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S04.E06: Orphaned

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So...this one was actually really good. I liked the Stiles/Lydia/Jordan scenes a lot, especially with Meredith. But poor Meredith. I'm gonna miss that crazy chick. I like how we're getting subtle clues to who Jordan Parrish is in terms of the supernatural. He does have a way with words. I wish I knew what he was for sure, though. He does seem to get everyone to like him.


I liked the Derek/Malia scenes too. I'm still not loving the Malia Hale thing (and now they explicitly stated it so...) but Malia isn't so bad now. I think she's better off away from Stiles, personally, and her scenes with Derek were strong. I guess now that he doesn't have Scott and he has no more betas, he needs another teenager to prey on. At least it's his cousin this time.


Peter...just continues to confuse the hell out of me. Now I'm wondering if he is the Benefactor. He's somehow gaining strength, either by Derek's 'coincidental' loss of power, or through other means, like those dead bodies in the woods. But really, yes we know you want power, Peter. Now tell us something we don't know. Seriously, please tell us because you're getting almost as exhausting as Deaton's non-answers.


No Kira; that makes me really sad, but good use of Scott and Chris.

  • Love 1

I'm bummed about Meredith, I liked her and hoped she'd help Lydia out with some banshee info. I wonder if she really did kill herself or was killed because she was on the list or if it had to do with the benefactor talking to/with her.  Could careless about Liam in the well. I don't get the McCall money problems, nurses in California make good money, but its a show about werewolves so whatever, suspend belief and all. Garret and Violet were orphans? I really didn't care about them but they brought it up like it was a big deal, named the episode after it and then killed them both off. I don't see them killing off Derek. I laughed at Maila telling the teaching she could track Stiles/Lydia's scent. I enjoyed her and Derek together and Chris and Scott, I like when they mix up character groupings. Also thought it was funny when Parrish was upset thinking he was worth five bucks.  I did miss Kira and still not comfortable with how they portray Eichen House. I also feel like they tried to fit too much into the episode but I was entertained for the most part.

Edited by Grumpymonkey
  • Love 1

Jordan Parrish: the only character on earth capable of making the phrase "Maybe I should kill myself" funny. Oh, I hope he's a good guy. I'm with Stiles, I like him. I still say he's a phoenix. Hell, "Parrish" even sounds like "perish," so it totally makes sense for him to be a creature associated with death.


When Scott woke up to Deaton saying he hoped he would be asleep a few minutes longer, I half-thought Deaton was going to be an assassin/the Benefactor. I loved the Scott/Liam hug. I also liked the symmetry of Scott once again pulling Liam over the ledge to save his life. For a second, I thought Papa McCall was done for. He and Scott were getting along too well. 


Aw, Kate still loves her brother. She's a complete psychopath, but a good family member. Unlike some psychopaths on this show. 


So in the tape at the beginning did I hear right that not all Hales become werewolves? That's good background info.


I guess now that he doesn't have Scott and he has no more betas, he needs another teenager to prey on. At least it's his cousin this time.


That...that sounds wrong.

  • Love 2

When Scott woke up to Deaton saying he hoped he would be asleep a few minutes longer, I half-thought Deaton was going to be an assassin/the Benefactor.  


I did, too, and was all waaahhhh? But I guess he just happened to sound sinister.


I like Parrish as well, and I hope he's clued in to all the bizarre happenings in Beacon Hills soon.

  • Love 1

How crap is Papa McCall? Somehow Melissa is doing doubles and yet still can't keep her lights on? Is papa not paying child support? He's bringing pizzas, but not checks. So clear Jeff Davis didn't think this money plot through.

Who raised Garrett and Violet to be feral assassin children? The show can't toss off details like infamous assassin children and ignore the fact that it brings up more questions.

The Eichen House nurse reasonably shouldn't know that the Stilinskis haven't paid off their bill, unless he's an Eichen on his mother's side and a psychic sadist on his father's. I'm a nurse Eichen-psychic sadist.

Gaaaah. This show. I'll be sad to see Derek go. But for every element he fills, Peter does him one better. Elder wolf. Quasi Grey. Related to current characters. The only thing I think Derek is superior in is that he has better relationships with the adult characters than Peter.

