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Thrive Without Janelle: The Accountability Group

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21 hours ago, lookeyloo said:

Some of them aren’t as effective as two layers of cotton but I’m guessing you have that figured out. Just putting it out there - plus you are zipping by. 

I personally never worry if someone is zipping by. *If* I see another person out, I also go all the way to the other side of the road. I'm not putting a mask on when it's 100+ degrees outside. I always wear one inside buildings, however. 

So last week I made twice-baked spaghetti squash with zucchini marinara and it was so good I'm making it again (I roast the seeds too). I love fall for this reason! All the squashes! 

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I use spaghetti squash or zucchini in place of pasta when we have it.  It's pretty good.

I just did my bicycle half-hour.  It's over 90 out there, too hot for this old lady to walk in.  Late September/early October will be much more comfortable.  

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Wow!  We have quite a few highly motivated, work-out loving people here!  Even when you are barely overweight and healthy, there are always goals to reach for.   I might or might not be jealous.  Afterall, I COULD do stuff if I wanted to.  And I WANT to.  The mind is willing but the flesh is weak.  And soda is lovely.

I'm a bit lost in this sea of achievers.... but fret not, for *I, too, have accomplished many things so far this month.

One day I only drank half a can of Dr. Pepper.  Yes, it's true.  And I weaned myself off of Nyquil, which is HUGE, because for awhile I could only sleep if I guzzled a dose down.  It was really messing with me, so it had to be done.  I can actually sleep without it!

Um..... sadly, I think that's about it.   But the month is not over!  So stay tuned......

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40 minutes ago, Kyanight said:

I'm a bit lost in this sea of achievers.... but fret not, for *I, too, have accomplished many things so far this month.


I picked blueberries.  And helped to start some painting on the historic gift shop at Tawas Point State Park.  Otherwise, I got nuthin'.

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Hey, I think that's awesome, @Kyanight and @Kohola3.  Do what you can, one step at a time.

So I generally find business buzzwords incredibly cheesy, but I like this one so please bear with me. Remember that for the best chance of success goals should be SMART:

S - Specific

M - Measurable

A - Attainable

R - Realistic

T - Time-based

As Janelle has proven, vaguely wishing to be "healthier" isn't of much use without a specific plan and timeline and a way to measure progress. Personally, Realistic is the one that usually trips me up. Nobody's likely to lose 100 pounds or get $100K out of debt this month, I'm sorry to say. But we can start the journey strong!

Just a tip to keep in mind if you find it helpful!

Edited by LilWharveyGal
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2 hours ago, Kyanight said:

Wow!  We have quite a few highly motivated, work-out loving people here!  Even when you are barely overweight and healthy, there are always goals to reach for.   I might or might not be jealous.  Afterall, I COULD do stuff if I wanted to.  And I WANT to.  The mind is willing but the flesh is weak.  And soda is lovely.

I'm a bit lost in this sea of achievers.... but fret not, for *I, too, have accomplished many things so far this month.

One day I only drank half a can of Dr. Pepper.  Yes, it's true.  And I weaned myself off of Nyquil, which is HUGE, because for awhile I could only sleep if I guzzled a dose down.  It was really messing with me, so it had to be done.  I can actually sleep without it!

Um..... sadly, I think that's about it.   But the month is not over!  So stay tuned......

I have done yoga for the past three nights...and thats all I have done but proud of that little bit.

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Was brought down by a migraine yesterday.  Worst aura I’ve had in a while, I get them a few times a year.  Slept all day, literally.  Woke up at 11.  Migraine hit at 1.  Slept from 3-6 then 7:30 till 9 am today.  Blah. 

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1 hour ago, Meowwww said:

Was brought down by a migraine yesterday.  Worst aura I’ve had in a while, I get them a few times a year.  Slept all day, literally.  Woke up at 11.  Migraine hit at 1.  Slept from 3-6 then 7:30 till 9 am today.  Blah. 

So sorry to hear that. I suffered from migraines years ago after my DH's death. It took a few years, medication and therapy to finally get past them, thank God.  I wish you well.

