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S04.E13: Family

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Max and Helen adjust to sharing their lives and their problems, including the challenge of Helen's mother. Bloom and Reynolds treat a family after their horrific car accident lands them in the ED. Iggy and Trevor reach a new understanding in their business relationship.

Original air date: Jan 18 2022

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I haven't watched this since about episode 2 this season, but I saw a trailer during This Is Us that made me curious who they were killing off. Of course I had to watch all the other ridiculousness before I found out. (Has he even been on this season at all?)

In the meantime, since I'm here...

So half the ER docs are going to analyze a baby's entire genome by hand..? Seriously? 

And of course Max is so brilliant he can just diagnose random footballers with little-known disorders on the street. (I've heard of it before...on another ridiculous hospital show.)

I agree with Iggy...he is the lucky one in that relationship. 


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Not even Sharpwin can save this snooze fest at this point. And “more joy” has to be the worst marketing campaign ever. Why are the writers working their hardest to blow up this relationship? Helen goes from in love with Max to wanting to be in London for good to having no idea what she wants like she’s 21 years old? She’s telling Max they’re not a family and for him not to be involved? What sense does this make?

I liked Wilder’s storyline but for a minute I thought her brother was going to snap and kill her and she’d be the big death. 

Lauren just doesn’t get it about Leyla, does she? Stay away means stay away. Addiction isn’t an excuse to behave however you want, Lauren.

I have no idea how to even keep watching at this point. I may suck it up the rest of the season but if it doesn’t improve I won’t be back for S5.

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2 minutes ago, Kleav said:

And the janitor!

And they figure out the easily-treatable disorder in one night!

Meanwhile...Floyd informs the parents that dad's gonna die. Then leaves them alone to absorb that.

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I’m guessing Max and Helen got the call in the late afternoon……caught am immediate flight and due to time difference made it just in time. Lol. Still, it’s an 8 hr flight.

I have no idea why they have to be so destructive with Max and Helen’s relationship.  The show needs something pleasant to watch.  It’s really dumb to keep f’ing it up. 

As the show started, I came here to post about Dr.  Kapoor possibly being the one who dies, but realized there was no live thread or one on speculation. 

I hope Bloom does leave. She could be prosecuted for what she’s done.  As an attorney, I’ve seen cases where people are charged with cyber stalking for continuing to reach out. And restraining orders entered against them for calling someone more than twice or repeatedly attempting communication after being asked to stop.  A lack of willpower to leave someone alone is not a valid legal defense.  

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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I am so disappointed with this season, words can't describe it.

First (and once again), very brief intimate scenes with Sharpwin.  Secondly, Helen was rude and disrespectful to her mum.  I understand there's a lot of baggage and tense issues to unpack but you don't have those kind of conversations in a restaurant.  And then to leave Max basically, literally standing there holding the bag--of flowers🤪😲.

My biggest problem is exactly this issue I have been talking about since E1.  Helen never discussed her family issues, especially her dad and what she discovered, with Max.  Max had every right to be upset, angry, hurt and confused.  And for Helen to finally admit and acknowledge she "doesn't know what she wants" and for him to ask "is that your family or me" was exactly on point.

Iggy is confusing - exactly what did he "set straight" with Trevor?  It appeared to me that Iggy was almost encouraging him to continue to flirt with him--even though Iggy said he'd been (happily?) married for 15 years.

As most fans presumed, it was obviously Kapoor who died.  So, with Sharpwin's unsettled/unresolved *argument* still hanging in the balance, will it cause them, or Max, to reassess about returning to NA?  And will Helen realize that NA is her family, with Max of course.   Hopefully, there'll be a time jump in the next few weeks or prior to the the Olympics break and they'll return for good--or not🤔🤞  

However, next weeks promo/episode looks like a hot mess.  I'm sure they've taken some of those scenes out of context but it doesn't look promising.  I don't need all this angst and unnecessary drama.  This is not the show I signed up to watch🙄😢😢


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26 minutes ago, Cloud9Shopper said:

Not even Sharpwin can save this snooze fest at this point. And “more joy” has to be the worst marketing campaign ever. Why are the writers working their hardest to blow up this relationship? Helen goes from in love with Max to wanting to be in London for good to having no idea what she wants like she’s 21 years old? She’s telling Max they’re not a family and for him not to be involved? What sense does this make?

I liked Wilder’s storyline but for a minute I thought her brother was going to snap and kill her and she’d be the big death. 

Lauren just doesn’t get it about Leyla, does she? Stay away means stay away. Addiction isn’t an excuse to behave however you want, Lauren.

