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Season 23 Live Feeds Discussion

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I have a feeling I'll be sad to say goodbye to Britini. After she leaves the drama and energy level of the house should go down 30%.

Also, I know how desperately she wants to stay. Even without the CO I can't picture her winning, but still, I'll miss her. 

She reminds me a lot of the last BBCan's Victoria. I expected to find her loud and annoying, but actually she was loud, fun, unpredictable and energetic. When she was voted out there was a real void. 

Edited by Melina22
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3 hours ago, kassandra8286 said:


3 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

Sarah Beth says she doesn't know what to do with her hair.

Don't let Tiffany hear that!


Oh, please DO let her hear it! Really, I want to see that haircut.

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1 minute ago, Lady Whistleup said:

Well SB might shake up the week. She says she's putting up Df and Azah.

Ky will talk her out of that. And that's not too much a shake up anyway since those 2 are bottom of the CO.

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3 minutes ago, Lady Whistleup said:

Well SB might shake up the week. She says she's putting up Df and Azah.

Sadly, she'll just do what Ky says, so it'll likely be DX and someone else. Either Hannah or Claire is my best guess.

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1 minute ago, Lady Whistleup said:

Well SB might shake up the week. She says she's putting up Df and Azah.

LMAO.  Sure she is.  Until Ky talks her out of it and convinces her that Derex and Claire are the really big targets she needs to get out this week.  This is basically Ky's HOH #3.  Worst possible outcome for the non-CO.  The only way this isn't Ky running the show is if Derex, Claire and Alyssa can convince SB of the CO's existence and convince her to do the opposite of whatever Ky suggests.

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I was definitely hoping for Derek X, to keep things interesting.  I tried with SB, but I find her insufferable, and have a feeling I'm REALLY going to find her insufferable this week.  And yay.  Lots more of Ky on my feeds.  Yay.

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Just now, Katesus7 said:

I was definitely hoping for Derek X, to keep things interesting.  I tried with SB, but I find her insufferable, and have a feeling I'm REALLY going to find her insufferable this week.  And yay.  Lots more of Ky on my feeds.  Yay.

She's going to be rough....UNLESS Claire and Derek X can convince her of the Cookout threat.

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I mean Claire/DereX  need to tell her what's up, even it they only suspect it, like immediately. While I think SB is close to Kyland I can't imagine she doesn't remember the savior of sweet Chaddah at her direct expense, nor do I think she is hooked on Ky as she pretends. I am sure Ky will try the stuck to her like glue thing so UGH. Sigh.

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Ky was already in the storage room with SB saying something like "For ME, I think Claire/Derek X should be the targets, just with what happened this week (?), but it's obviously YOUR HOH not MINE, so you do whatever you want to do".  Yeah, he's going to be working her hard this week.

Edited by Katesus7
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How do they not all know yet? About CO. It would HAVE to be on their radar. So to just sit back and let it happen boggles my mind. And for Big D and Azah to go along when the writing is on the wall that they will be 1st and 2nd CO members to go to jury. It is for $750K this year. To just sit back and watch that float away....makes me wonder if this season is more "scripted" than others.

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2 minutes ago, Lamima said:

How do they not all know yet? About CO. It would HAVE to be on their radar. So to just sit back and let it happen boggles my mind. And for Big D and Azah to go along when the writing is on the wall that they will be 1st and 2nd CO members to go to jury. It is for $750K this year. To just sit back and watch that float away....makes me wonder if this season is more "scripted" than others.

Honestly?  Because the CO has been extremely diligent about NEVER having meetings with even more than 3 of them.  They are never seen together.  And have had issues with each other which the house has seen.  I mean Michie and his group practically peed on their territory and dared anyone to come talk to them at the beginning.  

Why exactly WOULD anyone be onto this 6 person alliance which has done absolutely nothing to show that they are a 6 person alliance?

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15 minutes ago, Lady Whistleup said:

Well Ky just said to nom Claire and Dx and SB didn't agree. We'll see how long she can hold up.

From SB's perspective, she's been working with Derex & Claire as part of the now defunct Royal Flush alliance, they both worked hard to get Christian out instead of her 2 weeks ago, and no one has ever told her that her name has "been in their mouths" as a possible nom.  So, I can see why she would be resistant to targeting them.

It's the same thing I was thinking earlier in the week/last Sunday - that Ky/Hannah/Tiff would have a hard time convincing Derex/Claire/SB to not target Deref & Azah.  She's never worked with them, never been in an alliance with them, and, as far as she is aware, the Jokers are the ones the Royal Flush+Hannah are working to eliminate first.  There is a chance, given that she still feels loyalty to Alyssa as a fellow King, and has no axe to grind with Derex/Claire, that the four of them could come together and openly clock the CO and strategize their way out of being systematically eliminated, if she is as smart and as observant as Hannah & Tiff thought before they were convinced to shift their target to first Christian then Britini plus not as blinded by Ky as not only the CO but we as feedsters also believe right now. 

