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Jeopardy! National College Tournament 2022


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Just now, dgpolo said:

lol, they did seem to want to include clues about it.

I was amused at her having to read the MMR clue, too. (I know, I know, she did an "alternate schedule" or whatever for her kids.)

Apparently this was filmed shortly before Omicron exploded. (Someone on reddit said was filmed on November 22 and google tells me Omicron really got going in early December.)

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First game was great, middle guy was really impressive! Second game I really could not stand Anna. It really turns me off when contestants start choosing the next category before they are even ruled correct. Especially when she had so many mistakes.

Got both FJ, but probably not for the reasons they expect. Because of Breaking Bad, I always remember the name Heisenberg and that he’s got an uncertainty principle, and then for the second game I said “King George III” because he’s the one from Hamilton. Not that that had anything to do with the clue, but that’s the king that always comes to mind. 😆

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1 hour ago, ams1001 said:

Apparently this was filmed shortly before Omicron exploded. (Someone on reddit said was filmed on November 22 and google tells me Omicron really got going in early December.)

Thanks, I was wondering that!

Kicked myself for not getting George III. I think an hour and a half of Jeopardy is just too much for me.

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Knowing what UDHR stands for, with "Universal Declaration of" spotted, had no business in a DJ round.  And the Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea clue was way too easy for a DD. 

Raymond clearly didn't hear me yelling "Sedition and edition" in increasing volume at the TV during that DD.

Everyone's reaction to the way Jeric answered the Philippines clue was funny.

I only knew one in 2021 hits, but otherwise did well in the first round of the first game and did pretty well in that DJ, too.  Like all the contestants, I got FJ, so it was a great game for me overall.

And, hey, the contestants only had about 10 TS, which is great for this championship.  I wasn't particularly pulling for anyone, but good for Raymond's performance and his "I don't want to think about dead cats, I like cats" chatter after the game.

In the second game, I was rooting for Anna; I loved her serious demeanor, and noted in the regular game thread how oddly pleased I am with those who stand with their arms crossed, as I figure that's how I would stand as a contestant (it likely being my best position for controlling the buzzer) and I like seeing it done despite the inevitable commentary of those who just as oddly object to it.  But after a strong start she had several rather dumb wrong answers and ultimately dug a hole she couldn't get out of.  I always feel bad for contestants who can't see it through to the end, but she seemed to have a good attitude after DJ and when brought back out after the game. 

I cannot believe carotid (artery) was a TS, and deadlocked was pretty eye-popping as well.  This was another "good" game with about ten TS.  This is such an odd tournament.

I only knew one of the TV characters, but got either everything else or almost everything else in the first round.  I was more hit and miss in DJ, but still had a good round.  I didn't get FJ, though.  I should probably play the semi-finals and finals sober; this prime time tournament just goes way too late into the evening for me to use my brain at that level when I'm at my "turn brain off for the night" stage of decompression.

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6 hours ago, illdoc said:

I was thinking "bi-polar"....what ruler was "nuts".....oh, yeah crazy George III.

I too said George III because of the clue being something like "he was actually bipolar."

I don't know for sure if I would have gotten Heisenberg because my reception dropped out for the clue reveal and then picked up as they were giving the answers. But I am still a Breaking Bad fan, so I'm guessing I would have.

I was a little surprised that after the miss-guess of "Alpha Iota Omega" "Alpha Iota Omicron" neither of the others came up with "Alpha Iota Omicron." "Alpha Iota Omega." 

I was more surprised that Manhattan wasn't an instaget.

And I was very sad that nobody knew "mahalo nui loa" because my late parents lived on the Big Island for 30 years–—but that's just me. I don't expect the college students to know that. 

