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Lawson and Tiffany: Warbling His Way Into Her Heart

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What is wrong with these two?  Pranking him 14 times?  I am baffled by not only her doing that, but him falling for it.  I wonder if it was filmed just for clicks and he was in on it.  Either way, this is not how married adults who want to be parents should be acting.  Plus neither one of them are very nice to each other.  He is constantly putting her down and restricting what she can spend money on (money that she is bringing in because he has no job and no talent) and she is pulling mean pranks on him.  Why would two people chose to live like this?

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OK, I sort of watched Part 1 and 2.  I admit that I did FF through some of it because Lawson just goes on and on about the same thing. and in a lot of the footage, he is shirtless.  Since I did FF, I could have missed some things. 

Part 1.  Tiff does tease Lawson that she is pregnant.  She usually just blurts it out at weird times.  He never seemed to take it seriously and appeared to know she was joking around.  (Not a funny joke IMO.)  One time when she did it, he did bring up the story about the boy who called wolf too many times.  Then she takes a pregnancy test, just because, and she freaks out because the test indicates that she is pregnant.  This goes on for a while.  That first freak out.  She takes another test.  She freaks out again.  She plans how to tell Lawson.  There is some shirtless Lawson footage around this part, so I certainly FF through it.   When she finally does tell him, she has a little "I'm pregnant" display of things, pregnancy test and baby items.  Lawson walks in the room, sees the display and immediately falls to his knees.   I guess he believed her.  He goes through a long freak out too.  Starts questioning what they do next.  Over and over.  He wants to see a doctor immediately since they do not know any of Tiff's medical background and because they are about to be overseas, or something like that.

Part II - Lawson and Tiff talk about being in the high desert about 100x.  She goes to a doctor and that doctor wants her to have some testing done and see a specialist.  I FF through a lot of this, so I may have missed some important info.  They figure out a way to tell Tiff's parents and her brother.  I may have this wrong, but I think this all happened right before they were to go traveling over in Europe.  Lawson again appears shirtless in much of this part of the video, so I FF again.  But it goes on and on.  I will admit, when they tell Tiff's parents, it was sweet.  Her mom and dad were excited.  Tiff and Lawson were emotional.  It was touching.  Soon though, Tiff is in the hospital soon after having test done.  Within a few days, she had lost the baby.  I know this was a difficult time and moment.  When they are filming and talking about it, Lawson just goes 'round and 'round with his words.  Saying the same thing.  Tiff just cries.  I feel for her.  I even feel for him.  She said they are showing all this footage so that they may help just one other person who had to go through this know they are not alone or to understand what does happen.  

To wrap it up, Part One was all about, "We don't know what to do as this is our first time to go through this regarding becoming pregnant and what to do once Tiff is pregnant"  and Part II was, "We don't know what to do as this is our first time to go through this as we lost our baby".  

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I haven't been following any of this, and I am confused. So she really was pregnant and had a miscarriage?  And lawson repeating 'We don't know what to do" God what a dope. These two need to grow up before they even think about having a baby. 

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She was known pregnant for about 3 days, as near as I can tell. The ER visits and tests weren't made very clear, other than when she went to the ER after she said she'd passed "clotting" etc. At that point, the loss was confirmed. She said she was about a week late when she found out, so 6 weeks along at most when she miscarried. 

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I just saw a short video from these two that they have sold their house in TN and bought an old RV. They will live in this rv and travel. I'm shaking my head with these two. 

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What is it about fundies and RVs and traveling full-time? Are they that desperate for anything? And does Carlin know about RVs?

Edited by Heathen
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Maybe this is their way of transitioning Lawson out of a singing career without admitting he failed? Tiff's ultimate goal could be to RV her way back to California permanently. She could audition for Hallmark movies and Lawson could restart his landscaping business. 

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Hallmark movies would be interesting because the vast majority of them are filmed in Canada. British Columbia to be exact. Culture shock to the max.

There was speculation on Reddit that she is pregnant again. Selling the house and buying an RV seems like a dumb idea if it is true.

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2 hours ago, Heathen said:

What is it about fundies and RVs and traveling full-time? Are they that desperate for anything? And does Carlin know about RVs?

She must know with Joy as a friend.

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1 hour ago, AstridM said:

She must know with Joy as a friend.

