peachmangosteen August 2, 2021 Share August 2, 2021 Quote POV comp and ceremony Link to comment
HerkyJerky August 5, 2021 Share August 5, 2021 Why was Hannah wearing a USF sweatshirt? She’s from Chicago & she went to college in Chicago. Is she going to grad school in Tampa? And, oh yeah, GO BULLS! 2 Link to comment
Cherry Cola August 5, 2021 Share August 5, 2021 I like that SB is fighting to get Hannah out. As time goes on, I don't mind Christian or Whitney. Kind of tired of Hannah's attitude. 6 Link to comment
mojoween August 5, 2021 Share August 5, 2021 Can anyone help a chica out with some intel on Hannah’s sweater set she wore during noms? I love it and must have it. In other sartorial news, show, please stop focusing on Whitney’s crop hoodie cape. I feel like Hannah can speak eyeroll in several different languages. It’s why I think she and I could be friends. I felt bad about it, but Britni’s obnoxious DR before veto and her loudness during it was making me root very hard for noms to change and her to go on the block. Claire is SAFE until jury whyyyyy did we need her over-exaggerated commentary during the comp? 1 3 4 Link to comment
MBJ August 5, 2021 Share August 5, 2021 SB's outward and vocal obsession with Hannah is such a turn off. I love, love, love, love Derek X. I will lose my mind if he goes. 16 Link to comment
Melina22 August 5, 2021 Share August 5, 2021 That was pleasant enough. Probably what I enjoy the most is them all hanging out, being funny, dancing, doing hair and falling down. I wish they'd cut the veto comp in half and given me more of that. What I enjoy the least is the tiresome DR comments during the veto comp. The DRs this season are generally way better than usual, but the ones during tonight's comp were so stilted and manufactured, and there were SO MANY! I also don't enjoy hearing houseguests like Whitney who are virtually powerless, endlessly proclaiming vengeance and going on about all the chaos they'll unleash on the house if they stay. Please. So not an exciting episode but I still enjoyed it. 1 9 Link to comment
willco August 5, 2021 Share August 5, 2021 Too bad Whitney is a shoo-in to go tomorrow, I like her. That was so fake when Christian was telling her that he might change his mind- I would have fallen out of my chair if he changed the noms because there was no way that was going to happen. I'm somewhat surprised at Azah and the pettiness she's displaying towards Whitney, when there isn't even anything there to be jealous about ! It won't make any difference this time, since the eviction is pretty much set in stone, but attitudes like that is why a female rarely wins this game. The women are always going to work together & that lasts a couple of weeks or so & then it doesn't. I think Azah is way too emotional to ever have a chance to win. I can't wait til the big alliances have to start really going after their own-- it's going to get ugly. 5 Link to comment
leocadia August 5, 2021 Share August 5, 2021 1 hour ago, Ms Blue Jay said: SB's outward and vocal obsession with Hannah is such a turn off. Coming into this season I disliked SB because she seemed like she would be overly twee and extra in a way that would bug me. I was pleasantly surprised when she was much more grounded and changed my initial opinion, but for the life of me I can't warm up to her. I honestly can't fault her thinking, and I'm sure Hannah would come after her, but she just comes across like a stealth bitch. It's now bugging me that I can't figure out why I dislike her so much. I guess she's the Becky to my Steve. 5 Link to comment
Wandering Snark August 5, 2021 Share August 5, 2021 Hey Derek X, congrats on one of the better 'open mouth insert foot' moments in BB history. Loose lips sink ships, and BB games. Tonight was also not a good look for Azah... it's no less petty if you admit you're being petty. 6 Link to comment
