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Season 22 Live Feed Discussion

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3 minutes ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

I love it. I was also gonna say I hate it because then that would make me grandma age, but then I realized I'm a cool night owl who doesn't want to go to bed at 10 pm and and can totally hang with the young, hip kids of today.

THIS IS WHY HE CONFUSES ME. I DON'T GET WHAT HE'S DOING. Is he working with Cody because of the Derrick connection before the game but really wants to work with Kaysar and Janelle? Is he just feeling things out and not actually choosing sides? Is he just really tired because now it's an hour past his bedtime?

 I feel like things need organ music and the BB announcer excitedly saying "Find out the the answer to these and other burning questions tomorrow on BIIIIIIG BROTHER"

 I'm starting to think linking up with Cody was a marriage of convenience since Cody was HOH and proposing the alliance.  If there was a pregame alliance, Dan and Derrick were the glue and Cody and Memphis were the boyfriends that were in the circle by association.   With out Dan and Derrick, any alliance is shaky at best.   I don't know if pregaming's involved, but he should naturally gravitate more toward Janelle and Kaysar as old school players, in his age group and parents of young children.  

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6 minutes ago, Maverick said:

 I feel like things need organ music and the BB announcer excitedly saying "Find out the the answer to these and other burning questions tomorrow on BIIIIIIG BROTHER"

 I'm starting to think linking up with Cody was a marriage of convenience since Cody was HOH and proposing the alliance.  If there was a pregame alliance, Dan and Derrick were the glue and Cody and Memphis were the boyfriends that were in the circle by association.   With out Dan and Derrick, any alliance is shaky at best.   I don't know if pregaming's involved, but he should naturally gravitate more toward Janelle and Kaysar as old school players, in his age group and parents of young children.  

Memphis found out 3 weeks before the season started he was on it so I'm sure Dan was scrambling which proves your point it was a marriage of convenience. 

Ugh. Dani talking about Kaysar "he was such a random call." Um he was one of the most popular houseguests ever. Imagine Dani's reaction when she found out Ivette got a call. 

Edited by choclatechip45
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5 minutes ago, Maverick said:

 I feel like things need organ music and the BB announcer excitedly saying "Find out the the answer to these and other burning questions tomorrow on BIIIIIIG BROTHER"

Re-reading what I wrote, now I heard it like the announcer for Soap during the end credits.

2 minutes ago, choclatechip45 said:

Memphis found out 3 weeks before the season started he was on it so I'm sure Dan was scrambling which proves your point it was a marriage of convenience. 

I kind of love that Dan may have raced to help Memphis out however he could. For allies that really only got together halfway through the game, they really did become pretty close.

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1 minute ago, BK1978 said:

Slightly off topic, but does anyone know if CIA Operative Donny got the call to be on this season?  You would think he would have been a shoe in.

No idea. I was surprised he wasn't on the cast or any of the rumored lists. It might be a good thing since he was tight with Cody/NicoleF in the BB16 house. 

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Precious Cinnamon Roll Nicole, rewriting history: "Last season, it was what it was but at least you could see a big group of nine and you knew who was in it."


To be fair, it was the Unde9able (really, the H8ful group + Sam) in the HoH room when Jackson slammed the door in her face and they all screamed about how evil Precious Cinnamon Roll Nicole was but still NO ONE BUT JESSICA EVER TRIED TO DO ANYTHING AND EVEN THAT IS QUESTIONABLE.

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5 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Precious Cinnamon Roll Nicole, rewriting history: "Last season, it was what it was but at least you could see a big group of nine and you knew who was in it."


Ok, I know she can't handle the truth but pump the breaks Jack Nicholson.  She should really just shut up about her season altogether.

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6 minutes ago, choclatechip45 said:

Janelle to NicoleA/Kevin "This is All-stars you can't lay in bed and pop up in week 9 to play, all the people who tried that on the first All-stars went home early."

Meanwhile, Janelle last week:

(no shade to Janelle, I just love this picture, it's so Fucking Fabulous Janelle)

Edited by Callaphera
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About being named a Have Not after going out on the first question in the first HoH comp David has ever played in
Dani: "I felt really bad for him. David's sensitive."
Tyler: "David just wants to enjoy this."
Dani: "David's so sensitive. He looked so sad."
Enzo: "Yeah, I should check in on him tomorrow."

