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S03.E01: What's Up Sugar Bum?

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Sad to see how dark Ethan has become.  He is so consumed with anger.  I can’t figure Olivia out, does she want to staynwith or not?  Could have done without some of of the cutesy Moriah and Matt scenes.  

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The parents are still psychotic monsters who should have their other children taken from them. They are seriously mentally ill.

Ethan needs serious counseling and Olivia us encouraging this but he's not going to stuck with it, you can tell. Mind you, if I were going. I wouldn't want to have anything to do with those  nutjob parents either. Those two need to move away from Cairo, it was so passive aggressive for the parent s to suddenly move from the farm to the same neighborhood as the two households we moved to be away from them. 

Max needs to have a chat with Moriah about maybe setting her makeup gun from Ho to Daytime light. She doesn't need the spider lashes, ten pounds of face spackle, and the heavy lipstick. Girl, ain't nobody wanna kiss lips with all that shit on em! And 86 the lady of the evening wear too. That girls self image is so messed up, yet she seems to have a good head on her shoulders re work ethic and bettering herself but it doesn't seem to extend to how she presents herself.

The other brother, forget his name, he's turning into a normal horn dog sort of dude, which is weirdly refreshing with this lot.


Edited by gingerella
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Ugh what a mess. Max and Moriah need to act like adults if they want to be treated that way. Use common sense - no pawing at each other in front of her family. Duh. That scene at the dinner table felt producer-driven. 

Ethan and Olivia - oh dear. A lot going on there. I feel sorry for him. She has always seemed kind of cold to me.

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1 hour ago, maxmama said:

Could have done without some of of the cutesy Moriah and Matt scenes.  

The constant kissing, pawing and lap sitting. Make it stop! Just two super horny young kids discovering sex. 

Micha is still my favorite. He could really have a great career in modeling if he would just be responsible. The preview of him not answering texts and emails doesn't look good for him, though. His modeling photo's on his IG are amazing except he hardly has any clothes on in so many of them, lol.  The boy is built to perfection and his face photographs beautifully. He could even do runway. Now I'm sounding like a perverted old lady but I just admire how attractive this kid is! How did those parents genes produce that kid? The wonders of science and genetics. 

Edited by bichonblitz
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I didn’t see anything new on this episode and wonder if they filmed anything more. It seems like even the bits with Moira and Max were left over from last season. I think the parents are terrible people and they are hurting their young kids. Did I hear the mom say she lets the little kids have coffee once a week? Why? I hope Ethan and Olivia survive all this; it seems like she cares about the parents liking her more than her relationship with her husband. These super religious and strict families mess up their kids.

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I've never watched this program but I saw a couple of minutes of a preview last night and this show looks positively freaky and creepy.  

What's the consensus amongst my fellow posters?

Is it worth a watch, even if just for the usual TLC freak show aspect?  

I notice the threads on this program seem to be a bit short so I'm gathering it doesn't create a lot of buzz (but doesn't necessarily mean it's not worth watching).  

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39 minutes ago, Persnickety1 said:

I've never watched this program but I saw a couple of minutes of a preview last night and this show looks positively freaky and creepy.  

What's the consensus amongst my fellow posters?

Is it worth a watch, even if just for the usual TLC freak show aspect?  

I notice the threads on this program seem to be a bit short so I'm gathering it doesn't create a lot of buzz (but doesn't necessarily mean it's not worth watching).  

To me, this is one of the more interesting shows, though it's hard to know what's real, of course. And yes, it is very freaky and creepy. The kids all seem genuinely sweet and the parents are a study in weirdness. I think a lot of us watch because we're rooting for the kids to escape and become whole, and we're trying to figure out the creepy parents.

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Somehow, I think that Max is hitching his wagon to Moriah in order to keep close to Micah. "Sugar bum," indeed.

I feel like half of this episode (or more) was dedicated to Max and Moriah and how much they enjoy kissing each other.

Crossing my fingers it was one of the younger siblings who wrote the "Do Not Disterb" sign on Lydia's prayer closet door. Moriah seems to have been giving her makeup lessons during their visits as she's heading into the spackle-n-tarantula eyes territory. 😳 However, she looks so much less fundie-culty/Duggar-ish, so seeing her driving, wearing jeans & makeup, and heading out on her own for a job interview gave me hope. She looked so normal for her age at the auto-body shop - what a beautiful young lady.

The father is emotionally stunted at 17 years old, and this episode has made this remarkably clear. The mother is still a bitch who has control issues and can't see that she and her Ichabod Crane-looking husband are responsible for EXACTLY where their family is at.

Ethan is depressed and I think that therapy is helpful, but I'm also thinking meds might be in order for a short-term. I'm a doctor but not a medical one, so obviously I don't have a professional opinion but I'm wondering. Seeing him run around with Micah was great as he was genuinely happy for a brief time. Very sad. I also can't really get a gauge on Olivia on her time in this episode, but to be away from your husband and not even hug him when you come in to the point where he has to ask you for a hug makes it seem like she's distanced herself from him. She's either not wanting to get close to him OR she's done with his moping & depression. I've lived in that general area of Tallahassee/Thomasville/Cairo, so I know what she means about not feeling herself there. Tallahassee would be great for her and would help her to expand her friends circle and business in addition to getting away from the in-laws from hell. Ethan? He is too buried in his own anger to know what's best for him right now, it seems.

