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At least I’m confident Taylor will win AFP. She’s got celebs tweeting about it and #taylorforafp was trending on Twitter. The edit has been very anti-Taylor though so clearly someone in Production, probably Grodner, hates that she is the most popular so perhaps they could just fake the results.

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I'm seeing at least one "graphic design is my passion" style photo floating around on Twitter to vote for Kyle for AFP so don't underestimate the racists.

...nah, I can't even type that with the straight face. He ain't winning shit except maybe his mommy's love back if he dumps Alyssa and repents for his premartial sex sins.

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44 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

There's at least some intrigue remaining over whether Turner or Monte will cut the other and take Taylor. So there is still SOME drama remaining. 

Monte has told Taylor he is taking her to f2, so I do not understand this confusion. 

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24 minutes ago, leocadia said:

Funny how she (or Kyle, or Terrance) forgot to clue in Joseph on the fact that they told Taylor that Joseph had betrayed her during DyreFest and that he had been playing her all season.  She was really hurt then and whatever feelings she might have had were invalidated, Alyssa, Kyle and Terrance set her up to hook up with Monte on the rebound.

Joseph should have been clued in that Taylor knew about him betraying her at DyreFest. We saw Joseph seeing Turner's noms and what he said during the nomination ceremony. 

7 minutes ago, LoveLeigh said:

Monte has told Taylor he is taking her to f2, so I do not understand this confusion. 

Because it is a game and lying is involved. Yes Monte has given verbal promises to Taylor and there is the whole he wanted to take a black woman to the final 2. But it's still Monte who loves to bro down. 

Edited by choclatechip45
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11 minutes ago, choclatechip45 said:

Joseph should have been clued in that Taylor knew about him betraying her at DyreFest. We saw Joseph seeing Turner's noms and what he said during the nomination ceremony. 

Because it is a game and lying is involved. Yes Monte has given verbal promises to Taylor and there is the whole he wanted to take a black woman to the final 2. But it's still Monte who loves to bro down. 

He sort of has to take Taylor if he wants any relationship with her when this show is over.  

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Turner beat Monte and Taylor.  Monte beat Taylor.  I am not as confidant that Monte will win the Final HOH.  He has never won HOH against Turner. 

Monte is still going to win at the end.  He has the jury support. 

AFP - Joseph seems to have the narrative (favorite HG voted out too early).  He also has the timing of this week's episode where he got a good edit.

Edited by twilightzone
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11 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Will is doing the jury round table. I wish they’d switch it up and maybe get someone who actually watches to do it lol. But at least he can tell them winning comps isn’t the only or best form of game play.

Yeah, I still like Will doing the roundtables because he cuts to the quick better than most (and a lot of these HGs really need someone like that cutting them to the quick), but it is also pretty hilarious how little research he does. 

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The only time I didn't like Will doing the roundtable was BB15 because I thought he was kind of a dick to Candace when she said she wouldn't vote for Gina Marie.

Other than that I like him doing the roundtable because I hate how comp focused modern Big Brother currently is. 

33 minutes ago, LoveLeigh said:

He sort of has to take Taylor if he wants any relationship with her when this show is over.  

I really doubt Monte and Taylor are going to be dating after the show. The only single guy Taylor has been around for over a month has been Monte.  

Edited by choclatechip45
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4 hours ago, Slider said:

I've pretty much tuned out of this season and haven't been watching feeds or episodes as of late, but I did catch part of last night's episode and had just two (very superficial) comments:

1 - Monte's dad isn't old enough to be Monte's dad!  That man looks so young! (And attractive 😍)

2 - Turner's girlfriend is beautiful!  I always get annoyed with the countless shoutouts while voting, and Turner's repeated shoutout to her was on my last nerve, but she is nothing like I would have pictured.  

Anyways, I'll probably tune in to the finale to see how it all ends, and to see the jury's reasoning behind their votes, but the season just didn't hold my attention this year.  I don't know why, especially since I was glued to the feeds with the formation of the Leftovers and watching Ameerah, Daniel, and Nicole all get blindsided.  That was fun to watch.  To each his own I guess, because I know a lot of people enjoyed this season, but after the split with DyreFest and Big Brochella, I just couldn't enjoy.  

