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S37.E14: Mavericks


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She Smashley’d a crew member, didn’t she.  Because what else could it be, in that short amount of time?

And Amanda knew it before deliberations, regardless of what the editing would have us believe, because she said declaratively that was a team of three.

Nany *says* she is crazy.  Amanda *IS* crazy.  

I have the “Top Gun” soundtrack on cassette.  I say have, because I still own it, and have a working device to still play it.  Also, I am a dinosaur.

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22 minutes ago, mojoween said:

She Smashley’d a crew member, didn’t she.  Because what else could it be, in that short amount of time?

Apparently, something happened off-screen. When I initially heard it while posting on Facebook, I thought it was cut and dry. Now, it might be a case of BMP going too far and a few guys being absolute shit-weasels.

ETA: I can honestly see either side of the story having happened, and both are horrible. Either Ashley went too far, or three guys are lower than low.

Edited by Lantern7
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Amanda chooses to infiltrate, go to Emerald, and take Tori's spot. That's not enough for me because I still feel like Amanda made a safe choice. I need a wrecking ball to go through Emerald and I thought Amanda may have been that wrecking ball. What I would have preferred Amanda do is call out Nany to the elimination (because who else does Amanda think she can beat other than Big T?), win, and then take Tori's spot. Double whammy! Even though it breaks my heart when Nany leaves because I love her.

Little did we know, that wouldn't have meant anything whoever lose the elimination comes right back into the game as a result of Ashley leaving.

Edited by AntFTW
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Apparently Ashley outed Josh or simply called him gay or accused him of being gay in an argument. Supposedly she didn’t use a slur. Who really knows? 

I hope she’s not banned, but I don’t know for sure what went down. She doesn’t strike me as being homophobic. But it’s not like we know these people. 

Her being gone makes the game less interesting and more predictable. Sapphire was a really formidable team for a final. 

Edited by ImpinAintEasy
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I don't care how it happened or who did it, I'm just glad that Emerald team finally lost one and had their little group messed with. Thank you Amanda! And yay for Big T being allowed to stay. I like her. Yeah she's not the best competitor and she's never going to win a final but at least she's likable.

Edited by TiffanyNichelle
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Emerald should have had the advantage in the Daily, with 2 extra people so they could have retrieved the tiles faster, relay it faster to shore.

But they read the puzzle key backwards and had trouble calling out the symbols?

Sapphire had problems getting all the tiles.  Ashley actually had to swim back to the jet.  But apparently they never had problem getting the orientation of the puzzle or knowing what to call the symbols.

Otherwise it was a very well designed team game, though it was also mostly a commercial for a big movie from the same media conglomerate as MTV.

Seemed like the challengers were coached to really express excitement about the movie.  Some of them may really have liked Tom Cruise but they were all suppose to be big cheerleaders.

Amanda had a good attitude, accepting that she would go down to the Lair either way.  But she's easily riled up.  She's always alienated other players from her first season on.  When she first appeared, the rookies were easily picked off.  Now they usually have bigger numbers but they don't organize or know how to play in their best interest.

She always has to get the last word in and it's surprising she has friends considering her defiant personality.  

She said she was going to blow up the Emerald Cell and got Josh to name Tori as the one he could live with being replaced.  Then at the deliberations, the idiot brought it up again.

Amanda doesn't owe them an explanation nor do they have a right to keep their team indefinitely.  In fact, though she talked about blowing Emerald Cell like Cory did the week before, she seems to think she can complement the team in ways Tori couldn't.  Or so she said after she had infiltrated.

So she was way more focused and not bent on revenge like Cory was.  She had an advantage over Big T but she came up with a good strategy and sustained it all the way.  Kind of interesting because she gets emotional -- presumably the way she gets into yelling matches, being defiant and sarcastic.  But at least in this elimination, she was pretty poised.

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I loved how Amanda was like “no sh^t, I’m playing a selfish game” to Devin who was playing his own selfish game to get her to not infiltrate his team.  It’s a million dollars at stake.  Good for her for not backing down.  Women are usually conditioned to take one for the team whereas men are usually congratulated for playing alone and sticking up for themselves.   

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44 minutes ago, LBS said:

I loved how Amanda was like “no sh^t, I’m playing a selfish game” to Devin who was playing his own selfish game to get her to not infiltrate his team.  It’s a million dollars at stake.  Good for her for not backing down.  Women are usually conditioned to take one for the team whereas men are usually congratulated for playing alone and sticking up for themselves.   

I thought Devin calling Amanda selfish for playing the game was stupid. Everyone in that house is being selfish. They are thinking about themselves before they think about anyone else.

