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2020 Auditions, Finals, and Training Camp


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So one thing that continues to interest me is the rumored reason for Hannah's cut - "pom technique."  I, along with many others, have defended her fierce style and see no obvious reason as to why they would cite such a thing after two years (when she was consistently praised for it over and over again).  But I do wonder where Kelli's narrative comes from? They could have picked any number of issues - so why technique?

I wonder if Hannah became "extra / extra" due to her placement next to Gina last year?  I think they put her next to Gina in order to balance Gina's extraness. So this year, when not placed near Gina, will Hannah look too extra? Is that how they come up with the story regarding pom? Certainly not justifying her cut AT ALL - am just wondering if that's what they will show.

Kelli already made the comment "it's weird, this isn't Hannah's vibe" --- which we all know is BS. Just curious how they decided which angle to play up and how.

The other cut stories - although maybe not true - at least make sense in the narrative they are trying to build.

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On 12/21/2020 at 3:46 AM, Manc.UK.DCCfan said:

Not sure but I saw in a Facebook group they commented on someone’s tik tok video the one of the girl who tried to do the jump split and said it wasn’t hard - what was their comment? I don’t have tik tok so can’t view the comments I can only see the video 

"Now do it without socks and a carpet"

Did you see her response video where she does it barefoot on a wood floor?  That looked, and sounded, painful😕

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I would rather them lie and say her pom technique magically disappeared than twist how she opened up about her mental health struggles as a teen for the show...they're lamenting now that she's sad and pale to set it up.  And then maybe that turns into well, with her history she's having a harder time with most, etc. etc. I would like to think they're above that but I honestly don't know anymore.  

I know it's a tv show and they don't want to skip a good storyline, but they could have shielded Courtney Cook much more than they did and just let her quietly disappear like Erica.  Same with Kaitlin.  I would hope they wouldn't create a storyline out of thin air that suggests something that isn't really there.  If Hannah has a bad attitude, even for a good reason, creative editing can make that 100% the problem.  No need to talk about a lack of pom ability, how pale she is, that she seems sad, etc.

  • Love 16
17 minutes ago, kalibean said:

I would rather them lie and say her pom technique magically disappeared than twist how she opened up about her mental health struggles as a teen for the show...they're lamenting now that she's sad and pale to set it up.  And then maybe that turns into well, with her history she's having a harder time with most, etc. etc. I would like to think they're above that but I honestly don't know anymore.  

I know it's a tv show and they don't want to skip a good storyline, but they could have shielded Courtney Cook much more than they did and just let her quietly disappear like Erica.  Same with Kaitlin.  I would hope they wouldn't create a storyline out of thin air that suggests something that isn't really there.  If Hannah has a bad attitude, even for a good reason, creative editing can make that 100% the problem.  No need to talk about a lack of pom ability, how pale she is, that she seems sad, etc.

I know I’m worried they’re going to have Hannah in the office and make it seem she has an attitude. 

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2 hours ago, Tuxcat said:

So one thing that continues to interest me is the rumored reason for Hannah's cut - "pom technique."  I, along with many others, have defended her fierce style and see no obvious reason as to why they would cite such a thing after two years (when she was consistently praised for it over and over again).  But I do wonder where Kelli's narrative comes from? They could have picked any number of issues - so why technique?

I suspect they want to make Hannah's cut believable so Kelli is not looking like the bad guy. It's easy to accept that Hannah's is just another vet who lost their spark got lazy and complacent. I mean to come out and say a woman fired another woman because she was too opinionated would get a few eyebrows raised.  I keep wondering what the timeline was on when Hannah actually first voiced her concerns. Was it before or after she looked "pale" and "unhappy" during field work. 

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On 12/20/2020 at 4:43 PM, hypeman said:

Why are so many excuses being made for Brennan? Every step must have been a grand conspiracy against her or bad editing.

I, personally, found the "Wash your hands" face mask obnoxious.

I'm a mask wearer and hand washer, but that mask is the definition of classlessness and tackiness.

Also her IG post was BS. I hate anyone playing the victim. Making vague IG posts is not bold or world class (Hannah too).

She barely made the team and if she displayed any sort of attitude she was gone. 

She was a blender and only had the DCC look if you squinted really hard. This was not a difficult cut.

There are several mature, well-spoken women on the team. She didn't bring some special quality that made her indispensable.

