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Katie and Travis: Young Love?

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I keep thinking back to the episode when Alyssa and John brought Allie to visit the Bates for the first time. She was older than Hailey but still under a year. When they pulled up in the car a hoard of Bates went screaming out to meet them grabbing for Allie who was so startled that she began to scream and cling to Alyssa.  I bet Katie and Travis will stay with Carlin and Evan. Hopefully they have a guest bedroom with a bed by now and not the air mattress.  

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13 minutes ago, 65mickey said:

I keep thinking back to the episode when Alyssa and John brought Allie to visit the Bates for the first time. She was older than Hailey but still under a year. When they pulled up in the car a hoard of Bates went screaming out to meet them grabbing for Allie who was so startled that she began to scream and cling to Alyssa.  I bet Katie and Travis will stay with Carlin and Evan. Hopefully they have a guest bedroom with a bed by now and not the air mattress.  

Layla and Zade have their own rooms, so unless K&T use Layla’s bed the air mattress is the only option. Isn’t that what happened last time they visited, they stayed in Layla’s bed? It was Joy and Austin who stayed in the nursery with the air mattress. 

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22 minutes ago, BetyBee said:

I wouldn't travel with a newborn unnecessarily, but  if I did I'd stay with M&B. They would get considerate care and probably leave with a couple of cute, homemade baby outfits. 

IIRC, Michael has said that they have a small space. I don't know if there's room for visitors. 

Looks like they'll land at the Stew's. 

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1 hour ago, SMama said:

Layla and Zade have their own rooms, so unless K&T use Layla’s bed the air mattress is the only option. Isn’t that what happened last time they visited, they stayed in Layla’s bed? It was Joy and Austin who stayed in the nursery with the air mattress. 

Well the hospitable thing to do is put Layla on the air mattress in Zade's room and let Katie and Travis have Layla's room for the visit. It seems like when they showed Layla's room she had a full size bed. I know Katie is young but getting up off the floor every time Hailey cries would get old in a hurry. 

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4 hours ago, SMama said:

Re possibility of K&T staying with C&E when they visit soon (from C&E thread). @Notabug K&T have slim pickings for a stable environment. C&E have the space but they live in constant chaos. K&G’s house is ten times more chaotic than C&E’s. There’s zero chance Kelly will stay up with Hailey to allow the parents to sleep.

Kelly will stay up late but not to care for an infant grandchild.  Only to gab and talk to Katie all night, just like old times.  She doesn't respect that her daughter has a newborn who won't sleep in.  When Erin and family came in for ILYD.  Erin said she stayed up way to late talking to her mom.  Kelly should set the example of going to bed early and letting her daughters go to bed and get rest.  It would be different if Erin or Katie were visiting without their family.  

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19 minutes ago, ranchgirl said:

Kelly will stay up late but not to care for an infant grandchild.  Only to gab and talk to Katie all night, just like old times.  She doesn't respect that her daughter has a newborn who won't sleep in.  When Erin and family came in for ILYD.  Erin said she stayed up way to late talking to her mom.  Kelly should set the example of going to bed early and letting her daughters go to bed and get rest.  It would be different if Erin or Katie were visiting without their family.  

I guess for these young women seemingly desperate for a shred of attention from their mother, they will go with her flow, not her with theirs.

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2 minutes ago, zenme said:

Can they not stay at a hotel?

Sacre Bleu! 😱

That’s what we do when we visit relatives, but this crowd seem to seek free lodging at any cost.

I remember when Evan’s family would visit they would have people all over that small apartment. Evan’s parents slept on an inflatable mattress in the kitchen. Evan’s elderly grandma on the sofa, with more relatives on the floor. I could never, nope.

The first time K&T stayed with the Stewarts they had two rather thin, single inflatables next to each other. One had a leak and deflated, leaving K&T sharing the single one. If I can’t afford lodging I stay home. 

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22 minutes ago, zenme said:

Yes. It’s just more comfortable, but then again, I wasn’t one of a passel of kids, sleeping 3 to a bed. Maybe they’re totally used to that. 🤔

I doubt Travis has experienced that level of deprivation, and is comfortable. Mind you, staying in Layla’s room in a full size bed is not slumming it. 

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My sense is they stay with Carlin/Evan or Josie/Kelton because Trav isn't used to or wanting to deal with the chaos of G&K's house. A hotel would massively offend the zillion family members - and I assume Trav has suggested to Katie that he'd rather be in a hotel - so upon marriage it was agreed they'd stay in a quieter home with just 1 of the sisters and her family.