Edited by lightninggirl
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Sugar bum??? SUGAR BUM? And jumping into each other's lap arm around the other? If that feels natural I hope that's where it goes. I think we are seeing it before they are. 

The peck kissing is zero chemistry. 

Micah and Max. ALL the chemistry.  Just sayin' 

Edited by Alonzo Mosely FBI
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5 hours ago, emmawoodhouse said:

Lydia is wearing jeans! I never thought she'd move on from skirts only.

And she got quite the haircut. The style is still very 1993, but baby steps. Hopefully, the more time she spends away from her parents, the more she’ll start to question their crazy.  I guess Moriah’s college plans are off the table now. She seemed more interested in the partying rather than the education part, so it’s probably for the best. That tattoo is hideous.

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3 hours ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

Sugar bum??? SUGAR BUM? And jumping into each other's lap arm around the other? 

Micah and Max. ALL the chemistry.  Just sayin' 

I couldn’t help but notice the chemistry and excessive touching between Micah and Max. It would be a shame if Max was using Mariah to be around Micah.

 My spirit just doesn’t take to Olivia. I think Ethan really misses his siblings and is starting to resent the fact that he had to choose between his wife and his family. 

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10 hours ago, Adeejay said:

My spirit just doesn’t take to Olivia. I think Ethan really misses his siblings and is starting to resent the fact that he had to choose between his wife and his family. 

I hope that through therapy, Ethan will begin to see the similarities between his wife and his mother. Not to get all Oedipal, but he may have even unwittingly pursued Olivia because of that. I’m not saying Olivia is just like Kim, but I do think part of the reason they can’t get along is because they are so similar in some ways. 

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I really don’t like them showing Lydia in the prayer closet. It’s all kind of crazy but prayers, writing in a journal and things like that should be private. Lydia seems like a sweet person who is just trying to obey her parents. 
I do think Ethan seems kind of obsessed with seeing his siblings, but he was raised with no friends and likely was a father figure to the little ones. Olivia doesn’t seem very understanding, and seems to think she is some kind of celebrity now.

I do think there is something strange and off with Barry. Besides the constant smirking he seems to let Kim run his entire life and I wonder how he really feels about his older children rejecting this rigid life.

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On 8/18/2021 at 9:59 AM, Chicken Fingers said:

Was there even anything new in this episode? They just spliced bits of last season together to create one long recap.

no, and yes.

According to my tv guide on DIrectv there were 2 episodes ,marked as S3 ep 1;  the first was titled"Fractured" and it was just stuff from earlier seasons.  The second first episode also S3 Ep `1 was the 'sugar bum" one.   

I am not sure I can stick with this as I found last night rather boring, although I liked seeing Lydia looking a little more modern.

5 hours ago, Madding crowd said:

I really don’t like them showing Lydia in the prayer closet.

I hate that, too, as it flies in the face of the verse about praying in your closet in secret.   If I weren't cooking dinner, I would look up the verse, but my baguettes are about to burn if I don'[t get off the computer.

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7 hours ago, Twopper said:

I hate that, too, as it flies in the face of the verse about praying in your closet in secret. 

  • Perhaps she doesn't even know that verse.  Her religious upbringing doesn't seem "the norm."
  • Do you prefer that she stand in front of the entire family voicing all her concerns--her secret concerns?
  • For me, her "prayers" are merely hopes and fears that she shares with her god.   
  • Otherwise, to whom can she SAFELY convey her worries?
  • Not THOSE parents.
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17 hours ago, charmed1 said:

I’m not saying Olivia is just like Kim, but I do think part of the reason they can’t get along is because they are so similar in some ways. 

I can see that...even though I like Olivia and DO NOT like Kim.

  • Both need to control--things MUST go their way for them to remain happy.
  • Both need to be Queen Bee; that's never gonna work.
  • Both have that "free and wild" side: Kim before marriage ... and Olivia is discovering it after.
  • Both found a man they can control...but one man may be slipping back into the clutches of mommy.
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On 8/18/2021 at 9:41 AM, gingerella said:

Max needs to have a chat with Moriah about maybe setting her makeup gun from Ho to Daytime light. She doesn't need the spider lashes, ten pounds of face spackle, and the heavy lipstick. Girl, ain't nobody wanna kiss lips with all that shit on em! And 86 the lady of the evening wear too. That girls self image is so messed up, yet she seems to have a good head on her shoulders re work ethic and bettering herself but it doesn't seem to extend to how she presents herself.

This is all spot on.  I think Moriah has some skin problems.  She needs to have a professional woman (YOUNG woman) advise her.  Their first "shopping trip" would be to a dermatologist.  It's possible that the thick foundation is covering up blemishes (same with Lydia...Prayer Closet Sister).  Moriah is so basically pretty--she could be a model too.  The eyelashes?  Pathetic...every iteration.   Their mother was SO STRICT about modesty in every aspect of their lives...except make-up.  WEIRD

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12 hours ago, Twopper said:

If I weren't cooking dinner, I would look up the verse,

Matthew 6:6

6 But as for you, when you pray, go into your inner room, close your door, and pray to your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you.