Dewey Decimate August 5, 2021 Share August 5, 2021 The thing I can't figure out is why some people get offended/angry when a third party do things that make sense for said third party. Ex. SB gets frustrated when the rest of her giant alliance refuses to go along with evicting Hannah because it's in HER best interest. Um, how about coming up with a reason why it's advantageous for the rest of them? Or Whitney getting angry when Hannah chose Derex for veto: "I feel betrayed because obviously Derex will use it on her if he wins!" And WHY the FUCK do you think she PICKED him?!? And to a lesser degree when Christian/Alyssa fully expect Derex not to use the veto should he win it. So both the nominees are on his team, and you expect him NOT to use it? The arrogance and stupidity just drops my jaw. How the fuck do you expect him to be a useful member of your Royal Flush alliance when you expect him to completely betray his original team? All of that said, I'm enjoying the season quite a bit. Some prefer drama, but I'd rather see some fairly intelligent and decent people interacting and sub-plotting. The last clip from tonight with multiple women (wow!) each issuing various warnings/threats in the DR made me interested in seeing what happens next. I honestly think it'll be fun to see how things fall apart once the chaff is eliminated. 1 12 Link to comment
MBJ August 5, 2021 Share August 5, 2021 4 hours ago, Dewey Decimate said: All of that said, I'm enjoying the season quite a bit. Some prefer drama, but I'd rather see some fairly intelligent and decent people interacting and sub-plotting. Agree 100% Link to comment
Maya August 5, 2021 Share August 5, 2021 Derek X reminds me of the people on Survivor who ditch their own team to become the bottom rung in the majority alliance, and then wonder why they’re picked off first once everyone else on their old team is gone. 6 Link to comment
Blindfox August 5, 2021 Share August 5, 2021 Can anybody help me out? Right when Derek X made some kind of comment that Whitney was angry about, there was a fire evacuation alarm that cut out all the sound. I have no idea what he said. Thanks! Link to comment
MBJ August 5, 2021 Share August 5, 2021 (edited) 19 minutes ago, Blindfox said: Can anybody help me out? Right when Derek X made some kind of comment that Whitney was angry about, there was a fire evacuation alarm that cut out all the sound. I have no idea what he said. Thanks! Sure Blindfox. A bunch of people, presumably in Royal Flush, were talking about next week and who would be eating the Have-Not gruel and who wouldn't. I think somebody speculated who would be and I think Christian and Xavier took mild offense like, don't assume that we're going to be the ones eating gruel. (Oh my god, I'm so bad at this, I don't know BB at all.) Then Derek X. tried to clarify the comments by showing off his intelligence by saying "Blah and blah won't be, blah and blah will be, (Hannah) Chaddah and I will be, so it's the power of deduction." All with the assumption (knowledge) that Hannah and Derek X. would still be there next week. Unfortunately Whitney was in the next room and overheard. She said something like "AND WHAT IF I'M STILL HERE NEXT WEEK YOU FUCK!" or something like that LOL. Derek X. was immediately embarrassed and tried really hard to apologize but Whitney wouldn't hear of it and ran away and then declared vengeance on him, forever. Edited August 5, 2021 by Ms Blue Jay 1 3 Link to comment
iMonrey August 5, 2021 Share August 5, 2021 Quote Derek X reminds me of the people on Survivor who ditch their own team to become the bottom rung in the majority alliance, and then wonder why they’re picked off first once everyone else on their old team is gone. Yeah. It's kind of a dumb place for him to be. Nothing is really going to happen until Britini, Derek F, Azah and Hannah are picked off, and then Derek X is going to be the first one to go. I imagine there's a chance that Hannah could win HoH at some point, but I can't for the life of me imagine a comp Derek F or Britini could win, unless it's something that relies purely on dumb luck. I don't feel like we've seen much of Whitney until this past week and I've decided I really like her, so it's too bad she ended up on the wrong side of the majority alliance. Quote I would rather see a competitive season, and so far this early in the game it has been anything but competitive. It never really is, I'd have to go back a decade or more to find a season that truly was competitive. Usually some huge alliance is formed early on and picks off the ones who aren't in it. Same old, same old. The difference this time, fortunately, is that the whole game isn't being run by a pack of alpha male meatheads like it usually is. I'd say Christian and Xavier are the closest we've got to remaining Dude Bros, in the sense that they are both physical threats to go far. But I haven't seen any evidence they will steamroll over everyone else. 4 Link to comment
