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S10.E16: Say OK


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I feel like Corey just half listens to Leah most of the time. Really just about everyone including her sister.

Briana, stop touching your face. I get needing a break, but what’s his name?

So I guess in Nebraska, they just carry their masks.  The mirror image beanie discussion was too much. Not the subject, just the accents.

Vee’s all, “don’t compare me to Kail!”


  • Love 7

Did these women actually have self-awareness this episode? Did Kail have an issue with Jo and actually understand his struggle? Did Brianna have awareness that she put herself in this situation? I’m proud of you ladies. I had to make sure that I was really watching teen mom 2. Now if Leah could’ve actually disciplined Addie when she put gum on the camera man’s camera. I would’ve been proud of all these ladies. But baby steps! 

Edited by ellenr33
  • Love 7
9 hours ago, Andyourlittledog2 said:

The double beanie thing was weird though. 😀

They entire outfits matched, right down to the black beanies! I mean, did they plan that?

Losing patience with Jade. Her knee-jerk reactions to situations and the volatile environment she's choosing to raise her daughter in are frightening.  None of it will end well.

Maybe Kail is finally getting over her need for constant drama? I have to say, I've also been impressed with Leah. I think she's really trying to be a good mom and it even seems like she might be doing some reading.  Her vocabulary has definitely improved.  

Edited by snarts
  • Love 6
1 hour ago, Mr. Miner said:

So is Leah going sit by the phone waiting for all of the junkies in the holler to give her a call when they are overdosing?

Exactly.  I thought she was staying home all the time, to keep Ali from being exposed to COVID.  Where's she running across overdosing opioid addicts?  And why was it so important to get this training during a contagious pandemic? 

She's coming across to me as so self-righteous, with how she and Corey communicate so well now, and mostly, about her shtruggle with addiction.  This Narcan training was just more of that b.s. 

And really, this conversation with Corey about her shtruggle with addiction needed to take place while her kids sat in the car, waiting?  What was the urgency?  And what was with complaining that Corey and his "wife" (did her name slip her tongue?) didn't provide a safe place for her as an addict?  Fuck you, Leah.  He was having to hand his daughters over to someone he knew was an addict and who was denying it up and down, between nodding-offs.  You were not the wronged party in that situation.

Oh, and speaking of sitting in the car, I've heard that people say that driving the kids around is when they spend quality time with them, but really, I think talking to Nova about changing up her routine and spending days at Devoin's pad merited a face-to-face discussion.  Although I think that was all orchestrated, that Briana knew Nova wouldn't want to do it, and she put it out there to paint Devoin as a failure again.  Poor Nova.

And then that damn Stella says she likes loser Devoin better than Loo-is.  Heh.



  • Love 13
1 hour ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

And really, this conversation with Corey about her shtruggle with addiction needed to take place while her kids sat in the car, waiting?  What was the urgency?  And what was with complaining that Corey and his "wife" (did her name slip her tongue?) didn't provide a safe place for her as an addict?  Fuck you, Leah.  He was having to hand his daughters over to someone he knew was an addict and who was denying it up and down, between nodding-offs.  You were not the wronged party in that situation.

She said that? That just blows my mind.


Leah, while you clearly needed help, you cannot be the priority for Corey. Your underage kids- who you were ENDANGERING, by the way, driving them around while high and taking them out with you to meet your dealer in parking lots- were, as they should have been. And you were a lot more interested in saving face on TV than you were in their welfare at that time.


This is why I always argue with people who post on here how much Leah has grown up. She freaking hasn't.  She's still the same self involved with poor judgment woman she's always been.

Edited by Tatum
  • Love 16

“Guess what I went and done” says Leah. She learned to give nasal sprays at her local community center! She needs English lessons. Could Victoria be any more apathetic about Leah’s past struggles with addiction? That was hilarious to watch in itself. Leah’s curls were on point though. 

Briana saying “you HAVE to like your dad” is so messed up. You don’t HAVE to like anybody, ever. Is it even a little surprising that stone-faced, boring Luis is not Stella’s favorite? He shows zero interest in her and she knows it.  It’s painfully obvious Briana has had no father figure to model a paternal relationship. I feel bad for her but she could do a little reading or consider a little counseling to help her overcome her lack of experience with fathers. I read extensively about fostering healthy sibling relationships because I don’t have any myself. I didn’t have my own experiences to draw on so I borrowed from others who did. 

