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The Human Beings Known as the Arnold-Klein Family

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Wellfleet, on 08 Feb 2016 - 12:24 PM, said:

I agree and thought that statement of Jen's was very odd. Extremely difficult to fathom. IIRC, Jen is ultra-petite. Even among little people, she's considered little. The MDs have already determined that her size virtually precluded her from being able to carry a baby for 9 months, which is why they switched to pursuing surrogacy, and then ultimately adoption. How could there be other little women out there, even smaller than her, who DID successfully carry and birth babies?


A 2'4" lady in Kentucky has successfully given birth 3 times.

  • Love 3


Oh, so this mom has basically been given the same advice Jen was - that carrying a baby would be risky-even-dangerous for her. That changes things somewhat, but obviously still hoping everything goes perfectly for her.

Oh, so this mom has basically been given the same advice Jen was - that carrying a baby would be risky-even-dangerous for her. That changes things somewhat, but obviously still hoping everything goes perfectly for her.


Sounds like it, small lung capacity and small hips so a baby would suffocate/take over the internal organs compromising life or lifestyle.  I doubt Jen wanted months of bed rest to get through it.  Wise she listened to other doctors and tried surrogacy but surely Jen being a doctor knew all that before going down that road!.  

  • Love 1

I often wonder when Jen and Bill will talk to Will and Zoey about being adopted.  Soon, both will begin to notice that they do not resemble their parents and will wonder why.  One friend of ours adopted a little girl from Mexico (when she was a baby) and when she was about 4 years-old and both were at the beach, the little girl noticed another little Mexican girl like herself and said something to the effect that ' that little girl has skin like mine.'  Her mother is blond and very fair.   So I expect that to come soon.  Also, will Will and Zoey feel that they were not wanted by their birth parents?  That conversation has to be very delicately and sensitively discussed. Also, I wonder if their birth parents could ever be contacted if the children want to know who their biological parents are.

I figure they already know. I was adopted and was told my story from the beginning.

Edited by mbutterfly
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Sounds like it, small lung capacity and small hips so a baby would suffocate/take over the internal organs compromising life or lifestyle.  I doubt Jen wanted months of bed rest to get through it.  Wise she listened to other doctors and tried surrogacy but surely Jen being a doctor knew all that before going down that road!.  

I agree.   Whether you like the Roloff's or not,  I still find it amazing that Amy gave birth to 4 children and 3 of them normal size.  Obviously Jen is much smaller than Amy so I think she did the wise thing.

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Amy, while short, still has a relatively average sized ribcage and hip size width wise. Jen is just all around tiny. I have an old friend from high school who is like 4'5, very, very petite. She's built very much like Jen, just taller, and Amy would look "huge" compared to both of them just based on width alone. My friend was told as a teen she would probably be bedridden for most of a pregnancy and twins would probably kill her. Her son is adopted. Amy was all belly from the pictures I've seen, as have been most of the other little person pregnant women I've seen on other shows. I'd say all of them were built like Amy though. That body shape offers room for the baby and the mom's organs too. Jen on the other hand, she would have little to no room for everything to fit inside her tiny frame and I'd imagine she too has known from a relatively young age that pregnancy would be just plain dangerous and ill advised. 

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The kids didn't comprehend a lemonade stand so the "hmmm am I adopted?" talk is not at hand yet!  They will likely start with reading them a children's book about adoption.  Will was found starving and abandoned so doubtful his parents are biting their fingernails wondering how he is doing or stepping up to the plate to admit they did this to a baby!  I don't recall hearing about Zoey's parentage. 