Edited by HunterHunted
  • Love 1

I also want Deputy Parrish to stick around, and there's no way the "You.You. I like you. Gonna keep you" line that Stiles said to him was scripted, had to be a totally brilliant Dylan improv. If for no other reason he has to stay around long enough for a shirtless scene and here's why:






I think Scott's starting to get the hang of having Liam as his lil' beta puppy. He's doing a better job than Derek imho. At least he actually cares about Liam.


As for the money, I think Scott should split it with Stiles 50/50. After all the crap they and their parents have gone though the least they deserve is not worrying about paying the bills for a while (or at least pay the damn nuthouse bill, especially since there was nothing medically wrong with Stiles at all) 

Edited by madhacker
  • Love 1

So in the tape at the beginning did I hear right that not all Hales become werewolves? That's good background info.

In season one Derek said he had human family members die in the fire.

Who raised Garrett and Violet to be feral assassin children? The show can't toss off details like infamous assassin children and ignore the fact that it brings up more questions.

Ha! They had on a guy with no mouth who ate through a tube in his neck and didn't explain one bit of that! Sorry, but this show ignores plenty.

  • Love 2

Ugh. Too many splintered plot-lines in this one and all of them were too rushed for me to care. I felt really relieved when they killed off Garrett just because it quickly got rid of another character I really didn't care about. I was a little sadder about Meredith's suicide (was it really suicide?) Parrish really shouldn't have allowed Lydia and Stiles to push her like that. So will there be any consequences for them driving a mentally ill girl to hang herself?    


And personally I'm not a Derek fan but Lydia predicting Derek's death really annoyed me. Because if Derek really is dying (which I doubt) it sucks that a major character death has been telegraphed in advance rather than it coming as a shock. And if he isn't dying then it's just another bit of inexplicable contrived drama for Derek tagged onto his de-aging, his changing eyes and losing his powers. None of which seem to have a vital plot purpose yet.        


The biggest problem with Stiles/Malia for me is simply that they are not taking the necessary time to develop their relationship. I'd like seeing Malia hanging out with other characters like Lydia and Derek if they were actually developing Malia as an individual beyond being a love interest. But Malia is just tagging around with the pack, not getting her own storyline. Hopefully being named as 'Malia Hale' on the hit list will finally give her some personal focus.       


Is the Benefactor Peter Hale? He seems to be the main one 'profiting' from the supernatural deaths by somehow absorbing their power. Has he become like a werewolf Sylar? Does he have an accomplice who helped him fake the Hale vault robbery? Who knows. It's pretty ruthless that Peter would put his daughter and nephew on the hit list, but then he has already murdered his niece to take her power so it's not like Peter would stop at killing his own family.  


Next week looks so much better. Bring on the Quarantine! 

Edited by Yitzhak

Derek being the third name seals it on him not actually dying. Well he might die but a DEM will swoop in to reverse it. 


I love it when Peter chews the scenery, it's like he's got this set idea of how someone should act when playing the villain and he just goes for it. One too many Disney movies as a kid or Aladdin was stuck on loop while he was recovering in hospital.   


All the parents having money problems can't be coincidental, is the Benefactor hacking peoples' bank accounts or something? 

  • Love 1

You think Scott was including Meredith in his speech about how no else would die under his watch ? Or that entire pack that was murdered in the woods... 


Was anyone else annoyed that Scott didn't call up Deaton along to pick up his Beta ? Or that he didn't use his Alpha Roar to try and locate/call out his beta?


Is Liam even Scott's beta? Will this show ever explain how someone decides whether they are in a pack or not.


Hmm a lot of people died on this episode and the only death that had the slightest impact was Meredith. 


Loved Stiles and Parish bonding through a wacky scooby adventure in interrogating a banshee.


I'm enjoying Malia more when she's not around Stiles and I don't have to think about how disturbing I find the whole Stalia canon ship. 


P.s How ridiculous is it that teen assassins hide their money in a locker room locker... I mean instead of a bank account ... Seriously he could have money sent to him via any means he wanted and he chose actual cash that he hid at a public school. *sigh* I wish some of these plots didn't run on the stupid juice.


P.P.s also why is Liam who was turned 3 days ? ago worth 3 million while Brett who has been a werewolf for at least twice that long is worth one million. I hate this deadpool, it makes no sense.

Edited by wayne67
  • Love 1

"I'm only worth $5?!"


"I only make 40,000 a year...maybe I should kill myself."


