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The Human Beings Known as the Arnold-Klein Family

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Bill Tweeted this pic. Will lost his first "baby" tooth yesterday--right smack front & center in his bottom teeth. He's still cute, even without it.


In conjunction with that "Red Nose Day" fundraiser, fighting childhood hunger, homelessness & poverty, on NBC last night, you could apparently download an app which would put a red nose on any pic you wanted. Jen downloaded it & put a red nose on a pic of Will & a pic of Zoey, & Tweeted the results:


https://mobile.twitter.com/JenArnoldMD/status/601548242518573056/photo/1(Will, after losing his tooth too)

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They definitely showed Jen on the plane coming back from India, I remember it because she was feeling even worse than she had expected. I think she even called her doctor from the plane. 


I called out the next scene, though, of her walking out of the elevator as probably a "re-created" scene, because with all the blood loss and that harrowing plane ride there's no way she wouldn't have been in a wheelchair. In actuality, she'd probably have been met by a medical team and taken off the plane in a wheelchair or gurney. 


But I do think the scene on the plane was "real."


I don't think Jen was losing that much blood.  She was bleeding, but she and her doctor felt she was medically up to the flight.  I don't think she was in such a state that she would have had to be removed by a medical team.  She would have had to have gone downhill quite dramatically during the flight for that to have happened.  My daughter had a slight brush with the cancer that Jen ended up having as in the doctor thought that's what it likely was, but testing ruled it out.  We've always thought it was heading that way and the D&C was done quickly enough to prevent it.  We had a crash course and while bleeding was a symptom, it didn't lead us to believe it would lead to a hemorrhage in less than a day.

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Bill: I put a massive rock on her hand, so she's obligated to wipe my Heiney.  Lol

Bill: Not that I didn't enjoy it sometimes.  Hahaha


I'm glad to see the kids are speaking a lot more clearly.  It's just not possible that those kids could be any cuter.


Wow, that separation surgery for the conjoined twins was incredible.  26 hours!!

Edited by Honey
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Neither Bill or Jen have mentioned it today on their social media accounts, but I wonder how their house did in the flood today in Houston. They are only a few blocks from Brays Bayou, the main one that broke its banks today.

They didn't mention the status of their house, specifically, but I did see at least 1 Tweet (I think actually more than 1, maybe), I think from Jen's account, which discussed Houston being flooded/in a State of Emergency because of it in general terms.

I'd assume they're supposed to be in NYC (if not somewhere else) for book publicity more than just on Tuesday (yesterday); if so, I also haven't seen any Tweets from either Jen or Bill saying they were cutting the trip short & returning home due to the flooding. You'd think they might have to say something if they had to back out of (previously scheduled) press commitments (& they might as well Tweet it if it also affects TV appearances, so people know not to watch for them). Since they haven't--so far, anyway--maybe the house was spared damage/major damage.

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Just caught the episode and, having just had a knee replaced, i definitely wince right along with Bill.  He has been through so much with multiple surgeries in his lifetime.  I hope he continues to do well with his recovery.  Bless his heart.


Watching Jen at work is absolutely the highlight for me.  Even if they had not thrown in possible catastrophes in the sim, just the basic stuff like practicing how to move the kids in a limited amount of space was so incredibly valuable. It's the little stuff that can trip you up big time and they did a great job with that walk through.

I was enthralled watching those adorable kiddies!  They are certainly coming along with their language skills.  Zoey is beyond adorable and Will's smile lights the room.  I smiled with them in every scene.


Compare that to Honey Boo Boo, the talk-family-values-but-condone-molestation Duggars, and the eye-rolling Amish and TLC has a total of one show that is uplifting to watch.  I may have to check that book out of the library!

