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S04.E01: Reunited / S04.E02: The Lamp

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Should've known there was a forum for this.

Reunited: A TIMESKIP?! Boo. But at least we got filled in on the last year. I loved Toddler!Colin Robinson and Laszlo trying to raise him into NOT becoming a boring energy vampire. I was dying at Laszlo feeding him Count Chocula. It was also totally on brand for his pin to be the digits of pi. So annoying and unnecessary.

I really wanted a whole season of Nandor traveling the country with the Wisconsin family. LOVED that he was involved with the boat stuck in the Suez Canal. I also wish we saw Nandor in Al Qolnidar, but I liked how it gave us insight to why Nandor won't turn Guillermo: if everyone is a vampire, it's not special and it'll drive him crazy. Nandor also seemed genuinely upset that Guillermo wasn't jealous that he was getting married.

Gotta appreciate Nadja being so enthusiastic over the Vampire Nightclub. Didn't they go to one in Manhattan? Also, I wasn't shocked that her spot in the Vampiric Council was full of incredibly boring beaureacrat stuff.

Guillermo finally grew a spine! Good for him.

The Lamp: This show is really going all in on destroying their sets. I love Laszlo getting so into Go Flip Yourself (great title for that show, btw). The Sklars as the brothers is perfect, and I hope we see them with Laszlo at some point.

The Djinn plot was fun. But if he was a really dickish Djinn of old, he'd count bringing back all 37 wives (and guy wives) as 37 separate wishes out of the 52. But no, apparently that was one. But it's so like Nandor to go through all 52 in a single episode (but notice he didn't run out of wishes!) I like the cut to Guillermo after Nandor brought up having guy wives. It was so perfectly Nandor to turn his search for the perfect wife to be like The Bachelor, with all the rejects getting dusted re-deaded by the Djinn. Loved that some of them started to catch on what "getting a gold coin" meant. Of course Nandor's perfect guy wife is Guillermo. It always was.

Got a big kick of out Nandor's Fucking Kublai!

It's been a while since I watched the last season, I should've known The Guide had the hots for Guillermo, a vampire killer.

Edited by Galileo908
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After a tedious Season 3, feels appropriate that Laszlo would make it all better, instantly, with a hearty “Let’s fuck!” to Nadja.

Also thrilled NadjaDoll is back.  That little twat should totally do the DVD commentary for the series.

And all hail the counter-clockwise Djinn! the return of the fun guest star!

Loving it already.  Smacks of the pure greatness that was Season 2.

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The state of the house was disgusting! 

I love that Nadja and Lazslo don't even get upset when Guillermo snaps or snubs them, they just laugh it off.  I love their "ooh".

Poor Guillermo, he was shipped in a wooden box twice and this time he was stuck an extra week in it!  I wonder who he was talking to on his phone?

I loved when Lazslo mentioned that he knew Freud and where "penis envy" came from.  I always laugh when they show montages from the past and insert the characters into them.

It's cool that they've shown that Nandor was always bi, and not just because he became a vampire.  I laughed when one of his former husbands just asked the djinn for a gold coin.

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16 minutes ago, peridot said:

The state of the house was disgusting! 

I love that Nadja and Lazslo don't even get upset when Guillermo snaps or snubs them, they just laugh it off.  I love their "ooh".

Poor Guillermo, he was shipped in a wooden box twice and this time he was stuck an extra week in it!  I wonder who he was talking to on his phone?

I loved when Lazslo mentioned that he knew Freud and where "penis envy" came from.  I always laugh when they show montages from the past and insert the characters into them.

It's cool that they've shown that Nandor was always bi, and not just because he became a vampire.  I laughed when one of his former husbands just asked the djinn for a gold coin.

I think he has a love interest and get a feeling Nandor will be jealous. 

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I'm so glad to have the show back and it didn't disappoint. I'm always worried the gimmick will get stale but so they've been able to maintain the laughs. So many great bits, and I don't know how they are accomplishing the effect of pasting Colin's face onto a toddler but it's super creepy and also hilarious.

