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S09.E09: Poison In The Honey

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On 6/12/2022 at 12:03 PM, Hellohappylife said:

Wow,Patrick really had to say to Thais that all of the girls at the “party” are Ugly. 

Why not just say something like I love you & No one else matters? 

You don’t have to put other women down because yours is insecure. 

That pissed me off. I just thought about those young women, so happy and excited to be on tv, probably told all their friends and family to watch, and then they have to hear that.

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I think it’s too easy to shift the entire blame for Emily’s shortcomings on her parents. Emily has at least two siblings who are successful and independent. Have you never known a family where one or more children turned into responsible, successful humans and one child refused to conform? They were all brought up by the same parents and in the same household, yet they turned out very differently. On the flip side there are people who become successful in life, even though they grew up neglected and in abusive households, should their parents get credit for raising such a great person? Emily’s parents enabled her to go to college. Emily made the decision that a degree wasn’t as important as partying. Some people are just not ambitious and will always go the path of least resistance and have no problem letting other people bail them out. 

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2 hours ago, gingerella said:

This Kobe working for Father Emily really is bothering me (I need to get a fucking hobby, right?!)

No, your hobby is snarking here with us.  I am taking a moment out of my grad school studies read about these unpleasant people.  Sit right down young human - you are not going anywhere!

1 hour ago, Hellohappylife said:

We left our home in Wisconsin, flew to Hawaii,

Waving from Minnesota!  Don't tell Miona you had a beach wedding - she will be PISSED!  She will lower those ginormous eyebrows at you.    I agree on everything you said about not caring about napkins, place settings, etc.  I am a planner by nature but the thought of planning another wedding - oh please no.  I don't care.  I wanted a JP the second time but it was hubs first and I did not want to have him miss out.  Since I am on a roll - why does a wedding have a theme?  Our theme "We are getting f*cking married!"

2 hours ago, magemaud said:

Why can't they come up with a cute nickname like "Shy-Shy."


Edited by Mrs. Hanson
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18 minutes ago, Cini said:

I think it’s too easy to shift the entire blame for Emily’s shortcomings on her parents. Emily has at least two siblings who are successful and independent. Have you never known a family where one or more children turned into responsible, successful humans and one child refused to conform? They were all brought up by the same parents and in the same household, yet they turned out very differently. On the flip side there are people who become successful in life, even though they grew up neglected and in abusive households, should their parents get credit for raising such a great person? Emily’s parents enabled her to go to college. Emily made the decision that a degree wasn’t as important as partying. Some people are just not ambitious and will always go the path of least resistance and have no problem letting other people bail them out. 

Yup until their parents die and they are left floundering.

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Until shown otherwise, I will believe that Kobe's ambition level is much higher than Emily's. He said he'd be open to furthering his education. 

**Though that he thought he could continue his modeling career is concerning. ** My guy...

Dad tried hard not to guffaw. But I saw them lips twitch. 

The drop in lifestyle and living arrangements if they were living on just her salary would be startling. Maybe Kobe would benefit from/appreciate that reality check. Do a quick drive through a neighborhood. Doubtful it would make a difference to Emily.

Edited by Rorysmom
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There was so little planning for my third wedding (and hers) that neither of us knew we were getting married until the morning before when we were in a hotel room in Las Vegas and I was sitting up in bed drinking my tea and said " what are we doing today? ", " nothing in particular", "well we're in Vegas why don't we get married?", " Okay let's go get a license & then get married tomorrow". That was it, phone calls were made to family on both sides of the Atlantic to let them know & we were married within 36 hours with zero fuss at an all in cost of about $200 not including the wedding rings which needed a trip to Walmart 🤣 for plain wedding bands which we still wear, well she does, mine is a long story involving a slightly large ring and a toilet.

Of course we got all the objections from everyone about not being able to be there etc which is exactly the way we wanted it. Booked a very expensive dinner for 2 and a hotel upgrade for the wedding night & we just got on with it.

We had talked about getting married and both of us wanted to eventually so we did. Not exactly the most romantic proposal but it was certainly a different approach.

