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S18.E04: With a Little Help From My Friends


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21 hours ago, ams1001 said:

No. His sole purpose at this point seems to be looking hot shirtless and making people wonder what the hell he sees in Schmidt.

I had the same thought! Like, apparently that's the actor's only purpose now. Not that I particularly like the character anyway, but if I were the actor, I think I'd be rather annoyed by it all. Though if he's getting a nice paycheck for just showing up briefly...

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21 hours ago, CarpeFelis said:

I really wish they’d have Addison move to Seattle permanently. An occasional Ben Bratt cameo would be a bonus. Or at least they could have her split her time between LA and Seattle like Meredith’s doing with Minnesota.

UO, I know, but I actually like Schmidt. But Hellmouth? Hate. They’ve made her a one-note character who’ll never STFU with the Meredith worship and it’s annoying AF. Either get her a girlfriend so she’ll knock it off, or better yet, boot her off the show. She’s here for Meredith “making Addison cry”? I’m here for Hellmouth to be sent to “live on a farm”… like the writers did to Alex.

Other characters who can disappear for all I care: Owen and Teddy. Can’t stand them. Megan: meh. Jo: never cared much for her and still don’t. And what is up with the bleach job? Like someone already pointed out, it washes her out.

I didn’t realize this was such a short Addison visit. That sucks. The show needs more characters like her. More grounded, likable doctors with interesting stories to tell, and fewer quirky caricatures.

I don’t hate Schmidt either, but he serves no purpose. He’s just there. Same with the Sun Worshipper.. Do they have any real fans? Does anyone tune in to see what’s happening in their storylines? Recently, it looked like they were going to introduce a new batch of residents who might have actual personalities, but I don’t know where they went. 

As for the veteran characters, most of them are well past their use-by date. Is there anything left to mine from the Owen/ Teddy relationship? (Was there ever?) A new specialty and a new dye job has done nothing to reinvigorate Jo’s character. Amelia is stuck in a rut of hopeless anxiety. I used to like her and Linc together, but they’ve been spiraling for so long that I’ve lost interest. Bailey, who was such a great character once upon a time, has been reduced to a state of constant ineffectual blustering.

I wonder if Meredith moving to Minnesota part time is intended to shake up the cast, introduce new people and shift the focus. It’s not the worst idea. The one bright spot in recent episodes has been her relationship with Scott Speedman’s character. I like him, and they have tangible chemistry. I had no memory of his previous appearance, so I rewatched that episode on Netflix last night. (S14, E17 for anyone who’s interested. It’s a quick watch once you skip through the Teddy/Owen reunion that takes up most of the episode.) ) It was a nice intro to the character and bringing him back was a good call.


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2 hours ago, MarylandGirl said:

I had the same thought! Like, apparently that's the actor's only purpose now. Not that I particularly like the character anyway, but if I were the actor, I think I'd be rather annoyed by it all. Though if he's getting a nice paycheck for just showing up briefly...

Well, considering that his character has no real, well, character, I'm not sure what there is to like (or dislike, for that matter). I do wonder if the actor is bothered or if he's just there for a paycheck.

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, MarylandGirl said:

I had the same thought! Like, apparently that's the actor's only purpose now. Not that I particularly like the character anyway, but if I were the actor, I think I'd be rather annoyed by it all. Though if he's getting a nice paycheck for just showing up briefly...


9 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

Well, considering that his character has no real, well, character, I'm not sure what there is to like (or dislike, for that matter). I do wonder if the actor is bothered or if he's just there for a paycheck.

I'm sure occasional regular on a network show that is still highly watched by 18-49 year olds looks good on his resume, regardless of how much screen time he gets.  Of course, he might be hoping for a big juicy storyline...

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6 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

Well, considering that his character has no real, well, character, I'm not sure what there is to like (or dislike, for that matter). I do wonder if the actor is bothered or if he's just there for a paycheck.

They did briefly turn him into a shitty jerk when it looked like the actor was going to leave the show, but then he stayed and now he's just just... there. To make it worse, I don't think he even looks that good shirtless anymore!

I have no use for Schmidt either, but I actually think Helm or whatever she's called is even worse. Apart from his many, many, MANY annoying traits, at least he's a decent human being underneath it all. OTOH she has absolutely no personality other than her borderline creepy obsession with Meredith. 

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13 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

Other couples certainly have had that much exposure in sexual situations in the past. At the moment there aren't very many other happy couples though. They should give Helm a hook up. I don't think we've seen her in any romance and I find her more tolerable than Glasses.


Helm is far too devoted to Meredith to even think about another person in a romantic, or any other, way.

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19 hours ago, DEL901 said:

When I had my gallbladder out a few years ago, I had one 1” scar, one 1/2” and 2 punctures.   I was warned if there were any problems, they would have to revert to the old way which involved a large incision down through the muscle.   Luckily, things went well, and I was able to take the bus to the grocery store three days later.   Wonder what excuse they are going to give the patient Helms butchered.  She was learning isn’t much of a consolation to the person that faces months of healing.  And didn’t Bailey get mad that Helms cut the patient open without waiting?  Perhaps an experienced surgeon could have fixed the bleeding laparoscopically. 

