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Season 22 Live Feed Discussion

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3 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

Tyler, agreeing with Janelle about having so many sucky people in the house: “These people aren’t as good as they should be, for being an All Star season.” Cut to stars.

It’s ok, Feedmaster. He wasn’t giving away any secrets— we already knew that.

Janelle did follow up by saying: "Here's the thing. Here's why they are pissed." Which, I thought she was talking about the other HGs, but the [cut to stars] makes me think she actually was talking about Production.

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Janelle, talking to Tyler: "I'm not here to, like, make a big whatever. I'm here to make a cameo appearance. I know my time will come when I'm definitely leaving. My Big Brother legacy is not to take out Tyler Crispin. That's not what I'm here for. At all."

I also think that it's hilarious she runs his Facebook fan page. She brought it up, and Tyler told her she "uses that a lot." Heh.

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This is why you don't do other people's dirty work. Try to work with your team but not against your self interests because they won't do it for you. Tyler should have known better. 

Kevin and David are killing any chances for a counter group to form because they believe their own bullshit and spew nonsense as facts. 

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13 hours ago, Dmarie019 said:

David keeps trying the guilt trip angle and it’s highly irritating and annoying. 

MTV challenge people love her too. One did a shout out to HGTV to get janelle her own realty show. 

Janelle thinks Nicole A hates her 

kaysar says Nicole A will feel really stupid when she watches. 
kaysar says the damage has been done. 

It’s so different watching two people talk about who’s votes they need to stay when they are fighting against each other. 

Kaysar asked Janelle if she'd do a real estate-related reality show and Janelle said No, she would lose sales. She really loves real estate. 

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16 hours ago, Callaphera said:

I never would have known that Christmas had a target on her if it wasn't for Franzel's solilo-whine. But that's because I tend to avoid Franzel, Dani, and Christmas on whatever feeds they might be on and since Dani is becoming permanently attached to Cody's hip, that takes him out of the running, too. 

I dont know if I was Dominic id be at least a bit concerned my wife is attached at the hip to a huge douchebag whos definitely not all that like he think he is and has deals with all the sheep playing for him

14 hours ago, Callaphera said:

The Survivor alumni are fans of Janelle, too. It's kinda hilarious. I'm waiting for all of Dancing with the Stars and Bachelor/ette alumni to start tweeting their love for Janelle. It's gonna be the multi-network crossover event of the summer. 

Well Demi from the Bachelor/Ette franchise has tweeted thats shes a huge Janelle fan so there's one from that franchise lol

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5 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Tyler to the camera and to Production: "All Stars, huh? This is All Stars? [super long pause] Great cast you guys picked here, man."

(edited to change it to a tweet with video)


Gotta give Tyler credit; this is actually a pretty decent summation of the entire season.

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9 hours ago, Growsonwalls said:

Because Dani is the type of person who would never accept that she has some implicit biases. And in fairness to her in BB13 her allies were Kalia and Lawon and she's still close to them, and her husband is an Asian-American.

She has black friends so she can't be racist!

6 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Tyler to the camera and to Production: "All Stars, huh? This is All Stars? [super long pause] Great cast you guys picked here, man."

Well Tyler, you're part of the reason why it sucks so.

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9 hours ago, Maverick said:

 But the producers of this show have all the creativity of a brown paper bag so the most interesting thing we get is the umteenth variation of a unitard.....that was maybe funny once.  A decade ago.  

I keep saying they need to force out Alison Grodner to shake things up because she absolutely sucks as a showrunner, but in reality if the season 15 shitshow wasn't enough to get her fired, nothing will unless the show's ratings tank. The show has had a dependable viewership of around 5 million to 7 million viewers and that's all that CBS cares about. As long as people keep tuning in CBS is going to see no reason to change up the show. 

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52 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Gotta give Tyler credit; this is actually a pretty decent summation of the entire season.

Tyler can be a pretty good player though crapping on older seasons was not a good look. But he was at least on par as a competitor with Cody and Dani. If he goes, it's basically a trade off in the physical comps to the end with Dani, Cody, and Labor Day. Ugh. Maybe a chance for Bay, Memphis or David.

David...what the hell. Does he even realize he blew up the only ally he had? I honestly would love to know what he's thinking. So bizarre.

The only highlight here is that it sounds like maybe even production is pissed about this lame cast? This season is so boring and predictable...they can't be happy with that, right? The crew is working during a pandemic for THIS?

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32 minutes ago, CrazyDog said:

Tyler can be a pretty good player though crapping on older seasons was not a good look. But he was at least on par as a competitor with Cody and Dani. If he goes, it's basically a trade off in the physical comps to the end with Dani, Cody, and Labor Day. Ugh. Maybe a chance for Bay, Memphis or David.

