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Season 24 Live Feeds Discussion

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The feeds were depressing me so much I switched to football. This is the time in the season where I have to tell myself "This is just a TV show. What happens on this show does not affect anything in my real life." I'll be in Denmark a week from now & miss two weeks so maybe I won't care as much when I get back. I'm more concerned about missing the Vikings/Green Bay game on the 11th and if there's a way I can watch it in Norway. (VIKINGS - NORWAY, you'd think there'd be a way!)

Edited by Lamb18
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12 minutes ago, Thalia said:

PS, @tinkerbell   Yep, no rewind.  The thing is, in my childhood and teen years I could memorize dialogue from the TV like nobody's business.  Now I'm constantly rewinding to catch what I just missed

I didn't know the dialog, but I sure knew the lyrics  to " if I only had a brain (a heart,  the nerve)"

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1 hour ago, Lamb18 said:

Taylor says maybe Zingbot will be there tomorrow.

I doubt it since Julie didn't announce it. Maybe they should just get rid of Zingbot. The zings are so lame nowadays.

It's not lost on me that 2 weeks ago Turner was talking shit about how bad of an HOH Taylor was and now he's much worse. I love seeing his steep fall from grace with the fans lol.

I will say though, I'm kinda happy he's going about this so badly because post noms should be pretty entertaining.

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As someone who always chooses Chaos as her favorite player, well, I guess I'm getting what I wanted. I just wish Kyle wasn't the beneficiary. Then again, there is something to seeing two people (M and B) who overlooked suspect behavior finding themselves under fire from the person they covered for. If Taylor leaves, that means I can just enjoy the carnage without caring for anyone left. 

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2 hours ago, llongori said:

I'll see your VCR and raise it a record player.  We had an LP soundtrack of Mary Poppins that I played over and over on the record player I had stolen away to my room.  (I saw the movie in the theater on its initial release.)

VCR? old people things? I throw my head back and laugh at the absurdity.

I saw the movie on initial release and got the LP; "Let's Go Fly a Kite" still is one of the happiest songs ever IMHO.  

However, from that time till now I read the original Mary Poppins books over and over and when I learned what the characters of the Banks parents became in the movie (which I don't think I've seen from that day to this, other than clips), I was shocked.  That all went over my head in the initial viewing, of course.  

Didn't have a color TV till I was an adult, so as a kid I never realized the WoO changed color at all (also someone mocked me for not knowing Lucille Ball was a redhead--I didn't watch enough to hear her referred to as such on the show, and she looked blonde on a B&W TV!)

So disappointed in Turner.  I appreciate you all keeping us abreast of the latest.


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59 minutes ago, Lady Whistleup said:

Monte and Terrance now downloading each other on stuff.

I hope Michael wins for team chaos.

Really? Is Terrence “downloading” that Kyle blamed Monte along with Joseph for EVERYTHING? How Monte strong-armed him to use the veto and made all the decisions? Or that Kylie initially proposed to Terrence that they hook up with Michael/Brittany going forward? Probably not. (And to be clear, I’m not snarking on you, just Terrence).

I have to say, this forced separation has caused a huge shake up. The LO alliance has been completely blown to bits. Great job, it just sucks that the major beneficiary of all of this is Fucking Kyle.

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He nominated Brittany and Taylor.

He seriously had the audacity to say he saved Taylor when he was HOH and he expected her to help him and she didn’t. What is this motherfucker even talking about?

And of course Brittany is just back to dragging Taylor through the mud like Monte is.

Seriously, fuck all of these people besides Taylor.

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And they’re really trying to convince Taylor that Joseph wasn’t loyal to her so now she believes she never had anyone and she’s definitely getting isolated again this week. So gross.

1 minute ago, Diana Berry said:

So is the plan to back door Michael?

Yes but if that doesn’t happen Taylor is gone. Which makes no damn sense. These people are just foul.

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2 minutes ago, Lady Whistleup said:

Wait they’re trying to blame Taylor for … Joseph? These people suck at jury management.

Right?  I'm swaying over to hoping that Taylor goes this week and we get another eyeroll during the goodbye messages because Brittany's burned another juror.  

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3 minutes ago, Lady Whistleup said:

Watch Michael win this POV. He has good odds of being picked, and he's very good with mental comps.

I really need for Michael to NOT be picked to play in this veto.  And for Taylor to win.  

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4 minutes ago, Lady Whistleup said:

Watch Michael win this POV. He has good odds of being picked, and he's very good with mental comps.

Please let Michael win Veto and not use it because if he uses it, Turner will nom Monte.  

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4 hours ago, llongori said:

I'll see your VCR and raise it a record player.  We had an LP soundtrack of Mary Poppins that I played over and over on the record player I had stolen away to my room.  (I saw the movie in the theater on its initial release.)

VCR? old people things? I throw my head back and laugh at the absurdity.

 We did too!  Saw the movie at Radio City Music Hall then we got the album and played  it all the time.  Now I can’t get it out of my head arghhh. “We won’t hide your spectacles so you can’t see, put toads in your bed or pepper in your tea, hurry nanny, many thanks sincerely, Jane and Michael Banks”

Mary Poppins, Wizard of Oz, and Camelot. My parents had the soundtrack albums and to this day I embarrassingly know pretty much every word to every song 

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6 minutes ago, Lucas Rowan said:

Are we sure that he won't nominate Terrance instead?

Yes.  Terrance and Kyle will push for Monte to be put up instead if Michael wins veto and takes Brittany down.  Kyle because, well, he's KKKyle; and Terrance because he still thinks getting Monte out would be a big game move.  Plus, Terrance won't willingly go up as a pawn (nor should he, to be fair).