I've seen pretty much, well maybe 95 %, of every episode and every season since the first season, and this season I just could never really get into. I've never had the feeds, but I always read this forum and I like to know who gets evicted, but all the other other stuff I just can't being myself to care. I think I've been edging toward that in the last few years, but I've skipped entire episodes this season and don't feel the need to watch them after the fact . I'm not sure what caused the change, but I know it's there. I I missed last nights show but saw the last 5 minutes & saw who was left and that was ok. I might watch the ep later though, just to see the comp.

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4 hours ago, SummerDreams said:

I rewached the segment and all Alyssa says is "I knew Monte was not going to keep me in a million years" and then there was some cut and she says "Taylor slept in Monte's HoH room for like 3 days and ... anyway..." and then they interrupted her to have her repeat what she said.

I don't see this as slut shaming. It's just stating facts. I'm not going to accuse the messenger.

The inference is clear: “Taylor slept her way off the block.” Because Monte’s too much of a gentleman to vote out someone he’s sleeping with, and of course Taylor knew that. Poor Alyssa never had a fair chance!

If only she knew how many times she was actually —albeit unwittingly— saved from eviction because she was sleeping with Kyle. Irony, she is a mean girl.

4 hours ago, jsm1125 said:

I don’t ever see Jasmine voting for Turner. Also, I think she and Indy had nice things to say about Taylor towards the end of their time in the BB house. I don’t see how Turner wins against Taylor TBH, except for getting Kyle’s, Terrence’s, and maybe Monte’s and Joseph’s votes. 

I think Turner gets all of these. Except maybe Terrance. And possibly Joseph because of Dyrefest. But I think Joseph’s bro solidarity would win out.

1 hour ago, Brian Cronin said:

Monte has to win HOH Part 3 and just take his lumps, right? He can't throw to Turner, under the theory that Turner would take him, right? That's too big of a risk. It's got to be tempting, though, to make Turner cut Taylor. 

Monte’s an arrogant dick, but he’s not an idiot. Not a chance in hell he will throw this one.

47 minutes ago, LoveLeigh said:

He sort of has to take Taylor if he wants any relationship with her when this show is over.  

He’s made it pretty clear (to Turner, anyway) that he has no real interest in pursuing Taylor after the show. She’s just not obsequious enough for him. But I don’t think she’s all that interested in him, either. It was a romance of convenience that may continue for a short while (especially if Taylor decides to take him on the cruise she’s about to win —DON’T DO IT TAYLOR! TAKE YOUR MOM OR A FRIEND OR SOMEONE WHO ACTUALLY CARES ABOUT YOU!— but I expect it to fizzle pretty quickly. 

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9 minutes ago, Gemma Violet said:

I posted Brittany's exit interview with Julie in the media thread.  The goodbye messages are very interesting.

Yeah, ooph, I don't think Taylor did herself any favors with her GBM. Has it ever worked to say, "Advocate for me to the Jurors!" to someone who just evicted? 

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39 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

Yeah, ooph, I don't think Taylor did herself any favors with her GBM. Has it ever worked to say, "Advocate for me to the Jurors!" to someone who just evicted? 

Franzel sat Cory down his last few days in the house and told him what to say at the jury roundtable. A lot of the points we saw from the edit were things she said lol. Which is probably the better way to do it then just mentioning it in a GBM.

Edited by choclatechip45
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8 minutes ago, Diana Berry said:

Any idea who monte or Turner will choose for  F2?

Monte says he'll take Taylor at the moment, but we shall see. 

Turner, meanwhile, says he'll take Monte, and has been pretty consistent with it, but, well, again, we shall see. ;) 

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Is there really no way Taylor can win if taken as planned by Monte? I cannot accept a Monte win! He is terrible! is her not winning any of the HOH parts the main reason? I personally still have some hope.

Alyssa - T
Brittany - T
Indy - T  (I think she’d want to be right about her winning)
Kyle - M
Jasmine - T
Joseph - M? (not sure at all)
Michael - T  (I think he would like the story and the history)
Terrance - M
Turner - M

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Monte may not need to throw anything.  He could very well lose to Turner in the Final HOH.  He's a competitor.

Cliff Hogg said that the endurance comp was a really tough one that Turner did not want to do.  But he sucked it up, and clinched it.   Apparently, Taylor got scared and drop right away.

