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Season 24 Live Feeds Discussion

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The number one way to win Big Brother is to be in a big alliance, but not the most threatening person in the alliance, so that when the big alliance breaks up, you're not a target, and because you weren't the biggest threat, you likely don't get as much blood on your hands. You then just hope that you're more impressive than the other remaining member of the big alliance, or, in case the biggest threat DOES make it to the end, you win because they got blood on their hands by being the biggest threat and you didn't. 

It's not a particularly interesting strategy, but it is a winning one in BB. I think that there are more interesting winners (mainly when the biggest threats DO win in the end, or when people make it to the end when they WEREN'T part of the biggest alliance), but it's all fair enough strategy. 

Being the biggest threat is typically a BAD thing in BB, so it doesn't mean much to say that someone like Michael was a strong competitor, because BB is a game that often specifically DOESN'T reward those players. If you're going to be a threat, you better be working your ass off to protect yourself through relationships in the house, so that when the alliance breaks up, you're protected. Maggie did that, Derrick did that, Hayden did that and Xavier did that. That's MORE impressive game play (but, of course, still working from a position of strength, so I don't give it AS much credit as I do to players like Dan, Jun and WIll, who were NEVER working from positions of strength, or at least not from positions of strength for the vast majority of the game, but maneuvered their way to the end anyways). 

Then there is Jackson, who was on the outs of the big alliance for much of the game, and sweet-talked his way to a final two with his freakin' SHOWMANCE, which is one of the most remarkable feats in the game, but he's JACKSON, so I don't want to give him that much credit, so I put him in a whole other tier. 😉

Long story slightly less long, I think Turner, Monte and Taylor are all normal BB winners. They were part of a big, dominant alliance, and held together when it fell apart, and were protected by their relationships (Turner's deal to vote out Kyle saved his ass when Michael was HoH the next week, Taylor's relationship with Monte saved her ass last week and Turner's relationship with Monte saved his ass both last week AND this week). This is all normal, fine gameplay and they're all normal, decent enough winners. Not Tier 1 or Tier 2, but right there with all the other Tier 3 winners (Jackson's tier is not something I'm prepared to come to terms with right now). 

Edited by Brian Cronin
Accidentally said "on the block" when I meant "HOH"
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3 hours ago, Nashville said:

Well, I’m about to be on the road and out of pocket for the next few days; won’t be spending much time around TVs or streaming devices, so y’all keep me updated plz. 🤡

Ooh, that is some SERIOUS head banging. Have fun! Bring us souvenirs!

3 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

Who is Hunter? Did I forget someone?

2 hours ago, pennben said:


Matt Turner? How is he Hunter? I’m confused.

1 hour ago, Katesus7 said:

In MY opinion, this is not a thing. Michael got voted out in sixth place. Therefore, he was not remotely the only worthy winner. Michael was on people’s radar to the point where the first time he lost a comp needed for his safety, he was immediately voted out. 

Yes. Michael was the most deserving ONLY if the winner is determined by the number of comp wins. But the game is so much more than that. It’s stepping up when you need to, but also knowing when to step back. It’s getting along with people and earning their loyalty and trust. It’s making the right moves at the right time. Sometimes, it’s just dumb luck. 

Michael was great at comps, but he was a terrible strategist. He made himself a target by winning more than he needed to. He created a very visible twosome with Brittany. He played it safe while HoH and failed to take out bigger threats, even when he saw his alliance was coming to an end. One of his biggest strategic moves (sitting on the Kyle info until the “right” time) backfired tremendously because he completely misread how it would land. 

Michael (along with Daniel) proved yet again that being a big fan does not automatically make you a good player. His game was flashy, but it was one-dimensional. BUT, if he had made it to the end and won, he would have deserved it. Because he would have fulfilled the one and only objective. (Unless you’re playing for AFP.) (I think he blew that one, too.)

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11 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

Matt Turner? How is he Hunter? I’m confused

I was confused on the Hunter original reference. I’m simply assuming Turner is the only logical intended reference when they said Hunter. If there is a house guest I missed after following all season..…my bad?

if there is a Hunter, could someone point him out to me:)

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20 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

Ooh, that is some SERIOUS head banging. Have fun! Bring us souvenirs!

Matt Turner? How is he Hunter? I’m confused.

Yes. Michael was the most deserving ONLY if the winner is determined by the number of comp wins. But the game is so much more than that. It’s stepping up when you need to, but also knowing when to step back. It’s getting along with people and earning their loyalty and trust. It’s making the right moves at the right time. Sometimes, it’s just dumb luck. 

