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S02.E03: Snakes & Liars

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I watched the beginning twice and still missed the part of Rex and Nope phoning a cab, were they booking it from Canada or in the airport in Hong Kong?


Not sorry the 2 girls went home,  "We're vegetarian!!!'  ugh


Didn't they do the same shopping challenge in Chinatown in Vancouver, was it any different?


Glad Rex remembered he was a dancer and could learn choreo.


The hockey girls are unstoppable or are they...Hockey girls can't dance?


Did Alain really think there would be various ways to get to Hong Kong on Air Canada?  They really should have let the first team to the airport fly first class though, just to make it worth their while.

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Yay Hockey Girls! They're so badass.  I actually really like most of the teams this year. The french brothers need to stick around forever because there's nothing I love more than a french canadian accent. Those 2 teams along with Mickey & Pete and Alain & Audrey are who I'm pulling for.


I like that it's international but I'm also kind of bummed that we won't get to see as much of Canada.  There's just no pleasing me.


I noticed the greeters this week and last week had little sayings after they welcomed the teams. Tofino was "The end of the road". She said one tonight but I'm old and senile so, even though the show ended like 10 minutes ago, I've already forgotten what it was. The land of something? Does anyone remember if the 1st greeter said something similar? Or am I just looking for things that aren't there because of the flowers last year?

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I think that the hockey girls made a big mistake using the Express Pass.  You use it when you need it or when you have reached the time limit for it.

They haven't even given their other one away yet.

Don't the snakes need their gallbladders?  Or do they kill them after for the soup.  It seemed awfully cruel to do that.  And who on earth ever dreamed up doing that for a drink.

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That was definitely a mistake. I stepped out of the room for a few minutes so I actually had hoped I'd missed the part where they decided NOT to use it. Hopefully it won't come back to bite them in the ass.

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I think that the hockey girls made a big mistake using the Express Pass.  You use it when you need it...


An entire W-Turn got edited out of the episode; NatMeagh were clearly trying to emulate what Tim/Marie and Nicole/Travis did.


That was definitely a mistake. I stepped out of the room for a few minutes so I actually had hoped I'd missed the part where they decided NOT to use it. Hopefully it won't come back to bite them in the ass.


They managed to snag their third prize in a row, so I respectfully disagree.

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Nice to see that Rex and Bob taking six hours of penalties means -- absolutely nothing due to bunching at the airport.


Apparently Bo innovation Masterchef dude (I can't be bothered to remember his name) is an asshole on an international level, it's not just a Masterchef Canada thing.


An entire W-Turn got edited out of the episode; NatMeagh were clearly trying to emulate what Tim/Marie and Nicole/Travis did.


That's amazing that the team that went home wasn't one of the teams W-turned.

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An entire W-Turn got edited out of the episode; NatMeagh were clearly trying to emulate what Tim/Marie and Nicole/Travis did.



They managed to snag their third prize in a row, so I respectfully disagree.


Are we sure that this is actually in Hong Kong and not next week's task (or even the week following?).  I find it implausible that this could have happened on the Hong Kong leg.  There's no way that Pierre & Michel could've done both Kung Fu and MasterChef (especially with the extra challenge of finding the Canadian maple syrup that seemed to be the teams' undoing)


If this is indeed a missing scene from Hong Kong, I suspect that Rex/Bob and Sukki/Jinder U-Turned not realizing that the Olympians and Pierre/Michel were actually IN FRONT of them.  Thus nulling the U-Turn.  Pierre/Michel would've been seriously hindered by this U-Turn and I highly doubt they finished so well if they'd actually done both tasks.  The Olympians could only skip ONE task.  So even if they used the Express Pass, the U-Turn still counts.  They'd have to complete ONE of the two tasks, *if* they'd reached it after Bob/Rex had hit the marker and U-turned them. 


I think it was a dead U-Turn that affected neither team.  Considering Rex/Bob did one, it was probably out of their inability to actually understand how TAR is actually run.  And I would bet that Sukki/Jinder were just making a Hail Mary guess about Pierre/Michel. 