I laughed out loud at that part! And maybe a little at Liam getting mowed over by an SUV.


I may be in the minority, but I haven't disliked a single episode this season. It helps that the group dynamics change with each episode, no two people are grouped together from one episode to the next. We had the Hale cousins working together to find the Budhist wolves and even got a little teaser into how werecreatures age (very slowly, apparently? do they age at all? Are they immortal like the Underworld lycans are?). I loved how Derek still randomnly roams the high school, harrassing underaged supernaturals. And also how Malia just straight up walked out of class. Does Derek know that they're related? Or is the list going to be what blows the top off that secret? (totally called her being Malia Hale on the list and not Tate)


But Lydia/Parrish/and Stiles were my favorite. Parrish is slowly moving up my character list. I'm sad to see Meridith go, but happy to see that Lydia and Stiles rightfully felt guilty about it. They pushed someone they knew was fragile without thinking about how it would turn out -this is a pattern with the entire McCall pack. They act without considering the consequences to people outside of their immediate circle. We saw a glimpse of that with Malia last season when she called them out on turning her human and then basically forgetting about her or even considering that she never wanted to be human in the first place.

  • Love 2

I'm not sure the sudden money problems are anything more than the writers thinking, "Oh, hey, let's give the kids a moral dilemma. Um. I know - there will be a bag of cash and they have to decide what to do with it. So, uh, all the parents need money!"

As has already been noted, Melissa not having the money to pay the electricity doesn't even make sense when Scott's dad is around helping in so many other ways.

  • Love 1

P.s How ridiculous is it that teen assassins hide their money in a locker room locker... I mean instead of a bank account ... Seriously he could have money sent to him via any means he wanted and he chose actual cash that he hid at a public school.

This doesn't even make sense with this season's plot. The assassin in the open told Kate that The Benefactor only deals with people electronically. Whatever Fagin taught these kids to use a decapitating garrote should have taught them to open a Cayman Islands account for receiving transfers. But for the sake of narrative convenience The Benefactor is willing to do cash drops just for these kids? And you're right—school gym locker is about the worst place to keep it.

  • Love 1

Melissa seems to be the head nurse of Beacon Hills Hospital, that would be a pretty well paying gig. In addition she would get  child support from her FBI agent ex. Having them unable even keep the lights on is absurd.  I appreciate showing real world money problems, but keep it more logical.


In addition now that wonder twin assassins are killed I am assuming we will never get any more information about what their deal was (along with Mute guy), which I've come to expect from this show but it is still annoying.


Anyway, not trying to just complain.  I actually thought this episode was fun and as others have mentioned Parrish continues to be a great addition to the show.  I did like the callback to the werewolf we saw in the WWII episode and I give the show props for mentioning how much effort they put into hiding under the radar which is why they were so unknown.


open a Cayman Islands account for receiving transfers. But for the sake of narrative convenience The Benefactor is willing to do cash drops just for these kids? And you're right—school gym locker is about the worst place to keep it


Actually through Garret's phone in that one scene we see the Benefactor does do electronic transfers to them.  It seems that for some reason Garret decided to extract the money from his account and carry around the cash.

Edited by Atony
  • Love 2
P.P.s also why is Liam who was turned 3 days ? ago worth 3 million while Brett who has been a werewolf for at least twice that long is worth one million. I hate this deadpool, it makes no sense.


It seems that everyone surrounding Scott is worth more. He's the most special snowflake and the true alpha, after all.


Kira's absence made zero sense, and I hate that it wasn't explained. Seriously, was it so hard to handwave it with "She's with her parents on a family getaway" or something?


I agree that overall, there were trying to cram way to many storylines in this poor episode, so it felt kinda rushed. Let's see, we had A story about Scott looking for Liam, B-plot about Lydia, Stiles and Parrish (easily the best one, imho - also, Parrish was hilarious, I really wanna know what he is, and hope it's not something lame like "phoenix" - it's a bird, for god's sake), Derek/Malia bonding in the woods and Liam's Dark Knight Rises escape attempts. Whew.


And it still took me out of the show that some of these storylines were contrived ways to isolate Scott from his pack so he could go and be stupid re: Liam situation. God, writers, free him of the idiot ball already!

