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Season 22 Live Feed Discussion

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11 minutes ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

Okay, MOM.

She is a TREASURE.


I've come to the conclusion I can't follow anything that's going on in the various convos. Whether I'm reading what people are reporting or hearing it myself, I have no idea what's sincere or not. I give up trying to figure it out.

Same. I just report convos it is still fun to follow and guess.  

Edited by choclatechip45
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14 minutes ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

I've come to the conclusion I can't follow anything that's going on in the various convos. Whether I'm reading what people are reporting or hearing it myself, I have no idea what's sincere or not. I give up trying to figure it out.

The lack of old-style DRs are going to be even more missed this season. With the outside relationships and pre-gaming factor, everything is so much more layered. And the HGs came off as a real people, not caricatures.

At least give us BB: OTT live DRs. I miss actually seeing people just talk and be themselves. The HGs end up being funnier and more entertaining than the scripted lines and snippets the DR wants them to say.

Edited by mooses
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26 minutes ago, vb68 said:

With the carping over David being a Have Not, I don't see how Memphis can nominate him without it drawing some ire.  That's fine with me. Messy is good. We need something to jumpstart this season and give us good feeds. And if Memphis blows it somehow and hurts his game, all the better.

Do we know who was going to play for Safety? Good Nicole and maybe Christmas?  Tyler was really balking about it last night.

Before everyone got up David and Kevin had a convo. David is pretty sure he's going to get nominated and he said he was most worried that he'd get put up next to Kevin, Bay or Day. Kevin said they should both play for safety. Then Kevin talked about how - I think he said it was Tyler or maybe Cody - was encouraging everyone to play for safety. They determined that that was a strategy to get more people to play this week - so they couldn't play next week. Is that right though? I forget the rules - but if you play for safety one week - can you not play again the next week?

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Okay, so does Nicole A. know she's a possible target this week? I could see Memphis putting up David and Nicole A.  Or possibly Ian or Kevin again. His hands are kind of tied with others. I don't see him rocking the boat with Kaysar, Janelle or any of the bigger names especially since Kaysar is supposed to talk to Memphis today (revealing information that of course Memphis already knows... so Memphis could decide to use that to his advantage and keep those two in the game).

20 minutes ago, Tuxcat said:

Okay, so does Nicole A. know she's a possible target this week? I could see Memphis putting up David and Nicole A.  Or possibly Ian or Kevin again. His hands are kind of tied with others. I don't see him rocking the boat with Kaysar, Janelle or any of the bigger names especially since Kaysar is supposed to talk to Memphis today (revealing information that of course Memphis already knows... so Memphis could decide to use that to his advantage and keep those two in the game).

Earlier in the evening she noticed Kaysar was in the HOH room twice as long as she was, she was there for like 30 seconds while Kaysar was there for like ten minutes she said this to Kevin. Later in the evening when her and Janelle woke up Kaysar she mentioned multiple times to them that she is worried if she doesn't play in the safety suite Memphis could put her on the block as an easy nominee which is why Janelle wants to point out to Memphis that if he wants an easy week to put up Nicole F/Ian since they both won. If either win the veto Memphis can put up David which it seems like he wants too which made Nicole A upset because she of all the crap David A went through last year which Kaysar and Janelle both said he didn't deserve it, but they can't work with him because he is with the other side of the house which got through to Nicole A. 




Edited by choclatechip45
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I am curious if Nicole A. will believe in Janelle/Kaysar's relationship with Memphis enough to skip the Safety Suite, which would be a mistake for her. Kevin, Christmas and David are the ones I think will definitely play. And I guess Ian, assuming he knows Memphis' relationship with Dan puts him in trouble. The Big Alliance have all caught on to Memphis' plans about trying to flush out the VIP passes, and not too happy about it. So, I'm not sure if anyone else from that alliance will use it.

Nicole F. is in a kind of precarious position, isn't she? If she doesn't play, Ian might realize she feels much too comfortable, while he's sweating it out. If she does play, she shouldn't want to win and have to choose someone else to save. And, if Ian plays and wins, she shouldn't want him choosing her. 

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11 minutes ago, mooses said:

Nicole F. is in a kind of precarious position, isn't she? If she doesn't play, Ian might realize she feels much too comfortable, while he's sweating it out. If she does play, she shouldn't want to win and have to choose someone else to save. And, if Ian plays and wins, she shouldn't want him choosing her. 

I do think some people like Janelle are indeed watching for any concrete evidence of Frazzled and Ian working together. So yeah, I'm not sure how she manages that.

With Good Nicole, quite frankly, who knows. she goes round and round and talks herself into a ball of confusion. She usually has such bad reads that I'm a little surprised that she knew she would be an easy target this week.

Edited by vb68
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36 minutes ago, vb68 said:

I do think some people like Janelle are indeed watching for any concrete evidence of Frazzled and Ian working together. So yeah, I'm not sure how she manages that.

With Good Nicole, quite frankly, who knows. she goes round and round and talks herself into a ball of confusion. She usually has such bad reads that I'm a little surprised that she knew she would be an easy target this week.