  • Love 11
1 hour ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

And really, this conversation with Corey about her shtruggle with addiction needed to take place while her kids sat in the car, waiting?  What was the urgency?  And what was with complaining that Corey and his "wife" (did her name slip her tongue?) didn't provide a safe place for her as an addict?  Fuck you, Leah.  He was having to hand his daughters over to someone he knew was an addict and who was denying it up and down, between nodding-offs.  You were not the wronged party in that situation.

MONKEY!  MONKEY!  The truth will come out you will see!  Fuck her and Dawn for all that business.  They dragged Corey and Miranda through the mud and back.  

  • Love 19
2 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

1. And what was with complaining that Corey and his "wife" (did her name slip her tongue?) didn't provide a safe place for her as an addict?  Fuck you, Leah.  He was having to hand his daughters over to someone he knew was an addict and who was denying it up and down, between nodding-offs.  You were not the wronged party in that situation.


2. Oh, and speaking of sitting in the car, I've heard that people say that driving the kids around is when they spend quality time with them, but really, I think talking to Nova about changing up her routine and spending days at Devoin's pad merited a face-to-face discussion.  Although I think that was all orchestrated, that Briana knew Nova wouldn't want to do it, and she put it out there to paint Devoin as a failure again.  Poor Nova.

And then that damn Stella says she likes loser Devoin better than Loo-is.  Heh.



1. My thoughts exactly.  I feel bad for anybody who struggles with addiction and I'm glad she's got it under control, but in my personal experience addicts are notorious for noticing what has been done to them more than what they have done to others.  Maybe she needs to go back and watch episodes from that time, now that she's clean.  Also, I cannot believe it's been eight years!  I would have said 3 or 4 if anyone had asked me.  Yikes!

2. Again, I agree.  I didn't think that was the time for that.  Also, give her a second to think about it and find a way to express it.  I always hate those 'give me a decision right this second' questions.  Talk to her about it, IN PRIVATE-so she doesn't have to worry about people seeing what she says about them on TV, then give her a day or so to think about it and get back to you.  It takes me a while to sort through certain things and I'm 45, Nova is a kid.  Plus, we already know she had a hard time staying overnight with her other grandma for just one night, you want to send her for 3 in a row?  WHAT?  Roxanne is right about a bachelor pad probably not being the best place for Nova. 

I also wonder about Nova feeling uncomfortable around boys.  I know that can be normal to an extent because of her age and all, but I wonder how not having a stable male figure in her life will affect her as she gets older.  I hope this is a case of it being her age and all. 

Brianna said that she knows she did this to herself.  Yes!  Now put a period at the end of that statement, but in a practical way, and move on. 

Stella we don't like Luis either, you sweet baby.

Nova seems so uncomfortable on camera.  I feel bad for her. 

  • Love 11
1 hour ago, eskimo said:

1. My thoughts exactly.  I feel bad for anybody who struggles with addiction and I'm glad she's got it under control, but in my personal experience addicts are notorious for noticing what has been done to them more than what they have done to others.  Maybe she needs to go back and watch episodes from that time, now that she's clean.  Also, I cannot believe it's been eight years!  I would have said 3 or 4 if anyone had asked me.  Yikes!

Did she say 8 years? If so, she outed herself. The story she usually sticks to is that she was overly medicated during Addie’s birth, and then prescribed a ridiculously high dosage by mistake, which led to an inevitable addiction. Granted, in February it will be eight years but depending on when this was filmed- that that was a hell of a rounding up. And the addiction lasted for several years, through her divorce to Jeremy, so it’s probably only been resolved- if it has- for 3-4 years. 

And yeah, instead of bitching about how Cory didn’t coddle her during her addiction, why doesn’t she apologize to him for all the sleepless nights she caused him, wondering if Leah was going to crash her vehicle with the kids in it, or be passed out and unable to supervise their kids? 

  • Love 15

Watching Kailyn last night was excruciating. The manic way she calls up people and just jumps right into how horrible HER day has been or crazy how HER morning has been...does she ever have any kind of interest in anything these "friends" of hers have going on in their lives? It's all me me me.... also, another podcast? And what a boring one it is. What's with this sudden friendship between Kailyn and Vee? And Jo...wow...he's quickly becoming a balding, middle aged guy. Question...does Lux ever wear a shirt? Finally...the return of Bone!