I'm surprised Guillermo didn't try to wish to become a vampire, or wish that the house was fixed, since the Djinn was apparently ready to grant him a wish right off the bat when he asked "is that your wish?" I also laughed when they were brainstorming money ideas and Guillermo started to point out "hey you're all vampires you can just walk into a bank and hypnotize . . . " before getting cut off.

Does Guillermo has a boyfriend? Was that the implication from the phone call? It was definitely a guy on the other end.


The Sklars as the brothers is perfect, and I hope we see them with Laszlo at some point.

Oh is that who that was? I was trying to figure out if it was a real HGTV show - there are so many of those.

  • Love 5
25 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

I'm so glad to have the show back and it didn't disappoint. I'm always worried the gimmick will get stale but so they've been able to maintain the laughs. So many great bits, and I don't know how they are accomplishing the effect of pasting Colin's face onto a toddler but it's super creepy and also hilarious.

I'm surprised Guillermo didn't try to wish to become a vampire, or wish that the house was fixed, since the Djinn was apparently ready to grant him a wish right off the bat when he asked "is that your wish?" I also laughed when they were brainstorming money ideas and Guillermo started to point out "hey you're all vampires you can just walk into a bank and hypnotize . . . " before getting cut off.

Does Guillermo has a boyfriend? Was that the implication from the phone call? It was definitely a guy on the other end.

Oh is that who that was? I was trying to figure out if it was a real HGTV show - there are so many of those.

It was and I think he does, unless it is another vampire he has befriended? 

I don't  think that was an actual HGTV show. Then again, I don't watch that channel. 

2 hours ago, iMonrey said:

I'm surprised Guillermo didn't try to wish to become a vampire, or wish that the house was fixed, since the Djinn was apparently ready to grant him a wish right off the bat when he asked "is that your wish?"

I thought that too--but even if it wouldn't ruin the premise, it's showing that Guillermo is starting to like being who he is. Especially since it seems like he does have a boyfriend now, which I assume will cause problems when Nandor figures out who his most beloved wife that he vaguely remembers is...

2 hours ago, iMonrey said:

I also laughed when they were brainstorming money ideas and Guillermo started to point out "hey you're all vampires you can just walk into a bank and hypnotize . . . " before getting cut off.

LOL. I love how Guillermo would be so much better at being a vampire. And a regular person.

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He would for the first century or two then he would become just as lazy as Nandor, Nadja, and Laszlo.  

Yeah, we've yet to meet a smart and/or sane vampire, as far as I can recall.

Come to think of it, it would be hard for the vampires to rob a bank since none are likely to be open past sunset. That said, they could easily steal from some payday loan office or maybe a pawn shop. Some of those are open 24/7. Last season Laszlo stole a shit ton of electronics from a Best Buy type store.

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I am so glad that this show is back, good to see that its still an absolute blast. I am sad that we missed a year in everyone's life, would have loved to see more of Nandor's travel adventures, but I am glad that the whole gang is back. We also get conformation that the house would, quite literally, fall apart without Guillermo. 

I definitely suspect that Guillermo met someone in the last year, and Nandor is going to get jealous about it, and right after he was annoyed about how Guillermo wasn't acting jealous about the return of his many wives/boy toys. Of course we can tell tell who his real perfect someone is...

So many great bits, but my favorites might have been Lazlo inspiring penis envy (according to him anyway) and Lazlo's adventures in babysitting as he tries to teach the baby formally known as Colin Robinson not to be boring. Matt Barry is a true treasure. 

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I'm not sure what my favorite "real life" revelation was this time: that Laszlo was the inspiration of Sigmund Freud's "penis envy" idea (of course, he wanted to call if the "Way of the Wang"), or that Nandor was the one responsible for that freighter being stuck in the canal a year ago.

