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Wait, I Think I Saw This Already: Remakes and Reboots

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I've long held the opinion that there is only one acceptable way to do a "remake" of The Princess Bride:

Only re-shoot the Peter Falk/Fred Savage scenes and voiceovers.  But now have Fred Savage (or if Fred is unavailable/unwilling, his brother Ben, with one minor line change*) in the narrator role.   That way, it'd be the Boy from the original (or his unmentioned brother) grown up and continuing the family tradition.

*In the original, the Grandfather tells the boy "My father read me this story; and I read it to your father.  Now I'm going to read it to you."  With Fred in the role: "My great-grandfather read my grandfather this story; and he read it to me.  Now I'm going to read it to you."   With Ben: "My great-grandfather read my grandfather this story; and he read it to my brother and to me.  Now I'm going to read it to you."

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On 9/20/2019 at 3:15 AM, SVNBob said:

I've long held the opinion that there is only one acceptable way to do a "remake" of The Princess Bride:

Only re-shoot the Peter Falk/Fred Savage scenes and voiceovers.  But now have Fred Savage (or if Fred is unavailable/unwilling, his brother Ben, with one minor line change*) in the narrator role.   That way, it'd be the Boy from the original (or his unmentioned brother) grown up and continuing the family tradition.

*In the original, the Grandfather tells the boy "My father read me this story; and I read it to your father.  Now I'm going to read it to you."  With Fred in the role: "My great-grandfather read my grandfather this story; and he read it to me.  Now I'm going to read it to you."   With Ben: "My great-grandfather read my grandfather this story; and he read it to my brother and to me.  Now I'm going to read it to you."

I actually kind of love that idea 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

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On 8/18/2020 at 4:54 PM, BradyBunchFan said:

From MovieWeb: Blazing Saddles Remake Is Happening as an Animated Samurai Movie with Cats and Dogs

Are you sure this isn't from a rejected script of "The Critic"?

Why not a movie based on that famous painting of poker playing dogs?

Attention Hollywood:  NO MORE!!  There must be a ton of material from writers known and unknown you can glean from!  Make something entertaining!  Until then, I'm not interested in your wares!

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I generally don't get bothered by reboots, especially if they manage to do something interesting with them, which is broadly my take on the live-action Disney remakes.

However, with so many ideas out there, the one Netflix decided to sink money into is a gender-flipped She's All That?  And yes, it's called He's All That.

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On 7/24/2021 at 7:58 AM, starri said:

I generally don't get bothered by reboots, especially if they manage to do something interesting with them, which is broadly my take on the live-action Disney remakes.

However, with so many ideas out there, the one Netflix decided to sink money into is a gender-flipped She's All That?  And yes, it's called He's All That.

This could actually be pretty fun. She’s All That was a pretty light fun teen rom com of the 1998s, gender flipping it in 2021, adding in the social issues of the day could still make a fun teen rom com. 

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Universal Will Release New Exorcist Trilogy


Universal and its streaming service Peacock have signed a $400 million deal to release a new Exorcist film trilogy, reports The New York Times. The project will see the return of star Ellen Burtsyn, and Halloween director David Gordon Green will helm the project, with the first installment scheduled to hit theaters in 2023.

I thought David Gordon Green's Halloween was just ok (though to be fair, I'm not a big fan of slashers), but Ellen Burstyn's involvement has me interested. I really liked The Exorcist tv series from a few years ago, so think a reboot/sequel could work.

15 minutes ago, AimingforYoko said:

Wait. Did I read that correctly? Chris Pine was originally going to play the Saint, then Regé-Jean Page took over. They're both in the upcoming Dungeons & Dragons movie. Huh.

I always find that kind of odd, like how half the MCU actors are in non-MCU movies together. Given that Pine is playing Captain Kirk, let's get Page as Sisko.

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On 7/24/2021 at 8:58 AM, starri said:

I generally don't get bothered by reboots, especially if they manage to do something interesting with them, which is broadly my take on the live-action Disney remakes.

Every time someone brings up a "woke" Buffy reboot that imagines Buffy as a woman of color, I always think to myself, "It's not a bad idea but there are so many different slayers that could be focused on, like the Chinese slayer from the early 20th century or the black NYC slayer from the 1970's." Rather than being color blind and transferring Buffy's upper middle class Valley Girl existence and making her a WOC, it'd be great to see a slayer where their different ethno/social/historical background is actually used to build a whole new character. Think of Miles Morales vs. just taking Peter Parker and making him black.