Edited by Welshman in Ca
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1 hour ago, Cini said:

I think it’s too easy to shift the entire blame for Emily’s shortcomings on her parents. Emily has at least two siblings who are successful and independent. Have you never known a family where one or more children turned into responsible, successful humans and one child refused to conform? They were all brought up by the same parents and in the same household, yet they turned out very differently. On the flip side there are people who become successful in life, even though they grew up neglected and in abusive households, should their parents get credit for raising such a great person? Emily’s parents enabled her to go to college. Emily made the decision that a degree wasn’t as important as partying. Some people are just not ambitious and will always go the path of least resistance and have no problem letting other people bail them out. 

I don't think anyone is blaming Emily's parents for her shortcomings. Good parents can have terrible, ne'er do well, wastrel kids. I don't speak for anyone else but the thing that rustles my jimmies and makes me side eye La Familia Emily WICKED HARD is that they all sit there passively and let her roll right over them. They freely admit that she runs the house and that when she says "jump" they say "how high". With those sheepish, foolish smiles on their idiotic faces. They didn't make one peep to her, apparently, when she presented her pregnant self back home and said she was going to be living there indefinitely, with her baby, and that they'd have to support them both. Oh, and her new fiance, who won't be able to work for six months. Emily's over 26. She's not on her parents' insurance. So they probably ponied up for her health insurance and Koben's. Never once did anyone take advantage of a teachable moment with Emily and talk with her about the future? They seem so hapless. So that's my issue with them. 

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45 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Oh, and her new fiance, who won't be able to work for six months

That is the fastest version, and it is just not happening right now. 2 of my ESL students (Honduras and Mexico) took over a year to be approved for a green card, they are both still waiting for them, nearly 4 months after approval (actually one woman has been waiting 5 months and has a work permit but no SSN/TIN yet so no one will hire her.

Our wedding was cheap because we were married at a public attraction during a convention, so our ceremony was at 7 AM before the space opened at 8:30. Problem was, the tour busses showed up early and thought our cake & coffee was free and for everyone🙃😜🙃. 27 years and 3 days later, I am still mad I didn't get any of my own wedding cake 😎

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Bilal and Shaeeda: Has he ever asked her what sorts of outdoor activities *she* likes to do? If she has never used an e-scooter, maybe take her out for an hour or so for her to get used to riding on one. Not just spring some activity on her. The slapping of the chicken in the colander was also a bit unusual. Some folks don't wash chicken; some do. It is going to take a while to bond with teenagers. Have no idea why she puts up with Bilal's insecurities and controlling behaviour.

Kobe and Emily: Kobe, I doubt that you are any sort of engineer. You will need a university degree for that. It also takes many years to train as an architect. Your future father-in-law may not wish to support you through school. I am assuming that Emily's friends have horses that are suitable for novice riders and are slow and patient. Why do Em's parents have horses when no one seems to ride them? Kobe, $4000 won't get you very far in the US. Probably gone in a month or so. Nice to have a chat with 'dad'. You may wish to check out some career options at the local college or other training school. And do think about being with Ems for all the days of your life. You might be praying for the end of time really soon. Ems, you also do need a reality check as your parents won't be supporting you forever. Time to launch.

Guillermo and Kara: I don't know too many 23 year old dudes who have a dream of a fantasy wedding day at some expensive, posh venue. I do get Kara not wanting to spend $20-30,000 for the wedding day. Have the 50 dollar wedding at the courthouse, find a restaurant with a nice private room and have 8-10 guests/friends and family. Have a bigger party 6 months from now. Venue rentals can be very expensive. Catering, corkage, bartender, open bar also is not cheap.

Some of the weddings I've been to (if I chose to go - not being able to bring a plus one turns me off) have been at hotel ballrooms. Some of my relatives were living on the farm and had their weddings/kids weddings at the small town hall. The Ukrainian ladies in the church had a catering set-up and would do the catering. If the farmer had a cow, the roast beef dinner came from the cow. You get good Ukrainian food and regular food. The killer is the open bar and the enormous amount of waste. Some folks like to get a drink, take two sips, leave it on the table, get another drink, etc. etc. The next day's cleanup involves pouring out pails of used liquor down the drain - could be hundreds of dollars worth or more.

