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S02.E05: Who Designs These Torture Tests?

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Looks like they were pretty bunched up leaving Macao; just 90 minutes or so between first and last teams. Even with a nite in the Yukon, fatigue must have been a killer, criss crossing the date line like that. And seeing the frustrations coming throuhg in the driving task was obvious.


OK another great set of tasks, and surprisingly balanced in difficulty it seemed. Not to mention lots of mixing, even beyond the airport bunching.


Weren't the dog teams supposed to take the tags with them? 


And a Speedbump task that is probably one of the more difficult speedbumps ever in TAR history. (I don't care how much computer help you have, backing up a trailer can be a PITA. :) 


The Biathalon course looked like fun. Alain rocked it, incredible. Natalie seemed to know how to do it (Olympian sports common knowledge?), but missed one

Sukhi, "I've never held a gun before." *knocks down 4/5 on first round* Day-yam.  But downriver is where the water is going. :P I hope someone on production kept them from rowing all the way down the Yukon. :)


Hell even just getting to the pit stop was a bit of a challenge, especially if you had to do multiple biathalon laps. And a new team wins first place. Great win too. The hockey girls down to 3rd, but very respectable 3rd.


Damn, Nicole. 22 attempts, That's persistence. I suspect in some of the earlier ones she was trying to shoot too soon after biking. The 21st attempt she walked a bit to clam down and hit 2 more targets. The portage task must have been exhausting after all that too. I wish this leg was a non-elim instead; if any team deserved to keep going it was this one. 


And next week, a hockey task with Natalie and Megan? Surely Winterpeg has more than just the Jets. :P 

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I'm exhausted watching this episode.


I'm not a huge fan of Nicole, but damn, 22 rounds?!  How was she able to walk after that day!  Man, I felt for her.  


And that was one of the hardest speed bumps ever.  So simple in design, but since I hate parking backwards in my own car, I would have given up on sight at seeing the trailer. 

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My first post seems to have disappeared.

Cormac: grow a pair! I can't believe you had your Mother do this road block! And Nicole? Yes, you are impressive, but you need to cut those apron strings and let Cormac take some chances in life.

Another great episode with great challenges. Even the race to the pit stop had it's challenges!

Anazing Race Original Version took learn a lot from ARC

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Is it possible Cormac's mother had a gun that didn't shoot straight? If Sukhi, who never held a gun before, could breeze right through the task, I question what went wrong with Nicole.  Such a shame she had to be eliminated.

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While Pierre + Michel tried to trick other teams, if I'm remembering correctly, they were actually quite helpful to Natalie and Meaghan in Macau and I think they bonded over being athletes or something like that. So, I guess it's not so horrible giving them the express pass.


I'm very sad about Nicole and Cormac being out :( Nicole seemed like a warrior the entire race. And the fact that she went 22 rounds of that biathlon. Just wow, that's incredible determination. Sukhi and Jinder at the dog sled were quite obnoxious again. And the talking head where they were complaining like: nobody's helping us. Duh. It's a race.


I'm really excited to see Natalie and Meaghan do the hockey drills next episode.

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So sad that Nicole and Cormac are out. Nicole has been an amazing competitor, and while she likely should have let Cormac do more, I did love their relationship and mutual support at all times. That the sibs are still there because they survived a non elim round, and Bob and Rex are still there (after quitting on two tasks in one episode) only because the married couple had to drop out is just annoying. Though at least Rex and Bob are entertaining. The sibs are just annoying - blaming the dogs because the humans were too stupid to figure out the commands, and not having a clue which direction is down stream. There are no words.


I can't believe they are having a hockey challenge next week - seriously?


I hope sometime down the road ARC has a season where they bring back teams that were eliminated - if any competitor deserves a second chance it is Nicole!

Edited by UsernameFatigue
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Haha. The hopeless Sibs had to do a task where there was nobody else around to pester to tell them how to do it! (of course elsewhere in the episode we AGAIN hear them asking another team tied for last place to help them--I just can't understand what they think they are accomplishing when they do that other than being laughed at, or at some point if they keep it up and get too annoying, maybe being punched ). It WAS strangely funny that Sukhi turned out to be such a good shot later in the episode though.  But then they ruined it by being such huge morons that they don't even know how to figure out which direction WATER FLOWS.  I mean I laughed out loud after hearing that sequence--it's just an EPIC level of stupidity.