Blindfox August 5, 2021 Share August 5, 2021 Thank you so much, Ms. Blue Jay! 2 Link to comment
candall August 5, 2021 Share August 5, 2021 I don't go back eons with this show, but I fully approve of the whole initial "teams" idea. I assume that's the main reason we've eliminated two muscle-y bro dudes--and now one of the beauties will be going--while the nerdier girls and the hefty guy are still alive. A table full of cool kids is so tired. Errrrrrr, not to stereotype or anything. : / 1 7 Link to comment
Eolivet August 5, 2021 Share August 5, 2021 1 hour ago, iMonrey said: Nothing is really going to happen until Britini, Derek F, Azah and Hannah are picked off, and then Derek X is going to be the first one to go. I'm not so sure, but I hope not. If the Cookout stays strong, all the rest of the house has to do is keep nominating one non-Cookout person, and presumably, they'll go until it gets to the point where there's no numbers to go against the Cookout. The Royal Flush is actually the biggest threat to the Cookout, as it doesn't hold majority there, and Tiffany (and possibly Xavier) seem to be the only ones who realize this. The Royal Flush was great to get out Brent, and hopefully now Whitney, but it's served its purpose. I really, really hope they realize this or this season is going to end with Christian and Alyssa as nicer! Jackson and Holly, with Sarah Beth in the designated "third place useless also-ran" spot. 1 Link to comment
Wandering Snark August 5, 2021 Share August 5, 2021 1 hour ago, iMonrey said: Usually some huge alliance is formed early on and picks off the ones who aren't in it. Same old, same old. I'm sure they said to themselves "This team twist will get people to focus on just their team of four and we won't have huge alliances snuff out any sense of competition!" But they actually made it EASIER to form giant alliances as you get two teams that decide to work together and WHAM instant giant alliance. 7 Link to comment
Nashville August 5, 2021 Share August 5, 2021 2 hours ago, iMonrey said: Nothing is really going to happen until Britini, Derek F, Azah and Hannah are picked off, and then Derek X is going to be the first one to go. I... dunno about that. So long as HoH reigns / noms / PoVs accommodate a perceived target order of Britini / DF / Azah / Hannah / DX: DX is safe for at least the next 4 HoHs. Everybody participating in an alliance plan such as this always says “We’re golden so long as we stick to this plan”, and sometimes they may even be right - but they rarely do. Even if it’s working completely according to plan, once the alliance plan gets to something like 75-80% completion there’s ALWAYS someone who says to themself (or others) “Hey - after DX’s eviction we’ll be down to cannibalizing our own, and I’m low HG on the alliance totem pole. The time to strike is now, else I’m out the door next week.” A PoV gets played, an alliance member gets put up / BDed, and DX survives another week. The House-governing alliance now goes into a full-court press of two primary divisions each trying to eat each other, and DX becomes the swing vote between the two. If DX plays it right, this swing role can easily carry him though a few more subsequent evictions at least. Do I think DX has a shot at winning? HIGHLY doubtful; I wouldn’t absolutely rule out the slim possibility of DX stumbling into a viable F2/3/4 deal, but IMHO the jury would always consider him a floater riding the coattails of an outwardly stronger-appearing HG. 1 4 Link to comment
Halting Hex August 5, 2021 Share August 5, 2021 Well, I guess Production has no interest in keeping Whitney and Her Cans around. Which is odd, because that's why she was (I presume) cast. Not only do they not give her a favorable Veto (how many women have ever won Sisyphus? I can only remember S15's Amanda, who had to give herself heat-stroke to do it), but they could have done much better coaching her in the DR to pitch the backdoor-DX plan. Yes, Whitney properly called out Derek X as a threat. But what she didn't do was make Christian doubt Derek's loyalty: "I'm guessing you two have some sort of agreement, since you nominated everyone on my team EXCEPT for him and he's the big threat. And that's fine; you need to protect yourself. I get that. The problem is, an agreement is only as good as the person you're agreeing with. Look at his history. Week 1, Frenchie was targeting Derek because he was close to Travis. You remember, we were in that meeting. (Mockingly