I am not a Mayim hater, so when I was wondering what the students thought of her stating that she spent 5 years in undergrad and 7 at UCLA, I really just want to know if it was something they could relate to or not.
As costs of higher ed skyrocketed after Mayim's time in as an undergrad, spending 5 years in undergrad became more of a symbol of privilege than of uncertainty of one's direction.
Does she not know that?
Or maybe she does and it was supposed to signify that she used her wealth from her earnings as a child actor to further her education the "hard way," rather than "buying" an honorary degree with a donation?
But even if the college contestants thought this about her remarks, wouldn't they have preferred she had made a donation in the form of a scholarship for economically disadvantaged students instead of getting degrees in neuroscience she's not using to cure Parkinson's or Alzheimer's or something?
On the third hand (or is it fifth now?) maybe the student contestants were thinking: Welp. At least she paid full tuition and didn't suck up the Financial Aid and scholarship funds.

And: Yes. I do annoy some family members with my overthinking things.

Edited by shapeshifter
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Jeric cheated in a $25,000 app-based trivia game in 2018.  This is his present day response.  I might be a little more impressed with "I was only 17, a minor!" and "must my past define me forever?" if we were talking about events a bit more than 3 or 4 years ago.  And sure, he couldn't've cheated in the same way on this show.  But he didn't seem like such an amazing quizzer or personality that, if I were the producers, I wouldn't probably have picked someone else instead, with such a limited number of slots.

Edited by 853fisher
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3 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

I was a little surprised that after the miss-guess of "Alpha Iota Omicron" neither of the others came up with "Alpha Iota Omega."

Other way around - the answer was omicron, but one guessed omega, and then no one else tried.  As noted upthread, this was filmed before the omicron variant of COVID took over; had the timing been different, I'm sure that would not have been a TS.

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23 minutes ago, Bastet said:

Other way around - the answer was omicron, but one guessed omega, and then no one else tried.  As noted upthread, this was filmed before the omicron variant of COVID took over; had the timing been different, I'm sure that would not have been a TS.

One of the players commented in the episode thread on reddit and said it was filmed two days before the variant was reported to WHO. Talk about timing...

  • Useful 1
19 hours ago, ams1001 said:

Are the overlaps between this and the regular game on purpose or just a coincidence? Glacier National Park and Anna Karenina were on both tonight.

They have to be coincidental, but it is odd. I also noticed that Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea was an answer in both Monday's regular show and the first tournament game on Tuesday.

5 minutes ago, dcalley said:

They have to be coincidental, but it is odd. I also noticed that Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea was an answer in both Monday's regular show and the first tournament game on Tuesday.

I've forgotten which game it was last week, but the regular game and the tournament game both had coincidences; one was the island of Rhodes and one was Rhodes Scholar.  Not quite the same thing of course but they both had Rhodes.

I had also noted the Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea coincidence.

9 minutes ago, PBnJay said:

Anyone watching The Chase will find many overlaps in clues/answers with Jeopardy and the College Tournament. It's like the same writers work for all the clues-and-answer programs, or there's a bunch of writers who go through trash cans at night to find notes made by other writers.

I told my daughter that I kept hearing the same questions/answers on all the quiz shows and that I got one right because I had just learned it on another show (the term 'condor' in golf) and she said they must all use the same trivia book.

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Awwww, sad that the W&M girl didn't move on.  At least she got to play in FJ, though.  Raymond was a BEAST on that buzzer.

Surprisingly, I got both FJs last night!  And both were almost instagets.  I almost said Schrodinger, but remembered the Uncertainty Principle in plenty of time.  

As for TS:

Game 1:  Biochemistry, and sedition/edition

Game 2:  Manhattan, mahalo, uvea, and carotid.

  • Love 2

Rooting for Nam. He's from the next town over from me.

(Even better, I like him and would probably root for him anyway.)

I try not to comment on Mayim's clothing choices anymore (or even notice), but tonight's look is not a good one.

I liked Aniket in the second game. "We took a trip to Bali, cuz that's what you do."

Nevermore FJ was an instaget. 

Edited by ams1001
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Oof, that second game was painful.  So much going backwards!  And the first game had so many TS!  I got both FJs, and the second was an instaget.

TS I got were:

Game 1:  Old Man of the Mountain, iron, Pirates, CO2, Constitution, William Shatner, calyx, Cicero, Canary Islands, and statistics

Game 2: magnolia, mortarboard, and something that looks like scale.  I hate when I can't read my own writing.