A little disappointed that they've already skipped ahead by a year or so, but I can understand why they wanted to get the main cast back together as soon as possible.  Glad we at least got some glimpses of what had transpired during that year for everyone, but hopefully we get a few more flashbacks going forward.

Nandor gets a lamp with a Djinn that gives him 52 wishes, but he's naturally going to pretty much blow through all of that just to find his perfect wife.  And you just know it's not going to work out for him in the end.

A Vampire Nightclub sounds amazing!

Heh, The Scribe use to be a freak!  Including sleeping with a Van Hesling before, and that's why she's so into Guillermo.  But she will hold off on that "forbidden" love for now.  Guillermo is "totally" heartbroken over that!

Baby Colin is as crazy as expected.  Curious about that bit where they can catch him hammering a wall in his old room.  I'm wondering if that wasn't random and there is something he needs in there.

Glad the show is back!

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1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

Yeah, we've yet to meet a smart and/or sane vampire, as far as I can recall.

Come to think of it, it would be hard for the vampires to rob a bank since none are likely to be open past sunset. That said, they could easily steal from some payday loan office or maybe a pawn shop. Some of those are open 24/7. Last season Laszlo stole a shit ton of electronics from a Best Buy type store.

They live in Staten Island, just a ferry ride to one of the world's biggest financial markets.  Any one of them could hypnotize some financial bros and liquidate their accounts in the matter of minutes.  Or kill some drug lords and take their cash back to their lair.  They should be sitting on piles of cash after living so close to NYC for centuries.  The fact that they don't speaks to their laziness.  Of course, we've known since season one that these three are the laziest vampires on the continent.

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A little disappointed that they've already skipped ahead by a year or so, but I can understand why they wanted to get the main cast back together as soon as possible.  Glad we at least got some glimpses of what had transpired during that year for everyone, but hopefully we get a few more flashbacks going forward.

It would probably be prohibitively expensive to have them all on location; makes more sense to bring them back together right away. I got a kick out of the flashbacks. They clearly spend a lot on FX - I love how The Guide keeps popping up in a different place every time they turn around, that's a pretty neat trick.


They live in Staten Island, just a ferry ride to one of the world's biggest financial markets.  Any one of them could hypnotize some financial bros and liquidate their accounts in the matter of minutes.  Or kill some drug lords and take their cash back to their . . . . .

We're opening a bloody vampire club dammit!!!

You know . . . Kayvan Novak is clearly a very talented voice mimic, I got a kick out of his Wisconsin accent. But the irony is that after all these years he shouldn't have such a thick middle-eastern accent anymore if he's able to do other accents so well. 

Edited by iMonrey
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3 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

It would probably be prohibitively expensive to have them all on location; makes more sense to bring them back together right away. I got a kick out of the flashbacks. They clearly spend a lot on FX - I love how The Guide keeps popping up in a different place every time they turn around, that's a pretty neat trick.

We're opening a bloody vampire club dammit!!!

You know . . . Kayvan Novak is clearly a very talented voice mimic, I got a kick out of his Wisconsin accent. But the irony is that after all these years he shouldn't have such a thick middle-eastern accent anymore if he's able to do other accents so well. 

But I love his accent!

  • Love 10
7 hours ago, iMonrey said:


I'm surprised Guillermo didn't try to wish to become a vampire, or wish that the house was fixed, since the Djinn was apparently ready to grant him a wish right off the bat when he asked "is that your wish?" I also laughed when they were brainstorming money ideas and Guillermo started to point out "hey you're all vampires you can just walk into a bank and hypnotize . . . " before getting cut off.


Since Nandor rubbed the lamp I'm assuming he's the one who gets the wishes, not Guillermo. Assuming they are following usual Djinn protocol (which they already aren't, 52 wishes? How wonderfully ludicrous).

12 hours ago, peridot said:

Poor Guillermo, he was shipped in a wooden box twice and this time he was stuck an extra week in it!  I wonder who he was talking to on his phone?