Jade has a real mess on her hands. There's no way to sugar coat this for her. Sean knows how to get to her and manipulate her. They break up but he isn't moving out because he has no where to stay...so now she's still stuck living someone who is an angry, belligerent, dead beat with no ambition, no job, not even a high school diploma or GED...on top of that, he's resentful of her and they fight constantly in front of their child using bad language and sometimes he's even physically abusive. He should move out for the sake of the child...go to the local YMCA if you have to. He'll never get his GED. He'll probably never work again either...he's in the worst rut a man could be in. Honestly, the only hope for him is to join the military and learn a skill. 

Brianna is just stupid and clueless. No way Nova should be spending any time at Devoin's place when he has a roommate that hasn't been vetted. I would never let a child, boy or girl, stay with a relative that had a roommate that hadn't been checked out first. this is how kids end up being molested. Nova has her guard up about him and instinctively does not like him. Oh Brianna...how could you allow your precious daughter spend time at a residence with a man that you don't know just because you need a "break". That's the excuse you gave for going on a trip with married man recently. 

Chelsea and Cole are boring as hell. I just am not interested in her Forever 21 wannabe clothesline or the building of their "dream home". Does Cole not work anymore? Aubree is a "tween" now and no longer wants to show affection towards Cole and certainly did not want to pose at the school for a picture...yikes...nothing would be more embarassing to a new kid at school than to have your stepdad take a picture of you in front of the school. Buckle up Chelsea and Cole...those teen years are coming up fast.

MTV producers are really trying hard to give Leah some sort of a storyline this season and it's just not very intriguing. The whole "I got trained to save someone from an overdose" thing was ridiculous. Who is going to call her her for help when they can call 911 and get an EMT to come to their house...would you trust a stranger, someone with one training session, a private citizen no less to save your family member or friend? The whole pain killer addiction story line with her is just old...I thought we had moved on from that. Apparently not.


  • Love 10
8 hours ago, geauxaway said:

No.  Unless you call being Chelsea’s bitch work.  He quit his actual real job for this.

So where is Chelsea’s debilitating anxiety over the COVID?  One would think that of all things would freak her the fuck out.  No?

Ha. Covid is probably a godsend for Chelsea, particularly considering how lax SD has been about restrictions regarding public safety. It's basically an excuse to get out of doing anything she doesn't want to do, while allowing her the freedom to still do what she does want to do.'


ETA: also, while not a job I would ever recommend, being Chelsea's bitch has to be way harder than his ground traffic control job or any other work he's ever done. I am reminded of the old adage, anyone who marries for money winds up earning every dime, or something to that effect.

Edited by Tatum
  • Love 7
9 hours ago, BrownBear2012 said:

The manic way she calls up people and just jumps right into how horrible HER day has been or crazy how HER morning has been...does she ever have any kind of interest in anything these "friends" of hers have going on in their lives? It's all me me me.... also, another podcast?

Kail doesn't have friends. She has hanger ons who validate her every poor decision in exchange for getting to appear on TV or go on vacations. Anyone who actually has her best interests at heart is filtered out, because those people won't enable her, and anyone who expects a mutual return of friendship is also filtered out, because Kail isn't springing for lattes or plane tickets just to hear about someone else's problems.

  • Love 9

I also want to say that if Leah wants to help with the addiction issue one of the best things she could do is share how she became addicted.  I think people don't understand that many, many, opiate addictions begin with justified prescriptions, then things get out of hand.  They don't worry about it because they aren't at parties popping pills for fun.  The get hurt and need them but aren't weary of becoming addicted because it's not recreational.  Then when the doc suddenly pulls the prescription you're in trouble and are either seeking pills or turn to heroin because it's easy to get on the street.  That's what she should be stressing to anybody that'll listen.  That most of these addictions begin innocently and that you need to be very cautious from the moment you get a legit prescription.  She could really help someone who's about to be in that situation.

I also don't think it's bad she got the Narcan (is that what it's called?) and was trained in using it.  I agree that it makes more sense to call 911, but a lot of people get scared when someone OD's and bail.  If they knew someone else they could call they might at least do that.  Plus, we really don't know what the people around her, that we don't see, are doing.  She might have friends or family who are addicted right now and they would have her number.  Again, 911 is best, but addicts aren't really trusting of calling authorities.  IIRC, Chris Farley might have survived but the person he was with was afraid of getting busted and left.  So while her Narcan and training are unlikely to help strangers, it could very easily save someone she knows, and since she was in that life, we know that she does know people in that world.  