Michael was great at comps, but he was a terrible strategist. He made himself a target by winning more than he needed to. He created a very visible twosome with Brittany. He played it safe while HoH and failed to take out bigger threats, even when he saw his alliance was coming to an end. One of his biggest strategic moves (sitting on the Kyle info until the “right” time) backfired tremendously because he completely misread how it would land. 

Michael (along with Daniel) proved yet again that being a big fan does not automatically make you a good player. His game was flashy, but it was one-dimensional. BUT, if he had made it to the end and won, he would have deserved it. Because he would have fulfilled the one and only objective. (Unless you’re playing for AFP.) (I think he blew that one, too.)

Not really the point, but I don't think Daniel was much of a fan of the show from his exit interview he just started watching.

Personally I think Michael was a decent player. I think his issue was similar to Dan's in BB14. He pulled off an incredible move (a very icky move may I add) and it used up all his social capital in the house. 

Edited by choclatechip45
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50 minutes ago, choclatechip45 said:

I think his issue was similar to Dan's in BB14. He pulled off an incredible move (a very icky move may I add) and it used up all his social capital in the house. 

BB14 was never going to let a winner win a second time. They've all admitted to that, though in retrospect, and multiple jurors said they should have voted for Dan, and would now if they could.

Or, as Britney put it, "a bottle of ketchup could have been sitting next to Dan, and the ketchup would have won."

I do think you're right about Michael using up his social capital, though.

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4 hours ago, Alice Mudgarden said:


I'd loooooove to see NIN, please let me know how they are (if you're attending the day they play)!!

i’m here all four days, so I will definitely see NIN.  😁

4 hours ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

This is gonna be way more fun than Big Brother lol

no argument there.

4 hours ago, Never Again said:

Um, @Nashville ?  I ask this as a admirer of your astute and amusing comments but also as a very confused New Yorker : what the heck kind of country boy festival is this? 

Some badass metalhead country boy shit festival is what this is.  😎🔥💀🤡

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59 minutes ago, choclatechip45 said:

Not really the point, but I don't think Daniel was much of a fan of the show from his exit interview he just started watching.

From what he said while in the house, he used to watch with his (now deceased) brother, and they were big fans together. But it doesn’t really matter, and we’ve already wasted too much time discussing Daniel, lol.

6 minutes ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

Or, as Britney put it, "a bottle of ketchup could have been sitting next to Dan, and the ketchup would have won."

Oh, Britney! I know she won’t do it, but I would so love to see her back again. She never disappointed.

Current Season Brittany is secluded in her bedroom, crying and whispering to the camera that she doesn’t want to leave. She will miss everything so much— the games, the deep conversations, the fun. She is very proud of how she did, although she wishes she had believed in herself more and played her own game instead of letting others take the lead. But she will be happy to come back and do it all again, whenever BB asks her to!

Before her farewell address to the camera, she rehearsed her block pitch for tomorrow night. Nothing unexpected— I’m easier to beat, you don’t win more money just because you make it harder, so do the smart thing— but she clearly has no illusions it will work.

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Taylor and Monte are whispering in the kitchen. Taylor hopes Brittany doesn’t say anything to the jurors about the two of them.  “Does she know?” Monte asks. Taylor isn’t sure because they’ve never talked about it, but she definitely thinks Brittany suspects. It’s pretty obvious Monte hasn’t been sleeping in his bed.

Monte: “It doesn’t matter. It won’t change anything.”
Taylor: “Not for you, maybe. But it will change how they see me, at least somewhat. Especially if you bring me.”

Monte gets it. (I think. But it’s Monte, so who knows.) They laugh as they imagine Indy’s reaction to the news: “That bitch!” 

They look forward to meeting the Cookout members. Taylor is curious to see what Kyland will be like, because he seems so condescending. “Mansplaining”, Monte agrees. Taylor says it’s good Monte is nothing like that. 

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1 hour ago, 30 Helens said:

Nothing unexpected— I’m easier to beat, you don’t win more money just because you make it harder, so do the smart thing— but she clearly has no illusions it will work.

It continues to amaze me that she really believes that her pitch makes any sense. "Make it easier on yourself, vote out the guy who will almost certainly take you to F2 for me, who you know will definitely NOT take you to F2." 

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Everyone went to bed early tonight. (Especially Brittany, who apparently decided there’s no more point in being sociable.) They want to be rested for tomorrow’s episode. Taylor asked Monte to help her pick her outfit. He said he likes the black dress, but she said she’s already worn it twice, so no. She asked what he’s going to wear. He doesn’t know. He’s not a clothes guy. 

They do not think there will a comp tomorrow. Plenty of time for that on Friday, after they do their retrospective episode. They don’t expect that to take very long, because the scenes must already be selected, and the producers probably already have their lines ready. (Hey, that’s what I said! I could be a BB producer.) They wonder if they’ll get to see the clips. Probably not.

