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S16.E22: Power Of Veto Competition #7

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I did find it amazing that Caleb think the Bomb Squad is still in full effect-having no clue it reformed as the Detonators leavaing him out.


It is interesting, but I wonder if some of the Detonators would prefer him over their own? Caleb was seen as more of an issue when Amber was still around, hence leaving him out of the second alliance. But he's been playing a pretty even-keeled game since she was evicted. I could see them choosing to keep him over Frankie or maybe Zach. 

"I'm going to use any prize money I get to build schools for children in Africa!" Seriously? And everyone just bought that? Where were the clips of people going "He's a huge massive liar. Do we really believe this African children thing? I mean, really?"


I don't really think they bought it. But no one wants to be the one to call it out and look callous and awful. I'm sure they're ALL thinking "Yeah, right."



the editing was kind of misleading in that Derrick really wasn't thrilled with Nicole going up. He wanted Donny gone. He kind of let Zach/Caleb try to get Nicole up, assuming it wouldn't happen. 


Frankie is now my least favorite BB person ever. I just can't stand him. Gross to look at, always on, not funny, not entertaining. It's terrible to say, but he really is that stereotype of the untalented sibling forever in the shadow of someone more charismatic and talented. I think he's going to be PISSED when he realizes Zach's pretty much upstaged him on the show. 

Edited by Stinger97
Spoilered live feed info.
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I was wondering if thats where term "scape goat" came from?  It sort of makes sense, like if you were trying to escape on a goat and it didn't move fast enough you could blame it...thereby making it the "scape goat"....or maybe I've just gone too long without sleep.


The etemology doesn't appear to be related to escaping.



he quickly follows up with "I'm going to use any prize money I get to build schools for children in Africa!" Seriously? And everyone just bought that?

FWIW, the BB web site doesn't mention that he's playing for charity, unusual if that was prearranged, and if he's planning to give the money to the charity he founded, it's called Broadway in South Africa, and doesn't build schools (although I suppose building a school for music or dance would fit its purpose).



I am not sure I've ever seen a season where none of the dolts who make it to 'jury time' consider jury votes when it comes time to nominate people.  In the freakish chance Christine makes it to top 2...you just kissed Nichole's vote buh bye.

If there was any chance at all Christine was going to go back on her promise to Nicole, she shouldn't have told anyone about it. Credibility is everything in this game.

What a bust “Team Amurica” is turning out to be. (Of course, I hated the whole concept to begin with….)



Man - Zack's DR was...raw.  I was taken aback


Wow. Agreed.  I think Zack TALKS a much tougher game than he actually possesses.  I actually can’t help but like the fruit-loop dingus!




Christine is just a ridiculous hag.






Oh, well I am at least happy Frankie's "Big Reveal" fizzled.


Oh, big time! But then, I’m not sure what he was expecting… Not sure the rest of the Hamsters constitute “Big Sis’” fan-base.


And, after Otev, I’m SO ready for the Zingbot. 

I still think Cody is getting a stealth edit, (seriously, I think even Victoria has gotten more screen time than him!), leading me to believe he’s going to win, or at least be F2.

Edited by ShadowDenizen

Oh Christine... I bet you thought all the football players (whose homework you did) liked you, too.

Beastmode Cowboy, FTW. He's the only one who's really committed to his alliance, enough to go on the block and stay on the block with total trust in his alliance-mates... despite the Bomb Squad only existing in his imagination.

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I guess I was thinking he wouldn't have to do it directly- but if he did, yeah, that doesn't work.  But with the rumor not all 3 of them seemed involved in the actual talking to others, so Donny would just need to figure out with the other two who the target was, and then they do the work.  Donny should have spent more time getting Frankie and Derrick to do it.


But of course, Frankie and Derrick want Donny out...

I don't know if this week's TA stipulated but some of them (maybe this is a new rule for the past few challenges) have had in the rules that all three must play a part in making it happen. I guess they thought it would be too sketchy this week for Donny to try to talk someone into being a pawn this late in the game, although they probably could have talked Caleb into it if he wasn't already safe from the block.


I think [Frankie]'s going to be PISSED when he realizes Zach's pretty much upstaged him on the show. 

I really want to see Zach/Derrick or Zach/Caleb or even Zach/Victoria at final 2 with Frankie desperately trying to steal the spotlight from jury. His head might implode at the jury discussion when they are meant to only talk about the two left.

I'm wondering about this "Team America" thing---I would think that if the team is broken up (i.e., any of  the players gets evicted) that it would cease to exist. Therefore, I really liked the idea as I thought it would force some unlikely individuals to forge an alliance with one another (a real one, where they don't nominate each other or vote each other off). Has it ever been specified that if one member leaves the team will automatically be disbanded?

