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I Love A Mama’s Boy - General Discussion

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The fact that Mike has to ask Liz if their relationship will be affected by him moving to LA shows he does not feel her love is unconditional, and that is sad. I hope he doesn’t go out to LA. Steph needs to get far away from him and find a guy who isn’t a mama’s boy.

“I’m going to ask my future bride to wait to be…my future bride.” Shekeb has to know how dumb he is. In fact, that whole scene in the park was too much. Laila hiding behind a tree, chucking candy at Emily after she tried to choke her to death with a ring hidden in a half rotten strawberry. Emily saying Shekeb should have made more effort and taken her to a private island. Emily’s scream when she saw Laila. It was all just so absurd. I feel like TLC is trying to make Emily look bad to make us forgive Laila’s pig comment and it’s not working for me.

Matt's mom insisting on riding to the airport with them, and telling Kim that she WILL accompany Matt to visit Kim in Austin.....Kelly is shown to be a controlling, pushy woman who seems to have no concept of appropriate boundaries. There is nothing cute about Kelly's behavior, as she continuously pokes at Kim, just to torment her.

Matt's inability to understand where he needs boundaries, and how to set strong boundaries with his mom will cause him problems in any partnership. He needs good therapy for a long period to learn and understand what is appropriate and what is not, and how to stand up for his partner. Kelly is the type that will continually test those boundaries, I would imagine.

Kim needs to find an actual man who can stand on his own two feet, without his mommy in the middle of her marriage. The kind of man who will have his wife's back.

When Matt's relationship blows up, Kelly and Matt will both blame Kim I imagine, for not playing the role they have given her in the relationship. The third wheel.

No one wants to be the third wheel in their own marriage. No one wants to have a MIL so firmly planted in the middle of their marriage.

Edited by Hotel Snarker
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On 10/27/2021 at 8:58 AM, Hotel Snarker said:

No one wants to be the third wheel in their own marriage. No one wants to have a MIL so firmly planted in the middle of their marriage.

WE know that.  KIM knows that.  There's NO convincing Kruel Kelly and Namby Pamby Matt.

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Laila wouldn't know love if it kicked her in the butt. Smothering, she knows. She is reveling in Shekeb's misery. His punishment will ensure that he won't be setting her aside for another woman any time soon.

She knew what she was doing when she set up that "romantic" scene. She knew no female over the age of 15 is going to be bowled over by a promise ring, especially not the cheapest she could find.

I knew Kim would have great relief not being under Kelly's thumb anymore. Of course, pansy Matt brings mommy along to grill Kim about the state of their relationship. Get a clue, Matt, mommy is your problem, not Kim.

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Of course, Kim feels a million times better away from Kelly! Kelly throws hundreds of little darts at Kim every day, and those things hurt. They wear you away. Matt shows no signs of "manning up" so I hope Kim gets away from them and has a happy life.

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Paging Dr. Freud!! I think we have a serious case of Jocasta and Oedipus complex over here (Kelly and Matt) Thank God Kim got away. I am over Shakeb and his evil mother-Miss Potato Face should call it a day and move on. I thought it was funny how protective Bryan is about his mom-she's old enough to make her own decisions-let her do her thing. And Tia-you better get packing 'cuz Momma's moving in and that will be the end of your happy home.

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Why does Emily look so different in her Talking Heads? Is it the lighting? I totally agree with the Previous Poster who said they are making Emily out as the Horrid One this time to Deflect from Leila unforgivably calling her a Pig. Outrageous!  So tired of non- interesting Shakib being on the screen.  Not only is he boring, I see no chemistry whatsoever with Emily, and also, he’s too lazy to even enjoy his Mother’s fawning all over him.  Yawn.  Emily needs to cut and run.  She’s marrying Leila too and no one should put up with that for the rest of their lives.  

I was pretty sure Kim was putting up with Kelly because Matt’s family must have some money....but it looks like she’s not interested in being abused anymore.  I hate to see Matt’s tears of frustration now that the fly escaped the web.  I have the exact same amount of sympathy for him as he had for Kim when Kelly made crap comments and belittled Kim on the daily. I hope she doesn’t go back to him.  Also, he’s not even one bit cute.....and she IS! 


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On 11/1/2021 at 4:40 PM, Eme said:

I was pretty sure Kim was putting up with Kelly because Matt’s family must have some money....but it looks like she’s not interested in being abused anymore.