makes Slaughterhouse "chop" sign.) And then D wins the Veto, and what does he do? Sells out Travis by helping Frenchie pull the backdoor on him. Great "friend" he was. And I'm guessing he and Frenchie made some sort of agreement for D to agree to do that. But then Week 2, Frenchie's on the block, Derek wins the Veto (again)…and he just lets Frenchie dangle in the wind. Their "deal" meant nothing to Derek. Last week? I'm not saying I miss Brent, either…but he was on our team. Derek didn't care. And now he's walking around with Hannah, snug as two bugs in a rug, all sure he knows what's going to happen. You wanna bet that if he'd won the Veto, he wouldn't have used it on her? I don't. Even though he knew you would want him to leave noms the same. I can just imagine his goodbye messages: 'Sorry, Travis…', 'Sorry, Frenchie…', 'Sorry, Brent…' He probably can't wait to do 'Sorry, Christian…'. Personally, I love Derek; he's a great guy. But in the game, he's a snake. And snakes are dangerous. Get rid of him, get rid of the danger, knock Hannah off-stride, and you gain a VERY grateful ally. (points to self) Win-win-win." Okay, so that might not have worked anyhow. But worth a shot, I say. 3 Link to comment
30 Helens August 5, 2021 Share August 5, 2021 8 hours ago, icemiser69 said: Hannah comes off as a smug entitled jerk. To me, Hannah comes off as intelligent, introverted, and observant. She plays very quietly, and I’ve never heard her say anything that would paint her as smug or entitled. It’s not her fault that production keeps inserting a clip of her with a sly smirk whenever there’s a voiceover about her. Personally, I like the sly smirk. I’ve been known to make that expression myself on occasion. As well as the random eyeroll. Hey.. am I Hannah?? 4 hours ago, Maya said: Derek X reminds me of the people on Survivor who ditch their own team to become the bottom rung in the majority alliance, and then wonder why they’re picked off first once everyone else on their old team is gone. In BB, I don’t think it’s ever wise to turn down membership in an alliance, even when you’re potentially on the bottom. That doesn’t mean his allegiance is actually with said alliance. If nothing else, it gives him access to intel as well as cover for a few weeks. And the longer he has that cover, the more time he has to make something else work. Or, what @Nashville said. 😉 1 7 Link to comment
Nashville August 5, 2021 Share August 5, 2021 19 minutes ago, 30 Helens said: To me, Hannah comes off as intelligent, introverted, and observant. She plays very quietly, and I’ve never heard her say anything that would paint her as smug or entitled. It’s not her fault that production keeps inserting a clip of her with a sly smirk whenever there’s a voiceover about her. Hannah’s the meanest slyest backstabbing bitch BB has ever known - in the DR. In the House, though...? IMHO Hannah barely qualifies as a nonentity, to date. To be fair, though, it wouldn’t surprise me overmuch if the VAST majority of Hannah’s DR big talk was due to prompting from Production. 3 Link to comment
Tachi Rocinante August 5, 2021 Share August 5, 2021 19 hours ago, HerkyJerky said: Why was Hannah wearing a USF sweatshirt? She’s from Chicago & she went to college in Chicago. Is she going to grad school in Tampa? And, oh yeah, GO BULLS! Don't they all swap clothes eventually? I'm pretty sure 2 or 3 people have worn the ugly-ass Michigan sweatshirt already. 1 Link to comment
Mmazeo August 6, 2021 Share August 6, 2021 (edited) Horribly boring episode. Horribly boring cast so far. When can we get to the blowups and screaming matches? This is trash TV people c'mon. Derek F. Not sure I've seen a bigger waste of space on BB since the cereal eating dude from a few seasons ago. Edited August 6, 2021 by Mmazeo 2 Link to comment
HerkyJerky August 6, 2021 Share August 6, 2021 Good point, Tachi. Alyssa’s from Sarasota, FL, so the sweatshirt is probably hers. Link to comment
toomuchtv August 6, 2021 Share August 6, 2021 (edited) Wrong thread, sorry 🤦♀️ Edited August 6, 2021 by toomuchtv 1 Link to comment
Wandering Snark August 6, 2021 Share August 6, 2021 23 minutes ago, toomuchtv said: Definitely obvious Whitney was going to go and there was no last minute change of plans because of how she was dressed for the eviction Come to think of it, yeah, Hannah outfit did scream 'Bitch, you going HOME!' 1 Link to comment
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