Just want to second (third?) the sentiment that Zach has become rather likable over the past couple episodes. I mean, usually I would laugh at any one of these fruit loop dinguses crying over this silly game, but Zach's emotions struck me as... genuine? And maybe a little pathetic? Not in the sense that he was pathetic to have been crying, but just in that he really did look as though it all felt hopeless. Maybe I'm articulating this incorrectly, but the moral of my story is that I wouldn't be upset to see Zach make it to the end. Even if he does put up a dickish front. 

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Maybe I'm articulating this incorrectly, but the moral of my story is that I wouldn't be upset to see Zach make it to the end. Even if he does put up a dickish front.

Same here - he's in my Top 5. Zach likes to act like he's the villian in this comedy of errors, but I'm 90% certain that's all it is - an act, designed to garner more onscreen time. He wants to be evil (I'd bet cash he was rooting for the Joker in The Dark Knight), but he just doesn't have it in him no matter how hard he tries.

One of the things I'm reminded of every time our pocket Dark Overlord of the Universe starts to act out is this: he's only 23. Hell, I have socks older than that.

ETA: format and spelling

Edited by Nashville
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Yeah, Zach's DR breakdown seemed a little too genuine ranting about how Frankie has the game on lock and why are the rest of them even bothering. He's not that good of an actor. Still, it's hard to forget some of his comments to other people where he actually got kind of mean and hurtful. "Froot Loop Dingus" aside (that one was funny), he could occasionally be genuinely hateful. And I'm not sure it was just for the cameras. Unless he thought he was being hilarious and snarky and didn't realize how he was actually coming off.


Oh, and five minutes into the episode when they showed the clip of Nicole and Christine agreeing not to back door each other after one of them was dethroned, I immediately went "Oh, I guess someone uses the Veto and Nicole goes up."

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I love Zach. He's adorable and charming. He's the type who will admit it and apologize with complete sincerity when he does screw up.


That being said, I'm really hoping for a Zach/Derrick F2. I love Derrick's game. Now his face is a little odd.  It's as if God had this blank canvas and pinched his facial features on right in the middle of that blank canvas and left them there.  You see face, face, features in the middle then back to just face.


I think one of my favorite lines was Derrick claiming he deserves Victoria's vote after he's had to put up with many, many tears.


Frankie. You're not that big of a deal. He's acting like the reveal is so major with the show in on it. Like when they revealed there were really twins playing the game. This? Who cares?


I'll be sad tonight.  I adore both Donny and Nicole.

  • Love 3

Best.  Otev.  Ever.


Otev's insults (morons!  idiots!) were totally spot on.  There was actually sincerity ringing in Gilbert Gottfried's voice.  And all the hamsters were laughing and giggling and not realizing how very true it all was.  It was excellent.


Zach's a little more emotionally invested in this game than one would think someone like him would be.  That DR session was a little difficult to watch.  But funny as hell, him lamenting about being unable to win against the uber-cool Frankie who is a celebrity, knows celebrities, and is going to give away his winnings to charity!  To African children!


Seriously.  Why did everyone take that at face value?  Frankie just said he'd been lying to everyone all along, but nobody questions that he's going to be that selfless?  I mean, he may very well be doing just as he says.  Apparently he really was instrumental in getting a school built in Malawi.  Probably only because Madonna adopted a kid from there and he was hoping he'd run into her, but good on him anyways.


I love Donny.


Derrick is killing this game.


Edited to fix a lot of crap that went wonky.

Edited by HurricaneVal
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Zach's DR, for me, was kind of one uncomfortable truth on top the other. 


1. Calling out casting for putting someone in there with a celebrity's power behind them.

2. Hinting towards the collusion between Frankie/production in arranging that whole "meeting"

3. Saying without saying that the "schools in Africa" thing is total pandering and might even be fake


I was sort of shocked they aired it. I expected more gushy, happy DR's about how great Ariana is and how slick Frankie is for keeping this amazing secret. I have no doubt the HG's all felt like Zach did there. I just didn't expect any of them to admit it. I doubt Frankie did either, lol. 


I don't think he'll be very pleased that this didn't become the iconic "Dan's Funeral" moment that crowned him a BB mastermind that he was hoping it'd be.

  • Love 4

I was cringing at Frankie "coming out" as a famous brother of a pop star and a "social media mogul." That just made him look more pathetic than ever. I think it was more of an excuse to boast and attract more attention to himself than any real strategy.


