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Hey, it's not Kanye's fault you're too much of a plebe to grasp the deep inner workings of his ARTISTIC GENIUS!!!! If you can't get the irony of paying $600 for a torn-up sweatshirt to look like a homeless person, then you, my dear, just aren't on the level;)

What's weird about is that it's not even original. Rich people have been dressing like fashionable hobos since forever.

  • Love 2

What's weird about is that it's not even original. Rich people have been dressing like fashionable hobos since forever.

Like the kids in "To Sir with Love" learning that their hair and clothing styles went back to ancient times.

I can only imagine the shit load of unsold sweats and pleather (ugh) jogging pants they have stashed in storage facilities around Calabassas. At least if they get moth eaten no one will ever notice.

  • Love 3

I'm sorry, WHAT??? All evidence to the contrary!!!!! So if she admits its not an attractive look on her, why the eff does she do it ALL THE TIME? There is NO way that she is always coming or going from a photo shoot.  . . 


"Aside from her lips, the youngest of the Kardashian-Jenner clan isn't a fan of heavy makeup. "It’s not attractive on me. When you see those pictures on my Instagram, they are usually for when I’m doing a photo shoot or an interview. Every time I get my makeup professionally done, I take a photo," she admitted to the NYT."



  • Love 2

I'm sorry, WHAT??? All evidence to the contrary!!!!! So if she admits its not an attractive look on her, why the eff does she do it ALL THE TIME? There is NO way that she is always coming or going from a photo shoot.  . . 


"Aside from her lips, the youngest of the Kardashian-Jenner clan isn't a fan of heavy makeup. "It’s not attractive on me. When you see those pictures on my Instagram, they are usually for when I’m doing a photo shoot or an interview. Every time I get my makeup professionally done, I take a photo," she admitted to the NYT."



That child needs to stop! cause i've seen paparazzi photos of her looking like a 40yr old trophy wife

  • Love 4

Kylie is claiming she's hasn't had plastic surgery on her breasts. I think this is semantics. She's likely had fat injected into them.

It's like Kim playing off that her butt is natural because x-rays proved she doesn't have implants. Never mind the fact that there's several ways to get a bigger butt through a Brazilian lift, fat transfer, injections etc.

  • Love 1

Kylie is claiming she's hasn't had plastic surgery on her breasts. I think this is semantics. She's likely had fat injected into them.

Or she's just flat out lying. In a comments section on an US Weekly article, someone posted a photo of Kylie with her original face and chest. She didn't have big boobs. (Or big lips, or big arched eyebrows, or big ... insert body part here.)

http://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-beauty/news/kylie-jenner-squashes-boob-job-rumors-i-use-a-victorias-secret-bra-2015149"Kylie Jenner Squashes Boob Job Rumors: See Before and After Pics!"

Scroll down to the comment: "Say that again with straight face Kylie..." That one has the small boobs photo.

Edited by Coffeecup
  • Love 1

I was looking at Kylie's instagram, and one of the videos there was a preview for her app. The thumbnail photo had her a medical gown in a hospital setting. I actually thought it was a preview of the latest cosmetic work that she is about to have done. However, I was disappointed to see it was just her trying to work on her "altruistic" image and visiting sick children in hospital.

Edited by Procrastinate

I am learning all sorts of stuff about plastic surgery lately! A few weeks ago, I found out you can have your jaw shaved down (Bethenney Frankel) and now I learn you can get fat transferred to your breasts instead of implants?! I've never heard of this! Sign me up! Ha ha

Seems like a more natural option, I wonder why it's not a main stream thing to hear about (or maybe it's just me).

Somebody did us a favor & reviewed Kylie's new App, so that we don't have to piss money away on this crap. And in a surprise to nobody, it really really sucks.


http://ohnotheydidnt.livejournal.com/97961957.html ( Kylie's App review)



Speaking of crap, here is Kylie dyeing her hair green. She keeps on finding new ways to make herself even fuglier as usual. 