David...what the hell. Does he even realize he blew up the only ally he had? I honestly would love to know what he's thinking. So bizarre.

The only highlight here is that it sounds like maybe even production is pissed about this lame cast? This season is so boring and predictable...they can't be happy with that, right? The crew is working during a pandemic for THIS?

But as a result of Tyler crapping on older seasons we’ve got a ton of throwback tweets such as:







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You know, this whole Tyler mess is just retribution for the pre-gaming he did. It's not like he didn't know that David was a newbie before Tyler created a pre-game alliance with him.

I actually don't think it's as big of a mess as he's making it out to be, though. I'm not sure anyone really put the pieces together, and it's just going to be blamed on David/Nicole A./Janelle/Kaysar somehow and brushed aside.

8 hours ago, kellog010 said:

This is why you don't do other people's dirty work. Try to work with your team but not against your self interests because they won't do it for you. Tyler should have known better. 

Tyler didn't really have a choice - Kaysar and Janelle were saying his name as a target, so it was in his self interest. I think he would have preferred not to win HOH altogether, but felt he had to when Janelle would have won instead. I do wonder if he's actually seen their seasons, though. I have a feeling that, if he did, he'd know any deal he could have made with them is good. They're not the backstabbing, manipulative type. If he had approached them before this week- especially because he knew they had no one - he probably could have moved their target off of him.

Still, he was in a pretty good spot before this David thing - I'm not sure who else he should have targeted. While it would have been fun, it's too early to target The Connection or whatever it's called. Unlike many of the HGs, he's actually in the alliance and not just scavenging for scraps. He has a good relationship with most of the other outsiders, too. I guess he could have targeted Kevin (because why not?) or Ian (because his relationship with Nicole F. in the game and on jury is an issue), but I'm not sure how he'd even get them out without making himself look sketchy. Sure, he'd gain Kaysar/Janelle as allies if he did that, but he'd also gain more skepticism and whispers about his game. 

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9 hours ago, mooses said:

I gotta say, I have no idea what David's play was here, but I can't say I'm not entertained.

He basically blew up two of his closest allies...by accident? He told Bayleigh that Janelle told him that Da'Vonne was trying to flip the vote. From what I understand, Janelle did say that Nicole A. was always leaving, but her and Da'Vonne did "discuss the pros and cons." In reality, Tyler told him last week that Da'Vonne was trying to flip the vote and said to not tell anyone. When Bayleigh mediated a discussion with Da'Vonne, he threw Tyler's name out there. And maybe Cody's. And Kaysar's. Then, he begged Da'Vonne not to fact-check with Tyler, and instead ran up to Tyler to confess.

Now, Tyler and Da'Vonne are pissed at David. He asks Tyler if anything like this happened his season so early - Tyler says it did, to the other side that got picked apart. And, of course, David realized he screwed up, but his conclusion is that it's somehow still Janelle/Kaysar's fault. Ha! 

In defense of David, I had to read this a few times. I think I might operate on the same wavelength as David which is about three or forty million steps behind.  So Tyler is mad because Day and Bay can't trust him. Is he still secure though with Cody/Nicole/Xmas/Memphis and also the Bro alliance with Enzo? Or would this expose him just as someone who leaks and/or someone who was working with many people. Because they are all working with multiple alliances and they all know they are all doing it - well except for David. Does he think this puts a target on his back for next week? I think it hurts Da'vonne more. I'm asking because I'm not good at this game...hmmm... wonder if I could be on all-stars? (this is my second season watching which I think should meet the qualifications).

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6 minutes ago, mooses said:

You know, this whole Tyler mess is just retribution for the pre-gaming he did. It's not like he didn't know that David was a newbie before Tyler created a pre-game alliance with him.

I actually don't think it's as big of a mess as he's making it out to be, though. I'm not sure anyone really put the pieces together, and it's just going to be blamed on David/Nicole A./Janelle/Kaysar somehow and brushed aside.


Oh yeah, it's almost certainly not as big of a deal as he's making it out to be. We saw this in BB20, though, one of the things that makes Tyler a good player is that he's super-paranoid. That's not a good thing to be in normal life, but in the BB game, it's always best to be aware of all possible threats. And what happened here is that David introduced at least one and possibly two new threats to Tyler when he didn't (and shouldn't) have to do it. Which is why Tyler is so pissed at the situation. 

I mean, we KNOW that David can just obfuscate like crazy, but when it came to putting Tyler's name out there, suddenly he is a straight shooter with Day? It was absurd. 