Jibby and Miona: Well, the band's music choice sucks. The fight seemed staged and fake beyond belief. Who wastes precious and expensive studio time like that? The poor producer must be appalled at the amateurs/musician hobbyists. Space Ca$h guy must be hot and uncomfortable in his get-up. Miona, who doesn't have two dimes to her name, can afford to go wedding dress shopping at some bridal boutique? She can save a few bucks by buying a used wedding dress on eBay if she can find one in her size and doesn't need a lot of tailoring. The mermaid style dress is really not suitable for a beach wedding. She has to walk on an unstable surface and have sand and water blowing around.

Mo and Yve: His girly voice is getting to me. His calm demeanor is soooo controlling. Hard to believe that he and Yve did not discuss anything practical during their time online and her in-person visits. Egypt can be a bit more modern in terms of being a Muslim country, but she has to know what changes are expected of her. Mo may just want to go home and find a more suitable wife who will cater to him. I probably would not put up with his demands. Her friends can tell her til they are blue in the face to not get involved with this guy, but it is up to her. Love means you don't change someone to your liking.

Patrick and Thais: Another dubious couple. Yeah, she doesn't like the house, she doesn't like or want to live with John the brother. Both of you should have bought condos in the same building. I do understand the need for some space and privacy. The gifts in the fancy reopenable box? Unless your girlfriend tells you what sort of lingerie to buy, let her choose her own. Both items were gifts for you, Patrick. I don't get the phone tracker thing. If you don't trust your spouse, don't marry them. Patrick not liking ugly girls will not stop him from cheating on you. He is a cheater and change is hard. I wouldn't want my spouse tracking me. He would be bored in a day or so. It would have been nice if John had mentioned the house party a few days in advance. Great idea to bring a bunch of coworkers and random girls in to the home. Yeah, Patrick, you think they are ugly so you won't cheat on them. Suuuuuure. The tongue action was gross in front of guests and on the poor viewers.

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47 minutes ago, TeapotWakeen said:

That is the fastest version, and it is just not happening right now. 2 of my ESL students (Honduras and Mexico) took over a year to be approved for a green card, they are both still waiting for them, nearly 4 months after approval (actually one woman has been waiting 5 months and has a work permit but no SSN/TIN yet so no one will hire her.

Our wedding was cheap because we were married at a public attraction during a convention, so our ceremony was at 7 AM before the space opened at 8:30. Problem was, the tour busses showed up early and thought our cake & coffee was free and for everyone🙃😜🙃. 27 years and 3 days later, I am still mad I didn't get any of my own wedding cake 😎

Happy Late Anniversary!  I saddled up to the bar in my wedding dress and asked for a Diet Coke and when I tried to pay he said "Brides drink for free!"  I was like you could have told me that a few hours ago, buddy boy!

Kobe, a lot of places have tuition assistance:  McDonalds and Amazon are two as well.  And I have heard the way Amazon runs people around you will be fit again in no time.

48 minutes ago, Frozendiva said:

Yeah, Patrick, you think they are ugly so you won't cheat on them. Suuuuuure. The tongue action was gross in front of guests and on the poor viewers.

I warned people on the live chat to close your eyes at the end, but did anyone listen to me?  I really do NOT need to see their tongues, ever.  It was so gross - why don't you just urinate around him, Thais, to mark your property?

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5 hours ago, Rorysmom said:

The drop in lifestyle and living arrangements if they were living on just her salary would be startling.

Salary? What is this salary you speaketh of? Emily has no salary. You meant celery, right?

So, why can't Kobe work on the 'farm' for pay? I.mean they could.put him to work on that house, it's a ahit show and to be honest it's not exactly a great resume for Father Emilys architecture skillz....

Edited by gingerella
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13 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

You got a little net bag of Jordan almonds as a "favor".

OMGosh. If you had not mentioned this, I would have never again thought of these almonds. Trip down memory lane. I remember each person got three or four  light blue almonds now! All encased in a little netting with a thin silk ribbon around it. How funny.