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I really like this idea. I've been very depressed,  what with covid isolation and next door neighbor (NYC apt building) from hell. Most days in July and August it was about all I could do to feed myself, do errands once a week or less, take a shower and occasionally brave the dreaded shared laundry room. (Used by only 8 apts, it is always disgusting and always occupied by laundry someone has delayed removing from a machine). Thankfully, my mood has lifted a bit in the past week. I FINALLY got up the nerve on Sunday to get takeout - so far, just a couple of sandwiches and other prepared foods from the local family-owned deli, which has been in business since the 70s. That really gave me a lift. Then yesterday, I got a call from my vet (she cared for my elderly senior rescue kitty, until we finally had to say goodbye in late Jan.) I miss my vet and her staff almost as much as I miss my cat. The place is like a little family and my cat had so many health issues when I got her, we were there just about every month. My vet called to ask if I could take in a couple of kittens or possibly the mama cat. I was so touched that she'd thought of me, I was in tears in the phone (embarrassing). 

There are so many reasons I should not adopt a cat. No job, (covid destroyed my industry), cat allergy-related asthma and no allergy shots since the shutdown, difficulty caring for myself etc. But it is so tempting. I'd planned to foster after my kitty died but that went out the window when covid put an end to the allergy shots (they're open but I just feel it's so risky to go to a medical office every week. I was on monthly shots before but have missed so many that now I'd have to go back to weekly for more than 6 months). 

All this to say that I'm in for the thriving, or at least the attempt.  I am trying to build up my strength very gradually. Now that I am going outside more often (twice a week instead of three times a month), I can walk.  And I can use weights and do aerobics on the days I don't go out. I was good about doing that until about mid June when I just about fell apart). I was in very good shape before all this, walking  hiking etc. I also am trying to gain back some of the weight I lost. Yes, I lost weight. I dreaded going out for groceries and even having them delivered, and preparing meals, because any time spent in my kitchen, alas, puts me directly next to my neighbor's wall and his horrible deep house music that sounds like a truck is about to come rumbling through the wall (the building was supposed to put a stop to this, the neighbor below has complained too,  and we each own our apts). Furthermore, I was burned out on preparing all my meals at home. But if not for my dread of the kitchen I would have bought more equipment. I'm thinking about an Instant Pot and a big pot to make stew. I have such a small kitchen I was always reluctant to add more stuff, especially when I didn't cook all that much before this past 6 months.

So I'd like to participate, insofar as rebuilding some stamina and muscle tone, and eating better and more. It won't be easy. I am trying to train myself not to have a panic attack when I'm in the kitchen for longer than it takes to pop a frozen dinner into the oven. Seriously. The bad neighbor returned in mid June from 14 months abroad. It's been a real struggle for me even though I know I am fortunate to have a roof over my head and the ability to buy food when so.many others do not have these things. 

Thanks for listening to my ramblings (for anyone who's gotten this far).









Edited by Teafortwo
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6 hours ago, Teafortwo said:

I really like this idea. I've been very depressed,  what with covid isolation and next door neighbor (NYC apt building) from hell. Most days in July and August it was about all I could do to feed myself, do errands once a week or less, take a shower and occasionally brave the dreaded shared laundry room. (Used by only 8 apts, it is always disgusting and always occupied by laundry someone has delayed removing from a machine). Thankfully, my mood has lifted a bit in the past week. I FINALLY got up the nerve on Sunday to get takeout - so far, just a couple of sandwiches and other prepared foods from the local family-owned deli, which has been in business since the 70s. That really gave me a lift. Then yesterday, I got a call from my vet (she cared for my elderly senior rescue kitty, until we finally had to say goodbye in late Jan.) I miss my vet and her staff almost as much as I miss my cat. The place is like a little family and my cat had so many health issues when I got her, we were there just about every month. My vet called to ask if I could take in a couple of kittens or possibly the mama cat. I was so touched that she'd thought of me, I was in tears in the phone (embarrassing). 

There are so many reasons I should not adopt a cat. No job, (covid destroyed my industry), cat allergy-related asthma and no allergy shots since the shutdown, difficulty caring for myself etc. But it is so tempting. I'd planned to foster after my kitty died but that went out the window when covid put an end to the allergy shots (they're open but I just feel it's so risky to go to a medical office every week. I was on monthly shots before but have missed so many that now I'd have to go back to weekly for more than 6 months). 