Either way, both teams lose the opportunity to U-Turn again in the game. 


ETA: The smaller picture is the person who DID the U-Turning.  The bigger picture is who has been U-Turned.  As I was rereading the original post, I think this may have been confused.

Edited by HistoryGirl
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If this is indeed a missing scene from Hong Kong, I suspect that Rex/Bob and Sukki/Jinder U-Turned not realizing that the Olympians and Pierre/Michel were actually IN FRONT of them.  Thus nulling the U-Turn.  Pierre/Michel would've been seriously hindered by this U-Turn and I highly doubt they finished so well if they'd actually done both tasks.  The Olympians could only skip ONE task.  So even if they used the Express Pass, the U-Turn still counts.  They'd have to complete ONE of the two tasks, *if* they'd reached it after Bob/Rex had hit the marker and U-turned them. 


I think it was a dead U-Turn that affected neither team.  Considering Rex/Bob did one, it was probably out of their inability to actually understand how TAR is actually run.  And I would bet that Sukki/Jinder were just making a Hail Mary guess about Pierre/Michel. 


Either way, both teams lose the opportunity to U-Turn again in the game. 


As Meaghan would say, "Nailed it!"


That's amazing that the team that went home wasn't one of the teams W-turned.


It's a first for Canada, yes; other versions, though...

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Another leg with a shitload of tasks. Gondola ride, Buddha blessing, stair climbing, Kung fu / chef challenge, snake eating, posing for camera - in one episode! Plus the added challenges of finding everything, and jet lag. Wow.

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Old guy in the restaurant totally copped a feel on Sukhi's butt.

Does anyone know if Canadians need a visa to visit Hong Kong? I'm wondering how surprising going there was. I know that on the US version the racers get visas to more countries than they actually go to, so they have some idea of where they may be going.

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They managed to snag their third prize in a row, so I respectfully disagree.

Oh, they did well for sure. I just meant I hope it wasn't a mistake to use it now when there may come a time later when they really are struggling with a task.


It's interesting to learn that an entire double u-turn was edited out. Usually we'd get a bunch of "Caution: U-Turn ahead!" drama when teams opened their clues but I guess they didn't bother since none of it mattered anyway.

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"She said one tonight but I'm old and senile so, even though the show ended like 10 minutes ago, I've already forgotten what it was"

Argh, I can't get the quote thing to work. Anyway, I think she said 'The city of life'.

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I was very impressed with Cormac's mommy.  I wouldn't have thought she would be doing so well.


Can someone please explain how they know a W-Turn got edited out and why it was not of any consequence?

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Can someone please explain how they know a W-Turn got edited out and why it was not of any consequence?


HistoryGirl explained it in a post upthread. Both of the teams that got u-turned had already done their task (or used their express pass) and were ahead of the people that u-turned them. They can't be made to go back and do the other half of the detour when they're already finished, thus it didn't affect anybody in the race.


It really seems unfair that Bob and Rex suffered virtually no penalty for quitting two tasks. Not sure what TPTB could have done with them setting off on an international leg like they did but maybe make them sit out the balance of their penalty time when they got to Hong Kong and have to wait to begin their race?


I'm with those who think the hockey players might have shot themselves in the foot by using their Express Pass so quickly. I'm sure they could have zipped through that Kung Fu task pretty quickly and been near the front of the pack again. They hadn't been unduly slow in doing anything previous and weren't in any trouble of being eliminated. I hope they don't rue their hasty decision.

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I am very disappointed that Amazing Race Canada has left Canada. And I can't say I found this episode all that interesting. The snake task was just gross, not to mention cruel. And the task at the Bruce Lee statue was just plain stupid.


Didn't they do the same shopping challenge in Chinatown in Vancouver, was it any different?


I have never been to Hong Kong, but have been to Chinatown in Vancouver many times where it is not the least bit difficult to find someone who can speak English. It seemed very obvious to me that the grocery list task would be much more difficult than the Kung Foo task.


