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I think this show can prove simply changing the location, no more New York. Or places near New York, or why not have couples from different parts of the country? One couple from california, and other Portland. I just can not hear a other man New York accent or atitude (I'm looking at you Ryan D and Jason from season 1). I think thats mine problem Jason from season 1 and Ryan D kinda seem similaiar to me. Not 100% alike, but close enough these two would be friends maybe.


And maybe different age target?

Edited by JellyFishQueen

Thanks. And tell him/her to feel free to give more behind the scenes info that was not aired. 

Ill ask him, but getting video would be terribly hard. Although, there are some extended clips online in various places. Some of them show that Jaclyn wasn't as mean as the show made her seem on her wedding day. Ill see if he has any direct links or footage, but I think it would be impossible for him without getting in legal trouble.

  • Love 1

I had to go back a ways to find this!  @Joobie - at the time, I agreed with what you posted about Ryan, but not with your opinion of Jess.  Today, I'm in total agreement regarding both.  I feel like he's been vilified and accused and had his entire character & reputation totally ruined.  He's been labeled an abuser, drug dealer, gambler, thief, and potential killer (when the worst thing I've actually seen him say or do is tell her to "read a book") - all for the sake of the "success" of the show and of Jessica personally.  That being said, I'm guessing the 95% you mentioned is even smaller today than it was yesterday.  The few, the proud.... lol  


Also...I'm old enough to be his mom, and feel awful for her - this must be devastating.


Thanks for going back and giving me an affirmation. I also watched a different reunion special. My heart breaks for Ryan D and I thought it was funny that the other ladies also used the exact term she cries pretty.

  • Love 3


I thought it was funny that the other ladies also used the exact term she cries pretty.

Oh, I thought they were just laughingly comparing it to ugly crying.  I do ugly crying, which is why I try not to do it in public.  Frightened children are not a good thing.






Well, this article appeared to buy into the Ryan and Jaclyn second chance.     



I really do hope that any infidelity rumors are substantiated so that Jaclyn can stop trying to make that fan base feel better.   She really should not have to justify anything, but she seems to feel she let people down, when it's the Show that let her down.



And then there is this: 



This is the part I think gives credence to the death threats Jessica Castro is alleging: 

Taped in May, the two-part reunion show was a turning point for De Nino and Castro's relationship. According to Castro's family court petition, De Nino was wearing a live microphone when he said his wife would be "f--king dead" when they returned to New York. Following De Nino’s threat, TV producers supplied Castro with personal security.



Just not a good move, Ryan D. 

Edited by rulesoftravel
  • Love 1

Gossip about MAFS was posted on the Bachelor Forum. I'm copying it here again. Can your friend confirm any of this?




This may shed some light as to why this season doesn't feel like last season. They had a male and separate female casting for its original season title was "a love experiment". Which then changed to married at first site. Season one the "experts" took almost 1 year to make the matches from people both truly looking to be married.

This season they did the matches in a week! The show was set to start filming in mid March. They did a female casting call for women who wanted to be married. They called some people back from season 1 who had applied to reapply and Jessica got one of the spots this time.

Then we got orders shooting was changed and the crew had to leave early December and would now be away from our families over Christmas and New Years. Everyone was pissed! The producers thought the couples spending the holidays together would give added drama to the show.

There was no male casting done. One guy was found on match.com, one on facebook because he had acted and modeled prior, and one was a friend of a contestant on season 1. NONE of these men wanted to be married. They all wanted to advance their careers or have "fame." The producers sold them that way. All the opportunities that would come their way afterwards. Plus the $1500.00 per episode they would get and anything that was filmed paid for during the 6 weeks. The matches were made quickly and everyone had two weeks until their wedding.

It is Jessica's Ryan that storms off the set. Jess found out two weeks after the experiment was over that Ryan lied about his job and all the money he doesn't have. He is an aspiring actor/ model that is broke. He stole the $100. The truth comes out he is really a drug dealer and addicted to cocaine. That's why he leaves the set and then he began to threaten Jessica's life.