Though if she stays with C/E does she still need to freaking split her time with J/K so as not to offend Josie? Bc that's what she had been doing up until now - half the week with one sister and half the week with the other. While that's batshit in any circumstance, with a kid - you just want to park their crap in one home and be done with it and you're too tired with a newborn to be playing these dumbass games . . . . Though maybe Josie doesn't care anymore if she stays. I don't think they necessarily have the room plus Josie has a new bestie and has moved on so NBD. Carlin/Evan OTOH also don't have a guest room but fear not their female child's bedroom was set up with a full/queen bed bc it would be the guest room for any and all family going forward 🙄. I mean I get it in this instance - it's nice to offer Katie/Trav the room when she's still breastfeeding and waking all night long and oh yeah you don't want their infant screaming all over the house for a week. But WTF your own kid needs no stability whatsoever? I mean this isn't the case where - oh family visits once in 2 yrs; between Katie/Trav and Evan's side - someone is there every month!?

Have never seen Tori/Katie or Tori/Alyssa interact. Part of it is that Tori isn't on social media. Part of it is that I think Tori has ZERO interaction with Katie bc she is firmly Team Erin - you know the Erin that did an IG post welcoming Trav to the family with NO MENTION of or congratulations to her own sister and the Erin who completely ignored the birth of Katie's first kid and didn't even say congrats. Tori/Alyssa - IDK if they interact but while we had seen Alyssa visit and spend time with Carlin and then separately go over to Erin's house etc, spend time with Michaela., we've never seen Alyssa take her kids to Tori's once.

I imagine Katie's been begging for this trip home and Trav agreed to go if they wait until it's been a month. But as said above, here's hoping that they find loud Evan/Carlin filming every second while they're sleep deprived; Layla poking her fingers in their kid's face; G&K's loud gross house; the possible expectation that they stop by the Cash & Carry etc. all too annoying to want to come running back ASAP. I mean as compared to NJ where the family comes by specifically to help them - not to cause chaos and exhaust them more . . . .

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I remember back when C&E bought their house they said that they bought Layla a larger bed so guests could stay in her room. And back when Joy came to stay Carlin posted photos of new sheets and towels (which she used without washing them first) in Layla’s room. 
So my guess is that is where Katie and Travis will stay.

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1 minute ago, SMama said:

Katie drags her jaundiced one month old newborn to Tennessee and finds out her mother has moved on to Florida, and the next grandchild.

Meh, Kelly will be home tomorrow. Once she gets the photo op with the Golden Penis, she's outta there. 

I wonder how long Katie and Trav plan to stay?

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47 minutes ago, SMama said:

Katie drags her jaundiced one month old newborn to Tennessee and finds out her mother has moved on to Florida, and the next grandchild.

And Katie herself is anemic to the point she's passing out 🙄

I think this visit is going to be a disappointment. I'm sure Katie wants a big fanfare, but at this point, Hailey is the umpteenth grandchild. Kelly, Gil, Lawson, Nathan, Erin, Alyssa, Addie and Ellie aren't even there; Zach, Whit, Carlin and Evan are busy with the cash and carry, Josie only hangs with Lydia and I doubt the pack of forgotten boys gives a shit. They've all reached the stage where their own lives and families have taken priority. Once they've ooh'd and ahh'd over the baby and taken the cursory Instagram picture, it'll be nothing but soggy midnight pizza rolls at Carlin's. 

52 minutes ago, Salacious Kitty said:


I wonder how long Katie and Trav plan to stay?

I think they're staying a week. 

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Yep let's drag a jaundiced one month old through the airports and on a 2 hr flight and bc that doesn't give her enough exposure to people coughing and sneezing on her, let's bring her to the Cash & Carry too. Though to be fair the only Cash & Carry pics I've seen are Brandon and Michael holding her before the hordes of people arrived. So maybe K&T had the good sense to leave before the doors opened. But maybe not - I mean I don't think they rent a car in Tenn (or they didn't used to) so if they rode over with C&E, unless they lined it up for someone to give them a ride home/called an Uber, they prob stayed. Maybe good sense told them to keep her in the back and not let strangers pass her around or breathe all over her. In the BSB IG they posted, all sorts of leg humpers were headed to the sale and a few are like OMG I wonder if Katie will be there. So yeah these are ppl that are gonna want pics with your baby etc.