I meant does Carlin know that RVs would give her constant content opportunities. 

It's always been my impression that Joy is just someone who is willing to hang out with Carlin, not a real friend. Anything about Joy herself just goes right over Carlin's head. 

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6 minutes ago, Heathen said:

Lawson looks like he really doesn't care all that much. 

After being fooled by Tiffany pretending she was pregnant so many times, the happy may  not have come naturally. Plus the fact he always looks odd, for lack of a better word, in videos and pictures.

Edited by ginger90
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Lawson is branching out. His stories show a clip of him “singing” The Way You Look Tonight. He’s no Michael Bublé. He really needs to find another “career”.

Edited by 3 is enough
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13 minutes ago, 3 is enough said:

Lawson is branching out. His stories show a clip of him “singing” The Way You Look Tonight. He’s no Michael Bublé. He really needs to find another “career”.

Why would he need to do a thing like that?! He's got a cash cow wife who's pregnant with what will be a cash cow baby. Lawson's living on easy street now. 

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24 minutes ago, 3 is enough said:

Lawson is branching out. His stories show a clip of him “singing” The Way You Look Tonight. He’s no Michael Bublé. He really needs to find another “career”.

He. Is. So. Bad. I don't think Lawson could get hired as a lounge singer on a third rate cruise ship. 

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Tiffy just posted bump pics. Compared to others due around the same time, she's carrying very large. I fear for her in a few months. 

eta During their Live, they kept referring to the baby as a he or him. They said they know the gender. Did they slip up?

Edited by Salacious Kitty
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On 3/14/2024 at 5:15 PM, Salacious Kitty said:

Tiffy just posted bump pics. Compared to others due around the same time, she's carrying very large. I fear for her in a few months. 

eta During their Live, they kept referring to the baby as a he or him. They said they know the gender. Did they slip up?

I looked at their registry and if I had to guess, I’d say they are having a boy.

Their registry includes books, which is probably a fundie first. It also includes things like an uncomfortable looking wooden desk (for eventual home schooling) and a picnic table. 

Just like we have all had friends/relatives with registries that make us think, “Who are their wealthy friends that we don’t know about?”, Tiff and Lawson’s registry makes me think, “Who TF do you know who has that kind of money?” It seems like they are asking for everything their kid will need from birth to age six to avoid having to pay for it themselves.

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2 hours ago, Bridget said:

I looked at their registry and if I had to guess, I’d say they are having a boy.

Their registry includes books, which is probably a fundie first. It also includes things like an uncomfortable looking wooden desk (for eventual home schooling) and a picnic table. 

Just like we have all had friends/relatives with registries that make us think, “Who are their wealthy friends that we don’t know about?”, Tiff and Lawson’s registry makes me think, “Who TF do you know who has that kind of money?” It seems like they are asking for everything their kid will need from birth to age six to avoid having to pay for it themselves.

Asking for high priced stuff seems to be a trend for showers today.  Maybe they figure a group of family members or co-workers will band together to make the purchase.  I recently attended a baby shower where there was the usual online registries for Target and Amazon.  One of the items on the list was a jogger stroller costing $800!  These are relatives I've known virtually their entire lives, NO ONE in the family has that kind of money or makes those sorts of frivolous purchases.  Maybe they just put that stuff out there hoping it would manifest itself?

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I don't think a baby is a good thing for these two.  She will now have two kids to take care of on only her money.

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Tiffany had her shower yesterday. I feel kind of bad for her. Judging by the Instagram pics it looked like it was held outside at some random city park and not very well attended. If you subtract the bazillion grandkids from the frames, the only adults there were Bateses and Tiffany's parents. 

If Kelly was the one who organized it, she did her daughter-in-law pretty dirty. It's entirely possible the YouTube footage will reveal a livelier event, but by the time Lawson and Tiff get around to posting it, their kid will be in braces. 

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I guarantee you Kelly organized nothing.  She stood around yapping about how busy and stressed she is, but she did nothing.  Nor sure who organized the shower, but it's sad that they don't have a church group to do that for them.  This is their first baby and most churches will organize something for members.  Are they having trouble finding a church where they fit in?  I could see that being an issue as sadly there is a strong racist undercurrent in conservative churches in that area.