Thank God for laparoscopic  procedures.  My appendix was removed via that method 14 years ago.  I was admitted to the hospital in the wee hours on a Thursday, surgery took place later that morning, was discharged on Sunday.  The recovery would have been much longer using the old method.  They removed the appendix through my navel, so now it looks weird, fortunately I never considered a career as a swimsuit model 😂 The scars from the two holes (one for camera, other for scalpel) are barely noticeable. I was actually hospitalized longer when I had fluid around the heart a few years ago.  They drained it the same day I went in, then spent 5 days trying to figure out how it happened 🙄

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, izabella said:

I don't understand why the interns all have to act like children.   Even Jo, who is not an intern, does not act like a serious adult doing a serious job.  That's why all these stories fall flat.  It's impossible to believe they are doctors and actual adults.

“High school with scalpels” 

When that was originally said, we had doctors whose personal lives were a mess, but they were fully capable doctors, which is why they were watchable. What’s changed? These people aren’t capable doctors. That is key.

  • Love 9
20 hours ago, SnapHappy said:

Is it specifically written into glasses contract that on every single episode he has to either be naked, groping his boyfriend, half-dressed, groping his boyfriend or fully clothed, groping his boyfriend?   

I am SO tired of those two grabbing & groping multiple times every week.  YES, we know they're gay. YES, we know it's fine to show this stuff on TV.  YES, we know it's an LGBTQ-friendly show.  This is all wonderful, truly!

But does any other couple get this much exposure in sexual situations?  Or am I just irritated because I can't stand glasses and want him the hell off the show?  

I think it stands out here because (a) I don't see chemistry--when it exists its easy to overlook 'hey, these people have barely spoken to each other" and (b) they really did nothing to build a relationship between them. If they had developed that--2 people who don't seem like a match find common ground and become a couple---it would be less annoying. That and the fact that I can't stand Glasses.

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Really liked the Addison/Amelia conversation - the best example of adult friendship in a very long time. 

It sounds terrible to say but no interest in Owen's storyline (other than acknowledging the horrible way that this country treats its vets). 

Jo looks terrible with her new hair. I did like her with the patient and delivering the baby in a difficult situation. 

The residents are bozos. If Seattle Grace is this cutting edge teaching hospital (a la Johns Hopkins and the big Boston and NYC teaching hospitals), they would never have had this level of residents. Those positions are so coveted and the competition to get into one of these programs is fierce. These residents would be in some community hospital in the boondocks. They are boring and ridiculous to watch. I agree with the poster(s) above that there would be a huge malpractice action if a resident killed/severely injured someone while operating alone. 

  • Love 9
22 hours ago, izabella said:

I don't understand why the interns all have to act like children.   Even Jo, who is not an intern, does not act like a serious adult doing a serious job.  That's why all these stories fall flat.  It's impossible to believe they are doctors and actual adults.

Wasn't that always what the show was essentially doing?

The whole gestalt of the show was that these theoretically very smart highly educated people had the psychological maturity of a college freshman. I always assumed it was so they were appealing to a mass audience by having these "issues" - much like there is a stereotype that very smart people are socially awkward. 

The doctors in ER had their "soapy" story lines but all of them seemed to be *normal* adults in terms of how they functioned 

  • Love 3
6 hours ago, amarante said:

Wasn't that always what the show was essentially doing?

The whole gestalt of the show was that these theoretically very smart highly educated people had the psychological maturity of a college freshman. I always assumed it was so they were appealing to a mass audience by having these "issues" - much like there is a stereotype that very smart people are socially awkward. 

The doctors in ER had their "soapy" story lines but all of them seemed to be *normal* adults in terms of how they functioned 

This is a good point--but I feel like at least before they were likeable in some way, or at least interesting. Thinking of the original 5, MAGIC, I guess. But as others have said, now they're incompetent in both their social lives AND their jobs--and not in an entertaining way. More like in an "I feel bad for the hospital's patients" way.

And they seem very one-note, like Helm's obsession with Meredith, Glasses' love for Nico...have they even really fleshed out the other interns at all?

I think it's also an issue of a lack of interesting romantic relationships. The Meredith-Derek-Addison triangle was interesting (or Meredith-vet-Derek, Meredith-Derek-Rose (I think that was her name?). Izzy-Alex. Callie-George. Other relationship drama. But what do we have now? Glasses-Nico? Owen-Teddy? zzzzz (or ugh, in the case of Owen-Teddy). Amelia and Link were good/interesting for a while, but that's over. I guess there's potentially Meredith-Scott Speedman. Are there even any other flirtations or will they/won't they?

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I realize it's early in the season, but Season 18 is bordering on Season 15 boring with an inch towards Season 13 bad. Isolating Meredith to Minnesota, ruining the most appealing relationships (Link and Amelia, Riggs and Megan off screen), completely dropping storylines after seasons of lead up (Meredith and Cormac, even if they aren't "meant to be"), working overtime to make Teddy likable again after completely trashing the character,  heavy focus on these dumb ass nobody residents...

