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Season 23 Live Feeds Discussion

Message added by statsgirl,

We understand that some hot button topics are coming up this season, such as with the Cookout. Reminder that it's ok to disagree but do NOT break our Be Civil rule. Keep your comments about the show, NOT about the people on this forum. If you can't disagree civilly and without talking about the posters, utilize the Ignore User function or scroll past their posts. And reminder that there is more to this season than the Cookout so if you feel like a conversation is going in circles, feel free to move on to something else. Going forward, unwillingness to adhere to these rules will result in warnings.

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Obviously, Ky is suffering from some major HoHitis this week, but at the same time, I dunno, I sort of get the impression that he's just a weird guy overall, so when he is the center of attention, he almost can't NOT be an oddball. In other words, I don't think any of this is calculated, he's just an oddball. 

But yeah, still, this is quite a case of HOHitis. 

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3 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

Well, if Derek X has actually clocked the Cookout and then pitched Hannah on flipping the vote this week to vote out Derek F instead of Britni, then, well, that's precisely what I was talking about when I noted it was not the time to do that. What a maroon.

I'm 90% sure Tiffany told him not to say anything about that brilliant plan until after the Veto meeting. Possibly Claire at some point, too. So it's double dumb. Possibly triple.

2 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

Obviously, Ky is suffering from some major HoHitis this week, but at the same time, I dunno, I sort of get the impression that he's just a weird guy overall, so when he is the center of attention, he almost can't NOT be an oddball. In other words, I don't think any of this is calculated, he's just an oddball. 

But yeah, still, this is quite a case of HOHitis. 

Kyland's also at a disadvantage because his current ADHD meds aren't enough for the stress that the house puts on them but since prescriptions can't be changed and they can't add a night dose to his meds, I think this is why it always happens in the early hours of the morning. He's talked about it off and on.

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Tiff visits Hannah and Derex and does her best impression of Ky, aka The Don, aka The Therapist:

”How can I help you? Tell me your problems. Tell me everything you know, and I’m not gonna tell you anything I know. Then I’m going to take the information you gave and use it against you. When do you want to go on the block, this week or next week? ‘Cause I’m a gentle man.”

Hannah tells how Ky cornered her at 2:45am, wanting to talk. She asked if it could wait because she wanted to go to bed. He promised it would be quick. “I was in there until 3:30!”



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Tiffany/Kyland quick hits:

  • the popcorn was burnt and stinking up the room. Iron Stomach Hannah outside in the lounge to the rescue!
  • Kyland is not answering questions "due to time". 💀
  • Kyland basically asked Tiffany to lay out her entire game and strategy to him.
  • Tiffany pulled a Teresa Giudice and blinked a lot, just without the twohead.
  • At the 23 minute mark, Kyland had "just a few more questions". 💀
  • Kyland, spitting hypotheticals: "Why would someone want you to be the replacement nominee?" Tiffany: " *blink* Because they don't like me." 💀
  • (bonus content!) Xavier and Azah continue to complain to each other about Kyland's communication style, HoH style, and donkey style. Hee-HAW.
  • (bonus content!) I missed a lot because the cucumber and lettuce was particularly crunchy and then I had to step away to get stoned because no way am I sitting through 10 more marathon one-on-ones straight.

Tiffany/Kyland clocks in at 35 minutes! A new record for tonight!

Anyone remember the 5 minute rapid fire one-on-ones Ky held in his first HoH reign? I miss those.

Kyland, about his next victim: "Who's out there?"
Tiffany, looking: "No one."
Me: 💀

Edited by Callaphera
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2 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Anyone remember the 5 minute rapid fire one-on-ones Ky held in his first HoH reign? I miss those.

So does Hannah. She specifically mentioned that.

Britini asks Azah who she thinks the replacement nom should be. (Azah: more silence.) Britini thinks it should be Tiffany, and says she’s going to suggest that to Ky. (Azah: pained silence.) Azah finally says Brit should talk to Deref first. Buck passer.