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2 hours ago, Lucas Rowan said:

Alyssa is the reason all of her allies went home.  If she hadn't opened her stupid mouth to Kyle about Old School, she would've been fine.  (Yes, I know that she admitted to why she did it -- the alliance meant more to Ameerah and Nicole than it did to her, but she still tanked all of their games.)  Her alliance would've controlled the game, not Kyle's.  Every one of her allies have pointed the finger at her since they left.  That was her doing, not Kyle's.

Yeah  I meant Alyssa spilling led to Kyle sending all of her allies home lol. 

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Right now Monte is talking shit about Taylor to Turner and his thoughts on why she rubs people the wrong way. I think it is to make Turner think he (Monte) will not take Taylor to f2 and feel Turner out about who he will take and make sure Turner turns against Taylor too so Turner dislikes Tay and takes Monte. 

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I turn on feeds to find Monte talking to Turner, complaining about Taylor. He doesn’t understand why she is so different in a group when she’s alone with him. She’s so nice when they are alone, but then makes sarcastic comments in public. What is up with that?

Turner understands, he’s dealt with that before. How do you know who is the real person?

Monte gives an example: She has said her Zingbot zing was a compliment. But then she told him the zings are funny because they’re not true. WHICH IS IT? He thinks zings have to have a kernel of truth in them. Take his: he doesn’t talk shit, he doesn’t start drama, and if that makes him boring, he can live with that!

And then the other day when she was apologizing to him— she clearly was just saying what she had to stay at the time. He can’t deal with that kind of duality. There’s someone out there who might love that, but it’s not him. And thank god there’s no HoH room this week, so he doesn’t have to deal with it.

He is hoping that once they are out of here, he can find a real adult relationship.

Turner thinks that all makes a lot of sense, and Monte should just trust his gut.

AND THUS BEGINS MONTE’S JUSTIFICATION-FOR-NOT-TAKING-TAYLOR TOUR.  As if we all didn’t know it was coming soon, to a city near you.

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Turner starts to press Monte for a F2 decision, by way of reminiscing about last year’s F3, when they spoke frankly about who would take who and Azah got so upset. Turner would definitely bring Monte, because he knows he loses to both of them, so why not bring the one he’s closest to. He brings up this year’s jury and who they would vote for. Michael would definitely choose Taylor, with Monte as a second choice. He would never vote for Turner because of the LGBTQ slight.

Then that two-faced temptress, this year’s Azah, shows up and the discussion is tabled. (As if anything more needs to be said. He’s yours, Turner.)

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Turner gets called to DR and interestingly enough, Monte starts telling Taylor about the conversation they just had. (Not about the part where she’s a two faced psycho, but the F2 stuff.) Monte: “And he started talking about last year…” Taylor: “In the bubble room? With Azah? Yeah, he brought that up with me, too.”

Monte says he’s not sure if Turner is being genuine or if he’s just playing the game. He starts going through the jury votes with Taylor. She assures him that Brittany will vote for Turner if given the choice. And that Michael will vote for the best player, personal feelings aside. She says Monte definitely has Indy’s vote, regardless of who he’s sitting aside. 

Taylor tells him about Brittany’s confession and her reaction. Monte says Taylor is the most forgiving person he’s ever known. He doesn’t know how she can take being disrespected like that. Taylor shrugs: it’s a game, it’s not her life.

Taylor assures him that Turner really does believe he can’t win. But she doesn’t think it’s true, and Monte agrees. They think he is comparing himself to Paul, who played a good game but lost because of his social game. (THEN IT’S NOT SUCH A GOOD GAME, IS IT.)

Monte says that arguing his game vs Turner’s to the jury would be more difficult, because their moves are so similar.

And maybe there is hope, after all! Monte has not promised Turner F2, and he does seem to be weighing his options very carefully. I get the sense that he sees an easier path to the check against Taylor, but he also thinks he has a slight edge over Turner and would prefer him to get second. I think he’ll land on the side of taking Turner, but there’s still a decent chance I’m wrong.

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Monte leaves Taylor alone and she stares at the counter, pondering her bad luck at having her fate in the hands of these two men. “Maybe Turner will pick me,” she whispers.