Amanda is selfish for wanting to infiltrate. Devin, Josh, Nany, Kaycee and Tori are selfish for not wanting her to infiltrate. Devin is thinking about how his position in the game will change if Amanda infiltrates his team. Devin is thinking that his team may not win as much with Amanda on Emerald. Amanda is thinking she will win more if she’s a part of Emerald.



Josh never knows when to keep his mouth shut. Josh didn’t have to say any names. He didn’t say Tori’s name but he also didn’t not say Tori’s name… if that makes any sense.

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What an episode. Devin's commentary at the beginning of Nelson missing Corey and Berna was hilarious. Big T says she wants to go to sapphire, no doubt pissing off Logan and CT. I don't like it, the weaker perceived players want to go to stronger teams to increase their chances of winning, but do they not realize that those teams are winning because you are not on them? 

I knew from last week that Sapphire only got stronger, so I am not surprised they won the daily, even with more people on Emerald. TJ trash talking Ruby after they didn't complete the mission was so funny. I think that the best strategy was to keep Big T out of elimination, because she would have infiltrated Sapphire. Choosing Amanda was the best option. Now, Amanda was obviously going to pick big T, there was nothing she could see in the elimination that would have made her pick Kaycee, Tori, or even Nany. In any case, both would be going to teams that didn't want them, which is pretty bad. 

I wanted Amanda to win because it would have made the teams more even. In my opinion, Nany is the weakest link on emerald for the women, but even switching Nany for Amanda would have been a downgrade. Too bad that Ashley left, because after this shakeup, sapphire would no doubt have been the strongest team. Ironically, Amanda going to Emerald because it is the strongest actually made them the weakest. Had Ashley stayed and Big T left, Ruby would have been super strong, but I still think that Emerald is weaker than Ruby right now even with Big T on it, because of the number of people and egos. They let Big T stay but I predict she will be right back down there in 2 weeks for the next girls day.

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6 hours ago, aghst said:

But they read the puzzle key backwards and had trouble calling out the symbols?

They talked about this on the podcast. The confusion was because Devin was saying "Read wing to tip" and under each wing was the same copy of the puzzle. So on Josh's side of the plane he should have been reading tip to wing because they weren't mirror images.  What Devin should have been saying was Right to Left.  Although, they also said it didn't really matter because CT and team were beasts. They said CT's mind is just seriously organized and went in with a plan and executed it flawlessly.  Even with them losing that piece for a brief period of time, it wasn't close.  

I don't love the fact that even though Sapphire won, they are now down yet another person because of Ashley's deactivation. I kind of feel like someone should have had to go to their team.  

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2 minutes ago, joanne3482 said:

They talked about this on the podcast. The confusion was because Devin was saying "Read wing to tip" and under each wing was the same copy of the puzzle. So on Josh's side of the plane he should have been reading tip to wing because they weren't mirror images.  What Devin should have been saying was Right to Left.  Although, they also said it didn't really matter because CT and team were beasts. They said CT's mind is just seriously organized and went in with a plan and executed it flawlessly.  Even with them losing that piece for a brief period of time, it wasn't close.  

I don't love the fact that even though Sapphire won, they are now down yet another person because of Ashley's deactivation. I kind of feel like someone should have had to go to their team.  

I haven’t listened to the podcast yet. One question I had was how exactly do you know if you’re looking at the puzzle from the right angle. I imagine they tell them with direction to look at the puzzle but just by looking at it, it’s impossible to tell.

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Amanda drives me bonkers but I’m so glad she infiltrated. Someone had to. I usually enjoy Devin, but his attitude at the deliberation was approaching Bananas-level entitlement. Amanda was spot on when she asked him if she was just supposed to hand Emerald a million dollars. 

Agree with whoever said Nany is getting carried again. I liked Kasey at first but she has the extreme character flaw of being friends with the odious Fessy. His hubris seems to have rubbed off on her. 

Edited by angelamh66
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3 minutes ago, DEL901 said:

For a moment I was worried Big T would be given a choice and gone to sapphire.  

Me too!!! I was screaming go back to Ruby! 

Personally I hate this "I want a strong team to carry me to the final" mentality. No accountability for you making a team weaker and acknowledging that you will be an anchor in the actual final. Getting there is no good if you can't help your team win. I can't even think of a combination of players where pairing them with Big T or Amanda would result in a win. 

Can someone please remind me, has Josh even ran a final? He keeps saying I want to run a final WITH.... but you have to make it there first. I want to run a final. Full stop. 

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2 hours ago, AntFTW said:

I haven’t listened to the podcast yet. One question I had was how exactly do you know if you’re looking at the puzzle from the right angle. I imagine they tell them with direction to look at the puzzle but just by looking at it, it’s impossible to tell.