All this to say that I'm in for the thriving, or at least the attempt.  I am trying to build up my strength very gradually. Now that I am going outside more often (twice a week instead of three times a month), I can walk.  And I can use weights and do aerobics on the days I don't go out. I was good about doing that until about mid June when I just about fell apart). I was in very good shape before all this, walking  hiking etc. I also am trying to gain back some of the weight I lost. Yes, I lost weight. I dreaded going out for groceries and even having them delivered, and preparing meals, because any time spent in my kitchen, alas, puts me directly next to my neighbor's wall and his horrible deep house music that sounds like a truck is about to come rumbling through the wall (the building was supposed to put a stop to this, the neighbor below has complained too,  and we each own our apts). Furthermore, I was burned out on preparing all my meals at home. But if not for my dread of the kitchen I would have bought more equipment. I'm thinking about an Instant Pot and a big pot to make stew. I have such a small kitchen I was always reluctant to add more stuff, especially when I didn't cook all that much before this past 6 months.

So I'd like to participate, insofar as rebuilding some stamina and muscle tone, and eating better and more. It won't be easy. I am trying to train myself not to have a panic attack when I'm in the kitchen for longer than it takes to pop a frozen dinner into the oven. Seriously. The bad neighbor returned in mid June from 14 months abroad. It's been a real struggle for me even though I know I am fortunate to have a roof over my head and the ability to buy food when so.many others do not have these things. 

Thanks for listening to my ramblings (for anyone who's gotten this far).

You are very brave to live in NYC during a pandemic! I can't imagine living there period, much less during Covid. Being in isolation there sounds pretty terrible. Hugs, because you deserve them! 

I've lived in some tiny places during my life but NYC would be a whole new culture shock, yet I'm fascinated by NYC culture. 

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So, I have chronic, terrible insomnia. Some nights I barely sleep 3 hours and all I want to do is sleep until 7, yet here I am, up at 5 so I can run without the sun frying me (southern NM). I am so envious of people who can sleep whenever they want and have tried everything I can think of to remedy my insomnia--exercise, no caffeine after noon, therapy, breathing exercises, you name it. Nothing works. Most nights, I wind up taking a benadryl or a melatonin and it's hit or miss; sometimes it makes me more anxious. And let's add these while we're at it--I have panic disorder, PTSD and autism (mild autism, but bad enough I can't hide it sometimes). 

I'm so sick of my anxiety and insomnia and don't know what to do about it. I don't trust doctors and have found they don't listen to patients like they used to ( I have trust issues with doctors for valid reason--another story for another time). I've even tried staying up all night and STILL cannot get to sleep in a timely manner. 

Thanks for letting me rant. This has been bothering me for over a decade and I'm stuck as to solutions. It's easier in winter when I can run whenever I want, but when 4:30/5:00 rolls around in summer, I have issues and am mentally drained by 4 pm. But not enough to sleep!

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TurtlePower- ever tried yoga nidra? It's my favorite yoga since you do it lying down with a pillow and a blanket. They are all over the web but Youtube has a nice one - it won't let me paste a link but just google it. I have chronic insomnia but this has taught me to relax enough to turn off my brain and sleep.

Can't hurt.

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5 hours ago, TurtlePower said:

So, I have chronic, terrible insomnia. Some nights I barely sleep 3 hours and all I want to do is sleep until 7, yet here I am, up at 5 so I can run without the sun frying me (southern NM). I am so envious of people who can sleep whenever they want and have tried everything I can think of to remedy my insomnia--exercise, no caffeine after noon, therapy, breathing exercises, you name it. Nothing works. Most nights, I wind up taking a benadryl or a melatonin and it's hit or miss; sometimes it makes me more anxious. And let's add these while we're at it--I have panic disorder, PTSD and autism (mild autism, but bad enough I can't hide it sometimes). 

I'm so sick of my anxiety and insomnia and don't know what to do about it. I don't trust doctors and have found they don't listen to patients like they used to ( I have trust issues with doctors for valid reason--another story for another time). I've even tried staying up all night and STILL cannot get to sleep in a timely manner. 

Thanks for letting me rant. This has been bothering me for over a decade and I'm stuck as to solutions. It's easier in winter when I can run whenever I want, but when 4:30/5:00 rolls around in summer, I have issues and am mentally drained by 4 pm. But not enough to sleep!

I can't believe I am even suggesting this - but have you tried Nyquil flu?  NOT ZZZequil or whatever they call it - which doesn't work.  But just Nyquil cold and flu?  Even a half dose works amazingly well.   If it works, you could use it now and then, just to get a decent night's sleep.

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26 minutes ago, Kyanight said:

I can't believe I am even suggesting this - but have you tried Nyquil flu?  NOT ZZZequil or whatever they call it - which doesn't work.  But just Nyquil cold and flu?  Even a half dose works amazingly well.   If it works, you could use it now and then, just to get a decent night's sleep.