I have a feeling that Zoey's family history might be a lot more typical than Will's, and that's why we've never heard a peep about it. Because Bill & Jen recognize that if it's on TV, there's a good chance Zoey will someday hear it. Zoey might have been a planned pregnancy, with two educated, financially-stable married parents who in the end simply couldn't accept the fact that Zoey has achondroplasia and therefore surrendered her for adoption. India is a developing country in many ways but it usually takes a LONG time for attitudes to change in certain matters. Her parents would be dealing with centuries of prejudice, myths etc and just couldn't handle it. Of course, her parents could be upper-class jerks who simply didn't want the stigma of an "imperfect" child too. Who knows? Zoey could have been a child of incest/rape, have a 15-year old mother, been found in a trash can or any other damn horrible thing. One thing for sure, the child was lucky to have been available for adopton when Bill & Jen came looking...

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I find inconsistencies in a lot of what Jen says. I don't want to say she's lying but it's kind of lying. But the thing is it's not necessary and I don't know why she does it. I've mentioned this on another thread but Bill had mentioned he liked the pixie cut for Zoey to Jen and the hair stylist and in the next episode when the pixie was mentioned Jen put her finger on her chin and kind of looked up and said oh I'd never thought of that, when clearly she knew Bill preferred it. It's just little things like that. Also, totally off this topic, I reply to things the little couple FB page posts and I mean these people are die hard fans and will come at you with claws out if you say anything not complementary towards them. I love to go head to head with them, they put them on a pedestal and find no fault in anything they do. It's hilarious. I was giving my opinion about how they could have handled the lemonade stand a bit better for the kids to run, oh my Lord this woman came after me as if I sent a death threat. I basically told her to find another hobby, I doubt they need body guards. She would probably have a heart attack if she read some of these comments. I am not sure if they have told them they are adopted but they did get books to prepare Will for Zoey and I think it showed her coming from another country but it may not have been specific about her not coming out of moms belly but they are still pretty young to understand that. I think the only time younger kids get that is when you constantly point to the bump and refer to it as the baby.

Lol I get so used to being here where any given show you are able to express you opinion either way, positive or negative, it's always a little shocking to see the fb or Twitter groups where it's more heavily pro, and not just pro; but over the top (insert name of reality show here) is the holy grail pro.

I'll say that with the little couple I'm definitely on the pro side, pretty heavily even, but I don't think they do everything perfectly and I can see why others don't agree with a lot of things they do.

That's why I didn't like when this thread was separated by where you kinda landed on the spectrum, I've always been in the middle, yeah it gets annoying when people find fault in every mundane thing, but for one thing that's their opinion and they are entitled to it, and second they (the Kleins) aren't perfect, just like any of us, so while for the most part I enjoy them, I don't agree with everything. All of that to say I appreciate hearing other points of view so the Twitter/fb groups are a little jarring when you spend most of your time here.

  • Love 5

As much as I love to see Will walk and run around, I wonder about his legs.  He'll have to get his pigeon toed legs corrected sometime, right?  Maybe Will has to be a certain age to receive that kind of surgery.  In Jen and Bill's book, they talk about the multiple surgeries each had when they were young.  I hope Will and Zoey don't have to go through tons of surgeries and pain. 

Edited by MusicFan85
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Lol I get so used to being here where any given show you are able to express you opinion either way, positive or negative, it's always a little shocking to see the fb or Twitter groups where it's more heavily pro, and not just pro; but over the top (insert name of reality show here) is the holy grail pro.

I'll say that with the little couple I'm definitely on the pro side, pretty heavily even, but I don't think they do everything perfectly and I can see why others don't agree with a lot of things they do.

That's why I didn't like when this thread was separated by where you kinda landed on the spectrum, I've always been in the middle, yeah it gets annoying when people find fault in every mundane thing, but for one thing that's their opinion and they are entitled to it, and second they (the Kleins) aren't perfect, just like any of us, so while for the most part I enjoy them, I don't agree with everything. All of that to say I appreciate hearing other points of view so the Twitter/fb groups are a little jarring when you spend most of your time here.


