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90DF Live Chat 3: I Gave Up Everything To Be Here

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5 minutes ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

Bunion wants to be a super fighter. I want to be the Queen of England. Same difference.


4 minutes ago, kacesq said:

Not this BS MMA or Syngin’s opera singer nonsense.


4 minutes ago, Chloe Dog said:

Listen to "expert" Ari about MMA fighters.


3 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

MMA fighting cannot be a goal to achieve without earning money for a trainer or sponsor, these two people really do not have a grip on reality.


3 minutes ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

An aspiring MMA fighter. Yeah, okay.


1 minute ago, Grifter Lives said:

Over the age of 30 . . . 

Hey, there's TONS of money to be made in MMA...for Dana White...and ESPN...and Fox...and all the sponsors. 

Seriously, I've trained with quite a few pro fighters and let's just say it's about as hard to have a lucrative career in fighting as it is in baseball, football, basketball, or entertainment for that matter. Vlade Matsushenko had some top level UFC fights (he was on Andre Arlovski's highlight reel getting kicked in the face), and a couple years later I rolled with him at a gym in El Segundo (he hyperextended my elbow...and I was lucky to escape with that, the guy was a monster!). And a year later, he was teaching classes to pay the bills.

When I was a member at UFC Gym (the fitness/MMA chain), Krzysztof Soszynski was managing and teaching there. And the vets from The Utimate Fighter  were ubiquitous all over SoCal. Teaching, trying to act or do stunts, working odd jobs, waiting tables...just like anyone else in the entertainment business. And like modeling, the age limitation is a brick wall...even more so, sadly.

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1 minute ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Oh honey. You'd see dozens of him in any bar in South Boston or Quincy or Revere any day of the week that would make John look like Alistair Cooke.

John is establishing that he is not a second class citizen in his home just because his brother brough home some overseas trim.

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Call Hamster and he will figure it out, he does not seem like a problem solver.

He wondered why Yve didn't tell him the plumber was there, he was in the house did he not hear the door bell or the knock?  Yve says she thought Hamster was with Theron, in other words he was on duty and she might have had to wait till his break time to come in to the bathroom, lol.

She is not Muslim, he needs to shut it. If being a Muslim is so important to him why didn't he marry a local Muslim girl at home?

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2 minutes ago, Frozendiva said:

Mohamed, you are a guest in Yve's home. You don't own it and can't tell her what to do. A man and a woman cannot be alone? It's her house, sunshine. Get used to it. And Yve, ask what you are 'allowed' to do and if you don't like it, send him home.

I damn near fell out of bed. Yve is a grown woman in her own home who is asking some fuckboy what she's "allowed" to do? 

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