I have to say I am much more impressed with Cormac's mother than I am Cormac. She did the skydiving task, the surfing task and now the disgusting snake bile task. What has Cormy done of any difficulty other than the English tea task?

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Does anyone remember if the 1st greeter said something similar? Or am I just looking for things that aren't there because of the flowers last year?



Rachel RSL;  I noticed the girl last week was holding a surfboard but the lady this week wasn't holding anything do that shot my theory, you may be on to something.


IETA:  I am with others who wish they would stay in Canada, there are a lot of great places in Canada and if they want jet lag they could fly from Victoria to St John's NFLD and then back to Edmonton.  A suppose a problem is that in the spring some places in Canada might still be snowed in.

Edited by Blackie
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I am very disappointed that Amazing Race Canada has left Canada. And I can't say I found this episode all that interesting. The snake task was just gross, not to mention cruel. And the task at the Bruce Lee statue was just plain stupid.

I have never been to Hong Kong, but have been to Chinatown in Vancouver many times where it is not the least bit difficult to find someone who can speak English. It seemed very obvious to me that the grocery list task would be much more difficult than the Kung Foo task.

I have to say I am much more impressed with Cormac's mother than I am Cormac. She did the skydiving task, the surfing task and now the disgusting snake bile task. What has Cormy done of any difficulty other than the English tea task?

The Detour was a classic TAR detour. Usually there is one task that is slightly easier than the other, but you have to use your judgment as to which one it is. This is why often there is switching of tasks. Teams make the wrong decision all the time (Note that Rex/Bob shouldn't have hesitated on taking Kung Fu, but did-- this is classic overthinking). On paper the MasterChef seemed easier, but when they arrived at the task and got the list from Alvin they realized the food items were more Canadian than Chinese, thus making it more challenging than they'd expected (teams wouldn't have known about the maple syrup until getting to the location). Sometimes the choreo for something like Kung Fu can be really hard, so if you really are terrible at dancing or memorization you might want to skip it. The girls took the MasterChef challenge because they liked the show, Sukki/Jinder took it because it seemed easier. Add to that, many people in Hong Kong speak English fluently because of the British roots. It's not out if the realm of possibility that they'd very easily be able to find storekeepers/locals that spoke English. It's considered very lucrative in Hong Kong (and even China) to ensure your children speak English as much of the world's business is done in English.

That being said, the language barrier is part of the fun of TAR and it was sorely lacking in S1. They tried to use it in Quebec and Nunavut legs. Nunavut had the spirit of TAR in having the clue written in Innukitut, but I don't think the producers/task developers counted on so many people speaking it so fluently right at the airport. Ideally teams should've been scrambling to find what it said. So to have them struggle with language overseas is definitely part of the game. (And if the team can speak the local language, all the better!)

Gross food is likewise a classic TAR move. They've since moved away from it, because no one likes to see people throw up on TV, but it's been a staple for years. Perhaps it is cruel, but it is apparently a Chinese delicacy. I'd rather the snake soup than shark fin soup.

I found the Bruce Lee bit rather funny. Yes, it was pointless, but I suspect it was to separate up the teams a bit more. They would have to find the statue. The clue didn't say "find Bruce Lee" it said something more obscure which escapes me right now. This could have feasibly made a few teams lost.

I have no problem that they've left Canada, it makes the show more appealing and quite frankly I suspect the boost in sponsors made it possible financially. I just wish they'd gone to Canadian historical sites while there. Someone in the thread for Fish in my Pants mentioned there is a spot dedicated to the soldiers who were captured in the Hong Kong Invasion in WW2. That would've been nice to seee.

I was, however, pleased that they found ways to tie in Canada with the maple syrup and Alvin from MasterChef but I do think they could've gone further with it.

I'm still shocked that Rex was recognized in Hong Kong! That to me was one of the most surprising things. What would've made it better is if he spoke fluent Cantonese and told them what to do/where to go. (I love it when locals help out teams like Star Lady did for the girls-- shows the international spirit of welcoming!)

Edited by HistoryGirl
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Either way, both teams lose the opportunity to U-Turn again in the game.