Katie said she's staying the week. Assuming Alyssa has the boy today, G&K (assuming Gil went - prob needs to get a look at the penis bc GRANDSON) will be back Monday at the latest. Though yeah this visit doesn't get the fanfare they'd want. I doubt Addie/Ellie will be back bc they're managing Alyssa's brood - and they actually were around K&T a lot during courting so I bet she wants to show them the baby; I guess Callie will be around. Law is the one who is big into his siblings' kids and he's not there. So yeah same boring trip to see C&E.

Edited by cereality
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Hailey is surely not still jaundiced at a month.  That should have cleared up by three weeks ago.  If it had been severe, the doctors would have been giving her treatment.  

I don't agree with them dragging her to TN at a month and being around all the people.  I know my daughter's pediatrician was about limiting exposure until at least two weeks after the two month vaccinations.  We still went out, but on a limited basis and kept our distance from people.  My daughter kept me around for the first two to four months with her babies.  With the talk about help for Katie, my daughter wanted it and I'm retired so I basically moved in for quite awhile.  I'm sure Katie appreciates all her MIL is doing for them and hopefully will soon realize how little help her parents are in life.  

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Ok so then I guess he legit does nothing for work because that's what they said his job was - marketing on IG. It's on one of their Q&As.

I mean I assume is his true job is collecting passive income from dad/grandfather's school. I have to imagine all the kids/grandkids have a % ownership share which generates a monthly check for them or have some kind of made up "job" on staff that similarly direct deposits a check for them.

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1 hour ago, cereality said:

Ok so then I guess he legit does nothing for work because that's what they said his job was - marketing on IG. It's on one of their Q&As.

I mean I assume is his true job is collecting passive income from dad/grandfather's school. I have to imagine all the kids/grandkids have a % ownership share which generates a monthly check for them or have some kind of made up "job" on staff that similarly direct deposits a check for them.

So basically a nepo baby/trust fund kid who lies. 

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9 hours ago, Dehumidifier said:

Travis singing 11 years ago.

Family has a lot of music on their channel.  Some of it has a lot of views.


And by a lot I mean -- just a quick sample -- 2.5 million, 1.1 million,  and 474K, 605K, 335K, 415K, 269K, 424K, 692K -- really, who would laugh at that income?


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K&T visited Josie and family last night. Kelton cooked for them. It’s understandable wanting one on one time with a sibling. But since they are staying with C&E it would have made sense for Josie to host all of them. Will they attend Zade’s birthday party?

How do Whitney and Carlin feel now that Josie has her own clothing line? 

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1 hour ago, SMama said:

K&T visited Josie and family last night. Kelton cooked for them. It’s understandable wanting one on one time with a sibling. But since they are staying with C&E it would have made sense for Josie to host all of them. Will they attend Zade’s birthday party?

How do Whitney and Carlin feel now that Josie has her own clothing line? 

Josie has her own clothing line?

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I bet Katie and Travis loved having someone cook for them.  I have a feeling the whole time Carlin and Evan were staying with them, pre-birth, that Katie and Travis did all the cooking and probably will have to do their share this week too.  

Maybe with the riff between siblings and everyone getting married and doing their own thing, Katie will come to realize that things are changing, and her family is no long like it was when she was growing up.  That might help her decided to be happy in NJ with her husband and baby.  

Edited by ranchgirl
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Katie is shilling the same stain remover Carlin uses. She shows an outfit Hailey had a blowout in 3 DAYS AGO and she’s now getting around to wash it. There’s your problem, Katie. Most people don’t let shit sit and settle on clothing for three days, because as you found out, it will stain. These girls have no common sense whatsoever. 

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29 minutes ago, SMama said:

Katie is shilling the same stain remover Carlin uses. She shows an outfit Hailey had a blowout in 3 DAYS AGO and she’s now getting around to wash it. There’s your problem, Katie. Most people don’t let shit sit and settle on clothing for three days, because as you found out, it will stain. These girls have no common sense whatsoever. 

I don't even have human kids, and I know better. How the hell do these people from mega-families not know? Are they that dumb or that lazy? 

Also, Carlin and family, since we know at least a few of you read here. Stop embarrassing your kids on social media. I don't care if they're newborns. The Internet is forever. Stop it. 

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