  • Love 2

I missed Kira this episode but I liked it otherwise. Kate's steadily losing control of the shift but she's still capable of controlling the berserkers. Props to whoever came up with their costumes btw. They look cool and terrifying. I felt for really bad for Meredith and Lydia in this episode. Meredith was either driven to suicide or killed because Lydia was so desperate to find the key. Lydia's fa e when she found out was devastating.

I also liked how Papa McCall threw it in the girl's face that she was a orphan. But how did they get into school? Wouldn't they need a parent to sign them in and show up and some point? I'm glad they're dead. They were really annoying and that blond guy was a really bad actor.

  • Love 1

Kira's absence made zero sense, and I hate that it wasn't explained. Seriously, was it so hard to handwave it with "She's with her parents on a family getaway" or something?


They did though. Liam dropped a line in the beginning about her running home to her mother once she'd heard who was on the second part of the list. I thought it made sense, considering /shrugs. Scott asked where she was.


And about Scott's people costing more, I think the McCall pack has a reputation tbh. They survived a clash with the alpha pack, a Darach, and a Nogitsune. No one outside of their circle knows that they pretty much lucked into those wins, just that they made it out on the other side. They travel in groups of two most of the time unlike the other "listers" who we saw get taken out while they were alone. So to an outsider with outside information, they would seem pretty difficult to kill.

Edited by Gwen-Stacys
  • Love 1

Actually through Garret's phone in that one scene we see the Benefactor does do electronic transfers to them.  It seems that for some reason Garret decided to extract the money from his account and carry around the cash.

How much money did the Orphans have at that point? Because the duffel bag didn't look like it was carrying a lot and they had killed at least two of the listed people so far, so had millions to go around. Maybe that was their walking around money.

  • Love 1

Ugh, so tired of Scott not bringing his game face to fights. But I'm really loving the Scott and Argent dynamic. Because Argent can seem *almost* fatherly these days when it's needed, but his apology after firing on the berserkers really made it seem like deferring to Scott is something he meant to do.  Stilinski (god, love him) seems like he's on the peripheral of Pack McCall, but Argent seems a little bit like he's actually in it, and that's cool to me, given where he started the series.


Thematically, I think the only thing that really disappointed me was that Allison's code didn't get repeated when Scott was talking about saving everyone on the list. I think it would have been a nice bridge between what we saw with Argent and the Calaveras last week and where I presume that story line is going. And I'm okay with this episode not picking up right where that story left off. That doesn't really bother me in the slightest, because I feel like it's not one that's just going to be dropped. But like I said, a bridge would be nice. (And this is all presuming Argent only recited the old code to them last week as a ruse, and not that his work with Pack McCall is the fake relationship.)

  • Love 1

Gah.  This show, I swear.  Jeff Davis is firmly in the "throw a million things at the wall and see what sticks" school of writing.  There are way too many threads running through the episode (and the season), and he's not bothering to make sure that half the stuff makes sense or at least that it doesn't result in characters becoming less likable or more one-dimensional.  


Ookay, so:


Natural Born Killers:   I'm glad the hunter teens are dead, but in retrospect it feels like too much time was spent on them in the past few episodes for them to be killed off now.  There was no point to them that couldn't have been just as easily made by keeping the guy with no mouth around instead.  And he was genuinely creepy, instead of creepy in a teens-who-kill way.  


Return to Eichen House:  Oh sure, let's continue to use mental issues as a plot device.  Here's a suicide - that should be creepy and shocking. Hope it wasn't trigger-y for anyone, ha ha!   Idiot writers. Honestly,  I'm annoyed that they killed off Meredith, but I guess I should be glad that maybe her death can at least close the book on some of the Eichen House crap that will forever tarnish this show in my eyes.   And really, I know they're cramming too much into the episode, but does being in that place again not phase Stiles at all?  On the plus side, HR keeps selling her scenes.  I feel for Lydia trying to deal with everything she's carrying and trying not to shatter in the process.  (But Lydia, proper grammar would be "might have driven," not "might have drove".)


We're Sending Our Love Down the Well:  I'll give Liam credit for not giving up no matter how many times he fell.  At least now he has two character traits, anger and persistence.  He'll need those traits if he's going to be Scott's beta.  Patience and self-sufficiency will come in handy, too.