Edited by Magog
  • Love 1

Somebody did us a favor & reviewed Kylie's new App, so that we don't have to piss money away on this crap. And in a surprise to nobody, it really really sucks.


http://ohnotheydidnt.livejournal.com/97961957.html ( Kylie's App review)


Why would someone pay almost $50/year for the "privilege" of seeing pix of Kylie's hair and wardrobe changes when I can see that for free, every day, on Daily Mail UK. com? And she does nothing all day but snapchat, which again, I can see for free...

  • Love 3

Somebody did us a favor & reviewed Kylie's new App, so that we don't have to piss money away on this crap. And in a surprise to nobody, it really really sucks.


http://ohnotheydidnt.livejournal.com/97961957.html ( Kylie's App review)



Speaking of crap, here is Kylie dyeing her hair green. She keeps on finding new ways to make herself even fuglier as usual. 



Pretty sure it's a wig. It's cute for what it is, even if she looks like a day shift stripper.

Somebody did us a favor & reviewed Kylie's new App, so that we don't have to piss money away on this crap. And in a surprise to nobody, it really really sucks.


http://ohnotheydidnt.livejournal.com/97961957.html ( Kylie's App review)



Speaking of crap, here is Kylie dyeing her hair green. She keeps on finding new ways to make herself even fuglier as usual. 



Wow, that app review! It sounds like a total ripoff. I was going to post that I thought her number of subscribers would drop sharply once their 7-day free trial period ended, but this guy informed us that you can't even get the 7-day free period unless you subscribe first. That is deceptive advertising! But what else could we expect from a Kardashian-Jenner besides deception?


Even worse, the subscribers' personal information was temporarily exposed to hackers. HUGE privacy violation. Here is a tech magazine article about it:


TechCrunch, Sept. 16, 2015, "Kardashian Website Security Issue Exposes Names, Emails Of Over Half A Million Subscribers, Payment Info Safe"


"... the celeb sisters also released new websites designed to help them better connect with their fans while offering a more personal look inside their lives.


However, one enterprising young developer dug around those websites and immediately found an issue. Due to a misconfiguration, he was able to access the full names and email addresses of over 600,000 users who signed up for Kylie Jenner’s website as well as pull similar user data from the other websites.


In addition, the developer said he had the ability to create and destroy users, photos, videos and more, though we understand he didn’t actually take those actions...


On blogging site Medium, Smith [Alaxic Smith, age 19] explained how he was able to access the user data from Kylie Jenner’s website. He also noted that his explorations initially began as idle curiosity about what was powering the new sites under the hood, rather than being some malicious hack or even a more focused attempt at uncovering security vulnerabilities.


Writes Smith:

I’ll admit I downloaded Kylie’s app just to check it out. I also checked out the website, and just like most developers, I decided to take a look around to see what was powering the site. After I started digging a little bit deeper, I found a JavaScript file namedkylie.min.75c4ceae105ad8689f88270895e77cb0_gz.js. Just for fun, I decided to un-minify this file to see what kind of data they were collecting from users and other metrics they may be tracking. I saw several calls to an API, which of course made sense. I popped one of those endpoints into my browser, and got an error just liked I expected.


Smith then logged into the website with his own user name and password and was directed to a web page that contained the first and last names and email addresses of the 663,270 people who had signed up for the site, he says.


Following this discovery, Smith realized he could perform the same API call across each of the other sisters’ websites and return the same data. Besides being able to access this user data, Smith says he found he was also able to create and destroy users, photos and videos.


Essentially, what he had discovered was an open, unsecured API... [technical explanation follows] ... We reached out to the company behind the sites and apps, Whalerock Industries, to confirm the details of the data breach and the patch.


We understand now that Smith is now cooperating with the company, as he’s taken down his original blog post and declining to talk to media.


A Whalerock spokesperson confirms that user data was available briefly, but the issue was soon addressed...


And the security hole itself was only open for a few hours, as Whalerock’s team was working around the clock during the big launch. Smith had contacted them at the same time he published his blog post, and the developers immediately took action.


We understand, too, that the company is still in the process of validating what data was breached, and what, if any, data was actually saved or archived by Smith himself...



This data vulnerability was Whalerock's fault, not the Kardashian-Jenner girls' fault -- I doubt they know app development from a hole in the ground. But still, it adds another layer of stink to their Big App Adventure.