After Brit leaves, Azah moans that she should have kept Christian, because he would have fought against that side of the house. She has come to trust X, and thinks she should try to work with Alyssa. She has a risky plan in mind, which she is going to demonstrate with Skittles… 

But feeds operator is tired of candy diagrams, and switches feed to back yard.

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Britini/Kyland quick hits:

  • It starts with a gift of gluten free chicken tenders to the lamb being led to slaughter. That's sweet.
  • Britini: "You have been more than transparent to me about everything this week." 💀
  • The HGs in the backyard are roasting Travis and it's way more fun. This sucks.
  • Britini is having as much fun as Kyland is in this interrogation. 💀
  • Britini: "I tell you this in confidence because I know we're going to continue to work together past this week." 💀💀💀
  • Britini knows she's the perpetual pawn and that she's gonna ride it to the end. She says she's scared until the ceremony on Monday even if she doesn't think she'll go on the block.
  • Did you know Britini has been on the block three times? Because she's been on the block three times. She just wants to mention it one more time: on the block three times. Fourth time's the charm?

Britini/Kyland clocks in at 19 minutes with a long hug to end it.

Alyssa is waiting in the wings for Kyland to reset his grid. Alyssa enters the HoH. She just put her Invisalign in so no M&Ms for her. Timer started for Alyssa/Kyland.

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I haven’t been watching these one on ones, but I just saw part of the Britini interview and it appears Ky has been studying the Frenchie playbook. He’s become quite the benevolent despot. And what is up with the M&Ms? Is there is a reason people have to put candy on a square instead of just, you know, saying a name

Oh, and Ky has his own Master Candy Chart, with all HG interview answers recorded in a pattern of multicolored Skittles. This is officially Too Much.


Edited by 30 Helens
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Alyssa/Kyland quick hits:

  • Alyssa's mic sucks and my cat is crying for crunchies so I'm totes paying close attention to this one.
  • Alyssa: "It's like an interview. I didn't know I was applying for a job." 💀
  • Kyland swoops away the hoodie to do a dramatic reveal of his Q-Tip grid! Alyssa's reaction: "Oh. Wow!" 💀
  • Kyland: "Tell me your noms and your target for next week if you win HoH." Alyssa: "Yeeeah, I'm not comfortable with that."
  • Alyssa also refuses to say who she would vote for this week. Because Cool Girls fly by the seat of their pants.

Alyssa/Kyland clocks in at 11 minutes. Speedy! Alyssa's mic finally turns on to bleed over the HoH cam footage to tell Production that she is going to bed in the HN room and X is the only other person staying in there so if we could turn off the lights? Cool. Kyland resets his grid! And talks to the camera but I'm still not listening. But he's screwing up his own tally of candy so this is going excellently.

  • LOL 3
4 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

I haven’t been watching these one on ones, but I just saw part of the Britini interview and it appears Ky has been studying the Frenchie playbook. He’s become quite the benevolent despot. And what is up with the M&Ms? Is there is a reason people have to put candy on a square instead of just, you know, saying a name


There's still ostensibly a rule against naming who you're nominating outright, right?

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Kyland finds a new victim. Xavier-chu, Kyland chooses you! Derex will be next in line so that he can go to bed soon. Deref calls him "Frenchie 2.0".

Xavier/Kyland enter the HoH. Timer started.


6 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

And what is up with the M&Ms? Is there is a reason people have to put candy on a square instead of just, you know, saying a name

I think he's trying to get around the Britney Haynes rule but it doesn't count for everyone, just the HoH. Also I think it's a plausible deniability thing, too, because no one is supposed to actually say names so technically no names are being said, you know? Though sometimes they do. Not Britini, though. She's got that memory wall fucking memorized.


Edited by Callaphera

Xavier/Kyland quick hits:

  • I started the timer and then went to take the garbage down. Sorry.
  • Kyland does a dramatic reveal of his Q-Tip grid aaand... Xavier is totally not amused. And he's going to eat his M&Ms. It feels like he's channeling Samuel L. Jackson and I'm down for it. He's had it with these motherfucking Q-Tips in this motherfucking grid.
  • Xavier feels secure. Kyland feels secure. Can we please move on to the next? This one is even more boring than normal.
  • I took off the headphones for a rest because I really don't care. Production turned off the feeds for a rest because they don't really care.
  • (bonus content!) Britini is going to sleep not knowing that she's going to be the replacement nom and the target.
  • I sent the husband off to work and locked the door behind him just as the meeting made its way to the HoH door. Huzzah! I didn't have to fudge the time!
  • Xavier: "DR, Xavier is ready." Big Brother: "Kyland, please go to the diary room downstairs!"

