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S06.E15: The Fungus Amongus

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So Mick was just a bit charred.

Behrad returning like a horror movie was great.

So Con became a mushroom?

Yay Gideon!

Stupid Bishop. Ok a small percentage of you came from Sara so stop acting like like you’ve become the same person.

Oh good more Ava clones. What we don’t need.

Why do I feel like Behrad has never heard of shrooms? 

Now Sara’s doing the Con Shroom.

So Con is staying in the mushroom to protect it and has become…a wise old man wizard?

Sara high is freaking hilarious. “WE ARE ALL CONNECTED!” Of course you are honey that’s how we got Beebo.

Ah so the scattered pods is how we do the Legends only wedding.

Ha Zari rejected Sara’s choice of lipstick.

I love the friendship of Spoons and Astra.

Of course Ava was planning HER dream wedding. Now I’m thrilled that this is a Legends only due to shenanigans wedding because at least that includes what makes Sara happy.

At least Ava’s wearing the nice dress from the bowling episode. Sara’s strapless suit is a bit odd but she looks nice.

Behrad was bitten! And Spoons has the power to save him! Go Spoons!

So we’ve got a power transference thing going.

Ok I know they want to get married but this is hardly the time. They recited vows which is plenty.

Of fucking course they have Sara and Ava’s I Do kiss be what saved the day. Barf.

Mick and Kayla’s kids are creepy Ood-like octopuses but there’s no denying they’re effective.

Yep getting eaten by alien newborns is good incentive to being a good person.

Aww we get a scene with Zari and newly re-soulless Con. I hope they let Matt keep playing Constantine on Sandman, Justice League Dark, and any other related project. He’s so great at it.

Sara and Mick scene!

Ok who blew up the Waverider?

  • Love 4

Well, take that all other Arrowverse couples.  You think your love is grand?  Your true love's kiss didn't make an alien mushroom decide humanity was worth saving after all!  And you didn't get married until after the apocalypse was averted.  We're so special we decided it was more important than actually coming up with a plan to save the planet.

And in a weird way Bishop really is the extreme version of a Sara Lance fanboy.  Screw all you other humans, she's all I need.  The rest of you are just dead weight. 

  • Love 5

Total wacky hijinks as usual. I knew the babies would somehow save their bacon but I guess the fountain did it first and then they fortunately ate Bishop. And Mick’s alien girlfriend did better in the fight than everyone else. I’m not sure transferring powers to another person really did all that much during the fight

So did John get sent down to hell by the fountain and then a demon bought his soul?

45 minutes ago, scarynikki12 said:

I hope they let Matt keep playing Constantine on Sandman, Justice League Dark, and any other related project. He’s so great at it.

It's not a matter of letting Matt keep playing him. Matt himself said repeatedly in interviews that this was the end of the line for John Constantine. He loved playing him for seven years, but he felt it was time to "put John to bed" as he put it.

  • Love 1
57 minutes ago, Sakura12 said:

/DC wants to use John Constantine in other projects, that is why Legends has to "put him to bed". They are no longer allowed to use him. 

And as I said, Matt himself felt and said that it was time for him to let the character go after playing him for seven years and taking him as far as he could without fundamentally altering who he is and what he's always been about.

Frankly, I agree with Matt. I watched both seasons of Constantine on CW Seed after he started appearing on Legends, and he'd already come full circle by the time last week's episode had aired: He'd atoned for and undone the one thing he felt had been his greatest failure in life (as he put it) -- failing to keep Astra from being sent to Hell as a little girl -- and they'd both buried the  hatchet once she'd finally been freed. There simply wasn't anywhere else for the character to go as one of the Legends, and Matt felt that giving him the traditional "happily ever after" with Zari 2.0 would be ridiculous given everything that John Constantine has ever been or been about. So yeah, Matt and Constantine are done. I'm really looking forward to seeing  Matt's new character next season and seeing how Matt does at creating a new character out of nothing. 

  • Love 1

The cliffhanger: The Waverider is blown up . . . by the Waverider. Huh. Looks like Spooner's mom has long-term houseguests. Bright side: if any land-robbers come for her, she'll be protected.

