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90DF Live Chat 3: I Gave Up Everything To Be Here

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2 minutes ago, Hotel Snarker said:

I’m getting tired of the wedding planning stuff. Just show me the wedding.

Not till the season finale, missy!

1 minute ago, Hotel Snarker said:

$5 says his dad shows up.

Oh, yeah. The Big Dramatic Entrance of a tearful Father Armando. Jesus, they'll all be swept away on an ocean of tears, between Armando and his father and Kenny and his sniveling crew of whiny children. 

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30 minutes ago, tvrox said:

I foresee another diarrhea episode in our future. 


55 minutes ago, Frozendiva said:

I stay in bed if I have serious diarrhea and am vomiting for hours.


55 minutes ago, Hotel Snarker said:

Mother Sumit put something in Jenny’s food.


53 minutes ago, OneGuy said:

"Show us your vomit.  Show us your diarrhea."


53 minutes ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

Sounds like Jenny had food poisoning. Mother Sumit made sure that Jenny got the plate with the e.coli on it.


52 minutes ago, Suzywriter said:

Jenny looks pale green, and those sadistic asses are goading her. 


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8 minutes ago, Hotel Snarker said:

A parent should love their child no matter how they turn out.

Poor Armando.

He has stated that he loves his son. He may have other reasons (religious?) for not attending. I think we have to respect the father's pov. He is being kind and supportive, but has his own stuff to work through. 

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1 minute ago, Suzywriter said:

So, Armando, if your father is true to himself, you will punish him by cutting him off? I'm liking you less by the minute. 

Sadly, I see much too much of this kind of hypocrisy, as if “being who you are” flows in only one direction.

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45 minutes ago, Frozendiva said:

Ice cream is not going to fix this, SteVen. Just your lying words over and over.

Although I did want some ice cream after watching that scene. 

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Armando is too hard on his Father.   It'll all work out in the end.  Things usually do, even if the parent is violently opposed to the life partner choice.   My Mother didn't come to my wedding and wound up loving my husband.   Her reason?  He was 18 years older than me.

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Armando's dad is being so shortsighted. Not only is he risking irreparable damage to his relationship with his son, but the wedding isn't the end of Armando being gay. Kenny is going to be there and things are going to be strained with him, too. In fact, who's to say Hannah won't resent her grandfather for boycotting her daddies' wedding? There's just a lot Armando Sr doesn't seem to be considering. 

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“I know you like, just almost died? But like, you need to like speak to me in a manner conducive to peasants like yourself are accustomed to.” Ellie is totally Miss Millie from the Color Purple.

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47 minutes ago, Hotel Snarker said:

Wow, that’s all a girl ever wants to hear. "Here you go baby. You’re the most beautiful flower." In the flattest tone I’ve ever heard.

And all every girl ever wanted was a freaking Bible. Terrible gift. 

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Shut up Ellie, there's a million black men in America you could be with who you don't have to pay for and wasn't just in a CAT5 Hurricane.  Go home and bother one of them, let this man recoup and rebuild.

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10 minutes ago, Doublemint said:

Armando is too hard on his Father.   It'll all work out in the end.  Things usually do, even if the parent is violently opposed to the life partner choice.   My Mother didn't come to my wedding and wound up loving my husband.   Her reason?  He was 18 years older than me.

I guess where the gap is (not that I'm asking) matters. I just had a case with a 32 year age difference. That one partner was 15 was the issue.  If you were of age...well....c'mon, mom!

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