Speaking of hopeless, again we have Bob Hopeless and his Dancing Partner Rex wanting to give up a task again.  And later, when they aren't even last (and know it), we hear them wail about how horrible things are just because they are rowing a boat. I wanted to punch them at that point.


Also, on the subject of being hopeless, I don't see how most people could get into the position of having to do the Biathlon more than a few times. They didn't reset the targets. Which means you got the full five shots to take out a lesser amount of targets the second time (and so on and so on as you hit more targets) You had to be MASSIVELY bad to not be able to hit at least one target each time (with five shots), so really it seems pitiful that it took anyone more than 5 or 6 attempts.  To get to 8, 9, 10...22... in the number of attempts?  I don't have words for how bad that is.  That said, I have to admire Nicole a ton for not giving up. She rode that bike so many kilometers it was almost beyond comprehension.  So I can scorn her in one aspect and really appreciate her in another.  I don't even get how she could SEE straight, muchless shoot after attempt 7 or 8.  I mean compare it to Bob and Rex, who whine and want to give up on stuff at the drop of a hat.


I don't care that the Olympians gave the pass to the Asshole Frenchie Brothers (it's not like the Assholes are going to win this race--they're just not that good).  It DID sound though like the Brothers had never actually made their "Or Else Muhahaha!" threat to the girl's faces (and that the girls' condition on giving the pass over was based on some more polite conversations along those lines).

Edited by Kromm
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I suspect that many of Nicole's failed attempts were due to not calming herself after the bike portion. And with the frustration pressure of failing building up after each attempt, she just couldn't get her body settled down enough to hold the gun steady enough for the shots.


That and she may not have been aiming properly, or realizing how to adjust her aim after missing a shot. Sukhi seemed to pick up the aiming advice almost right away judging from her comment. 


Oh and awards to the sound editors again; they had a field day in this episode. One of the bigger laughs was the misquito sound effect in the airport with Rex and Bob on the overlook, when they realized a non-elim leg had happened. :)

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Is it possible Cormac's mother had a gun that didn't shoot straight? If Sukhi, who never held a gun before, could breeze right through the task, I question what went wrong with Nicole.  Such a shame she had to be eliminated.

I doubt it.  I would think that if she was going her 19th, 20th, etc. round and the gun handlers thought it was the gun they would've switched it out.  Clearly they knew it was Nicole.  Keep in mind that while Nicole is riding out her 1K, the gun master is reloading her gun.  If he/she thought there was something off about it, I'm sure they would've tested it at that point.  It seemed to come down to Nicole panicking and not calming her breath.  Similarly Mickey (or was it Pete??) went a fair distance before catching a break and he'd been a hunter his whole life.   Ultimately that's the challenge of biathlon.  You work up your heart, then have to calm down to shoot, then repeat.  Truthfully, I was more surprised that Canada doesn't have more Yukon biathletes considering they have a training facility. 


I'm pulling for Audrey & Alain to win the game even though they've struggled a bit in the past.  They are a strong and smart team, plus they are generally likeable.  Sukhi & Jinder are long for this world and I need them eliminated before they become what the sisters were to me last season. 


ETA: How could I forget to mention Rex & Bob and the tent grunting!  Did anyone else shout "That's what he said" at their TVs at the end of their exchange? LOL

Edited by HistoryGirl
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Wow, with all the biking, running, hiking and paddling Canada sure puts the race in The Amazing Race. I was out of breath just lying on my sofa.


Oh Nicole; never give the editors so much ammunition in the first minutes of an episode. As soon as she spoke over Cormac's sensible goal of top three and insisted on being number one I figured they were doomed. She was just too intense for this world, as evidenced by Cormac's "OK Mom, that's too much" after their tent building success. But at least the Duuuudes thought she was hot.


I'm beginning to think Sukhi and Jinder have wildly overprotective parents who've never allowed them out of the house before the race. I wish they'd continued on upstream and paddled their way out of the race; they're harshing my mellow.


I'm not sure of the hockey players names yet, so I'm going with the nice one and the mean one.