A rebound bf, most likely. And he totally isn't jealous of Nandor. Really.

9 hours ago, iMonrey said:

Oh is that who that was? I was trying to figure out if it was a real HGTV show - there are so many of those.

I thought it was Property Brothers, too. But no, it's a fake show called "Go Flip Yourself." I'm betting that Laszlo calls them in to remodel the nightclub or the house.

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6 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

I am sad that we missed a year in everyone's life, would have loved to see more of Nandor's travel adventures, but I am glad that the whole gang is back.

I'm hopeful we'll get to see some of the 'lost year' in flashbacks.

6 hours ago, thuganomics85 said:

A little disappointed that they've already skipped ahead by a year or so, but I can understand why they wanted to get the main cast back together as soon as possible.  Glad we at least got some glimpses of what had transpired during that year for everyone, but hopefully we get a few more flashbacks going forward.

I am just spitballing here, but my hope is they wanted to get everyone back together to get the Colin Robinson/Boy story going. Then they could have an episode or two that focus on some flashbacks that focus on Nandor and Nadja, so they could get their own 'Jackie Daytona' like special episodes!

12 hours ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

I caught some of the credits from The Lamp before shutting off my TV last night, and the show listed actors for Baby Colin #1, Baby Colin #2, and Baby Colin #4.  Do we want to know what happened to Baby Colin #3?

Ooooh. I know I shouldn't want to know, but I kind of do!

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6 hours ago, iMonrey said:

But the irony is that after all these years he shouldn't have such a thick middle-eastern accent anymore

Wellllll…it is a truth generally acknowledged that hanging on to that accent is a *choice.   My dad’s accent ceased being noticeable to people after their initial conversation; otoh, I had a politics prof as an undergrad who’d been in the US for 20 years by that time, but you could barely understand him bc of the accent.

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Laszlo actually asked an intelligent and pertinent question for once, when he inquired what the Guide did before working for the Vampire Council. I'm sure that will be the last time that happens. And that is a modern(ish) office building, we've seen the lobby with the Council listed on the directory. She couldn't have spent centuries imprinting on it.

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I liked the time skip. I'd rather rely on flashbacks to give details about their time away. These characters work so much better when they're together.

I thought the first episode had more out-loud laughs than the second.

I found Nandor's search for his wife tedious because I knew he would be too self-centered to figure it out and get rid of all of them eventually. I like The Guide got a backstory and that her assignment is a punishment rather than a job. It was a twist I wasn't expecting then to tie it into her lust for Guillermo is because of his Van Helsing blood is really clever. I'd like to know why they chose to dress the Djinn as a sexy Professor from a porno; I hope we get to learn more about him.

I always find the fact that Freud was a huge cokehead amusing. I love it when they use odd history bits to enhance the story.

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If they don't have the funds to pay a construction crew to fix up the house, how do they have the funds to pay a construction crew to create the nightclub?  It would make more sense if the wraiths were doing all the work.

Also, someone's been paying the gas bills for the last year (not sure why the gas company can't cut off the gas outside the house if they know there's a leak). Additionally, Target clothes and especially Uber Eats for the crowd costs money, so Guillermo has access to some funds. 

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9 minutes ago, ItCouldBeWorse said:

If they don't have the funds to pay a construction crew to fix up the house, how do they have the funds to pay a construction crew to create the nightclub?  It would make more sense if the wraiths were doing all the work.

Also, someone's been paying the gas bills for the last year (not sure why the gas company can't cut off the gas outside the house if they know there's a leak). Additionally, Target clothes and especially Uber Eats for the crowd costs money, so Guillermo has access to some funds. 

Yes, it doesn't make sense but it is a show about vampires! We are not in the real world. 

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Since Nandor rubbed the lamp I'm assuming he's the one who gets the wishes, not Guillermo. Assuming they are following usual Djinn protocol (which they already aren't, 52 wishes? How wonderfully ludicrous).

