BennyB August 1, 2014 Share August 1, 2014 No Fox News yet?...So much little time! Let's try this...Ann Coulter was on Hannity last night and she has the solution for the current border crisis: Enjoy! P.S. If someone has a better title for this topic, please be my guest. The old brain doesn't work like it used to! 1 Link to comment
walnutqueen August 2, 2014 Share August 2, 2014 I don't actually watch the Faux News Channel, but I do catch a few clips of the numbfuckery on Stewart and Colbert ... that's enough to make my brain implode. ;-) Link to comment
Cobb Salad August 2, 2014 Share August 2, 2014 Yeah, that solution will work, right. I used to watch Fox News but got tired of the repeated announcing "BREAKING NEWS" of the same thing that got boring. I think the other news channels do the same thing so I guess they need to keep up with each other. 1 Link to comment
Wax Lion August 5, 2014 Share August 5, 2014 I don't know, it seems like Fox News throws around the "news alert" like crazy. I've seen clips where I see that graphic going and they're discussng something of no importance. Link to comment
BennyB August 12, 2014 Author Share August 12, 2014 Sigh..... No words... Link to comment
Cobb Salad August 12, 2014 Share August 12, 2014 I tried to watch the video but it kept stopping on me. I read the article though. Real classy (snark). So Kennedy, former MTV VJ is on 2 Fox shows? Wasn't a big fan of hers before and can't take her seriously now. 3 Link to comment
GHScorpiosRule August 14, 2014 Share August 14, 2014 I just can't get past Shep's "fits of depression" comment--as if depression is the same as a conniption fit or a hissy fit. And I have no words about him calling Robin Williams a coward, even if it was couched in "you", he was basically saying Robin Wililams killing himself was a cowardly thing to do. Which, shut up. 5 Link to comment
magicdog August 15, 2014 Share August 15, 2014 I've been watching FNC almost from the beginning (way back when I had C-band satellite reception) and the channel I see today barely resembles the one I knew way back when! It's much more boring now and the news stories repeat far too often. I keep seeing the same three stories circulate throughout the day. Even Bill O'Reilly, love him or hate him, has been defanged. His show was much more enjoyable back in the day. Now, the only highlight is the Watter's World segments. seems like Fox News throws around the "news alert" like crazy. I've seen clips where I see that graphic going and they're discussng something of no importance. ITA! Back in the old days of TV news, the words "Special Report" or "Breaking News" were reserved for HUGE news breaks like political assassinations and the like. These days they drop the "news alert" graphic for stuff that has been discussed all morning and isn't earth shattering as far as info goes. I just can't get past Shep's "fits of depression" comment--as if depression is the same as a conniption fit or a hissy fit. I agree that it was out of line. It's not the first time Shep's mouth was running without putting his brain into gear first. 2 Link to comment
aradia22 August 23, 2014 Share August 23, 2014 My parents watch Fox News. I do not. However, I hear bits and pieces of it when I'm in the same room or passing on my way to another room. When I was younger I used to be a Republican. I don't even understand how that would work now. They've become so horrible my brain just automatically pushes back against anything I hear them say. One thing I hate more than anything else is the idea that everyone can weigh in on any topic. Yeah, sure, you could have a conversation with your neighbor Bob about foreign policy. But no one puts it on TV and calls him an expert. The reason there's so much BS coming out of there is that they put on all of these pundits who maybe (if you're lucky) know a little bit about one thing. That does not make them qualified to talk about everything. But they do. Huckabee still has a platform because of Fox News. Today as I walked by the TV he was talking about how the government can't tell the difference between the guys on white horses and the guys on black horses as though they've never seen a Western before. Newsflash, genius. This is the real world where everything isn't color coded for your convenience. He went on about people who are clearly "evil," "wild savages," "feral hogs." Great, thanks for your input. Real nuanced look at the situation. 10 Link to comment
shok August 24, 2014 Share August 24, 2014 Here's a good example of how their resident asshole Sean Hannity interviews elected officials. Link to comment
Dagny August 24, 2014 Share August 24, 2014 My parents watch Fox News. I do not. However, I hear bits and pieces of it when I'm in the same room or passing on my way to another room. When I was younger I used to be a Republican. I traveled that path and am more liberal now than when I was a teenager. Math and meeting others have changed my views. My biggest problem with Fox is that those who watch and agree with it are the biggest hypocrites in the world. Cousin with RA who ended up in the hospital without insurance hates the ACA. Aunt who who collects a pension because over her husband agrees with Fox. It just goes on, because its always the OTHERS and they are the exception. 1 Link to comment