Jacyln's Ryan cheated on her during the experiment and had sex with his ex girlfriend. Other lies Ryan has told come out such as he does not support his family. He never paid his mother money to live there. His mom would complain she wanted Ryan to move out because he ate all their food and never contributed money.

Jess's Ryan never showed up to film a few times and went MIA. She found out later he was having sex and cheating on her at his ex girlfriends apartment.

They did the casting so fast the men were never drug tested or std tested like the women were.

No one is together. Everyone is getting divorced. Their contract stated must wait 6 months before filing for divorce.

Not sure with editing what will be shown that happened at the reunion as we film much longer than the 1.5 hours they will show with commercials.

Season 3 started filming this past weekend in Atlanta. Three couples were married each a day apart on June 5,6,& 7.



During the six weeks the guys told the girls how they were contacted and found on match.com and facebook and through Doug's brother. It definitely set off some red flags.

Everyone knew something was going on with Ryan D. When he kept missing filming. None of us knew during filming he was on drugs or a drug dealer. Jess found this out during the two weeks they were together off camera. She says this at the reunion which causes Ruan to leave the set.

It really makes sense now his mood swings and him always rubbing his nose when I saw him. His outbursts were 50 times worse than what were shown. They were the only couple that were going to stay together so he got a better edit.

Jaclyn was producer influenced to say yes. She really tried with Ryan but he was such a mamas boy he never spent one night in that apartment with her. He said he had anxiety and had to go home. He went home every night. Or as she knows now some nights to his ex girlfriends house. You wont see shots of them waking up together until decision day.

Davina was very kind from what I have seen. She's not bitchy at all but someone has to be the villian edit. Sean was never there and when he was everything was about Sean. Producers came up with the moonpies and space idea for Sean. He didnt put much effort into things. A lot of the crew said they knew people during filming that said Sean was gay and he was on an all gay bowling team called the Rainbow Rollers. I looked it up online and it does exist and has all their bowling stats. Maybe he's bi?




Jess did say Ryan never physically abused her in the two weeks together after filming but he became much more verbally abusive and she mentions some off the wall things he did that only someone using does. After she left him Ryan's friends went to her telling her how much worse he got once she ended things with him. He is losing a lot of his friends and they are actually on Jessica's side.

Once she said he was not only addicted to cocaine but was a drug dealer ryan walked off set and started ranting and screaming how he is going to kill that f-ing b-itch when they get back and how she is dead! Everyone on set could hear him.

She was going to file a restraining order but the show talked her out of it as it would be in public records and spoil their show. Instead they gave her security guards that walk her to and from work and anywhere she goes until the reunion is over. With her agreeing to not file the restraining order she said she wants an anullment instead of a divorce since they put her life in danger. She used it as a bargaining tool so she may be the only one that will be allowed an anullment.

Yes, everyone is correct, they made sure season 3 started filming just days before decision day was aired. The show told season 3 they had the same outcome on decision day of 66% as season 1. Even though they knew before filming it was 0% were still together. Lots of manipulation goes on.

 Alot of this has some truth, but alot of it is speculation and rumor. My friend didn't have time to pick it apart, but he said judging by how it was written and some of the spelling errors that this is pieced together from the rumor-mill and legitimate articles. For instance, the stuff about Sean is BS. He came up with the interstellar space idea, he wanted to take her to a planetarium, but the crew had a hard time getting them to film in one with the short notice. Also he bowls on that "gay pride" team because alot of his co-workers are gay and involved. He is definitely not gay or bi. He's actually had a ton of exes and if hes that involved with the gay community he would have pursued it with how equal rights has progressed. SO to answer for now, some of it is true, alot is rumor, and this definitely did not come from anyone on the production staff. My friend got canned and they take this information and contracts super seriously. Notice how none of them did any bashing until after the reunion and how they promoted the show even though they were already separated or divorced. <-- thats on instagram just google their names and instagram

