabs. Goodbye Twitter, I hate the platform and only shitpost in the #BBwhateverseason hashtag anyway. Goodbye Jokers, I open you every year but rarely actually check it now. I'd say goodbye to Survivor Sucks but I haven't actually checked it out in the past two or three seasons. Goodbye, r/BigBrother - no, wait, you can stay because I enjoy watching the mods heads explode when things aren't a perfect utopia in there and they have to pin passive aggressive messages (I think one of them rage quit this year over "speculation").

But not you, guys. Never you guys. I can't wait to spread the good (?) news with y'all about Nicole wiping Jasmine's ass because Jasmine sprained her ankle to the broadcast only viewers. Out of all the things that bring me joy in life - Wendy's spicy chicken sandwich, the husband doing the dishes for me, freshly washed sheets right after I shave my legs - this might be the most joyful thing of my whole ass day today.

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1 hour ago, Callaphera said:

I'm still Paul-style PISSED that Victoria didn't win it all in BB16. We were so close. Just think about the alternate timeline if she had - we wouldn't have had to deal with Derrick trying to play the game from the shadows for a handful of seasons while acting like he's too special to step foot in the house again. Or maybe we would have but he would have had no power so there's a chance that we could erase Franzel and Cody's wins.

(It's the last time this season I can use this gif. 😭)

Looking at this gif makes me wonder how different BBOTT would have been if Jozea had been the returning player for that season instead of Jason. 

The only thing is if Franzel hadn't won her season, PAUL would have so not sure if that would have been better. Plus he wouldn't have had two losses in a row. But then if he'd won 18 he probably wouldn't have returned to 19.

Edited by Lamb18
4 hours ago, SummerDreams said:

Did we ever have the audience want a bad player to win just because they are good people? It's Big Brother, it's a strategy game, not Miss Congeniality.

I can’t speak for the “audience” and I won’t speak about what makes someone a good/bad player other than it’s COMPLETELY subjective, but I will say that I will root for whoever I want to, for whatever reasons I want to, and won’t give a fuck if others do the opposite. 

I will miss this thread! I always go into withdrawal the week after this show ends, and not because of the show itself. Y’all are my people!

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While I had mucho empathy for what Taylor was made to endure, I have come to realize I just don't like her much.  For me, she is much too self-entitled.  Choosing (seeking?) a showmance with Monte at the end?  Speaks to character issues, imo.  Her reveal to us yesterday that she knows good and darn well that Monte is not what she wants in her life is a great tell.  I'm fine with her winning BB or AFP, or both, though.

I am still most motivated for Monte to NOT win.  Sure, he did and won enough to "deserve" it.  I simply hated his game and interpersonal machinations.   

So, if either Turner or Taylor win, good.

Thank YOU all for some excellent sharing and a cool community.

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OK, I get Taylor saying she was playing for Danielle Reyes (who should have won Season 2 IMO) but AZAH? Azah was a pitiful bleeding heart trainwreck who wasn’t even in it for the win and laid down to let death take her whenever her time in the house was endangered. Azah wasn’t a survivor like Taylor. She didn’t have to fight, she had The Cookout to drag her and the godawful Derek F to the Final 6.

Edited by TimWil
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   I'd also like to thank all you live feed posters. I love to read posts about the feeds, but trying to actually watch even a little bit of the feeds make my teeth itch. 😜

   I especially like the posts that describe the day to day minutia of the HG lives.

I also appreciate the posts that have me thinking of other points of view. I may not agree with them, but I like to hear differing (respectful) opinions. 

 But most of all I love the posts that make me laugh my ass off.

Thank you all. 

 🤔<<-- can't delete🙃

Edited by ChiCricket
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34 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

I will miss this thread! I always go into withdrawal the week after this show ends, and not because of the show itself. Y’all are my people!

I get excited (perhaps a tad too excited?) when I go to threads for other shows and see posts from those I consider my BB/Primetimer family.  This has been a great summer, and unlike the hamsters, I was able to stream the second half of Stranger Things and wipe my own butt.  

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