joelene August 25, 2014 Share August 25, 2014 I've always wondered, is Fox News affiliated with the Fox Network or not? I sounds like it should be but when I look at the programming on Fox (Glee, etc) that doesn't make any sense. So if not Fox, what network is it connected to? Or is it it's own horrible network? Link to comment
aradia22 August 25, 2014 Share August 25, 2014 As with so many things these days yes, they are connected under the big Fox corporation umbrella. That's why, at least in NY, you'll see Neil Cavuto making appearances on the local nightly news on Fox. Link to comment
aradia22 August 29, 2014 Share August 29, 2014 They're talking about Ferguson on O'Reilly. The guy I hate whose name I haven't bothered trying to remember is filling in for O'Reilly. I feel like the strategy of continuing to not have anyone of color weigh in is a mistake. Bernie something or other just made a comment about how the different factions on this debate are like plantations. To paraphrase, one plantation has to feel one way and the other plantation has to feel the opposite way. Could you seriously not think of any word other than plantation? I can't sometimes. I can't. 2 Link to comment
BennyB September 9, 2014 Author Share September 9, 2014 Fox & Friends responsed to the disgusting Ray Rice video which was released today....way to stay classy Doofus and Killjoy, and you too Bitsy.... Link to comment
jjj September 9, 2014 Share September 9, 2014 Rachel Maddow played the end of this segment today on her show. "Lesson here is, take the stairs." "Lesson here is, there are cameras in the elevator." Rachel: "Yeah, next time BE SURE TO COVER THE CAMERAS." 2 Link to comment
aradia22 September 11, 2014 Share September 11, 2014 Thanks, Fox News, for giving Mitt Romney a platform to talk about how he would have handled foreign policy so much better than Obama. I really needed that. Also, kudos to you for everything going to hell. You told us from day one why you hated Obama and slowly eroded confidence in him and now you've got polls on your side echoing your rhetoric about how he's weak and ineffective and indecisive. Good job! Thanks again for not imagining people complexly and not acknowledging free will as if foreign policy is just a board game where you put "boots on the ground" without considering the impact on the lives of soldiers, foreign citizens, or America's enemies. Congrats on distracting everyone with nonsense news stories and then turning around and complaining about how everyone is focusing on nonsense news stories and not addressing what's actually important. And then doing the same thing for the next issue. Oh, and this goes without saying but good job continuing to reinforce the same narratives about gender and heroism and violence. 9 Link to comment
BennyB September 25, 2014 Author Share September 25, 2014 Oh those naughty boys over at Faux News: Greta Van Sustern and her righteous indignation: Oooh! " Ouch! Should they get a do-over?" Ooooh! Way to let them have it, ladies! Link to comment
Mumbles October 3, 2014 Share October 3, 2014 (edited) I am not a typical Fox News person, but I do have some respect for Chris Wallace among the Sunday shows (damning him with faint praise). The single funniest 5 minutes on Fox News every week is when he appears by satellite on Fox and Friends on Friday to plug his show. He can barely contain his contempt for them. Today he practically told them to shut up (they were making hay out of a joke Obama told about how ACA has been a success, despite what Fox News says. Pretty mild but they were carrying on like it was some sort of massive insult. He told them to pipe down and take their lumps with honor.) Edit: Mediaite has a link- Edited October 3, 2014 by Mumbles Link to comment
DownTheShore October 4, 2014 Share October 4, 2014 The only time I'll turn on Fox News now is if they're live-covering some massive police car chase. That's the only thing they seem to do well anymore. The rest of their broadcast is merely a means for Roger Ailes to make money for News Corp by catering to the portion of the population who can't be bothered to have an original thought of their own and who need to have their own prejudices and bigotry constantly reinforced. The news reports are full of hyperbole, misinformation and misdirection, and the Fox News viewers lap it all up, totally uncritically. All of their reporters and announcers are a disgrace to the journalism profession, and are greater whores than the working girls who at least honestly ply their trade. What I find most disturbing of all is how much influence they have over the Republican Party and its platforms. How they are truly creating a know-nothing society just by the constant reiterations of lies and innuendos. (don't hold back, DTS, tell us what you really think - lol) 5 Link to comment