Good way to keep the AvaLance wedding from being a big event . .  . have it in the past, a short time before a massive alien invasion. And Nate officiates the same way Cisco did in The Flash finale's impromptu wedding  . . . through an online course. Hey, why not?

Bishop dies. Yay! Bit of a dick movie to recruit his younger self, then mindwipe him in order to fulfill his destiny as a pain in the ass, but I'm good with it.

Funny that Mick survived what seemed to be a fatal explosion.  And now, he's going to raise his "kids" with Kayla. I'm sure Lita is going to be thrilled with the new half-siblings. If this is truly it for Dominic and Mick, I'm good with it. Guy went from a one-note character to one of the most important parts of the series, as well as a deep well of gruff hilarity.

Goodbye to John as well. I really should watch Constantine, huh? I like to think he's out there being a bastard . . . but at least he gets to smoke now.

  • Love 1

So, apparently Sara and Ava's love is so strong that it single-handily made the Fountain go "On second thought, humanity is worth saving after-all, so screw you, aliens!"?  I... don't quite know what to make of that.  Except that somewhere Barry and the rest of Team Flash are giving everyone thumbs up because they're all about defeating the baddies with the power of love!

Mick somehow survived that massive explosion and was only a little singed.  Meanwhile, Constantine naturally turned into a mushroom (certainly not the weirdest thing I've typed about this show), was part of the Fountain for a bit, but ended up selling his soul to another demon to free himself, I believe.  And so ends Constantine's time as a Legend.  At least Matt Ryan will be sticking around as a different character, but I'll miss his take on Constantine.  At least he not only got a final good-bye with Zari, but also a nice moment with Sara.  I like that the show occasionally remembers their relationship.

Meanwhile, Mick gets a happier, if quieter exit, by deciding to be a father to his thirty-eight alien babies and goes off with Kayla instead (who does seem to be digging him more than she lets on.)  Not too surprised since I always kind of wondered if Dominic Purcell wanted out soon rather than later (noticed how he was appearing in less and less scenes each season), but I'll always give him (and the show) credit for turning what started out as Snart's one-note sidekick into someone much, much more.  And I'm glad his final scene was with Sara (the last of the OGs!) because I always liked it when that pair took front and center.

Whatever misgivings I have about Avalance aside, the wedding was pretty nice.

Hope we get more of the Astra/Spooner friendship next season.

Bishop dying at the hand... err, mouths of Mick and Kayla's alien babies was a fitting end.  Did feel a little bad for Past Bishop who did seem to want to change his ways, but wasn't allowed to because time-travel, y'all!

Looks like the Legends are stuck in 1925 for a while!  I wonder who blew up their ship?

All in all, I found this season to be a mixed bag.  I still enjoyed most of it and find it to be one of the best out of the Arrowverse shows, but I wasn't a fan of some of the choices like making Sara a clone, how they never took any real advantage of the "random aliens of the week" set-up, Bishop as the main villain in general, and the continued need to make Ava a "co-captain", which will never fly with me (at most, maybe a first officer to Sara's captain, but even then I'll still argue that Nate fits that role better, frankly.)  Still better than season one and season four for me, but a step down from last season (I think season two and three are probably the high points right now.)  But, as always, I can't wait to see where this crazy train goes next!

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, legaleagle53 said:

And as I said, Matt himself felt and said that it was time for him to let the character go after playing him for seven years and taking him as far as he could without fundamentally altering who he is and what he's always been about.

Frankly, I agree with Matt. I watched both seasons of Constantine on CW Seed after he started appearing on Legends, and he'd already come full circle by the time last week's episode had aired: He'd atoned for and undone the one thing he felt had been his greatest failure in life (as he put it) -- failing to keep Astra from being sent to Hell as a little girl -- and they'd both buried the  hatchet once she'd finally been freed. There simply wasn't anywhere else for the character to go as one of the Legends, and Matt felt that giving him the traditional "happily ever after" with Zari 2.0 would be ridiculous given everything that John Constantine has ever been or been about. So yeah, Matt and Constantine are done. I'm really looking forward to seeing  Matt's new character next season and seeing how Matt does at creating a new character out of nothing. 

Did you mean the cartoon and the NBC series of Constantine? 