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Jen and Bill in NYC being asked about the Duggars by TMZ. Doesn't look like they have a huge entourage, but their TLC minder was there quick like a bunny to keep them from saying anything. Looks like they were without the kids



Jen and Bill in NYC being asked about the Duggars by TMZ. Doesn't look like they have a huge entourage, but their TLC minder was there quick like a bunny to keep them from saying anything. Looks like they were without the kids

It sounds like the kids were going to LA with them though. Bill makes reference in this Tweet to the kids being psyched about being in the sunshine again, & out of all the rain. (But just because the kids might have gone with them to LA, that doesn't necessarily mean they'll be at the signing--they might stay back at the hotel with Kate or 1 or both of Jen's parents, or someone else)


Edited by BW Manilowe


Jen and Bill in NYC being asked about the Duggars by TMZ. Doesn't look like they have a huge entourage, but their TLC minder was there quick like a bunny to keep them from saying anything. Looks like they were without the kids


I'm guessing the "minder" was probably a staffer from their publisher. Simon & Shuster, was it? Unless they were also filming the booksigning, I doubt TLC paid for someone on their payroll to be there.

Link to a *partial* article on Bill, Jen & family in the new People magazine (the "old" Bruce Jenner on the cover, for subscribers/newsstand readers/buyers):


It's 1 of those (stupid) articles where they post part of it online & make you buy the mag/read it at a store/wait for your subscription copy to read the rest of the article.

What there is of the article is good, I think; the *article's* not the "stupid" thing I was referring to. The "stupid" part is, since they recently redid their website, most of the time they pull this "Read the rest of the article in the new issue, on newsstands (date)" stuff with their online articles which I think is CRAP, because they used to post all the full articles online.

Also, I don't know if the article mentions the book (but based on the timing of the article's--& the book's--publication, I'd say it might). If it does, it's in the part they're making you read it at the store/buy a copy/wait for your subscription copy to read.

The article page also has a video screen of about 2 1/2 minutes of the part from the last episode where the family & Jen's co-worker/friend went to the zoo to see their Christmas decorations, or whatever. But it got stuck for me about halfway through, so I may have to see if the same clip's elsewhere.

Sorry for the double post and the late reply. I worked with Dr Jenn when she briefly did a pediatric residency in Pittsburgh. In the time that I knew her she was very professional, very considerate of others feelings, and even asked for an opinion from a "lowly respiratory therapist" like myself about a patient. Most importantly the children at the hospital loved her. I found her a delight to work with and wish I had hundreds of more dr's just like her to work with

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Another excerpt from this week's People magazine article. Jen says, since her Cancer diagnosis (now 2 years in remission, according to the article) she's re-prioritized her life (as many people with serious illnesses tend to do) so she can spend more time with Bill & the kids & less time at work, & she's apparently no longer seeing patients.


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Sorry for the double post and the late reply. I worked with Dr Jenn when she briefly did a pediatric residency in Pittsburgh. In the time that I knew her she was very professional, very considerate of others feelings, and even asked for an opinion from a "lowly respiratory therapist" like myself about a patient. Most importantly the children at the hospital loved her. I found her a delight to work with and wish I had hundreds of more dr's just like her to work with


Thank you SO much for your input, snflower66.  I can't tell you how much I appreciate hearing from someone with first hand experience! 


On a personal note, my old Mum is a long time COPDer, and there's no such thing as a "lowly" respiratory therapist.  Y'all are angels in a human body, in my thin little book, and deserve every bit of respect to come your way.  I'll put you on a pedestal alongside "Dr Jen"; it's a high compliment.     :-)

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I don't know if it is just me but I hate it when Jen calls any of her kids "silly". It may just be an expression but eventually her kids will imitate her. I dunno.

I agree the word's actual meaning isn't complementary, but I confess to having used the expression "you, silly billy" with my children and grandchildren meaning they were being funny on purpose. I was thinking Jen meant something like that. 

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I agree the word's actual meaning isn't complementary, but I confess to having used the expression "you, silly billy" with my children and grandchildren meaning they were being funny on purpose. I was thinking Jen meant something like that. 


I use "silly billy" all the time (when I talk to my cats!), but my favorite, thanks to Monty Python, is "what a silly bunt" (when I talk to myself!).  :-D


I think being silly is like being ::giggly::   No negative connotations need apply.