Monte returns and affirms that he is still taking Taylor. “I trust you,” she says. “Have I ever given you a reason not to?” he replies.

He says he knows Turner is expecting him to take him and will be hurt when he doesn’t. Turner has said as much. But—

Feeds cut. When they come back, Turner is there. The two guys walk off, leaving Taylor to stare at the counter some more.

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Turner IS comparing himself to Paul. He was so sure Paul would win, and the only reason he didn’t was because of jury management. Taylor corrects him that Paul was actively fucking people over.

They go through the juror faces, as Taylor does impressions:

Michael (robot voice): “I. am. a. student. of. the. game. I. choose. the. best. player.”

Joseph: “I don’t know, maybe her, maybe him. I can’t decide. Who won the most comps?”

She says Terrance will never vote for her, because he sees her as a race traitor. Even though he wanted to keep Kyle. Taylor (Terrance voice): “The only way he learns is if he stays!”

She drills Turner on stats, and he does terribly. I don’t know if she’s helping him or destroying the last shred of his self confidence.

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Listening to Taylor quiz Turner (and Monte, earlier), it is such a shame that she won’t get to play a stats comp. She has so much obscure information in split second recall, and they do not. She would have smoked them both. It’s a toss up between Monte and Turner, but I think Monte has a slight edge.

Watch, it will probably be one of those “complete the quote” comps, and none of these stats will matter.

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13 hours ago, leocadia said:

Funny how she (or Kyle, or Terrance) forgot to clue in Joseph on the fact that they told Taylor that Joseph had betrayed her during DyreFest and that he had been playing her all season. 

We don't know if they did. They showed 0,001% of the jury.

Also, where did Joseph playing Taylor come from? Even Taylor was saying that he did things that jeopardised his game for her.

I think Taylor fans don't want to see anything bad in her.

12 hours ago, LoveLeigh said:

He sort of has to take Taylor if he wants any relationship with her when this show is over.  

He has said he doesn't.

11 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

The inference is clear: “Taylor slept her way off the block.” Because Monte’s too much of a gentleman to vote out someone he’s sleeping with, and of course Taylor knew that. Poor Alyssa never had a fair chance!

If only she knew how many times she was actually —albeit unwittingly— saved from eviction because she was sleeping with Kyle. Irony, she is a mean girl.

If you accept that Alyssa was saved from eviction because she was sleeping with Kyle, then you have to accept that Taylor was saved because she was sleeping with Monte. You can't accept the one and not the other because they are EXACTLY the same things.

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12 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

Will is doing the jury round table. I wish they’d switch it up and maybe get someone who actually watches to do it lol. But at least he can tell them winning comps isn’t the only or best form of game play.

Yay! I love seeing how Will gets less and less lifelike every season. The lighting guys are probably already shitting themselves, trying to figure out how to make him look less shiny and plasticky. Last time was rough.

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1 hour ago, SummerDreams said:

If you accept that Alyssa was saved from eviction because she was sleeping with Kyle, then you have to accept that Taylor was saved because she was sleeping with Monte. You can't accept the one and not the other because they are EXACTLY the same things.

I didn’t claim either. I pointed out that Alyssa should be careful where she throws that rock inside her very glass house. My post was about her hypocrisy, not about slut shaming her or anyone else.

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3 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

I didn’t claim either. I pointed out that Alyssa should be careful where she throws that rock inside her very glass house. My post was about her hypocrisy, not about slut shaming her or anyone else.

Fair enough but I didn't see Alyssa slut shaming Taylor. She just stated facts in my opinion. And who knows, maybe she will admit that she herself was saved because she had Kyle.

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The last hamsters standing are all sleeping in the same room tonight. For companionship, supposedly. But I think Taylor didn’t want to give Turner another chance to sway Monte before they dozed off together. Smart girl.

Before that, Monte and Turner looked around for more things to steal. Turner showed Monte what he’s taking: a serving tray decorated with 60’s-style shapes, glued in an upright position on a bedroom shelf. (I don’t know how he’s removing that without splintering the wood, but whatever.) Turner grabbed for some raygun decor, but it fell apart and he got yelled at: “STOP THAT.”