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12 minutes ago, Browncoat said:

Game 2: magnolia, mortarboard, and something that looks like scale.  I hate when I can't read my own writing.

It was scale (musical). 
I knew that one.

There was an answer tonight that was on Jeopardy! —–I think right before. Sorry, but I can’t recall it.
“K2” (the mountain) was an answer on College Jeopardy! yesterday and then on regular Jeopardy! today.  
I should appreciate this since I am so terrible at Jeopardy! (old brain too slow) but it’s just annoying me.

  • Love 2

Noticed a couple more answers during tonight’s college games that were on regular Jeopardy (yesterday?) Or maybe they were on regular Jeopardy today and on a previous college game. Watching three per night I cannot keep them straight: K2 and Great Expectations.

I have to cry foul on that “Pliny/shiny” answer that was ruled incorrect. The way he pronounced it did not change how it’s spelled in any way. Yeah the category was “words that should rhyme,” but that doesn’t mean that saying them as if they do rhyme is wrong. They’ve had clues up there in the past in their “Rhyme Time” category that have stumped me because they don’t rhyme how I say them. The way they ruled against him tonight is the same as if I were to answer “dog/log” (an answer I have seen before) which in my accent they do not rhyme.

  • Love 2
33 minutes ago, Browncoat said:

Game 1:  Old Man of the Mountain, iron, Pirates, CO2, Constitution, William Shatner, calyx, Cicero, Canary Islands, and statistics

Game 2: magnolia, mortarboard, and something that looks like scale.  I hate when I can't read my own writing.

I got all those except Old Man of the Mountain, pirates, calyx, and statistics. I didn't actually keep track, though; not sure if there were others.

I love magnolias. We had one in our front yard when I was growing up; my dad had it taken down shortly after I finished college (a hole was developing through the trunk and he finally decided it was deep enough that it was in danger of being brought down by a storm, which potentially could take out either the front wall of the living room or a car in the driveway). I remember watching them cut it up from the bedroom window...it made me sad but it smelled so good. They were all over the center of my college campus, too.

19 minutes ago, Cotypubby said:

I have to cry foul on that “Pliny/shiny” answer that was ruled incorrect. The way he pronounced it did not change how it’s spelled in any way. Yeah the category was “words that should rhyme,” but that doesn’t mean that saying them as if they do rhyme is wrong. They’ve had clues up there in the past in their “Rhyme Time” category that have stumped me because they don’t rhyme how I say them. The way they ruled against him tonight is the same as if I were to answer “dog/log” (an answer I have seen before) which in my accent they do not rhyme.

I thought they should have given him that one, too. 

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There were several mind boggling TS in the first game, but I don't know why I'm still surprised by any TS in this tournament given how many there are in almost every game of the quarterfinals.  I think there were 19 in this one!  I was rooting for Claire based on her school, but Nam seemed to largely avoid wrong answers, so he dominated.

I expected to know fuck all in Marvel, but managed to get one (Chadwick Boseman; if the poor guy hadn't died, I wouldn't even have got that one).  I also sucked in the celebrities category; I can't remember if it was one or two I managed to eke out.  Other than that, I did well.  (And, unlike the contestants, I knew FJ.)

In the second game, holy hell, these kids don't even know what they put on their heads at graduation - with the m, b, and a spotted.  But they were actually doing pretty well at avoiding TS in the first round; by the end of DJ, though, they had at least ten (again, good for this series).

Time was called really quickly on the crater/water and travel/navel clues, so that must have been condensed in editing.  (And I'll be the outlier and say it was proper not to give credit for the improper pronunciation on the pliny/shiny clue rather than going with the usual rule where if you say it wrong but in a way consistent with how it's spelled you get credit, since the entire point of the category is that they don't rhyme.)