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I'm glad Jen may be taking more time for her family. People is so frequently suspect. I don't believe it has yet been two years since Jen had cancer. It began October, 2013, I thought.

It actually was. The print copy has it right; the website, somehow, says it's been 2 years. Apologies for the error. I didn't think it sounded right, but went with it 'cause I thought they actually had the right timeline. My bad!

By the way, if you check Jen's Twitter & Instagram (her Twitter handle--& I think also her Instagram handle--is @jenarnoldMD), she posted a few, like 3, super-cute (in my opinion) pics of Zoey, taken on a "Mommy/Daughter Day Out" that seems to have happened in the last few days (maybe yesterday, I think--but don't know for sure). Zoey (& presumably Jen) got a mani/pedi (Zoey's was a "Little Diva" mani, per Jen's caption) & ended the day with "pinkalicious" (Jen's word) cupcakes.

And Bill (@ReallyBillKlein) Tweeted a cute, but with serious looks on their faces, pic of himself with the kids watching Kung Fu Panda. He said it got him out of doing home improvement & chores.


Just in case anyone's interested in new pics of the kids.

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I came here to post about Jen's work schedule, too. Running the Sim Center may be a full-time job, but it probably has set hours so she can leave at a certain time, and not to be called back in in case of a patient emergency. I'm so glad she can have this time with the kids when they are so little.

She also said a little more about Zoey's adjustment, and that her 4-month treatments and recuperation period actually was a good thing (not the cancer!) because she got in that bonding time.

It must have been traumatic for Zoey, but she is thriving now under her parents' care.

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LOL I wasn't blaming you, but People. They are frequently bad with math and calendars. :)

They're also getting bad at using the *correct* titles for some people--as in certain British Royals. They insist on calling The Duchess of Cambridge (1 of the titles she received from Queen Elizabeth II on her marriage to Prince William, which she's chosen to use [presumably] because she can use her given first name with it; if she used "Princess", she'd have to be "The Princess William"... Seriously) "Princess Kate", which is wrong & discourteous, among other things. But yeah, that's really for another thread. Just another example of how People is getting things almost more wrong than right now.

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Thank you SO much for your input, snflower66.  I can't tell you how much I appreciate hearing from someone with first hand experience! 


On a personal note, my old Mum is a long time COPDer, and there's no such thing as a "lowly" respiratory therapist.  Y'all are angels in a human body, in my thin little book, and deserve every bit of respect to come your way.  I'll put you on a pedestal alongside "Dr Jen"; it's a high compliment.     :-)


100% agree. My Dad had emphysema for 10+ years and our family was well-acquainted with - and grateful for - respiratory therapists. I was a college graduate but until Dad needed oxygen for his condition, I hadn't ever heard of respiratory therapy as a specialty. I'm spreading the good word now, though!

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I don't know if it is just me but I hate it when Jen calls any of her kids "silly". It may just be an expression but eventually her kids will imitate her. I dunno.

Don't know if it's just you, but I'm sure you're in the minority. This is a way that parents teach their kids humor, pointing out what's silly and smiling in appreciation. Hmm....maybe that's why some people take everything you say to them seriously: their parents never taught them about being silly.

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Will has been a love-bug since they met him, but it is so nice to see how Zoey has blossomed since coming home.   She was so anxious and clingy when they met her (with good reason!) and despite all the problems with Jen's and Bill's health, it seems like she has really settled in and has become a happy little girl.   Both kids have grown so much since we first met them--I love that the Kleins share some of that with us on the show.    Jen's parents seem like they are in heaven living so close and being able to be with their girl and her family so much.

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I just have to say: When it comes to the Duggars, Roloffs, Gosselins and Browns, I'll snark till the cows come home. But Jen and Bill and the kids melt my cold, hard heart.


Between planning my daughter's wedding and dealing with some health scares in the family, we've been a little stressed around our house. And for some reason, turning on The Little Couple On Demand and just letting it play -- even when I'm not actively watching, but catching bits and pieces as I'm doing other things -- has been a nice escape.