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On 7/29/2021 at 2:52 PM, proserpina65 said:

Could work with a better actor.  I'm not of big fan of Rege-Jean Page.  He's not terrible but he just seems really lightweight to me.

Did you see him in the 2016 Roots remake as Chicken George? IMO Chicken George is one of the most emotionally complex black men in USA literature, and I loved the Roots 2016 version and Rege’s portrayal. I felt he was going places then. 

He and Anika Noni Rose had some power scenes together. 

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24 minutes ago, BetterButter said:

I'm cool with it! I feel like the basics of the story are very adaptable to different contexts.


On 3/14/2016 at 2:21 AM, Trini said:

How about a re-make of The Bodyguard? There are so many singers doing acting, I'm surprised it hasn't been tried already.


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On 9/15/2021 at 5:30 PM, BetterButter said:

The only way I see this working is if they get Beyoncé to play Whitney’s character.  Bey isn’t the best actress but she can sing and she’s got her hive, they would be there with bells on for their queen.

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I understand that Danny de Vito and Arnold Schwarzenegger are making a sequel to Twins (1988) called Triplets with   Tracy Morgan but has anyone heard whether Bonnie Bartlett is on board playing their mother? I know she's now 92 but she still seems sharp witted and active enough to possibly do a cameo. 

Quote from the writer of the Bodyguard remake, Matthew Lopez (this is still in development so things could change, though):



You’ve been hired to write a remake of “The Bodyguard.” How are you approaching the project?

It’s so much fun. When Warner Bros. approached me about the idea, I quickly said I would but I wanted the protagonist to be Latina. They agreed to that. There’s been a lot of speculation about what I’d bring to the remake and some people were assuming that there’d be a gay storyline to it. Instead of focusing on an established star like the one Whitney Houston played, this is about a young Latina performer who has just become famous. It’s about how her life has changed because she is an overnight sensation. In the 21st century, that means she’s in immediate need of protection. It was important to me to use this opportunity to get Latin faces up on that screen and to get their stories told in a big way.


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5 hours ago, Trini said:

Quote from the writer of the Bodyguard remake, Matthew Lopez (this is still in development so things could change, though):



It sounds like it could be interesting.

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On 9/17/2021 at 4:02 PM, Ms.Moon said:

The only way I see this working is if they get Beyoncé to play Whitney’s character.  Bey isn’t the best actress but she can sing and she’s got her hive, they would be there with bells on for their queen.

She was supposed to be the star of The Star is Born remake but she dropped out- she did largely leave acting in feature films for the most part after 2009's Obsessed. I'm guessing on some level Beyonce realized she wasn't that good of an actress, either. It's telling that her first feature film in ten years was voiceover work and singing.

I do think she could probably make it work if they could manage to get someone where she sparks with chemistry-wise.

Maybe Janelle Monae? The problem with her is that I can't see her being enough of a draw that she'd get cast.

Anyway, I watched the Trailer for "Lost City" and it made me think about "Romancing the Stone" and wondering why it never got remade.

In a proverbial Romancing the Stone remake, I'd cast Emma Stone and Chris Hemsworth.

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On 9/15/2021 at 2:30 PM, BetterButter said:

A remake of The Bodyguard is underway at Warner Bros.

It would be an interesting change if they went with a country artist (Dolly Parton DID sing the original version of "I'll Always Love You" before Whitney Houston), 

When the original film was released, I learned the film was originally written in the early 70s with Steve McQueen in mind for the role Kevin Costner played.  My dad saw the film on cable years later and thought it was a decent film.  When I told him about McQueen almost being in the film, he agreed that he could see him in that role had he lived long enough. 

Perhaps they could make the film as it might have been in the early 70s!  It could have lots of potential for the era and the music.

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On 9/4/2022 at 4:46 AM, magicdog said:

It would be an interesting change if they went with a country artist (Dolly Parton DID sing the original version of "I'll Always Love You" before Whitney Houston), 

When the original film was released, I learned the film was originally written in the early 70s with Steve McQueen in mind for the role Kevin Costner played.  My dad saw the film on cable years later and thought it was a decent film.  When I told him about McQueen almost being in the film, he agreed that he could see him in that role had he lived long enough. 