TAR Canada does not seem to hold to this rule.  Last season the Tims U-turned people twice.

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Natalie and Meaghan using the Express Pass might not be the best idea, but winning 1st three weeks in a row has to be pretty good.

The Demon Chef reminds me of Joe Bastianich somewhat, Rex and Bob seemed to have a hard time finding taxis in China.

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IF it's indeed true there was a W turn that happened, then the hockey girls were right in using it.  Normally they would advertise the use of it in the promos for next week if it does change the positioning of teams by a decent margin.  But then again, I can't remember when the first one came  up last season...it would be a bit too early to introduce it in the third leg. 



I am very disappointed that Amazing Race Canada has left Canada.

If anything my sister is more keen on watching this version BECAUSE they are leaving Canada.  Not to mention it's a good way for Air Canada to show off where they have direct flights to and from though it does sort of kills the "scrambling for a connection' moments. 

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IF it's indeed true there was a W turn that happened, then the hockey girls were right in using it.  Normally they would advertise the use of it in the promos for next week if it does change the positioning of teams by a decent margin.  But then again, I can't remember when the first one came  up last season...it would be a bit too early to introduce it in the third leg. 



If the U-Turn occurred, it's not the Hockey girls who used it.  Rex/Bob and Sukki/Jinder used the opportunity TO U-Turn Hockey Girls and Pierre/Michel (note: the small photos are the teams who did the U-Turning, the large photos are the people who were U-Turned, thus punished).  


Hockey Girls and Pierre/Michel would've been punished by the U-Turn if in fact it was applied (they would've had to complete both tasks).  Seemingly, neither had to complete the U-Turn probably because they were ahead of the people who did the U-Turning. 

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The snake challenge was no more cruel than any other challenge that involves eating animals. I suppose it's cruel to a vegan ( who has never swatted a mosquito or killed an ant in the pantry or exterminated bedbugs or headlice).

I'm still not seeing the appeal of Rex and Bob. Well, Bob is okay, but Rex seems whiny and mean. I'm sorry they didn't get eliminated last week for being such challenge giver-uppers, and I surely hope they don't win.

The hockey players are good and pleasant, but I hope they don't win. I think this should be a show for regular folks, not semi-celebrities.

Not sure who I'm cheering for yet; it's too early to pick a favourite.

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If the U-Turn occurred, it's not the Hockey girls who used it.  Rex/Bob and Sukki/Jinder used the opportunity TO U-Turn Hockey Girls and Pierre/Michel (note: the small photos are the teams who did the U-Turning, the large photos are the people who were U-Turned, thus punished).  


Hockey Girls and Pierre/Michel would've been punished by the U-Turn if in fact it was applied (they would've had to complete both tasks).  Seemingly, neither had to complete the U-Turn probably because they were ahead of the people who did the U-Turning. 

I think she was talking about the hockey girls using the Express Pass.

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The snake challenge was no more cruel than any other challenge that involves eating animals.


Wow, good for TARC that its challenges are no more cruel than TAR. A ringing endorsement if I've ever heard one.

Edited by UsernameFatigue
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I liked this episode, cool to see them in other countries. Makes it more of a challenge, especially when you factor in the 17 hour flight. Plus it is cool to see the other countries. I wonder if they will end up anywhere else? 


A couple of things made me laugh though. First was when either Rex or Bob commented about how the hockey girls totally smoked them going up the stairs. I was like, they are world class athletes you idiot, what would you expect.


I also laughed because at one point Nicole and Cormac were trying to find a clue and she yelled at him to hold her hand when crossing the street. Sounded just like how I would say the same thing to my 3 year old.

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The hockey players are good and pleasant, but I hope they don't win. I think this should be a show for regular folks, not semi-celebrities.


I totally agree with this!  I'm sure they're lovely girls, and obviously doing very well, but let's face it, they have a pretty distinct physical advantage.  I also hope Rex & Bob don't win, since Rex also qualifies as a celeb. 