Edited by inonomus
  • Love 2

 Alot of this has some truth, but alot of it is speculation and rumor. My friend didn't have time to pick it apart, but he said judging by how it was written and some of the spelling errors that this is pieced together from the rumor-mill and legitimate articles. For instance, the stuff about Sean is BS. He came up with the interstellar space idea, he wanted to take her to a planetarium, but the crew had a hard time getting them to film in one with the short notice. Also he bowls on that "gay pride" team because alot of his co-workers are gay and involved. He is definitely not gay or bi. He's actually had a ton of exes and if hes that involved with the gay community he would have pursued it with how equal rights has progressed. SO to answer for now, some of it is true, alot is rumor, and this definitely did not come from anyone on the production staff. My friend got canned and they take this information and contracts super seriously. Notice how none of them did any bashing until after the reunion and how they promoted the show even though they were already separated or divorced. <-- thats on instagram just google their names and instagram


Thanks for that.


What about the other ctwo ouples? anything true?


Thanks for that.


What about the other ctwo ouples? anything true?

Anything specific? 


Honestly I feel like they made Ryan D look like the villain and so does this friend I have. He tried his best and it was edited to make it seem like he blew up. Most of the time he kind of just went with the flow "ok jess" "whatever you want to do jess". She put in him predicaments/situations where he just got fed up like any guy in a relationship would. He never really demeaned her besides the go read a book statement. He usually just shut down and walked away. And the whole thing with the money, he couldn't escape it. She def called him a degenerate gambler from what I have heard. And then after they broke up and all the other stuff, she purposely planned to throw the hundred dollar bill in his face at the reunion. He has seen the episodes and knew that they were going to crucify him on set. I would have walked away too. And the experts even felt bad for him. Ryan actually seemed like he was a nice guy. The editing just makes you see what they want you to see. 

Edited by inonomus
  • Love 5

I was thinking about the death threats.


In the 1990's, John Guare, who wrote "Six Degrees of Separation" charged David Hampton, who was the subject of "Six Degrees of Separation" with harassment, he left the message on Guare's answering machine, something like, "I would strongly advise you that you give me some money or you can start counting your days."  . William Kunstler represented Hampton and the case was dismissed.  One of the reasons it was dismissed, I remember reading, was that Kunstler filled the jury with what he felt were blue collar types, people who either were used to hearing or who had said themselves, "I'm gonna beat the shit out of you," or "I'm gonna kill you."


I think today, probably because of 9/11, we take threats more seriously, because it's like, if someone could do THAT, what else could happen?

Anything specific? 


Honestly I feel like they made Ryan D look like the villain and so does this friend I have. He tried his best and it was edited to make it seem like he blew up. Most of the time he kind of just went with the flow "ok jess" "whatever you want to do jess". She put in him predicaments/situations where he just got fed up like any guy in a relationship would. He never really demeaned her besides the go read a book statement. He usually just shut down and walked away. And the whole thing with the money, he couldn't escape it. She def called him a degenerate gambler from what I have heard. And then after they broke up and all the other stuff, she purposely planned to throw the hundred dollar bill in his face at the reunion. He has seen the episodes and knew that they were going to crucify him on set. I would have walked away too. And the expects even felt bad for him. Ryan actually seemed like he was a nice got. The editing just makes you see what they want you to see. 


Thanks for the info. But his SM behavior goes completely against your friend's impression; My take is that he and Sean are master manipulators. That's how they got on the show. I still stand by my comment that he is 100% accountable for his actions. 

  • Love 11

Thanks for the info. But his SM behavior goes completely against your friend's impression; My take is that he and Sean are master manipulators. That's how they got on the show. I still stand by my comment that he is 100% accountable for his actions. 

I completely agree, but I would say reaction as some action set off his reaction. I dont think he was right for her but he isnt as bad as he was on that show, and I dont think shes as nice as we have seen her either. I think they (Jessica and Ryan) are both nasty, but you cant have 2 villains. And Sean is as someone said an creepy enigma. No one knew what to think of him because he wasn't around and he was very rhetorical.