I didn't have any terrible categories in that game, but I didn't run very many categories, either (it's to be expected; again, this is too much to ask of my brain in one night, with the regular game airing right after I knock off work for the day and then this one-hour block airing while I'm sipping drinks and usually unwinding instead of thinking).  I did get FJ, though.

I hope the semis are better, with the quarterfinal winners having not just emerged victorious but got their first-game jitters out of the way.  Because so far this tournament has seemed inferior.

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7 hours ago, Bastet said:

I expected to know fuck all in Marvel, but managed to get one (Chadwick Boseman; if the poor guy hadn't died, I wouldn't even have got that one).  I also sucked in the celebrities category; I can't remember if it was one or two I managed to eke out.  Other than that, I did well.  (And, unlike the contestants, I knew FJ.)

I blanked on Chadwick Boseman's name, but I knew who they were going for. I got one in that category but I can't remember which (the games aren't up in the archive yet).

I'm still annoyed with a question from Tuesday's game--so annoyed that I hunted it down on Hulu because I got tired of waiting for it to magically appear on j-archive.com/showgame.php?game_id=7281. I even tried pulling the transcript from YouTube, but that game's transcript wasn't available.


  • "SPOT-IFY"
    I'm guessing the clue-meisters thought the topic would interest the college-age contestants. It did not. They avoided it until the end of the round.
    Also guessing this category's not-related namesake was probably not in the news when they shot the episode, but that's not really relevant.


  • "See spots. See lots of spots all over the body in outbreaks of this disease that could have been prevented with an MMR vaccine."

Correct response:

  • Measles

This bothers me because I am so old that I had all 3 diseases before the MMR shot was available, including the "R," which is Rubella, which also has a rash (cdc.gov/rubella/about/symptoms.html), and I wanted Alex to be there to mention that Rubella would have been acceptable too, but if Alex was still with us, I doubt he would have allowed the clue to be worded like that since that would mean it has 2 unrelated correct answers. I mean, even though "Rubella" was called "German Measles" when I had it, the 2 diseases are not the same. Rubella is the one that is known for causing birth defects, like deafness, which effected my friend's brother.

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21 hours ago, Cotypubby said:

I have to cry foul on that “Pliny/shiny” answer that was ruled incorrect. The way he pronounced it did not change how it’s spelled in any way. Yeah the category was “words that should rhyme,” but that doesn’t mean that saying them as if they do rhyme is wrong.


18 hours ago, Bastet said:

(And I'll be the outlier and say it was proper not to give credit for the improper pronunciation on the pliny/shiny clue rather than going with the usual rule where if you say it wrong but in a way consistent with how it's spelled you get credit, since the entire point of the category is that they don't rhyme.)

I sort of agree and disagree with both of those positions, but I think I come down on the third hand - maybe this clue should have been tossed in the final review in favor of something that didn’t require as much needle-threading for the ruling. 

  • Love 3

So, wait.  The winners don't automatically advance to the finals?  I guess I knew that, based on the explanation someone here posted, but it didn't really register until tonight.  That sucks for whoever the fourth player is.  I really hope Raymond makes it through.  I've already forgotten his score, though.

For the first game, I had Mexico for FJ, but said Nicaragua because I couldn't remember what borders Mexico on the south.  And for the second game, I also said eyes.  Oopsie!

I mostly kept track of TS, though again, I zoned out for at least part of both games, and may not have written all of them down.  These are the ones I did write down:

Game 1:  gorillas, Audrey, lightning, and Padma Lakshmi

Game 2:  Free Guy, Ivory soap, Sherlock Holmes, canal, Zuni, Prozac, and Prince William. 

I was stunned that they all missed Prince William!  I also will recommend Free Guy.  I'm not a gamer, but I really liked that movie.  It was lots of fun.

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8 minutes ago, Browncoat said:

So, wait.  The winners don't automatically advance to the finals?  I guess I knew that, based on the explanation someone here posted, but it didn't really register until tonight.  That sucks for whoever the fourth player is.  I really hope Raymond makes it through.  I've already forgotten his score, though.

That's why I don't love this setup.