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17 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said:
18 hours ago, renatae said:

In my day, (53 years and counting!) the norm was pretty much church or civil ceremony, and a cake reception afterward. Actual dinners were rare. Hard for me to accept that now it's cocktail hours and midnight snacks, along with dances and multiple showers. No wonder these people can't afford weddings these days.


57 years here.  In the 70's and 80's here in the Twin Cities:  30 minute church ceremony followed by a buffet dinner at the VFW, KC Hall, Elk's Lodge, open bar and a DJ.  Couple stayed until the end to thank everyone for coming.  For the most part that is how it went down.  Now?  $10,000 to start for a venue?  Geezaloo no thank you.

Actually, I'm not 53 - I've been married 53 years, lol. I do remember in the 70's people started doing Elk's club, etc. Our small church would usually hold the cake reception. We had ours at my parents' house and we had a ball. Neighbors teasing each other, and one of our female friends got hilariously tipsy and her fiancé was trying to coax her away from the wall she was depending on for support. My aunt wound up chasing my little brother around the garage to retrieve a bottle of 🥂.  No sloppy drunks, just a few tipsies. 🥴

Ah, the good old days, lol.

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18 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

What 23 year old boy is dreaming of his perfect wedding? Unless it's something like "It would be totally rad to have it at the skate park and serve PBR's and nachos"? They expect us to buy that Guillermo has been doodling "Mr and Mrs" and lists of flowers and songs he likes in his diary?

My jaw dropped when he said that. I can't imagine a single man I've ever known who would utter the words "my dream wedding." Except with PBR's and nachos, lol.

Edited by renatae
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18 hours ago, Hellohappylife said:

Seems like we never hear these people on the show say they just want to be married, it’s always drama over someone not getting their “dream” 

The ONLY couple in this franchise, and they were a trainwreck for their own reasons, that I felt really had their priorities straight in that regard were Steven and Olga. Remember, they met working at the beach one summer, she got pregnant, he went over to Russia, acted the fool, failed to apply for her visa when he said....but, in the end, they showed them proudly holding up their marriage certificate in front of the courthouse in Maryland, just happy to be married. For all their shortcomings, those two numbskulls understood that they didn't need nor could they afford an over the top shindig (looking at you Rebecca and Zied with your horse drawn carriage for wedding #4)...

Oh and Shy....I get what you are saying about calling any older female adult you love and respect Umi (however you spell it), but that is not the custom here. Give the kids a little slack. I am about to be a stepmom to a 19 and 22 year old and I would NEVER expect them to call me Mom....first name is fine. I didn't raise them, I wasn't in their lives as they were growing up. If one day when they have kids those kids call me grandma or grammy or nana or whatever, THAT I feel is appropriate and I would be hurt if those grands called me by my first name. I was LOLing when she was teaching her how to wash the chicken, "clean it real thorough, wash it like you are washing your lady parts", LMAO

Edited by Stuckathome
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3 hours ago, greekmom said:

Duh. I must be losing my touch.

When Kobe said that Emily said that he can still be an underwear model you know what she actually meant? Probably Kobe start up an OF page.


He can be a cam performer like Ximena as long as they have decent internet at the hovel.  He has his own bedroom after all.  

37 minutes ago, Stuckathome said:

clean it real thorough, wash it like you are washing your lady parts

Some of those yoga positions could be scary otherwise .

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23 minutes ago, MrBuhBye said:

Some of those yoga positions could be scary otherwise

Well for starters you've got your Happy Baby that would allow access, maybe there is some sort of Chicken Salutation position we are unaware of.

Shaeeday wants to make things less awkward between her and the daughter...now it will never be anything but awkward.

Washing chicken only spreads the bacteria around, cooking it well is the way to kill the bacteria...now Bilal's sink is full of chicken cooties, how is she going to deal with that?!  I am shocked she is actually cooking in that house, the mess and smells, oh my!

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2 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Well for starters you've got your Happy Baby that would allow access, maybe there is some sort of Chicken Salutation position we are unaware of.

Shaeeday wants to make things less awkward between her and the daughter...now it will never be anything but awkward.