Kate and the Berserkers:  I didn't quite get the "four weeks previously" stuff.  She was in the back of a car and somebody had a copy of the cassette (hi, 1980's! Good to see you again!) and what happened?  The berserkers killed some hunters while she slept?  IDK.  I feel like I missed something there.  I did think it was sorta funny that Chris had his berserker-killing gun with him later when he and Scott confronted Kate, and Scott seemed to realize they were in over their heads even before Chris started shooting.  If there's one thing Scott's getting some practice with, it's realizing when he's in over his head.


The Dead Pool:  So now we've seen the third list.  Malia's name was on it.  (I didn't spot Peter, Deaton or Morell.  But the list went by quickly.)  And "Derek" was the password?  So if the other two names are people who are dead, then is Derek dead?  Is Derek still in the church in Mexico in stasis or something and the de-aged/re-aged guy in Beacon Hills is a doppelganger?   Or was Derek the password because he's going to die soon, in which case why the break in pattern for the passwords?  (That would have made more sense if "Meredith" was the other password, since she died around that time.)


The Money Game:  WTFH, Rafe?  See, this is when I get annoyed because writers are sacrificing character for plot.  Rafe has his issues, definitely, but nothing we've seen so far would suggest that he'd let Scott and Melissa fall so far into debt that their electricity would be cut off.  They just made him look bad so they can establish additional money concerns for Scott.  Throwing characters under the bus for a plot point is cheap and lazy.  (You know, it would have been easy to establish the McCalls' money problems by having Scott ask Stiles to pick him up for school because Scott sold his motorcycle to help his mom with the bills.  Then you'd get a nice responsible Scott, and a familiar way to include Scott-Stiles exposition scenes on the way to school in the Jeep, and you wouldn't have to make Rafe look worse in the process.  But no, why bother?)


New Kid on the Block 1:   I loved Deputy Parrish and his five-dollar remark, and also his handling of Stiles, Lydia and the creepy EH nurse.  Parrish is racing to the top of my list of favorite characters.  I liked him in the background last season, occasionally working with the Sheriff, and I like the way he's slowly moving into a place closer to the core characters without being forced front and center.  (That's how you do it, JD.  Nice and easy.)  And he delivers a comic line very well.


New Kid on the Block 2: Malia's classroom confusion was funny once this season.  Even twice.  But it's becoming annoying.  I get it, show - she's inexplicably in normal high school classes even though she should probably be in a special class or home-schooled, and every teacher singles her out just so the show can laugh about how awkward she is in normal society.  Point made.  I liked the idea of Derek offering to teach her about scents, though.  He's become a natural mentor over the past couple of seasons and she needs one.  Derek doesn't know she's a Hale, does he?  It doesn't seem like the kind of info that either Peter or Lydia would have shared with him.


Love and Lacrosse: I like Kira, but I didn't even notice she was missing from this episode.  At least she got a mention for why she wasn't there.  (What? Bitter, me?)

Edited by ElleryAnne
  • Love 2

So Scott had a part time job once with the Vet right ? and he had access to 50 k once upon a time ? did he leave that behind with the Mexican Hunter ? 


Even if Scott uses the money to fix his current problems re power supply. Won't the IRS be all over a large infusion of cash into Melissa McCall's bank account . 


Seriously if they are going to go the running out of money route. Couldn't they have gone with Mortgage repayments being behind so it would have seemed at least slightly more dramatic than not having power? 


I like the dialogue between the characters and most of the characters most of the time... The plot however for this show never makes any sense. EVER.


As to Scott's pack being worth more because they travel together... Didn't that entire secret Beacon Hill pack get murdered in the same spot while they were together? There were like a dozen of them, by the very thin logic of a large pack being stronger than a small pack shouldn't they have been a little higher priced than a family of 4 wendigos?


I hate this deadpool so much. 


Also Scott and his pack got easily neutralised by gas and mexican hunters. Scott got knocked out at least once by the berserkers and inexplicably Kate decided not to kill Scott for no apparent reason. Not killing Chris made sense, not killing Scott when he was coming after her made no sense whatsoever.


Ugh why am I thinking about this show... Oh yeah lack of shirtlessness... Jordan I'm looking at you. Ease my pain and go shirtless for whatever nonsense reason this show comes up with so I can not think about all the GIGANTIC PLOT HOLES in this show. 