They wonder what next week will be like, what kind of food they’ll get. Taylor hopes they get to use the HoH room.

They have no idea what’s coming. Ten bucks says Taylor doesn’t get to wear that black dress.

7 hours ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

BB14 was never going to let a winner win a second time. They've all admitted to that, though in retrospect, and multiple jurors said they should have voted for Dan, and would now if they could.

Or, as Britney put it, "a bottle of ketchup could have been sitting next to Dan, and the ketchup would have won."

I do think you're right about Michael using up his social capital, though.

Yup as much as I love Dan I'll never understand why he thought it was a good idea for his game to get rid of Janelle and Boogie pre jury. 

Edited by choclatechip45
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8 hours ago, choclatechip45 said:

Not really the point, but I don't think Daniel was much of a fan of the show from his exit interview he just started watching.

Daniel has made it clear he’s applied for the show every year for the past ten years, though. So he’s definitely been watching it for at least that long.

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15 minutes ago, TimWil said:

Daniel has made it clear he’s applied for the show every year for the past ten years, though. So he’s definitely been watching it for at least that long.

Except he also said he didn't know the feeds where a thing until BB22. Even my mom who has never watched the feeds knows the feeds are a thing because they advertise it every single episode. It seems like to me Daniel was just randomly auditioning for reality shows the last 10 years. I don't doubt he watched occasionally with his brother who died. 

I think the only true super fan this season was Michael. Even Brittany never watched the feeds or followed them. Most of the cast members who claimed to be superfans have admitted to getting info off of BB Reddit good for them doing research, but doesn't make you a superfan.  

Edited by choclatechip45
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7 hours ago, Nashville said:

Some badass metalhead country boy shit festival is what this is.  😎🔥💀🤡

I am absolutely, utterly, completely jealous. I saw NIN years ago and they were awesome. I would love to see Rob Zombie, Slipknot, Alice Cooper, yes even KISS on their - what is it now - 48th Farewell Tour. Have a great time!

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Brittany is DELUSIONAL if she thinks she has any impact on the Jury, considering how unpopular she is.  Taylor is foolish to trust her after she turned on her to evict her.

If Michael was the best player, he would be in the Finals and Monte and Turner would be in the jury house.

LOL on the conspiracy theory that Grodner will tell Indy and Jasmine who to vote for.

Edited by twilightzone
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14 hours ago, Nashville said:

Well, I’m about to be on the road and out of pocket for the next few days; won’t be spending much time around TVs or streaming devices, so y’all keep me updated plz. 🤡


I'm so jealous, that looks super fun. You definitely fit the theme of this BB season with a music festival! Have you chosen your Festie Bestie? ;) 

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13 hours ago, Never Again said:

what the heck kind of country boy festival is this? 

Hey, those of us in Tennessee listen to all kinds of music!  Classic Country, Country Pop, AND Country Rock!

In a way I'm glad the feeds are so boring right now.  I watched them play cards for a while, but then I had to see Taylor and Monte nuzzle for a while, and I'd rather watch anything than that, even The Neighborhood. Hey!  Grover Grover Johnson is a teenager now!

@choclatechip45, at some point Daniel said he'd spent 10 years trying to get on the show.   And then he came in and played an emotional game that collapsed around him.

  • LOL 5

Anyhow, good morning! Another quiet and peaceful morning in the house. All cameras are on the golf bedroom. Cameras 1 and 3 show a full view of the room. Cameras 2 and 4 show a closeup of someone. This is a bit of a mystery. It looks like the person is Brittany, but she is sleeping in a different bed - one with the "sod" around the head of the bed. When you look at camera 1 or 3, it looks like Brittany is in her usual bed at the end, kind of curled today into her usual cocoon. You can see something dark at the top of Jasmine's bed which could be the back of Brittany's head.

OK, I figured it out. Brittany is in her usual bed. But the camera view in 2 and 4 had the "arm" of the bed next to hers look like it is part of her bed, if that makes sense. And the flower I could see in cams 2 and 4 I can now see sticking out of the head of the bed next to Brittany's. Tricky camera angles!

1 minute ago, Thalia said:

Hey, those of us in Tennessee listen to all kinds of music!  Classic Country, Country Pop, AND Country Rock!

In a way I'm glad the feeds are so boring right now.  I watched them play cards for a while, but then I had to see Taylor and Monte nuzzle for a while, and I'd rather watch anything than that, even The Neighborhood. Hey!  Grover Grover Johnson is a teenager now!

@choclatechip45, at some point Daniel said he'd spent 10 years trying to get on the show.   And then he came in and played an emotional game that collapsed around him.

Daniel played like he thought he was owed because he tried getting on the show for 10 years.

