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S16.E21: Nominations #7 / Battle of the Block Comp #7

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Damn, I really wanted to see Frankie get what was coming to him.  Caleb should have been smart enough to play the competition, but botch it.  However I do give him credit to have enough balls to do what he did.  


I do think Derrick's job is a huge asset in this game.  The guy knows how to read people and how to manipulate a conversation for the outcome he wants.  The guy has been the puppet master and it seems no one is aware of it.


I never want Victoria sent home...mainly because of this forum and her being Vera, Veronica, Visine, etc.  Y'all are the bestest ever.  


I also kinda never want Zach sent home since I'm sure this will become the most boring season of BB to date once his craziness is out of the house.  

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I do think Derrick's job is a huge asset in this game.  The guy knows how to read people and how to manipulate a conversation for the outcome he wants.  The guy has been the puppet master and it seems no one is aware of it.



If I ever decide to go on a crime spree...I'm damned sure not going to do it in Derrick's jurisdiction:  That guy can get you to spill secrets you didn't even know were secrets.  He's gotta be one helluva good interrogator - get you to open up without realizing you're giving away the farm!

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I can see Donnie saying Ariana who?

To be fair, when I started to type a "who is" to refresh my memory of her, she was the #1 suggestion from Google of how to complete the question.


This episode could have started a lot sooner if they didn't make the golfers walk. They'd probably get more viewers too; it's boring watching people walk down a lawn.

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Please make Frankie go away. Go away far. Who in the hell does he think he is? That ending I could have done without. I hate it all.  "I'm going to have to spill my secret, that my sister is the beautiful, worldwide superstar (and Jesus Christ), ARIANA GRANDE! <Heart with hands I hate>.  Someone needs to tell him he and his sister are not half as important as he thinks they are.  All I kept thinking about when he yelled her name was on the feeds the other day he said he can say her name, but no one else can. She's that special.


Nothing delights me more than when Caleb says, "That's why *they* call me Beast Mode Cowboy!" or "*They* don't call me Beast Mode Cowboy for nuthin!" Who is *they*?!



I said exactly that while watching last nights' episode this morning. I said it all alone but out loud. "Who are they?"  All your personalities?

Edited by ShaNaeNae
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I see the editors are trying their hardest to work their magic because I almost felt bad for Frankie. It's never easy to watch someone get ganged up on, even if he had it coming.

I think this is where it helps not being a fan of an under dog because I found it amusing. He looked so dejected but since I don't like him it didn't make me feel bad at all.

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I was pleasantly surprised by Derrick's hosting abilities at that comp. He was far more natural and engaging in his delivery than any of the others have been so far. And yes, I certainly include Frankie who's a "professional."

I was very disappointed that the events leading up to Hayden's departure Thursday night were only included in the recap and not in the beginning of the actual show, where it usually is. I wanted to see lingering close-ups of Nicole and Hayden when they could see their world come crashing down on them.

Edited by TimWil

I don't really feel bad for Frankie, because he's annoying as hell and I'd be thrilled to see him leave. But at the same time, it's frustrating to see him blamed for what is essentially Derrick's fault. And while it's true that it's brilliant on Derrick's part, it's not so much that he's a great player but that everyone else around him is stupid as hell. Nicole, of all people, knows damn well that he and Cody had an alliance with her and Hayden, which they obviously flipped on. And yet, Nicole still blames . . . Frankie? It was the entire "Detonator" alliance that wanted to vote Zach out, and it was Derrick's decision to keep him or evict him, yet Zach blames . . . Frankie. Unbelievable. Why doesn't Frankie point out that it's Derrick who's making all these decisions? I just can't believe how dumb these people are.


And it's not Victoria we should be calling the wrong name every week, it's Cody because he's even less of presence than she is. At least she's always competing because she's always nominated. What the hell does Cody do? They try to get a diary room sound bite out of him here and there and that's about it.

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I think their egos, especially Frankie's won't allow them to see what Derrick is doing. Derrick can't be running the Frankie show, he's not a star so ultimately everything that happens is because the delusional Frankie and Caleb "allow" it. They're the "kings". That's why Derrick being low key is such a great game for him. 