I have no idea how to even keep watching at this point. I may suck it up the rest of the season but if it doesn’t improve I won’t be back for S5.

I wholeheartedly agree with everything you sad--especially your first paragraph.  I have wondered the same thing since E1 - are the writers trying to lose fans and drop ratings?   They have done such a disservice to the characters this season, it's shameful.  Helen, Floyd, even Max.  And these are the 3 main characters of NA.  Like you, I don't know if I will watch S5 if continues down this road.  Can it be saved?  Only time will tell and as I stated, I am so disappointed, I don't have the words any more.

16 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I hope Bloom does leave. She could be prosecuted for what she’s done.  As an attorney, I’ve seen cases where people are charged with cyber stalking for continuing to reach out. And restraining orders entered against them for calling someone more than twice or repeatedly attempting communication after being asked to stop.  A lack of willpower to leave someone alone is not a valid legal defense.  

and not only that but she was never held accountable for the bribe to get Leyla into the program .  Has that been forgotten??

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Note to Iggy's employee. Thinking your boss is straight does not make it okay to flirt with him. It may make it worse. This was actually a scenario in the anti-sexual harassment training my company made me take recently. And then when he finally wises up and acts professional, Iggy tells him to go back to his original behavior? WTF?

I know it is TV timing, but why would Helen get the call about Dr. Kapoor so much sooner than the people in NYC? And it's a bit of a fake out to advertise a big goodbye, when the character has not been seen in two seasons.

Luna playing soccer was very cute.

I have to agree with Max that his moving to England for Helen makes her family sort of his business. If Helen didn't want him talking to her mother she should have asked him to leave the restaurant with her and explain what is going on. He's not a mind reader. I'm guessing they don't both go back to London after this trip to New York.

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So all this drama in the trailers about “someone dies! Tune in to find out who!” and it’s a character who hasn’t been on the show in a few seasons and has only been talked about a handful of times since then? Kinda anti-climactic. 

Why is Helen shocked that Max tried to fix her relationship with her mom by planning weekly dinner nights? He’s MAX! Of COURSE he’s gonna come up with a plan to fix the problem! Don’t you know him, Helen? And leaving him at the restaurant with her and expecting them not to talk to each other? With Max being Mr Gregarious, Mr You Seem Upset, How Can I Help and Mr Problem Solver? Again, don’t you know him, Helen? 

Also, Helen moves to England to connect with her mom but waits 2 months before even talking to her mom, let alone letting her know she’s in the country? 🤔 

Lauren, wow, get help! Therapy, codependency meetings, something. The signs of her relationship with Leyla being unhealthy have been there for quite some time. Remember that episode where they didn’t have a shift together and Lauren lost her mind, sniffing Leyla’s clothes, pacing the hospital floor, blowing up her phone with calls/texts, etc? Damn. 

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3 hours ago, ams1001 said:

And they figure out the easily-treatable disorder in one night!

Yeah, easily treatable and so common that Floyd immediately knew what it was and how to treat it. Considering how Lauren, a bunch of medical staff and the janitor were up all night, working their butts off and wracking their brains, you’d think it would be some super rare disease when Lauren would tell Floyd the diagnosis and he’d look shocked, tilt his head a little and furrow his brow and say something like “wow, I mean, I heard about that in med school but I never thought I’d actually see a case!”

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6 hours ago, cathmed said:

and not only that but she was never held accountable for the bribe to get Leyla into the program .  Has that been forgotten??

Well there was that one episode early in the season where Veronica asked Lauren if she wasn’t comfortable discussing the donation and even she asked if it had something to do with Leyla. Plus Casey knew and tried to tell Lauren how unethical it was. But Lauren seems to be the new Abby Lockhart who can do whatever she wants because she has “issues” and never be held accountable for the deplorable way she acts towards her coworkers and in her relationships. It’s disappointing. 

Edited by Cloud9Shopper
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This show!

A bunch of residents, attendants, nurses and interns, plus the janitor have so much time in their hands, that they can afford hours of an impossible task, while patients wait to be taken care of, all this after some super scientists were able to sequencing a DNA in HOURS!

I still haven't finished watching but this has to be the most absurd plot. Where were those people when COVID hit? 

The writers managed to assassinate yet another character. Mental illness and the effects on family dynamics are not an easy theme and needs to be threaded carefully but this show is right there with the others who managed to destroy a good story, while making a still interesting character sound like a martyr. No. Her savior complex did it for me. Maybe the second half of the episode will redeem her, let's see.

The other long deceased character, Helen, sounds like a teenager that needs to grow up. And no, she didn't "take care" of Mina. Those where what, weeks, a few months of a terrible relationship that makes no sense. Poor Max. This one he cannot fix with magic doctor skills.