Anyway, the character John Constantine obviously has a lot more runway than we've seen so far in his solo outings and in Legends. There's a reason why he's managed to keep a comic going for a pretty long time and why the character is apparently being eyed for HBO Max.

As much as I might have liked Ryan's portrayal of the character, he couldn't really be the same John Constantine that he was in his series or that the character is in the comics. Legends is too much about being a quasi-family to allow him to be a full-fledged bastard.

Whether Matt truly felt like he has done all he could with the character or was simply saying that it was time to move on because he effectively had no other choice given DC is planning a reboot is a question that will never really be answered. 

  • Love 2

I'm gonna miss Mick and John Constantine. It's sad that Sara is the last OG legend they are all gone now 😢. Beautiful how Mick wants to be a good father now. He's one of the characters that has grown the most during his time on LOT & that's why I'm gonna miss him. When he tol his alien baby he loved it, I go teary lol. And who knew he would end up with Kyla? LOL. Well I guess he needs love too. 

As for John, it's also sad to see him go but at least it looks like his death was undone. Yeah he's stuck in Hell but he's alive, that's better than being dead & a mushroom. At least we didn't lose Matt Ryan who's a great actor. Also love that him and Zari got closure, it was nice how they sai they don't regret anything.

The fight scene where Spooner changes the Legends abilities/powers between them against the aliens was cool. They are all connected indeed like John said. 

Sara and Ava's wedding was beautiful! It made me cry. Now, Sara Lance joins the rank of a married superhero with the rest of them xD. Fitting that it was Nate who married them, he's been there thru all their relationship. 

"Co-captains forever baby." ❤️

The ending to Bishop was kinda a cop out I thought. I don't know I expected more for his demise but looking at the other Arrowverse villain defeats this year, they've all been pretty easy *sigh. It was pretty funny how the babies ate him though. 

Not long now til S7. Let's see what it brings. I'm intrigued by the cliff. 

I just have to hope that next season does a lot of course correcting. Maybe I'm burned out on the Arrowverse (other than Superman & Lois), or maybe the Arrowverse is burned out. But it just seemed like this season was just bleh. Like probably worse than S1. 

Bishop is a worse villain than Vandal Savage. 

Most of the Legends ranged from bland (Spooner, Behrad, Zari 2.0) to underused (Sara, Nate, Zari 2.0) to actively annoying (Ava, Gary). I probably wouldn't mind if they just cut half the cast.  I'd rather have the Hawks than most of the current Legends. 

  • Love 5

The world is saved by a lesbian and a bisexual woman getting married.  Boy, that's gonna piss off some people, and it's awesome.

Mick and Kayla's babies are adorable little squid cannibals.

And how great was it that Gary gave Ava away?

RIP Waverider, you will be missed.  The Legends will get vengeance for your death, on the Waverider that blew you up.

Edited by Jediknight
  • Love 5

So "True Love's Kiss" demonstrated that evil aliens are soluble in schmaltz. That blast wave effect was very reminiscent of "Once upon a time" conclusions.

Has Gary ever told Eva that she is delicious? Will that be a problem when she meets the squidletts?

I was never worried about John because getting out of Hell is pretty much what he does for a living. If he ever gets sent to Heaven he is going to be in trouble, but getting John into Heaven would require a celestial screw-up of biblical proportions.

This show can be so stupid sometimes. Avalance kiss and the world is saved. I feel like maybe this season started with the idea of having Avalance get married, and then they wrote the season around that.

Sara and Ava's vows should be swapped. Ava is the one that needs to support and fight for Sara, and listen when the things they say are hard to hear. Sara is already doing too much of that for Ava. And I wish Ava would stop calling them co-captains. Ava is far from the perfect woman, and Sara should stop feeling like Ava is out of her league and she doesn't deserve her.

It was nice that we got a scene between Sara and John, and Sara and Mick. Especially with Mick, they have come so far. It's sad to me that there's no one else on the ship that started this journey with Sara and knew who she used to be.

I felt sad for Zari. Her relationship blew up through no fault of her own. And is John dead or alive?

Bishop's death was a horrible way to go.

I'm not sure going back in time to fix things is something Sara wouldn't do. She did exactly that in S2.