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Hmmm...  I'm beginning to think Frankie is having a lightbulb moment regarding Derrick.  Last night (I think it was last night) in the SR, Frankie made a comment that Vic hates him (Frankie) and Derrick quickly came back with words describing how much Vic cares for Frankie and that she would never vote against him.  Derrick was speaking a million miles per hour, going on and on about the Vic/Frankie love and the look on Frankie's face suddenly changed.  Frankie didn't buy what Derrick was saying because he knows Vic has done a 180 regarding him but, in the end, chose to let it go.  However, I'm sure Frankie stored that info and will use it later.  Frankie might be putting two and two together and realizing Derrick wants to take Vic with him to final two. 


Caleb decided before the BoTB comp that he was going to just sit down and do nothing.  In fact, after he said that others encouraged him to do just that.  Nobody suggested to him that he participate AND sabotage it.  They all thought sitting down was enough.  Caleb, and he others were wrong.  It wasn't enough.


I enjoyed the comp.  Frankie did it.  Nobody can take that win away from him. 

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I was pleasantly surprised by Derrick's hosting abilities at that comp. He was far more natural and engaging in his delivery than any of the others have been so far. And yes, I certainly include Frankie who's a "professional."

Echo that; he seemed surprisingly at home in the emcee role. One thing really struck me, though, as the HGs were walking across the yard to their starting positions for the competition. That was a very nice suit they had Derrick decked out in; as he walked across the yard, though... I'm not going to even try to go into specific tells, but there's no way you could look at _how_ Derrick was wearing that suit and NOT know he was a cop. :)

Frankie might be putting two and two together and realizing Derrick wants to take Vic with him to final two.

Don't think that's new news to any of the guys.

ETA: quote followup

Edited by Nashville

Ugh... the day after the faux fall of Frankie. I was trying to keep a cap on how much Frankie annoyed me but then there was this episode. Being promised something that was snatched away from us made my Frankie hate/annoyance bubble over and noe I can't stand to see his stupid fakidy fake fakeness. And now we've got to deal with it for weeks, probably even when he gets evicted guess who is coming back?? I can't take it.

When did production tell him he couldn't jump into the game??  

No way to know for sure but I'd guess it was when Frankie was doing as well or better by himself than Donny and Zach were doing trying to work as a team.


All but the live competitions, like the show,  are edited.  We might see a five minute comp that in reality took 30 minutes because they often stop, production clarifies or fixes a mechanical failure or something.  The competitions aren't shown on the feeds either so the only clues to what happened or didn't happen is from the HGs chatter after it's over.


And it's not Victoria we should be calling the wrong name every week, it's Cody because he's even less of presence than she is. At least she's always competing because she's always nominated. What the hell does Cody do? They try to get a diary room sound bite out of him here and there and that's about it.

Cody looks good. Very good.  That is, when he gets some camera time. 

I'm glad they had Nicole do the DR call back to Rachel with her, "Nobody comes between me and my HoH win." That way I was able to contrast Nicoles's HoH win with Rachel's wins and notice that there was no excessive gloating and after her loss, no hysterical sobbing and hiding in the bushes. Nicole is becoming one of my all time BB favorites. She doesn't just talk about what she's going to do in the diary room, she actually does it and she does it without being mean about it.

I love this season. Watching people like Amanda and Aardvark get power and then bully everyone was just not fun for me. Another thing I like this year is they are spending less time in bed. Most of them actually sit-up for part of the day. (I'm thinking of you, Amanda's warty gigolo.)

  • Love 4

No way to know for sure but I'd guess it was when Frankie was doing as well or better by himself than Donny and Zach were doing trying to work as a team.


All but the live competitions, like the show,  are edited.  We might see a five minute comp that in reality took 30 minutes because they often stop, production clarifies or fixes a mechanical failure or something.  The competitions aren't shown on the feeds either so the only clues to what happened or didn't happen is from the HGs chatter after it's over.