You're right, I re-watched that episode and the Djinn was looking at Nandor when he asked "is that your wish?" First time I watched I thought he was asking Guillermo.  


Poor Guillermo, he was shipped in a wooden box twice and this time he was stuck an extra week in it!  I wonder who he was talking to on his phone?

I wonder if it's going to turn out to be another vampire that's simply using him, like Nandor did for 10 years.


I thought it was Property Brothers, too. But no, it's a fake show called "Go Flip Yourself." I'm betting that Laszlo calls them in to remodel the nightclub or the house.

Oh man - I'm imagining what the flippers might do with a Vampire Residence remodel and I'm already laughing.


If they don't have the funds to pay a construction crew to fix up the house, how do they have the funds to pay a construction crew to create the nightclub?

They might have hypnotized the construction crew to work for them. I don't think funds are actually an issue, Nadja just used it as an excuse because she wanted to open her nightclub. As pointed out above, there are all sorts of ways they could easily get money.

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6 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

You're right, I re-watched that episode and the Djinn was looking at Nandor when he asked "is that your wish?" First time I watched I thought he was asking Guillermo.  

I wonder if it's going to turn out to be another vampire that's simply using him, like Nandor did for 10 years.

Oh man - I'm imagining what the flippers might do with a Vampire Residence remodel and I'm already laughing.

They might have hypnotized the construction crew to work for them. I don't think funds are actually an issue, Nadja just used it as an excuse because she wanted to open her nightclub. As pointed out above, there are all sorts of ways they could easily get money.

That is what I was wondering but didn't the scene with the call happen in the daytime? A vampire would have been asleep. 

A nightclub with blood sprinklers!!! 

Edited by libgirl2
On 7/13/2022 at 8:31 AM, peridot said:

I wonder who he was talking to on his phone?

Guillermo would have had to meet the caller in England, correct?  He didn't sound like he had a British accent, although he could have been a foreigner, like Guillermo. Or perhaps Guillermo took side trips for Nadja to other countries.  I wonder if he tried to find Nandor in the last year.

Does anyone know if the painting of Nandor and all his wives (including the male ones) is different from the previous one we've seen?  I was wondering if the male wives had been added, as they might not have been thought of in previous seasons.

Edited by ItCouldBeWorse

Also interesting that Guillermo was disturbed that the genie would be killing the rejected, previously dead wives, considering how many dead bodies Guillermo has nonchalantly disposed of.  Maybe the difference is that in the latter case, the vampires require sustenance and death is a necessary side-effect (like people who will hunt only for food, not for sport.)

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19 minutes ago, ItCouldBeWorse said:

Also interesting that Guillermo was disturbed that the genie would be killing the rejected, previously dead wives, considering how many dead bodies Guillermo has nonchalantly disposed of.  Maybe the difference is that in the latter case, the vampires require sustenance and death is a necessary side-effect (like people who will hunt only for food, not for sport.)

Well, I mean, they were dead already, so...

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19 minutes ago, ItCouldBeWorse said:

Also interesting that Guillermo was disturbed that the genie would be killing the rejected, previously dead wives, considering how many dead bodies Guillermo has nonchalantly disposed of.  Maybe the difference is that in the latter case, the vampires require sustenance and death is a necessary side-effect (like people who will hunt only for food, not for sport.)

Also maybe that these are his wives, people he married, and yet he's still fine with murdering them when they aren't the one he wants. 

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So Gizmo has a boyfriend? Did he meet him in the UK? Is he still over there? I gots to know!

Nandor with his girl wifes and guy wifes and Guillermo's bafflement at the casual revelation, probably him thinking that if he knew that was the case, he might have made his feelings known sooner, was a fun watch.

Kristen Schaal secretely being a super slut vampire: Seems like I should have seen this coming, but I didn't.

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8 hours ago, SoMuchTV said:

Well, I mean, they were dead already, so...