Perhaps they could make the film as it might have been in the early 70s!  It could have lots of potential for the era and the music.

That could be cool. A country version would make it “different” and give us a different type of soundtrack. 

The way to make The Bodyguard remake good, is you have to BUY the love story between the artist and her bodyguard, the soundtrack has to be amazing standing on its own, and if you do set it in a not current time, it’s got to visually stunning to draw people in. 

@methodwriter85 Beyoncé does have her hive, but I agree she can’t act. She did okay in Dreamgirls because EVERYONE else was doing the heavy lifting. 

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2 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

@methodwriter85 Beyoncé does have her hive, but I agree she can’t act. She did okay in Dreamgirls because EVERYONE else was doing the heavy lifting. 

I feel like that was a turning point for her. I think this quote from the movie hit a little too close to home:

"Deena, you know why I chose you to sing lead? Because your voice... has no personality. No depth. Except for what I put in there."

I'm not saying Beyonce isn't a good (song) performer, and the fact that she's still putting out hits after nearly 25 years is pretty impressive, but I really think going through the experience of being in an Oscar bait movie made her realize how out of her depth she is. She never tried going for that again.

I mean, hey, she could win an Oscar for Best Song, though. (Although her rendition of Oscar nominated songs one year was pretty flat but that was a long time ago. Hopefully she's evolved but it's a lot easier to avoid her music these days than it was 5-10 years ago so I don't know if I'm missing anything.) 

Anyway, in the early 90's they were trying to do this with Whitney Houston as Deena, but she demanded to sing "And I Am Telling You" and wasn't going to budge on that. I'm surprised they didn't try just having her be Effie and making her wear a fat suit. Hollywood would have LOVED that and it probably would have gotten her an Oscar or at least a nomination.

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On 11/29/2022 at 5:09 PM, aquarian1 said:

Easy Rider reboot is in the works.  All I can say is "Why????"

There was already a (nominal) prequel called Easy Rider: The Ride Back about ten years ago.  It involved no one involved in the original production, but did license the name and characters.  It was bad enough to be featured on How Did This Get Made.  

No matter how bad the reboot is going to be, it's still better than that.

3 hours ago, BetterButter said:

Wow of all the sort of big Hitchcock movies Vertigo seems like the hardest one to redo (although of his big ones it's probably my least favourite). In it Jimmy Stewart is a full on obsessed crazy weirdo (and hardly any kind of hero). I wonder if they will keep it that way or kind of lighten the main character so he is not so creepy. 

Although if they were going to remake a big Hitchcock movie, The Birds, North by Northwest or Rear Window seem like better choices.

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The weirdest thing about the Vertigo remake is what is the benefit for RDJ? It's not like he needs the money, and when it comes to good roles he can probably one of the few actors who can do whatever he wants and someone will fund it. And unless it is the perfect movie it would face a ton of scrutiny from critics and Hitchcock fans. 

Bond is a different case for me because with no actor really clearly identified with the part (as much as Sean Connery was the OG, Roger Moore did more movies and arguably Daniel Craig had more of a culture footprint), so you get it refreshed every ten years or so.  Different actor, different vibe. Same reason Doctor Who works.

Also, it is a massive misread of history to describe the Bond of yore as “banger after banger.”  Half of Moore’s movies are nigh unwatchable.

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On 3/23/2023 at 8:11 PM, Kel Varnsen said:

Wow of all the sort of big Hitchcock movies Vertigo seems like the hardest one to redo (although of his big ones it's probably my least favourite). In it Jimmy Stewart is a full on obsessed crazy weirdo (and hardly any kind of hero). I wonder if they will keep it that way or kind of lighten the main character so he is not so creepy. 

Although if they were going to remake a big Hitchcock movie, The Birds, North by Northwest or Rear Window seem like better choices.

They should just not remake any big Hitchcock movies.  There's no way to improve on them.


On 5/30/2023 at 8:16 PM, Trini said:

Oh dear god, why?  I know, money, but still, the dragon effects alone will cost a shit-ton that Universal can't really afford to lose.

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