That said, boy are these people dumb. How do they not realize that Derrick is the common denominator in every single one of these blow-ups? How does that dumb-ass Frankie sit there knowing Derrick is the one who a.) decided Zach should be voted out and b.) changed the vote to Jocasta, and not point that out to everyone?


Where do Caleb, Zach and Cody get off confronting Frankie about his "betrayal" to the alliance then turn around and do the exact same thing by lying to Christine (also in their alliance) that Nicole was going to backdoor her? How does Frankie not tell Caleb he's not even in the stupid alliance that he thinks he is? How does nobody ever seem to mention that neither Derrick or Cody are ever nominated?


Good Gob. The problem isn't that Derrick is so smooth or so smart. The problem is that these people are basically helping Derrick and Cody get to the final 2 without even caring. Caleb thinks there's still "the bomb squad." Zach and Frankie both think they still need "the Detonators." Christine thinks she still needs the Detonators. Victoria needs Derrick. Even Donny is marginally aligned with Derrick and Frankie because of the Team America thing. 


It's all very much like The Brigade, in that everyone thinks they're tied to the same people, and they never sit down and compare notes. Even when they do, they blow it. Zach was in the perfect position to pull Victoria, Frankie, Donny, Nicole and Christine aside and say "Look, we have to get rid of Derrick, Cody and Caleb while we've got the numbers. That way the three strongest are gone." But no, he decides he needs the Detonators. {Head smack}

That said, boy are these people dumb. How do they not realize that Derrick is the common denominator in every single one of these blow-ups? How does that dumb-ass Frankie sit there knowing Derrick is the one who a.) decided Zach should be voted out and b.) changed the vote to Jocasta, and not point that out to everyone?



Because Frankie is an egomaniac and he actually thinks HE is responsible for Zach still being here.  Idjit.  If Frankie didn't think he is a mastermind and didn't think the world revolved around him, he could totally blow up Derrick's game.  Zach could have also blown up Derrick's game in the little meeting of the minds, but instead he just lied down for Derrick.  


Silly rabbits.  If I was Vivica I wouldn't discount all this info that Zach gave her and go into some research mode about her BFF Derrick....she should compare some notes and figure out if what he is saying is true.  If anyone did that they would all realize that they are all in some kind of alliance one way or another with the guy.  Instead, he is just picking people off one by one.  Nicole or Donny this week...Zach is soon to go and probably Christine after that.  It seems to me that once they all figure it out, it'll be too late.  

P.S.  I love Zach.  He's the only reason I find this season at all entertaining.  This season will be a snoozefest once he is kicked to the jury.  


I'm also way older than the age bracket who knows anything about Ariana Grande, so I woulda been in the house saying WHO?  HUH?  WHAT?  When they announced the cast and said someone was someone's sister, I had to have Google be my friend and tell me who this pop diva was.  Blergh.  

I didn't get Zach's tears.  First, why believe Frankie?  He was clearly exaggerating left and right and desperate for redemption.  The charity thing smelled of BS to me. 


Second, since when do jurors base votes on who needs the money or who will do something good with it?  They usually vote on who played best or who they liked, and rightly so, this isn't United Way.  

That could be.  I admittedly wasn't watching that closely during Zach's tearful DR and just caught snippets.  


Compared to some of the celebrities they've stuck in with average joes on Survivor, Frankie is a total nobody.  


I feel like Zach is playing for the role of zany villain, in hopes of being invited back or onto other reality shows.  


I'm also way older than the age bracket who knows anything about Ariana Grande, so I woulda been in the house saying WHO?  HUH?  WHAT?


I wouldn't have known her by name either, but having caught snippets of Sam and Kat (not on purpose - I watch Friends on Nick at Nite and the next day when I turn the TV on it's still on that channel), if he'd mentioned she was on Sam and Kat, I would have gone "Oh God, is she the dark haired one with the weird falsetto voice? Is that her real voice? Why does she talk like that? What's wrong with her?" I wouldn't care if he's her brother or not.

  • Love 1
I wouldn't have known her by name either, but having caught snippets of Sam and Kat (not on purpose - I watch Friends on Nick at Nite and the next day when I turn the TV on it's still on that channel), if he'd mentioned she was on Sam and Kat, I would have gone "Oh God, is she the dark haired one with the weird falsetto voice? Is that her real voice? Why does she talk like that? What's wrong with her?" I wouldn't care if he's her brother or not.


Auto-tune seems to be Ariana's best friend.

I feel like Zach is playing for the role of zany villain, in hopes of being invited back or onto other reality shows.