Edited by inonomus
  • Love 2

If you haven't seen the show Unreal then please check it out. I think Ryan D has issues but not as bad as what people are making him out to be. I think he did some stupid stuff (knock over the swan napkins, etc) and wa la, we have our villain. I don't think he is perfect and not completely innocent but I think Jessica is playing him in a passive aggressive manipulative manner. I didn't hear any death threats and how did she hear them if he was in the bathroom. If he did say them but I suspect it was hyperbolic talk when angry (stupid but not surprising). The experts were so sure she was genuine, lol, like I trust their opinion. The editing worked against him and I wish they re-showed the closet argument where she wanted BOTH closets. Her 100$ act at the reunion was her true self.

She wrote her journey from doormat to spokesperson. Well done Jessica, you fooled many people so maybe you will get some acting gigs.

I may be totally wrong and this is just my perception of Jessica/Ryan. I just find it hard to believe that everyone believes her without any proof just because an edited show highlighted some bad behavior from Ryan but nothing horrifying. Ryan was alway nice when talking about Jessica in his ITM but she tended to throw him under the bus in her ITM.

edit: typos

Edited by Vicky8675309
  • Love 3


Thanks for the info. But his SM behavior goes completely against your friend's impression; My take is that he and Sean are master manipulators. That's how they got on the show. I still stand by my comment that he is 100% accountable for his actions.

Right with you.   I think Jaclyn, Jessica and Davina being united against him means something.

  • Love 4

If it is true about Ryan R not feeding the cat, then he is dead to me and I can't even say that I am a cat person.  I tend to believe it, because Jacklyn has been very kind to him overall, when she could have dragged his reputation through the streets, if the spoilers are to be believed.


I also have a hard time believing such a jerk is "sacrificing his life" to take care of his orphaned niece and his elderly mother.  More likely, he is a huge freeloader who does squat.


I hate the show for painting this loser as a nice guy.  Also, did you guys see the experts once again gas lighting a woman to stay in a bad relationship?  Jacklyn understands that Ryan does not care about her and will say whatever is needed to make himself look good on camera.  Yet, idiot experts where practically forcing her to give him a second chance.


Edited to add: Did you guys notice how loving and accepting Jaclyn was with the niece and mother?  I truly think Ryan missed out on the one nice woman who would put up with his dead beat ass and take care of his family.

Edited by qtpye
  • Love 8



More info on Jaclyn and Ryan.






I didn't hear any death threats and how did she hear them if he was in the bathroom. If he did say them but I suspect it was hyperbolic talk when angry (stupid but not surprising)

Live mic.  From the husband's waiting room.  The Show provided security for Jessica after the reunion.  They admit that.  




Edited by rulesoftravel
  • Love 2

I thought Ryan R's front teeth looked better last night. I need to watch again.


The problem is his front teeth are too bright. The color contrasts too much compared to his side teeth.  And I also noticed it more when he was with Jaclyn because she has a beautiful smile.

Ryan R. is also very gummy.  The few times we got a full smile out of him, it was mostly gum and then a row of little, chicklet caps.


That said, now that I know that Ryan R. didn't feed, and had no intentions of feeding Jac's cat, Mookie, while she was away..I think he's scum.  Just because you're not interested in Jaclyn doesn't mean you have to neglect her pet!  That's just callous and sick. He is one cold 'dude'.

Edited by cherry slushie
  • Love 7

All those article say Ryan D ALLEGEDLY made death threats. I'm sure if any cast said they felt in fear of their life from the un-vetted guys, would be given security from the show. Same as if they said they got death threats from fans. Why didn't she file a police report--don't say security from production was the reason because did she expect them to be with her all her life? or did he put a deadline on his threat and after that time then all is forgiven. She is a media-whore. She also knew that the 100$ was a HOT BUTTON for Ryan so she brought that up to push his buttons in hopes of him exploding on tv. Bitch, please! I need real evidence and not some OTT remark made in the heat of the movement (if a remark was even made---just her word so far and I don't believe her just like I don't believe her when when she claimed Ryan said she looked trashy (I think he said, piercings look trashy but you look good) or that whole closet situation (there were TWO closets and she already had one but wanted more).

where's the proof he is a coke head and a drug dealer? yet so many are ready to burn him at the stake. Ryan is dumb and Jessica totally played him and is trying to get her goal of FAME. What was that goal she had on some article done long before the show aired? Something about everyone knowing her name within X amount of time.