You probably don't need the first two ingredients: (in each 30 mL) Acetaminophen 650 mg (Pain reliever/fever reducer) Dextromethorphan HBr 20 mg (Cough suppressant), just the Doxylamine succinate 12.5 mg (Antihistamine) to make you sleepy. Or Benadryl, another sleep-inducing antihistamine.

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13 hours ago, Teafortwo said:

I really like this idea. I've been very depressed,  what with covid isolation and next door neighbor (NYC apt building) from hell. Most days in July and August it was about all I could do to feed myself, do errands once a week or less, take a shower and occasionally brave the dreaded shared laundry room. (Used by only 8 apts, it is always disgusting and always occupied by laundry someone has delayed removing from a machine). Thankfully, my mood has lifted a bit in the past week. I FINALLY got up the nerve on Sunday to get takeout - so far, just a couple of sandwiches and other prepared foods from the local family-owned deli, which has been in business since the 70s. That really gave me a lift. Then yesterday, I got a call from my vet (she cared for my elderly senior rescue kitty, until we finally had to say goodbye in late Jan.) I miss my vet and her staff almost as much as I miss my cat. The place is like a little family and my cat had so many health issues when I got her, we were there just about every month. My vet called to ask if I could take in a couple of kittens or possibly the mama cat. I was so touched that she'd thought of me, I was in tears in the phone (embarrassing). 

There are so many reasons I should not adopt a cat. No job, (covid destroyed my industry), cat allergy-related asthma and no allergy shots since the shutdown, difficulty caring for myself etc. But it is so tempting. I'd planned to foster after my kitty died but that went out the window when covid put an end to the allergy shots (they're open but I just feel it's so risky to go to a medical office every week. I was on monthly shots before but have missed so many that now I'd have to go back to weekly for more than 6 months). 

All this to say that I'm in for the thriving, or at least the attempt.  I am trying to build up my strength very gradually. Now that I am going outside more often (twice a week instead of three times a month), I can walk.  And I can use weights and do aerobics on the days I don't go out. I was good about doing that until about mid June when I just about fell apart). I was in very good shape before all this, walking  hiking etc. I also am trying to gain back some of the weight I lost. Yes, I lost weight. I dreaded going out for groceries and even having them delivered, and preparing meals, because any time spent in my kitchen, alas, puts me directly next to my neighbor's wall and his horrible deep house music that sounds like a truck is about to come rumbling through the wall (the building was supposed to put a stop to this, the neighbor below has complained too,  and we each own our apts). Furthermore, I was burned out on preparing all my meals at home. But if not for my dread of the kitchen I would have bought more equipment. I'm thinking about an Instant Pot and a big pot to make stew. I have such a small kitchen I was always reluctant to add more stuff, especially when I didn't cook all that much before this past 6 months.

So I'd like to participate, insofar as rebuilding some stamina and muscle tone, and eating better and more. It won't be easy. I am trying to train myself not to have a panic attack when I'm in the kitchen for longer than it takes to pop a frozen dinner into the oven. Seriously. The bad neighbor returned in mid June from 14 months abroad. It's been a real struggle for me even though I know I am fortunate to have a roof over my head and the ability to buy food when so.many others do not have these things. 

Thanks for listening to my ramblings (for anyone who's gotten this far).









Yes definitely get out at least 5 days a week ( with mask ) and get some sun and walking in.  My maternal grandmother had insomnia.  At the most she would sleep 4 hours a night.


28 minutes ago, Kyanight said:

I can't believe I am even suggesting this - but have you tried Nyquil flu?  NOT ZZZequil or whatever they call it - which doesn't work.  But just Nyquil cold and flu?  Even a half dose works amazingly well.   If it works, you could use it now and then, just to get a decent night's sleep.

I never have problems falling asleep, but staying asleep.  My doctor suggested 3mg of melatonin to start out with.  Just like any other medication which causes drowsiness, or encourages sleep.  I always feel like I have been drugged and am very sluggish the rest of the day.  I'm at a loss on what to do.  I work 12 hour shifts and have 1 1/2 hour's of commute time each day.   Plus I work from like 3pm to 3am.  So it's not great for getting sleep.

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50 minutes ago, Kyanight said:

I can't believe I am even suggesting this - but have you tried Nyquil flu?  NOT ZZZequil or whatever they call it - which doesn't work.  But just Nyquil cold and flu?  Even a half dose works amazingly well.   If it works, you could use it now and then, just to get a decent night's sleep.

