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Season 23 Live Feeds Discussion

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1 hour ago, Nashville said:

I advise public pension fund clients on fiduciary and governance matters and represent institutional investors in private equity and hedge fund transactions.

That sounds like an absolute nightmare of boredom. Being on BB must feel like two months at Disneyworld. 

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t seems like the guys would want to go to the end with a woman, to improve their odds of winning.

I mean men beat men too just has to be the right man in X's case he can beat Ky and Derek much easier than he can beat Tiff. Tiff is the only CO who is even a remote threat to him at F2 no way he'd even risk it if he can avoid it, he will.

I do wonder if the there is a battle back, and that's why there IS a triple evict so it's less F7 and instead F8 so we're left with F5 at the end. 

Edited by blixie
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27 minutes ago, blixie said:

I do wonder if the there is a battle back, and that's why there IS a triple evict so it's less F7 and instead F8 so we're left with F5 at the end. 

I know the HGs keep talking about a Battle Back, but there's no reason to expect one, is there? I feel like there would have been hints by now if there were. 

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It's been a long time since I watched a season with a battle back so not sure what sort of signs to be looking for either on the feeds are not. I would think that with the popularity of DereX they'd want to give him the opportunity and draw any casuals back into it but I don't watch this show every single  year and so I have no idea. Also don't they always agree to vote out the person who Battled Back if they don't win HoH or Veto?

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Season 17 Johnny Mac came back in episode 30. Nicole and the S15 BB was in episode 26 so yeah they could still do it later. But yeah I think the bigger issue is that Ky mentioned the alliance, which may have been why he did it, to quash a battle back.  Also a lot of reporters were allowed to ask DereX about the CO, but  he still thinks Hannah wasn't part of it, which to be fair I also thought for a couple of weeks and Azah was still trying to argue with Tiff two weeks ago.

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They're not gonna not have a battle back because someone mentioned an alliance in a gb message. Although, it wouldn't be surprising if Ky thought that lol. But yea, they would just simply edit that part out or not even air that person's message. It was already clear they edited a lot out of Ky's message. He talks too much. 

I was trying to figure out the schedule and see if a battle back would even make sense, but I can never remember how the show works from F4 on so I couldn't figure it out lol.

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2 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Did everyone see the hullabaloo with people finding Ky's old tweets and whatnot last night? I'm glad I thought he was off from the minute I heard him speak pre-show lol.

No. Can you give more details? 

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43 minutes ago, blixie said:

Also a lot of reporters were allowed to ask DereX about the CO, but  he still thinks Hannah wasn't part of it

The tweets and articles I saw all reference the same Heavy interview:


Note the interviewer never said "cookout", she simply asked him about the "low-key alliance" he and Claire had sniffed out a couple of weeks earlier (that clip is also in the article - I'd never seen it in its entirety before). So yeah, even though he says he and Claire treated the "other" alliance as a joke and discounted it at the time, he's obviously figured it out since. I interpreted his remark about Hannah to mean he didn't think she was part of it at the time, not that he still thinks so. I think he totally knows by now.

10 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Did everyone see the hullabaloo with people finding Ky's old tweets and whatnot last night? 

The only one I saw was the pro-Scooter Braun/anti-Taylor Swift tweet lol. What's the latest?

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I know … they need to get the Cookout to final 6.  I understand but …. is there anyone else out there that would love to see the women pull a blindside and get one of the guys out this week?  You know … expect the unexpected.   And next.  

Just saying.   


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52 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

A lot of tweets complaining to companies (hence the Kyren nickname lol),

Wow, you weren't joking! The #kycomplains thread on twitter is pretty hilarious. He became an overnight meme, lol. 

Back in the ancient pre-internet days of yore I had a friend who would write (actual letters!) to companies, restaurants, etc, whenever she experienced the slightest bit of dissatisfaction or inconvenience because she said they would always send her some kind of coupon as an apology. She would wholeheartedly approve of #kycomplains, lol.

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2 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

I was trying to figure out the schedule and see if a battle back would even make sense, but I can never remember how the show works from F4 on so I couldn't figure it out lol.

You should talk to Hannah! The woman is a walking BB encyclopedia. She was listing the placement of battle backs, double evictions, surprise Tuesday evictions, etc., week by week, season after season. I mean, I’ve seen them all but I don’t even remember what happened last year!

But I agree, there’s no way they’re doing a battle back now that Derex has information about the alliance. Hannah is convinced it’s happening because that’s the only way the math makes sense to her. She hasn’t calculated for a triple eviction.