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1 hour ago, CrazyDog said:

The only highlight here is that it sounds like maybe even production is pissed about this lame cast? This season is so boring and predictable...they can't be happy with that, right? The crew is working during a pandemic for THIS?

Production loved BB16 and seems to do their level best to make every season exactly like it so I don’t know why they’re pissed now lol.

But if they are they can easily rig this week to try to fix things.

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45 minutes ago, mooses said:

I think he would have preferred not to win HOH altogether, but felt he had to when Janelle would have won instead. 

Tyler went before Janelle - so at that point I think he kicked Ian off the leading spot.  So I think that would mean he wasn't super comfortable with Ian being HOH either. 

Janelle and Kaysar were the last two to play.

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1 hour ago, Tuxcat said:

In defense of David, I had to read this a few times. I think I might operate on the same wavelength as David which is about three or forty million steps behind.  So Tyler is mad because Day and Bay can't trust him. Is he still secure though with Cody/Nicole/Xmas/Memphis and also the Bro alliance with Enzo? Or would this expose him just as someone who leaks and/or someone who was working with many people. Because they are all working with multiple alliances and they all know they are all doing it - well except for David. Does he think this puts a target on his back for next week? I think it hurts Da'vonne more. I'm asking because I'm not good at this game...hmmm... wonder if I could be on all-stars? (this is my second season watching which I think should meet the qualifications).

Bay approached Tyler for an alliance with her/Tyler/Day. Dani has been planting seeds to Nicole & Cody that they need to get rid of Tyler because he will win if he gets to the end. Tyler doesn't trust Dani because he thinks she's sneaky. So if Tyler can rally the outsiders together to take out Cody/Nicole/Dani that will help his game. To make it more confusing Xmas is closer to Tyler than Cody/Nicole/Memphis. 

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36 minutes ago, choclatechip45 said:

Bay approached Tyler for an alliance with her/Tyler/Day. Dani has been planting seeds to Nicole & Cody that they need to get rid of Tyler because he will win if he gets to the end. Tyler doesn't trust Dani because he thinks she's sneaky. So if Tyler can rally the outsiders together to take out Cody/Nicole/Dani that will help his game. To make it more confusing Xmas is closer to Tyler than Cody/Nicole/Memphis. 

Yep, and having the outsiders now turn against each other because of David's fuckup just helps Cody/Nicole/Dani more.

Edited by Brian Cronin
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1 minute ago, Brian Cronin said:

Yep, and having the outsiders know turn against each other because of David's fuckup just helps Cody/Nicole/Dani more.

Exactly. David just ruined this season (most likely). If Bay/Day/Tyler compare notes they might want to get David out instead of Kasyar. I hope Cody finds out David is throwing his name out there.

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11 minutes ago, choclatechip45 said:

Exactly. David just ruined this season (most likely). If Bay/Day/Tyler compare notes they might want to get David out instead of Kasyar. I hope Cody finds out David is throwing his name out there.

I do hope this gets to Cody, if only to try and inch him closer to Paulie-mode and see hopefully see him cry at a butterfly or pie. However, Tyler coached David and is in cleanup mode, so I don't have too much hope that more drama is going to come out of this.

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Cam #4 - Janelle is telling Kaysar to get Nicole out, or if she stays, she will get Nicole out. The key to success (assuming they win HOH) is to also put someone who people are less likely to vote for than Nicole. Someone like Cody or Dani. 

Kaysar just told Janelle that she enjoys the finer things of life.  He's asking her what was the first nice thing she bought? She answers when she was 21 she bought her first Mercedes. 

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Welp Janelle just whispered to Bay that Production told her there will be a battle back lol.

Kaysar saying they have to put Ratcole up against David and Janelle and Bay ribbing him about how dumb he is and that Janelle is worried about him and  Bay telling him not to make any decisions without her.

Janelle saying that maximum chaos would be Dani vs. Ratcole on the block.

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Janelle thinks there is a battle back. She wants to beat Nicole in a battle back. She said Nicole has to be up against one of her own. Kaysar suggested David. Bayleigh and Janelle say No!!! Janelle says put up a bigger target that they will want to keep.  Kaysar whispered (I'm pretty sure) "Cody."  Janelle then whispers "Janelle and Dani."  

14 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

The key to success (assuming they win HOH) is to also put someone who people are less likely to vote for than Nicole. Someone like Cody or Dani.

Janelle, Kaysar and I are on the same wavelength!

She also just mentioned being told she was staying until September. Janelle says doing Nicole/Dani is better because of fireworks.

Janelle and Bayleigh are laughing at Kaysar's outfit: beige cardigan sweater, sweats and flipflops.

I really like Bayleigh a lot more this season.