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I totally agree with this!  I'm sure they're lovely girls, and obviously doing very well, but let's face it, they have a pretty distinct physical advantage.  I also hope Rex & Bob don't win, since Rex also qualifies as a celeb. 

I am ok with both teams being here. As far as being celebrities go, both teams are way less recognizable than freaking Hal Johnson and Joanne McLeod! Plus I am not sure I would call a famous ballet dancer any more of a celeb then a well known business person or someone on youtube. The girls are celebrities, but I think by the nature of what they do, and the fact that they wear helmets most of the time, they wouldn't be super recognizable. 

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I wouldn't say any of these folks are true celebrities. Rex certainly was at one point, but not now. I can't see how their 'celebrity' is giving any of these people an upper hand, so it's a non-issue for me.


We really enjoyed this last episode. Everyone seems to be shifting position so often, and it makes it exciting to watch! I thought the girls using the express pass so early on and when they weren't in any real danger of elimination seemed rather pointless. And don't they have to give the other set of passes away? So, someone else now will have an advantage the girls used too soon. I applaud their seeming ability to master any task, though. They sure do love their eye make-up, huh? 


I was all about Rex and Bob, until the quitting started. They can go anytime, for me.


Biggest surprise for me has to be the team of Mommy and Cormac. I was so prepared to dislike them, but turns out...I am rooting for her! When she was getting ready to drink the gallbladder bile, and told Cormac to stop talking to her, she had me. I knew she was psyching herself up to do it, and having been a single mom for a good part of my life, I know that 'take a deep breath-you can do this' moment when I see it. I like her much more than I thought I would.


The vegetarians bugged, so not sorry they are gone. I am always amused at the level of horror supposed vegetarians display at the thought of eating living things, only to throw that horror to the wind if there's a race afoot, or money to be won. If you are really a vegetarian, and for real think it's immoral to eat animals, wouldn't that still be true...even on The Amazing Race? Is there some special dispensation for vegetarians if they eat meat 'for a good reason'? Either you hold true to your convictions, or you don't. 


I love John Montgomery. He is made of awesome.

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Hilarious that the film "director" for the poses had a plate camera on that tripod, which doesn't have anything to do with making movies. Also hilarious was the cheesy "Super 8" video effect used.

That detour seemed totally unbalanced, with the MasterChef task seemingly much more involved than the stick fighting one.

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I think it was a dead U-Turn that affected neither team.  Considering Rex/Bob did one, it was probably out of their inability to actually understand how TAR is actually run.  And I would bet that Sukki/Jinder were just making a Hail Mary guess about Pierre/Michel.

But why would they edit that out? That's quality viewing!

The snake challenge was no more cruel than any other challenge that involves eating animals.

Actually, I think it is more cruel if they removed an internal organ while the snake was still alive, which looked to be the case.

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I wouldn't say any of these folks are true celebrities. Rex certainly was at one point, but not now. I can't see how their 'celebrity' is giving any of these people an upper hand, so it's a non-issue for me.


My issue with casting celebrities - quasi or otherwise - is not that their celeb status gives them an upper hand in the race. It's that they have had their chance at fame and glory, and I always thought of TAR as a race around the world by regular citizens. You know, Joe and Jane Average who watch the show and enjoy travel and have a competitive nature, whatever, and want to try it out. Rex was a national ballet star and the women (please don't call them 'girls') are Olympic gold medallists. Give some of the other 30 million Canadians a chance to have a moment of glory.


Wow, good for TARC that its challenges are no more cruel than TAC.




I also laughed because at one point Nicole and Cormac were trying to find a clue and she yelled at him to hold her hand when crossing the street. Sounded just like how I would say the same thing to my 3 year old.


Heh, I thought the same thing. Some people's Mommy-brain is always there.

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They sure do love their eye make-up, huh?


JustAlison, this made me laugh. There is a group of women on the national hockey team that really love their eye make up, and these two are in that group. After games, they will take off their helmets and have their eyes all done up for the cameras. It's incredible (foresight).