There was a red line which indicated the starting edge the ladies said. 

A few other podcast tidbits that I found interesting. 

  • It was a 4 point harness they were in and they weren't allowed to undo their buckles until the last row of people were in the water over their eyes.
  • There were three "notifications" to tell them they could undo their buckles - verbally, a production assistant waving their arms around and the explosion. Once they registered one of those they could undo the buckles.
  • The scariest (to me) those hatches were zip-tied on and they had to bust them hard to break the zip-ties to get out. 
  • There was a team of divers in the water with them and if they passed out the diver would bring them oxygen. (I'm kind of impressed at the camera/editing work. I had no idea there were other people in the water)
Edited by joanne3482
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I cannot stand Amanda, but she was totally right in the deliberations. She has to play her own game. She doesn't owe Emerald anything. I've enjoyed some snarky Devin this season, but he looked like an idiot, and you could kind of see him fumbling as Amanda pushed back. 

That being said, if you're going to blatantly play petty and throw competitions because someone offended you, you also can't expect everyone to welcome you with open arms either. Same with Big T - she's a very nice person, but I hardly blame Logan and CT for encouraging her to go elsewhere.

Why would anyone want Big T on a final? Or Josh, or Kyle, though he has a few strengths? But like Amanda, Big T can go wherever she wants, she just can't expect people to be thrilled about it. I haven't really noticed anyone disparaging her personally, she seems well-liked. Just not as a teammate.

Ruby was a total trainwreck this episode, but it was sweet to watch Emerald not get a win, finally. I really don't understand not sitting people out during the comps, when the numbers are so uneven. 

And I'm glad Amanda infiltrated, just to shake things up. The constant Emerald wins were so dull.

Ashley getting sent home with no explanation was odd, and I don't really understand not showing the incident, unless maybe Josh didn't want it aired. She has said that she is now in anger management, so I would think that more was said or done than has been reported. But if she called Josh gay as an insult (really?) or if she was somehow trying to out him in a way that Josh wasn't comfortable with, that is pretty gross. 

5 hours ago, LaurelleJ said:

TJ trash talking Ruby after they didn't complete the mission was so funny. 

I love snarky TJ. 

Edited by CrazyDog
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1 hour ago, mojoween said:

One thing with the stories about Ashley (thanks Lantern!) is they keep mentioning a Lauren was replaced by Amber, and I have watched every episode of this season, and I have no recollection of a person named Lauren.  None.

She was Josh’s partner.  Remember how thrilled he was at the racing track when Amber walked in to be his new partner?

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2 hours ago, mojoween said:

One thing with the stories about Ashley (thanks Lantern!) is they keep mentioning a Lauren was replaced by Amber, and I have watched every episode of this season, and I have no recollection of a person named Lauren.  None.

It’s okay not to have any memory of Lauren because nobody has any memory of Lauren on this show because they literally did not show her.

6 minutes ago, mojoween said:

Told ya my memory is suspect.

Was Kyle even there?

Yes. Kyle got third place.

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2 hours ago, aghst said:

I wonder why MTV keeps casting Big T.

Maybe she's put as an obstacle for others to navigate around.  They don't want to be teamed with her at all, especially for Final but even for the Daily.

They really played up how her teammates are working out intensely while she's lounging and not trying hard.

For the same reason they keep casting Nany, Aneesa, Josh, Amanda and others who don’t win. People love them. They bring comic relief and/or drama. They are the ones that will say or do things that will create a story in the house.

Edited by AntFTW
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23 hours ago, joanne3482 said:

There was a team of divers in the water with them and if they passed out the diver would bring them oxygen. (I'm kind of impressed at the camera/editing work. I had no idea there were other people in the water)

Just about anytime they do water challenges, they usually always have divers. It doesn't look like they had life jackets on. I imagine it would have been a little difficult to dive to see the puzzle with a life jacket.

I'm always impressed with the editing tricks because as the cast does these challenges, cameras and/or boom mics are always in their faces. As the cast is running up these hills or down a mountain, the camera crew is right there running and climbing right beside them, As the cast are having their "secret" whispering conversations, the camera man/woman is right there. Yet, you'd never know it the way they edit the episodes, even with the drone shots. One thing I always try to remember when I'm watching reality shows is that cameras don't have peripheral vision (at least that's the way I like to think of it). If you move the camera lens one inch to the right or one inch to the left, or zoom in or out, it could change the entire context of a scene.