Washing chicken only spreads the bacteria around, cooking it well is the way to kill the bacteria...now Bilal's sink is full of chicken cooties, how is she going to deal with that?!  I am shocked she is actually cooking in that house, the mess and smells, oh my!

I don’t know anyone who washes chicken. You don’t eat it raw and cooking it kills any bacteria lol.

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4 hours ago, Stuckathome said:

Steven and Olga. Remember, they met working at the beach one summer, she got pregnant, he went over to Russia, acted the fool, failed to apply for her visa when he said....but, in the end, they showed them proudly holding up their marriage certificate in front of the courthouse in Maryland, just happy to be married.

Did you hear that they are ditching the van life and moving to NYC?  Oy.

2 hours ago, Mr. Miner said:

I always make sure the chicken bacteria is completely washed from the colander. Before I proceed to wash my man parts. 

Now I need to go bathe MY lady parts, lol!

  • LOL 3
19 hours ago, Meowwww said:

Kobe could work at Walmart.  They pay 100% of college with a ton of options for degrees, certificates, etc.  Even HVAC etc. But he needs his green card first. 
I can’t believe the monster that Emily’s parents have created.  She’s an adult, has a baby, and has never paid a cost of living bill?  

I totally understand Father Emily's point. He's supporting all these people. But what the heck has Emily been doing the past two years since she came back from China. She's in her late twenties and has never had a full time job or paid a utility bill????

It looks like her mother is home during the day. She could have watched Koban while Em worked.

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1 hour ago, applewood said:

I totally understand Father Emily's point. He's supporting all these people. But what the heck has Emily been doing the past two years since she came back from China. She's in her late twenties and has never had a full time job or paid a utility bill????

Exactly....I got his point, but why wasn't the conversation more along the lines of "what are the TWO OF YOU going to do to support a family? what type of job are you thinking of taking Emily, now that you really need to wean little Covid, your mom can watch him during the day...."but no, for some reason it seems to ALL be on Kobe's shoulders. Maybe Emily's mother never worked and her family raised her to expect the same, that her husband woudl cover it all? 

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35 minutes ago, Stuckathome said:

Exactly....I got his point, but why wasn't the conversation more along the lines of "what are the TWO OF YOU going to do to support a family? what type of job are you thinking of taking Emily, now that you really need to wean little Covid, your mom can watch him during the day...."but no, for some reason it seems to ALL be on Kobe's shoulders. Maybe Emily's mother never worked and her family raised her to expect the same, that her husband woudl cover it all? 

Emily is beyond spoiled. I was not raised up to even think of having this conversation with my parents. I knew better - so her parents are to be blamed to a degree. 

Edited by Rebky
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2 hours ago, applewood said:

I totally understand Father Emily's point. He's supporting all these people. But what the heck has Emily been doing the past two years since she came back from China. She's in her late twenties and has never had a full time job or paid a utility bill????

It looks like her mother is home during the day. She could have watched Koban while Em worked.

I was so excited writing checks to pay a bill when i was in my late teens.  My first credit card was from sears.  Guess miss Em doesnot share my enthusiasm for working.

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14 minutes ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

I was so excited writing checks to pay a bill when i was in my late teens. 

I had never written a check before my father gave me one to fill in the amount when I ordered a class ring my Junior year of high school. On the amount line I wrote something like, "Fifty Nine dollars and Forty Four one hundredths of a dollar" 

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On 6/11/2022 at 2:52 PM, magemaud said:

I couldn't even tell what triggered the fight. Daveed made some comment about Miona distracting Jibri from focusing on the music and suddenly they were rolling around on the floor (in front of the music producer they were trying to impress) 

I have another question, how does Space Ca$h "play every instrument known to man" while wearing that helmet? 

I wondered the same thing.  I noticed he posted a kind of AMA (Ask Me Anything- that won't violate my TLC NDA) on Reddit,  so I asked how he could see to play the guitar and other instruments.  We'll see if he responds.

