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90DF Live Chat 3: I Gave Up Everything To Be Here

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Just now, Hotel Snarker said:

Why do white people always talk about Africa like it’s one country?

I admit I was guilty of this….but I also used to refer to folks as « from Europe » when I was young and well….an ignorant kid

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1 minute ago, kacesq said:

How much foundation do y’all think Shaeda layers on?

Bilal's fine with it as long as none gets layered onto any other surfaces.

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Talking to a 16-year-old about “washing your lady parts” and trying to get her to join you in dissing his her dad…NOT the way to win her over.

Who washes a chicken? I was more concerned that she didn’t disinfect the sink afterward. I know cultures are different, but food poisoning is real…

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Ari, if you are determined to get up in anyone's face, you picked the wrong one!! She could take you down in a split second. Of course that didn't happen 🤨

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2 minutes ago, GrammyPammy said:

Talking to a 16-year-old about “washing your lady parts” and trying to get her to join you in dissing his her dad…NOT the way to win her over.

Who washes a chicken? I was more concerned that she didn’t disinfect the sink afterward. I know cultures are different, but food poisoning is real…

I wash a chicken. Just take the sink sprayer to the innards. You are supposed to now just put it in the oven but I freeze mine so I wash it.

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