Xavier/Kyland clocks out at exactly 18 minutes on the dot.

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Kyland finds a new victim! Derex-chu, Kyland chooses you!

Derex enters the HoH room. Timer started. I was so engrossed in Britini's whining to Xavier that I was about thirty seconds late in starting. Because this is super technical and precise, I'll make a note to add 0:30.00 to the timer at the end. I don't want to be accused of cooking the times.

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Derex/Kyland quick hits:

  • Donkey shop talk. Hee-HAW.
  • I had to isolate the audio for the HoH cams because Britini's voice is so overpowering, even when she's talking quietly in the bathroom, she's ALL YOU CAN FUCKING HEAR.
  • Derex voted Tiffany as "Most Influential". Tiffany is running away with that poll and will probably get a full page spread in this year's yearbook.
  • Kyland sneezed all over his Q-Tip grid. Really showing some stellar personal hygiene in the house, Ky.
  • This "Why would someone tell me to make you the replacement nom?" question is as baffling to Derex as it is to me. And I've heard it five times now!
  • WOO! HALFWAY THROUGH THE ONE-ON-ONES PARTY! Party like you already talked to Kyland and are freeeee!
  • It took 41 seconds for Kyland to puzzle his way through the start of 3 sentences, end on a fourth one, and then said "Just one more question." 💀
  • SB and Hannah interrupted to end it early. Thank you.

Derex/Kyland clocks in at 14 minutes (13:30 + 0:30) (I'm a Virgo).

Kyland recovers his grid! Kyland finds a new victim. Hannah-chu, Kyland chooses you!

Hannah enters the HoH room. Timer started.

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Hannah/Kyland quick hits:

  • Jesus, BB, fix the sound. It's loud, it's quiet, it's echo-y. But it's never good.
  • Literally all I hear is Kyland: "*quiet and long mumbling*" Hannah: "MM-HMM!!!"
  • Hannah is very good to directing Ky to get to the point. Kyland: "For expediency, I probably won't be answering questions." No matter how many times he says it, it still makes me laugh.
  • Kyland: "Who's most influential?" Hannah: "How do you define influential?" Kyland: "How do you?" Hannah: "No, how do you define influential?" Kyland: "Well, I want to know how people define influential." Fucking kill me already. I take back what I said.
  • Reasons why people would want Hannah as the replacement nom: because they might think she's smarter than she is because she sucked at two memory comps so she can't be that smart and also Derex.
  • basically, Hannah: "So what are you doing?" Kyland: "I'm not telling you."
  • at the beginning and at the end, Hannah cautions Kyland to lower his voice and whisper because people can hear him outside sometimes, not like super clear but Hannah heard him earlier tonight so just know and shhh.
  • Kyland is now answering questions from Hannah. 💀
  • Big Brother: "Kyland, please go to the diary room downstairs!" Jesus why are you extending this just stop calling him 911

Hannah/Kyland clocks in at 24 minutes.

Claire asked to talk to Kyland in the morning. AND NOW KYLAND NEEDS A POTTY BREAK FIRST. 💀

Sarah Beth is the cheese that stands alone in wait in the upstairs lounge for Kyland's eventual return. Nope, now she's a corpse on the hammock.

Claire, Hannah, and Derex as they brush their teeth downstairs,

Claire: "So what questions is he asking?"
Derex: "'What is your strategy?'"
Hannah: "What?"
Derex: "He didn't ask you 'what is your strategy?'"
Hannah: "He didn't ask me that."
Derex: "Well, fuck me then!"

ETA: I think the rest of the house is tapping out on the one-on-ones so I am, too. I was almost starting to not mind it there, which is kinda scary.