I know you're referencing the joke from the episode, but that makes it even more noticeable that Guillermo was perturbed by those "deaths", but not by the deaths of the many, many victims whose bodies he disposes of himself.

8 hours ago, sistermagpie said:

Also maybe that these are his wives, people he married, and yet he's still fine with murdering them when they aren't the one he wants. 

Nando has no problem with the deaths.  I was referring to Guillermo.

Edited by ItCouldBeWorse
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On 7/13/2022 at 9:23 PM, iMonrey said:

Come to think of it, it would be hard for the vampires to rob a bank since none are likely to be open past sunset. That said, they could easily steal from some payday loan office or maybe a pawn shop. Some of those are open 24/7. Last season Laszlo stole a shit ton of electronics from a Best Buy type store.

Should be doable in winter. But pay day loan offices would be safer.

On 7/14/2022 at 5:18 AM, voiceover said:

Wellllll…it is a truth generally acknowledged that hanging on to that accent is a *choice.   My dad’s accent ceased being noticeable to people after their initial conversation; otoh, I had a politics prof as an undergrad who’d been in the US for 20 years by that time, but you could barely understand him bc of the accent.

It's really different with different people and I think it also has something to do with age. I watch a bunch of german Youtubers (doing their videos in english) where you can barely hear an accent... and then there's Docm77. Boy's accent is thick and that is not a choice. ZombieCleo once told an anecdote where they couldn't understand what he was talking about for like 5 minutes, when he repeatedly pronounced "ice hockey" weird.

14 hours ago, ItCouldBeWorse said:

If they don't have the funds to pay a construction crew to fix up the house, how do they have the funds to pay a construction crew to create the nightclub?  It would make more sense if the wraiths were doing all the work.


14 hours ago, libgirl2 said:

That is what I was wondering but didn't the scene with the call happen in the daytime? A vampire would have been asleep. 

He might still be in the UK and it could be night there.

12 hours ago, ItCouldBeWorse said:

Does anyone know if the painting of Nandor and all his wives (including the male ones) is different from the previous one we've seen?  I was wondering if the male wives had been added, as they might not have been thought of in previous seasons.

I'm 99% sure it's the same painting, but it wasn't previously clear that the men in it were also his wifes.

Edited by PurpleTentacle
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On 7/13/2022 at 6:54 AM, sistermagpie said:

I did have to rewind when Laszlo invited Nandor to join in the sex because I didn't catch what he said. "Room at the back" made that rewind so worth it.

I'm still not sure if Laszlo meant there was room in his "back" or Nadja's. Pretty funny nonetheless.

Toddler Colin Robinson is terrifying. That wig and that face on a child's body is the stuff of nightmares. 

On 7/13/2022 at 1:20 PM, thuganomics85 said:

Curious about that bit where they can catch him hammering a wall in his old room.  I'm wondering if that wasn't random and there is something he needs in there.

Yeah he appeared to be hammering that wall with purpose, so I think there's something hidden behind it that he needs. Which would mean he retained his memories of adult Colin Robinson. 

I just love the Nadja doll, the perfect combination of creepy and adorable. 

I'm dreading where I suspect this Guillermo/Nandor relationship is going. What timing: Guillermo has a secret boyfriend who makes him happy just as we learn that Nandor is bisexual on a doomed quest to find his perfect wife. I'm gonna guess that just as Nandor realizes Guillermo is his soulmate, Guillermo's boyfriend will make an appearance and both men will fight for honor of courting Mary Sue Guillermo. And that's not even including the ridiculousness of the Guide's sudden lust for Guillermo because of his Van Helsing blood. I'm sure the shippers loved when Nandor jumped into the basement to rescue Guillermo when he fell through the hole, but I just rolled my eyes. 

Edited by bunnyblue
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I'm sure the shippers loved when Nandor jumped into the basement to rescue Guillermo when he fell through the hole, but I just rolled my eyes. 