Still firmly on the Rob/Ryan train, followed by Sweeeet/Duuuude and Alain/Audrey (mainly for Alain's repeated Audrey calming refrain "we said we were going to have fun".) 


I'm glad they're back in Canada; such a pretty country.

Edited by cousin oliver
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 I wish they'd continued on upstream and paddled their way out of the race; they're harshing my mellow.


Best line of this season! And you nailed it -they are harshing my mellow! I was hoping they would paddle upstream long enough for NIcole and Cormac to beat them. And considering how inept the sibs are, I don't think that was out of the realm of possibility.


I totally need to know which one is the mean one, now.



I don't know them by name either, but I am guessing that when they were having their meltdown over the dancing task in Hong Kong, the mean one is the one who refused to listen to her partner continually insisting that she would learn by watching, and just needed to watch the dance once again.

Edited by UsernameFatigue
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Pretty good leg overall. Sad to see Cormac and Nicole gone. They were great. I loved her energy and tenacity. Definitely an inspiration.


Sukhi and Jinder continue to entertain. I love 'em! I don't get the hate? They are pretty inept I agree, though at the same time they aren't nasty to one another (*eyes Rex and Bob* -- they were funny in the beginning with their snark, but now they are just unbearable -- are you Canadians *sure* Rex is one of the best ballet dancers? His attitude is way too defeatist when things don't go their way, meeeh) or those around them. Nor do they think they are better than they truly are (*eyes the Twins* -- I can't wait for them to fuck up and get booted, even if they do have the express pass now). NOR do they give off an overly fake alternative "cool doods" vibe (*eyes the Long Hairs* I truly hate their schtick -- it makes me ill everytime they are on screen). So... yeah. That's my two cents I guess.


Go Team Olympics!

Edited by Maxyrama
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Another excellent episode. This show makes up for not being as globe encompassing as the American version by giving us truly substantial challenges. The things they had them do last night built up nicely to a very physical climax and then a rather tricky denoument.


It looked to me as if the tags for the dog teams were either fixed to the notice board or they had instructions in their route info that they couldn't take them with them and couldn't write down the names. We've seen this sort of thing in the past where they have a memory function as a prelude to a physical task. I would probably have misunderstood the clue since I expected them to be able to pick any three names from a roster of dogs. Of course it makes more sense to have a specific three dog team since they'd be used to running together. They also had to figure out the technique for harnessing the dogs, which not all teams seemed to get that easily. The way these people had some of those dogs trussed up made them look like they were about to take a dump right in front of the cameras. And who knew that the dogs would respond differently to a different vocal tone.


That said, it seemed that the dog mushing was easier than the camping task, which must have sounded easier to some people. The problem was that that was a task filled with finnicky little details all of which had to be done right. Starting the fire and melting the ice to get the key was the easy part; getting the shelter right was the nasty bit with all of the clips to fasten properly, and making sure the top was aligned correctly, and oh yes, making sure the screen was zipped. It seemed much more time consuming and subject to not living up to the judge's expectations.


Backing up a trailer is one of those tasks that seems like something anyone can do but which is a serious challenge. The process is counter-intuitive; just ask anyone who has appeared on Canada's Worst Drivers.


The big task of the episode was the "Biathlon" (in quotes because a true Biathlon is done on skis and has different rules from what was used here). Teams had to ride a bike with snow tires around a course and then knock down five targets with five shots. Miss and you had to ride the course again and then take five shots to knock down the targets you missed. In a real Biathlon there'd either be a time penalty for missing target or the person would do laps around a "penalty loop" for every target they missed. The thing to remember in a Biathlon (real or this type) is heart rate not breathing. Competitive Biathletes have amazingly low resting heart rates, and Beta Blockers - which regulate the heart rate - are a major performance enhancing drug. Trained Biathletes literally shoot between heartbeats. Since the competitors weren't in a timed event they should have taken the time to allow their heart rate to slow down before firing. That's pretty much what Sukhi did when she was trying to figure out the rifle in her first time around. As athletes Natalie and Meghan probably already have lower than normal heart rates. Watching Nicole do that challenge was heartbreaking. even if she was determined to get it done. I'm no expert but at least part of her problem might have been that her eyesight was slipping slightly away from 20/20. Aiming down a set of iron sights like they use in these competition rifles can be hard enough but if her eyesight was affected by age it could have made it harder. This is one that Cormac should have done in just about every aspect.