Edited by Callaphera
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Does anyone know if Lady-Thing made her 7 pm BBT giggle camera time with her Girly-Girl?

She started it and the feeds immediately cut to something else lol.

8 hours ago, himela said:

If I was Claire I'd quit the game and not look back again.

Why? Might as well stick around, see if you can win some comps and change up the game, and if not oh well you get money to spend time in a nice, big house for the rest of the summer. Not a bad deal really.

7 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Here are the house yearbook tags, according to Hannah: (not sure who was involved in the voting, but it was a group thing)

Hannah and X came up with the class superlatives during Hot Takes with Hannah last night.

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2 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Why? Might as well stick around, see if you can win some comps and change up the game, and if not oh well you get money to spend time in a nice, big house for the rest of the summer. Not a bad deal really.

Claire is a fan who was preparing for this for years. She maybe quit her job to be there, she had to go through quarantines, not see her loved one for months, miss her summer and then she finds out that she had absolutely no chance not only winning (1 out of 16 chance is low anyway) but having an impact in the game through her social game and strategy. The only thing everyone will remember from this season is the Cookout and how a black person won. Is this a season she wants to be in? Being mocked by everyone for not having realized it earlier? I wouldn't want to be that person. Who cares about the money, Claire might make more and afford a better summer home through her job.

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11 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Why? Might as well stick around, see if you can win some comps and change up the game, and if not oh well you get money to spend time in a nice, big house for the rest of the summer. Not a bad deal really.

Didn't they change the way it works the past few seasons and you make more money the longer you're in the house once jury phase kicks in since half of them used to just roll over and wait for death to take them now that they had the guaranteed jury stipend? Why would you ever want to DOR once jury kicks in? Pay back all the money they spent on you or make lots of money on vacay?

I love that I took a nap and missed the rest of the talks and found out that despite all of Kyland's Froot Loop counting and Skittle shifting... he's sticking with the original plan and targeting Britini. And he's been up all night. Again. Why. WHY.

I say we riot if Kyland wins a third HoH.

Edited by Callaphera
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13 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

I love that I took a nap and missed the rest of the talks and found out that despite all of Kyland's Froot Loop counting and Skittle shifting... he's sticking with the original plan and targeting Britini. And he's been up all night. Again. Why. WHY.

I say we riot if Kyland wins a third HoH.

Well, I think we all could have told you that he would stick with the original plan to target Britini.  As much as Deref might want to shift the target onto anyone but Britini, he and Azah have very little sway with the rest of the CO.  X, Hannah and Tiff are fine with Britini going this week, therefore Britini goes.

If Ky wins a third HOH how many of the remaining HGs will DOR?  He's giving Tiff a run for her money in the "Most Likely to Resemble Vanessa by the End of the Season" competition.  

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15 minutes ago, himela said:

Is this a season she wants to be in? Being mocked by everyone for not having realized it earlier?

I would say yes. She’s said numerous times how much fun she’s having. And I don’t expect anyone to mock her. Why would they? People get evicted by alliances they’re unaware of every year without being mocked. Certainly no one here thinks badly of her.

25 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:



Does anyone know if Lady-Thing made her 7 pm BBT giggle camera time with her Girly-Girl?

She started it and the feeds immediately cut to something else lol.


Poor Alyssa, she keeps getting cock blocked by Button Boy.

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People don't realize there's an alliance that gets them evicted every season and yea sometimes they are mocked but Claire, as a fan, would know this so considering she still went on the show I would think she doesn't have a problem with it lol.

Again, if she leaves, she gets nothing and will absolutely face even more ridicule online so like it makes no sense to me (and I'm sure her) to quit just because she's not a part of the alliance that is dominating, like so many (particularly POC) HGs before her.

And again, all that has to happen is that some non-CO members wins some HOHs and target CO members and the game is wide open. Now, it probably won't happen, but it's certainly not like there's literally no hope for Claire and Derex.

Well, maybe Derex, since he's being really stupid lol.