And "Derek" was the password?  So if the other two names are people who are dead, then is Derek dead?  Is Derek still in the church in Mexico in stasis or something and the de-aged/re-aged guy in Beacon Hills is a doppelganger?   Or was Derek the password because he's going to die soon, in which case why the break in pattern for the passwords?  (That would have made more sense if "Meredith" was the other password, since she died around that time.)


I agree. I was also thinking it'd be far more dramatically effective if the last key had been Meredith herself. It would also have completed the pattern of all key names being people who were close to Lydia. The key being 'Derek' was handled very weirdly for a scene that should've had a lot more impact. First there's Stiles and Lydia's non-reaction to Derek being apparently doomed(?) and then when they break through to the third list which includes both Stiles' girlfriend and Scott's new beta, the first person they are desperate to call is Meredith, the crazy girl who they barely knew. If Meredith had been the password and on the list, it would've made sense that they rushed to contact her first.


What's the betting that Lydia and Stiles don't get around to telling Derek anything for several more episodes?     

Edited by Yitzhak

It would have definitely made more sense if Meredith was the password.

So Garrett and Violet the dead just like that and all we know is that they were orphans. I agree with the poster above who said too much time was spent on them in prior episodes given their recent demise. I was actually curious about their backstory.

Sad that Meredith died I was hoping she would get out and join the gang.

I actually loved how concerned Scott was about Liam and the hug at the end. He's a good alpha dad. However I have to wonder if Liam isn't just a bit angry at being turned even though it was done to save his life ? Another thing, doesn't Liam's parents wonder where he is? Also here Scott was able to lift him out one handed.

Edited by bluvelvet

I was a little worried about this episode since I didn't get to watch it last night and AV club was claiming it wasn't particularly good.  However, I really enjoyed it.  I like the feeling of old school Teen Wolf, sort of an echo of season 1.  Yes, it's a bit senseless in some places but that doesn't seem to effect my enjoyment of it.  


Did anyone else get the feeling that Eichmen nurse is the one who killed Meredith?  This nurse has had a huge interest in Mer and I'm never sure if it's just an illustration of him being an ass or something more?  He showed some uncharacteristic tenderness towards her corpse, which was a bit off.  



I thought that they called themselves 'The Orphans'. That Papa McCall recognised that as the name of a known duo of hitmen. That's way he asked if they were orphans because he thought they were 'The Orphans'. Maybe I overthought that one.

That's what I was thinking, too.  Otherwise, this was a massively dickish comment from Papa McCall.  But it did seem as though he knew of this duo.  


That's what I was thinking, too. Otherwise, this was a massively dickish comment from Papa McCall. But it did seem as though he knew of this duo.

I thought that was hilariously dickish. Seeing that smile slide off Violet's sociopathic face was the highlight of the episode. Aside from the Batman flashbacks I got from Liam.

"Why do we fall Liam?" "So I can remember to use my claws."

Edited by lion10

It would have definitely made more sense if Meredith was the password.

I agree that would have made more sense. And would have been an awesome explanation of why she couldn't tell them, because she couldn't face it.


I liked this episode surprisingly. I did wonder why Scott didn't at least wolf out when he was fighting those creatures. I loved the stuff with Lydia, parish and Stiles, he is quickly becoming a great character. I'm thinking he may be an impath, he is great with talking with people and doesn't seem to know he's supernatural. I also liked Scott hugging Liam at the end. I also wonder why Liam didn't just howl in the first place, then he would have got Scott's attention. Lastly, I liked Malia just walking out of class lol.


I'm starting to think it's Peter.

I thought that they called themselves 'The Orphans'. That Papa McCall recognised that as the name of a known duo of hitmen. That's way he asked if they were orphans because he thought they were 'The Orphans'. Maybe I overthought that one.


That's what I thought as well. I assumed their parents were killed by supernatural creatures and that's why they hunted them, although I wouldn't necessarily say they gave themselves the nickname. And this time, Papa McCall being a dick would be totally justified. I mean, she did just try to murder his son.


Which reminds me how much I liked that Papa McCall was blaming himself not being at his game when Scott needed him. I appreciated his concern, since he must be freaked out at the level of random violence that's surrounding Scott and Melissa recently.