Agree! Personally I think Bill & Jen would be receiving just as much criticism as any average-statured couple if they were - indeed - average-statured. I think they get an enormous amount of slack cut for them by many viewers, specifically because they are little people. A part of human nature tells us that it's mean and unfair to "pick on" those smaller than ourselves. But even the folks who bristle at any criticism of the Kleins would probably agree that Bill and Jen want to be treated like everyone else. And for better or worse, everyone else is subject to criticism when they put themselves and their family on TV. They're educated and successful adults, and evidently quite competitive as well or they wouldn't be as successful as they are. My guess is that they can take it, despite their size - and we do them a disservice when we think otherwise.

Edited by Wellfleet
  • Love 3

Apparently Jen and Bill think they have some disabilities or they would not have handicapped tags for their car(s).

I don't know what their license plates have on it, but that tag could have been a carryover from Bill's surgery. Usually if you have a surgery that will make it difficult to get around, you can get a temporary handicapped tag to hang from your car window. My boss, who is average height and not disabled, had foot surgery and had one for a few weeks because of her limitation on walking.  Could also have been from Jen's cancer treatment since it made it more difficult to get around.  That being said, I'm not necessarily against them having the handicapped placard since walking to the grocery store from the parking lot for me is vastly different than it is for them in terms of distance. 


He'll have to get his pigeon toed legs corrected sometime, right?


I don't know that pigeon toes get corrected as much anymore. I've seen both children and adults with some significant pigeon toeing 

  • Love 3

I will add, if Kate Gosselin pretended that she offered her services for charity, but in reality charged $20k to $30k for her appearance, would people be so forgiving and understanding?

I must have missed something. When and how was Jen "pretending" to offer her services for charity? Did she actually state that she was donating her time for free? Did she list her charities somewhere indicating that these are volunteer activities for her? If she and Bill are earning money to secure their future and the future of their children while at the same time bringing attention to worthwhile causes, I salute them. There's nothing to "forgive" or "understand". Also, what does Kate Gosselin have to do with it? If people like or don't like Kate Gosselin, it's because of her personality. Other than the fact that they are both on reality shows,  I fail to see the connection between these two women.

  • Love 9

Jen, did not specifically say that she was offering services for charity. She did say that she was speaking at a fund raising event that was to benefit the New cancer center at West Jefferson Hospital. When she made this comment, I assumed that she was giving a speech for charity. She didn't technically lie, but she chose her words in such a way that if people mistakenly thought that she donated her services, that was ok with her.

I don't think Jen was trying to mislead anyone.  People who are familiar with the way fundraising works for non-profits would assume Jen was getting travel expenses and a fee because it's standard practice.  Jen is a department head at a major medical facility and is well aware of the ins and outs of fundraising.  There would be no reason to mislead.  Jen is accomplished and respected not only by the public, but by her peers.   She doesn't have to shine up her humanitarian credentials. 

  • Love 10

I don't think Jen was trying to mislead anyone. People who are familiar with the way fundraising works for non-profits would assume Jen was getting travel expenses and a fee because it's standard practice. Jen is a department head at a major medical facility and is well aware of the ins and outs of fundraising. There would be no reason to mislead. Jen is accomplished and respected not only by the public, but by her peers. She doesn't have to shine up her humanitarian credentials.

They should probably also assume the non-profit was only paying for Jen's trip; I think Jen & Bill would've paid for at least Bill, Will & Zoey; maybe also for Judy & Jen's dad since it sounded like they were invited along, probably to look after the kids. Or Judy & Jen's dad (I never remember his name--sorry) may have paid their own way; I don't know. But I doubt the non-profit was paying for Jen's entire "entourage", as it were. That's, at least not normally, the way that happens.

And it could be that Jen waived or donated her speaking fee back to the fundraiser & just took her expenses. We don't know. But that happens in the world of speaking (or entertaining, as in a concert-type performance/performer) at fundraisers as well--the guest speaker/entertainer will waive/donate their fees back to the organization involved.

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TLC probably paid for everyone else. They need things to film. Otherwise, Bill and Jen would've just gone on their own and had Dave and Judy watch the kids for a couple of days.