I think it has to do with how dismissive Memphis was to her rather than a great read on Nicole A's part. 

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11 hours ago, choclatechip45 said:

Janelle just stepped on Christmas foot.

It almost feels literary, doesn't it? If only it could be foreshadowing...

52 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Just read Memphis is thinking of nomming Bay and David. That is a choice lol.

Optics, Memphis, optics! (Well—Bay is random and hasn't really done much to be targeted yet, but I can't say I care a great deal about David's fate in the game if all he's gonna do is play conscientious objector.)

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17 minutes ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

Why doesn't Memphis put up Ian? David's been a non-entity, so he could maybe keep him as the other nom, but Ian's a former winner (UNFORTUNATELY) and Memphis doesn't like him anyway, so...?

There might have been a conversation between the two that involved Dan when feeds were down yesterday which is why Ian said to Memphis when he went into the HOH "Good conversation, I haven't heard from Dan in years."


Edited by choclatechip45
  • Useful 1

I really enjoyed watching Old School versus New School last night with the Janelle/Kaysar/Precious Cinnamon Roll Nicole conversation in the bathroom. No, I haven't changed my tune on Precious Cinnamon Roll Nicole, she still grates, but it was hilarious to see her floundering in the middle of an old school gossip sesh ("Nicole F?" "Hate her.") and trying to keep up with her sunshine and roses and unicorns and Janelle barely able to keep her eyes from rolling during the whole "Play nice! Be nice!" Like Janelle said: why? This isn't summer camp. And in the middle of that, they clocked almost every alliance in the house except for Arbor Day/Tyler. Who knew we needed half a house of older players to get the sort of content I missed? Also who do I have to pay for Franzel to find out that Janelle called her a rat?

The Safety Suite is going to take forever today if half the house is playing. At a maximum time out of 20-25 minutes x 6 people (estimated) + reset times... okay, I'm no good at math but you might have time to regrout your bathroom. Twice. 

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1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

I really enjoyed watching Old School versus New School last night with the Janelle/Kaysar/Precious Cinnamon Roll Nicole conversation in the bathroom. No, I haven't changed my tune on Precious Cinnamon Roll Nicole, she still grates, but it was hilarious to see her floundering in the middle of an old school gossip sesh ("Nicole F?" "Hate her.") and trying to keep up with her sunshine and roses and unicorns and Janelle barely able to keep her eyes from rolling during the whole "Play nice! Be nice!" Like Janelle said: why? This isn't summer camp. And in the middle of that, they clocked almost every alliance in the house except for Arbor Day/Tyler. Who knew we needed half a house of older players to get the sort of content I missed? Also who do I have to pay for Franzel to find out that Janelle called her a rat?

The Safety Suite is going to take forever today if half the house is playing. At a maximum time out of 20-25 minutes x 6 people (estimated) + reset times... okay, I'm no good at math but you might have time to regrout your bathroom. Twice. 

I'm happy Janelle figured out Dani is against her. Maybe Kaysar can tell Christmas we will hang out once a week when this is over to get her to turn on Tyler. 

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For the record, Paulie (ugh) Calafiore has answered Keesha's burning question about what makes Cody (ugh) smell so good: he's wearing either Burberry Touch for Men or Armani Diamonds for Men. But in true asshole Paulie fashion, I had to go trawling through the comments on his tweet for the answer because he's too much of a dick to actually answer. I forgot how much I hate (yes, Precious Cinnamon Roll Nicole, I used that word) that annoying little twerp.

  • Love 2
17 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

For the record, Paulie (ugh) Calafiore has answered Keesha's burning question about what makes Cody (ugh) smell so good: he's wearing either Burberry Touch for Men or Armani Diamonds for Men. But in true asshole Paulie fashion, I had to go trawling through the comments on his tweet for the answer because he's too much of a dick to actually answer. I forgot how much I hate (yes, Precious Cinnamon Roll Nicole, I used that word) that annoying little twerp.

Barf. Both of those smell like the forest. I like men who smell like Sex Panther. 

  • LOL 2

I think I missed it if it was brought up, but do we know why the feeds have been down for hours today?  If today is a nomination ceremony, would the feeds be down this long for just that?  Or are they doing some other sort of competition?  It's pretty hot today, so I wondered if maybe Production wanted them to do a comp of some sort before the heat really kicked in.  Or is there a party of some sort?

1 minute ago, TVFan17 said:

I think I missed it if it was brought up, but do we know why the feeds have been down for hours today?  If today is a nomination ceremony, would the feeds be down this long for just that?  Or are they doing some other sort of competition?  It's pretty hot today, so I wondered if maybe Production wanted them to do a comp of some sort before the heat really kicked in.  Or is there a party of some sort?

safety suit competition. 

  • Love 1

While we wait for the feeds to come back, enjoy this clip of Dani fucking up and Tyler most likely storing it away for the future:


P.S. If anyone who has been to these boards in previous seasons is wondering why the lack of Streamable clips, it's because the clippers who were doing that on the subreddit have pretty much stopped, saying it went from a hobby to a full time job (seriously, everything was being requested to be clipped, I don't blame them) so they are very few and far between and of nothing that's really of our interest yet. So it's short clips on the tweeter or bust. 