@Nashville. The real Kiss and Alice Cooper? Fun!

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32 minutes ago, LeDucDiableBleu said:
14 hours ago, Nashville said:

Well, I’m about to be on the road and out of pocket for the next few days; won’t be spending much time around TVs or streaming devices, so y’all keep me updated plz. 🤡

<snipped image>

I'm so jealous, that looks super fun. You definitely fit the theme of this BB season with a music festival! Have you chosen your Festie Bestie? ;) 


You know, once a season, I feel the need to make a "we're not a hivemind" post in response to someone but judging by how many of us are into this, maybe we are a hivemind.

...does anyone remember where we left our keys? Because we can't find them this morning.

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A very quiet day. Lights have been on for some time now. Taylor was talking about when she was on the block, as if she was shoring up her memory for possible HOH comp questions. Announcer guy kept telling her to changer her batteries. She said it's too cold (she was rubbing her arms). The HOH room must be frigid. Eventually she got up and went downstairs to get batteries. At which point I left for lunch.

Now cameras 1 and 2 are on Taylor (in the pink robe) working on what has happened over the weeks: who was HOH, who was nominated, who won POV, was anyone taken off the block and who, replacement nom or noms the same, who was evicted. Now she's doing this by individual - saying the person's name, how many times HOH, POV winner, on the block, when evicted.

Cameras 3 and 4 are on Brittany in the bubble room, sleeping. Must be too noisy in the hallway bedroom (golf room). Have not seen Monte or Turner yet today.

Taylor is embarrassed because she was in nine POV comps and didn't win one. But she won two HOH comps.

Now she's trying to remember the order of the HOHs: Daniel, Jasmine, Turner - then she stops. Monte! I say. Then she continues with Turner, then names other names. 

Monte did Daniel.

Was Taylor next, with Indy? I feel like I'm missing someone. Someone behind the cameras does a loud sneeze. "Bless you!" says Taylor.

Camera switches to Monte in the bathroom for a couple of seconds, then back to Taylor. Why not show Monte in the bathroom instead of Brittany sleeping? At least there's a little bit of action.

Sounds of tree pruning in the - no, probably just someone's electric razor. Monte strolls out into the kitchen, asks Taylor if she's going to shower. "You get in their first," she says as Monte strolls off. Turner also appeared down the stairs, so he must have been in the HOH bathroom, too. 

So I've seen all four today now. My life is complete. Monte says he thinks this experience has prepared him for van life as Turner walks by.

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Taylor whispers to Brittany, "I failed." Brittany says, "It wasn't your job." Then adds, "I know I'm going home." Then she says how it isn't good game play for Monte to keep Turner. Taylor says she tried everything. Brittany is really swaying back and forth. Brittany tells Taylor that she loves her. I think Taylor will have Brittany's vote. They exchange a big hug. Taylor starts crying.

Brittany says the Big Brother players she admires the most didn't win. She feels very proud of herself. Brittany says if she's not here, she's ready to move forward with her life and go to the next chapter.  Taylor is whispering about Monte but I can't catch it. Brittany tells her to emphasize her social game. She says Taylor, at different times, was untouchable in the game and circumstances kept her from being evicted. Brittany says Michael can say he claims Turner's moves all he wants, but Turner got him evicted and Turner's still here.

Brittany says to Taylor, when we watch back you may see things or hear things you don't like. Please let me know and we can talk about it. Taylor says she will. 

Taylor says she's taken out a loan and she will pay Brittany back. I'm not sure what is meant by the loan. Brittany tells Taylor she can do it.

I just…I am sooo…..it’s shows like tonight I where have to vent. It’s shows like tonight where the bullshit that certain houseguests have to overcome are ALWAYS going to be the bullshit that the Kyle, Michael, Alyssa and Montes of the world will never have to deal with. Taylor was made to be the horrible person who snatched Monte’s headphones off his sleeping head in her HOH! Because she also said that he did not watch his 1 year old godson grow up. Sure, she apologized for that, but Monte made us all sure that she was still horribly wrong and a terrible person.

But to me, that is second to the bullshit that Alyssa put on her in the jury house. Because according to Alyssa,  Alyssa was only voted out because Taylor fucked Monte. Don’t tell me she was trying to say anything else. And the rest of the jury was “oh, yeah”. Terrance was practically salivating at agreeing with it. 

And I’m not commenting on the Cookout because what the Cookout have to say about a season they clearly are not watching does not matter to me at all.

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I really really hope Joseph doesn't win AFP for two reasons 1) he screwed Taylor's game for no reason at Dyre Fest so I'm kind of over people thinking he is a good guy (there was no game benefit to it). 

2) He made it clear in the house he had a girl back home! You have no reason to be upset. 

Edited by choclatechip45
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