It winds up making me anxious, if you can believe it! 

I ran 10 miles this morning and not sure what to expect at bedtime tonight. I haven’t run 10 since early May because I got sick (and by the time I could run again it was oppressively hot). It’s finally under 100 degrees this week and one day will even be quite cool.  Bring on fall and running season! 

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28 minutes ago, deirdra said:

just the Doxylamine succinate 12.5 mg (Antihistamine)

Costco sells pills of this called Sleep Aid at a very reasonable price.  Wal Mart sells it also.  I'm guessing it's available at most drug stores, too.

The doxylamine doesn't leave me drowsy or feeling hung over like the melatonin does.

Edited by Absolom
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2 hours ago, Absolom said:

Costco sells pills of this called Sleep Aid at a very reasonable price.  Wal Mart sells it also.  I'm guessing it's available at most drug stores, too.

The doxylamine doesn't leave me drowsy or feeling hung over like the melatonin does.

I use this also. I take it about an hour before I know I’m going to bed.

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3 hours ago, Pickleinthemiddle said:

I never have problems falling asleep, but staying asleep.  My doctor suggested 3mg of melatonin to start out with.  Just like any other medication which causes drowsiness, or encourages sleep.  I always feel like I have been drugged and am very sluggish the rest of the day.  I'm at a loss on what to do.  I work 12 hour shifts and have 1 1/2 hour's of commute time each day.   Plus I work from like 3pm to 3am.  So it's not great for getting sleep

That is my problem.  I tried the melatonin and it did leave me dopey the next day.  I walk 3 miles a day up and down hills, and am active, and don't nap.  Every once in a while I take a half of a 5 mg xanax or a 1/3 of a 5mg generic ambien at bedtime.  Benadryl sedates me and gives me hallucinations.  The one from Costco leaves me in a not sleeping/not awake zone.  I went to a continuing education workshop a while back and she said there is new research on sleep, and instead of trying to relax and counting sheep, etc. just get up and start over.  That seems to work the best for me.  But, I am retired and can play with my schedule.  When I was working it was a real problem.

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4 hours ago, deirdra said:

You probably don't need the first two ingredients: (in each 30 mL) Acetaminophen 650 mg (Pain reliever/fever reducer) Dextromethorphan HBr 20 mg (Cough suppressant), just the Doxylamine succinate 12.5 mg (Antihistamine) to make you sleepy. Or Benadryl, another sleep-inducing antihistamine.

Right?  But for some reason it's that combination that works.  I've tried all kinds of different things - and it's just the Nyquil Cold and Flu (whole kit and caboodle) that works.

The P.M. medications (Advil P.M., Tylenol P.M., and Alieve P.M.) work "okay" - but they can bring on dementia.   My mother died of Alzheimer's - I don't need additional help!  This is probably true of Nyquil, too - since they all seem to have the same active ingredient to make you sleep.


Edited by Kyanight
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@TurtlePower Thank you for your kind and understanding words (and @Pickleinthemiddle too!). I know what it's like to have insomnia. I get a bout of it in the spring as days start to get longer -- for some reason that also kicks in my ocd-type rumination, where I can't stop running the events of the day through my head, or what I have to do the next day etc (when I was working). Taking magnesium might help. I tried Ambien and had a bad experience with it. It's really only recommended for short term. It can really mess with your mind. Benadryl unfortunately doesn't work for me, it makes me jumpy.

My mind goes around and around thinking of moving, looking at possible places. The property values are going down here in NYC and the property taxes are going up (because the commercial tax base has declined due to so many business failures). I love my neighborhood and have lived in my apt for 25 years (all happily and quietly, before the bad neighbor moved in). I love going to the various local merchants and restaurants and parks etc. But I could use more space, and I reeeaaallly need my own washing machine. I just talked to a dear friend who may have to move out of his rental in December (he lives in another state, where rents are going up so his current rental may no longer be affordable). If I sold my apartment and bought a lower-priced house in another state, and he took the second bedroom, it would actually work well for both of us. I would not normally want to share my space with anyone (except a romantic partner) but he's one of the few people I could imagine living with, and I would charge him less than half of what he currently pays in rent. I would not want to live with him forever (he's allergic to cats, for one thing, so I'd have to delay getting a cat), but at this point I'd welcome some company and so would he.  Covid has probably created stranger roommate situations. Anyhow, it's tempting, and something to distract me from my anxiety about needing to find a job.