Is this Big Brother or Big Baby? 

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2 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

About being named a Have Not after going out on the first question in the first HoH comp David has ever played in
Dani: "I felt really bad for him. David's sensitive."
Tyler: "David just wants to enjoy this."
Dani: "David's so sensitive. He looked so sad."
Enzo: "Yeah, I should check in on him tomorrow."

Is this Big Brother or Big Baby? 

Hey Dani, is David sensitive? I'm unsure, but I think I heard that once or twice.


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So apparently it's Precious Cinnamon Roll Nicole, Kevin, and Ian rooming with Janelle in the key room and elsewhere I saw them referred to as Team Eeyore and now I'm dead because that couldn't be more accurate. Not even Janelle can breathe life into these conversations about her star costume stinking because she spilled fruit punch on it. She was sitting on her bed complaining that the DR hasn't given her her nightly melatonin even though she requested it an hour ago (so did Ian and seriously, was Arbor Day losing her shit about Janelle getting a 5mg sublingual melatonin pill and calling it her "sleeping meds"? Because please) but really, Kevin and Precious Cinnamon Roll Nicole trying to have a conversation is like the human form of melatonin and I mezzzZZZZZZZzzzz

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2 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

So apparently it's Precious Cinnamon Roll Nicole, Kevin, and Ian rooming with Janelle in the key room and elsewhere I saw them referred to as Team Eeyore and now I'm dead because that couldn't be more accurate. Not even Janelle can breathe life into these conversations about her star costume stinking because she spilled fruit punch on it. She was sitting on her bed complaining that the DR hasn't given her her nightly melatonin even though she requested it an hour ago (so did Ian and seriously, was Arbor Day losing her shit about Janelle getting a 5mg sublingual melatonin pill and calling it her "sleeping meds"? Because please) but really, Kevin and Precious Cinnamon Roll Nicole trying to have a conversation is like the human form of melatonin and I mezzzZZZZZZZzzzz

Poor Janelle. If only she were an outcast like her roommates.

Oh, wait.

Edited by Alice Mudgarden
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Hopefully, Nicole A won't be crying tomorrow because Janelle asked about her best vacation. To Janelle's credit she is being super sweet and not snobby offering to take Nicole A to Runyon canyon if they have an extra day. 

Lydia mention! Nicole A wants to meet Kevin's BB Bestie Lydia. She still lives in LA.

Janelle's BB Besties Kaysar, Dan, Britney and Howie. And her mortal enemy on her season Beau! 

Edited by choclatechip45
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Kevin talks about BB11 Michelle says its weird he gravitated her right away, but she only wanted to hang out with alpha males like Jeff and Russell. He said it was to late for him to work for her because they ended up on different side of the house He said he had more convos with Janelle this season than he had with Michelle during BB11. sidenote I never understood why Kevin evicted her instead of Jordan since Michelle would have lost a jury vote. 

11 minutes ago, choclatechip45 said:

Hopefully, Nicole A won't be crying tomorrow because Janelle asked about her best vacation. To Janelle's credit she is being super sweet and not snobby offering to take Nicole A to Runyon canyon if they have an extra day. 

Lydia mention! Nicole A wants to meet Kevin's BB Bestie Lydia. She still lives in LA.

Janelle's BB Besties Kaysar, Dan, Britney and Howie. And her mortal enemy on her season Beau! 

I find it hilarious that she dislikes Beau all of these years later.

20 minutes ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

Poor Janelle. If only she were an outcast like her roommates.

Oh, wait.

Maybe this is some sort of Machiavellian plot by Franzel. Stack the key room with Team Eeyore and make Janelle want to DOR after two days of boring ass conversations and lack of energy. It made me turn off the feeds so it's kinda working already. 


Edited by Callaphera
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1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

Maybe this is some sort of Machiavellian plot by Franzel. Stack the key room with Team Eeyore and make Janelle want to DOR after two days of boring ass conversations and lack of energy. It made me turn off the feeds so it's kinda working already. 

I'd have an once of respect for Franzel if she were capable of that kinda foresight and strategy.

