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Season 24 Live Feeds Discussion

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Just now, Lucas Rowan said:

My guess is that Kyle getting in front of things and revealing the Leftovers to her first made all of the difference.  That, and Joseph completely burying himself in the Dyre Fest house meeting.  He did not handle that well.

Still doesn't explain why Joseph's story matches with Daniel who was not in the leftovers. 

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8 minutes ago, Lonesome Rhodes said:

It better not be an endurance comp.  Totally unfair to the Dyres.

Spoilergirl had said that the "tiny"* competition will be one of the HOH comps, (as opposed to a veto comp which I think it was in the past).  She doesn't know if it's the next one, but it'll be one of them this season.  

* Stacking teeny-tiny bottles in a stack with a tweezer.

Edited by Gemma Violet
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30 minutes ago, vb68 said:

I can't tell if Monte is buying the crap Turner is trying to sell him or not.

I really do think Taylor is PISSED though.

I think he buys it to the extent that once it was clear to Turner that Terrance was focused on Joseph going, the best move for Turner was to go along with that and not cause a split vote tonight. Beyond that, who knows what Monte really thinks. 

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25 minutes ago, vb68 said:

Do Kyle and Turner really want to win this HOH and have to end up exposing their cards right now? But that only leaves Alyssa to win. I think Turner will totally throw it. Kyle probably tries to win. He'll want to protect Alyssa if not nothing else.

 Kyle is still running scared.   He will definitely try to win.    He has no real ally other than Alyssa and maybe Turner.   Terrance will be easily swayed and won't offer much help even if he throws in solid with Kyle.   Turner, as someone else mentioned, is playing the Survivor Sandra game of "anybody but me".   I want to see his weasly ass on the block and in real danger so he can't just coast and hope things work out.

 I don't think anyone will go after Kyle this week, unfortunately.  Michael would so Brittney might by extension in the off chance she won but Taylor and Monte will go after Terrance.

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2 hours ago, Lady Whistleup said:

Oh Alyssa. It hasn't even been five minutes and she's spilled everything to Brit.

Since we're on HOH animals, I went back and re-wound the feeds to when they came back on after the show and I didn't get that impression at all.

2 hours ago, Joan of Argh said:

What exactly did Alyssa tell brittney?

im out right now can’t see the feeds

Just generalities of what Joseph was saying.  In no way did she spill that she knows about the LOs or even that Turner threw Joseph under the bus during that painful, awkward group meeting.  

As far as I can tell, the Brochella LOs have no idea that Kyle betrayed them yet.

We all need a prayer circle for a Taylor or Monte HOH win at this point.

Feeds are back!  No idea who won HOH yet.

ETA - Turner won.  Terrance just asked him what CD he requested.  

Edited by HighQueenEB
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2 hours ago, Joan of Argh said:

I think the thing that totally sunk Joseph at the house meeting was Turner taking Kyles side and backing up everything he said.

2 hours ago, choclatechip45 said:

I agree. If Turner had decided to turn on Kyle, Kyle would have been done. 

JMO, but I doubt it. The only thing which would’ve saved Joseph tonight would’ve been a unanimous 2–0 vote to evict Kyle - and does anybody here really think Alyssa would’ve  flipped her vote that quick, based on a BY conversation?

That was the REAL disadvantage of Outside vs. Inside: by putting everybody in one big open space, Production effectively talk-blocked any serious HG conversations.

Edited by Nashville
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4 minutes ago, Nashville said:

That was the REAL disadvantage of Outside vs. Inside: by putting everybody in one big open space, Production effectively talk-blocked any serious HG conversations.

Yeah, absolutely. It was total bullshit. 

I take it Terrance and Alyssa as the initial nominees, and then perhaps a Michael BD? 

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16 minutes ago, dizzyd said:

I can see Turner putting up Terrance and Kyle showing he’s still with LO and then backdooring Michael because he is outside the top 4 LO. I really hope Kyle is outed though. 

I actually think he'll go with Alyssa & Monte - keeps both sides happy.  After Party will be told that the plan is to backdoor Michael, but if he or Brittany wins veto then they can take out Monte still.  Brochello LOs will be told that the plan is to backdoor Alyssa, but if she or Kyle wins veto then Terrance will go up and they'll vote out Terrance.  

Edited by HighQueenEB

Anybody got an egg timer running on how long it’ll take for Terrance to spill what really happened Outside (i.e., Kyle’s complete and utter preemptive betrayal of the LOs) to an Inside LO member?

Hey, we could get a pool running on this….

Put me down for Terrance telling… Monte, within 6 hours of House reentry.


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5 minutes ago, Lady Whistleup said:

Turner was so dumb not to throw this to Kyle.

That's what is making me question where Turner's true allegiance lies.  From the sounds of it, Turner and Kyle were neck and neck for much of the competition.  There was no reason for him to not throw it to Kyle, but he went for it.  

Why win unless he wants to see the showmance broken up?

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Still no feeds for me, so this is speculation based on nothing:

I think Turner went for the win purely out of self preservation. Sure, he could have thrown it, but what if Monte won, or Taylor, or Brittany? Terrance would have gone on the block, and the first thing he would have done is stir up some shit. To save himself, Terrance could have revealed what went down in the backyard, which would have put Turner in danger.

This means that Turner does not fully trust Terrance (which he shouldn’t). But if he has committed to the Afterparty, he can ensure a Brochella LO goes home and it won’t matter if he has just shown his cards, he will be part of the majority. OR, he can decide to return to the BroLOs and ensure that remains a majority. OR, he can effectively play both sides until he sees who wins veto. 

Turner just kept himself off the block in what is sure to be a chaotic and unpredictable week. Plus he has options and time to think about them. It wasn’t a bad move.