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14 minutes ago, HighQueenEB said:

Well, I think we all could have told you that he would stick with the original plan to target Britini.  As much as Deref might want to shift the target onto anyone but Britini, he and Azah have very little sway with the rest of the CO.  X, Hannah and Tiff are fine with Britini going this week, therefore Britini goes.

There was a slight off-chance of a surprise!Derex target if Tiffany and Hannah had spilled about how he wanted to flip the vote and wants to target the Cookout men. But they both sat on it so it was a non-starter. I don't want to lose Derex already but it could have been fun.


11 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

Poor Alyssa, she keeps getting cock blocked by Button Boy.

This truly is BB23: The Summer of the Cockblock.

BB22: AS2: 2 Big 2 Brother aside, how long has it been since absolutely no one on the cast has slept with someone else in the house? We're in the jury phase and we've only had one giggle nomance hair flip and I'm not sure they progressed beyond a little kissy face before Alyssa would cockblock herself with poop talk.

Edited by Callaphera
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Certainly if she left she'd screw her chances of being asked back for a future season!  

I wouldn't want to go on BB because introvert; I wouldn't be picked if I tried because introvert; if picked I'd be out soon because old, decrepit, fat, and introvert; but if I stayed I certainly would mix up my words like Deref.  I have word retrieval issues (I prefer to believe it's because my brain works faster than my tongue).  Yesterday my uncle asked me what my brother (who was burned out last fall in one of the Oregon fires and hits snag after snag in rebuilding) was doing re his living situation.  I said I thought they had gotten as far as...as...as having put in "that thing the poop goes in."  Luckily he guessed I meant septic tank.

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OK, so CBS made mincemeat out of that rather lengthy conversation between Xavier and Tiffany. Tiff was actually expressing concern about how The Cookout will be perceived by the viewers and Xavier countered with all this justification bullshit like “We have to do this, this is our moment in history, if we don’t do this nobody will, blah blah blah” and he proceeded to name all the black HGs in BB history including two of the worst players in BB history Lawon and Swaggy C. Give me a fucking break. CBS tonight chose to highlight both their qualms about stabbing the non-whites in the back because they were becoming close to them. Awww. But naaaaaah, Xavier said, this is what we have to do. And by that he means continue on with a thoroughly race-based agenda. Of all the times I’d be up for a wall yeller or plane banner it would be now.

It wouldn't be so bad if their objective was just to get all six to jury. But that isn't their objective.

Edited by TimWil
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17 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

There was a slight off-chance of a surprise!Derex target if Tiffany and Hannah had spilled about how he wanted to flip the vote and wants to target the Cookout men. But they both sat on it so it was a non-starter. I don't want to lose Derex already but it could have been fun.

Which only proves my theory that Tiff, for sure, is looking for a way to get out of the CO pact without any blood on her hands.  If Derex wins HOH next week, she and Hannah can absolutely steer him toward targeting the CO men and throw up their hands at the guys and say "well, I guess we don't control him as well as we thought we did".  The fact that Hannah also kept her mouth shut is interesting to me.  She's clearly thinking long term as well, plus she'd probably love nothing more than to lose Ky after his HOH this week.

Best case scenario to break up the CO next week is either Derex or Claire wins and Alyssa, in a bid to save herself, points out that X, Tiff and Azah have never seen the block.  D/C asks the 3 of them to decide which 2 will be the initial nominees with the understanding that none of them are the actual target, that the plan is to backdoor SB.  D/C can tell the three they don't care which of them wins POV because one of them is coming down and SB will be going up.  If Ky wins POV, golly-gosh-darn, he'll either use it and remain true to the CO thinking that the HOH is planning on putting SB up, but in reality, the HOH plans on putting another CO up - probably Deref but possibly Ky (I can see Tiff & Hannah steering D/C into Ky/X final noms).  At that point, the CO pact is over because one of them is going home and Tiff, Hannah and D/C will most likely control that choice.

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1 hour ago, Callaphera said:

Didn't they change the way it works the past few seasons and you make more money the longer you're in the house once jury phase kicks in since half of them used to just roll over and wait for death to take them now that they had the guaranteed jury stipend? Why would you ever want to DOR once jury kicks in? Pay back all the money they spent on you or make lots of money on vacay?