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6 minutes ago, mooses said:

Tyler cleaned this up nicely: He told Da'Vonne that he told David that Kaysar was counting her as a number last week, and to check with Da'Vonne. Da'Vonne said that makes sense. They basically left it at, "Yeah, Kaysar was spreading that. And David is all over the place." 

Nicely turned. I'll be interested in seeing Day talk with Bay and see if she seriously bought it or not. David really IS erratic, so it's easy to believe.

We really need Tyler/Bay/Day to work together if there is any chance for Dani/Nicole/Cody to be brought down.

Hopefully, Tyler will use Dani's fuckup to his advantage while talking with Memphis in the future. "Dude, she seriously named a DIFFERENT six person alliance to me! They're almost certainly doing the same shit to you. Notice how many of these alliances all involve Dani, Cody and Nicole?"

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2 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Welp Janelle just whispered to Bay that Production told her there will be a battle back lol.

Kaysar saying they have to put Ratcole up against David and Janelle and Bay ribbing him about how dumb he is and that Janelle is worried about him and that Bay  telling him not to make any decisions without her.

Janelle saying that maximum chaos would be Dani vs. Ratcole on the block.

I'm still unclear if she takes Production telling her pre-game that she wouldn't go home in September as confirmation of a Battle Back. I think that's why she assumes there 100% is one. I'm not sure why Production would tell her that when it's clear the first two boots went home.

Daniele versus Nicole on the block would be fun, though. Daniele would definitely leave in that situation, but she has a lot of information to spread to try and save herself.

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4 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Welp Janelle just whispered to Bay that Production told her there will be a battle back lol.

Kaysar saying they have to put Ratcole up against David and Janelle and Bay ribbing him about how dumb he is and that Janelle is worried about him and  Bay telling him not to make any decisions without her.

Janelle saying that maximum chaos would be Dani vs. Ratcole on the block.

I want Cody on the block Goddammit!! I swear its like AG is demanding hes Untouchable 

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1 minute ago, Lamb18 said:

I really like Bayleigh a lot more this season.

It's amazing how important the context of the season is for a lot of these people. For instance, Candice in BB15 had all the makings of a mean girl, but instead, she walked into the most racist piece of shit house ever, and so she came out of it looking like an angel. Similarly, Bayleigh could have been an interesting HG, but she fell in with that POS Swaggy right away. And the Challenge players are almost all trash, as well, so she sinks to their level while playing in the Challenge, as well. 

1 minute ago, peachmangosteen said:

And then Tyler will just cruise to a win instead of Cody crushing to a win lol.

But whatever the winners always suck I just want good feeds lol.

I think, in that scenario, Tyler would be FAR less protected than Cody is right now. He'd be bringing along a tight duo in Bay/Day that have no particular reason to stick with him and his most trusted ally would be David, who's a complete buffoon at this game.

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I don't think Da'Vonne is really doing herself any favors by running around fact-checking, though. And telling everyone she's fact-checking. She was already caught spreading things, and now she's caught in the middle of another game of telephone.

While Cody/Tyler/Da'Vonne try to clear this up in the storage room, Bayleigh/Janelle are making fun of Kaysar's dad sweater on the other cameras.

Kaysar: "What kind  of events are you not going to invite me to?"

Bayleigh: "Anything lit."

Kaysar: "No, I want to be at the lit events!"

Janelle: "What do you think Swaggy C is going to think about your dad Kaysar?"

Bayleigh: "He's going to think he's hysterical. Kaysar's going to come in trying to give him a dap, and Swaggy's going to be like, just shake my hand, bro."

Janelle, laughing: "What if [Kaysar] says, 'Gang gang'?"

Edited by mooses
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9 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

It's amazing how important the context of the season is for a lot of these people. For instance, Candice in BB15 had all the makings of a mean girl, but instead, she walked into the most racist piece of shit house ever, and so she came out of it looking like an angel. Similarly, Bayleigh could have been an interesting HG, but she fell in with that POS Swaggy right away. And the Challenge players are almost all trash, as well, so she sinks to their level while playing in the Challenge, as well. 

Omg. Speaking of Candace, remember the multi-day long vendetta Aaryn had over Candace because of an imaginary episode where Candace apparently "sat" on Aaryn's hat?


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16 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

It's amazing how important the context of the season is for a lot of these people. For instance, Candice in BB15 had all the makings of a mean girl, but instead, she walked into the most racist piece of shit house ever, and so she came out of it looking like an angel. Similarly, Bayleigh could have been an interesting HG, but she fell in with that POS Swaggy right away. 

BB16 Amber seemed like she would have been an athletic gal who would've played a straight-forward, low-key game, but then of course the Stalkermance with Caleb killed any chance of her doing that.

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