  • Love 1


WTFH, Rafe?  See, this is when I get annoyed because writers are sacrificing character for plot.  Rafe has his issues, definitely, but nothing we've seen so far would suggest that he'd let Scott and Melissa fall so far into debt that their electricity would be cut off.  They just made him look bad so they can establish additional money concerns for Scott.  Throwing characters under the bus for a plot point is cheap and lazy.  (You know, it would have been easy to establish the McCalls' money problems by having Scott ask Stiles to pick him up for school because Scott sold his motorcycle to help his mom with the bills.  Then you'd get a nice responsible Scott, and a familiar way to include Scott-Stiles exposition scenes on the way to school in the Jeep, and you wouldn't have to make Rafe look worse in the process.  But no, why bother?)



Does he know that, though? He seems to know money's tight, but I don't know if he knows how much. And yes, I'm pondering whether or not he owes massive amounts of child support. And I'm concerned the audience is thinking about this more than Jeff Davis is.


I'm guessing the audience is thinking about this more than JD is, which is why I'm not going to blame Papa McCall just yet for being a deadbeat, because we don't know what he knows. They had him bending over backwards to apologize to Scott for not being there for him at the game and painted him in a sympathetic light. I don't think it was their intention for people to wonder why Papa McCall wasn't holding up his end and let the lights get cut off.


Or JD could be just as lame as the General Hospital writers from years ago. The show had a plot where a nurse and detective were barely able to make ends meet and had to basically rent out her womb to pay the builds. It didn't make a whole lot of real world sense with that show then, and it doesn't make a whole lot of sense with TW now.


I think this was my favorite episode this season, though that's not really the highest praise this season. The best ep this season can't hold a candle to even the most lukewarm episode of seasons 1 or 2, or even 3A. I was intrigued by some of the plot elements in this episode. Like Parrish finding out he's on the deadpool and him, Stiles, and Lydia questioning Meredith. But by the end of the episode my interest had waned with the entire episode considerably.


I didn't care about any of the Beacon Hills new class, and I so enjoyed when Rafe got that smug smile to drop off Violet's face, but to kill off both teen assasins seems like such a waste, especially with all of the build-up with them.


I don't like Kira and didn't miss her presence at all. I don't think she would have done much in the episode besides stand around and be quirky in the background. And at least she got some kind of explanation for her one episode absence. Unlike Isaac, who's gone period and the show can literally barely muster up more than three words to explain why Chris left an underage teenager in a foreign country.


I really, really don't care about Liam. Scott's a cute Alpha!dad but I don't care about that relationship and I've been given no real reason to care about Liam yet.


I love Scott, but I really wish they'd write him better when it comes to being an alpha. Why not alpha out during the fight instead of swinging away uselessly?


I'm with a couple of the other posters that when Scott was waking up and Deaton was lingering over him, I seriously that they were going to reveal Deaton was the bad guy. That did throw me for a loop for a few seconds.


I don't hate Derek, but at this point I say just kill him off. I'm tired of seemingly every mid season promo hinging on the question of "Oh noes is Derek going to make it?" Either kill him or come up with something new.

They did though. Liam dropped a line in the beginning about her running home to her mother once she'd heard who was on the second part of the list. I thought it made sense, considering /shrugs. Scott asked where she was.


Hmm, I guess I haven't noticed that. Still doesn't explain why she was absent for that long.


She was in the back of a car and somebody had a copy of the cassette (hi, 1980's! Good to see you again!)


Yeah, an audio cassette? WTF? Who uses them, except for some teachers in 2nd (and maybe 3rd, too) world countries? (I only know because my mother used them up until about 2 years ago... now she brings a laptop to the class)

Wow, when Scott was on Deaton's table and Chris was about to pull out the knife, Scott's crotch was Front and Center in the shot, and either the Teen Wolf is hung like a horse or he had a rolled up sock down there.


There are way too many threads running through the episode


The threads didn't intersect much either, like it was 4-6 different plots at once.  I think it was a second-unit episode where they filmed scenes for this episode while they were doing other episodes.

I highly doubt real 16-18 year olds know what a tape is. Let alone how to use it or what to play it on. I know what they are and know how to use them. But if you gave me one, I would have nothing to play it on.

That's like saying that half of the population don't know what vinyls are, how to use it or what to play it on.  Or 8tracks.  Or gramophones.  Or any other object that has previously delivered music.  I mean, most people probably wouldn't have the equipment to play one of these things, but it would be unusual to encounter a teen who was completely unaware that music wasn't always delivered from a streaming internet service.  

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