Raymond will be in the final; he finished with $20,779. Isaac finished with $18,801 in the second game, which means at worst Raymond could end up at #3 if both of tomorrow's winners manage to beat his score. 

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The gorillas TS in the first game was quite something, but at least this first semifinal game was a lot shorter on TS than most of the quarterfinals; I think they wound up with around half a dozen.

The Machu Picchu clue was overvalued as a DD, and probably had no place in a tournament at all.  And the Dracula clue definitely didn't belong in DJ.

I was rooting for Neha, even though she occasionally channeled Matt Amodio with "what" rather than "who" (which I didn't notice her doing in the quarters).  Alas, Raymond was unstoppable as the game went on.

I did fairly well in that game, with no terrible categories, and several great ones - plus, unlike the contestants, I got FJ.

In the second game, Zoom should have been in the first round - at $200, no less - not in DJ. 

They reverted to a lot of TS - at least a dozen - in that one, and "You have covered the first, third, and sixth in line but skipped over William" cracked me up since even I - who doesn't care about British (or any) royalty and gets most of her information from the Royals thread on this site - knew that one immediately.

I was rooting for Lauren, then Isaac, so when he was the only one to get a FJ that I thought was obvious as an eye part, I was happy for him.

I didn't excel at that game, but didn't blow anything, either, so it worked out to a good game for me.

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Too bad these FJs aren't counting for our Contest thread, because I actually got one (Mexico and Guatemala) which would have been what we on that thread refer to as an "asterisk" too (no players got the answer).

Interestingly (I think?) I pulled those factoid rabbits out of my hat/brain because of a very engaging, evening-class, non-PhD Geographic Sociology instructor I had in the 90s when I went back to finish my undergraduate degree after having 3 kids and getting divorced (while working part time). 
He was very passionate about his subject.

I felt that same passion when college contestant Isaac Applebaum was talking about his lab experiences. Maybe instead of being a scientist Isaac would be an awesome professor. Or both a scientist and a professor, mentoring more students in the lab.


22 hours ago, Browncoat said:

I mostly kept track of TS, though again, I zoned out for at least part of both games, and may not have written all of them down.  These are the ones I did write down:

Game 1:  gorillas, Audrey, lightning, and Padma Lakshmi

Game 2:  Free Guy, Ivory soap, Sherlock Holmes, canal, Zuni, Prozac, and Prince William. 

I too was zoning out a lot for various reasons, but some TSs I definitely knew were:

Game 1:  lightning 
👆this one made me want to do a Mayim-esque "C'mon, guys!" which I like to think I would have not done out loud, and which she (thankfully) no longer seems to do out loud either.

Game 2: Ivory, genius, Ruth
 "genius" surprised me too as a TS


21 hours ago, secnarf said:

Was that a typo in the FJ clue "rainbowys"?

I was so distracted for the entire FJ trying to figure out if that Y meant something that I couldn't focus on the question at all.

20 hours ago, ams1001 said:

I think it was an archaic spelling. I can't remember the clue exactly but it was quoting someone, right? I googled the word and found the Dictionary of Medical Vocabulary in English, 1375–1550 


"rainbowys" distracted me too, but it did look like an archaic spelling (I still have access to the OED online and still enjoy it occasionally) and I managed to let it go more quickly than a lot of other distracting clues and responses.

It almost seemed like they had sped up the video by a few micro seconds or something, but I guess it's just that Mayim is able to read quickly and clearly. Perhaps that influenced the producers choice of her as a host--especially for the prime time slots when I guess there are more commercials???
And then too, the college students are very quick with their answers--whether right or wrong.


19 hours ago, Bastet said:

I was rooting for Neha, even though she occasionally channeled Matt Amodio with "what" rather than "who"

Neha using Matt Amodio's "what is...?" technique did distract me, but at least in a fond-memory kind of way. Plus, it is a valid technique. Kudos to the other players for not letting it distract them.


Edited by shapeshifter
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I did not know Lady Chatterley, but I did know the Tower of London (and Gershwin for the tiebreaker), so there's that.