This is what I think as well. While I don't believe Jen is much of a money-grubbing publicity hound, I don't think she waived or donated any part of her speaking fee for the New Orleans event either. Which I checked out online - and which sounded like it was quite swanky. That organization could afford the $30K from the sound of it. And both Bill & Jen know that fame is fleeting, and that they would be wise to "make hay while the sun shines..." I also believe they know now how much longer they'll continue to do the series, barring any unforeseen circumstances. PS - their website, thelittlecouple.com, was an interesting read. I recommend it to everyone here. The topics they feel comfortable speaking about, both separately and together, was wide-ranging and IMO, actually eye-opening. It very much sounds like they both hope to continue this kind of work long term. They even have a manager, though I give them serious pointage for not promoting themselves as blatantly as certain other TLC families have.


PS - Just a guess of course, but I bet the second book  - due out soon - is probably a compilation of some of the talks they give on the lecture circuit. Again, both individually and as a couple.

Edited by Wellfleet
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As much as I love to see Will walk and run around, I wonder about his legs.  He'll have to get his pigeon toed legs corrected sometime, right?  Maybe Will has to be a certain age to receive that kind of surgery.  In Jen and Bill's book, they talk about the multiple surgeries each had when they were young.  I hope Will and Zoey don't have to go through tons of surgeries and pain.

I would think once he is basically full grown, the surgery would take place. On all other little people shows, The Johnstons, Little Women of LA, the children of the adults had it in either middle or HS. I also don't thing they will have as many surgeries bc of their type of dwarfism. Hopefully not, anyway.
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I wouldn't say that Bill and Jen have NO little-people friends, but I do agree that they don't define themselves - basically - as little people. And this is as it should be. I get the impression that they were both raised to believe - and rightly so - that they're no different than anyone else - just smaller. I think they were encouraged as children to try whatever activities they could - size notwithstanding. I remember Jen being a cheerleader, I think. They both went to college, have successful careers etc - all in the average-statured world. I'm willing to bet Jen is probably the only MD in the US who's also a little person. I just think they don't "run into" little people very often, if ever - and don't get the opportunity to strike up little people friendships. Maybe even don't have time for LPA conventions or other gatherings. They might be in denial about being little people - sure - but if so, it only seems to have helped.

I agree completely but, my thought is being successful despite being little, I would think they would be apart of talking and encouraging other young little people to motivate them. Jen makes speeches in reference to Similation training all over the country and Bill had been shown making speeches about his business with his partner in the past. Why not use this to to motivate the younger generation of little people. Like you said they have navigated through society with the mindset that they are no different, spread that message.

I agree and thought that statement of Jen's was very odd. Extremely difficult to fathom. IIRC, Jen is ultra-petite. Even among little people, she's considered little. The MDs have already determined that her size virtually precluded her from being able to carry a baby for 9 months, which is why they switched to pursuing surrogacy, and then ultimately adoption. How could there be other little women out there, even smaller than her, who DID successfully carry and birth babies?

I think in her mind it was a bit of denial and simply saying it gave her hope that she could carry a a baby, which is what most women dream of.
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They both went to college, have successful careers etc - all in the average-statured world. I'm willing to bet Jen is probably the only MD in the US who's also a little person.


Actually, she's not. 




I remember one of the news magazine shows doing a story on Dr. Ain. 


Both Jen & Dr. Ain are extremely successful in their chosen fields.

Edited by LegalParrot81
  • Love 5

I don't watch The Little Couple consistently, but the few times I've tuned in, it seems to me Jen favors Zoe. I am relieved others see it, too. For one thing, for her whole life, Jen is accustomed to being the center of attention, expects to be fussed over, prefers it. She actually is very controlling with Zoe. Listen to her always saying to her things like, do this, sit there. Zoe, being a little girl, complies. To Jen, Zoe is her adorable sidekick, enhancing Jen's stature as perfect parent. Zoe isn't rambunctious enough to steal the spotlight from Jen the way Will does. Jen doesn't want to be upstaged. She wants to make sure there is enough positive footage of her interacting with at least one of her kids so when everything is edited and produced, she gets lots of air time.