  • Useful 1
  • Love 12
13 minutes ago, eskimo said:

I also want to say that if Leah wants to help with the addiction issue one of the best things she could do is share how she became addicted.

She already made her excuses explained how her addiction started. It was someone else's fault. It always is with Leah. I suspect Leah was medicating her depression or anxiety with her percocet or vicodin but she's never going to admit to that- post partum depression is probably more shameful in her part of the town than a drug addiction is. I imagine "buck up little camper" and "count your blessings" are common things to say to someone in her neck of the woods suffering from depression.


17 minutes ago, eskimo said:


I also don't think it's bad she got the Narcan (is that what it's called?) and was trained in using it.  I agree that it makes more sense to call 911, but a lot of people get scared when someone OD's and bail.  If they knew someone else they could call they might at least do that.  Plus, we really don't know what the people around her, that we don't see, are doing.  She might have friends or family who are addicted right now and they would have her number. 

You're totally on to something there. I would imagine she does know people who could, and would, take her help.

  • Love 2
12 hours ago, BrownBear2012 said:

He should move out for the sake of the child...go to the local YMCA if you have to.

Have you been watching a lot of TCM lately?  Because...the YMCA in Indianapolis?  New York City, maybe. 

But that's actually the point.  He doesn't have anywhere to go?  Nowhere?  Not a single person who will let him crash on their couch, or a few he can rotate among?  Isn't that one of the benefits of being young?  Having a network of friends who will take you in when you find yourself without housing, if you're willing to sleep on the floor?  Has Sean completely fucked that up, too?

As for moving out for the sake of the child, it's Jade who thinks Kloie is benefiting from having Sean around, just like she thinks Kloie benefits from having Jade's mom around.  She's wrong.


12 hours ago, BrownBear2012 said:

He'll never get his GED. He'll probably never work again either...he's in the worst rut a man could be in. Honestly, the only hope for him is to join the military and learn a skill.

What about his music?  Just the other episode he was talking about going to college to study music.  But then I think he said he was self-taught, and I'm gathering he didn't mean that when he was three years old, he spied a violin in a pawn shop window and the kindly shopkeeper noticed and gave it to him and the rest is history.

I don't get the feeling he'd thrive in the military.

  • Love 3

And yeah, instead of bitching about how Cory didn’t coddle her during her addiction, why doesn’t she apologize to him for all the sleepless nights she caused him, wondering if Leah was going to crash her vehicle with the kids in it, or be passed out and unable to supervise their kids? 

There's a reason why 12 step programs emphasize making amends and teaching addicts that only they are responsible for their addiction. It's called taking responsibility and not blaming others. 

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

Have you been watching a lot of TCM lately?  Because...the YMCA in Indianapolis?  New York City, maybe. 

But that's actually the point.  He doesn't have anywhere to go?  Nowhere?  Not a single person who will let him crash on their couch, or a few he can rotate among?  Isn't that one of the benefits of being young?  Having a network of friends who will take you in when you find yourself without housing, if you're willing to sleep on the floor?  Has Sean completely fucked that up, too?

As for moving out for the sake of the child, it's Jade who thinks Kloie is benefiting from having Sean around, just like she thinks Kloie benefits from having Jade's mom around.  She's wrong.


What about his music?  Just the other episode he was talking about going to college to study music.  But then I think he said he was self-taught, and I'm gathering he didn't mean that when he was three years old, he spied a violin in a pawn shop window and the kindly shopkeeper noticed and gave it to him and the rest is history.

I don't get the feeling he'd thrive in the military.

When I said YMCA I was pointing out that there are  alternative living spaces for people like Sean...I don't live in Indianapolis so I don't know if they have a Y that would provide housing...I was merely spitballing a thought. And no...I haven 't been watching TCM lately...though I do know several people that have lived temporarily at YMCA's and YWCA's throughout my life.

I too, was perplexed about Sean saying he wanted to go to music when I have never seen him play an instrument in the show or even listen to music...all I see him doing is play video games. He's just so delusional...in order to get into a bonafide music school he would need his GED. And having gone to a college that had a separate School of Music, I can say that getting into a music school of good standing is highly competetive and difficult to get into. This guy has a lot of delusional dreams that he never takes any steps towards achieving. 