Edited by Callaphera
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1 hour ago, Callaphera said:

For the record, Paulie (ugh) Calafiore has answered Keesha's burning question about what makes Cody (ugh) smell so good: he's wearing either Burberry Touch for Men or Armani Diamonds for Men. But in true asshole Paulie fashion, I had to go trawling through the comments on his tweet for the answer because he's too much of a dick to actually answer. I forgot how much I hate (yes, Precious Cinnamon Roll Nicole, I used that word) that annoying little twerp.

It;s so weird that they're brothers, since Cody is such a normal bro, while Paulie is a SUPER big douchebag. I'm not a Cody fan, but he's just your typical Big Brother bro. Paulie is a whole other species. 

38 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

While we wait for the feeds to come back, enjoy this clip of Dani fucking up and Tyler most likely storing it away for the future:



I am loving Dani's SUPER sloppy play.

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15 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Apparently, Memphis said that he thinks David will lose it and go nuts on slop. Once again, the sensitivity training really worked lol.

Is it wrong that I'm kinda hoping the same because David is such a non-entity in the game so far and I've been wanting Have Nots weaponized again for ages? I mean, David wouldn't be my first choice, I'm hoping Franzel breaks like a delicate crystal goblet dropped on a marble floor when she can't have her precious fresh pressed juice every morning at five bucks a pop, but it might push David to play the game rather than wander around the house like he isn't quite sure where he is while Tyler and Dani tie themselves up in knots about how sensitive David is and how he's here to enjoy the experience? 

I get where people are coming from, I don't want to negate anyone's point of view, but personally I'm pumped for Have Nots to be used in the game as strategy and not just as a Take Your Turn family activity. 

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Christmas won and saved...Ian?

I think Memphis just lost his biggest target. I love this rag-tag alliance, where they won't save each other so are just saving each other's targets because they have zero communication or chemistry. And Memphis is upset that Nicole F. volunteered to be a Have Not instead of making Ian choose, saving him from "getting blood on his hands."

Nicole F. must be so relieved. Man. 

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2 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Christmas won and saved Ian?

That would be weird...but if people want Memphis to nominate Ian and he would prefer not to, Tax Day gave him what he needed to justify putting up say David/Bayleigh.

So it is either Tax Day with the big brain play or Tax Day not on the same page. I'm leaning towards...I don't have to tell you, you already know.

Edited by MKL122788
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1 minute ago, peachmangosteen said:

Why he would think David, of all people, would lose it is very suspect imo. It's David lol.

No, I get the "Why David?" aspect of it, that's what throws me a bit. I heard someone talking last night about how Memphis said that he wanted David to have the "full experience" of the game. Which okay, I guess? That's a bit asshole-ish to say. But I hope this trend of targeting people via slop and bad beds returns. 

3 minutes ago, mooses said:

And Memphis is upset that Nicole F. volunteered to be a Have Not instead of making Ian choose, saving him from "getting blood on his hands."

So previous Have Nots chose current Have Nots? That's interesting. 

Arbor Day: "I feel so good about my social game. And my competition game. And my safety."

She really trusts Franzel, Tyler, and... Kaysar? One of these things is not like the other...

She's bragging about playing both sides of the house.

Arbor Day, thinking that her safety means she now controls the nominations or some bullshit like that: "Janelle is an option. Nicole A is an option. We need to get Janelle out."

  • LOL 3
3 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

No, I get the "Why David?" aspect of it, that's what throws me a bit. I heard someone talking last night about how Memphis said that he wanted David to have the "full experience" of the game. Which okay, I guess? That's a bit asshole-ish to say. But I hope this trend of targeting people via slop and bad beds returns. 

So previous Have Nots chose current Have Nots? That's interesting. 

Nobody knows where David stands, or even his style of play because he's basically never played before. So, I get putting him under pressure a bit to see if it reveals anything. Honestly, I hope it brings out some more fire and personality out of David because so far, the guy's kind of a big snooze.

I mean, maybe it is worse than I think, and Memphis was a bigger dirtbag than I think. I could be wrong. 

I think Kaysar said Kevin chose him to be a Have Not in the big Kevin Sucks Fest last night, so it seems like it.

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1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

Arbor Day: "I feel so good about my social game. And my competition game. And my safety."

She really trusts Franzel, Tyler, and... Kaysar? One of these things is not like the other...

She's bragging about playing both sides of the house.

She is such a train wreck. If she is trying to use her small bit of power to force Memphis to get rid of Janelle/Kaysar, then she doesn't really know how to play both sides of the house very well...

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1 minute ago, peachmangosteen said:

Christmas about Janelle: "I love the girl but she has to go."

I don't really see how this moves the target to Janelle. I could totally see Kaysar and Janelle moving the target to themselves at some point, especially after they spun out last night, but this seems to have made Memphis much more suspicious of his Big Alliance than anything else.

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