Big peeve: grown ass women in pigtails. Lauren braids looked cute but no. Adults should not have two braids. Unless they are part of an Indigenous culture that has that hair style as part of their expression. I don't get why people want to look like teenagers.

Finished the episode and Helen....ugh. Creating problems where there are none. Max has to be the most patient person ever, doing all she wants, and still being blamed for her indecisiveness. 

And seriously, an all nighter trying to find what the baby has, and nobody ever thought about the brother who died and that maybe, just maybe, it was the same thing, since the mom said it she had the same symptoms? I know they have the miracle lab that does the ultra fast DNA sequencing and need to show off, and all the health workers that have time to read out thousands of pages and compare thousands of sequences, but a basic family history is ignored? 

Lauren: I know I ambushed you, I will regret this for the rest of my life so here I am, ambushing you again.

Then: I am the one leaving




Edited by circumvent
More thoughts after finishing the episode
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7 hours ago, Frisky Wig said:

Also, Helen moves to England to connect with her mom but waits 2 months before even talking to her mom, let alone letting her know she’s in the country? 🤔 

This made no sense to me at all.  I mean her Mom was awful, all about the freezing eggs, etc., but why would Helen have her first meeting with her at a restaurant, and with Max?  Why not have it out with her at home over a cuppa and drag it all out? Of course it's going to get ugly, this is decades worth of baggage.  You don't meet your Mom after months of being in the same country for lunch like a co-worker.  


And yeah, Bloom needs to go.  Just go already, leave Layla, much better doctor and actress

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I know I'm on an island alone here, but Max and Helen rushed being in a committed relationship. They didn't rush pursuing a relationship. They waited too long and dragged out being more than just friends. What they rushed was actually being in a relationship. It's an adjustment, at least for some of us, and it doesn't happen overnight. They didn't take time to adjust. They just decided to move to London together, move in together and guess what Luna this is your new Mum all in the short period of time before the move. So yeah, I'm alone here, but I have no issue with Helen not knowing what she wants now. That's what happens sometime when you rush things. You skip steps and you find yourself back home with a man who can't possibly understand your family, because you skipped dating, slowly incorporating each other into your families and figuring out boundaries with family and friends.

Killing off Kapoor seemed like a cheap attempt at a ratings boost. He's been off the show for awhile now. If they wanted to kill him off it might have meant more if they did it while the character was still fresh on the viewers minds.

As others have pointed out the gene sequencing thing was ridiculous. The only thing I could think about seeing all the doctors gathered around the conference room was, so who is running the ER?

Edited by TooMuchRealityTV
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11 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

I know it is TV timing, but why would Helen get the call about Dr. Kapoor so much sooner than the people in NYC? And it's a bit of a fake out to advertise a big goodbye, when the character has not been seen in two seasons.

This.  Both of these points sum up my thoughts exactly.  How/why is the audience saying goodbye to a character we already said goodbye to?  A character died off screen... I don't care.

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4 hours ago, circumvent said:

Big peeve: grown ass women in pigtails. Lauren braids looked cute but no. Adults should not have two braids. Unless they are part of an Indigenous culture that has that hair style as part of their expression. I don't get why people want to look like teenagers.

This hairstyle is very common on medical shows; I don't know about the medical field in real life.  But it makes sense - it gets their hair out of their way so that they can do their job, and more securely than just one braid (shorter strands fall out) or a ponytail (that needs to be tightened periodically).

ETA: the women on firefighting shows do this too, for the same reason.

Edited by FnkyChkn34
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18 minutes ago, TooMuchRealityTV said:

So yeah, I'm alone here, but I have no issue with Helen not knowing what she wants now. That's what happens sometime when you rush things. You skip steps and you find yourself back home with a man who can't possibly understand your family, because you skipped dating, slowly incorporating each other into your families and figuring out boundaries with family and friends.

I agree, there was a lot of physical attraction before they started up, and Helen knew about his late wife, but she NEVER opened up about her complicated family drama.  She clearly told Max in the shower scene she was going to block him, and waiting 2 months to see your mother?  Who does that? How busy can you be, obvious avoidance of what's unpleasant

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6 minutes ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

This hairstyle is very common on medical shows; I don't know about the medical field in real life.  But it makes sense - it gets their hair out of their way so that they can do their job, and more securely than just one braid (shorter strands fall out) or a ponytail (that needs to be tightened periodically).

ETA: the women on firefighting shows do this too, for the same reason.