Well, my point is that he wasn't telling US that  production said he couldn't rejoin, he was speaking to a houseguest, which makes me believe that there wasn't an announcement in front of the other guests while the game was on, but that they told him this "rule" in the DR prior to the start.  


Which again, makes me believe it was a setup.

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I'm with you JudyObscure.  I am enjoying this season too.  We have a flamboyant gay man, a cop, a soldier, etal.... and they do fight but not about personal qualities.  No calling women whores, skanks etc.  No racism, no homophobia.  This is the America that I believe we are headed to.  Last season was the worst of America and I do not miss one minute of that toilet and I hope we never see most of those players ever again.

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Why, why WHY does everything have to go Frankie's way?! I just watched now and was shouting obscenities when he won the battle of the block. If only Caleb hadn't sait it out...he could have easily performed in such a way making it impossible to win. I hope it compeletly back fires on him bey his "big reveal" hopefully everyone will think what a liar he is from day one.


Also I doubt if the NFL players are going to be too keen on how he invades their personal space like he was doing with Zach and Caleb tonight. Back off!!

Did I miss it, or did we not see Nicole and Christine's HOH rooms? Only reason I ask is the BB FB page put up Tim's letter to Christine and said it could only be seen there, it wasn't on the aired show. I din't even realize it wasn't broadcast until they brought it up.

Also, it was pretty clear it was written before the season started.

The pacing of the episode was completely different, and no they didn't show the rooms.  I loved it.  Who wants to see my HoH room?!?  No one.  No viewer gives a crap.  But the slowly paced reveal of Caleb refusing to play while invisible pee ran down Frankie's leg?  Fabulous.  I hope they do stuff like that in the future when there are interesting things to show, because it was by far one of the best episodes of the season.


In contrast, feel free to blow right through Frankie's "reveal" on Wednesday. Or show it and then show people not caring.  But let's not pretend this is interesting or important.

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In contrast, feel free to blow right through Frankie's "reveal" on Wednesday. Or show it and then show people not caring.  But let's not pretend this is interesting or important.

Maybe not to the majority of viewers, but some folks clearly have a promotional interest in getting AG's name out on this show in as many episodes as possible without it seeming too staged. Here we had Frankie talking about telling the house while telling us. Next he'll do exactly that, then we'll have at least one more episode where she'll be mentioned, at least in a beginning recap if the producers can't tilt things to keep Frankie around.

True, Frankie is obnoxious but that was EXCITING when he won.  A single player playing that game is clearly an advantage -- there's no one to coordinate with.  I loved the house turning on Frankie and his reaction to all of them.  He has a pretty strong personality -- he's not all fairy wings and sparkly dust. There's really none of the house guests I dislike.  I don't dislike Cody and Victoria but, Jesus, how could anyone be that invisible?  Cody wasn't like that at the beginning of the game.


I haven't seen it mentioned, but what is with the big arm gestures from Zach in the diary room?  Is he supposed to be an alligator?  He's a crazy man.


I'm really enjoying this season. 


(When Frankie finally let's loose with his earth shattering news, I'm sure everyone's reaction is going to be the same as mine . . . "who?"  I've heard of her and seen her since the beginning of the show . . . but not a peep about her before.)


p.s. i have tried to correct the apostrophe in "let's" in the preceding paragraph and it won't "TAKE"  Really . . . I familiar with the correct care and feeding of an apostrophe.

Edited by goodogcarl
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I haven't seen it mentioned, but what is with the big arm gestures from Zach in the diary room?  Is he supposed to be an alligator?  He's a crazy man.

It's a Florida Gators thing.  He wears a University of Florida shirt a lot.


Well, my point is that he wasn't telling US that  production said he couldn't rejoin, he was speaking to a houseguest, which makes me believe that there wasn't an announcement in front of the other guests while the game was on, but that they told him this "rule" in the DR prior to the start. 


Which again, makes me believe it was a setup.

It just makes me think the rule didn't really exist and he made it up to cover why he was too dumb to go in and sabotage the competition when it was clear Frankie was doing well.

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