Finally...you never know how someone woud respond to military life. Sometimes, someone like Sean with no structure or goals does well. A lot of times they cite the military as being the big turnaround in their life...who knows. I like to think that Sean could have a productive life at some point but it doesn't look good...he's got so many issues that need professional help.

14 hours ago, geauxaway said:

No.  Unless you call being Chelsea’s bitch work.  He quit his actual real job for this.

So where is Chelsea’s debilitating anxiety over the COVID?  One would think that of all things would freak her the fuck out.  No?


  • Love 3
6 hours ago, Tatum said:

I am reminded of the old adage, anyone who marries for money winds up earning every dime, or something to that effect.

I remember it 'Marry a rich girl you'll work hard for the money'. 

I'm disappointed in Cole if he quit his job for this. That was the best thing about him besides being a good dad and a stable husband. They are boring but boring is good for the kids (usually).  Theirs are the only kids in this franchise that I don't watch in despair.

Brianna really got her whine on this episode.  She is such a soul-suck of a person.

The fact that Kail talks about herself during the show I don't hold against her. The scenes are set up that way. We aren't supposed to be watching the teen moms discussing their friends problems and lives, its the other way around. It makes them appear like bad friends but there isn't any way around that for the televised portion of their lives unless the friend's issues are pulled into the teen mom's storyline (like Victoria's vacation baby or Cate and Tyler's drug addict friend staying with them in the OG version).  Friends are used to be the person the Teen mom tells her thoughts and problems to while filming. If they have none,or none wish to perform,  then the producers perform that task.

Jade's parents and Sean are like a many-tentacled creature that she can't get loose from. She releases one sucky arm and three more swing round and envelop her.  They have manipulating Jade into free room and board down to a fine art. If I lived her life I'd be a volatile cranky mess too.

  • Love 8
2 minutes ago, Andyourlittledog2 said:

The fact that Kail talks about herself during the show I don't hold against her. The scenes are set up that way. We aren't supposed to be watching the teen moms discussing their friends problems and lives, its the other way around. It makes them appear like bad friends but there isn't any way around that for the televised portion of their lives unless the friend's issues are pulled into the teen mom's storyline (like Victoria's vacation baby or Cate and Tyler's drug addict friend staying with them in the OG version).  Friends are used to be the person the Teen mom tells her thoughts and problems to while filming. If they have none,or none wish to perform,  then the producers perform that task.

That's kind of you to give her that pass, but I don't buy for one second that once the cameras aren't rolling, Kail becomes any less self absorbed. 


(But I do get what you're saying).

  • LOL 1
  • Love 7

Briana always goes too far.  Nova never sleeps over at Devoin’s but suddenly she should spend half the week there?  And it’s obvious she wants the dads more involved to give herself a break, but we know her mom and sister help a lot and she is still so rude to her mom.

I agree that Creed (awful name) looks like Lincoln. #conspiracytheory  And I also don’t get Lux’s long hair and lack of shirts.  Her other boys are so groomed.

That Chelsea scene was weird it was mirror images- they talked the same and looked the same.  I guess she has new friends this season.

Poor Chloe that kid is always in front of a screen.  Jade needs to send her to daycare at least part times so she can get some people to actually interact with her.

I do usually cut Leah slack because I’m impressed that she was able to rehabilitate herself when many can’t.  But what she said to Corey was tone deaf and obnoxious.




  • Love 4
On 12/16/2020 at 2:45 PM, StatisticalOutlier said:


She's coming across to me as so self-righteous, with how she and Corey communicate so well now, and mostly, about her shtruggle with addiction.  This Narcan training was just more of that b.s. 

And really, this conversation with Corey about her shtruggle with addiction needed to take place while her kids sat in the car, waiting?  What was the urgency?  And what was with complaining that Corey and his "wife" (did her name slip her tongue?) didn't provide a safe place for her as an addict?  Fuck you, Leah.  He was having to hand his daughters over to someone he knew was an addict and who was denying it up and down, between nodding-offs.  You were not the wronged party in that situation.


Leah has been working overtime trying to prove to everyone how together her life is now. What with all of the family meetings where she wants to be on record explaining everything or her constantly patting herself on the back ... she sure seems insecure. Either that or a storyline or some of both. Ain’t fooling me. 