I found Lauren’s braids more realistic than on some medical shows (cough, ER) where the women were always coming in with their hair down or perfectly styled. I remember one late years episode of ER where the Abby character came to work with her hair down and it looked like she had a blowout. It was all huge and poofy! And they had another female character (Neela) who was a surgeon and by the late years of the show she was wearing her hair down and perfectly in waves with a full face of makeup.

The female doctors and nurses I’ve seen in real life have all had neatly styled hair where, even if down, doesn’t look ridiculous or out of place in a doctor’s office. Or they wear it in a bun or a ponytail. 

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1 hour ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

This hairstyle is very common on medical shows; I don't know about the medical field in real life.  But it makes sense - it gets their hair out of their way so that they can do their job, and more securely than just one braid (shorter strands fall out) or a ponytail (that needs to be tightened periodically).

ETA: the women on firefighting shows do this too, for the same reason.


1 hour ago, Cloud9Shopper said:

I found Lauren’s braids more realistic than on some medical shows (cough, ER) where the women were always coming in with their hair down or perfectly styled. I remember one late years episode of ER where the Abby character came to work with her hair down and it looked like she had a blowout. It was all huge and poofy! And they had another female character (Neela) who was a surgeon and by the late years of the show she was wearing her hair down and perfectly in waves with a full face of makeup.

It looks like it more a hair style of TV hair and make up department than a trend in real life. It irritates me that in TV shows doctors and nurses are treating people with the hair down. Maybe it is because I shed so much, every time I go in the kitchen I pull my hair back. I keep thinking that open wounds will be full of hair. My peeve is not the hair being styled. It is the fact that I can't stand adult wmen in pigtails. That style is something that looks cute in kids, passable in teenagers, ridicuplous in adults

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3 hours ago, TooMuchRealityTV said:

I know I'm on an island along here, but Max and Helen rushed being in a committed relationship. They didn't rush pursuing a relationship. They waited too long and dragged out being more than just friends. What they rushed was actually being in a relationship. It's an adjustment, at least for some of us, and it doesn't happen overnight. They didn't take time to adjust. They just decided to move to London together, move in together and guess what Luna this is your new Mum all in the short period of time before the move. So yeah, I'm alone here, but I have no issue with Helen not knowing what she wants now. That's what happens sometime when you rush things. You skip steps and you find yourself back home with a man who can't possibly understand your family, because you skipped dating, slowly incorporating each other into your families and figuring out boundaries with family and friends.

No, you are not alone on this.  Other posters on this board and elsewhere have commented on the exact same thing.  Hell, I've been screaming this since S4, E1!!  Why the writers felt they needed to rush this London arc is beyond me.  I totally agree that they should have taken time to develop the relationship.  Helen and Max may truly love each other but they are poor communicators--and we know all the reasons why.   But it was disingenuous for the writers to move this quickly with their relationship and NOW, have all these ugly "problems" rear their head.  Makes zero sense.

I'm not sure if this season can be redeemed but they (writers/showrunner) better turn it around quickly or ratings will drop and they'll lose fans.  At this rate, S5 needs to be the last--unless they can return to the formula that made it a great & successful show initially.

Edited by cathmed
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9 hours ago, jabRI said:

This made no sense to me at all.  I mean her Mom was awful, all about the freezing eggs, etc., but why would Helen have her first meeting with her at a restaurant, and with Max?  Why not have it out with her at home over a cuppa and drag it all out? Of course it's going to get ugly, this is decades worth of baggage.  You don't meet your Mom after months of being in the same country for lunch like a co-worker.  


And yeah, Bloom needs to go.  Just go already, leave Layla, much better doctor and actress

Two of the main characters (April and Natalie) left on Chicago Med, and the show is so much better now. 

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1 hour ago, catrice2 said:

Thanks for saving me time.  Goodness!

I used to watch with a friend and she got tired of staying up for NA so now I recap it for her so she doesn’t have to watch! 😂

I hope the show improves by the end of the season because I don’t quit too many shows but I’m not giving S5 a chance if S4 gets no better. I’ll just stick to writing my happy Sharpwin fics in which they never go to London and Veronica doesn’t exist. :D

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Not having to sit through Floyd’s relationship woes made this episode bearable but killing Vijay took it to back to weird. He hasn’t been around in ages, what is the point of ending him via an off-screen death? It was a really cheap attempt at shock that just fell flat for me.