Sara must be very good at compartmentalizing, facing the person who killed and cloned her (and stole her DNA), and also thousands of the same monsters that killed her, with barely any reaction to it other than completing the mission. And this whole Zagarons swarming the house the Legends are in is basically a repeat of the zombies last season that ended up killing her (and the team).

  • Love 2
13 hours ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

Did you mean the cartoon and the NBC series of Constantine? 

Just the NBC series. I haven't watched the cartoon version (yet).

6 hours ago, lurker22 said:

I'm not sure going back in time to fix things is something Sara wouldn't do. She did exactly that in S2.

And she broke time as a result, which is how she ended up meeting Ava in the first place. Ava was the Time Bureau bureaucrat who was tasked with keeping the Legends in line as they both went around restoring order in the timeline after the Legends created all those time-displaced anomalies that they had to round up and restore to their proper places in history after time got broken.

Speaking of which, I thought it fascinating that it was the Waverider itself that destroyed their ship, after decloaking just long enough to blast it before re-cloaking and leaving. Given what we were just reminded about the importance of keeping the timeline intact by allowing even bad events to run their course (child Spooner getting whisked off to the future by the Fountain and younger Bishop being mindwiped and booted back to his own time in order to close THAT destiny loop), it's obvious that the other Waverider destroyed the one in 1925 because the Legends have things that they're supposed to accomplish in this era that require them to stay put in it for an indefinite period of time.

Oh, and one more thing: a same-sex wedding in 1925 Texas, and Spooner's mother doesn't even bat an eyelash at the concept and is totally down with hosting it?  Mind. Blown!

Edited by legaleagle53
  • Love 4
5 hours ago, lurker22 said:

Sara must be very good at compartmentalizing, facing the person who killed and cloned her (and stole her DNA), and also thousands of the same monsters that killed her, with barely any reaction to it other than completing the mission.

She was trained by the League of Assassins and has dealt with a lot of weird stuff over the years.  If anyone could keep calm it would be her. 

12 hours ago, tvwatchergordis said:

Sara and Ava's wedding was beautiful! It made me cry. Now, Sara Lance joins the rank of a married superhero with the rest of them xD.

Next step - kids.  Every other couple either has them or is actively trying (and already knows they've succeeded).  They should do it just to troll the audience.  Can't stand the frequent "babes" and all that other stuff?  Wait until they go baby crazy!

On 9/6/2021 at 3:19 AM, thuganomics85 said:


Mick somehow survived that massive explosion and was only a little singed.  Meanwhile, Constantine naturally turned into a mushroom (certainly not the weirdest thing I've typed about this show), was part of the Fountain for a bit, but ended up selling his soul to another demon to free himself, I believe.  And so ends Constantine's time as a Legend.  At least Matt Ryan will be sticking around as a different character, but I'll miss his take on Constantine.  At least he not only got a final good-bye with Zari, but also a nice moment with Sara.  I like that the show occasionally remembers their relationship.

Meanwhile, Mick gets a happier, if quieter exit, by deciding to be a father to his thirty-eight alien babies and goes off with Kayla instead (who does seem to be digging him more than she lets on.)  Not too surprised since I always kind of wondered if Dominic Purcell wanted out soon rather than later (noticed how he was appearing in less and less scenes each season), but I'll always give him (and the show) credit for turning what started out as Snart's one-note sidekick into someone much, much more.  And I'm glad his final scene was with Sara (the last of the OGs!) because I always liked it when that pair took front and center.


The actor threw a fit on social media when they decided that his character wasn't going to stick around.  Then a couple weeks later changed his mind.


  • Useful 1

I am not unhappy that this season is finished.  If they had stuck with the "alien of the week in different time periods" storylines I may have enjoyed it more, but I just couldn't stand Bishop and his singing.  He was just way too over the top, way too powerful, way too unstoppable.  Even when they thought they killed him, he came back.  So I am really hoping he is gone for good.  Kayla never really apologised for bringing him back, did she?  I guess she played her part in the invasion so all is forgiven?

On 9/6/2021 at 3:19 AM, Chicago Redshirt said:

I just have to hope that next season does a lot of course correcting. Maybe I'm burned out on the Arrowverse (other than Superman & Lois), or maybe the Arrowverse is burned out. But it just seemed like this season was just bleh. Like probably worse than S1. 