I know I am in the minority about disliking Jessica more than Ryan D. I just wish people wouldn't assume everything she says is the truth and persecute a guy, who may have acted like a jerk at times, just based on what she says. Please wait for objective facts. Also remember the show is highly edited and any of the cast can be shown as more good or more bad then they really are IRL. Also, no person is 100% good/perfect or 100% bad/evil….well at least most people aren't. Also Jessica's cat liked RyanD and he didn't abandon it for 5 days to starve. Interesting that this was the only couple that actually lived together during the experiment.

Edited by Vicky8675309
  • Love 2

I thought Ryan R's front teeth looked better last night. I need to watch again.


The problem is his front teeth are too bright. The color contrasts too much compared to his side teeth.  And I also noticed it more when he was with Jaclyn because she has a beautiful smile.

I think he has false teeth, it just doesn't look natural at the gum line

  • Love 2

Ryan storming out due to Jessica saying something about drugs may be tied into the $100 bill incident.

(wings707)---Wow--You just reminded me of something from the OJ trial: Kato Kaelin said that OJ had only $100 bills on him when they went to McDonald's that night. A drug deal was a possibility (no MickeyD trash was ever found).

I thought Ryan R's front teeth looked better last night. I need to watch again.


The problem is his front teeth are too bright. The color contrasts too much compared to his side teeth.  And I also noticed it more when he was with Jaclyn because she has a beautiful smile.


Edited by HumblePi
  • Love 14

^^LOL, I laughed so hard at that, HumblePi! I felt a little bad about it, actually, but not anymore after what I've just read on the other board: Jaclyn agreed in a post that it was Ryan's mom who was taking care of him instead of the other way around:



Edited by BunnySlippers
  • Love 2

In a way Ryan R is as much of a jerk as the rest.  He hides behind his (boring) nice-guy persona so that he can't be accused of mistreatment or abuse.  But to put his poor mother and niece on a show when he had little intention of trying to make the marriage work is terrible.I believe that he's a lazy, failure-to-launch bum who prefers hanging out with his friends and the occasional hookup.  To think that he used the excuse "I miss my family" when he probably was spending that time with a girlfriend is inexcusable.  I am glad Jaclyn is rid of him as she deserves much better.

  • Love 12

I think calling Ryan R an animal abuser is a pretty big stretch.   What  we know is that he may not have fed Mookie(after possibly saying he would), but that Mookie was indeed fed by a person that Jaclyn trusted to come through, far more than she trusted her "husband." 


It's just a tad hyperbolic to me.

  • Love 1

I think calling Ryan R an animal abuser is a pretty big stretch.   What  we know is that he may not have fed Mookie(after possibly saying he would), but that Mookie was indeed fed by a person that Jaclyn trusted to come through, far more than she trusted her "husband." 


It's just a tad hyperbolic to me.


I think so too. 

It was irresponsible and showed he didn't care in the least for Jaclyn, but animal abuse is another matter.

  • Love 2

This cat story is why I hate Facebook/Twitter ect. If Ryan has really. mistreated the Cat why not bring it up at the reunion? Why not bring it up on camera as the experiment continued after that. It's so easy to post a story out of proportion online and having people read something one sided causes many different interpretations at times. The story doesn't even make sense as she's telling it. Was he calling her regularly to say "hey I'm not feeding the Cat"? So she knew to send someone. I just can't see that. Or did he tell her, which I believe it went, before she left that he didn't want to care for the Cat so make arrangements. That's not nice but its not at all animal abuse. If what he did was so terrible in Jacs mind why did she continue the relationship? Seems to me like she's looking to defend her decision not to give him another chance for some reason (I say for some reason because I don't think she needs to do that at all) and is drudging up old stories bad enough to get people to stop thinking he's wonderful but still not going to damning to his reputation, and is just letting speculation do what it will.

Are any of the cast members posting other things today? If not I wonder if some might be keeping a low profile in part to not be asked if they heard Ryan D on the mic.

Edited by Gigi43

To be fair, Jaclyn never called it animal abuse. She merely said that he didn't feed the cat but she had made arrangements for someone else to check on the cat.