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13 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

She hasn’t calculated for a triple eviction.

Which I still don’t get. It just happened last season! I hope they continue to forget it exists so it’ll be a huge surprise. As long as Production doesn’t fuck up and spoil it to the HGs again lol.

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Man, Ky's tweets is like listening to my mom on the phone. "And then - you're not gonna believe this - I asked for the manager." No wonder I burned out so badly on him this season. He's probably going to criticize how I stack the dishes in the drain rack next. Like no one else makes Mount Corelle when it's their turn to wash? Pfft.

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4 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

If there was a battle back, I doubt they would have aired the part of Ky's message that talked about a day 1 alliance.

Exactly I don’t think they would have shown that to DerekX if there was a battle back


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45 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Man, Ky's tweets is like listening to my mom on the phone. "And then - you're not gonna believe this - I asked for the manager." No wonder I burned out so badly on him this season. He's probably going to criticize how I stack the dishes in the drain rack next. Like no one else makes Mount Corelle when it's their turn to wash? Pfft.

Still trying (unsuccessfully) to work out how “Kyland” can be anagrammed into something including “Karen”….

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11 minutes ago, kassandra8286 said:



I’m suddenly having a Summer School flashback:

Shoop: Can anybody tell me why writing is important? 

Pam: Because it's a form of communication. 

Shoop: Very good, it can also get you free stuff

Kids: Free

Shoop: Free, I'm writing the word... "Free". Here's how it works, we've all been ripped off, right? Pay phone steals your money... not enough cheese on your pizza... 

Chainsaw: My shades keep falling apart! 

Shoop: Perfect! Now, you're going to write that company a letter, and you're going to see action, but only if the letter is well written... and it threatens to hurt their business... and is signed- forgive me Chainsaw- Francis Gremp, President: Consumer Against Faulty Eyewear. 

Chainsaw: You want me to lie? Okay.


I’m guessing that’s one of Ky’s favorite movies.

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15 minutes ago, Yogisbooboo64 said:
1 hour ago, Nashville said:

Still trying (unsuccessfully) to work out how “Kyland” can be anagrammed into something including “Karen”….

Now dammit, Karen's my first name....I will NOT be punished this way!!




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55 minutes ago, Yogisbooboo64 said:

Still trying (unsuccessfully) to work out how “Kyland” can be anagrammed into something including “Karen”….

It's Kyren.

8 minutes ago, himela said:

Who would have thought final 9 would be so boring that we would have to entertain ourselves with stuff outside the game... :(

Every season is boring by now imo. And often way before this lol.

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The only remotely recent season I remember not being boring at this point in the season was - God forbid - Season 15.  Wasn't this about when the house started turning on Amanda?  Now THAT was good times, even though everyone was pretty much vile except for Rachel's sister.   Maybe the Vanessa season, but she was boring to me because she did the same thing week after week after week.  

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20 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

They think this week’s comp will be endurance, in order to have enough to fill out Sunday’s episode. Good luck making anyone believe Deref wins that on his own.

Well, Christmas did win a foot race with a broken leg.

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7 hours ago, Nashville said:

Still trying (unsuccessfully) to work out how “Kyland” can be anagrammed into something including “Karen”….

Don't worry about "Karen." Just channel your inner Brett and make an anagram from Kyland. Dankly, Anklyd, Knadyl, Klandy, Dylank, Aldynk.  . .

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Ky's tweets remind me of my dad when he first came to the U.S. He barely spoke any English. But he got a chocolate bar out of a vending machine that had a roach in it. He taped the dead roach to the wrapper and sent it to the company. He got a $5 gift certificate lol.


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Kyland obviously has a compulsive need to communicate every minute he's awake. For him, BB is the perfect environment - a house full of trapped listeners. Outside the BB house, he has to resort to tweeting endlessly his every thought. 

I wonder if there's somebody who was confined with him during the pandemic? Maybe someone should do a wellness check on them 😁

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Tiff and Ky are talking about CO eviction order. Ky says he doesn’t want to go to the end with X because he’s too likeable. They predict the votes between him and X and it comes out 4-4, with Deref as the tiebreaker. Ky is not convinced he would have Deref’s vote.

They agree that Deref would beat any of them in a F2, and that he needs to go first. Tiff suggests getting out X next, because “that would leave you, me, Azah and Chaddah. If you can’t beat us, that’s on you.” Ha.

ETA: The conversation ended with Ky promising to take Tiff to F2. After he leaves, Tiff whispers that she will take Chaddah. If she has to lose to someone, that’s who she wants to lose to.

Edited by 30 Helens
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