She's flustered dealing with an active boy who is the same size as she is. Raising him is more challenging than she realized it would be. She's not sure she likes it. His antics trump the image she likes to craft for herself. She isn't able to mold him the way she does with Zoe.

I just saw part of the episode where they built gingerbread houses. She is working with Will. She has barely any interaction with him at all. She tries to ham it up for the camera. At one point, she is completely gone from the table for awhile with no explanation! Bill, meanwhile, is working easily with Zoe and their gingerbread efforts are more successful than Jen and and Will's. Later, they are taking the Polar Express to see Santa and Jen and Zoe sit in a different seating section with their backs to Bill and Will! Not one big happy or hectic family unit. Jen is all big smiles, able to ignore Will, relax and mold Zoe into the perfect, pleasant plaything.

Bill is the more easy going, natural parent, taking child rearing in stride. Jen seems to be more uptight and doesn't like disorder or when things are not easily controlled. I guess I tire of TLC trying to present perfection when you just know that's not the really how it is.

Edited by IamCam


I just saw part of the episode where they built gingerbread houses. She is working with Will. She has barely any interaction with him at all. She tries to ham it up for the camera. At one point, she is completely gone from the table for awhile with no explanation! Bill, meanwhile, is working easily with Zoe and their gingerbread efforts are more successful than Jen and and Will's. Later, they are taking the Polar Express to see Santa and Jen and Zoe sit in a different seating section with their backs to Bill and Will! Not one big happy or hectic family unit. Jen is all big smiles, able to ignore Will, relax and mold Zoe into the perfect, pleasant plaything.


I thought Jen did great with Will while making the gingerbread house and allowing him to get messy, eat candy, and be part of it. I was proud of her for not trying to control the project and make sure it was perfect, She was able to laugh off the mess, which seems like a sign she's mellowed. Will is a really hands-on kid, whereas Zoey is cool with just observing. Bill and Jen's mom built the train while Zoey sat quietly and watched. I thought each kid's personality was shone through with how that project went.


The bit about the Polar Express in the quote above is inaccurate. Jen and Zoey sat directly across from Bill and Will at the same table on the train. Both parents were excited for both kids' reactions to the experience (Will's unbridled glee over the whole thing and Zoey interacting with Santa instead of crying).

Edited by truebluesmoky
  • Love 12

Jen has definitely mellowed a lot. Will is a high energy kid who needs tons of interaction and stimulation whereas Zoey is more content to just do her own thing. I think Jen was probably a more reserved child and likely relates to that personality type better. Not to mention, as cute as Will is, he's been pretty nasty at times towards Jen. He's definitely gotten a lot better but it's pretty clear who the preferred parent is. I don't mean this as a slight to Jen, but more as an observation as to why Jen appears closer to Zoey.

  • Love 4

 Later, they are taking the Polar Express to see Santa and Jen and Zoe sit in a different seating section with their backs to Bill and Will! Not one big happy or hectic family unit. Jen is all big smiles, able to ignore Will, relax and mold Zoe into the perfect, pleasant plaything.



Did we watch a different show? the entire family (minus grandma and grandpa) were at one table.  Jen and Zoey were on one side, Bill and Will were on the other side. They were all facing each other. 

Edited by gunderda
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Oh, you may be right and I might not have been giving it my whole attention. I thought the grandparents were sitting with Will and Bill and Jen and Zoe were in their own separate seats. Apparently I'm creating trouble where there is none! Lol. Tho I didn't see Jen fussing over Will, it was all about whether Zoe would be happy to see Santa or not. I know we are getting the edited and spliced version of events so it's entertaining for viewers.

Bitter Apple, yes, I'd agree with your assessment of the personality types.