Bishop is a worse villain than Vandal Savage. 

Most of the Legends ranged from bland (Spooner, Behrad, Zari 2.0) to underused (Sara, Nate, Zari 2.0) to actively annoying (Ava, Gary). I probably wouldn't mind if they just cut half the cast.  I'd rather have the Hawks than most of the current Legends. 

I will miss Mick and Constantine.  I really can't stand Behrad.  The stoner act is just so incredibly old at this point.  I think the only characters left that I really like are Sara, Astra and Zari.  Everyone else is just there or really annoying.  I've never minded Nate so much, but this episode he got on my nerves for some reason.  It might be the stupid hair.  I think the actor and the character looks to be early to mid 40s?  Way too old for that stupid hair.

Astra seems on her path to being a full-blown witch/magician/sorceress.  Not sure if Spooner is going to retain this power-switching power.  We have her mom joining the team, she calls herself a healer but I'm wondering if she just means she is a doctor or if she has any actual healing powers.

I don't want to see Kendra / Hawkgirl ever again - terrible actress, terrible character, hated how everything revolved around her.  But I feel like the guy who played Hawkman got a raw deal.  I feel like he deserves a second chance.  And I would love to see Maisie Richardson-Sellers come back as either Amaya or Charlie or anybody else.

  • Love 4

I am not at all surprised by the fact that the Legends saved the world from aliens with the power of love or that, after all of their wedding planning, Sara and Ava just got married with the Legends. It sure does save money on guest stars I MEAN its so much more meaningful because they got married as they faced terrible odds with only the Legends there. I thought this was a pretty good season finale, it was a mixed bad, just like the rest of the season. I just cannot get that into Ava/Sara as a couple as much as I try, and I hate that stupid co-captains crap so much I want to feed every word of it to Mick's alien babies, but the wedding was sweet and well acted, I am just happy when Sara is happy. I liked some parts of the wedding, like Nate doing the service and even Gary giving Ava away after a surprisingly sincere moments between the two of them, and while I think the vows should have honestly been switched (Sara is the queen of support) they were still nice and it was overall a cute wedding with both ladies looking lovely and everyone being happy. Even with the incoming alien invasion.

If the fungus are supposed to repel alien attacks, then they need to really step their game up because earth had been invaded by aliens at least three or four times that I can think of off the top of my head, in fact a bunch of Kryptonian ghosts just made a run at taking over the world just a few weeks ago, and yeah maybe its crisis but the fungus really seems to be slacking. I guess without them there would be even more?

We bid ado to both Mick and Constantine, and while its sad to see them go I am glad that neither of them were permanently killed off and there seemed to be a chance that they could come back to say hi for a guest spot, especially with John leaving Zari that key. This also means that Sara is not the only non original legends character left, with the sort of except of Astra but she is basically a different character than the little girl memory from Constantine, which I am not surprised about, as the show has become increasingly more interested in their own creations than in transplants from other shows. I thought Mick's ending was pretty good, and I liked his last scene with Sara talking about how much they have both changed since they were first drafted into the team, its a nice bit of bookending for Mick, a character who really had come a long way from the mindless brute who only existed as Snart's sidekick. I don't know if I love how things went with Constantine, I wish he had left the show with more of a bang, but I am glad that he lives (kind of) to see more adventures being his bastard self. He at least got some closure with poor Zari, who lost the man she loves due to his own issues as well as magic fungus (happens) and one last scene with Sara. See, its nice when Sara can talk to people who aren't Ava. It sucks that they're gone, but the Waverider is crowded as hell now, I don't blame them for getting rid of a few people, although I would have certainly cut different people...

Bishop being eaten by the alien babies is a fittingly stupid end for a stupid villain. Bishop just never worked for me as a big bad, he seemed more like a one off bad guy who overstayed his welcome, he just never felt threatening so much as annoying. I did feel bad for his non evil past self though, it sucks that he has to go on and become evil when its clear that its not what he wanted. I actually wish in retrospect they could have focused more on the tragedy of a good person falling to their own dark impulses and ego than on just making Bishop a really irritating tech bro parody. 