I decided some time ago that Kim might not enjoy heterosexual activities. She doesn't have to worry about that stuff with Matt...and is willing to put up with Queen Kelly of the Roses for the comfortable (enough) lifestyle and the "enjoyment" of her little secret with Matt.  

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Kelly, Kim is realizing what life is like without you being a bitch to her and your awful son who never stands up for her. Live your best single life, Kim!

Bryan needs to back the hell up and let his mother who is a grown ass adult go on a date by herself! Playing the tough guy is so sad a pathetic, and kinda disgusting. He wasn't doing it to protect her; he doesn't want to lose her attention.

So Theous decided that his mommy would move into his family home without consulting his wife?? I feel so bad for Tia. She needs to run. She deserves so much better. And we all know Mom is doing this on purpose. She wants Tia gone. And her son has no backbone.

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3 hours ago, Hotel Snarker said:

So Theous decided that his mommy would move into his family home without consulting his wife??

They're not married; Tia needs to wake up and realize mommy will always be FIRST ... and she will be VERY DIFFICULT when she moves in.  As you said, RUN!!!

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2 hours ago, Back Atcha said:

They're not married; Tia needs to wake up and realize mommy will always be FIRST ... and she will be VERY DIFFICULT when she moves in.  As you said, RUN!!!

Maybe I’m mis-remembering, but isn’t it Tia's house that Theous moved into? 

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I hate the fakery with this show.  The Emily stuff is ridiculous.  Bad acting at its finest.

Not even sure about Matt and Kim being real.  Matt’s caterwauling is also silly.  Matt and Kelly deserve each other.  He can stay in what will become another tacky property with mom the rest of his life.

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3 hours ago, For Cereals said:

He can stay in what will become another tacky property with mom the rest of his life.

OMG!  Let's hope Kelly doesn't read the word "tacky" when referring to her property.  She's a BIG SHOT in her town.  She's WEALTHY.  She has CLASS, TASTE, and most of all, a hot/sexy manboy who always puts her first.   

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Good lord these guys are losers. Matt made me lol with his hysterics. Kim can do better. That said are they actors? Is Matt gay? “ what she did was appalling “ no dude you inviting  mommy in for a private chat with your fiancée is appalling. You let your mom shit all over her for years and she is the bad guy for standing up for herself! “ He won’t get back with her” ummm no she dumped his ass.

 The Emily situation seems so fake as well.She was calm, sane and not superficial at all last season. Now she is throwing plants? 😂 it is so so fake. Was that it? Is this mess over?

Edited by sainte-chapelle
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6 minutes ago, sainte-chapelle said:

Good lord these guys are losers. Matt made me lol with his hysterics. Kim can do better. That said are the actors? Is Matt gay? The Emily situation seems so fake as well.She was calm, sane and not superficial at all last season. Now she is throwing plants? 😂 it is so so fake. 

I watch this intermittently between other shows.  From the first time I saw MATT AND KIM, I knew MATT IS GAY.  I would bet a million dollars.  It's a wonder ALL the men aren't gay with mother's like this.  (ok, come after me.. but, really.. it's sick (the relationships between the men and mothers and men and "wives")

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So hardly anyone would blame Emily if she went off the deep end after dealing with Leila for a couple of years, but this was strange and unsettling.  Why is she making Leila look good?  Unacceptable! What did those plants ever do to her?  Leaving without her shoes?  It was very strange, and while I’m no fan of their continued relationship, it’s weird to end this way. 

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Matt: "I remember everything about the first time we had sex!" Because straight men say things like that to their moms. 

I sometimes wonder if the producers didn't cast and script Matt and his mother based on Buster and Lucille Bluth. Every time I watch them I think of MotherboyXXX.

Emily was a little . . . disturbing. Like Leila and Shakib have been toying with someone disabled.

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Matt and Kelly are freaking revolting. Kim "knew what my mom was like and my mom is my go to person." So what? She's supposed to keep on being bullied by the self-interest and self-absorbed enmeshment that is the relationship between the two of you? Doesn't she deserve a life wherein her needs and desires are met too? No? Well, YOU flake off, you giant, narcissistic toddler, and take your Jocasta mom with you.

This story with Emily is so fake. Production has certainly casted her as the looney this season. Baby Shekeb and his mom may also exit.