Edited by IamCam
  • Love 1

Jen prefers Zoey? No offense to anyone - truly, no offense. But well... duh. In this, Jen is 100%-typical and average. It isn't news to anyone that parents tend to interact with children of their own gender more often. Not exclusively obviously, but probably even MOST often. It's a societal norm around the world. It's probably even hard-wired into our DNA. And not because this helps one parent retain dominance, superiority and control. But simply because it's how little girls learn to be women and little boys to be men. Like is usually most comfortable with like. Incidentally, it seems pretty evident that Bill, if forced to choose, would most definitely choose Will. Which begs the question - why no declarations of his favoritism? Is it really somehow acceptable for a Dad to be best buddies with a son, but just an evil egotistical plot when a mother prefers a daughter? Hmmm.

  • Love 9

To me, it is becoming pretty evident that Jen is really meeting her match in Will. She had to try to negotiate with him about the photo shoot, promising food, and she was unable to prevent him from dumping all that pepper into the meal she was preparing to the extent that Zoey would not eat it. And then when i heard her tell the doctor that she was experiencing orthopedic issues, I thought oh no.

Edited by Snow8585

But it is a fair point that Bill isn't taken to task over his clear favoritism for Will. Welfleet makes an as equally valid point as Iamcam. I'd actually go a step further and say both have merit - like Welfleet, I think to a point mothers and daughters and fathers and sons tend to congregate and share interests because that's the natural tendency. I'd also agree with IamCam that yes, Zoey is simply easier for Jen and after a long day of work, Jen probably prefers being with the kid who is easier and who is more likely to enjoy what she likes.

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But in fairness, doesn't Bill have his little mini-me? I mean, I agree that Jen's remark was in response to Bill's obvious bond with Will and his clear delight in spending time with Will - but it very much seems like Bill isn't being publically chastised for preferring his son to his daughter, while Jen clearly is.

  • Love 8

I don't think that Bill favors Will. I think that Bill ends up giving Will more time by default. I think that Bill and Will end up spending more time together because Jen prefers to be with Zoey.


Couldn't disagree more. From the very first moment in China with Will, Bill has been nothing but 100%-delighted with him. I think he was actually startled to find out how much fun Life was going to be now with this beamingly-happy little kid in it. We have continually heard how funny Will is, how smart, how generous, how happy, how enthusiastic, how loving. How much he has overcome so far in his short life, and what a wide-open future he has in front of him. I believe Bill loves Zoey too, very much, but he has not spent as much time with her, and has never spoken about her in the same way. And that's fine. The father/daughter relationship is very different from the father/son one. Generally-speaking. Overall I believe both Kleins are perfectly-OK with their parental "assignments" as they've worked them out. I'm not a charter member of either the Bill or Jen fan club. I think they're absolutely great in some ways and of course "needing improvement" in others. Like we all are. Not that they do or should care what I think at all. But fair is fair. Someone needs to explain to me why it's OK to criticize Jen for having a favorite, while not criticizing Bill in any way. I'm not buying the default theory. Bill definitely made it very clear months before Zoey even arrived that he was Will's #1 booster.

Edited by Wellfleet
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I don't see the favoritism you say Bill shows Will, that's why no criticism. But, as stated, I don't watch a whole lot. As auntl says, he is with Will by default. I think he takes it in stride and it's a boost to his male ego (nothing wrong with that) that he'll step in and take care of Will because Jen considers Will to be a handful. I see Bill's equal ease of interacting with both kids. Someone else may see it differently, and that's okay. I'm only commenting on what I see. And apparently I even try to see things that aren't there (see above blunder).

My stepson and his wife have a son and daughter just a couple years older than Will and Zoey. Our granddaughter is the older child. Both parents interact equally with both genders, there doesn't seem to be a separation of the "boys" do boy things, the girls do girl things. They all play Minecraft together, all build Leggos together. But also their activities aren't being filmed, spliced or edited!