There's no way of knowing what was said at the reunion except what was shown. Jaclyn is saying not everything was aired. I think she told the cat story to underline how little Ryan cared about her halfway through the "experiment.

There is some speculation/rumor that Jaclyn was heavily pressured to say yes on decision day. Clearly Ryan's yes was not sincere because he skedaddled immediately. We saw the pressure the "experts put on them to give it another try during the reunion. The show needed a feel good couple.

  • Love 5

When I first read the thing about the cat, I thought Ryan was supposed to feed her, but instead went home and didn't, so Jac asked someone else to take care of her. But now I've just read on another forum that what happened was that Jac had arranged for someone else to come and take care of the cat because she knew Ryan would not be in the apartment while she was away. Which is somewhat better, but it still shows how little Ryan really cared about his supposed wife and her pet.



To be fair, Jaclyn never called it animal abuse. She merely said that he didn't feed the cat but she had made arrangements for someone else to check on the cat.

There's no way of knowing what was said at the reunion except what was shown. Jaclyn is saying not everything was aired. I think she told the cat story to underline how little Ryan cared about her halfway through the "experiment.

There is some speculation/rumor that Jaclyn was heavily pressured to say yes on decision day. Clearly Ryan's yes was not sincere because he skedaddled immediately. We saw the pressure the "experts put on them to give it another try during the reunion. The show needed a feel good couple.


I wrote my post while you were writing yours. :)


I found it very disappointing that, as soon as the 6 weeks were up,  Ryan fled back home and never contacted Jaclyn. Then why on Earth did he say he wanted to stay married to her? Did he want to look good on camera? What a liar. He goes home, ignores her, and allegedly has sex with two women while they are still married. What a piece of work he is.

  • Love 6

And another MAFS vetran that can STFU is Doug, the original tweet is gone but this is what be posted


It is always fun to make of Protection Orders

I love this.

I also want to take this opportunity to salute the author, who evidently reads this forum.

I loved that both Jac & Jess tweeted the article about the experts taking none of the blame so that it gets out there to fans.


Edited by crazychicken
  • Love 2

I hate the show for painting this loser as a nice guy.  Also, did you guys see the experts once again gas lighting a woman to stay in a bad relationship?  Jacklyn understands that Ryan does not care about her and will say whatever is needed to make himself look good on camera.  Yet, idiot experts where practically forcing her to give him a second chance.


Yeah, I don't get it, she just spent all that time telling all of them how he completely checked out of the relationship and then they're telling her to give him a second chance as if it's her fault the relationship isn't working out!  What I totally didn't understand was how when he first came out he told the interviewer that he was happy about how Jaclyn is in his life and how they have to work out their relationship, how she has such a great relationship with his mom and niece, etc., etc.  Then we find out they haven't even been in touch for 4 months prior to that!  Then later he also tells the camera that he doesn't want to lose Jaclyn from his life and acts like he's willing to have that lunch with her and try again, but according to Jaclyn, that never happened!  He is more of a phony-baloney than Ryan D. is.  At least Ryan D. is honest about how he feels, as scary as that might be.

  • Love 9

I loved that both Jac & Jess tweeted the article about the experts taking none of the blame so that it gets out there to fans.



That's a great article, but it's not true that none of the experts have taken any of the blame.  Dr. Pepper is on camera on the 6 month reunion show apologizing to Jessica for her role in choosing her match.  While she is not down as admitting this anywhere else, she hasn't been posting to the contrary anywhere else either.

  • Love 3


That's a great article, but it's not true that none of the experts have taken any of the blame.  Dr. Pepper is on camera on the 6 month reunion show apologizing to Jessica for her role in choosing her match.  While she is not down as admitting this anywhere else, she hasn't been posting to the contrary anywhere else either.

You are correct I should have excluded Pepper I found he really genuine and she does seem to care deeply for the participants and suffers remorse on what happened this season. If they do season 4 I hope she remains and the jettison at least Logan & Cilona and their high school mean girls look at each other if to say "see it is like we talked about, totally their fault" Greg was pretty neutral to me until his whole monologue to Jac about giving Ryan a second chance after her just telling them he never follows through.