Edited by renatae
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Matt deserves everything he got.  He will never have a relationship until he can grow up and peel his mother off his leg.  It’s gross.  The histrionics at the bar with Kelly was ridiculous too. He and his mother have a severely dysfunctional relationship.  It’s just abnormal behavior.  If Kim orchestrated this move to Austin to figure out how to end the relationship, it was brilliant.  Good for her.  

Same with Shekeb.  Although the whole Emily thing seems sadly scripted, I wouldn’t blame her if she still threw the plants at Laila’s house.  Shekeb is another overgrown baby who is not marriage or even boyfriend material.  Cut your losses, Emily, leave Laila and Shekeb to their life together.  

I am rooting for Mike and Stephanie, and got mh hopes up when he said he moved to California to be with her.  Then his mother shows up.  Out of all of them, though, Liz seems the most able to let him go.  We’ll see.  Glad that Stephanie isn’t jumping right back into it.  

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Well I'm still laughing at the fake histronics of Emily at the house. Why does she want the ring back? She hated it so who cares if greaseball gave it to his mommy? She could use some acting lessons lol. And poor Matt, crying at the bar-it looked like the talk with Kim was going well until he didn't know what to say so he calls Kelly into the room. I really do think he is gay and just not willing to face it. Of course Mama Bear will protect him. Good for Kim for getting away. And Bryan was plain out rude to the guy who took his mommy out on their "double date". He wants Mommy's attention on him, not another man. Too bad, the guy seemed nice. And someone needs to teach these people how to wash a car! You have to rinse the soap off before it dries, dummies! Maybe Steph and Mike have a chance but I would'nt count on it. 

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Just now, luvgoldens said:

So cringeworthy seeing a grown man like Matt walking from the car to the restaurant to meet with Kim

Weren't those wealthy Californians using the lowest cost (cheapest) Uber/Lyft available?  That's what came to mind when Matt stepped out of that tiny yellow car ... and then ... THE BIG REVEAL:  Mommy!!

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Matt: “I told you she’d do this, Mom!” Also Matt: “I saw NONE of this coming!”

He needs to find someone who’s willing to be in a throuple with him and his mother. Kim obviously is not willing to live her life that way and I truly hope she dumped his ass and is enjoying her life to the fullest because their current relationship is toxic. He just called his mommy out from wherever she was hiding to come and defend him. What a pathetic loser.

Looks like Mike is another dope who has his mommy in tow to visit his girlfriend. Why would someone actually do that? You think your girlfriend wants to see your mom when you come to visit her in another state and she hasn't seen you for a while?

Who else just laughed hysterically at all that crap with Emily? Laila taunting her from the window like a chihuahua guarding its house just made me LOL too hard.

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5 minutes ago, sainte-chapelle said:

Damn I thought Kim and Emily escaped. Why are they on they there?

This is why I think the show is staged. If things ended so acrimoniously, no way they would all be in a room together.

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Leila is just abusive to Emily. It's not even funny at this point. I hope for her sake it is contrived because it reminds me of this episode on Dateline where the husband's mother moves in with them. Takes over their bedroom, she's forced to sleep on an air mattress. The mother in law makes fun of the weight and puts her down at every oppurtunity. Then he murders her and her son.

The mother tries to put on a hit on a ambulance medic who showed up on the scene so she can't testify.  Anyhow I digress, but same type of inappropriate mother-son relationship that ends in murder.

Just now, LEILANI2 said:

Leila is just abusive to Emily. It's not even funny at this point. I hope for her sake it is contrived because it reminds me of this episode on Dateline where the husband's mother moves in with them. Takes over their bedroom, she's forced to sleep on an air mattress. The mother in law makes fun of the weight and puts her down at every oppurtunity. Then he murders her and her son.

The mother tries to put on a hit on a ambulance medic who showed up on the scene so she can't testify, also threatens to kill her young son if she testifies.


Anyhow I digress, but same type of inappropriate mother-son relationship that ends in murder.


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On 10/27/2021 at 12:16 AM, Back Atcha said:
On 10/26/2021 at 12:14 PM, Maisiesmom said:

That "picnic" was SO lame-the funniest part was when Emily spit the strawberry and part of it went in Shekebs carefully coiffed hair.

black patent vinyl hairpiece.

From SNL's weekend update.  The stand-up comedian-robot STOLE Shekeb's hairstyle!image.png.ed0175936c7d55822cb06ed8803734e0.png

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