And I'm not ruling out that possibility - a week ago we were all despairing of anyone not in the CO wising up to its existence and here we are a week later with both Derex & Claire fully aware, Alyssa making some comments that indicate at least a nascent awareness, not to mention observing Alyssa stepping up her game now that she's Christian-free - so SB could have been just biding her time, humoring Ky because you know the old adage "keep your friends close and your enemies closer" applies absolutely in BB.  And we really don't know what's going on in her mind since she hasn't done any camera-only talks like Claire.

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7 minutes ago, Lady Whistleup said:

Ok I like Tiffany and Azah but I always hate the part of the week where they bitch about who won HoH after they both lost miserably. If you want power, try to actually win HoH.

I mean, they did try. They just aren't good at comps lol.

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Azah and Tiff still lying in bed bitching about SB and how much it sucks that she's HoH. Also that she took the 5k. It's been an hour. Then they say "I don't know how we get out of this week."

I don't know, get your asses out of bed and try talking to the HoH?

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7 minutes ago, choclatechip45 said:

Dumb question do we know if Shelly is real? Like has she surfaced on twitter....

Shelly is real. Her IG was found. Pictures of them together made the rounds and then Shelly changed all her social media accounts to private.

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2 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Shelly is real. Her IG was found. Pictures of them together made the rounds and then Shelly changed all her social media accounts to private.

Thanks. That is what I was wondering tried doing a search and got BB13 Shelly.

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Well this is interesting.  SB having conversation 3? Out of 5,000? with Ky right now, and she's saying she feels good with Claire and Tiff because they listened to her this week when she was explaining why she wanted Brit out, but X and Alyssa never listened to her.  Sounds like she might be thinking of those two?  So THAT could be fun.

Also, she wants to bring Tiff/Clair in and make them part of her HOH to gain their trust.  As long as she knows she doesn't decide to go after them, which right now she does not want to do.  Y'all, I wish I didn't have to wake up and work tomorrow, because I have a feeling this is going to  be a LONG night.


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Ah, Clown Shoe. The Paul Loses Again of its day.

You can see the shoe at 0:51. What a stroke of luck that (a) Jeff had a side lane and (b) wasn't smart enough to look outside his ball pit.

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Why exactly WOULD anyone be onto this 6 person alliance which has done absolutely nothing to show that they are a 6 person alliance?

While I agree the CO have been masterful at disguising working together,  anyone with even a cursory understanding of not just racial dynamics in the world, but specifically on this show over the years, especially any super fans, should have at least THOUGHT about it after Whitney's eviction, spidey senses should of been in FULL tingle, and these are for sure the type of people for whom the bells should have been clanging loudly. I can for sure understand their reluctance to name it, much less target it, but again there are ways to talk about and strategize around this w/o being a racist. If they speculated about the first week, based on no game play whatsoever? That is a different situation all together. 

Imma gonna sacrifice a goat for SB to stay strong and run her own HoH and nom two CO's and if the non CO's managed to SHARE INFORMATION, I again I beg of them to not not not let any of the CO know that. 

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It's official. Kyland is this season's Andy Herren for me. I'm so burnt out on him and his voice and his sleepless paranoia and Tara Kelly Music and not kissing Sarah Beth and even though he's not omnipresent like Andy, it feels that way. I can't escape him. He is my feeds killer. I'd rather a loop of Britini wailing without tears than sit through Kyland bumbling his way through another twelve minute long sentence that has three starts, eight middles, and four endings but says absolutely nothing of substance. I'm beyond Bitch Eating Crackers with him. It's more like Bitch Eating Crackers In My Bed Without Taking Your Shoes Off After Walking Through A Mud Puddle. Better known as BECIMBWTYSOAWTAMP. It's phonetic.

Or, in GIF form if that was tl;dr,

Me, whenever Kyland is on the feed:

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24 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

It's official. Kyland is this season's Andy Herren for me. I'm so burnt out on him and his voice and his sleepless paranoia and Tara Kelly Music and not kissing Sarah Beth and even though he's not omnipresent like Andy, it feels that way. I can't escape him. He is my feeds killer. I'd rather a loop of Britini wailing without tears than sit through Kyland bumbling his way through another twelve minute long sentence that has three starts, eight middles, and four endings but says absolutely nothing of substance. I'm beyond Bitch Eating Crackers with him. It's more like Bitch Eating Crackers In My Bed Without Taking Your Shoes Off After Walking Through A Mud Puddle. Better known as BECIMBWTYSOAWTAMP. It's phonetic.

Or, in GIF form if that was tl;dr,

Me, whenever Kyland is on the feed:

Call me crazy, but I think I’m picking up on a certain negative vibe here….

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I’m torn. SB winning HoH could mean an interesting shakeup, if she does her own thing. But SB winning HoH could also mean Deputy Ky, which I cannot take, so…

I want the CO to prevail. But I’m not opposed to losing a CO member at this point. (As long as it’s not X or Tiff. Or Hannah.) They need to get scared, and learn to scramble, to get them out of their comfort zone and keep them on their (Tiffy) toes. 

1 hour ago, choclatechip45 said:

Maybe Tiffany will find out if Shelly is real. 

I noticed the shoutout to Shelly during the vote. I also noticed the lack of shoutout to Christian during the vote. Maybe Christian is the one who isn’t real? Any more? As far as Alyssa is concerned?

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