The portaging was rough, particularly when you don't do it right. You need to get the canoe onto your shoulders so that the weight is going down your spinal column through to your legs. Carrying it with your arms is bound to leave your arms exhausted and to not take advantage of the way your body is constructed. And my personal rule for knowing which way is downstream is that the river flows downhill from the mountain to the sea so going with the flow is going downstream (my Geography prof laughed at this explanation, but think about it).

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Nor do they think they are better than they truly are


Personally I can't stand the sibs for two reasons. One because they are continually asking others for help, often when they have not even tried to figure out a task. And second, they not only often think they are better than they are, they think they are better than some other teams for no reason that I can see.

Just off the top of my head, in the first epi when they had to sort the fish they said it would be easy for them as they are both biology majors. If there was a class on differentiating species of fish, they skipped it.

The second example was when Sukhi said in a very disgusted and condensending tone "I can't believe THEY got it" (to paraphrase) when the hippie guys got the casino challenge (I think on the first try). She said it like she felt they are so much smarter than the guys.Yet they are continually asking the guys for help.

I am watching the show again tonight with a friend just to rewatch the footage of the sibs paddling against the currrent and wondering if they were going down stream.

Edited by UsernameFatigue
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Not since Gary and Mallory's first go and Ron and Christina's second has such a parent-child elimination stung: the Fosters should be a lock for TAR-CAN: All-Stars.


The Speed Bump somehow transcended its nature as mere product placement, thanks in part to the team required to complete it.


Speaking of tasks, did anyone else get flashbacks to the two Scandinavian legs from Season 17? Dog mushing, tent setups, memorizing information before going a distance to apply it, biking to some location in order to perform another step, needing keys to unlock objects, etc.

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My favorite line so far: "Remind me never to get you a gun!" --Audrey after Alain went five for five. Damn, no kidding. 


And Sukhi definitely made good on her confident "I do" when asked who has a steady hand. I don't dislike them because they are harmless to laugh at, but they are really giving science students and their university a bad name. They are definitely coming across as the type who plagiarize and copy off everyone, never critically thinking or doing shit themselves.

Edited by anonymiss
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Personally I can't stand the sibs for two reasons. One because they are continually asking others for help, often when they have not even tried to figure out a task. And second, they not only often think they are better than they are, they think they are better than some other teams for no reason that I can see.

Just off the top of my head, in the first epi when they had to sort the fish they said it would be easy for them as they are both biology majors. If there was a class on differentiating species of fish, they skipped it.

The second example was when Sukhi said in a very disgusted and condensending tone "I can't believe THEY got it" (to paraphrase) when the hippie guys got the casino challenge (I think on the first try). She said it like she felt they are so much smarter than the guys.Yet they are continually asking the guys for help.

I am watching the show again tonight with a friend just to rewatch the footage of the sibs paddling against the currrent and wondering if they were going down stream.

Well to be fair Cormac pretty much wondered aloud how Sukhi was able to get it. And the Hippie guys shared the same amount of disbelief. One of them even made a face while Sukhi was asking about how to hold the gun. It kinda goes both ways, just saying.

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There was a time -- because of original TAR -- that I wanted to apply for TARC, because finally Canucks could play! But there is no way -- this race is waaaayy harder than original TAR. I think each episode/leg has one more challenge than original TAR. 


I mean, you have to be able to swim, run, not be afraid of heights, have good balance, be strong, have lots of endurance, not be afraid of animals, be willing to eat almost anything sometimes in large quantities, and now be a crack shot too? 


Sukhi and Jinder don't bother me. Sure, their constant asking for help is silly, but no one is obligated to give it and they don't. It just makes S&J look incompetent. But like every race, every racer has a hidden talent, in Sukhi's case, shooting. While the race is very physical, it's interesting sometimes to see what random skill will propel an unlikely team ahead, or be an otherwise capable team's downfall.

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The roadblock this week was really great and super hard. I was dying watching Nicole doing all that biking. 