M/H: I need the details of their flying carpet because their immediate arrival in NY definitely wasn’t the work of a plane. Also, Luna’s ability to go invisible and care of herself at age 2 is really impressive! They must save a ton of money in childcare. That’s great because she’s definitely not getting siblings anytime soon since her guardians continue to bypass regular relationship development. Confusingly, they wait for things to come up instead of talking like normal people. It’s not that I don’t feel for Helen’s situation with her mother it’s more that they tried to cram everything into this episode after weeks of dragging their feet. I would have liked to see them address this(at home, who has a conversation like that in the middle of a restaurant?)earlier, instead of watching Max sneak through alleys and doctor strangers on the street. Hopefully this episode means London will be Helen’s moment from now on because she’s got huge issues that have followed her for seasons. It’s about time she unburdens herself.

BLOOM: She continues to miss the point. Why would Leyla want her to quit? How does she not see that even offering that is strange and manipulative? She might not mean it to be, but it is. I was somewhat rooting for them even after Lauren did what she did but the more Lauren tries to fix this the happier I am that Leyla got out of this situation. They had genuinely nice moments and Leyla made her relax but Lauren has no impulse control and doesn’t quite know the difference between needs and wants. She needs to work on herself before considering a relationship. 

IGGY: Is going to cheat. Right now it’s only a matter of when. 

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It's time for...


uh oh, a cold open that doesn't start with a lead in our face? must be a patient that is going to impact everyo--- oh no it's just max and the kid playing near a soccer field

max why would you want that portable goal, that has to be a PITA to bring to the park

at least the kid is adorable

Dr. Max: Medicine Man attracts ill Britons wherever he goes! SUPER MAX, AWAY!

please writers, drop the plot with aussie and Iggy and just bring back Agnes (I think that's her name?)

oh wow he acknowledges immediately that he won't destroy their marriage? that means he is going to do it. but why were you flirting with your boss you thought was straight

whoa, is Iggy actually being called for a genuine psychological issue? IT'S A MIRACLE

uhhhh Wilder I know he's your brother, but how did you calm him down in the middle of a psychotic episode 

max I don't think taking a shower together is very comfortable

max because of you Sharpe probably didn't get clean all the way, you monster

i'll take Sharpe momma drama over Floyd Baby Momma and potential Iggy cheating - please give us more

I bet Sharpe's mom is gonna hate max

hahaha ok I like if Bloom's GF told everyone except Bloom about what she was doing

uh oh, person holding her baby and not allowing an evaluation? Oh, the baby is at the same age the other child died ? I am guessing this is going to be based off of that Texas case or w/e where the baby had a rare disorder where it made the blood tets results look like the kid had a large amount of antifreeze

Max Goodwin: Street Doctor

how does everyone know him in a matter of weeks

do they have a lojack on him to find him ASAP

sharpe why didn't you tell your mother you moved back jeeez

you could've told her and then taken the time to get settled

sharpe's mom it's not like you can comment on how she spent her money

um Iggy i don't think you can tell her what you did with her brother unless she has power of attorney (or guardianship)

oh ok she has guardianship

but iggy put him on a hold, he cannot release him

and Iggy is acting reasonable!

yeah I don't think ground beef legs is gonna survive

oh ok he's the father of the baby, so if he dies the kid is gonna live

wait, wait 0.7 mg lorazepam for an infant having a seizure? I'm a full grown adult and I have 0.5 to prevent status epilepticus!

Time to check dosages! https://uichildrens.org/health-library/dosage-recommendations-anticonvulsants-employed-neonatal-seizures

"0.05 - 0.1 mg/kg/dose slow IV push over 2 - 3 min."

yeah, so 7 times the recommended dose for a fresh baby, and I bet it isn't that much higher for a 4 month old


ok so baby daddy is gonna lose his legs

um bloom you are magically going to sequence the DNA?

hahahaha oh floyd, you knew you were going to cave

Wilder, him not being let out is in his best interest

ok, so I love the backgruond stuff in this show - how it is some weird alternate NYC. Behind Iggy when he is talking to Wilder is a place called Pain de Vie, which I assume is this NYC's version of Au Bon Pain

Liked the Wilder-Iggy conversation.



what the flying [insert your favorite curse word here] is this pile of papers

Okay, so that stack is all of her DNA? Time to see how accurate that is

per https://rmsc.org/files/Genome-Educator-Guide_7_12_RMSC.pdf " To print out all the letters, you would need 2,369 reams of paper, each containing 500 sheets. "



so i had to pause here to laugh for a minute because holy crap

bloom what

reynolds you can't amputate organs

wait so we are finally getting a followup on that episode from last season where Sharpe "remembered" that memory in the same episode where it was said that those can be false? THE SHOW REMEMBERED A PLOT

and Max arrives after everything has blown up, but he didn't directly blow it up this time! It was just indirect!