Covid aside, at least last year we got to see Derek, George, Lexie and Mark. 

And unless Grey's is going to dabble in medical miracles that don't exist, the work on Parkinson's isn't really going to go anywhere. Certainly not to the cure that all of this fancy-lab, new characters, traveling back-and-forth plot devices are for. 

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On 10/21/2021 at 10:06 PM, LexieLily said:

I loved the Addison/Amelia scenes. I still don't think Amelia/Link are done.

Owen's sister works at Grey-Sloan now? When did that happen?

I hope Amelia/Linc aren’t done. So far she’s managed to articulate her reasoning to Owen & Addie, but not Linc. I was glad that Addie checked her on calling Linc’s proposal manipulative. She still needs to talk to him about how suffocated she felt during the pandemic & stop lying to herself that she’s letting him go for his own good.

On 10/21/2021 at 10:19 PM, KaveDweller said:

I liked their scenes too. It was the first time Amelia has given a in depth explanation of her issues with Linc. The actors have good friend chemistry. Also, yay to Addison still being happily married. I would have been pissed if they ruined her happy ending.

A couple episodes ago Owen's sister said Bailey asked her to fill in for someone.

Amelia needs to share those feelings with Linc.

I don’t mind Megan being back. In real life we’re seeing a doctor shortage every where. I can forgive this instance of quickly  doled out medical privileges.

On 10/21/2021 at 10:45 PM, LexieLily said:

I'm still not sure if even Amelia knows what the issue really is. Is it that she really, truly, doesn't want what he wants re: marriage/more children, or was it the perfect storm of a quarantine burnout of being stuck at home with the same faces all the time, like Addison seemed to think?

I think it was both. 

On 10/21/2021 at 11:08 PM, statsgirl said:

Would he understand? She said today that he kept talking about marriage while she was telling him no. The reason she turned him down was because during the pandemic she felt that she was dying in domesticity and dirty diapers and being home while Linc was loving it.  It feels like the writers are putting a pin in their relationship which makes me sad since it's the only relationship on the show that I like. I'm afraid to hope that they will revisit it since the lockdown times are an anomaly.

The good part of this episode was Addison and Amelia. Kate W. is such a good actor and the feeling between the two characters seems realistic and honest. It was also good to have a realistic talk about feelings during the lockdown.

I hope that the residents doing surgeries like that wasn't realistic because what frightens me more than not enough doctors is incompetent doctors operating on me. If there is a shortage of doctors, instead of pushing through ones that aren't qualified yet, how about licensing foreign-trained doctors like the ones who was Glasses underling.

I don't care how much Krista loves Glasses, all these surgical successes and six, sex, sex is not winning me over. I just wish he were gone.

I thought that Jo's case was boring. Owen's was socially significant but also boring. I cannot care about Megan.

On 10/22/2021 at 12:03 PM, ams1001 said:

No. His sole purpose at this point seems to be looking hot shirtless and making people wonder what the hell he sees in Schmidt.

The problem is Amelia hasn’t given him a chance. She turned down marriage and hasn’t share anything other than the fact that she doesn’t want to get married. 

On 10/22/2021 at 6:41 PM, izabella said:

Where is Maggie? 

I’m wondering if the actress is on maternity leave. When she announced she appeared pretty far along.

On 10/22/2021 at 8:23 PM, marceline said:

It's got to be the latter because every other couple gets this kind of exposure. Look at last season with Amelia/Linc and Teddy/Owen.

It’s because he has zero storyline outside of being a living sex doll. Are he & Levi living together? Did he every come out to his parents? Can he get in on an ortho case without Linc? Can we at least see them at home or on a date?

TBH - that’s my issue with this entire batch of interns. The writers haven’t made them full fledged people except for Levi. The rest are all used as punch lines. I miss interns hanging out & studying or just doing things besides walk in and deliver zingers. We don’t even know where Helms lives. Is she still staying at Jo’s old place? Is Levi living there? 


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Now that Addie has gone, how long before we get another OG's cast member back?  Hopefully the next one will slide back into Grey-Sloan with as much ease and bring a sense of nostalgia too.  I wish she stayed longer.  

Lexie or Mark can come back from the dead - they were in WitSec all this time. :)


I am no doubt missing something in terms of the whole justification for a womb transfer but I don't understand why this would be considered to be a medical miracle.

It would be a miracle to someone who had a hysterectomy and doesn't want to go through a surrogate or adopt. There other transplants when there are other options to those as well. Not being flip, just if you have had issues, it would be a miracle. In addition to just the uterus transplant (!), there are all kinds of issues with arteries, veins, making a cycle happen - drugs can help, but it all has to work together.

Also not feeling the Dr. Speedman/Meredith connection. I still see him as Baz from Animal Kingdom (just watched all seasons this year.).


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