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Season 22 Live Feed Discussion

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1 minute ago, Growsonwalls said:

Dani thinks Memphis will put David up on the block as an "easy" move.

I think he probably wants to do David/Ian with Ian being the target. I'm just not sure Cody is gonna let that happen. I mean, I don't think he'll really care, but will he wanna listen to Bad Nicole whine about it?

I'm holding out hope they let Keesha tweet that under supervision and it's part of a surprise returnee comp.   If they really paid them all an appearance fee that's the same no matter when they're out, it seems like they'd want to get their money's worth.  

 Day and Janelle are the ones that gave Keesha a heads up talk so maybe that's why Christmas is mad at them.   

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2 minutes ago, vb68 said:

Pi Day is going to be A COOL Mom you guys.


I actually have her pegged as a lawn mower parent.  For anyone not familiar with that term, it's the parents who will "mow down" any obstacles their child faces so that their child can avoid adversity, inconvenience, etc.  Let's face it, she already has experience in mowing down someone with her car.

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Just now, peachmangosteen said:

He says that shit to Janelle! He totally thinks that because no one talks game to them that no one is talking game at all. He's an idiot lol.

Lol. I loved Janelle calling him out this morning you want us to target floaters like the firstAll-Stars...yeah getting out Nakomis the second week worked out well which is why I am happy neither are HOH. 

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2 minutes ago, zorak said:

For anyone not familiar with that term, it's the parents who will "mow down" any obstacles their child faces so that their child can avoid adversity, inconvenience, etc.  Let's face it, she already has experience in mowing down someone with her car.

I have the same feeling. Heaven help any girls who break Loyal's little heart.

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1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:

She DID tell Keesha that she was heading home, so unless home is code for a hotel room, I think that there's no buyback.

Didn’t Kesha say something about heading back to the sequester room as she was evicted? That, combined with Janelle’s comment about not being released until mid-September, leads me to think the show is still at least considering a returnee twist. They may not even know what they’re doing yet. Maybe they’re waiting to see if any Must-Returns (aka Janelle) get evicted early.

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Ian said that he hasn't seen Memphis talking game with anyone.  Kevin said that he's walked in on Memphis and Kaysar talking game many times.  Huh?  Then Kevin went on to say that Memphis and Kaysar could be talking about anything just like Kevin, Ian, and Nicole A. are doing right now.  So it sounds like Kevin really doesn't know what Kaysar and Memphis have talked about but he sounded quite accusatory in his assertion. 

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12 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

On the upside, Old Man Memphis is gonna be ready for bed every night around 10pm so it's not like there will be much action from the HoH after that. 

It would be fun if he pulls a Bad Nicole and starts whining about all the people who won't leave his HOH, especially at bedtime.

Edited by vb68
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Poor Franzel is going to have to go a whole week without her precious pressed juice that she's claiming she needs for medical purposes.


1 minute ago, vb68 said:

It would be fun if he pulls a Bad Nicole and starts whining about all the people who won't leave his HOH, especially at bedtime..

From what I heard, Memphis just yells and curses out everyone until the lights go off. I feel him. I've been there. 

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2 minutes ago, zorak said:

Ian said that he hasn't seen Memphis talking game with anyone.  Kevin said that he's walked in on Memphis and Kaysar talking game many times.  Huh?  Then Kevin went on to say that Memphis and Kaysar could be talking about anything just like Kevin, Ian, and Nicole A. are doing right now.  So it sounds like Kevin really doesn't know what Kaysar and Memphis have talked about but he sounded quite accusatory in his assertion. 

Kaysar, Memphis and Kevin all get up early so that must be what he is referring too, but who knows since Kevin thought Tyler/Janelle was running Cody's HOH.

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1 minute ago, zorak said:

Ian said that he hasn't seen Memphis talking game with anyone.  Kevin said that he's walked in on Memphis and Kaysar talking game many times.  Huh?  Then Kevin went on to say that Memphis and Kaysar could be talking about anything just like Kevin, Ian, and Nicole A. are doing right now.  So it sounds like Kevin really doesn't know what Kaysar and Memphis have talked about but he sounded quite accusatory in his assertion. 

These people kill me. You'd think they've never played before. "___ doesn't talk game." I think that means they're not talking game with or near you.

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13 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Poor Franzel is going to have to go a whole week without her precious pressed juice that she's claiming she needs for medical purposes.


Quick, someone call Raven and ask her what disease she's had that required pressed juice to keep her healthy.

Edited by Alice Mudgarden
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3 hours ago, luluesq1 said:

I lost my mom to pancreatic cancer- a few days after Christmas last year. 
Before that we held a benefit for her in October. Ended helping with some funeral costs. There’s so much laws and placements. Like we had to get a bank account in her benefit name and then placed the account holder as someone elected not her. Then everything paid by us receipts kept etc. I don’t get how they slipped by with that crap but obviously my mind is made up about Bey in game. Bull fucking shit get off your deluded horse. 

I’m so sorry. My mom also passed away from pancreatic cancer 11 years ago. Just wanted to send a virtual hug. 

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