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On 6/13/2022 at 2:38 PM, seacliffsal said:

I have consistently sided with Mohammed and this episode was no different.  Yve knew him for 2 years, visited 4 times, and yet she claims she had no idea about his expectations.  I believe him when he says that not only did he tell her his expectations but she also saw/experienced his daily life.  If one doesn't agree with someone else's lifestyle and beliefs then (now this might sound completely off the wall) don't marry that person.  I think Yve thought she could change his mind or just ignore his beliefs once he was in the U.S.  Oh, and I also think he was perturbed that she did not come home when she said she would because then he would be responsible for putting her special needs son to bed.  He is not the babysitter which I think she believes he should happily be as she brought him to the U.S.  Y

I agree completely. When he reminds her that she has known how he expects them to live, his expression, IMO, shows he is telling the truth. On the other hand, all she can do is stare back at him with a sullen expression, like a teenager. I, too, think she thought she'd be able to finagle him out of his stated expectations, and she's very soured that it's not working.

I also get the feeling she spends a LOT of time out drinking with her friends, expecting him to be the babysitter. She's very immature, and probably could rival John, except that she seems sober during the day.

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3 hours ago, SemiCharmedLife said:

I wondered the same thing.  I noticed he posted a kind of AMA (Ask Me Anything- that won't violate my TLC NDA) on Reddit,  so I asked how he could see to play the guitar and other instruments.  We'll see if he responds.

Space Ca$h wrote back and said that he plays guitar, synthesizer,drums, and deejays  with helmet on. It does limit both visibility and audio input, so he has to position himself next to a speaker.  He seems really committed to his space alien character and answers all questions in character.

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18 hours ago, applewood said:

I totally understand Father Emily's point. He's supporting all these people. But what the heck has Emily been doing the past two years since she came back from China. She's in her late twenties and has never had a full time job or paid a utility bill????

It looks like her mother is home during the day. She could have watched Koban while Em worked.

I agree re Emily's father except he signed papers saying he would support Kobe.  Emily couldn't pass the income test.  So papa-Em signed papers and committed to something  and he knew exactly what it was.

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8 hours ago, renatae said:

I agree completely. When he reminds her that she has known how he expects them to live, his expression, IMO, shows he is telling the truth. On the other hand, all she can do is stare back at him with a sullen expression, like a teenager. I, too, think she thought she'd be able to finagle him out of his stated expectations, and she's very soured that it's not working.

I also get the feeling she spends a LOT of time out drinking with her friends, expecting him to be the babysitter. She's very immature, and probably could rival John, except that she seems sober during the day.

Emily is truly one of the foulest we've ever been subjected to, but I hope she isn't drinking and nursing!!!

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16 minutes ago, Opine said:

So papa-Em signed papers and committed to something  and he knew exactly what it was.

Well, I agree given that they are on this show...however, I don't know that most people going through the process do fully understand that point. I mean, when I was 24 I married a foreigner. He didn't need a fiance visa, but when we filled out the papers to change his status and get his green card, I remember having to fill in my salary info and sweating it a bit because I was a starvign grad student. However, I don't know that I realized that I was signing up to support him for 10 years if things didn't work out. I was just relieved I didn't have to ask anyone for help. He was here, we were married and we needed to do this so he could legally work or study or do something, anything. 

9 hours ago, renatae said:

On the other hand, all she can do is stare back at him with a sullen expression, like a teenager

Well put. I do think she really thought once he got to the USA and just saw how amazing it was to be so "free" he would change. I follow Omar and Avery on social media and she posted the other day (they don't post a crazy amount) and I was reminded that she is possibly the ONLY woman on this show who married a Muslim man and did NOT ask him to change a damn thing. She was the one who had converted and learned about his culture and they seem to have adapted to married life in teh USA really well. Part of me thinks this is a publicity stunt for Yve's business, sort of like Darcey and Jesse (someone posted way back that they were in business together for her "fashion line" and faked a romance storyline to get publicity). Yve and ET have been posting a lot from LA and she makes a big deal about how she "does it all" and is a "boss babe". 

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18 minutes ago, Opine said:

Emily is truly one of the foulest we've ever been subjected to, but I hope she isn't drinking and nursing!!!