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212 steps today.  Exercised my bun muscles briefly in the bathroom.  Ate only 3/4ths of a piece of banana bread instead of the entire loaf.

Drank a large Scooter's caramel coffee (iced) instead of my usual keg of Dr. Pepper.  Glanced at a video of a woman doing kid's yoga with a cartoon cat (that my neighbor's daughter wanted to show me) - but didn't watch long enough to see whether the cat actually does any yoga, and whether he wears yoga pants or not.


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12 minutes ago, Kyanight said:

212 steps today.  Exercised my bun muscles briefly in the bathroom.  Ate only 3/4ths of a piece of banana bread instead of the entire loaf.

Drank a large Scooter's caramel coffee (iced) instead of my usual keg of Dr. Pepper.  Glanced at a video of a woman doing kid's yoga with a cartoon cat (that my neighbor's daughter wanted to show me) - but didn't watch long enough to see whether the cat actually does any yoga, and whether he wears yoga pants or not.


You’re awesome. 
Now I want banana bread.  Warm, with butter.  Yummmm

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7 minutes ago, Meowwww said:

You’re awesome. 
Now I want banana bread.  Warm, with butter.  Yummmm

Sometime try it with creamed cheese on top.  DOUBLE yummmm!    And of course the BEST is banana bread with chocolate chips in it.....

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3 hours ago, Kyanight said:

212 steps today.  Exercised my bun muscles briefly in the bathroom.  Ate only 3/4ths of a piece of banana bread instead of the entire loaf.

Drank a large Scooter's caramel coffee (iced) instead of my usual keg of Dr. Pepper.  Glanced at a video of a woman doing kid's yoga with a cartoon cat (that my neighbor's daughter wanted to show me) - but didn't watch long enough to see whether the cat actually does any yoga, and whether he wears yoga pants or not.


Nice! Love your humor, love you really and usually love reading your comments. But I kind of felt hurt that you seemed to be mocking the step counts... at 71  I have herniated discs in my lumbar spine plus degenerative spondylosis there too. I have already had spinal fusion in my neck and unfortunately lower back fusion is not as successful. Many days I walk through pain because it is the only exercise I can get and I want to stay as active as I can. I was a competitive gymnast in college, went to the Nationals in 1970, later an avid runner  having run many 10ks and 3  1/2 marathons. My late DH and I hiked all over the country sometimes going out for a week or more. To be reduced to walking is hard for me and not something I think worthy of ridicule. 

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12 minutes ago, Gramto6 said:

Nice! Love your humor, love you really and usually love reading your comments. But I kind of felt hurt that you seemed to be mocking the step counts... at 71  I have herniated discs in my lumbar spine plus degenerative spondylosis there too. I have already had spinal fusion in my neck and unfortunately lower back fusion is not as successful. Many days I walk through pain because it is the only exercise I can get and I want to stay as active as I can. I was a competitive gymnast in college, went to the Nationals in 1970, later an avid runner  having run many 10ks and 3  1/2 marathons. My late DH and I hiked all over the country sometimes going out for a week or more. To be reduced to walking is hard for me and not something I think worthy of ridicule. 

I know you don't know me at all except what you read (mostly snark) about the Browns, but let me PROMISE you that when I wrote that post it never once even occurred to me that I was mocking anyone or making fun of anyone!  That is not me - I would never deliberately hurt anyone's feelings or make fun of someone who is bettering themselves!

No, my post was ONLY to make fun of MYSELF!!  Tongue-in-cheek, because I really AM a bump on a log... a Janelle -with the difference that I don't post health tips and don't take photos of my food every day.

I am really shocked that you took my post in that way.  This is why I stopped posting a few weeks back - I hurt the moderator's feelings and that was so far from my intentions that I was hurt that SHE felt that way, and I took a break from posting.  It was only because Suomi wrote me a personal message that I even came back to these boards.

Please accept my most sincere and humble apology, for inadvertently hurting your feelings!  Please understand that the thought that I MIGHT hurt your feelings never once crossed my mind!  It was only mocking myself because I simply don't care about myself at all and have no desire to better myself in any way - because.... why?

You are certainly NOT worthy of ridicule.  That is the problem with message boards.  We don't see people's facial expressions, we don't hear their tone or their words or their voice inflections... and too often people take our words to heart when they were never meant to be taken that way.

I don't think I am a good fit on message boards, unfortunately.

Again - I am VERY sorry.