I was impressed by the special effect. Obviously Kayvan did not actually do a swan dive into a hole in the floor, I'm not sure how they accomplished that.

I also want to know where Nandor heard "Wazzzzzzzzupp?" like anybody has said that in decades. Maybe his Wisconsin friends?

Also didn't know they still made Count Chocula. (Apparently it's only available during Halloween nowadays.)

14 hours ago, bunnyblue said:

I'm dreading where I suspect this Guillermo/Nandor relationship is going. What timing: Guillermo has a secret boyfriend who makes him happy just as we learn that Nandor is bisexual on a doomed quest to find his perfect wife. I'm gonna guess that just as Nandor realizes Guillermo is his soulmate, Guillermo's boyfriend will make an appearance and both men will fight for honor of courting Mary Sue Guillermo. And that's not even including the ridiculousness of the Guide's sudden lust for Guillermo because of his Van Helsing blood. I'm sure the shippers loved when Nandor jumped into the basement to rescue Guillermo when he fell through the hole, but I just rolled my eyes. 

I don't think Guillermo fits the definition of a Mary Sue. Yes, he's the competent one on the show, but that's because they're all idiots and more importantly have powers when he's the human. Him becoming a vampire hunter made him more of an equal for the first time after a first season of being the constant loser. If he was a Mary Sue the Guide's lusting after him (which she's done for a while) wouldn't be a joke, and he wouldn't be locked forgotten in a trunk for two weeks. I mean, one of the main hints that he's Nandor's soulmate is that Nandor actually managed to remember his name, unlike everybody else. He's more like a Cinderella without being conventionally attractive by Hollywood standards.

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Not much I can add about the episodes. I think Gizmo loves being abused. Not in a BDSM way . . .  like more Mr. Smithers to Nandor's Monty Burns. He looked like he was going to bail on the vampires after getting stuck in a crate for two weeks . . . but then Nandor names him his best man, and Guillermo's all, "Well, I might as well stick around." And then he decides to care for The Thing That Crawled Out Of The Dead Body Of Colin Robinson.

Nandor doing a Wisconsin accent? Hilarious. Ditto for scaring the shit out of one of his wives with a lobster, to the point where she ran out on the road and got hit by a truck. I'm wondering if she's still alive after that. I'm guessing the Djinn doesn't need to do the "gold coin" bit to send a wife back to where they came, but it would be interesting to see how someone that far removed from her time would cope with the 21st Century and/or Staten Island.

I guess we're not getting any info on the one Wisconsin kid that looked pure goth, huh?

I like the idea of the Sklar Brothers as a duo with a HGTV show . . . and then I wonder how soon Lazlo will eat them.

Brief bit from the AVClub.com review of the episodes: "A quick analogy: Matt Berry’s hypnotist voice is to Matt Berry’s regular voice, as Matt Berry’s regular voice is to normal people’s voices." Sounds right to me.

Thinking about Nadja and the vampire nightclub . . . now I'm wondering if Donal Logue will return at some point.

ETA: The idea that The Guide is attracted to Guillermo because of her affair with Van Helsing . . . heh. I didn't see that coming. It's funny because Gizmo clearly wants no part of that. Oh, and I gotta love the Wraiths trying to keep the Vampiric Council Headquarters building unchanged, up to and including going full Looney Tunes, sawing a hole right underneath a ladder. Great touch.

Edited by Lantern7
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14 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

Not much I can add about the episodes. I think Gizmo loves being abused. Not in a BDSM way . . .  like more Mr. Smithers to Nandor's Monty Burns. He looked like he was going to bail on the vampires after getting stuck in a crate for two weeks . . . but then Nandor names him his best man, and Guillermo's all, "Well, I might as well stick around." And then he decides to care for The Thing That Crawled Out Of The Dead Body Of Colin Robinson.

We did see that his mother had sort of trained him to be the way he is, LOL.

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