Please, you jest? I can imagine Em laying in a bed, nursing little Covid with one arm, holding a Bud lite with the other. True story----a few weeks ago we were out to dinner and two women sat a the bar with a baby, very young. Very cute so a lot of people stopped to ooh and aaah over him. He was 5 weeks. Lady holding him orders a glass of wine and proceeded to whip out her boob to nurse him while drinking the wine. The bar staff (and the patrons) were a bit horrified. 

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On 6/13/2022 at 4:15 PM, Rorysmom said:

The drop in lifestyle and living arrangements if they were living on just her salary would be startling. Maybe Kobe would benefit from/appreciate that reality check. Do a quick drive through a neighborhood. Doubtful it would make a difference to Emily.

Didn't Emily take him on a drive like that - to all the housing they may never afford, of course? Just checking, lol. She's trying to prevent that reality check. Desperately.

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1 minute ago, renatae said:

Didn't Emily take him on a drive like that - to all the housing they may never afford, of course? Just checking, lol. She's trying to prevent that reality check. Desperately.

Ari did that with Bini.

1 hour ago, Opine said:

I agree re Emily's father except he signed papers saying he would support Kobe.  Emily couldn't pass the income test.  So papa-Em signed papers and committed to something  and he knew exactly what it was.

I would never, and I mean never, sign papers like that.  Find a girl in the USA, kids!  And wrap that thing on vacation.  I know two people (females) who went on sex-cations.  Both were BC'd to the max.  One went to Italy.......

1 hour ago, Opine said:

Emily is truly one of the foulest we've ever been subjected to, but I hope she isn't drinking and nursing!!!

Getting a Grain Belt would require effort.

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On 6/13/2022 at 9:36 AM, gingerella said:

Also, I too felt that Father Emily was being very condescending and dismissive, but OTOH, I agree that Emily probably told him he could work for her father and take over the business one day.

I think so too - Kobe didn't seem excited or eager to pursue this option, so this was Emily's idea. Neither of them as of yet did much brainstorming on how they are going to financial support themselves. It was up to Emily to tell Kobe that the modeling was most likely not going to work out in the US. Guess what? I can see into the future now. Kobe is going to work like a dog at several jobs simultaneously while Emily has another baby or two and sits home nursing and being lazy and not doing much of anything. Let's face it, this girl is someone whose only motivation is to act like she's the be-all-end-all mother of the world, play the victim, then sit back and watch other's work to support her. She'll never change.

On 6/13/2022 at 11:19 AM, Sir RaiderDuck OMS said:

Bilal's most tiring personality issue is his complete refusal to admit he's wrong about anything. Nothing is EVER his fault and there's no attempt to meet anyone halfway, even for the sake of getting along.

On 6/13/2022 at 12:14 PM, magemaud said:

I was ready to reach through my TV and smack him the time Shaeeda was explaining her feelings to him and he gave her a dismissive, “That’s how you feel? Interesting...” 

I saw Billy's true colors from the get-go. No one would be able to get along with this damaged person. I stand by my earlier comment that Shy will never win, he will always need to be right, he will be dismissive of her when she shares any info regarding her thoughts and feelings and he will never be able to see her point of view in an argument. Why? Because then he would have to admit he was wrong. He's another victim and he plays it to the hilt. As far as how his kids should address her, as someone earlier said, how about something cute like Shy-Shy.

Shy, run, girl. Run as hard and fast as you can and never turn back.

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7 minutes ago, Breedom said:

I think so too - Kobe didn't seem excited or eager to pursue this option, so this was Emily's idea. Neither of them as of yet did much brainstorming on how they are going to financial support themselves. It was up to Emily to tell Kobe that the modeling was most likely not going to work out in the US. Guess what? I can see into the future now. Kobe is going to work like a dog at several jobs simultaneously while Emily has another baby or two and sits home nursing and being lazy and not doing much of anything. Let's face it, this girl is someone whose only motivation is to act like she's the be-all-end-all mother of the world, play the victim, then sit back and watch other's work to support her. She'll never change.

You could just replace the names with Kalani & Asauelo, the story is exactly the same & will have the same outcome.

Edited by Welshman in Ca
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