Like I said, I found this season to be a real mixed bag. I liked a lot of individual episodes, characters, and scenes, but there were a lot of pacing issues with the overall arc. I wish we had had more renegade aliens all throughout the timeline for the gang to catch, that would have been a lot more fun then keeping Sara on her own boring subplot alone for ages or giving Bishop tons of unneeded screen time. I also continue to find the shows obsession with Ava and insisting on her being "co-captains" with Sara based on nothing besides being Sara's girlfriend/wife to be really irritating, especially as the show thinks that Ava is way more likable than I think she is. Focusing a bunch on just one favorite character is often a bad thing in an ensemble show, but its especially bad in such a big cast where it felt like a lot of people ended up getting the shaft. Still, I thought it was a pretty solid season, I would say it was right in the middle for me, not one of the best but also not anywhere near the worst, and while I think they could have done more with it I liked the focus on aliens and space to shake things up. I had a lot of fun on this crazy train, and am excited to see what happens next.

Edited by tennisgurl
  • Love 8

You know, Legends generally hits a dry patch during a season but manages to bounce back strongly.  This season is no exception.  I really enjoyed the season finale.  After six years, this show remains one of my very favorite shows currently on television.

I'll miss both Constantine and Rory on this show.  I liked the scene with Rory and Sara at the end as the final two original Legends.  Mick has come a long way since being an afterthought on the team when the show was first announced.  Him walking Sara down the aisle was fitting.  Strong end for Constantine.  I really enjoyed his last scene with Sara, considering the long history with those two in the Arrowverse.

Speaking of which, they found another way to have one of those TV wedding where no one from either side of the aisle had family members present.  The vows weren't bad outside of the "co-captains" for life nonsense.

Recruiting young Bishop was clever.

Good teaser at the end.  I wonder who is on that other Waverider.

Edited by benteen
  • Love 2

Legends rule #1: The cuteness is lethal. I did love that Bishop was distracted by the cuteness, thus leading to his demise. And the baby Cthulu cuddling Mick's hand was lovely. I'm glad they went with the original dress Ava chose, since the altered version Sara saw in the bowling ep didn't count. The wrap on Sara's pantsuit looked weird but I liked the overall lines of it. Thought Sara had the better vows. I loved Spooner's power switching power. It was fun to see Mick using the wind, Steeled up Ava, magic-wielding Sara, etc. And I'm always a sucker for the Legends' Power of Love team thing. 

On 9/6/2021 at 4:00 AM, tvwatchergordis said:

Fitting that it was Nate who married them, he's been there thru all their relationship.

It was great that Ava's oldest friend walked her down the aisle, Sara's walked her down the aisle, and Nate as second place for both of them officiates. And Gary is really getting a lot of appreciation what with walking Ava down the aisle and Mick making him godfather. Nice they've moved past him lying to them all these years. 

Is Sara being half-alien (and yet a clone of the original Sara because the writers don't seem to understand what a clone or DNA actually is) ever going to come up? I hope it's quietly forgotten, don't get me wrong, but why even add that nonsensical detail if it's never going to be of any importance?

So no Legend actually remained dead, pretty lame.

Avalance saving the world with the power of true love was eye roll-worthy even for me  - and I ship them. Mick and Kayla was next level cringe, though, I wish someone had at least mentioned that Kayla originally kidnapped Sara and then helped Bishop once again. But no, it's all "cute babies" and "those two crazy kids should get together". If a female character had been sneakily impregnated by a tentacle alien and almost died as a result of that, only to declare how much she loves this alien, people would be complaining how offensive and silly that is but if it's Mick, it's the height of hilarity somehow. Mick and Sara reminiscing about old times in the end was much needed but again, neither of them caring that Kayla was helping Bishop as recently as two episodes ago and they were in this predicament largely because of her was all kinds of stupid.

People rightly complain that Sara has been reduced to little more than Ava's interest but it's also sad that Zari this season was little more than Constantine's love interest. I have nothing against Astra and Spooner (well, except that Spooner's backstory made no sense) but I'd much rather see more Sara and Zari.

Sara being all excited about John sharing the secret of the meaning of life and coming with the biggest cliche possible was pretty funny, I have to say. Some nice teamwork too. The show is still not terrible but that seasonal arc was awful. Even season one was better.

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