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6 minutes ago, choclatechip45 said:

Nicole A/Janelle think Cody, Dani, Nicole F, Enzo, Tyler are aligned (yay for a correct read)

You throw enough shit at the wall, something will eventually stick. (ETA: Wait, that's the wrong phrase. It's " even a stopped clock is right twice a day". And I accused Franzel of a lack of brain cells? Yeesh.)


12 minutes ago, Jeebus Cripes said:

I'd have an once of respect for Franzel if she were capable of that kinda foresight and strategy.

Yeah, that's my problem with the theory, too: Franzel too dumb.

Edited by Callaphera
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7 minutes ago, vb68 said:

I hope he's really sleeping, and it gets back to Frazzled that he doesn't have a problem sleeping while Janelle talks.

Just one more thing to make her even more frazzled.  lol

I feel like he is fake sleeping because Janelle is being super messy right now which means feeds will be amazing the next couple days hopefully. It might be Kaysar who has to reign in Janelle lol.

Edited by choclatechip45
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2 hours ago, ByaNose said:

Why is Kevin so meek this season? Where is his backbone? When he played before he had so much more game. 

Kevin's a fascinating case, because he has a nice life, seems to be in a loving relationship with his husband and yet, there's clearly a lot of damage in his life from his teen years, where he almost assuredly was not popular (probably homophobic assholes). So when he was with the cool kids in BB11, he was able to be his best self. But now that he's actively NOT with the cool people, it seems to bring up all of his baggage. It's sad to watch, as he really does seem to be a nice guy.

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27 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

Kevin's a fascinating case, because he has a nice life, seems to be in a loving relationship with his husband and yet, there's clearly a lot of damage in his life from his teen years, where he almost assuredly was not popular (probably homophobic assholes). So when he was with the cool kids in BB11, he was able to be his best self. But now that he's actively NOT with the cool people, it seems to bring up all of his baggage. It's sad to watch, as he really does seem to be a nice guy.

I am not gay, but I think you are right and I totally get where Kevin is coming from headspace wise.  I've been in situations where I am brought back to when I was the outcast, be it at a job or just dealing with friends of friends (being the odd guy out in a group of people you don't know).  You try to forget and let it go and most times you can but then you are put in a certain situation and you feel like the person nobody wanted to be around all over again.

Just wanted to add, the reason why I made the point to say I am not gay is because while I cannot relate to him perhaps being an outcast due to him being gay.  I can relate to being an outcast, or for feeling like an outcast.

Edited by BK1978
Just fixing to make it read better.
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9 minutes ago, BK1978 said:

What the hell does she even mean by this?  😄

Is she talking Native American?

Indian from India?

I'm assuming she meant the First Nations reference and not the actual person from India version. Either way it's a bit... um.


6 minutes ago, choclatechip45 said:

Wait Christmas was in Iraq? is this new info?

Arbor Day's talked about it a few times and it came up in her old season. I think she was a civilian working on a military something or other. It doesn't come up nearly as much as her fitness app. Have you heard about her fitness app? Because I'm not sure if you know but she has a fitness app. The word on the street is that she has a fitness app. She was also the first woman pit crew member in NASCAR. And she has a fitness app. Oh, and she broke her foot.

Fitness. App. 

Edited by Callaphera
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3 minutes ago, BK1978 said:

I am not gay, but I think you are right and I totally get where Kevin is coming from headspace wise.  I've been in situations where I am brought back to when I was the outcast, be it at a job or just dealing with friends of friends (being the odd guy out in a group of people you don't know).  You try to forget and let it go and most times you can but then you are put in a certain situation and you feel like the person nobody wanted to be around all over again.

I don't have the feeds but are the houseguests alienating him in some way? I only vaguely remember him from his season. 

3 minutes ago, Jeebus Cripes said:

I don't have the feeds but are the houseguests alienating him in some way? I only vaguely remember him from his season. 

I do not have the feeds either, I am just going by what everyone here is saying.  But I do recall on either the first episode or the second episode him talking to Cody and being shocked that the cool kid would want to talk to him.

Same here with vaguely remembering him.  I remembered his name and face and I remember he was aligned with the Cult of Jessie but other than that I did not remember much about him.

Edited by BK1978
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