Rex and Bob - I get that this is reality show and not a true representation of their relationships, but still I'm going to say it. Bob can do better. Loved the Satan comment though. They are very entertaining.


Mickey and Pete - Jet and Dave they are not. I know that's obviously what casting was going for with these two, but I find them smarmy and not charming. Does anyone else think that Pete looks like Malcolm Freberg from Survivor? Not just the hair, but facially as well.


Sukhi and Jinder - They're super annoying when they're asking for help with all the tasks, but they are also so unintentionally hilarious. Like last episode when they were hysterically talking to each other, saying "let's go!" and then running in opposite directions. I thought it was hilarious this week when Jinder said in a talking head that he'd never used a trailer before, but then was telling Sukhi that what she was doing wasn't going to work and said "I know trailers". 


I find a lot of the teams pleasant, but boring. I don't know if that's because of the teams themselves or just the way editing works on the Amazing Race. It seems like there probably just isn't much time each episode to show more of the contestants' personalities.

Edited by wudpixie
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Just got caught up watching online with head phones on, lots of laugh out loud moments so my husband was wondering what I was watching.

I agree Suki and Jinder are annoying but they are too funny, the river scene was comedy gold!!

The hippies schtick is annoying and NOT working, I don't believe it for a minute.


I wish I knew what the rules are about the roadblocks, like do they have to take turns, do they have to do an equal amount?  That might explain why Nicole did the challenge, because really Cormac should have done it, his eyes might be better and he might have been steadier.


Also in the dog challenge, did they hockey girls have to stay together, why didn't one run back and the other start harnessing the 2 dogs just to save some time and be rested to do the first laps with the dogs.

just ask anyone who has appeared on Canada's Worst Drivers.


As soon as I say this challenge, I wondered if they had ever watched CWD!


I have to say I am liking the cast this year better then last year, lots of laugh out loud moments.  And there doesn't seem to be any bad vibes between the teams which I think there was last year, which came out really badly on the after show.


Will the hockey girsl be as bad a shot as the hunting hippie? hmmm stay tuned.

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The hippies schtick is annoying and NOT working, I don't believe it for a minute.


So you think they don't have long hair and mellow personalities? I can't imagine that any team, after five epis, isn't showing who they really are by now. Awesome acting job if so.


I missed the first epi so did not know the background of most of the pairs (if that info was even given.) Now Mickey and Pete have to be my fav team since I found out on the ARC website that they are from Parry Sound. (I knew they were from Muskoka but that covers a large area). My dad was born and raised outside of Parry Sound, and I have a soft spot for it. Interested to find also that Mickey owns a wakeboarding park, and Pete builds decks. My husband is a general contractor, and one of his supervisors is just like the hippies - long hair, mellow personality, always happy, but a fantastic super and smart as a whip. Oh, and he is in his mid 50s.


I was shocked to find the sibs are 26 and 32 - especially Sukhi at 32. And they are listed as entrepreneurs. Now that I don't believe for a minute - lol. I will agree with others that they can be entertaining - at times even on purpose. I did laugh when Jinder was in the dog sled yelling Ha, ha, and then just a string of hahahahahahas.

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I wish I knew what the rules are about the roadblocks, like do they have to take turns, do they have to do an equal amount?  That might explain why Nicole did the challenge, because really Cormac should have done it, his eyes might be better and he might have been steadier.


Also in the dog challenge, did they hockey girls have to stay together, why didn't one run back and the other start harnessing the 2 dogs just to save some time and be rested to do the first laps with the dogs.

As soon as I say this challenge, I wondered if they had ever watched CWD!


I have to say I am liking the cast this year better then last year, lots of laugh out loud moments.  And there doesn't seem to be any bad vibes between the teams which I think there was last year, which came out really badly on the after show.


Will the hockey girsl be as bad a shot as the hunting hippie? hmmm stay tuned.


I believe that the rules are that up until the last few legs, the teams have to do an equal amount of roadblocks in total; but if you want you can take a chance and have one member do more early on and the other team member do more later. 


I think if there are situations where there are 2 Roadblocks on a leg, the rules will explicitly say the other team member has to do them. 


As for splitting up, the rules (for TAR and I believe for TARC) are that the teams HAVE to stay together at all times, unless split up by the task at hand. If splitting has to be done, then production will usually make sure the non-task doing team mate gets to the rejoin point. Even for stationary roadblocks, there's usually a set area the other team member has to stay within while the other one does the task.