BigDfromLA October 5, 2014 Share October 5, 2014 Fox News Target Audience: Uneducated white people/Senior Citizens without college degrees from Hicktown USA. Methodology: Convince said audience that they are victims of reverse discrimination, that the government takes money out of their pockets to give to black/brown people, that they are "losing their country", that Obama wants to take away their guns, AND (most importantly) brainwash them with the delusion that they will ONE DAY become the super rich deserving all the deregulation and corporate welfare that they can blood-suck out of our economy/government. Collaborators: Right wing AM talk radio hacks/Limbaugh sound-alikes. What a disgrace. Stupid white people are a bigger threat to the well-being and future of our country that any other group. 4 Link to comment
DownTheShore October 5, 2014 Share October 5, 2014 I agree. They rail about governmental intrusion into their lives and say they don't need any of it as they: - get their medical bills paid by Medicare - buy their groceries and pay for their expenses with their Social Security payments - drive to visit their grandkids on interstates and highways built with federal government funding - eat safe food and take safe pharmaceuticals because of federal government testing - take vacations to national parks/seashores and historic sites that are maintained by the federal government and exist because of it - etc., etc., etc. They are stupid enough to think that if the rich get richer, so will they. WRONG! When the rich get richer they tend to look down on those who aren't as rich and do everything in their power to make sure they keep their riches in their own hands and out of the hands of others. There is no "trickle down"; that is the biggest flim-flam of them all. 5 Link to comment
aradia22 October 5, 2014 Share October 5, 2014 Fox News Target Audience: Uneducated white people/Senior Citizens without college degrees from Hicktown USA. This is far too logical. One of the things that's so horrible about the way they operate is they are horribly inconsistent but ask you to ignore the inconsistencies. One week we hate Obama for X. Next week we hate him for Y. Doesn't X contradict Y? "No, it doesn't!" they shout. And if you're watching Fox News almost constantly, not once a week say but every morning and every night then the brainwashing blurs out the inconsistencies. You'd never look to the pro-Obama left wing liberal-biased media for the truth, would you? Of course not! There's an idea that it's only uneducated white people who are comfortable turning on all the ideologies they fear which fits in with an easy understanding of post Civil War America but that helps obscure the truth of the matter. Wealthy people watch Fox News. Women watch Fox News. Minorities watch Fox News. Young people watch Fox News. And they hear the toxic garbage they spew and just brush it off. Because even if they take a step back and hear the hate, they've been taught to ignore and say, oh, but I'm not like that woman/fill in relevant group here. Newsflash, if they can say it about them, they can say it about you. Now, I'm sane. I don't think the anchors believe everything that comes out of their mouths simply because no one could hold on to that much toxic energy and live as long as some of them have. 3 Link to comment
DownTheShore October 6, 2014 Share October 6, 2014 I see it in my own family/friends - it's the white-flight people who really buy into Fox News. The ones who have lived in non-diverse communities all of their lives who keep moving into those homogenous communities once their current neighborhood starts to "change". They are various levels of middle class but they all have the same thing in common: they are afraid of the "other". And Fox News feeds and reinforces their fears. They also tend to be more greedy/selfish than others, IMO, because they are so afraid of someone else getting something for nothing. 4 Link to comment
2KllMckngBrd October 10, 2014 Share October 10, 2014 I just can't get past Shep's "fits of depression" comment--as if depression is the same as a conniption fit or a hissy fit. And I have no words about him calling Robin Williams a coward, even if it was couched in "you", he was basically saying Robin Wililams killing himself was a cowardly thing to do. Which, shut up. Yeah. When I saw him say that I tweeted, "Shep, do you know we can hear you". The issue is that he is a journalist. Even if he personally believes that, and many do, it is not responsible to say on the air. I am loathe to quote Wendy Williams, but that is "kitchen table talk". Link to comment
DownTheShore October 10, 2014 Share October 10, 2014 People who disparage depression and those who suffer from it have obviously never suffered from it. And, I'm guessing, the guys who mock it have other issues regarding masculinity and how its defined for them to take those cheap shots. 1 Link to comment
aradia22 October 23, 2014 Share October 23, 2014 There was a short report on Greta about how Democrats were losing the female vote. Actually, it was that they were losing the female vote in Colorado, Arkansas, and Kentucky. Actually, it was that they were more or less tied with Republicans instead of winning in a landslide. But that sounds less impressive. Wow, it's almost like women are individuals and don't just vote in one giant block. Nevermind, that's ridiculous. 1 Link to comment