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1 hour ago, Meow Mix said:

I guarantee you Kelly organized nothing.  She stood around yapping about how busy and stressed she is, but she did nothing.  Nor sure who organized the shower, but it's sad that they don't have a church group to do that for them.  This is their first baby and most churches will organize something for members.  Are they having trouble finding a church where they fit in?  I could see that being an issue as sadly there is a strong racist undercurrent in conservative churches in that area.

I think a big part of the problem is Tiff and Lawson live in Nashville, but the shower was held in Knoxville. They travel non-stop, so they haven't been in any one place long enough to put roots down and make friends. It's often cultural for people to show up as a sign of support for the family, even if they're not necessarily friends with the couple, but that doesn't look to be the case here (unless video footage proves otherwise). It may be a racial issue like you noted, but I know quite a few people who are nervous about the economy, and have cut out all unnecessary spending. The Bates don't travel in wealthy circles, so it wouldn't surprise me if their crowd was hesitant to spend money on an expectant mother they have no attachment to. Tiffany probably would've been better off having her shower in San Diego, with her side of the family. 

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22 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

I think a big part of the problem is Tiff and Lawson live in Nashville, but the shower was held in Knoxville. They travel non-stop, so they haven't been in any one place long enough to put roots down and make friends. It's often cultural for people to show up as a sign of support for the family, even if they're not necessarily friends with the couple, but that doesn't look to be the case here (unless video footage proves otherwise). It may be a racial issue like you noted, but I know quite a few people who are nervous about the economy, and have cut out all unnecessary spending. The Bates don't travel in wealthy circles, so it wouldn't surprise me if their crowd was hesitant to spend money on an expectant mother they have no attachment to. Tiffany probably would've been better off having her shower in San Diego, with her side of the family. 

Not sure if they've really found a church yet. I mean I'm sure they go to church but for the first few months Tiff was living there, it seemed like they went to a different church weekly to try to find one and she said it wasn't clicking anywhere. I'm sure by now they go to a church but given that they never show themselves attending events etc., it may be more of a go to church Sunday morning, sit by themselves, leave when it's over. In all this time I think we've only seen 1-2 pics total of Law/Tiff referring to anyone as friends. So there isn't really a friend circle at all. IDK if there's racial undertones at church or what. And if the church peers even threw a shower just out of politeness, it'd have to be in Nashville not Knox - and then as @BitterApple says when people don't ever hang with the couple at all, that's when they'd be like - hmm do we really have to buy a $20 gift and attend this thing.

Give them credit though they haven't glommed onto the pastor and his wife at whatever church they attend like Carlin/Evan. That's what Carlin/Evan did to "make friends" - knowing that church leadership can't really turn them away. It's very much like a 7th grader who says his best friend at school is his teacher and the teacher can't exactly tell the kid to buzz off.

I thought it was weird yesterday that when attending the shower Josie brought a friend. I was like uh is this friend invited, do they even know Tiff?? But they probably knew it was going to be a thinly attended shower so hey bring people along as family friends. The only adults I saw who weren't family were Josie's friend and James Duggar who is in town staying with Trace. Though I guess that's what you'd expect doing a shower in your husband's hometown right? Of course it'd have to be his family/friends. 

Wonder if the "real" shower will be thrown by Tiff's mom or best friend in SD. I feel like they did that for wedding stuff. Did the Tenn. stuff because they were supposed to but then did events in SD - which were all much fancier and nicer than the stack of pizzas or footlong subs on paper plates or whatever the Bates did.

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1 hour ago, cereality said:

Not sure if they've really found a church yet. I mean I'm sure they go to church but for the first few months Tiff was living there, it seemed like they went to a different church weekly to try to find one and she said it wasn't clicking anywhere. I'm sure by now they go to a church but given that they never show themselves attending events etc., it may be more of a go to church Sunday morning, sit by themselves, leave when it's over. In all this time I think we've only seen 1-2 pics total of Law/Tiff referring to anyone as friends. So there isn't really a friend circle at all. IDK if there's racial undertones at church or what. And if the church peers even threw a shower just out of politeness, it'd have to be in Nashville not Knox - and then as @BitterApple says when people don't ever hang with the couple at all, that's when they'd be like - hmm do we really have to buy a $20 gift and attend this thing.