I know Brennan has many fans, but I'm just going to call it as I see it.

Yes, Brennan isn’t the strongest dancer  but as I’ve said before she is certainly more reliable and more mistake-free than girls like Kat and Alora-Rose, even Savannah, who are still on the team. I just can’t understand how anyone could say Brennan is worse than them. That’s why people are defending her. I’m indifferent to Brennan, not some mega fan of hers, but it would seem that objectively there are weaker dancers on the team. Hence her cut doesn’t seem logical. 

On 12/22/2020 at 4:18 AM, dreamcatcher said:

I wouldn’t call Alexis well spoken, and I definitely put her in the airhead category after that weird tik tok with VK, but ymmv. Still, it’s not like they ever had multiple girls on the team who are both well spoken and genuine. That’s what I meant -For example, we can all agree Rachel id well spoken and knows what to say, but she seems robotic to most of us so i wouldn’t put her in the “well spoken” category


We don’t really know these girls though do we. They don’t speak a whole lot on the show, and when they do it’s mostly producer directed. It’s difficult to display ones substance. a better insight into them might be when they appear on the podcast, or their own personal IGs. Even then, people act differently in real life. I feel bad when some girls get accused of being boring, while they can appear that way, we don’t know them personally, some people are reserved and not their normal selves on camera, perhaps they’re worried about saying something that could be seen as out of line so they just play it safe. Dancing on camera is probably far more comfortable for them than speaking, to me the “boring” ones sometimes come across as lacking confidence in themselves. People like that might be hesitant to speak too freely on camera. 
exceptions would be people like Kashara and Lauren who had really spunky personalities and could be a laugh. Perhaps they are more comfortable on camera though and confident in themselves. 

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1 hour ago, scorpio1031 said:

"Now do it without socks and a carpet"

Did you see her response video where she does it barefoot on a wood floor?  That looked, and sounded, painful😕

That tiktok is so dumb. Your average person can't just jump up in the air and land in a split, so clearly you have some kind of background there that makes that easier. Also, it didn't look good, honey. And yes, on socks and a carpet isn't even comparable. 

  • Love 3
30 minutes ago, vanillagum said:

That tiktok is so dumb. Your average person can't just jump up in the air and land in a split, so clearly you have some kind of background there that makes that easier. Also, it didn't look good, honey. And yes, on socks and a carpet isn't even comparable. 

Honestly, any average dancer with proper flexibility and know-how could do the jump split. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’ve played rugby on turf and it’s not as tough as real grass and dirt (unless you get tackled and get turf burn, then owie). I also work at a country wear store and own three pairs of western boots, whether the sole is leather, composite, or rubber, that shizz is slippery as hell on any form of grass lol so the only risk the girls really have is their heel getting stuck in the turf going down but a properly pointed foot would solve that.

High Kick and Pom teams have been doing it for years, was it popularized by the DCC and the show? Absolutely. Is it the hardest dance move out there? Oh Lordy nope. If you want a good example YouTube the Emerald Belles, they’re a High Kick team from Texas and were on AGT. Annoys me how the show and Kelli are constantly pushing this idea that the choreography and tricks the DCC do are top notch when A) they’re incredibly repetitive and rarely switch it up and B) many other professional dancers are so much better and doing so many more advanced moves and tricks.

4 hours ago, Spunkyyy said:

I have a feeling Meredith’s cut will be extended into the next episode because they didn’t tease show group auditions at all tonight. Perhaps Taylor’s vet day and Cassie’s cut will be shown out of chronological order and be shown tonight? 

Dear lord please don’t drag it out just for views this season is bland enough, rip it off like a bandaid

Edited by BunnyHop96
I don’t like spelling mistakes lol
  • Love 6
29 minutes ago, TorProc said:

LOL. she posted a workout/ dance class clip that she's doing in her basement to help promote the virtual classes. Scroll through her actual page and there are some amazing dances on there.

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2 hours ago, lexie3248 said:

Looking at the recent preview from YouTube and also seeing another post of Kat dancing at the game. This is the second time on the show I’ve noticed Kat looking at a rookie or somewhere else for help but yet Hannah is a more pressing matter to Kelli. 


Kat isn't looking at a rookie.... she's looking over her shoulder as the choreography calls for, just like Kelcy and Tori.  Y'all love to nitpick evrything she does.  I get it.... you don't like her.... but at least be objective. 