Edited by Kyanight
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I'm not Kya, obviously, just stopping in to say that I took her post as pointing out what a worthless putz she is when it comes to exercise, unlike those who are doing 1000s of steps every day.

Edited by suomi
ETA: GMTA, didn't see Kya's post because I was typing
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 (((((Kyanite)))))) I love you! I think you posted honestly without any venom to any one. It just hurt me that you were making fun of step counts. It is all I can do now to stay active. No harm no foul love, you ...

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Just now, Gramto6 said:

 (((((Kyanite)))))) I love you! I think you posted honestly without any venom to any one. It just hurt me that you were making fun of step counts. It is all I can do now to stay active. No harm no foul love, you ...

Love you, too!

But... I honestly WASN'T making fun of step counts.  That is seriously probably all the steps I took today.  I even thought about how many steps I might have taken before I posted that - and it seemed about right.  I wish you could know my heart.  😞

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1 minute ago, Kyanight said:

Love you, too!

But... I honestly WASN'T making fun of step counts.  That is seriously probably all the steps I took today.  I even thought about how many steps I might have taken before I posted that - and it seemed about right.  I wish you could know my heart.  😞

I think I do know your ❤️ it is good and loving, My ❤️ to yours 🙂

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I don't do step counts (I am very low tech) but I did walk for about an hour yesterday, up and down a couple of hills etc. It's not hiking yet but it was something. I also did a few exercises with hand weights. I took the day off today from exercise but am planning to use the weights and walk again tomorrow. It's baby steps, but better than nothing.

1 minute ago, Teafortwo said:


ETA: I love the love around here. Hugs to both @Gramto6 and @Kyanight

Edited by Teafortwo
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Misunderstandings happen, but hope it doesn’t keep anyone from posting!  @Gramto6, your step count is very impressive!  And @Kyanight, I’m right there with you on the low step count. I’m working in front of a computer all day, so my exercise consists of trips to the bathroom or kitchen. I keep reading everyone’s comments here because I want to get inspired to do more. I’ve realized that depression has been creeping back up and it just makes it hard to do anything, even if you know it’ll make you feel better in the long run 🙁

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1 minute ago, Kbo said:

Misunderstandings happen, but hope it doesn’t keep anyone from posting!  @Gramto6, your step count is very impressive!  And @Kyanight, I’m right there with you on the low step count. I’m working in front of a computer all day, so my exercise consists of trips to the bathroom or kitchen. I keep reading everyone’s comments here because I want to get inspired to do more. I’ve realized that depression has been creeping back up and it just makes it hard to do anything, even if you know it’ll make you feel better in the long run 🙁



But it was a wake-up call.  If I can't be productive and kind, there is no reason to post on this thread.  I DO appreciate all of the hard work everyone is putting forth.  I don't realize how my stupid humor comes across sometimes.   My kids (all grown adults now) always say, "Mom - you THINK you are funny, but you aren't!"  And I always say in return, "But I make MYSELF laugh" - as if that makes everything ok.   

I sincerely hope your depression passes soon, KBO!  I think maybe Covid has just intensified it for many people, myself included.

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2 minutes ago, Kyanight said:



But it was a wake-up call.  If I can't be productive and kind, there is no reason to post on this thread.  I DO appreciate all of the hard work everyone is putting forth.  I don't realize how my stupid humor comes across sometimes.   My kids (all grown adults now) always say, "Mom - you THINK you are funny, but you aren't!"  And I always say in return, "But I make MYSELF laugh" - as if that makes everything ok.   

I sincerely hope your depression passes soon, KBO!  I think maybe Covid has just intensified it for many people, myself included.

@Kyanight.  please don't stop posting here. I always welcome and enjoy your posts. I was hurt by your post but now understand it and am not offended...everyone is allowed their own sense of humor....hugs Kyanite.. {kyanite is one of my favorite stones!} 

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15 minutes ago, Gramto6 said:

@Kyanight.  please don't stop posting here. I always welcome and enjoy your posts. I was hurt by your post but now understand it and am not offended...everyone is allowed their own sense of humor....hugs Kyanite.. {kyanite is one of my favorite stones!} 

Oh, I'm not going to "take my ball and run home", lol.   I was just talking about THIS thread.  If I am not doing anything to improve myself, I don't belong on THIS thread.  Not that I won't do something soon, perhaps.  You never know! I DID get off of Nyquil, however trite that might sound.  But... that's pretty small potatoes in the grand scheme of things.  And your large number of steps are something to be VERY proud of!!