  • Love 4

I know I am in the minority about disliking Jessica more than Ryan D. I just wish people wouldn't assume everything she says is the truth and persecute a guy, who may have acted like a jerk at times, just based on what she says. Please wait for objective facts. Also remember the show is highly edited and any of the cast can be shown as more good or more bad then they really are IRL. Also, no person is 100% good/perfect or 100% bad/evil….well at least most people aren't. Also Jessica's cat liked RyanD and he didn't abandon it for 5 days to starve. Interesting that this was the only couple that actually lived together during the experiment.


To which I say: I know you dislike Jessica more than Ryan D. I just wish you wouldn't assume everything he says is the truth and persecute the woman, who may have acted like a jerk at times, just based on what he says. Please wait for objective facts. Also remember the show is highly edited and any of the cast can be shown as more good or more bad than they really are in RL....


My point is, you're calling her a fame whore and saying she played him based on no more than those of us who are forming negative opinions of Ryan. We all bring person experiences/prejudices to our viewing experience. I've never said Jessica was innocent or an angel or anything similar. I *have* said negative things about Ryan from the start based on his behaviors I saw on the show and then his behavior on social media after only confirmed (for me) that I was right from the start. His behavior during the reunion show confirmed my feelings as well. They can't edit him to make him do things he didn't do: screaming, belittling, demeaning, walking off the set. His behavior on social media has nothing to do with editing either. 

  • Love 8

Yeah, I don't get it, she just spent all that time telling all of them how he completely checked out of the relationship and then they're telling her to give him a second chance as if it's her fault the relationship isn't working out!  What I totally didn't understand was how when he first came out he told the interviewer that he was happy about how Jaclyn is in his life and how they have to work out their relationship, how she has such a great relationship with his mom and niece, etc., etc.  Then we find out they haven't even been in touch for 4 months prior to that!  Then later he also tells the camera that he doesn't want to lose Jaclyn from his life and acts like he's willing to have that lunch with her and try again, but according to Jaclyn, that never happened!  He is more of a phony-baloney than Ryan D. is.  At least Ryan D. is honest about how he feels, as scary as that might be.


I totally agree with you. IMO Basement Ryan is a disingenuous, manipulative, lying liar. At the beginning of the show I thought, "okay, so he's not an Adonis, but he seems nice. He helps his mom, takes care of his niece, family's important to him - all good signs." And now it turns out that it's not like that at all. I really don't know why he went on this show. I don't think he ever wanted to get married. He has it made in his mom's basement: she cooks for him, I bet she cleans and does his laundry, and he can just save whatever he makes from his real estate job, have sex on the side whenever he can get some and be free - life is grand!


If he really cared about his mom and niece, he wouldn't have done this to them. Not only putting them on the show (in which he was going to come off as a bad guy in the end - didn't he know that people were not going to like his behavior?), but also making them care about Jaclyn and then taking her away from them. His niece said, when they were doing their little arts and crafts project, that she hoped they were going to stay together. But what does Ryan care? That wasn't in his plans, so screw that.


I just hope his niece wasn't watching the show. :(


  • Love 12


Everyone has said that Jessica's attorney has copies of what Dr. C said even though it was deleted.  Do we know this for sure?

It's not that difficult to save with a screenshot. So, pretty possible?  What has been said is that he has the recording from the live mic.    That would be pretty damaging, if it's true.

I'm not certain how valid a news source viralglobalnews is anywho.  Just my two cents.  I did a search and found they were not in the top 25 news sources online.


They are going solely off of what they have gleaned from other online sources (here, Twitter, other FB groups) and have not interviewed anyone directly.  Again, this is just my opinion, but it is amazingly easy to spread unsubstantiated information via the internet, and not be aware of who one is actually dealing with. 

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I'm not certain how valid a news source viralglobalnews is anywho.  Just my two cents.  I did a search and found they were not in the top 25 news sources online.


They are going solely off of what they have gleaned from other online sources (here, Twitter, other FB groups) and have not interviewed anyone directly.  Again, this is just my opinion, but it is amazingly easy to spread unsubstantiated information via the internet, and not be aware of who one is actually dealing with. 