  • Love 22
27 minutes ago, SMP637 said:

Kat isn't looking at a rookie.... she's looking over her shoulder as the choreography calls for, just like Kelcy and Tori.  Y'all love to nitpick evrything she does.  I get it.... you don't like her.... but at least be objective. 

Im not nitpicking, in the preview go to 2:40-2:45 and you’ll see Kat look at the front like Kelsey but then she looks at the rookie. 

Just like here


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So I watched tonites ep on the ustvgo link just to see about Hannah. 1st, it buffered during her office visit so I missed that whole interaction and her response outside the office🙄. Seriously, the only part of the hour that did that. 2nd, yes, she didn’t look like herself that nite but I watched her in the back row the next night and she was pretty flawless, yet during the round table, they showed the night before. If u give someone corrections, then critique what they did after that. Of course, that she did good won’t fit the narrative.  Just like Kat coming back after bombing on the field, Hannah deserved the same consideration, and they shud have taken note of her performance that next nite. 

  • Love 14

Re: Hand Washing

FYI...basically, 9 out of 10 men DO NOT WASH THEIR HANDS AFTER USING THE RESTROOM, when out in public...restaurants, bars, sporting events, theater, etc...even in this pandemic, men are still not washing their hands. I went to a casino in Arizona (I know, don’t judge me) & as I was washing my hands, men just finished their business & left...

All-in-All, if I had Brennan’s “Wash Your Hands” face mask, I’d definitely wear it 😆🤷🏻‍♂️ For every one’s sake.

Edited by bernie2018
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I still can't figure out why they cut Tori and Ashlinn. I would have cut more veterans to have them on the team, and 'raise the bar' that has been lowered for years for unfathomable reasons. Both have the look and can dance.

My thoughts on Hannah are that she was cut for walking the tightrope of mental health too obviously and not for her dancing. Her cut dangerously defines the squad as to be uplifting for the spectators but not for the dancers, which is very harsh.

  • Love 17
5 minutes ago, bernie2018 said:

Re: Hand Washing

FYI...basically, 9 out of 10 men DO NOT WASH THEIR HANDS AFTER USING THE RESTROOM, when out in public...restaurants, bars, sporting events, theater, etc...even in this pandemic, men are still not washing their hands. I went to a casino in Arizona (I know, don’t judge me) & as I was washing my hands, men just finished their business & left...

All-in-All, if I had Brennan’s “Wash Your Hands” face mask, I’d definitely wear it 😆🤷🏻‍♂️ For every one’s sake.

You know as bad as that is, it makes me feel somewhat better as a mom. My teen boys don't seem to wash their hands and I am forever yelling "wash your hands" after I hear they are in the bathroom. I can't understand why they don't. We always did washy washy washy songs when they were growing up and they were so good. I've resorted to placing 20 bottles of hand sanitizer around my house.

  • LOL 6

Seeing the preview for next weeks show, they showed my girl, Kristen, dancing, then show the one guy judge saying to ‘never let her do hip hop’, then Kelli saying, ‘it was bad’ (or something to that effect, to lazy to go back & search)

Anyway...Please Lord, let it not be Kristen!!! 🙏🏼 

Edited by bernie2018
  • Love 1
27 minutes ago, Tuxcat said:

You know as bad as that is, it makes me feel somewhat better as a mom. My teen boys don't seem to wash their hands and I am forever yelling "wash your hands" after I hear they are in the bathroom. I can't understand why they don't. We always did washy washy washy songs when they were growing up and they were so good. I've resorted to placing 20 bottles of hand sanitizer around my house.

Oh sweetie...I wish I could tell you why & I’m dying 😆🤣 

  • LOL 1
1 hour ago, TorProc said:

Even so it isn’t great. 🤷🏻‍♀️

She’s struggling with mental health 

5 minutes ago, bernie2018 said:

Seeing the preview for next weeks show, they showed my girl, Kristen, dancing, then show the one guy judge saying to ‘never let her do hip hop’, then Kelli saying, ‘it was bad’ (or something to that effect, to lazy to go back & search)

Anyway...Please Lord, let it not be Kristen!!! 🙏🏼 

Probably Hannah or Meredith 

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So after watching this episode, past episodes, and seeing Hannah’s office visit. I mean I guess this shouldn’t be an excuse but the rookies are all women who just graduated where they’re in that weird limbo of just graduated and not having a job yet and seem to have strong support systems that allow them to audition for DCC and give up 2 weeks for training camp (I’m only going based off Marissa’s reason for auditioning and Shannon’s reason). The veterans are already set their lives in Texas and have careers (that Kelli loves soooo much to promote), Hannah had finals and has a personal stress regarding her mom being a nurse during the pandemic also she’s dealing with her depression. 