Kate the Great October 24, 2014 Share October 24, 2014 aradia22, aren't you part of the all-woman hivemind? It's what gave us wimminz our good President Palin... I'll shut up now; I'm scaring myself. But yeah, shades of 'I'm a woman so I have an edge in women's issues' from the mega-creepy Joni Ernst:. Link to comment
HyeChaps October 24, 2014 Share October 24, 2014 Duh, them dumb young wimminz shouldn't even vote: Link to comment
aradia22 October 25, 2014 Share October 25, 2014 (edited) O'Reilly is on. I think he just yada-yada-ed "liberal judges" giving homosexual couple equal rights under the constitution. Because, yeah, that's nonsense? Now there's a pastor on who basically said, we should totally be nice to Muslims... by praying for them and introducing them to Jesus. Because they have a false religion with a false prophet. I can't. Edited October 25, 2014 by aradia22 1 Link to comment
DownTheShore October 25, 2014 Share October 25, 2014 I really feel sorry for the people who watch Fox News and actually think that they are hearing either truth or news. And it makes me sad that our educational system has turned out so many uncritical thinkers that they would even buy into all that false sensationalism in the first place. 5 Link to comment
aradia22 November 5, 2014 Share November 5, 2014 Happy election night. Some choice tidbits paraphrased... Mocking one politician who focused on women's rights who lost. Clearly that's was a bad idea. Though the Republicans won back a bunch of seats so clearly they don't need to change "how they talk to women." Yeah. You keep thinking that. Congrats to Mitch McConnell and the Republicans for refusing to go along with immigration reform because it helped them win. In case anyone was curious about whether politics was more important than actually passing legislation. Keep your seat. Don't actually do work. Link to comment
aradia22 December 16, 2014 Share December 16, 2014 Oh, Fox News spin. Hollywood is hypocritical because they're waging their own secret war on women because they also employ a pay gap, etc. etc. What? In what world was Hollywood ever a place for gender equality? There are so many issues in Hollywood and the media that I don't even know where to start addressing this crazy claim. Is it just because they're liberals? Stop being ridiculous. Also, choice soundbite from Greta. "One of the women in these emails, one of the women talking about the difference in the pay for women actors over male actors is a woman herself. And it's sort of like, I felt like if the women aren't even going bother to stand up for each other, they're going to be complicit in unequal pay for women." I CAN'T. 1 Link to comment
aradia22 December 19, 2014 Share December 19, 2014 SJW has made its way to Fox. I heard it for the first time on Greta. O'Reilly predicts that America is ready for a "traditional" leader to return us the founding fathers who never did anything wrong... except slavery. (paraphrased) His guest Andrea says that young men have been completely feminized and demoralized because of feminism. Link to comment
heebiejeebie December 19, 2014 Share December 19, 2014 But. but.. but. when a young man goes off with a gun and murders people it is all the violence and testosterone of Hollywood movies and video games. So men wanting equal rights for gender, sexual identity and ethnicity is bad. But it is all the fault of the entertainment industry (and one of the culprits in girly girling the poor beleaguered straight white male) when a gun gets in the hands of someone who exhibits the same valued male traits, just to an extreme. Fox News. Where they will always have it both ways. No matter how opposite both are. 1 Link to comment
aradia22 December 24, 2014 Share December 24, 2014 Good job, Fox News. After weeks of failing to do so, they found two black people (one man and one woman) to talk about race relations. All it took was O'Reilly going on vacation. Of course this replacement host then berated them for not having very specific solutions for how to "fix racism" and then made a baseball analogy because there's nothing that can't be compared to baseball or cowboys, etc. Well, baby steps. Link to comment
backformore December 31, 2014 Share December 31, 2014 Fox News asks people to tweet what they're "over" about 2014, and they get a lot of sarcasm about - Fox News! They start it off with: so, they're just ASKING for people to mock them. 1 Link to comment