ok, odds that that problem with the kid is figured out due to Reynolds doing surgery?

um Wilder's brother, living inpatient at New Amsterdam won't be a treat

and uhhh it's easier to move out than faking a psychotic break, there are organizations that assist mentally ill individuals to live semi-independently

wait is the entire ER reading through the patient's DNA

and isn't it a HIPAA violation to have the janitor hop on in

why don't they have a clinical geneticist


max you just walked into a minefield staying there with Sharpe's mom

max she just got into a big fight with her mom, don't try to fix it right away

oh hey here's the Sharpe-Max blowup

t minus 3 episodes at most before they (or at least Max and Luna) go back to New Amsterdam

uh oh, who is dead? I am guessing that Sharpe's mom died after their argument

ok I am sort of digging the awkward Iggy-Aussie energy

Wilder and her brother plot is actually engaging! It's ridiculous, but I somewhat care!

oh hey, the dad survived

oh wait nevermind

super magic bloom figured it out

damn, it isn't the antifreeze condition

bloom, stop stalking your ex

also, this is why most places have policies against being the supervisor of your significant other/child/someone you are related to

bloom, you aren't going to leave, don't kid yourself

oh hey it's ella



um max and sharpe how did you teleport from London to new york

or does this universe still have the Concorde in operation

wait did Ella call Max & Sharpe, then wait 6+ hours to tell everyone else

where is Luna

so they are never going back to London, are they

OKAY, So... who is the worst doctor?

This one is obvious, it's...



Dr. Lauren "Look through this patient's entire DNA sequence by hand" Bloom! 

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7 hours ago, Pepper the Cat said:

That Luna is such a cooperative child. Conveniently disappearing into thin air so her parents can jump on a high speed jet plane to New York. Or maybe she was travelling in the luggage.

I fanwanked that they called Luna's grandparents on the way to the airport and had them meet at the airport.  They took Luna with them to the suburbs while the other adults went to the hospital.   But it was a total fanwank.  Luna could be chilling with the football players in England or just chilling by herself in a London flat for as much info as we've been given.   But meeting the grandparents at the airport at least makes some sense.   

Helen getting the news so many hours before anybody else, though?   Not so much.  I could almost fanwank it that they were waiting to the end of the work day to tell the New Amsterdam crew but it would take an entire workday for Max and Helen to get there.  

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10 hours ago, babyrambo said:

Not having to sit through Floyd’s relationship woes made this episode bearable but killing Vijay took it to back to weird. He hasn’t been around in ages, what is the point of ending him via an off-screen death? It was a really cheap attempt at shock that just fell flat for me.

It actually got me wondering if the actor had died and they were doing it to honor him...but no, he appears to be alive and well. Were they considering that he might be back and finally determined for sure that he wouldn't? I wonder how it feels to have your character killed off a show you left two seasons ago...

Edited by ams1001
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14 hours ago, bybrandy said:

I fanwanked that they called Luna's grandparents on the way to the airport and had them meet at the airport.  They took Luna with them to the suburbs while the other adults went to the hospital.   But it was a total fanwank.  Luna could be chilling with the football players in England or just chilling by herself in a London flat for as much info as we've been given.   But meeting the grandparents at the airport at least makes some sense.

Might as well work as a fanwank but it doesn't make sense plot-wise. Unless a hell of a lot of communication and healing and understanding boundaries happened offscreen, the last on-screen interaction we the audience had with Luna's grandparents was them suing Max for custody of Luna and calling him an unfit parent to his face. We've gotten no dialogue at all about how they feel about Max's move to London but were expected to believe Max left Luna in Connecticut for a week unsupervised, with no problems, before they officially moved? Doubtful.

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1 hour ago, LexieLily said:

Might as well work as a fanwank but it doesn't make sense plot-wise. Unless a hell of a lot of communication and healing and understanding boundaries happened offscreen, the last on-screen interaction we the audience had with Luna's grandparents was them suing Max for custody of Luna and calling him an unfit parent to his face. We've gotten no dialogue at all about how they feel about Max's move to London but were expected to believe Max left Luna in Connecticut for a week unsupervised, with no problems, before they officially moved? Doubtful.

I'd agree to all of that but they mentioned that Luna spent a week with them before they moved so I am under the impression that things are okay.  


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I quit watching the show this season, but have to say I adore Bros402's posts. That way I can get the hilarious gist of what is being done without subjecting myself to actually seeing it. (Even hate-watching reaches its limits when it gets this stupid.) Thank you for providing content beyond "Love this show!"