I myself am working from home and decided to take one class (calculus of all classes) that ended up being completely virtual, I was so stressed and taking tests virtually are worse than I thought. I can feel for Hannah and I get she had a choice to not participate but seeing it from my perspective I get it and based on some theories or inside information the veterans had to do extra work before getting to training camp. I’m just a little upset how Judy said Hannah had so much stress on herself like this was just some regular summer like you have plexiglass between Hannah and you, this is not a normal time. 

  • Love 23
32 minutes ago, Tuxcat said:

You know as bad as that is, it makes me feel somewhat better as a mom. My teen boys don't seem to wash their hands and I am forever yelling "wash your hands" after I hear they are in the bathroom. I can't understand why they don't. We always did washy washy washy songs when they were growing up and they were so good. I've resorted to placing 20 bottles of hand sanitizer around my house.

Before the pandemic, I would say a year ago. I was getting out of the bathroom stall at my work and a women before me came out and she was about to walk out the door without washing her hands! When she heard me come out of the bathroom she did a weird awkward turn to the paper towels as if she was grabbing paper towels before washing her hands. When covid hit, I knew it was going to spread like wildfire just with that experience alone. 😩

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3 minutes ago, lexie3248 said:

Before the pandemic, I would say a year ago. I was getting out of the bathroom stall at my work and a women before me came out and she was about to walk out the door without washing her hands! When she heard me come out of the bathroom she did a weird awkward turn to the paper towels as if she was grabbing paper towels before washing her hands. When covid hit, I knew it was going to spread like wildfire just with that experience alone. 😩

I'm not sure of the proper emoji! Surprise? Maybe sad!

8 minutes ago, bernie2018 said:

Oh sweetie...I wish I could tell you why & I’m dying 😆🤣 

Hmmm, what emoji reaction for this one too?

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3 minutes ago, Tuxcat said:

I'll add...She struggling with the weight of the world on her shoulders. A history of devastating anxiety and depression. Academics -Finals. Morally conflicted about being there to begin with. Knowing that COVID is surging and there's not some essential need for a frivolous training camp. Watching as girls put on their masks for show alone. And now being told she will possibly lose the one support system she loves. "Now Hannah -Come on Hannah - where's that joy? Show us"

What a strong woman she must be as she watches this unfold on national television. I wish they'd honor her real struggle and I wish they had talked with her privately. Instead, this world class sisterhood intensifies the spotlight and uses her for ratings.

This is just my opinion and my opinion alone after hearing what she told them in the office I for one myself and myself only would of  wrote them an email and told them I won’t be joining this season and moved on to better myself with what I’m struggling with !! And gain just my opinion 

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3 minutes ago, Tuxcat said:

I see that. I am only guessing... She probably thought that she needed to be with her friends and doing something she loved in order to help cope with all that weight. To not join, could have been even more isolating and defeating. Yet going to training camp, weighed on her heavily. She was really caught with no easy solution. Either way, it didn't need to be aired.

I can totally see that 

  • Love 4
On 12/21/2020 at 5:05 PM, Opine said:

So I am watching a re-run of Will & Grace the other day - and Jack has a dance opportunity with Janet Jackson.  I almost dropped my beer!  She came out, and it hit me!  Sydney looks like her!  Maybe not today, but at the time JJ was in that episode for sure.  I live in ATL, so when Sydney seemed familiar I wondered if I hadn't just seen her around.  Now I know it is that episode of W&G.

This is where it stops. I hope no one else here allows you to disrespect Janet Jackson that way. Sydney absolutely does not look like her lol. Not pre surgery Janet or post-op Janet. Janet has never had a forehead or jawline like Sydney. This comparison crosses the line lol. A few pages back she was compared to Eartha Kitt. Now that’s more accurate. Janet is a 10! Sydney is a 5 on a good day and a 4 every other day of the week. 