Edited by AntFTW
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The behind-the-scenes stuff made this a darker, dumber episode. Natch, all Teege would say is that Ashley broke a rule. And then he made Amanda and Tula compete in a Lair. I get that Amanda's win wasn't meaningless because she got to join a new cell . . . but what if she had gotten hurt? Or Big T? Sadly, The Challenge is still better than Survivor these days.

Stuff that makes me feel old: Knowing that most of this cast wasn't born when Top Gun first came out. It's not one of my favorite movies, but it was memorable. The semester I took Piano, I learned how to play "Take My Breath Away." I kept wanting CT to refer to Big T as "Goose," but that was too much.

7 hours ago, aghst said:

I wonder why MTV keeps casting Big T.

Because she's awesome! She's about ninety degrees removed from "Classic" Beth in that she's not athletic, but she would at least try her best. I like rooting for her. That said, when Teege brought her back, I was pissed. Logical move after Ashley's dismissal, but it still felt cheap.

Emerald lost the mission because Josh had a clue still attached to him. Classic Josh. He'll always be the biggest chump on this show. Read the episode synopsis:


Agents must turn into mavericks in a "Top Gun" inspired mission; with her back against the wall, Amanda looks to secure her future in the game; when Josh goofs up and says too much, one player holds it against him during a tense nomination.

"Josh Martinez: Even the Promo People Hate Him!"

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my favorite part was Josh taking head moment where he said he had a "josh moment"--for him to be aware of Josh Moments just cracked me up.

I love Devin for his commentary but I hope he was aware how stupid his argument was--as in he knows it's a lousy argument but he feels he's got to give it a go in case everyone is stupid enough to fall for it. If not, he was essentially telling them that they had an obligation to let Emerald win. Ruby and Saphire are supposed to just send each other home until Emerald gets to run the final. It's silly to call people selfish in a game where there is not an option for the remaining players to just split up the money. It's not selfish for each player to try to win the game.

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I see the same sort of arguments on Survivor, which always makes me laugh..."You're not playing for me to win!" Good for Amanda trying to shake things up. I enjoy her on the show a lot, because she really is a wrecking ball sometimes. Usually it's her own chances she's destroying, but I do enjoy the mess she leaves in her wake. 

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On 11/10/2021 at 10:26 PM, Lantern7 said:

Apparently, something happened off-screen. When I initially heard it while posting on Facebook, I thought it was cut and dry. Now, it might be a case of BMP going too far and a few guys being absolute shit-weasels.

ETA: I can honestly see either side of the story having happened, and both are horrible. Either Ashley went too far, or three guys are lower than low.

The linked-to piece asserts that Devin, Josh and Logan were responsible for making an issue of Ashley's outburst, bringing it to the attention of production and insisting she be removed.

Like after all these seasons I needed more reasons to despise Devin and Josh.   Two second-stringers who would be LONG GONE by now if there were any heavy-hitters this season other than just CT.  

What a terrible, tedious season this has been.   I just wrapped up watching 2014's Battle of the Exes 2 for the first time.   Night and day.   

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On 11/12/2021 at 9:08 AM, AncientNewbie said:

I see the same sort of arguments on Survivor, which always makes me laugh..."You're not playing for me to win!" Good for Amanda trying to shake things up. I enjoy her on the show a lot, because she really is a wrecking ball sometimes. Usually it's her own chances she's destroying, but I do enjoy the mess she leaves in her wake. 

Amanda is the only fun left in the game.  

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19 hours ago, Fretful said:

Big T should have gone to Sapphire.  She is a replacement for Ashley.    I wonder if they sent her to Ruby to placate CT?


I equate Big T's return not as a replacement for Ashley but as if they never had an elimination in the first place. Similar to what they would do earlier in the season. For example, when Fessy left the game, they didn't have a guy's elimination but a girl that won still had to pick a guy partner, and the same when Aneesa was medically DQed. There was no women's elimination. They could've chosen not had an elimination at all, but the game play still had to go on. Someone still had to be given power to switch teams.., which they could have just said that rather than having the dramatic "this ends your time on The Challenge" moment... but where's the fun in that LOL

2 hours ago, AntFTW said:

I equate Big T's return not as a replacement for Ashley but as if they never had an elimination in the first place. Similar to what they would do earlier in the season. For example, when Fessy left the game, they didn't have a guy's elimination but a girl that won still had to pick a guy partner, and the same when Aneesa was medically DQed. There was no women's elimination. They could've chosen not had an elimination at all, but the game play still had to go on. Someone still had to be given power to switch teams.., which they could have just said that rather than having the dramatic "this ends your time on The Challenge" moment... but where's the fun in that LOL

To me, the difference is that they are teams now.  Sapphire won the daily, but lost a person.  The other two teams kept their numbers, and could arguably be considered stronger now.  The Amanda/Tori switch puts a physically strong person on Ruby and a smart woman on Emerald, and Sapphire gets left behind.