Until the instagram/protection order fiasco I don't think this show made any of the top news sources at all it has always been reported in lesser known gossip sites and when the experts commented on little known blogs or did interviews. I know that it is not  a main news source but it is telling the other side of the coin based on public opinion and I have read all the articles on that site as opinion pieces just like when I have read the interviews with the experts they are putting forth their opinion.

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Until the instagram/protection order fiasco I don't think this show made any of the top news sources at all it has always been reported in lesser known gossip sites and when the experts commented on little known blogs or did interviews. I know that it is not  a main news source but it is telling the other side of the coin based on public opinion and I have read all the articles on that site as opinion pieces just like when I have read the interviews with the experts they are putting forth their opinion.

 You and I may read them as "opinion" pieces, but many times they are being posted as factual, or so I perceive.  Too many times I have seen them referred to as the gospel truth.  Just saying, when I see something is from viralglobalnews, I don't view it as more than gossip.  Similar to tabloids.  In my opinion.

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The four experts are all in denial that this show just doesn't work. When all three of the marriages collapse miserably despite having one-to-one counseling, then it's time to admit that it's a failure. Of course they won't do that because if there's no more Married at First Sight, then there's no more publicity and praise for them professionally. The 'notch on their belt' as what they anticipated would be a success has now become only an embarrassment for them.


Dr. Logan Levkoff is "a recognized expert on sexuality and relationships" according to her own biography. Yes, she belongs to many organizations, yes she has a P.H. degree in human sexuality. I've seen her make appearances as an expert on the Today Show and Good Morning America. Out of the four 'experts' I find Logan Levkoff to be the most annoying. When she speaks, her words sound as if they've been pulled directly out of a textbook, and not through experience. I have been married and have been having sex for three times longer than she's been wearing a bra. Most of what I hear from her is arrogant, misleading and spoken from a psych course notebook. She doesn't like that she failed miserably, none of them do. Either all the experts need to be replaced, and the vetting process adjusted to eliminate potential killers, abusers and wanna-be celebrities, or this show is only going to fail over and over again.

Edited by HumblePi
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If you haven't seen the show Unreal then please check it out. I think Ryan D has issues but not as bad as what people are making him out to be. I think he did some stupid stuff (knock over the swan napkins, etc) and wa la, we have our villain. I don't think he is perfect and not completely innocent but I think Jessica is playing him in a passive aggressive manipulative manner. I didn't hear any death threats and how did she hear them if he was in the bathroom. If he did say them but I suspect it was hyperbolic talk when angry (stupid but not surprising). The experts were so sure she was genuine, lol, like I trust their opinion. The editing worked against him and I wish they re-showed the closet argument where she wanted BOTH closets. Her 100$ act at the reunion was her true self.

She wrote her journey from doormat to spokesperson. Well done Jessica, you fooled many people so maybe you will get some acting gigs.

I may be totally wrong and this is just my perception of Jessica/Ryan. I just find it hard to believe that everyone believes her without any proof just because an edited show highlighted some bad behavior from Ryan but nothing horrifying. Ryan was alway nice when talking about Jessica in his ITM but she tended to throw him under the bus in her ITM.

edit: typos

I remember when Logan said that and I was thinking, "he lived with her 24/7 for 6 weeks. Maybe he got to know her better than Logan".  Instead of asking him how he came to that conclusion, she just hammered him that he was wrong.  How would she know?  he's the one who was married to Jessica.  Maybe there is something or some things Jessica did that gave him that impression.  But we dont' know because instead of listening to what he had to say, the "expert" wanted to talk down to him about how wrong he was for implying that Jessica was anything other than what she portrayed. 


I suspected the same at the beginning of the series when they had their fight over the the piercing/tatoo.  It was clear they had discussed this offline and Jessica brought it up again once the camera's were rolling and that is why Ryan stormed off.  I suspected at the time that the producers were the ones who egged her on and asked her to bring it up again....now? I'm not so sure.  I think that was all Jessica's idea.

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