aradia22 January 2, 2015 Share January 2, 2015 So this guy named Alex Epstein was on Fox to talk about climate change. Since I happened to be near my computer I decided to look him up. Seriously, who is he? What are his credentials? How does he have the expertise to speak authoritatively about the science of climate change and the impact of humans on the environment? This is from his website but I couldn't find anything to back up these claims. When did we decide that people could just start calling themselves experts? Alex Epstein is an expert in energy and industrial policy. His writings on energy and energy policy have been published in The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Investor’s Business Daily, and dozens of other prominent publications. He has become the leading free-market energy debater, having debated Bill McKibben, Greenpeace, Occupy Wall Street, and other environmentalist groups. He is a Principal blogger for MasterResource, the leading free-market energy blog. Mr. Epstein’s monthly podcast, “Power Hour,” features discussions with leading energy thinkers. Mr. Epstein’s writings on philosophy, business, and energy have been featured in 10 books, including, most recently, Why Businessmen Need Philosophy. 1 Link to comment
BennyB January 12, 2015 Author Share January 12, 2015 When did we decide that people could just start calling themselves experts? we go again! 1 Link to comment
aradia22 January 13, 2015 Share January 13, 2015 O'Reilly's brilliant new argument. Wah. The left won't criticize "Islamic terrorism" but they will criticize "Christian fundamentalism." How dare you worry that idiots will believe that all Muslims are evil (when we say it constantly) when no one worried that practicing Catholics would be criticized in the wake of the priest molestation scandal? 1 Link to comment
bmasters9 January 16, 2015 Share January 16, 2015 Bad news: FOX News is back on DISH! Link to comment
aradia22 January 16, 2015 Share January 16, 2015 Sometimes I genuinely do not know what people at Fox are even upset about. O'Reilly didn't enjoy Amy and Tina's performance at the Golden Globes because they just "took Don Rickles and feminized it." Oh, so you mean they did stand up comedy from their own perspectives? How... terrible? 2 Link to comment
aradia22 January 19, 2015 Share January 19, 2015 I realized today why I find this whole argument about the peace march so trivial. It's a Real Housewives fight. She didn't come to my party. How dare she not go to your party. I don't think she's serious about this friendship. If she were serious about this friendship she would have gone to your party. She should have at least sent a gift or a note. How rude! Link to comment
aradia22 January 28, 2015 Share January 28, 2015 I finally had time to sit down and watch the youtuber interviews with the president that Fox News won't shut up about (though recently they've transitioned more into coverage of the next election). Really? Yes, it has a liberal slant but no one embarrassed themselves. Glozell was the only one trying to add a little humor but even though her questions were a little awkwardly phrased, she was still bringing up important, relevant issues. Bethany Mota wouldn't be my first choice among the beauty gurus but she is in the perfect age range for those college questions and her popularity is on the rise lately. And come on, Hank Green was there and you don't mention that once, Fox News? If there was anyone from youtube who would give the situation some credibility... but of course, I'm forgetting that's not the point of the network. Link to comment
aradia22 April 3, 2015 Share April 3, 2015 The media is attacking Christians who are anti-abortion and anti-gay marriage. -O'Reilly. Ow. My eyes hurt from rolling them. 5 Link to comment
magicdog April 4, 2015 Share April 4, 2015 I guess we must be watching different news channels or internet news sources because I definitely see Christians being attacked in one way or another daily. I don't always agree with O'Reilly but he's correct on that front. Link to comment
aradia22 April 4, 2015 Share April 4, 2015 You don't see the hypocrisy in complaining that people who are infringing on women's rights and LGBT rights are being criticized? 4 Link to comment
magicdog April 4, 2015 Share April 4, 2015 You don't see the hypocrisy in complaining that people who are infringing on women's rights and LGBT rights are being criticized? How? So far the lack of tolerance has been coming from non-Christians. Link to comment
SmithW6079 April 5, 2015 Share April 5, 2015 How? So far the lack of tolerance has been coming from non-Christians.Seventy-five percent of Americans identify as Christian of some denomination. Christians are not an oppressed minority on the verge of extinction; it's time to put that trope to rest. Pointing out the hypocrisy of those who want their rights respected while seeking to make their fellow Americans permanent second class citizens is not intolerance. Also, a statement like that assumes that no Christian has protested against the anti-gay laws. That is not true. I am a Christian, and fear-mongering evangelical Christians playing the oppression card do not speak for me. 14 Link to comment
aradia22 May 1, 2015 Share May 1, 2015 I haven't checked in for awhile. I went on vacation and had a lovely reprieve from Fox News for the most part. Just found it funny to hear O'Reilly and Geraldo Rivera today talking about an "obnoxious narcissist shouting" and "grandstanding" without saying anything of substance. You have to find your fun where you can. ;) Link to comment
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