And either there weren't as many TS, or I didn't get as many, or (more likely) I zoned out again in the middle somewhere and missed a few.  Either way, these are the ones I got:

Game 1:  orange, North Atlantic Treaty Organization, licensed practical nurse, and Foucault's pendulum.  

Game 2:  Rocky Mountains, Gila, pitchblende, and 36.  For 36, I did have to do the math.

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With the Monday Night Football TS, I knew they were going to blow that ESPN category in the first game (I'm surprised they got one, quite frankly, since MNF was very much the easiest clue).  The pattern of excessive TS continued in that game - they had around a dozen.

But it was a great DJ round, and a nice comeback by Kristin after a very rough start.  So close!  I was rooting for Emmey based on her first game, but that FJ was so easy it all came down to wagering - and then a tie-breaker.  Good for Liz.

I did very well in that game.

In the second one, I was every bit as terrible in science fiction as I expected to be (didn't get a single one, even Jurassic Park which came to me just a nanosecond too late) and sucked at watch party, too, but otherwise did pretty well.

I was rooting for Megan, and loved her true DD bet in DJ, but good for Jaskaran being the only one to come up with what I thought was a fairly easy FJ.  That was a pretty good game - I think they managed to stay below 10 in the TS count.

None of them have ever had yakitori?  Now I'm hungry.

10 hours ago, Bastet said:


In the second one, I was every bit as terrible in science fiction as I expected to be (didn't get a single one, even Jurassic Park which came to me just a nanosecond too late) and sucked at watch party, too, but otherwise did pretty well.



For some reason my brain never gets Jurassic Park or any of its follow ups when they're in a science fiction question on any game show as my brain just can't seem to get that it's science fiction.

Every time I heard "one of these college students will go home with a quarter of a million dollars" I groaned and thought:

  • You mean $125K after taxes, which is probably most of their tuition debt if they had some scholarships or financial aid, but which won't touch any debt they incurred for living expenses if they did not have a family that resided near the campus of the college.

I am so confused about the scoring of this championship. I thought I'd get it via osmosis as it went along, but, at this point, I don't really care, except to say I really think it was a mistake to make it so complicated–—so don't try to explain it to me.
And I hate tie breakers.


Re Friday, February 18, 2020's games:

First game:
Unlike the College students, I ran the ABBREVIATIONS category, including instagetting the TSs of:
North Atlantic TREATY Organization
Licensed Practical Nurse 
Uniform Resource Locator –—which resulted in Mayim embarrassing herself (IMO) by admitting "this was new to me." 

But at the end of that round, I did laugh at Mayim's comical demonstration of a "staredown" at the contestants after they pretty much whiffed the SPORTS category (as did I).

I tolerate Mayim because, like me, she doesn't have much of a verbal filter, but that can also irritate me too.
As Mom always said: "The faults that we see in others are most often our own." 

I also got Tower of London, but only because it's been on Jeopardy! a lot.

Second game:
I got TSs of: 
Rocky Mountains, 
36 [black keys–—I did the math]

I'm glad Jaskaran Singh won in spite of betting low (IMO) in his previous game, although I liked Isaac too. At least he got $35K (before taxes) instead of $20K, although, again, I have no idea how they came up with that, and do not care.


14 hours ago, ams1001 said:

Mary Berry doesn't rhyme. 😉

Thank you.

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6 hours ago, NoReally said:

Is it just me, or did Megan sound just a bit too enthusiastic when she shouted out "Dick" for the Philip K. Dick question?

Just me? Okay.

She responded to a comment about that on reddit, said she was about to be all proper and say the full name but realized she had the chance to be very funny on Jeopardy so she went for it.

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Lucy, the player from William & Mary, is the daughter of one of my sister's best friends so I was obviously cheering for her and was happy that she acquitted herself well, even if she didn't win. I'm all Team Raymond now, though, as a product of a non Power Five state university.

An interesting note on Kristin, who lost on the tie breaker in the final semi final, her twin sister will be appearing on the regular Jeopardy next month.

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