I really, really hope it's a combo of both of those things. I read that you have to put a CC in and everything to even do the free trial and since I like to assume her only fans are clueless teens that they were thwarted by the need for the CC but I guess not... Unless Kris paid people to subscribe, which wouldn't be a shock. Maybe the Trashians themselves downloaded it thousands of times? Just doesn't compute otherwise, especially with reviews saying it sucks and is just a bunch of ads to buy stuff.

Edit: I guess if Kris cared more about Rob, like she does Kim 2.0, she would have bought out his stupid socks too..

Edited by Rebecca
  • Love 1

Kylie better get ready to dig into her wallet again. The state of California has placed tax liens on Tyga, and he'll probably ask her for the money to pay them off.



TMZ, Tyga

California's Comin' for Me!

9/20/2015 12:50 AM PDT BY TMZ STAFF

HomeTyga -- California's Comin' for Me!
California's Comin' for Me!
9/20/2015 12:50 AM PDT BY TMZ STAFF


Tyga is getting hit from every angle on the money front.

Kylie's BF just got slapped with a tax lien from the State of California to the tune of $19,124.98. He allegedly shorted the Golden State on his 2009, 2010 and 2011 tax bills.


$20k would ordinarily be chump change for a rapper at his level, but he already owes his landlord $70k in back rent, and has lawsuits piling up.


It's also not the first time Uncle Sam has come after Tyga ... the feds hit Tyga last year with a $100k delinquent bill.


Things could be worse, but he's dating Kylie so he's got collateral.




What a deadbeat! Kylie is an idiot for sticking with a man like that. He will drain her dry.

Did she?! I had no idea, if so it makes sense why she refused to give it back.

Well It wasn't proven that Kim "bought" her own engaement ring that Kris H. gave her, but Kim used to be? BFF with the jewler Lorraine Schwartz a big celebrity favorite so maybe he/she got it for free or heavily discounted due to the fact of "free" advertising. But for non celebrities when a couple gets married and they divorce no matter how long they were married, Does proper etiquette require the wife/partner to give back the engaement ring? I know for broken engagements the ring is given back.

Kylie better get ready to dig into her wallet again. The state of California has placed tax liens on Tyga, and he'll probably ask her for the money to pay them off.



TMZ, Tyga

California's Comin' for Me!

9/20/2015 12:50 AM PDT BY TMZ STAFF

HomeTyga -- California's Comin' for Me!


California's Comin' for Me!

9/20/2015 12:50 AM PDT BY TMZ STAFF


Tyga is getting hit from every angle on the money front.

Kylie's BF just got slapped with a tax lien from the State of California to the tune of $19,124.98. He allegedly shorted the Golden State on his 2009, 2010 and 2011 tax bills.


$20k would ordinarily be chump change for a rapper at his level, but he already owes his landlord $70k in back rent, and has lawsuits piling up.


It's also not the first time Uncle Sam has come after Tyga ... the feds hit Tyga last year with a $100k delinquent bill.


Things could be worse, but he's dating Kylie so he's got collateral.




What a deadbeat! Kylie is an idiot for sticking with a man like that. He will drain her dry.

Yes hes a deadbeat for not paying what he owes but I see him all over social media due to me following various rap artists and he's on damn near everyone's song , and touring. He's also getting some monies back from his album sales and songs he's been on so he's not 100% broke, well not normal people broke. He's just another young dumb hip hop/rap artists that's either bank rolling the whole neighborhood or trying to fake like he's this big baller that he's going to end up like rapper Fat Joe who went to jail for not paying taxes for a few years in New York.

  • Love 1

Carolinagirl, you're correct. Usually the ring is given back only if an engagement is broken off, however in Kim's case I think giving the ring back would have been the decent thing to do since they were only married for two months and she clearly wasn't into it from the get-go. If Kris actually paid for it with his own money, that is.

  • Love 2

No where to go but up!!! I see that Kanye hasn't collaborated with him as far as I know. That must be a sign.