The guys discovered a small magnetic golf game in their room that they had never noticed before. The goal is to hit a tiny metal ball into a tiny hole with a tiny golf club. They both had trouble with this.

Turner has apparently been counting down the days with Q-tips in his bedroom. Tonight, he formed the Q-tips into the shape of a “1”. He told Monte he never expected to get that far. They are both amazed that they will never see the jury house. Well, maybe next time when they come back for All Stars, they conceded. If they play badly.

Nightly reminiscing consisted of “hey remember when someone kept leaving logs in the toilet?” “Was that Kyle?” “No, it was Terrance!” Weird thing to get nostalgic about. And ick, Terrance. How do you keep giving us new ways to be disgusted with you, 3 weeks after you’re gone?

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I’m so glad this ends tomorrow. This past week and a half has been so terribly boring as were both episodes this week. I can’t remember it being this bad in previous seasons. Is it because till 2 weeks ago this season rocked and then suddenly there was a whole bunch of nothing whereas previous seasons weren’t as exciting. This last week schedule was terrible. I feel that at F5, the schedule should be cut in half, an event everyday: Thursday HoH, Friday noms, Saturday veto, Sunday vc, Monday eviction and F4 HoH, Tuesday noms, Wednesday veto, Thursday vc, Friday eviction and part 1 HoH, Saturday part 2 HoH, Sunday part 3 HoH live, F3 eviction live, F2 live and win. Last week and half, I’ve had no interest in watching, so thanks to those of you who slugged through it. 

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5 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Watch, it will probably be one of those “complete the quote” comps, and none of these stats will matter.

I think they're done with that. It's been 2 truths and a lie about each jury member since BB20. 

And yea, Taylor likely would have killed that. We really could have had it all! *sobs*

2 minutes ago, dizzyd said:

I’m so glad this ends tomorrow. This past week and a half has been so terribly boring as were both episodes this week. I can’t remember it being this bad in previous seasons. 

The last like month or more has been boring for years lol. This season only got there in the last week. The episodes are bad from day 1 every season nowadays.

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7 hours ago, SummerDreams said:

We don't know if they did. They showed 0,001% of the jury.

Also, where did Joseph playing Taylor come from? Even Taylor was saying that he did things that jeopardised his game for her.

I think Taylor fans don't want to see anything bad in her.

He has said he doesn't.

If you accept that Alyssa was saved from eviction because she was sleeping with Kyle, then you have to accept that Taylor was saved because she was sleeping with Monte. You can't accept the one and not the other because they are EXACTLY the same things.

Except Monte was going to keep Taylor before she slept with him. Kyle was actively trying to get rid of Alyssa until Alyssa slept with him. Joseph whole argument to get rid of Alyssa was everything Kyle was telling the Leftovers for weeks. 

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I can’t wait for this season to be over.  I feel like bb Twitter and I have been watching two different games.  I’m trying to watch Big Brother while I feel that BB Twitter is watching the Bachelorette.  I personally don’t think Taylor is playing an impressive enough game to win.  She couldn’t even get her own friend and ally Brittany to vote to save her.  Monte and his ally had to save her.  
But if I was watching the the Bachelorette, Taylor should never give a rose to Monte.

Edited by Coco88
To and two are not the same
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It works both for the game and for the world, since we're supposed to get wiped out by some apocalypse some time today which is why I refuse to do any chores. If I'm going out, so is the laundry. Meet y'all on the party bus to Hell. (We upgraded from the hand-basket. It has a stripper pole. Wooo!)

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2 hours ago, Callaphera said:


It works both for the game and for the world, since we're supposed to get wiped out by some apocalypse some time today which is why I refuse to do any chores. If I'm going out, so is the laundry. Meet y'all on the party bus to Hell. (We upgraded from the hand-basket. It has a stripper pole. Wooo!)

I read somewhere that the Rapture is coming 9/25.  I even wrote it on the calendar.

Somebody will start a thread when it happens😎

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4 hours ago, choclatechip45 said:

Except Monte was going to keep Taylor before she slept with him. Kyle was actively trying to get rid of Alyssa until Alyssa slept with him. Joseph whole argument to get rid of Alyssa was everything Kyle was telling the Leftovers for weeks. 

Thank you! That sounded really off to me, but I the claim was so emphatic I started questioning my own memory.

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