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I also laughed because at one point Nicole and Cormac were trying to find a clue and she yelled at him to hold her hand when crossing the street. Sounded just like how I would say the same thing to my 3 year old.

Heh, I thought the same thing. Some people's Mommy-brain is always there

I hate crossing roads in foreign countries where you don't know where the traffic is coming from, so I'm with her  HOLD MY HAND!  (for my own protection!)

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Ha! Should not post when in a hurry.


Funny about the women hockey players wearing eye makeup during a game. I think I did notice that after a game, but don't remember it being so 'racoonish' looking. Maybe they could get an endorsement for waterproof mascara. And application lessons.  


When Nicole asked for Cormac's hand I was thought it was for their mutual protection, but since she has done most of the difficult tasks it likely was her mommy brain protecting her little boy.

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I was a little disappointed they didn't show the trip to YVR from Tofino. Per RFF, the teams were on the BC Ferries, and that would have been some gorgeous scenery. It also would have explained how all the teams except Rex and Bob made it to the airport at the same time. The Nanaimo-Tsawwassen ferry runs every 2 hours, so all the teams bar one were probably on the same boat. It would also be interesting to see if they had to choose which ferry to take. There are 2 different ferries from the Nanaimo area to Greater Vancouver, and one from Victoria to the mainland. However, they probably were instructed to take a specific route. Going to Tsawwassen instead of to Horseshoe Bay would make more sense as it is closer to the airport.

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Both sorry and not to see Laura & Jackie go.  Sorry because they at least seemed nice.  Not, because they easily chose the Detour that was so obviously a trap for no other reason than they wanted to meet one of their idols and stuck with it when it might've been smarter to choose the kung fu Detour.  And then, they get bad luck in finding a taxi after it's all over, allowing Sukhi & Jinder to get by them.  While the reminders of their vegetarianism did get annoying, at least they were decent young women.  And much more root-worthy than Rex & Bob and probably Alain & Audrey.  Oh, well.  Maybe one of them could go next time.


Down to rooting for Natalie & Meaghan, Cormac & Nicole, and Sukhi & Jinder now.

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I'm still shocked that Rex was recognized in Hong Kong! That to me was one of the most surprising things. What would've made it better is if he spoke fluent Cantonese and told them what to do/where to go. (I love it when locals help out teams like Star Lady did for the girls-- shows the international spirit of welcoming!)



Was the guy who recognized Rex local? He said he was from Toronto, which is why he knew who Rex was.

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Was the guy who recognized Rex local? He said he was from Toronto, which is why he knew who Rex was.


I realize he was local, but I'm local and I don't know who Rex is. He must live near to the National Ballet or be a fan of ballet. I just thought it was so odd/remote to run into someone in Hong Kong that could recognize him.

Edited by HistoryGirl
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I realize he was local, but I'm local and I don't know who Rex is. He must live near to the National Ballet or be a fan of ballet. I just thought it was so odd/remote to run into someone in Hong Kong that could recognize him.



Rex is also a guest judge on So You Think You Can Dance Canada. I would imagine that many people these days would know him more from that gig.

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I noticed the greeters this week and last week had little sayings after they welcomed the teams. Tofino was "The end of the road". She said one tonight but I'm old and senile so, even though the show ended like 10 minutes ago, I've already forgotten what it was. The land of something? Does anyone remember if the 1st greeter said something similar? Or am I just looking for things that aren't there because of the flowers last year?


Leg 1: "Welcome to Victoria, British Columbia's beautiful capital."

Leg 2: "Welcome to Tofino, the end of the road."

Leg 3: "Welcome to Hong Kong, the city of life."

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I'm with those who think the hockey players might have shot themselves in the foot by using their Express Pass so quickly.


They should have kept the U-Turn in there since it makes a little more sense why they used the Express Pass.


The shopping task seemed a little more time consuming than the Kung-fu task in this case.  


The vegetarians didn't leave an impression on me last week but they ran a solid leg, so I started liking them more during this one.  


Sukhi was saying "How are you" over and over again to the snake guy.  Did she think she was saying thank you?

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