Give them credit though they haven't glommed onto the pastor and his wife at whatever church they attend like Carlin/Evan. That's what Carlin/Evan did to "make friends" - knowing that church leadership can't really turn them away. It's very much like a 7th grader who says his best friend at school is his teacher and the teacher can't exactly tell the kid to buzz off.

I thought it was weird yesterday that when attending the shower Josie brought a friend. I was like uh is this friend invited, do they even know Tiff?? But they probably knew it was going to be a thinly attended shower so hey bring people along as family friends. The only adults I saw who weren't family were Josie's friend and James Duggar who is in town staying with Trace. Though I guess that's what you'd expect doing a shower in your husband's hometown right? Of course it'd have to be his family/friends. 

Wonder if the "real" shower will be thrown by Tiff's mom or best friend in SD. I feel like they did that for wedding stuff. Did the Tenn. stuff because they were supposed to but then did events in SD - which were all much fancier and nicer than the stack of pizzas or footlong subs on paper plates or whatever the Bates did.

James Duggar was at a baby shower???

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Josie's friend Makayla is a fellow hair stylist. Her husband is the barber who cuts all the Bates boys' hair. I guess that could be the connection to Lawson but when Josie showed her in the car, her vibe was "I'm just along for the ride." Interesting that Josie didn't bring Kelton and the kids. I'm sure Kelton has no interest in going anyways, but it also gave Josie a good excuse to make an appearance yet dip out early. 

I really hope James Duggar isn't sniffing around the Bates girl that just turned 18. (Is it Addie or Ellie?). Both of them could do way better. 

Also noticed Katie didn't post anything about the shower aside from a close-up shot of Hailey. Idk, that seems kind of bitchy. Tiffany always writes warm and supportive comments on Katie's social media. You'd think Katie could return the favor and acknowledge an SIL thrilled to be expecting her first child. 

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42 minutes ago, Salacious Kitty said:

I also hope James wasn't at the shower looking for a Bates wife. Addee is 18, and Ellie (who has blossomed into a hottie) just turned 17.

Is Ellie the one who was recently photographed wearing spaghetti straps with her sinful bra straps showing? That's the equivalent of normal people going to the grocery store wearing pasties and a G-string. 

I feel bad for Tiffany. I mean, on one hand, she married a Bates -- one of the laziest Bateses, which is saying something -- despite better alternatives. She could have done so much better. She kind of deserves what she gets. But I still feel bad for her because I get the distinct vibe that she's the black-sheep DIL because she isn't white. And that's just gross. 

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Yes, that was Ellie in that tank top. 

I doubt that Tiffy knew if the racist history of the Bateses. To some, she may "pass" because she was raised in a white family. I have no clue what Gil or Kelly really thinks of her. 

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2 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Josie's friend Makayla is a fellow hair stylist. Her husband is the barber who cuts all the Bates boys' hair. I guess that could be the connection to Lawson but when Josie showed her in the car, her vibe was "I'm just along for the ride." Interesting that Josie didn't bring Kelton and the kids. I'm sure Kelton has no interest in going anyways, but it also gave Josie a good excuse to make an appearance yet dip out early. 

I really hope James Duggar isn't sniffing around the Bates girl that just turned 18. (Is it Addie or Ellie?). Both of them could do way better. 

Also noticed Katie didn't post anything about the shower aside from a close-up shot of Hailey. Idk, that seems kind of bitchy. Tiffany always writes warm and supportive comments on Katie's social media. You'd think Katie could return the favor and acknowledge an SIL thrilled to be expecting her first child. 

Why are all of these men at a ladies bridal shower? 😆

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17 hours ago, AstridM said:

Why are all of these men at a ladies bridal shower? 😆

They have to make sure their wimmenfolk behave when they're away from home. Can't have them deciding to take to the hills and do something wild. 

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I know this is just a voiceover thing people are copying, but it’s ironic to me that she would choose to do it.


screenshot from a video:


Edited by ginger90
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2 hours ago, ginger90 said:

I know this is just a voiceover thing people are copying, but it’s ironic to me that she would choose to do it.


screenshot from a video:


I don’t get it.

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I think it was filmed the same weekend as ILYD since Nathan, Erin and Jackson were all there.  Katie too.  They are so delayed in getting content out.  

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