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While Pierre + Michel tried to trick other teams, if I'm remembering correctly, they were actually quite helpful to Natalie and Meaghan in Macau and I think they bonded over being athletes or something like that. So, I guess it's not so horrible giving them the express pass.

There are a lot of strategies you can use to give away the 2nd EP, and I think Natalie and Meaghan used a good one: You are a strong team, you might be ahead of us at some point. IF you are ahead and IF there is a U-turn, promise you won't U-turn us.


I like the brothers. I haven't seen them do anything overtly nasty to another team, just the occasional slight misdirection which for me falls under the category of RAAACE! It doesn't hurt that they bear a passing resemblance to Mark Wahlberg, who I think is one sexy looking guy.


I have to agree that Rex doesn't seem to have retained any of the grace and balance he had as a professional ballet dancer. But I gotta say, if you told me one guy in this competition was named Rex, I would have picked him. Every time I see him in a TH with his name underneath I can't help but think "Damn, he just looks like a Rex."


I'm so thrilled to find TARC on a legitimate source where I can watch from here in the US.

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That was sad.  Cormac and Nicole were a great parent-child team, and I wanted to see them in it.  They were one of the few they didn't include an interview clip of them trying to get the Express pass.  Maybe it was a little bit of Nicole being too intense.  I could see her really pushing herself on the bike and her heart beat was probably way too high to aim steady.  


Sukhi and Jinder are annoying when asking for help, but they are very clown-ish and unintentionally funny with their high-strung nature.  For example, smashing into each other getting out of the truck in the extra task.  I find them entertaining enough to want to see them stay in.  


In comparison, Rex is so whiny and so grumpy to his partner all the time.  It's working my last nerve.


I'm glad the couple came in first.  I was afraid they would have been out.  Despite a bit of bickering, overall, they do seem to work through their issues and take a moment to enjoy the tasks.  


The brothers didn't even consider using their Express pass.  They are competent though kinda cutthroat.  

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There are a lot of strategies you can use to give away the 2nd EP, and I think Natalie and Meaghan used a good one: You are a strong team, you might be ahead of us at some point. IF you are ahead and IF there is a U-turn, promise you won't U-turn us.


I like the brothers. I haven't seen them do anything overtly nasty to another team, just the occasional slight misdirection which for me falls under the category of RAAACE! It doesn't hurt that they bear a passing resemblance to Mark Wahlberg, who I think is one sexy looking guy.

It's less what the brothers did overtly and more what they revealed through their Talking Heads (the implication of shaping their desire for the pass into blackmail--which I'm not sure they ever actually verbalized to the girls, but they were at least willing to play the part of being people who'd do that to the cameras).

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I'm not sure I trust the Brothers entirely and there's a chance they might go back on their word.  But the hockey players *could* potentially have prevented themselves from being U-turned as revenge by giving the pass to the brothers.  The brothers are athletic and competitive, but the Hockey players have beaten them before (four times), so maybe they don't see them as that huge a threat.

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I'm not sure I trust the Brothers entirely and there's a chance they might go back on their word.  But the hockey players *could* potentially have prevented themselves from being U-turned as revenge by giving the pass to the brothers.  The brothers are athletic and competitive, but the Hockey players have beaten them before (four times), so maybe they don't see them as that huge a threat.

Oh it was a lame threat, and probably why the Brothers only made it to the camera rather than to their faces.  Because the moment they actually WOULD deliver such a threat to the Girls is the same moment they'd put themselves on notice as being overt enemies, and then the Girls would make them #1 on THEIR "U-Turn list".  And since the Girls have a better chance of getting to a U-Turn sooner than the Brothers, it would be a form of shooting themselves in the foot.


But it does still impact on the sense of the Brother's personalities that they felt they had to deliver those sneering threats to the Confessional Cam.

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Rex and Bob - I get that this is reality show and not a true representation of their relationships, but still I'm going to say it. Bob can do better.