I love that I took a nap and missed the rest of the talks and found out that despite all of Kyland's Froot Loop counting and Skittle shifting... he's sticking with the original plan and targeting Britini. And he's been up all night. Again. Why. WHY.

I say we riot if Kyland wins a third HoH.


3 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Didn't they change the way it works the past few seasons and you make more money the longer you're in the house once jury phase kicks in since half of them used to just roll over and wait for death to take them now that they had the guaranteed jury stipend?

I thought so - that the HGs’ in-house weekly stipend had been bumped significantly higher than the JH stipend, to incentivize HGs to put in the work to stay in the House.

3 hours ago, Callaphera said:

There was a slight off-chance of a surprise!Derex target if Tiffany and Hannah had spilled about how he wanted to flip the vote and wants to target the Cookout men. But they both sat on it so it was a non-starter. I don't want to lose Derex already but it could have been fun.


This truly is BB23: The Summer of the Cockblock.

BB22: AS2: 2 Big 2 Brother aside, how long has it been since absolutely no one on the cast has slept with someone else in the house? We're in the jury phase and we've only had one giggle nomance hair flip and I'm not sure they progressed beyond a little kissy face before Alyssa would cockblock herself with poop talk.

 I'd say last season. Most house guests were married or had significant others.

Man, Britini will be incandescent with rage that she ended up being a casualty of The Cookout.  And will feel especially betrayed by Azah and Derek F although they weren’t directly responsible. Her demeanor on Finale Night should be interesting. I doubt she’ll get into that good ole “it was just a game, we really do all love each other” schtick.

Edited by TimWil
3 minutes ago, TimWil said:

Man, Britini will be incandescent with rage that she ended up being a casualty of The Cookout.  And will feel especially betrayed by Azah and Derek F although they weren’t directly responsible. Her demeanor on Finale Night should be interesting. I doubt she’ll get into that good ole “it was just a game, we really do all love each other” schtick.

Depends on whether or not she finds out about the CO before the Finale.  If the other jury members aren't allowed or just don't discuss it with her then she might not find out until after the show is over.  At that point, she might very well be incandescent.  But, like others have said, she is going to probably hitch her stars and ego to the fact that America loves her and gave her $100 and that's all that matters.

Now, what I would like to see BB do, just to eff with the HGs and not see Britini's money go to waste is either have America vote for a 4th HG to receive the unused money or let Britini pick a recipient.

9 minutes ago, TimWil said:

Man, Britini will be incandescent with rage that she ended up being a casualty of The Cookout.  And will feel especially betrayed by Azah and Derek F although they weren’t directly responsible. Her demeanor on Finale Night should be interesting. I doubt she’ll get into that good ole “it was just a game, we really do all love each other” schtick.

There's very little chance that Britni will be doing anything but talking about how they HAD to get rid of her because America loved her SO much. 

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It's pretty funny that Britni thinks that she has the votes to stay. 

Oh, she does? Hopefully they can keep her in the dark until the live show so there's at least something interesting to look forward to this week. I hate weeks when we know who's going and 100% know there's no way it's changing. So boring. But Brit being blindsided on the live show could make up for it.

But who am I kidding, she'll be told beforehand and then cry for a few hours before letting death take her.

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8 minutes ago, choclatechip45 said:

Britni is going to feel betrayed by Deref and Azah. 

Derek is on the block WITH her and so how would Azah voting for their other teammate over Britni be a specific betrayal of Britni? I think they're both going to get out of this fine with Britni. The others are the ones that are risking losing Britni's jury vote.

Message added by statsgirl,

We understand that some hot button topics are coming up this season, such as with the Cookout. Reminder that it's ok to disagree but do NOT break our Be Civil rule. Keep your comments about the show, NOT about the people on this forum. If you can't disagree civilly and without talking about the posters, utilize the Ignore User function or scroll past their posts. And reminder that there is more to this season than the Cookout so if you feel like a conversation is going in circles, feel free to move on to something else. Going forward, unwillingness to adhere to these rules will result in warnings.

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