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Season 22 Live Feed Discussion

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13 minutes ago, TVFan17 said:

It was only a matter of time before Christmas brought up her foot again (this time to Kevin).  Eventually someone in the house is going to notice that she brings it up all the time, and they will say it annoys them.  They might even think she is using her foot as a reason she deserves to go far in this game.  All of that foot talk will catch up to you, Christmas!! Give it a rest!

You might say she's gonna put her foot into her mouth!!!

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3 minutes ago, Victim Noises said:

Has Kaysar said if we will throw it or not? I fear he's Keesha's only chance. And IDK if he would even use it on her?


2 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I don't know if he'd really throw it but I fear he would not save Keesha if he wins.

Janelle was basically begging him to calm down last night and throw the Veto. That they have to blend into the background, and there's no way that she, Kaysar or Memphis should put themselves out there like that this week, no matter how bad she feels for Keesha. She knows that her and Kaysar easily would have been in Keesha's position if they didn't win safety.

But that's not how Kaysar rolls. 

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1 minute ago, Brian Cronin said:

But why WOULDN'T he save her? Doesn't he sort of "have" to try to save one of them? To hope that someone better for him gets put up as a re-nom?

I agree but Janelle told him yesterday they need to lay low and that saving Keesha would be a bad move. But honestly they'll probably realize they're fucked and Kaysar would end up saving her if he won. I just hope he figures it out before the comp and guns for it.

Just now, mooses said:

The thing that bothers me about Derrick is that he definitely chose not to play this season, and I suspect it's because he was worried he was put into a hole and would be a huge target if he came back.

Cody point blank said that Derrick said that's why he didn't play lol.

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I don't know if Kaysar working out before Veto is good because he'll be all warmed up and limber or if it's a bad idea because he'll be tired.

In other news, Precious Cinnamon Roll Nicole doesn't know how to make coffee, doesn't seem like she knows how to pour coffee, and I think she chose this instead of whatever Ex-Lax stuff they probably have in the storage room but I don't know high hopes for her. 

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1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

In other news, Precious Cinnamon Roll Nicole doesn't know how to make coffee, doesn't seem like she knows how to pour coffee, and I think she chose this instead of whatever Ex-Lax stuff they probably have in the storage room but I don't know high hopes for her. 

When she didn't even know how to fucking pour it, I was done.

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5 minutes ago, mooses said:


Janelle was basically begging him to calm down last night and throw the Veto. That they have to blend into the background, and there's no way that she, Kaysar or Memphis should put themselves out there like that this week, no matter how bad she feels for Keesha. She knows that her and Kaysar easily would have been in Keesha's position if they didn't win safety.

But that's not how Kaysar rolls. 

But Memphis really isn't with Janelle and Kaysar, right? They really need to hold onto Keesha by any means necessary.

I fear this season may have one of the worst bootlists ever.

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11 minutes ago, mooses said:

The thing that bothers me about Derrick is that he definitely chose not to play this season, and I suspect it's because he was worried he was put into a hole and would be a huge target if he came back. But, by playing behind the scenes, he can claim that he's some mastermind who had a hand in the season when he was scared to come on and risk his reputation in the first place.

Dan's already played twice. And (should have) won twice. He is the best. I believe he's doing it because he loves Memphis and the game, not because he has this obsession with feeding his massive ego, unlike Derrick. 

Really, when I say "love of the game," in Derrick's case, I really mean "love of his ego." So yes, I agree, and I think that's obviously the big separation between Dan and Derrick. Dan is so much better at this stuff than Derrick, but Derrick IS good. It's just that his ego makes him obsessed with participating even when he's not actually in the game.

However, I still think "love of his ego to make him feel like he's such a great mastermind" is still a "purer" ambition than Boogie's approach to these things, where he doesn't give the slightest shit about being seen as a mastermind or whatever. He just wants the cash. Boogie seems to actively dislike the game. He just likes money (which is fair enough, of course, it's just grosser from a rooting perspective - and, of course, Boogie is a piece of shit in so many other ways). 

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Not being able to really spend time in the open with Janelle really seems to be working against Kaysar. She seems to be the only person who can both bring him out of his spiraling, and get him to lighten up and not have every non-game conversation turn into a deep philosophical meditation.

I think the only two times I've seen him even crack a genuine smile was when Nicole A. was talking about her fear of birds and when Janelle asked him if he was eff-ing crazy when he tried to talk serious strategy with her.

10 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Apparently they took the tampons Keesha brought and told her that they "supply them" while she was in sequester? Um, no. No. BB, no. 

What the everloving fuck? NO. TPTB, this is not a thing. NO. 

On other news... Who can't pour coffee? How is that a thing??? I can sort of understand not knowing how to make it, especially in the era of k-cup supremacy, but pouring? The fuck? 

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Franzel seems to think that it's the TECHNOTRONICS/CALTORU spelling comp Veto. Ian, who isn't feeling great, thinks he has an edge in that game because blah blah something to do with the Scrabble dictionary, I stopped listening because I was imagining Franzel spelling words with lots of extra vowels the same way she talks and it was cracking me up. "What, that isn't how you spell 'scaaa-yuuurd'?"

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1 minute ago, peachmangosteen said:

Oooh, Paul is on twitter spilling that people were making deals to split money pre-game and Tiffany outted Derrick as pre-gaming BB18 (or BB19, I forget when she was on lol) to get her evicted early because he thought she'd be another Vanessa.