Edited by 30 Helens
Removed the word “probably” because no probably about it. Shit-stirrer Terrance would stir some shit, because shit stirring is what he lives for.
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7 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

Turner just kept himself off the block in what is sure to be a chaotic and unpredictable week. Plus he has options and time to think about them. It wasn’t a bad move.

Agreed. I think that outside of a Kyle HoH, this is pretty much the perfect time for Turner to win HOH, coming out of the game shift of last week. Who can really tell what the game situation is right now? At least now he's protected for the week. Yes, he'll possibly make some enemies, but no matter WHO won HoH (outside of Kyle and Alyssa, except no way Alyssa would ever win this HoH), he was probably going to make some enemies this week, only in those other scenarios, he might have ended up on the block! 

If the Indoors folks won and Terrance was going to be put on the block, which he would have, Turner's game is blown up while being a very viable nominee. Yes, throwing it to Kyle would have been best, but it sounds like Kyle kept fucking it up at the end, so Turner likely felt that that wasn't something he could rely on. 

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As far as Joseph goes, his big mistake was in asking for a group meeting, which gave the others an opportunity to talk over him. (I’m sure he expected Turner to back him up, but still.) He should have pulled Alyssa aside and told her one-on-one everything Kyle has done behind her back. Yes, she would have gone straight to Kyle and he probably would have smoothed things over in 10 seconds or less, but big seeds of doubt would have been planted. 

Joseph was probably doomed regardless, but his best chance was to turn Alyssa against Kyle, and for that he needed her full attention without Kyle sitting right next to her. Never underestimate the powers of low-wattage Mormon heat in proximity to a dull-witted girl.

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Turner is still hosting one-on-ones (Kyle's took 2378238 times longer than he fucks) and now Turner is telling Brittany that he's not putting up a Leftover this week sooo... I guess he's hinting to her that it's Terrance/Alyssa noms? While telling the After Party crew that he's still partying with them? Taylor's HoH 2.0! Where's that Oprah meme when you need it? "You have safety and you have safety, everybody has safety except for the two, potentially three I'm lying to."

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3 minutes ago, Lucas Rowan said:

I'd think that Turner would do the obvious thing that the Afterparty had agreed on doing.

Yeah, throughout all of that, Turner never told Brittany the truth or the whole story of what happened outside.

Now it's Monte's turn and he's throwing Michael and Brittany and Taylor under the bus, backing it up, driving over them again, and then going back for one more run just to be sure. Because he's the only one still staying strong with the Pound and hasn't caught up with the rest of them that moved on last week.

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Turner's best move, by far, is to nom two Partiers and go after Michael after the veto.  

Does he have the guts?  He has got to see he does not have enough LO allies to get to the F3.  He only needs to pick off one more LO to get to a 4-3 vote.  Kyle will be all about it.

If I had to predict, I think Michael is gonna survive the week, though.  Somehow, some way.

Edited by Lonesome Rhodes

Good morning! It's a dreary day in the Big Brother house, Joseph gone and Broachella wondering what happened. Lots of speculation on BB Chat on Turner's plans as the new HOH. Most are saying Alyssa/Kyle, others are saying Monte/Taylor w/Michael backdoor, etc.

So lights are on, people are up earlier than usual. Camera 1 shows a hallway bedroom in disarray. I think Brittany is totally under the covers in the end bed. Daniel's old bed is untidy while Jasmine's bed looks messy. I think it's made but there's orange sheets on it and some type of plaid blanket with golf clubs pattern. Maybe the sheets are going to be washed.

Camera 2 shows a closeup of Taylor's duvet covering Taylor. We can also see the top of her head and her fingertips. Too much early morning brightness in there! It's not even 8:00 am BB time!

Camera 3 shows a closeup of ugly piggy faced Kyle sleeping somewhere, maybe the bathroom. Can't we look at something else, like maybe the HOH room that was 3 and 4 earlier this morning? That's how I knew Turner won HOH, first thing I saw on the feeds was him reading his HOH letter.

Camera 4 shows a larger view of the bathroom where we see Kyle sprawled out on the bench. Place looks a mess with stuff scattered over the bench and on the floor. It sure is quiet and I am unmuted, but there's no noise anywhere. I bet Kyle went back to his old bed and Terrance's snoring drove him out to the bathroom bench.

8 minutes ago, Lonesome Rhodes said:

If I had to predict, I think Michael is gonna survive the week, though.  Somehow, some way.

I agree. He has the best game sense of anyone left by far. He's been playing at a different level all season. Though I'm curious how he does when his back is up against the wall and he has to scramble.

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Turner has to know that he should confess to voting out Joseph saying it was a done deal anyway and he was just buying time should one of them win HOH. There is a higher percentage that a non Kyle LO will win HOH next week. He should rat out Kyle to the LOs.  He needs to be safe next week and he knows for a fact that Kyle is a turncoat and the LOs want Terrance and Kyle/Alyssa out the door.  He could reasonably take Joseph's place with Monte for now.  I don't know if he is sure where Taylor stands with the 4 LOs from Brocella but he could suss that out. I don't think Turner is so stupid as to stay in a group with a showmance.  I could be proven wrong.  I just don't want K/A/T coming anywhere near final 2.  I am fine with anyone else

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12 minutes ago, Hanahope said:

except that there's better odds that all LO will get chosen for veto, and if any of them win, they'll likely not use the veto.

There's risk/reward in all choices.  If he noms two partiers, there will be at least 3 non-Michael players in the veto comp. 

If nobody comes down, Turner has not hurt himself in any way with the remaining LOs, if he keeps his yap shut about his actual plot.

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