I will still post on this board (other threads) and hang out with everyone - and no doubt offend people from time to time without meaning to!

And I love Kyanite, too.  And also Herkimer diamonds.  😄

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8 hours ago, Kyanight said:

Love you, too!

But... I honestly WASN'T making fun of step counts.  That is seriously probably all the steps I took today.  I even thought about how many steps I might have taken before I posted that - and it seemed about right.  I wish you could know my heart.  😞

I joke about step counts on my rest days. I totally got your humor. 

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When I wore scrubs, my cell phone fit perfectly in the pocket. I wouldn’t buy a scrub top if it didn’t. I’d check my step count every night. Now, I’m in a home that the client prefers street clothes so she doesn’t feel as if people will see her as  needing  medical care when we are out and about. My cell stays on the kitchen counter all day, or in my purse when we’re out. So, my step count looks like shit, so I don’t look at it anymore.

What I’m trying to do now is, cut out salt. I was feeling it in my hands and feet. I’m drinking my coffee without sugar. I have water throughout the day. With the weather changing for the better I’ll start doing nightly walks. I recently bought a vehicle that can accommodate a bike rack. My only day off is Saturday, so that will be my day to go for a ride.

Lots of blah, blah, blah, but I’m determined to lose a set amount of weight. I’m setting goals in small amounts to lead up to my total.

Edited by ginger90
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I'm at half a pound under goal weight - again.  I'm going to try to hold onto it this time and try not to be tempted into thinking I can relax vigilance.  It's a little harder to hang onto the weight loss since I frequently back into it artificially like this time with not eating as much because of the heat.

No outdoor exercise as I'm downwind of one of the major California fires and ash is falling in my yard.  

My next project will be to gradually increase steps/distance.  

Edited by Absolom
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1 hour ago, CocoPuffs said:

BTW, I haven’t seen posts from @Yeah No lately.

She posted in Smal Talk today.

I do appreciate the give and take here. I am not a good fit for this particular thread because I am basically a Janelle without the fear of vegetables.  Kudos to you, the active ones but it just makes me feel like a loser so I'll just be off in my corner!

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Please don't feel like you have to have a weight-related goal to participate in here.  Any project that you might want to tackle in your life, we are here to support your getting started if you feel like sharing.

Accountability time - the holiday weekend really threw me off, I only just found time to weigh in today and I barely lost anything so far this month.  It's been a crazy week at work, but I'm doing my best to meal prep and keep my exercise going.  All of your step counts are very motivating!


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Some days, my only goal is to make it to bedtime so I can sleep and hope the next day is better.  I'm a caregiver for my husband, and life revolves around whether he's having a good day or a bad day.  Fortunately, so far he's had a fairly good week, so we've been getting out a bit more than usual.  For us, going to one of the local parks and getting some fresh scenery and walk time is a huge factor in mental health for both of us.  

I'm hoping that as the weather improves and we're able to get outdoors more, both of us will have a better attitude and outlook.  Between quarantine and weather so hot we can't even enjoy time outside on our deck, it's been gloomy around here despite the sunshine.  I don't post a lot, but I do enjoy reading, and the humor around here often gives me a much needed lift.  

Overall, my goal is to lose the unhappy attitude and get outside for at least an hour every day.  Doesn't have to be all at once, and if nothing else, I can take my laptop and get some fresh air while I read all the great snark on several of these forums.

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Regarding insomnia, has anyone tried to fall asleep to an ASMR video on YouTube?  ASMR is the feeling of relaxation you may get (if it triggers you) by watching someone slowly unpack crinkly bags, or turn pages in a book in a quiet room, etc.

This has been my holy grail of discoveries since Covid made it nearly impossible for me to turn off my brain long enough to get a good night's sleep.  My current favorite channel is "Rebecca's Beautiful ASMR Addiction."  She has an hour-long video of shopping at a Dollar Store...no talking and no sounds except the crinkling of her picking up and putting things back on the shelves.  Crazy as it may sound, I have used this video for sleep at least 50 times and I have never, not once, been able to stay awake until the end.  

My other favorite is "ASMR Made in France."  There is a zen garden video where the artist simply draws out designs in a tiny zen garden and the lights in the room fade over the course of 45 minutes.  I typically fall asleep, then rouse just enough to take out my earbuds and set my iPad on the floor.  It's a great way to zone out, IMO.

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