  • Love 5
On 12/16/2020 at 3:45 PM, StatisticalOutlier said:

Exactly.  I thought she was staying home all the time, to keep Ali from being exposed to COVID.  Where's she running across overdosing opioid addicts?  And why was it so important to get this training during a contagious pandemic? 

She's coming across to me as so self-righteous, with how she and Corey communicate so well now, and mostly, about her shtruggle with addiction.  This Narcan training was just more of that b.s. 

And really, this conversation with Corey about her shtruggle with addiction needed to take place while her kids sat in the car, waiting?  What was the urgency?  And what was with complaining that Corey and his "wife" (did her name slip her tongue?) didn't provide a safe place for her as an addict?  Fuck you, Leah.  He was having to hand his daughters over to someone he knew was an addict and who was denying it up and down, between nodding-offs.  You were not the wronged party in that situation.

Oh, and speaking of sitting in the car, I've heard that people say that driving the kids around is when they spend quality time with them, but really, I think talking to Nova about changing up her routine and spending days at Devoin's pad merited a face-to-face discussion.  Although I think that was all orchestrated, that Briana knew Nova wouldn't want to do it, and she put it out there to paint Devoin as a failure again.  Poor Nova.

And then that damn Stella says she likes loser Devoin better than Loo-is.  Heh.



Agree to all of this. During the budget summit with the two baby daddies, Brianna did note Stella's affection for Devon and to his credit, asshat that he is, he has been extremely sweet with and to her. 

Can't blame Nova for not wanting to living a few days a week in a space with Devon's roommate. She made a point of saying "he's fine", and I believe her, but understand her discomfort, especially as she also said she's used to living in an all-girl household. I wanted to slap Brianna when she was being so rude to her mother. Devon is living in a bachelor pad, and that's not the ideal setting for a little girl.

Poor Jade. The multi-tentacle grip Sean and the useless parents have enwrapped her in that someone upthread noted is too true.

Kloe has a serious kitchen set-up in her bedroom. Maybe when Ashley joins the show, Holly can visit with her KitchenAid mixer. lol

Kailyn is boring (and I, too, wonder why Lux doesn't wear a shirt at home 99% of the time) and Chelsea is boring. Guessing a soapbox is the only thing Leah has to stand on. Her darker hair looks really nice and healthy, but she needs to discipline Addie. She's a smart but very rude little cookie, though I did laugh when she turned to tell her grandmother, "By the way, my name ain't Sis."

  • Love 4
35 minutes ago, politichick said:

Kloe has a serious kitchen set-up in her bedroom. Maybe when Ashley joins the show, Holly can visit with her KitchenAid mixer. lol

Great.  I've been trying to convince myself to stop watching this damn show, and then I read this and know I wouldn't be LOLing if I hadn't actually seen it.

  • Love 2
On 12/17/2020 at 4:56 PM, Guiltypleasure25 said:

Briana always goes too far.  Nova never sleeps over at Devoin’s but suddenly she should spend half the week there?  And it’s obvious she wants the dads more involved to give herself a break, but we know her mom and sister help a lot and she is still so rude to her mom.

She was. Her mom (for all her faults) as been a constant physical, emotional and financial support for her raising these kids. She should show her mother more respect AND acknowledge that she’s right- I thought the idea of Devion chauffeuring Nova every day was a great idea. And no you don’t want to throw your small child (Nova is 8 now?) into a situation with an adult you know nothing about, Roxanne 100% on the money about it being like a “college house” etc. 

  • Love 8
On 12/18/2020 at 5:34 PM, politichick said:

Can't blame Nova for not wanting to living a few days a week in a space with Devon's roommate. She made a point of saying "he's fine", and I believe her, but understand her discomfort, especially as she also said she's used to living in an all-girl household. I wanted to slap Brianna when she was being so rude to her mother. Devon is living in a bachelor pad, and that's not the ideal setting for a little girl.


Yea her mom was right about that one. He can do the pickups and drop offs and help her out that way, but I wouldn’t want her sleeping over with some stranger. 

Also - ugh with Leah. Her conversation with Corey was ridiculous. He was concerned about his children and you not endangering them. He did what any good father should have done and I don’t see any problems with him not tip toeing around her feelings. 