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Well, if nothing else, this should take Turner out of the running for AFP entirely, letting Taylor take it in a romp./silver lining

It won't happen, but I kind of wish Grodner would revive Pandora's Box, DPOV, or Cootie Taw, because even though I'm sure I'd be disappointed with the outcome, we might as well go for Maximum Chaos at this point. Throw another grenade in, see how the pieces land, why not. There's still another four weeks to go, a healthy dose of "America hates us" paranoia would keep everyone on edge.

Poppins is my favorite Disney flick overall, but I prefer to remember David Tomlinson as kindly Professor Browne from Bedknobs and Broomsticks rather than Mr. Banks. 

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I’m not upset by the noms. As long as Michael’s the target, it doesn’t matter who’s nominated. If Michael gets picked for (which I hope not) and wins POV, then the back up target should be Kyle. I’m channeling that to Turner because I still have faith that he’s us and will try to eliminate the biggest threats. I hope he doesn’t go for Terrance like he said last week because that’s not strategic, that’s just personal. 🤞

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17 minutes ago, NightOwl89 said:

Should have known better than to get sucked back into this hellscape of a show. See y’all next week, if and only if Monte or Taylor are still here and win HOH. 

Taylor, Monte, Joseph likely will be the Top 3 for AFP.  They should also be easy picks for The Challenge. 

2 of them could end up on The Amazing Race.   DX and Claire are racing in the new season.  On BB23, they finished 10th, 8th.

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2 minutes ago, twilightzone said:

Taylor, Monte, Joseph likely will be the Top 3 for AFP.  They should also be easy picks for The Challenge. 

2 of them could end up on The Amazing Race.   DX and Claire are racing in the new season.  On BB23, they finished 10th, 8th.

If only that made it less depressing. Lol.

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8 minutes ago, Lucas Rowan said:

Turner has no real reason to evict Kyle

Turner recognizes the threat in Kyle and unless he wants to come in 3rd he will try to eliminate Michael or Kyle. I’d be happy if neither of them gets to play veto but that’s a fantasy. 

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Kyle has dropped into 2nd last place, and Turner is dropping quickly.  Ameerah, Indy and even Pooch are rising in the rankings. 


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Gosh, even Paloma is rated higher than Kyle. NICOLE is rated more highly than Kyle. Guess his 10 seconds of popularity are over. And Ameerah is higher than Turner now. If he doesn't change his ways, Jasmine will pass him up.

And POOCH passed up Alyssa!

Edited by Lamb18
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10 minutes ago, DEL901 said:

Kyle has dropped into 2nd last place, and Turner is dropping quickly.  Ameerah, Indy and even Pooch are rising in the rankings. 

On Jokers, Turner was No. 1 for the past three weeks straight.  He's now fallen to No. 6. 

A week ago, Kyle was No. 7 and now is No. 12.  

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6 hours ago, Callaphera said:

I can't take this Mr. Banks slander. He wasn't perfect but by God, at least he flew a kite in the end.

Mary Poppins was my movie as a kid. It was the whole reason I had my own TV and VCR at four years old (that and relatives with money that showed up at Christmas). I think my poor mother still twitches when she hears Julie Andrews. I would literally rewind the tape as soon as it ended and play it again over and over. (VCRs and VHSs are old people things, Kyle. You wouldn't understand.)

A VCR and a tv at 4?  When I was 4 we had 1 (and only 1) black and white tv with rabbit ears- that’s an antenna to you millennials. Until my brother was born I was the official channel dial turner- all 12 channels. Also I had to walk 6 miles to school in the snow up hill both ways. Bare foot. 

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1 minute ago, Pixiebomb said:

A VCR and a tv at 4?  When I was 4 we had 1 (and only 1) black and white tv with rabbit ears- that’s an antenna to you millennials. Until my brother was born I was the official channel dial turner- all 12 channels. Also I had to walk 6 miles to school in the snow up hill both ways. Bare foot. 

When I was 4 we only had 4 channels in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area - ABC, CBS, NBC and the local station on channel 9 (which is now Fox). Some years later public TV was added, then another one called 45. Cable was just starting out when I graduated from high school--maybe, or when I was in college.

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1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

And they’re really trying to convince Taylor that Joseph wasn’t loyal to her so now she believes she never had anyone and she’s definitely getting isolated again this week. So gross.

Yes but if that doesn’t happen Taylor is gone. Which makes no damn sense. These people are just foul.

Well if the back door happens then that will be a great move ( although I have no problem with Michael winning ) but getting rid of Taylor makes no sense.

so is his loyalty totally with Terrence and  crew or is he playing both sides?

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As much as I love Taylor, I'm almost at the point that I want her to be evicted to (1) get away from all the abuse she's enduring, and (2) have some good quality time with Joseph in the jury house. 

I think they both have played a more ethical game than anyone else in the house, and at this point, whatever money they get for being Jurors 3 and 4 may be worthwhile just to save their mental health.

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Telling Taylor all that stuff about Joseph isn't game play, it's just a form of bullying, trying to isolate Taylor and make her believe no one likes her. The guys saying this stuff are just picking up where mean girls Daniel, Nicole, Paloma, Jasmine, Monte, etc. all left off.

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9 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

Telling Taylor all that stuff about Joseph isn't game play, it's just a form of bullying, trying to isolate Taylor and make her believe no one likes her. The guys saying this stuff are just picking up where mean girls Daniel, Nicole, Paloma, Jasmine, Monte, etc. all left off.


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3 minutes ago, choclatechip45 said:

Monte just told Taylor he wouldn't be surprised that if someone else told Terrence or Alyssa about the Leftovers and Joseph had no choice but to spill. (He knows it was Kyle). 

Monte has it figured out.  Now go get Kyle and put the screws to him.  Make him cry.  

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