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18 hours ago, bros402 said:

uh oh, person holding her baby and not allowing an evaluation? Oh, the baby is at the same age the other child died ? I am guessing this is going to be based off of that Texas case or w/e where the baby had a rare disorder where it made the blood tets results look like the kid had a large amount of antifreeze

Plot initially reminded me of the book set in hudson valley area on new york, but of course I can't remember the name of it!


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23 hours ago, Cloud9Shopper said:

I used to watch with a friend and she got tired of staying up for NA so now I recap it for her so she doesn’t have to watch! 😂

I hope the show improves by the end of the season because I don’t quit too many shows but I’m not giving S5 a chance if S4 gets no better. I’ll just stick to writing my happy Sharpwin fics in which they never go to London and Veronica doesn’t exist. :D

You are doing the lord's work.  I know that when I am done, I am done.  Had to say goodbye to the Good Doctor, and this one is close behind.  Oddly, I really don't like medical dramas anyway...never was an ER, House, etc. fan.  I watched Good Doctor for Chuku and Nicholas, and this show for Freema. 

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33 minutes ago, catrice2 said:

You are doing the lord's work.  I know that when I am done, I am done.  Had to say goodbye to the Good Doctor, and this one is close behind.  Oddly, I really don't like medical dramas anyway...never was an ER, House, etc. fan.  I watched Good Doctor for Chuku and Nicholas, and this show for Freema. 

ER is one of my all time favorite shows (although I am NOT shy about the fact that one of my most hated characters ever comes from that show lol), but I didn’t care for The Good Doctor. Didn’t bother beyond the pilot; it just didn’t hold me. 

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On 1/18/2022 at 8:12 PM, Cloud9Shopper said:

She’s telling Max they’re not a family and for him not to be involved? What sense does this make?

I don’t get telling Max they’re not a family at all. BUT… she was right that he had no business meddling to try and “fix” her relationship with her mother. People who didn’t grow up with dysfunctional families often think that stuff like this is easily fixed just by bringing the parties together to talk it out, but it’s really not that simple and can make things worse. Way worse. Don’t ask me how I know (hint: I was not the one with the nice normal parents).

The show really messed up with Max and Helen showing up at the end—they made it look like they were psychic and walked in about 5 minutes after Ella did.

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4 hours ago, elby3000 said:

I quit watching the show this season, but have to say I adore Bros402's posts. That way I can get the hilarious gist of what is being done without subjecting myself to actually seeing it. (Even hate-watching reaches its limits when it gets this stupid.) Thank you for providing content beyond "Love this show!"

hahaha it's no problem

honestly when writing those I usually spend like 90 minutes because i pause, get a snack, write my "WHAT THE HELL WHAT DID THEY JUST DO" thoughts, pause, decide to check my email, get a drink (non-alcoholic), and then eventually I finish the episode.

I definitely understand hate watching reaching its limit - I had to stop hate watching MacGyver and Blacklist because they got too ridiculous (and I finished watching Scorpion - if that is a barometer for how bad those two shows got!).

I was surprised a few weeks back when someone posted about NA on reddit's r/television and I replied about how I do these posts on here - then someone was like "OMG I LOVE THOSE POSTS, MY FRIEND AND I GUESS WHO WILL BE THE WORST DOCTOR EVERY WEEK!"

I hope this week was an easy win for those who guess or bet on it? :P

Edited by bros402
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On 1/20/2022 at 8:10 PM, elby3000 said:

I quit watching the show this season, but have to say I adore Bros402's posts. That way I can get the hilarious gist of what is being done without subjecting myself to actually seeing it. (Even hate-watching reaches its limits when it gets this stupid.) Thank you for providing content beyond "Love this show!"

I made it two episodes before I stopped watching but read the threads for several more, and the Worst Doctor of the Week posts were the main reason I did. Eventually stopped mostly because I'd forget.

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4 hours ago, ams1001 said:

I made it two episodes before I stopped watching but read the threads for several more, and the Worst Doctor of the Week posts were the main reason I did. Eventually stopped mostly because I'd forget.

you can't miss the Worst Doctor Of The Week posts!

I usually post them Wednesday night (well, more like 12:40 AM US eastern Thursday) or Thursday night (so, around 12:40 AM US Eastern Friday) - all depends on my schedule... and if I remember to watch the show :P

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On 1/19/2022 at 2:27 AM, Frisky Wig said:

Why is Helen shocked that Max tried to fix her relationship with her mom by planning weekly dinner nights? He’s MAX! Of COURSE he’s gonna come up with a plan to fix the problem! Don’t you know him, Helen? And leaving him at the restaurant with her and expecting them not to talk to each other? With Max being Mr Gregarious, Mr You Seem Upset, How Can I Help and Mr Problem Solver? Again, don’t you know him, Helen? 