Edited by JAndy
  • Love 9

What is the most aggravating part of Leah's complaints is that of all the "teen" parents- Corey is the only one of either TM or TM2 who has consistently tried to have a cooperative relationship with Leah as he realized that was in the best interest of Ali and Gracie, from day one. Some of the dads (and moms) have matured over the last 10 years, but from the first day and ever since, Corey swallowed whatever resentment or anger he had towards Leah and recognized the end goal was minimal conflict for Gracie and Ali.


Of anyone, Corey would have been the most receptive for his former partner to tell him, I have a problem and I need to get help, but I won't do it because I am worried you're going to take advantage of the situation to get more custody, or forever use this against me in the future if we have a disagreement. And you know what? A lot of people would have. But I believe Corey wouldn't have. He respects Leah as his daughters' mother and knows it's in their best interest for Leah to get treatment, and on top of that, out of pure empathy Corey wouldn't want Leah to be suffering as she was.


But did Leah try that? No, she kept insisting she was fine. She went to rag mags and whined that Corey was making this whole thing up just to hurt her. She accused him of actually colluding with a teacher at the school to falsely accuse Leah of not bringing her kids to school on time (which she wasn't- on time or at all). She was the uncooperative one and made it virtually impossible for Corey to do anything but initiate a custody battle against her.

  • Love 14
1 hour ago, Tatum said:

What is the most aggravating part of Leah's complaints is that of all the "teen" parents- Corey is the only one of either TM or TM2 who has consistently tried to have a cooperative relationship with Leah as he realized that was in the best interest of Ali and Gracie, from day one. Some of the dads (and moms) have matured over the last 10 years, but from the first day and ever since, Corey swallowed whatever resentment or anger he had towards Leah and recognized the end goal was minimal conflict for Gracie and Ali.

I agree. Leah was putting the girls in danger with her behavior- end of story. She was driving under the influence.

I understand addiction is a disease and I’m glad Leah was able to get help, but a mature person would've thanked him for picking up the slack while she was getting help.  

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, Tatum said:

What is the most aggravating part of Leah's complaints is that of all the "teen" parents- Corey is the only one of either TM or TM2 who has consistently tried to have a cooperative relationship with Leah as he realized that was in the best interest of Ali and Gracie, from day one. Some of the dads (and moms) have matured over the last 10 years, but from the first day and ever since, Corey swallowed whatever resentment or anger he had towards Leah and recognized the end goal was minimal conflict for Gracie and Ali.


Of anyone, Corey would have been the most receptive for his former partner to tell him, I have a problem and I need to get help, but I won't do it because I am worried you're going to take advantage of the situation to get more custody, or forever use this against me in the future if we have a disagreement. And you know what? A lot of people would have. But I believe Corey wouldn't have. He respects Leah as his daughters' mother and knows it's in their best interest for Leah to get treatment, and on top of that, out of pure empathy Corey wouldn't want Leah to be suffering as she was.


But did Leah try that? No, she kept insisting she was fine. She went to rag mags and whined that Corey was making this whole thing up just to hurt her. She accused him of actually colluding with a teacher at the school to falsely accuse Leah of not bringing her kids to school on time (which she wasn't- on time or at all). She was the uncooperative one and made it virtually impossible for Corey to do anything but initiate a custody battle against her.

Now that I’m rewatching the early seasons (thanks Netflix) I’m wondering if she’s kind of salty towards Corey because deep down she’s kicking herself for losing a solid man like him.

  • Love 8
14 minutes ago, Guiltypleasure25 said:

Now that I’m rewatching the early seasons (thanks Netflix) I’m wondering if she’s kind of salty towards Corey because deep down she’s kicking herself for losing a solid man like him.

I think a part of Leah never expected Corey to move on, and she expected him to always be her "backup" or "comfort boy". Of course Corey cheating on his wife with Leah was wrong, but at the end of the day he chose Miranda- and I dont think it was a continuous thing. When Corey made it plain that Miranda was his wife, and Leah couldnt string him along any more, and his priority was his family (Miranda and his girls), she was surprised and her feelings were butt hurt. Also Leah doesnt have anyone now.....hooking up with Jeremy between boyfriends doesnt count. 

  • Love 11

Does Leah really think she knows anything about anythng?

Encouraging addicts to come to her for assistance is inviting elements around her three girls!

Second hubby could hardly stand to listen to her in that FaceTime call.  First hubby listens for the check he'll receive for being on camera.

I swear her sister's eyes were glazing over listening to Leah.

Shut up Leah you're a fool!

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