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8 hours ago, artisto said:

Matthew 6:6

6 But as for you, when you pray, go into your inner room, close your door, and pray to your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you.

Uh-ohh....   Who's going to be in worse trouble (or not rewarded): Lydia or a TLC producer?

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23 hours ago, Twopper said:

no, and yes.

According to my tv guide on DIrectv there were 2 episodes ,marked as S3 ep 1;  the first was titled"Fractured" and it was just stuff from earlier seasons.  The second first episode also S3 Ep `1 was the 'sugar bum" one.   

I am not sure I can stick with this as I found last night rather boring, although I liked seeing Lydia looking a little more modern.

I hate that, too, as it flies in the face of the verse about praying in your closet in secret.   If I weren't cooking dinner, I would look up the verse, but my baguettes are about to burn if I don'[t get off the computer.

Yes, I'm such a dope. I just found the new episode on my DVR and finally watched it. 

Got to agree that Moriah's boyfriend and Micah have intense sexual tension. I can't tell whether Moriah gets it, or if she's oblivious. 

As a couple, Ethan and Olivia have enough challenges, with their different personalities and all the baggage from their upbringing. Many a stronger couple has been broken up by overbearing family. 

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Odd question, but what were the kids drinking when the whole family was having dinner for Barry's birthday? They were pouring a coloured liquid from bottles into glasses, and although it wasn't pop it sure wasn't the colour of any 100% juice I've seen. It looked a lot like fruit punch, but of course it couldn't have been that as a big part of the first season was that the kids don't consume sugar.

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My son watches this with me and we often notice them drinking a brown liquid that looks like iced coffee and we always wonder what it is; I noticed the fruit punch looking beverage too. 
In terms of Lydia, I didn’t say anything was wrong with her having a prayer closet, it is wrong of TLC to show it. Prayers, journals and diaries should be private. 

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Ethan needs to stay the hell in counseling. If the first therapist he sees doesn't work well with him, try another. I totally get this is scripted, but Ethan is so angry at his parents. Buddy, you're 22! You are married. If you want any chance to keep your marriage going and have a happy life, you must deal with these issues. You may decide to not see your parents, you may reconcile with them, but you can't continue with this rage. It's consuming you. 

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On 8/18/2021 at 6:59 PM, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

Sugar bum??? SUGAR BUM? And jumping into each other's lap arm around the other? If that feels natural I hope that's where it goes. I think we are seeing it before they are. 

The peck kissing is zero chemistry. 

Micah and Max. ALL the chemistry.  Just sayin' 

I don’t watch this show, but am seeing this episode because I didn’t change the channel after some SYTTD episodes.

After watching Max and Micah interact I came a’running here to see if I had missed some sort of background that explained why Moriah has signed up to be a beard…it is *that* apparent.

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Moriah started dating Max at the end of the 1st season. This episode was the first time we saw the Max-Micah bromance in full bloom. Last season focused on Olivia vs Kim. Now it's Ethan vs Olivia, Ethan vs his parents, Max and Moriah, Micah and modeling, the Max, Moriah, Micah triangle and Lydia's independence. 

But Kim and Barry, the clueless and weird parents are the root of all this dysfunction. 

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I’m late watching this season. My watchlist is unmanageable these days so just watched the first episode tonight.

Barry bugs me putting on his jersey that he wore in high school and making a big deal out of playing football in high school.  If high school is so great that you’re bragging about your glory days, why not let your kids go too? It just pisses me off that they’re denied a reasonably normal childhood. I’m glad the older ones are seeing the light and can at least be an example for the younger ones that you have options.  

Olivia is so aloof.  She comes home from being out of town, breezes in like she had just come back from the store and doesn’t even hug him until he asks for one. I don’t see how this two can reconcile their differences but I hope Ethan doesn’t up back home.

When I saw Micah and Max with their arms around each other on the couch, I could hear the record scratch to a stop over Moriah’s romantic future with him. Her face and makeup are a mess. Hopefully she’ll figure it out. 

Agree with all the comments here as usual. They should never have filmed Lydia in her prayer closet.  That does not need an audience and scripturally, is not the way God wants you to pray. I hope she learns to set boundaries in time. 

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The one thing new this season is psycho-mom's size.  She seems to be a whole lot bigger than last season, and she is struggling to get a seat belt across her very large middle section.  Doesn't she know that gluttony is one of the 7 deadly sins?  Maybe she is the one who is possessed? Cause it sure isn't the one who psycho mom said had demons inside her!

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On 10/27/2021 at 9:20 PM, KDubs22 said:

The one thing new this season is psycho-mom's size.  She seems to be a whole lot bigger than last season, and she is struggling to get a seat belt across her very large middle section.  Doesn't she know that gluttony is one of the 7 deadly sins?  Maybe she is the one who is possessed? Cause it sure isn't the one who psycho mom said had demons inside her!

Sugar is evil....unless Kim is scarfing down Twinkies, apparently. 

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