I feel like you're close. :)

In a purely mathematical sense, every HG knows at signup they don't have much more than a 15% shot at making Final 2; in a 16-person House, that percentage is down to 12.5%. As a backup plan, I think:

1. Zach was playing zany villain in hopes of winning the BB America's Favorite Player prize ($25K, awarded on Finale night) in case he didn't make it to F2.

2. Zach thought he had a good chance of winning AFP.

3. Zach's emotional DR session was directly indicative of his belief that, with the introduction into his Game of the sibling of a famous person (who conceivably might, with a single tweet, summon a million-plus AFP votes for her brother from people who'd never seen a single BB episode), his chance at AFP went straight down the toilet - and with the exception of the stipend, he'd sacrificed his entire summer for nothing.

ETA: cleanup edits

Edited by Nashville
I was sort of shocked they aired it [Zach's DR session]



So was I! I'm sure there are plenty of DR's where the houseguests are super emotional/angry and basically just real and they haven't aired any of those for a long time I feel like. They are usually sooo scripted and I hate that. This actually made me really like Zach. 


Am I the only one that still likes frankie? (Maybe he'll introduce me to arianna)

But seriously, I do like him. I think he's a good person playing the game no holds barred. Thats just my opinion, please don't shoot.

Actually, I still like him too.  He can be a bit much at time, but I still find him to be a nice guy and entertaining.  And "Zankie" rocks my world... :)


I could see Derrick winning, because he really does play a sly game and manke most of the big decisions, while others blindly execute them for him and he looks completely innocent.  Everyone seems to trust him and rely on him, when he is masterminding pretty much everything.  He truly is a "puppet master" this season.  Good gaming.


Caleb is another strong player.  Not too bright, but willing to go out on the line and make a bold move to secure his game for another week.  Can't fault him there.  And he's hot.


Cody, stick close by, does enough to be considered "involved" and not a "floater", but keeps his mouth shut when needed.  He's nice, he's athletic, and I'm sure his looks have kept him safe with the females mostly.  And darn, he's so gorgeous, I wouldn't mind seeing him go far just so I can see him on the show!


so, likely F2 could be Derrick/Caleb

my personal choice F2 would be Cody/Donny


but I don't actively hate anyone there, so I won't be upset any which way.

3. Zach's emotional DR session was directly indicative of his belief that, with the introduction into his Game of the sibling of a famous person (who conceivably might, with a single tweet, summon a million-plus AFP votes for her brother from people who'd never seen a single BB episode), his chance at AFP went straight down the toilet - and with the exception of the stipend, he'd sacrificed his entire summer for nothing.


I read it that way too.


And I thought, "Hey, Zach.  You're unemployed, you've gotten a paycheck for the summer, you get to be on TV, and you get free room and board (even if it is slop).  STFU, Zach!"


I don't really mind Zach, and I get his frustration, but he really annoyed me with this "why are we even here" nonsense.  What big plans did he have that he put on hold?  He's there because he's a fame-whore like everyone else.

  • Love 3

I could be wrong, but I almost got the vibe that Zach was thinking Frankie's win would be "fixed". Maybe not entirely, but that they've selected someone who has a very good chance of getting close to the end and they might be helping him along the way. I don't know, maybe I'm just overly paranoid. 


I thought that was exactly what he was saying. And that's why I was surprised they aired it. It looks like it took place right after the BOB loss and the big reveal. Which if you're in that house probably felt like a lot of crap being poured down at once. I mean, the staginess of that confession was so ridiculous, so obviously geared towards how it would look on the broadcast.


And right before that, Frankie actually said he was going to have Zach locked in the DR during the meeting and "they'll do it too", all before talking to the cameras to make sure they were set up before he started. If I was Zach, I'd be suspicious of how much help he was getting too. And that's not even getting into the fact that a lot of the HG's think the BOB comp was rigged.

  • Love 1

I read it that way too.


And I thought, "Hey, Zach.  You're unemployed, you've gotten a paycheck for the summer, you get to be on TV, and you get free room and board (even if it is slop).  STFU, Zach!"


I don't really mind Zach, and I get his frustration, but he really annoyed me with this "why are we even here" nonsense.  What big plans did he have that he put on hold?  He's there because he's a fame-whore like everyone else.


I agree.  All Ariana tweeting could help him win is America's Favorite.  I would think he'd be after the big prize.  


I wish these "celebrities" would realize that millions of kids in their own country need help too.

The celebrities are giving large sums of money every year to an organization called the U.S. Government which runs numerous programs to help kids in their own country. Why shouldn't the celebrities try to help elsewhere too? A better point might be to ask why Frankie founded a charity to bring music and dance to African children when there are probably more pressing needs.

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