Lol, Tyga is in for a rude awakening when Kris J manages to wrangle an NFL or NBA player for Kylie. There's plenty of young, dumb athletes who left school early to turn pro. Once that happens Tyga will be sitting on the curb with a sign that says "will rap for food."

  • Love 5



if this is legit, how many hours does her makeup take? 5 a day? 

I was just coming here to post this. She's said it takes 2 1/2 hours to do full hair & makeup, & it's obvious why just looking at the pictures. I'm surprised she can hold her head up with all the stuff that she puts on.

Oh lordy, Kylie has got to stop with that lip filler or whatever she's doing to puff out those lips. My goodness, she looked horrible in one TH mostly because of those lips. But she was also wearing too much makeup. I think I saw her face in the promo for the next episode without much make up at all and she looked so much prettier. There was nothing unattractive about her small lips, ugh, make it stop. Try being different Kylie as in having a physical trait that your other four sister don't have. I mean really, small lips can't be that bad? I certainly wouldn't have described her as having extremely thin lips before. Did she? Am I missing something, because that feature never stood out for me. I just don't get it. But then I don't get the other two injecting their asses either.

  • Love 2


To be sure, most of this is her own doing, what with all the pictures she posts, how she carries herself, the way she dresses, the things she does to her appearance and the company she keeps.


That's just...one of the worst comments I've seen on this site in a while. That's like saying the girl who got raped brought it on herself because of what she was wearing. Yikes.

  • Love 1

lovetowrite, I am sorry if you are offended by my comment. I am the last person who believes that anyone who is raped "brings it on herself" because of what she wears, how she behaves, etc.


That comment was made over a month ago in regards to Kylie's porn offers and I still stand by it. The fact is, Kylie is purposely leading a very public life and frequently calls attention to herself in a fairly provocative manner (butt and boob cream anyone?). She's appeared in her boyfriend's video for a song that's pretty debasing to her, in my opinion (I mean, "She a big girl, dawg, when she stimulated"???) As well, her older sister is one of the most famous people in the world, getting her start thanks to Paris Hilton and a porn tape. When people see Kylie behaving in a similar manner to Kim, as well as altering her appearance to resemble Kim, then no, it's no surprise that people think she's Kim 2.0, and like it or not, that includes pornography.


What you put out there matters to your prospective employers, especially given the influence of social media. Kendall chose a different route and she's carved out a promising career as a runway model. I don't think that would have developed had she made the same choices Kylie is making.


Who knows what Kylie can or will do? She's only 18 and she could be in a great position to do wonderful things with her life. But the fact of the matter is, she is objectifying herself, which is sad (on a variety of levels, including that her family encourages it) and it will invite additional offers for her to objectify herself, such as pornography. I take less issue with it with Kim and Khloe because they are grown women who, I think, should have a better grasp on the decisions they're making and the impact it has on their lives.


I sense that Kylie wants to be famous like Kim and she's merely taking the road already traveled to get there. So yes, her behavior has in fact invited porn offers. However it's also given her a top-selling app, so I doubt it bothers her much, if at all.

  • Love 9

I've been thinking that perhaps Kylie is so uncomfortable on the red carpet and in interviews, and since Pimp

Mama pressures her to do social media, she uses all that make up to sort of hide her real self. Ironically she exposes more of herself in order to reveal less of herself. Almost as if the Kylie of Instagram and provocative photos was a different person.

  • Love 2

I agree, when she talked before on the show there was always a ton of life in her voice. I know she gets flack for it but I highly doubt this Kylie would play on a strip pole for fun, because she just lacks energy. But when she was presenting at the VMAs, or during that Teen Vogue shoot with Kendall, she was still very animated and looked like a completely different person when that life comes back into her eyes.

There's an article somewhere from this weekend about how Kendall left Kylie on the red carpet so she can do her modeling duties for HMxBalmain, and Kylie had a panic attack and tried to get Kendall to stay with her. She ended up running inside really quickly instead of giving more interviews. I think somewhere along the line, she went from that super bubbly teen girl to whatever is going on right now and it just makes me sad. I'm close to Kylie's age and it upsets me whenever puberty causes someone to withdraw, rather than blossom.

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