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On 11/11/2021 at 4:59 PM, AntFTW said:

For the same reason they keep casting Nany, Aneesa, Josh, Amanda and others who don’t win. People love them. They bring comic relief and/or drama. They are the ones that will say or do things that will create a story in the house.

I guess some people do love them. I am not one of those people. They can all kick rocks.

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On 11/11/2021 at 1:59 PM, AntFTW said:

For the same reason they keep casting Nany, Aneesa, Josh, Amanda and others who don’t win. People love them. They bring comic relief and/or drama. They are the ones that will say or do things that will create a story in the house.

They are also the reason the same people win season after season.  They are cast as buffers for the winner or runner-up.  None of these people will ever win (except possibly on the "team win" seasons) but they are typically allied with a multi-time winner.  Leroy was a great example of this- you had to get through him to get to Bananas.  Sure, Amanda brings the crazy, but she also protects Ashley (who had a good chance of winning  again before she self-sabotaged).  

Plus, they realize that they are on a TV show.  The show happens to feature athletic competition, but at its core is completely manufactured.  CT plays the "sport" of The Challenge, Devin "performs" on the program The Challenge.

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12 minutes ago, Fretful said:

They are also the reason the same people win season after season.  They are cast as buffers for the winner or runner-up.  None of these people will ever win (except possibly on the "team win" seasons) but they are typically allied with a multi-time winner.

I could not agree more. Players like to ride the elevator up with the player deemed “most likely to win” and keep them around only to be beaten in the end.

12 minutes ago, Fretful said:

Sure, Amanda brings the crazy, but she also protects Ashley (who had a good chance of winning  again before she self-sabotaged).

I think this season could have been another Ashley win. Personally, I wouldn’t want to see Ashley win again but I admit that she is one of the most well rounded players (overall and definitely among the women) of the game. Ashley is her own worst enemy when it comes to getting that third win.

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42 minutes ago, AntFTW said:

I could not agree more. Players like to ride the elevator up with the player deemed “most likely to win” and keep them around only to be beaten in the end.

CT is my favorite, but honestly the fact that they aren't throwing him into the elimination challenges every single time is beyond me. Most of them will never win against him in a final. Admittedly he once carried Bananas like a backpack, but he's lost eliminations too. Getting him out paves the way for someone less well-rounded to win.  

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3 hours ago, joanne3482 said:

CT is my favorite, but honestly the fact that they aren't throwing him into the elimination challenges every single time is beyond me

I think they are scared he will come back.

CT is alot like some players (Johnny and Leroy to start with). It's alot of 'why would you do this to me' and 'I'm going to put you in for revenge'. CT hasn't completely changed and he can be mean and scary at times.  

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4 hours ago, AntFTW said:

I think this season could have been another Ashley win. Personally, I wouldn’t want to see Ashley win again but I admit that she is one of the most well rounded players (overall and definitely among the women) of the game. Ashley is her own worst enemy when it comes to getting that third win.

Imagine being confined in a house with Josh and Devin.  Every day for months.  No social circle outside of them.  No break from them.  No room you can go into where they're not there or close by.  That's the real challenge.  I can't stand Josh, and I don't like Devin, but it's just 90 minutes a week.  It's a shame Ashley lost her temper.  But I get it.

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10 hours ago, xfuse said:

I think they are scared he will come back.

CT is alot like some players (Johnny and Leroy to start with). It's alot of 'why would you do this to me' and 'I'm going to put you in for revenge'. CT hasn't completely changed and he can be mean and scary at times.  

Sure, CT is strong.  But that's why you throw him in week after week after week.  Jay beat him a couple of seasons ago.  Keep throwing the rookies at him until he's gone.    Of course, if he wins a daily and has power, he's going after the people who threw him in and that's the risk.

People like Josh, Devin, Cory, and Nelson don't play to win.  They play to see how long they can stay. It's a career move. If they make it to a final-great, but they still never win.

9 hours ago, millennium said:

Imagine being confined in a house with Josh and Devin.  Every day for months.  No social circle outside of them.  No break from them.  No room you can go into where they're not there or close by.  That's the real challenge.  I can't stand Josh, and I don't like Devin, but it's just 90 minutes a week.  It's a shame Ashley lost her temper.  But I get it.

I would feel that way about Ashley.


On a totally different matter- so bummed that there was no trivia this year.  Possibly because there were so many non-native English speakers?  

Edited by Fretful
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