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The View: Week of 4/26/2021

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I thought Sara had the best responses today, actually, particularly in the Rudy discussion when she cited Comey’s interference in 2016 where Giuliani knew what was going to happen before everyone else as being a better example of “FBI bias.”

2 hours ago, Haleth said:

Hilarious... Meg likes daughters of politicians who show they can be successful on their own instead of nepotism. 

She should try it sometime.

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21 minutes ago, 2JEWELL said:

MeAgain thinks she has her job on her own merits ! 
😂😂😂. I had no idea she could be funny!!

Sometimes it takes a long time to get our brain cells working well after childbirth.

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1 hour ago, Bronzedog said:

I’m glad the hosts seemed to be enjoying the long interview with the chef but it bored the crap out of me.

But no VYD???  Is this really Friday?  Ok Joy is moderating, Ana is here woo, Sara looks gorg, love the hair, and then there's..nothing more to look at lol.  So i guess it is Friday.

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I would have very much preferred seeing Gordon Ramsay in the chef segment as he can actually cook and talk at the same time. Goldman was useless, except for when he brought out his baby daughter, who is cute as all get out.

And good grief, Twatty. Liberty is less than a year old--unless she was born with teeth? What are you feeding her?

I'm with Anna. I also remember Giuliani when he led the team that brought down Gotti/organized crime. I was watching a documentary on organized crime a few weeks back and they showed how Giuliani studied and planned to bring down the mob. To see him now? I can't believe he was the same guy.

And Sunny is right--The feds/cops can't just grab anything they see when they raid to seize evidence pursuant to a search warrant. The warrants are very specific. If they had taken what Giuliani said were hard drives on Hunter Biden, they would have been thrown out, and unable to be used as evidence under "Fruit of the poisonous tree" if I recall my criminal justice classes.

And Holy Crap. Twatty is going around throwing slurs at progressive and moderate as if they're TUH EVUHL and downfall of America. One of those pieces of legislation covers paid  leave for maternity (don't quote me on the actual name), and wasn't she bloviating that as a mother, this was the most important  issue RIGHT NOW? when she came back from maternity leave? I can't take anymore of her. There was a reason I stopped watching.

As for that neighbor? Please. Colbert aired that interview two nights ago. And of course Twatty wants to talk with her--she said absolutely nothing and knew nothing--Just like Twatty knows nothing and talks out of her ass.

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2 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

And Sunny is right--The feds/cops can't just grab anything they see when they raid to seize evidence pursuant to a search warrant. The warrants are very specific. If they had taken what Giuliani said were hard drives on Hunter Biden, they would have been thrown out, and unable to be used as evidence under "Fruit of the poisonous tree" if I recall my criminal justice classes.

Also if they were Hunter Biden's hard drives (which I don't believe) they would be worthless as evidence in anything regarding Hunter because chain of custody would not be able to be proven.  And I'm not surprised Tucker Carlson didn't ask the question but WTF would Rudy have Hunter's hard drives?  If they were his actual hard drives and had anything on them that is illegal surely Rudy would have turned them over to the authorities.

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I applaud Ana for using the ride or die expression for Rudy and Trump.  
Megan wants to invite the  socialite on the show because she could talk to her for hours. Ok then. 
I loved the story Ana told about Al ordering cakes, even sour face had to laugh. 
I agree about Sara being on point today and looked beautiful. 

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2 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

I covet and want Sara’s blouse.

Yes she was checking all the boxes.  I loved how her hair was today. I wanted one of them to ask her if she had a hot date after or a job interview.

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I go into detail about my thoughts about Meghan in today's show on her own thread, but I actually found her almost bearable - for awhile. I liked that she was the one leading the giggling over the Giuliani clip.

Ana was as concise and fun as always, and Sunny was on point with her legal opinions. I was just distracted by Sunny's eye makeup. Way too much eyeliner/mascara.

Sara wins the look of the day, hands down. Her hair, makeup and top (is it a blouse or a dress? I can't find a full length photo yet) were all perfect. Sara is ready for summer!! 😎

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It looks like Sarah was wearing a halter top and it looked fabulous. Loved her hair and her makeup and she is giving Michelle Obama a run for her money with those arms. I think Sarah has stepped up her fitness routine since she got the new game show hosting gig. Whatever she is doing, I will have what she is having. Now. Meghan McCain's hairdresser-Look at Sarah's hair-THAT is how you do hair and make a woman look great. Not with mismatched braids stolen from discarded Elsa dolls.

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6 hours ago, 2JEWELL said:

MeAgain thinks she has her job on her own merits ! 
😂😂😂. I had no idea she could be funny!!

So true…who exactly is she talking about who didn’t get there on their own merits if she thinks she did?  She certainly isn’t there in her own merits.  Also exactly what did she and her tribe expect from president Biden. …”we were promised he was moderate, would be bipartisan…”…did she somehow think he ran on the Republican platform?  He hasn’t done anything so far thats different than what he campaigned on and he isn’t the problem when it comes to bipartisanship. She needs to look at her own tribe for that.(but she never will) And again she avoids the actual question on Rudy but instead concentrated on the neighbor. 

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1 hour ago, Haleth said:

Meg thinks “bipartisan” means the Dems roll over and let Mitch run the show. 

It's true.  When her tribe was in control I don't remember her saying they needed to be more  bipartisan. She is far from being the only hypocrite in her tribe but she is one of the worst.

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2 hours ago, ifionlyknew said:

Did anyone else hear Meghan say she hasn't been in NYC in over a year? So that means any pandemic restriction she was bitching about didn't affect her personally.

Hardly anything that gets her worked up affects her personally. 

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Here we go:




THE VIEW'S Meghan McCain slammed leftists who want "violence against Republicans" in an intense debate over Rep Liz Cheney giving Joe Biden a fist bump.

Cheney was seen fist-bumping the president following his first address to Congress on Wednesday.

McCain slammed both Republicans and Democrats for making gestures across party lines a big deal.

Conservatives began blasting her online but McCain came to her defense and said the party was "tribal."

"This isn't new. It reminds me of when Chris Christie hugged President Obama after Hurricane Sandy and it basically ruined his chances to become president," McCain said during Friday's show.

"Now I'm not surprised by it. I think Republicans are tribal, and right now, we were sold a bill of goods of President Biden being a moderate and reaching across the aisle," she continued.

"And other than visibly fist-bumping, he should be doing things that are more concrete, like actually working together on bills and things to fix the country," the co-host went on.



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It’s all on personal perspective!! I know THE VIEW needs to keep their SHOW AFLOAT with oppositional verbiage and keep a negative front about FOX NEWS, but it’s respect for others that don’t feel or follow the same way this show does! I know the Nielsen ratings are important, but the form of your program is old, out dated, and not appealing to most anyway! Maybe have a liberal day/ conservative day every other day! Our nation is extremely two different PERSPECTIVES and for so many of us we can’t seem to back away and listen! Your show could be the beginning of a new wave of PEOPLE WATCHING! From your audience, the Executive Branch, and ALL NEWS branches! 


STOP SITTING AT THE TABLE SO MUCH! Stop judging! Stop hating others if their VIEW is not yours! Don’t set off the public; listen to each other and RESPECT the public! Others will catch on!

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