I think it's becoming clear that Rex is a trophy wife.  ;-)


I suppose it could be put down to being thrown off by the stress of competition, but I couldn't believe that not one but two teams failed to remember their dogs' names. You'd think that was fairly straightforward to do. And if it's hard, there are two of you, split up that list of three names between you!

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but I couldn't believe that not one but two teams failed to remember their dogs' names. You'd think that was fairly straightforward to do. And if it's hard, there are two of you, split up that list of three names between you!


It would be easy to memorize three names, so the most likely scenario is that they assumed the team of dogs were assembled and they would be able to identify the team by knowing generally the names of one or two of the dogs.  Of course, it's not a good idea to assume anything on the race, but still, I can see why they just took a cursory look at the names.

Edited by Camera One
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But it does still impact on the sense of the Brother's personalities that they felt they had to deliver those sneering threats to the Confessional Cam.

See, it's funny how people interpret things differently. I honestly didn't think their comments were neither "sneering" nor serious.  It sounded more, to me, like something people say, joking around "They better give us the EP or else!".  The twins haven't shown themselves to be malicious or mean-spirited, but they are former competitive athletes who want to win....I can't see them using the U-Turn purely out of spite. 

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They repeated it too many times for it to sound like a joke to me.  I don't think they've done anything truly malicious yet, but they aren't as straight-forward as some of the other teams with their actively sneaking around to misdirect others.  Yes, it's part of the game and I don't fault them for that, but it just makes me question their sincerity. 

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So you think they don't have long hair and mellow personalities? I can't imagine that any team, after five epis, isn't showing who they really are by now. Awesome acting job if so.

I don't think they are nearly as heterosexual as they vociferously proclaim themselves to be.

I'm actually rather surprised that people are calling them "hippies" - I would have thought their nickname should be "THE HETEROSEXUALS!!! NOT GAY AT ALL!!"

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I don't think they are nearly as heterosexual as they vociferously proclaim themselves to be.



Really? That's funny! If they are gay, I can't imagine why they would hide it. But the last vibe I get from them is two guys screaming "we are hetero". In fact the only thing I even remember them saying in regards to sexual orientation is teasing Nicole about sharing their tent.  I have many gay friends and some relatives - some I knew were gay before they came out, others not. But I definitely do not get a hint of a gay vibe from these two. But that is one thing that is fascinating about boards - how posters see teams (in this case) so differently.

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In fact the only thing I even remember them saying in regards to sexual orientation is teasing Nicole about sharing their tent.


And honestly, that will likely be her main consolation for being eliminated. Judging by the look on her face, that made her day!

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My husband was practically bouncing up and down on the couch during this episode. He backs up trailers every day, we own multiple dogs with harnesses, he trail rides and target shoots (separately) at least once a week. Any of the other episodes might have killed him (especially if there is swimming involved), but this one couldn't have fit him better. He was so upset that he couldn't be there.

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But the last vibe I get from them is two guys screaming "we are hetero". In fact the only thing I even remember them saying in regards to sexual orientation is teasing Nicole about sharing their tent.

You must have missed the first episode, where in their intro segment they were emphasising how heterosexual they are, over footage of them engaging in physical horseplay (swimming, wrestling, touching each other) while half-naked.

I don't actually think they are gay - it was just hilarious how affectionate they were being with each other while insisting on their straightness.

But I do see sexuality as a spectrum, rather than a binary state, so there's nothing wrong or unusual about mostly-heterosexual men enjoying the physical pleasure of touching another man. I mean, isn't that what football is all about?

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I would think that if she was going her 19th, 20th, etc. round and the gun handlers thought it was the gun they would've switched it out.


They definitely switched out the target at some -teenth attempt because it went from having the white paint blasted grey around the edges of the actual target circles to being pristine white again.

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I know that I am several weeks late, but I just want to make a comment on Spooner & Mikk physical stamina. The dog detour is 1.6 km away from the cabin, right? Spooner & Mikk ran to the challenge, forgot the dog's name, ran back to the cabin, then ran back to the challenge without appear to be losing breath. That is 4.8 km of running. Then they did the harness even faster than Alain & Audrey.


Yes, yes. They are Olympians. Not just that, they are gold medalists in a physically challenging sport. Normal people measurements do not apply.


In regards of his marksmanship, did Alain not say that he was in the Army during the RCN damage-control exercise?

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