  • LOL 12
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1 hour ago, bernie2018 said:

Seeing the preview for next weeks show, they showed my girl, Kristen, dancing, then show the one guy judge saying to ‘never let her do hip hop’, then Kelli saying, ‘it was bad’ (or something to that effect, to lazy to go back & search)

Anyway...Please Lord, let it not be Kristen!!! 🙏🏼 

Maybe it was Maddie🤔

  • LOL 22
29 minutes ago, Itswhatisaid said:

This is where it stops. I hope no one else here allows you to disrespect Janet Jackson that way. Sydney absolutely does not look like her lol. Not pre surgery Janet or post-op Janet. Janet has never had a forehead or jawline like Sydney. This comparison crosses the line lol. A few pages back she was compared to Eartha Kitt. Now that’s more accurate. Janet is a 10! Sydney is a 5 on a good day and a 4 every other day of the week. 

I find both Sydney and Eartha Kitt beautiful.  Different strokes, I guess.  That being said, there aren't too many women who look as good as Janet Jackson.  Miss Jackson if you're nasty.

Edited by Weeklydcc
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6 hours ago, BunnyHop96 said:
7 hours ago, vanillagum said:


Honestly, any average dancer with proper flexibility and know-how could do the jump split. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’ve played rugby on turf and it’s not as tough as rea

Yes, the average dancer. Not the average person of average flexibility with no dance background, that’s my point. Not saying it’s the hardest thing in the world, just that it requires SOME conditioning, you can’t just do it out of nowhere. The average person can’t even do a split without working on it for at least weeks or months 

  • Love 5
7 hours ago, vanillagum said:

That tiktok is so dumb. Your average person can't just jump up in the air and land in a split, so clearly you have some kind of background there that makes that easier. Also, it didn't look good, honey. And yes, on socks and a carpet isn't even comparable. 

i don’t think they’re actually as hard as they look to be fair 

Edited by Mvdb
  • Love 1
5 hours ago, Itswhatisaid said:

This is where it stops. I hope no one else here allows you to disrespect Janet Jackson that way. Sydney absolutely does not look like her lol. Not pre surgery Janet or post-op Janet. Janet has never had a forehead or jawline like Sydney. This comparison crosses the line lol. A few pages back she was compared to Eartha Kitt. Now that’s more accurate. Janet is a 10! Sydney is a 5 on a good day and a 4 every other day of the week. 

Hahaha!  I debated posting that.  I was afraid someone would take offense!  I did look up current pics of JJ and not so much, but watch that episode of W&G.  

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8 hours ago, Pau84 said:

I still can't figure out why they cut Tori and Ashlinn. I would have cut more veterans to have them on the team, and 'raise the bar' that has been lowered for years for unfathomable reasons. Both have the look and can dance.

My thoughts on Hannah are that she was cut for walking the tightrope of mental health too obviously and not for her dancing. Her cut dangerously defines the squad as to be uplifting for the spectators but not for the dancers, which is very harsh.

Right!  They are EASILY better than a few senior vets and Alora Rose.....I don't get it!

  • Love 3
6 hours ago, jammen said:

None would happen to have the preview of next week’s episode? For some odd reason, by DVR cut off towards the end and I was only to see the solos. If not, it’s totally fine just thought I’d ask 🤣

They typically post it on the DCC making the team Facebook and Twitter within a few days but the preview showed next week is solos/show group auditions. 

  • Love 2
7 hours ago, Weeklydcc said:

I find both Sydney and Eartha Kitt beautiful.  Different strokes, I guess.  That being said, there aren't too many women who look as good as Janet Jackson.  Miss Jackson if you're nasty.

Exactly! I respect your response because for me, Sydney isn’t attractive. Just how many people here find Marissa unattractive. Different strokes. I was simply saying she is nowhere near as beautiful as Janet. Not from my perspective lol. You can’t put a girl like Sydney next to Kat & Darian and tell me Sydney is the prettiest cause she looks like Janet. There’s just no freakin way 😂. I’d laugh hysterically because again, she’s not attractive to me. No other posters should be offended. If we can talk about how Marissa & VK (who y’all compare to a horse quite a bit) aren’t cute, Sydney is fair game too. 

Edited by Itswhatisaid
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I have said it 3 time before and I will say it again, I predict Tori will make the team next year.  She is killing it, she never makes mistakes and she always gets positive feedback.  She is even lighter blonde now and we know how Kelli likes blondes.  Tori, Elli and Claire are my favorites to watch dance.  

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