On the positive side, I thought the acting between Helen and her mother at that table was great.  You could feel the baggage between them, and Helen's absolute fury at her mother.  And yeah, while Helen should have realized Max would immediately try to fix things, Max really needs to learn his place.  These women have decades of issues between them and Max really should know better than to try to insert himself into the middle of it.

Also, I'm just waiting for one of Max's curbside treatments to go horribly wrong.  He didn't even examine that guy before deciding the appropriate diagnosis for him was jock itch, followed by chugging vodka(?).  

On 1/18/2022 at 11:51 PM, KaveDweller said:

Note to Iggy's employee. Thinking your boss is straight does not make it okay to flirt with him. It may make it worse. This was actually a scenario in the anti-sexual harassment training my company made me take recently. And then when he finally wises up and acts professional, Iggy tells him to go back to his original behavior? WTF?

The whole thing was deeply weird, and Iggy is really, really stupid to allow the behavior to continue.  The whole thing is a lawsuit waiting to happen.    

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On 1/19/2022 at 6:51 AM, circumvent said:

And seriously, an all nighter trying to find what the baby has, and nobody ever thought about the brother who died and that maybe, just maybe, it was the same thing, since the mom said it she had the same symptoms? I know they have the miracle lab that does the ultra fast DNA sequencing and need to show off, and all the health workers that have time to read out thousands of pages and compare thousands of sequences, but a basic family history is ignored? 

The mother said the doctors never figured out why the brother died.

Luna and Max playing soccer in the park was really enjoyable to watch.

Diagnosing people without examining them is a dangerous sport, though.  Ticking time bomb behavior.

Max had no idea what was going on with Helen and her mother, because she didn't tell him. I think she didn't intend to have a fight with her mother in the restaurant, but it went haywire because she wasn't really dealing with the situation and then when it was in front of her she lost it. Max wanted to meet her mother, and instead of explaining that she wasn't ready to deal with her mom, she went along, and then she blew up. I get that she's stressed out and not dealing, but Max legitimately thought they moved to London to be near her mom, and that she was hiding him rather than avoiding mom, and he completely upended his and Luna's life to be there, so I don't blame him for not understanding what was going on. Sometimes he pushes, but I didn't think he was out of line this time. Helen is not telling him anything, or what she tells him is then suddenly not true. It's confusing for him because she's confused herself.


I actually think that Lauren should be the one to leave, so Leyla can stay. Lauren fucked up. She messed up Layla's career and she needs to make amends. She should not have ambushed her, though. She should have had someone else deliver the message, in a way that wouldn't be so violating. Lauren can get another job, and if she can't get one, she's wildly wealthy so she'll be fine. But Layla's life is negatively impacted by Lauren's bribe, and this is a big gesture but it does demonstrate that she really does realize she messed up and she does care about Layla and is not only doing things to control and own her, but because she genuinely does care about Layla's well-being.


I knew when they were removing the guy's organs that he wasn't going to make it. I was actually worried they were going to do some really far past the line story about a man who was just head and shoulders or some other thing like that, and was sad but grateful that they actually didn't do that.

It's also a relief that we haven't had to see Veronica lately.

Wilder's brother (what is Dr Wilder's first name, do we know?) was my least favorite story about her so far. I like that they do seem to genuinely love each other, and it wasn't all about condescension, guilt, and control (parallel to Lauren) but it's unpleasant to watch people who ought to know better holding each other back because of stereotypes about disability. When Iggy is the voice of reason, you know you've really made a mess.

Speaking if Iggy... it was really upsetting that he insisted his assistant continue to flirt and flatter him, and also that the assistant was doing it all this time and is now doubling down on it. You'd think that a guy who had been stalked by a patient might be wary of encouraging another inappropriate relationship at work, even if he wasn't happily married to the greatest partner ever on TV.

I was excited to see Ella, and disappointed that they formally killed Kapoor.

I can't even begin to respond to the way they handled the DNA situation. For godsake, do an electronic search-- surely there's a database they could plug the info into and get an answer, or at least some plausible number of possible diagnoses. Or get a consult with a pediatric geneticist specialist.



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5 hours ago, possibilities said:

Wilder's brother (what is Dr Wilder's first name, do we know?) was my least favorite story about her so far. I like that they do seem to genuinely love each other, and it wasn't all about condescension, guilt, and control (parallel to Lauren) but it's unpleasant to watch people who ought to know better holding each other back because of stereotypes about disability. When Iggy is the voice of reason, you know you've really made a mess.

Her first name is Elizabeth.

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