This is the only thing I could think of that Nicole could tattle about and get him actually kicked off by production.

And, good for her if that's the case.

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14 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

It seems like he means people actually playing have those kind of deals.

I could definitely see that. Knowing the cast personally beforehand definitely makes that totally possible, if not probable. Didn't Boogie/Will have that deal in the last All Star season? 

ETA: I guess Paul meant Season 18, which is a little more bizarre considering none of them really knew each other. 

Edited by mooses

Christmas says she felt betrayed by both Paul and Josh.  She says she feels more betrayed by Paul though because she says she watched the season and said that Paul threw her under the bus in the goodbye messages to people.

Nicole F. says that Josh is really sweet and that everyone who meets him loves him.  She thinks that people just need to meet him.  No thanks!

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2 minutes ago, zorak said:

Christmas says she felt betrayed by both Paul and Josh.  She says she feels more betrayed by Paul though because she says she watched the season and said that Paul threw her under the bus in the goodbye messages to people.

Also because Christmas was madly in love with Paul and had the biggest hero-worship crush on him while Kevin was sniffing around after Christmas while wrapping himself in saran wrap to lose weight. I guess she can blame the painkillers for that but yeesh. 

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It surprises me how many people want to keep Tyler around. I know its fun to mock his Final 2 deals with everyone, but everyone on his original season he made a final 2 deal with voted for him it was the people he didn't make those deals with who voted for Kaycee. I think he is a really good social player. I think him and Janelle right now are best social players maybe that's why Kevin and Nicole A think they are running things together. 

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1 minute ago, choclatechip45 said:

It surprises me how many people want to keep Tyler around. I know its fun to mock his Final 2 deals with everyone, but everyone on his original season he made a final 2 deal with voted for him it was the people he didn't make those deals with who voted for Kaycee. I think he is a really good social player. I think him and Janelle right now are best social players maybe that's why Kevin and Nicole A think they are running things together. 

Yep, his superpower is getting people to like and trust him, seemingly instantly. (Peachmangosteen excluded) Kaycee has it too, that's why their duo was crazypants effective in s20. 

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1 minute ago, Dmarie019 said:

also didn’t someone else recently try to play the dumb game and asked people how veto worked? 

It's kinda tradition to have one dumbass every year get coached by someone else in the storage room about how Veto works. BB17's Jeff still takes the cake - I'm not even sure he knew where he was, never mind how the Veto operated. 

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42 minutes ago, zorak said:

Nicole F. says that Josh is really sweet and that everyone who meets him loves him.  She thinks that people just need to meet him.  No thanks!

Although I do not personally understand it, in practice this seems to be true. Josh is very popular amongst both former houseguests and Challenge cast members. 

1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

Oooh, Paul is on twitter spilling that people were making deals to split money pre-game and Tiffany outted Derrick as pre-gaming BB18 (or BB19, I forget when she was on lol) to get her evicted early because he thought she'd be another Vanessa.

And Paul and Nicole are pretty tight, right? So I could see this definitely adding to the evidence base that Nicole is the one who reported this to production. 

I’m so glad that Tyler wants to congratulate himself on not being tied to his phone. Except his JOB is to be on his phone, so he might want to rethink that. 

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2 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Memphis is making fried pickles for the Have Nots. 

I know this a little late in the scheme of things but may I just say this made me see tiny little cartoon hearts because I love love love fried pickles.

If nothing else, I'm apparently walking away from this season with swoony eyes for Memphis.

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So my problem with David trying to play dumb is that THIS IS A SEASON FULL OF RETURNEES. And a fair amount of those returnees know this game really well, from how it works to the history. So I can see playing dumb to minimize your target working in a regular season but not an All Star season that has Janelle and Ian and Taylor Trevor Tyler. It's actually a bit of an insult to be all "I don't know how anything works in this game" in this case and not just because we're picky assholes that like game players. I mean, we are picky assholes but in this case, I feel it's justified.

Edited by Callaphera
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Christmas talking to Kaysar:  "No matter how tragic the situation is, or whatever it may be, if you look hard enough, you'll see the beauty of it...When we see it that way, even in death, a pandemic, or breaking my f-(feeds immediately cut)."  Because yes, breaking your foot is on the same level as death or a pandemic.  At least Button Boy/Girl hit the button at just the right time.

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2 minutes ago, zorak said:

Christmas talking to Kaysar:  "No matter how tragic the situation is, or whatever it may be, if you look hard enough, you'll see the beauty of it...When we see it that way, even in death, a pandemic, or breaking my f-(feeds immediately cut)."  Because yes, breaking your foot is on the same level as death or a pandemic.  At least Button Boy/Girl hit the button at just the right time.

I've lost count of how many times she has brought it up since the feeds started 3 nights ago, and I'm sure she has brought it up at times when I wasn't watching as well.  Those sneaky BB editors had better be capturing all of these moments for a montage later on!

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3 hours ago, TVFan17 said:

All of that foot talk will catch up to you, Christmas!! Give it a rest!

You could almost say that she needs to take her foot out of her mouth

(Posted before reading @KootieTaw's much quicker response.  Sorry for the repeat!  I have to stop doing this!)

Edited by leocadia
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