I have no doubt Jen and Bill are imperfect, but IMO, they're intelligent, compassionate people who genuinely seem to appreciate everything they have, and whether it's Jen's cancer treatment or her simulation center or their adoption stories or Bill's health issues, they do a nice job of encouraging people to learn from whatever they might be going through. They kind of take me back to the days TLC truly was "The Learning Channel." And Will and Zoey are a bonus.

(Wow, that's pretty saccharine. Back to snarking about Smuggar before I end up with elevated blood sugar from my own sweetness... :)

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I mean this in a *nice* way: With her usual hairstyle (the 1 with the bangs over the forehead & the sort of inwardly curled at the sides hair), Zoey kind of reminds me of a younger version of the children's show character Dora the Explorer (although I know Dora's of Latina heritage & not Asian-Indian, like Zoey), & I think it's cute. Does anybody else see "Dora" when you look at Zoey?

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I just have to say: When it comes to the Duggars, Roloffs, Gosselins and Browns, I'll snark till the cows come home. But Jen and Bill and the kids melt my cold, hard heart.


Between planning my daughter's wedding and dealing with some health scares in the family, we've been a little stressed around our house. And for some reason, turning on The Little Couple On Demand and just letting it play -- even when I'm not actively watching, but catching bits and pieces as I'm doing other things -- has been a nice escape.


I have no doubt Jen and Bill are imperfect, but IMO, they're intelligent, compassionate people who genuinely seem to appreciate everything they have, and whether it's Jen's cancer treatment or her simulation center or their adoption stories or Bill's health issues, they do a nice job of encouraging people to learn from whatever they might be going through. They kind of take me back to the days TLC truly was "The Learning Channel." And Will and Zoey are a bonus.

(Wow, that's pretty saccharine. Back to snarking about Smuggar before I end up with elevated blood sugar from my own sweetness... :)


I know what you mean, Literata - this show is enough to put me into a pre-diabetic coma, and I love it!  I have plenty of other stuff to snark on, so I'm not worried about my street cred.  heh

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Totally Dora the explorer!

Do you think now that Will is going to school and interacting with other kids he's noticed he's smaller? He mentioned twicw how tiny Zoey is, and one how he wasn't tiny he was big.

Totally Dora the explorer!

Do you think now that Will is going to school and interacting with other kids he's noticed he's smaller? He mentioned twicw how tiny Zoey is, and one how he wasn't tiny he was big.

Totally Dora the explorer!Do you think now that Will is going to school and interacting with other kids he's noticed he's smaller? He mentioned twicw how tiny Zoey is, and one how he wasn't tiny he was big.

Oh, yeah! Zoey is like Dora only Zoey has beautiful eyes.

That makes me wonder, too. I am curious if any of the two kids ever ask their parents why Grandbaba, Nainai and Kate are much taller than their parents.


If anything, I can imagine Jenn and Bill being more "unusual" for Will and Zoey to see at first than their grandparents or other kids since I doubt there were any other little people children or caregivers at their orphanages.

I remember Jen, maybe Bill, or maybe both, saying in at least 1 of the eps when they were in India (or maybe after they came home with her) that part of Zoey's transition issues after the adoption might've had to do with the facts that she had been exposed to few, if any, men before her adoption (it sounded as if the orphanage where she lived was run mostly/completely by women) & she also hadn't been exposed to other "little people" before meeting her new family. And if they didn't say it in the show, then I read it somewhere. But I definitely remember those 2 factors being cited as (at least part of) why Zoey's transition into the family was rougher than Will's after he was adopted.

xldb2004: I know you're right, & Will was probably/definitely referring to his size when he said he was big & Zoey was little (heck, he's almost taller than Jen now, as far as that goes).

But I also felt you could "read" it, perhaps, as Will was saying he was a "big boy", & no longer a "baby", now that he was 5--& no longer taking afternoon naps, & getting to redecorate his room a bit from how Jen originally did it--& Zoey was still little, & something of a "baby" (compared to Will) because she was only 3 & still taking naps, & she wasn't getting to redecorate her room from the way Jen did it... Yet.

Edited by BW Manilowe
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