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I have 2 nephews... about to have 3rd.  I want a niece SO STINKY BAD you have no idea.  And would I probably favor her if I did have one? ABSOL-FREAKING-LUTELY!  Because I'm tired of boy stuff, I'm tired of gross boys and all I want to do is to be able to buy cute little girl clothes and toys ;)


However I still love my nephews.


It's no secret that Jen wanted a girl, that was their intention - Zoey's room was all set up even before they knew about Will.  Will came first only because there were delays with Zoey.  You can still tell she loves both kids. 

  • Love 3

I have 2 nephews... about to have 3rd.  I want a niece SO STINKY BAD you have no idea.  And would I probably favor her if I did have one? ABSOL-FREAKING-LUTELY!  Because I'm tired of boy stuff, I'm tired of gross boys and all I want to do is to be able to buy cute little girl clothes and toys ;)


However I still love my nephews.


It's no secret that Jen wanted a girl, that was their intention - Zoey's room was all set up even before they knew about Will.  Will came first only because there were delays with Zoey.  You can still tell she loves both kids. 


I don't think that sequence is correct according to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Little_Couple


Jen and Bill met with an adoption agency about adopting a child, then came Martha with Will and that adoption was finalized then they got contacted by another agency about Zoey in India.  They didn't even name Zoey for another couple of episodes so the room was not prepared with a name.   

Edited by Foghorn Leghorn
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I have 2 nephews... about to have 3rd.  I want a niece SO STINKY BAD you have no idea.  And would I probably favor her if I did have one? ABSOL-FREAKING-LUTELY!  Because I'm tired of boy stuff, I'm tired of gross boys and all I want to do is to be able to buy cute little girl clothes and toys ;)


However I still love my nephews.


It's no secret that Jen wanted a girl, that was their intention - Zoey's room was all set up even before they knew about Will.  Will came first only because there were delays with Zoey.  You can still tell she loves both kids. 


You and me both! I have 3 nephews, 20, 17, and 13, and I need one of them to have a girl. I obviously don't need any of them to knock up their  girlfriend quite yet, but when one does, it better be a girl! LOL! 

  • Love 4

You and me both! I have 3 nephews, 20, 17, and 13, and I need one of them to have a girl. I obviously don't need any of them to knock up their  girlfriend quite yet, but when one does, it better be a girl! LOL! 

Sadly I think my chances are gone :(  I don't think my brother and SIL plan to have any more, I have a friend who's pregnant again but she's having another boy... I have one friend left that still wants to have kids but her husband is saying no to the time being.  She's my last hope!!

I do have friends and cousins that have girls but I'm not super close to them to where I would want to spoil their child lol 

I don't think that sequence is correct according to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Little_Couple


Jen and Bill met with an adoption agency about adopting a child, then came Martha with Will and that adoption was finalized then they got contacted by another agency about Zoey in India.  They didn't even name Zoey for another couple of episodes so the room was not prepared with a name.   


I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure Jen had the name Zoey picked out way before the adoption was in place.  So maybe I'm just recalling her saying she wanted to have a daughter named Zoey and the thought of it came before Will. 

  • Love 5


I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure Jen had the name Zoey picked out way before the adoption was in place.  So maybe I'm just recalling her saying she wanted to have a daughter named Zoey and the thought of it came before Will.


I think so.  She had the names picked out way ahead of getting the kids, Zoey and William!     

  • Love 2

I love this show because it makes me smile.  Bill and Jen are amazing people.  They have overcome a ton of stuff and they are positive, successful and happy.  They got two kids from unfortunate circumstances and they are thriving under their care.  Are they perfect parents? Of course not, but perfect parents do not exist. Do I think Will and Zoey would be better off with different parents?  No, they are truly well loved.  This is one show I can watch and just smile.  I don't have to spend time getting a microscope to find fault with these people. If I want to be negative I don't have to look far to find real examples of bad parenting and greed, I just don't see it here. 

  • Love 14

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